Jones, Autumn

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6123ASA: Comprehensive Design Project 6121ASA: Integrated Design 5122AR: Building in the City 5121ASA: Urban Design Project 2 5 7 10 CONTENTS 1 ARCHITECTURAL PORTFOLIO of AUTUMN

6123ASA Comprehensive Design ProjectDella Robbia Museum

BRIEF: To create a gallery/museum building to house the Della Robbia pottery collection, around 1000 assorted pieces crafted in Birkenhead between 1894 and 1906. The chosen site is a roughly 1700m2, flat ground currently used for parking by an adjacent law firm, and is situated within a late Georgian terraced row extending onto Hamilton Square, Birkenhead. Completed May 2024

1:200 Ground Floor Plan

Digimap 2
Hamilton Square Site

1:200 Section behind facade

1:200 First Floor Plan

1:200 Second Floor Plan


Cross section at 1:100, illustrating how the Museum works with sunlight, heating and airflow. The sunlight angles are the lowest in winter (15o) and the highest summer (60o), as this is when the building will be most affected by the sun.

1:400 Axonometric showing front and roof

Perspective of front


6121ASA Integrated Design- Weather Or Not

BRIEF: To create a cultural hub for Windermere, with facilities for education and sightseeing. The chosen site is part of the south-eastern lakeside within Fell Foot park, a popular location for watersports such as sailing. Completed December 2023

1:200 section

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 m Fell Foot 2500 63 2m 68 1m 64 3m 59 9m 56 5m 71 3m 61 0m Bel s Close Wood Car Park S ipway S ipway Car Park Nicker ll Car Park Play Area Windermere Fell Foot Sailing Centre T r ac k Path (um) T r ac k MP 7 75 SP SP SP A 592 A592 Path Path (um) Jetties Landing Stage Sludge Tank Chy LB Jetty Jetties Brow Fell Foot Fe l Foot High Woods Wood 5 6 Signal Box 1 Atkinson 8 Court Sailing Club The Managers Cottage Rocaviary Tree Tops Breech Boat Houses South Windermere House Fell Foot Fell Foot Park Def Def Def S Lake SLake SLake ED & Ward Bdy Scal e 1:2500 Digima © Crown copyr ght and database rights 2023 Ordnance Survey (AC0000851941) FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY 1:200 plan
Edited model photo 3D diagram of interior space

Ground floor plan with road and pavements surrounding

5122AR Building in the City

BRIEF: To create a media building containing studios of multiple sizes and versatile purpose. The chosen site is in Liverpool’s fabric district, incorporating what is currently a small restaurant and a large car parking area. The final work in this module was carried out in Autocad, but the reason I did not carry this forward was due to preference for, and more confidence in, hand-drawing. Completed December 2022

site surrounding

1:200 eastfacing section

Section facing east, including street profile and building behind site

Ground floor plan with road and pavements surrounding 1:200 front (north) elevation 1:200 west side elevation

Upper floor plan with road and pavements surrounding

Section facing east, including street profile and building behind site

North elevation showing Kempston Street

7 0 5 10 15 20 5 30 35 40 45 50 35 1m 33 5 35 1m C P k Ca Park (disused) WaterlooTunnel STAFFORD STREET KEMPSTON STREET CRAVEN STREET NORTON STREET CLIFFORD STREET BURGESS STREET FB TCB Posts FBs 23 24 2 to 10 Moores University L verpoo John 101 105 to 113 29 97 71 PO 95 21 ot 61 81 ot 42 81 to 87 75 89 to 91 34 to 25 93 Ad J L verpoo John Moo es Un ve s y 17 Novembe 2022 11 02 P o ec on B sh Na on a G d S 1 500 Digima py g E W
8 1- Reception area 2- Small studios 3- Office 4- Equipment Workshop 5- Darkroom 6- Toilets 7- Storage 8- Large studio space 9- Medium studio spaces 10- Seating/kitchen 11- Balcony 2 2 1 3 4 5 7 8 6 6 Ground floor plan with road and pavements surrounding 1:200 ground floor plan
9 10 9 9 11 8 surrounding Upper floor plan with road and pavements surrounding All at 1:200 except site plan 10 9 9 11 8 surrounding Upper floor plan with road and pavements surrounding All at 1:200 except site plan
4- Equipment Workshop 5- Darkroom 6- Toilets 7- Storage 8- Large studio space 9- Medium studio spaces 10- Seating/kitchen 11- Balcony 2 2 1 3 4 5 7 8 6 6
1:200 first floor plan 1- Reception area 2- Small studios 3- Office

5121ASA Urban Design- AKE Centre

BRIEF: To create a sports and social club which would contribute to regeneration in Liverpool’s old fabric district, a once-industrial area now being slowly redeveloped for student accommodation. The chosen site is located on Kempston Street, which runs directly through the centre of the district, and incorporates a furniture shop, a party supplies shop and a derelict pub. This is a group project and due credit will be given to important works not done by me. Completed November 2022

1:250 Axonometric of existing site with drawovers showing what is to change (by me)

Realistic render of final outcome (rendered by Ewan Tong)

Site context map (by me)


1:250 Ground floor plan (sketched by me, digital adaptation by Kieran Lunt)

1:250 First floor plan (sketched by me, digital adaptation by Kieran Lunt)

1:500 physical site model (by Kieran Lunt)


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