Tohitau, Amalia

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AMALIA TOHITAU BA Hons Architecture Portfolio

A m a l i a To h i t a u 07308473660


BA Hons Architecture Liverpool John Moores University


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Autodesk Revit 2021/2022 Autodesk Autocad Architecture Google SketchUp Enscape Microsoft word,excel,powerpoint Adobe acrobat Digital Manufacturing- Laser Cutting Adobe Photoshop, Indesign Hand drafting and sketching Physical Modelling

Work Experience Owner of a professional beauty business, Merseyside UK Sales Advisor River Island, Warrington UK Crew Member McDonalds, Merseyside UK Waitress Scoop Ice Cream Cafe, Warrington UK

2019-Present 2021 2017-2019 2016-2018


Academic 01

The Edge Hotel at Brunswick Park Comphrehensive Design Project, Level 6

Along With Nature Weather OR Not, Level 6


Vegetation In Architecture 03

Detail Design, Level 5

Private 04

Built Project House Extension

Th e Edge H o te l At B r u ns w i c k Pa r k Comphrehensive Design Project Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool, UK

The brief of this project was reoccupying the edge through adding enjoyment and lesiure along the edge of Liverpool. The typology selected must add to the edge cultures in some way. The concept of this project was driven through the sites lack of urbanism. The Brunwick Dock lacks any form of modern day city scape,the site is a no mans land. In contrast to the Albert Dock South of the site the Brunswick Dock urns for urbanity, to join the path from North to South Of Liverpool, creating the Liverpool edge...


Albert Dock Albert Dock

The Edge Hotel

The Edge Hotel

The yellow submarine The yellow submarine

Initial concept sketch of creating a green route to Final concept sketch of the edge, the edge hotel itself has lead pedestrians to walk along the edge of Liverpool. become the green route between Albert dock and the yellow submarine, joining the North and South edge of Liverpool.

Liverpool Skyline before The Edge Hotel

Liverpool Skyline after The Edge Hotel


West Elevation


West Elevation

The Edge Hotel The diagram highlights the edge hotel in a realistic context to Liverpools edge.


1:10 Construction Detail

The environmental strategy for the edge hotel proposes a carbon positive hotel for the future of sustainable travel that meets the needs of traveller, the community and the environment. An ecological effort will be present of site, such as a commitment to plant trees around the UK which will represent over 5000 acres of forest which will offset an embodied carbon footprint which is equivalent to 500,000 gallons of gas and remove additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. No onsite parking will be available to decrease carbon profiles from the addition material usage. This strategy will encourage the use of public transportation and proves that onsite parking is not always necessary as cities evolve towards a more pedestrian friendly environment. The hotel will partner with a nearby parking facility for those who need it.


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