AD iDesign Magazine December 2024

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iDesign Magazine December 2024


777 Brickell Ave, Miami FL 33131





Architect On Duty

Cynthia Koenig

Graphic Designers

Kyros Vanderbild

Jerry Leonard


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AD Virtual Staging

Ifyou'rea realtor, you're probably always onthe lookout forwaysto sellyour propertiesmore quickly.Butif you feellikeyou've exhaustedall themarketing strategies and stillaren't seeing the results youwant,it might be time to explore a new approach.We're referring toreal estaterendering,whichis thecutting-edge method ofproducing incredibly realisticcomputer-generatedimages of properties.Thesevisualshelp potential buyers imagine what a property willlook likebefore it's evenbuilt or renovated.This technique has been agame-changer forcountless agents worldwide.

Asa leading architecturalvisualizationstudio, we've been delivering high-quality 3Drenderingsto clients inthe real estate sector for many years.

AD Sunday Beach Villas

Why listing agents use 3D rendering and architectural visualization?

Inthis article,we’llhighlight the top7advantages ofusing 3Drendering inyour real estate efforts.So, keep reading todiscoverhow thesevisualscan simplify your workand helpyouclose deals moreefficiently! Whenyou're trying to sella propertythat’s eitherempty orstill being constructed, itcan create a lot of uncertainty for potential buyers. It's understandable thatpeople might hesitate to make a purchase whenall they see are images ofempty rooms and technical blueprints. Those visuals, while necessary,often lack the inspirationand detail that buyersneed.

AD Sunday Beach Villas

This iswhere real estate rendering studioscome inwith a straightforward yet powerful solution:virtual staging. All youhave todo isprovide us withsomedrawings and photos ofthe vacant property you're marketing. We take thosereferences and transformthe space intoa 3Dmodel, complete with stylishdecor.Depending on the type ofproperty, youcanselect a design style that resonateswith your target audience. This way, youcan effectivelyshowcase what thefinished space could look like, helping to alleviate any concerns buyers may have about making a purchase. One big challenge inrealestate is selling homes that seemold-fashioned orneed some fixing up. Even ifa property could turnintoa stunning place witha little effort,many potential buyersstruggle to imagine thatwithout appealing images.Tosolve this problem, youcanuse aservice calledvirtualrenovation. With this service,a 3Dartist willdigitally "refresh"the space and give ita modern look based onyour preferences.This canbedone forboth the insideand outside ofthe property.

AD Sunday Beach Villas

AD Sunday Beach Villas
AD Sunday Beach Villas

By adding these realistic computer-generated images to your listings, you can show buyers that these homes are worth considering. When they see these attractive visuals alongside the actual photos, they’re more likely to feel excited rather than worried about making a purchase. This can lead to quicker sales for those properties.

AD Sunday Beach Villas
AD Sunday Beach Villas

It's really important tocapture the outside ofa propertyfromthebest angles to give potentialbuyers a completeview.However,traditional photography canbeexpensive and tricky.For example, trees ornearby buildings might block the perfect shot,or the house couldbein aspot where it'stoughtogeta good picture fromthe ground. Fortunately, real estate rendering solvesthese problems.Youcaneasily create any view you want: - street view to showhow thebuilding looks froma pedestrian's perspective; - close-up shots to focus onspecificexterior details; - worm’s-eye view (fromthe ground) to highlight tallbuildings orthose onhills; - aerial views— to provide a top-downperspective of the property and itssurroundings.By using 3Drendering to showcase your properties,youcanmake your listingsmuchmore appealing and memorable.Whenit comesto traditionalphotography,capturing a fullview ofa house orapartment's interior isnearly impossible. But with 3Dfloorplans for realtors,you canpresentthe entire layout inone realisticand easy-to-understand digital rendering. A3Dfloor plan is likea virtualmodel ofa furnished space,allowing viewersto really grasp the size ofeach roomand explore different layouts.Plus,it helpsyourlistingsstandout sincenoteveryrealtoruses this typeofCGI.

AD Sunday Beach Villas

CGI productionis apurely digital process.So, there’s no needtowait foractualstaging, photoshoot, andretouching tohappen.When you workwith realestate rendering professionals, you cangetcrisp photorealisticCG imagesforyourlistingswithinjust a couple ofdays.And so,you can start selling very quickly,whichyour clients will definitely appreciate.

With suchintense competitioninthe real estate industry, it’s important tomake your listingsmore eye-catching.High-quality 3Drendering allows youtodo just that.The greatthing about it isthat you canchoosethe lighting and atmosphere foryourimages, making themtruly beautifuland unique.Thisway,you can convey the moodofthe property.

Using 3D visualizationfor real estate, you caneasily stand out onthoseonline platforms dedicated to buying andselling realestate, whereyourlistings areshownright next to your competitors’ offers. Then, you canfill your website, social media profiles,and emailnewsletters with gorgeous imagerythat just makes peopleclick.Overall, having photorealisticCGI inyour listingscan help you get moreviewsfrompotentialbuyers coming fromdifferent marketing channels.

AD Sunday Beach Villas

StaticCG imagesare a solid way to display properties forsale, whetheryou're doing it online orinperson. But realestate rendering technology offers even cooler options. In additionto regular3Drenders,there are several types ofCG visuals youcanuse:

1. 3Dwalkthroughanimations these are dynamicCGvideos thatserve as virtual tours ofthe home.

2. 360-degreevirtualtours these interactivevisualsallow viewers tonavigatethrough the property by clicking onbuttons.

3. VRexperiences these are immersive CGI thatyou can enjoy witha VRheadset and control withhandheld devices. Byusing any ofthese engaging formats, youcangreatly enhance the customer experience. This way, potential buyers willnot only get the informationthey need but also havefun. Plus,you'll appear morecaring, professional,and trustworthy tothem.

AD Sunday Beach Villas

Inthe formerresidence ofPrinceRoland Bonaparte, which boasts stunning views ofthe Eiffel Tower andthe Seine River,Shangri-LaParisembodies the essence ofParisian elegance. Nestled inthe heart ofthe 16th arrondissement, this exquisitehotel merges European grandeur withFrenchsophisticationand Asian warmth.

It’sthe go-to spot for those who appreciate luxury anda royal lifestyle, attracting bothwealthy localsand aristocratswho preferto stand out ratherthanblend in. Marketersand guestsalike rave about its majestic atmosphere, whereluxury, elegance, and glamourare felt at every turn. The building itselfhas a richhistory,having opened itsdoorsin 1896as the homeof Prince Roland Bonaparte,who was not only an explorer andbotanist but also thegrandson of Lucien Bonaparte, Napoleon'syoungerbrother.

Léna Palace was designedbyarchitect Ernest Janty as ahome forRoland Bonaparte,along with hismother anddaughter. Jantyis recognized for his renovation projects at the Louvre and TuileriesPalace for NapoleonIII. The palace showcasesaneclecticmixof architecturalstyles fromthe 17th and 19th centuries.Its facade drawsinspirationfromLouis XIV's style,featuring intricatestonework sourcedfromthe Oise region of France.Thecoat ofarmsofBonaparte, adornedwithlion headsand horns,wascrafted by sculptors Steinerand Hougenade, who had previously collaborated withJanty at the Louvre Palace.

The grand entrance stands out, leading toformerdance halls that have now become spacious dining areas, alladorned withchandeliers that evoke the elegance ofa bygone era. Shangri-LaParisexudes the atmosphere ofa palace that once hosted theelite of Paris. It's no surprise that this luxurioushotel, the Shangri-LaHotel – Paris, candemand highprices for its rooms, especially since some suitesofferbreathtaking views ofthe Eiffel Tower. Besides the Signature Suites, allthe roomsare tastefullydecoratedinhues ofblue,white, andecru, reflecting the style ofEuropean nobility.

Theyfeature a distinct living room,a marble bathroom equipped witha heated floor, and bathrooms that include rain showers.Allthe amenities are branded by the cosmetics company Guerlain,which is associated with the spa. There are two restaurants overseen by the Michelinstarwinning chef Christophe Moret,serving Frenchand Asiandishes, including the Michelinstarred Chinese restaurant Le Shang Palace, which celebrates exquisite flavors. Guests cansavor breakfast, lunch, and dinner inthe dining area that boasts a glass ceiling.The Le Botanistebar serves unique herbal spirits that complementthe cocktails and menuavailable.



Lighting Design. The Law Of Attraction.

Lighting design involves both mathand alot ofguesswork basedonwhat the user needs. For instance, whenyou take a valuablepieceof artand change how it’s litso that the client seesit differently, it requires a lot ofeffort and research.Thelighting setup is crucialbecause it helpsthe artwork standout.COLOR RENDERING INDEX.Selecting lights for yourproject canget pretty technical.Whether you’reworking on an apartment, anew house, a restaurant,a hotel,orany commercial space like an art gallery, it’s essential tograsp the different lighting factors, including the Color Rendering Index, andunderstand why it matters for yourproject’s success. Thanksto advancements inLED technology,there are numerousLEDlight options available that couldilluminate your project.However,before you spend your money,it’s vital toensure that the LED you’reconsidering is not only bright enoughand hasgood optical performance but also delivers excellentcolor performance.

Colortemperature,or CCT(Correlated Color Temperature),is animportant concept in lighting,especially when considering its CRI rating, whichmeasures howaccurately colorsare rendered underdifferent light sources.ACRI of 90or above isconsideredexcellent, making it ideal for showcasing artwork,while aCRI between85 and 90 isstill good.When it comes to lighting design, many people overlookits significance or simply don’tunderstand it. For instance,ifyou're opening a restaurant, youmight thinkdimlighting creates acozy atmosphere,but it could endup giving offa vibe that doesn’tmatchyourvision. Similarly,if you're an artistdisplaying yourworkin agallery,the lighting can dramatically influencehow visitorsperceive yourart. Understanding CRI canhelp avoidthese pitfalls.CRI measureshow well different light sources reveal the truecolorsofobjects. Thisindexhelps manufacturers create lights suited for variousenvironments,like restaurants orgalleries, using ascale from1 to 100.Here’s a quickrundownof CRI ratingsfordifferent light sources: - High-pressure sodiumlights have a CRIof24. - Mercuryvaporlights are around 49. - Fluorescent lightsrange from50 to 85,depending ontheir coating. - Metal halide lightsvary between 75and 95.- Most low-quality LEDsfallbetween 55and 75.- High-quality LEDscan reachupto 95.So, what do these CRI numbersmean?Insimpleterms,a lower CRI means colors won’t look astrue tolife. Ifyou’re lighting a dining table, for example, you’d want a higher CRI to make the food look appealing.The same principle applies toart pieces, mosaics,or sculptures—betterlighting enhances theirappearance.


It's important to understandthat the final lighting effect ina spacewill be affectedby how much light is reflected and the light loss caused by theobjects placed inside. Many lighting designers think theirjobis done oncethe installationiscomplete, but that's not true!Everyobject ina room absorbs some light.This means we need toredo our calculations andmakeadjustments tothe lighting aftereverything isset up.In some cases,like mine,the lighting designer isalso involved in the interior design.

We take intoaccount the colorsof the surfaces during the designphase, andwhen we create our lighting plan, we use those colorresults. This helpsusavoid majorchanges later on.However,it's notcommonto findsomeone whodoes both roles. It's crucial to remember that lighting calculationsshould continue untileverypieceof furniture is in place. Lighting design isa key marketing toolforany commercial,hospitality, residential,orart exhibition project.Theright lighting setupcansignificantly boost revenue.I've spent myentire life studying architecture andinteriordesign, andI invested alot oftime learning about lighting design. What puzzles me iswhy people hiretop architects andinteriordesigners andspend money onhigh-end materials like marble,leather, and artwork,yet don’t hirea lighting designer toensure that all those beautifulelements areshowcased properly. This has become mypassion educating myclients and helping themlight uptheir businesses effectively.I've foundthat I canbe a valuable marketing assetin this process.

Restaurants, ice cream shops, cafes, and other food and beverage places often compete based on their location, pricing, and special offers. However, not many realize that the way a restaurant is designed can really make a difference. The interior design of a restaurant can actually affect how customers feel, which can lead them to order more or less and even determine how long they stay.

Elements like seating arrangements, lighting, music, and overall architecture play a big role in this. Here’s a guide on how to use interior design to positively influence your customers' experiences, along with some creative ideas for restaurant interiors that you can implement in your own place.

ImportanceOf InteriorDesignIn Restaurants

The interiordesign ofa restaurant issuper important for anybusinessbecause itplays a huge role in how your brandis seen.Whencustomers walk in, thefirst thing they notice is the design,and that first impressioncan really shape their viewof yourbrand. It influences theirexpectations for service,the kind ofexperience they think they’ll have,and whether they’ll want toreturn. So,you can’t underestimate how vital interior designis. Here are some reasonswhy it mattersso much in restaurants: The design of a restaurant iskey to its branding strategy. How a restaurant looksaffects how customers understand theconcept and whetherthey think it’s a goodplace to dine.

Ifa restauranthas shabby oroverly brightinteriors,it canleave a bad impressionon customers,possibly causing themtoleavebefore they evenget a chance toeat.A great design idea for arestaurant is to maximize natural light, making thespace moreappealing forInstagramphotos. Intoday's Instagram-drivenworld,the way yourrestaurant looks canact as a powerful marketing tool. Everyone loves toshare theirexperiencesonline, and if your restaurant isvisually appealing,it’slikely toshow up onsocialmedia feeds, attracting more visitors. Effective interior designcan be akey partof yourmarketing strategy. Ifyour restaurant hassomething special about its decor,don’t hesitate to showcase it.People enjoy feeling like they’repart of something unique,whichcandraw themto your establishment.Lastly, thedesignofyourrestaurant can significantly influence how customersbehave.Withthe right interior elements, you canencourage themto ordermore, eat quickly,drink frequently,and evenleavesooner.

1. Architecture And Design

Architecture and design are essential aspects of restaurant interior design. The way you design the inside of your restaurant and place all your elements plays an integral role in defining the look and feel of your restaurant. It also has a significant influence on customer experience because it includes planning the layout of your restaurant. How spacious your restaurant will feel, how claustrophobic it will get during rush hours, and how comfortable it will be to walk around without bumping into people or crashing into tables, all of this dependent on the restaurant layout. It makes no sense for your joint to be beautiful if your servers cannot serve well, and customers cannot feel comfortable in their own space.

The floor plan of your restaurant must be such that there is individual space for every person seated. If you are a fine dining restaurant, 20 sq feet area per seat is ideal; however, for a QSR 10 sq feet area is considered perfect.


Lighting playsa crucialrole inthe interiordesignofyourrestaurant.It’spointless to have everything looking great if thelighting isoffand ruins the vibe.Thereare three main typesoflighting toconsider:Ambient, Task, andAccent lighting.Ambient lighting setsthe overallatmosphere ofyour restaurant. Whetheryourspaceis softly lit orbrightly illuminated, this type of lighting shapes the experience. Finedining establishments oftenopt fordimambient lighting tocreate a calmandinviting mood, encouraging customers to stay longerand order more. Incontrast,Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs)need bright lighting to promote a quick dining experience, making sure customerseatfast and leave withoutlingering.Task lighting is designedfor specificactivities. This includes the lights that help serversdo theirjobsand allow customersto read menus andplaceorders. It’s important touse tasklighting wisely so it complements the ambient lighting without overpowering it,especially infinedining settings. You canalso use it tohighlight pathways orspecial features likesushi bars or minibars.Accentlighting adds thatspecialtouch, mainly fordecorative purposes.This is where you can get creative, but wall lighting tends tobe more effectivethan overhead lighting inthiscase.Accent lights canalsohelp showcase yourbrand colors, butbecareful not to overdoit, as thatcan defeat thepurpose. As a restaurant owner, you might think allthese types oflighting are pretty similar. Whileit mayseemthat way at firstglance, using themincorrectlycan lead todisastrous results. Colors also play a significant role inyourrestaurant'sinteriordesign. The key factor that influences the colorsyou should choose for your space is...


Cosmopolitan AD iDesign

First, What Is Cosmopolitan Interior Design?

Cosmopolitan interior design is an urban modern design style featuring varied patterns, colors, and textures. This design theme can include minimalist modern elements, edgy, experimental designs, glamorous chic, and ethnic heirlooms, all colliding in a 21st-century setting.

Larger furniture pieces, like couches and beds, tend to be low-profile and uniformly sleek. Decorative accents, such as mirrors, pillows, and end tables, usually demand creative expression with elegant geometric designs and vintage pieces with traditional embellishment.


When it comes to bringing cosmopolitan style to your living room, design update ideas to consider include changes in carpeting, flooring, and lighting.

Transitional Marble

This type of floor involves enclosed or full floor marbles, featuring two or more patterns, geometrical designs, and colors. Transitional enclosed carpeting adds drama to a modern living room.

Trendy White Black Flooring

Start designing your cosmopolitan bathroom by changing your old tiles to large white tile flooring for a neutral/black base. You might want to consider terrazzo flooring. Terrazzo is a highly durable flooring material, impervious to stains and water damage.

Install Luxury Lighting

For a cozy living room, invest in luxury lighting fixtures with transitional design elements. A white linen shade pendant light with a brushed nickel finish is graceful and charming.

Add Lush Pillows and Throws

To achieve a cosmopolitan look, choose geometrical patterns and bold colors for lush pillows.

The architect’s choice

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” said the great artist Leonardo da Vinci, which was later appropriated by Steve Jobs as a design philosophy for his Apple computers. Does it not hold true for all aspects of life?

When we see architecture with clean straight lines, without the trappings of complicated design, the simplicity of the effect is uplifting. The architecture should be seen as neat and functional.

Elegance is achieved when the superfluous is discarded and construction takes place with free-flowing spaces and interiors in harmony with the environment.

Homes untroubled by excess furniture and uncluttered by artifacts with clear spaces and surfaces suggest a minimalism and a freedom and openness that can be refreshing. It is not in the multiplicity and confusion of things that beauty is achieved. Perhaps, a plant in a corner can bring in the sense of the outdoors. In fact, simple can be more difficult than complex, as only an uncluttered mind can think clearly. Therefore, reducing the complex to simple is a measure of creativity.

When Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher emperor of Rome said, “The effect of true philosophy is unaffected simplicity and modesty. Persuade me not to ostentation and vain glory”, he said it all.


The following pages are ARCON’S DESIGN COMPANY treasure. It is intended as a tool not only for the consumer but also for those seeking inspiration in their own design work. Design since the millennium has witnessed a liberating pluralism, and for the past years, the design community has been in a state of flux, with no one style or trend being dominant. There has been a slow breaking down of the barriers between disciplines, cultures, roles, and skills: this is a period in which there is a place for craft-based, low-tech, individualistic approaches, as well as for mass-produced high-tech.

The concept of ‘’design for all “ introduces trends that have grown steadily in recent years: the increased democratization of design, the rise of superficial styling, and the birth of the design personality steadily in recent years. As we often explain to our clients: materials are the character actors of the projects. In today’s globalized, rootless world, design needs history more than ever. We can create a new design history at every point level. Remarkable new trend ideas can transform our everyday life, but we must produce only what can improve life, and what can make this world a better place. If you want information about these unique materials do not hesitate to ask.

The Cosmopolitan Greek gastronomic fashion, is expressed by the appearance of renowned chefs who enchant the palate of the guests with their modern Mediterranean gastronomic creations. Tolis Kravaris is one of them. In 2003 he created a completely new approach to Greek cuisine at "Mensa", showing that the taste superiority of top raw materials, worked in simple culinary ways of high precision, can result in an extremely expressive result.

Tolis Kravaris escalated himself to a pioneer of the Cosmopolitan gastronomy of Mediterranean cuisine. A different gastronomic experience that includes favorite dishes of Mediterranean cuisine in a "teased" version is what placed him among the most important culinary representatives in Greece.

Born in Ioannina Apostolos Kravaris is the son of very educated and accomplished parents, who encouraged him to follow his dreams and create his own path leaving a trial. In 2014 he entered the prestigious, British World Master Chef Society and since then he is leading by his example and his culinary creations.

He managed to dig up old recipes and create new authentic ones, based on pure materials, with simple flavors , inspired by Mediterranean tradition with a teased look, which evoke memories, feelings and become experiences. A dining experience you cannot ignore, and you, never forget.

The Chef is also building strong culinary menus and he is training the staff of restaurants around the world.

Merry Christmas

We usea sharp knife witha flexible blade toeasily cut through thelocksand follow the curvesof the poultry. First, cut thethighs inhalf(into the upper andlower parts).Next,slice the top intothinpieces. Then, split the breastsin twoand take out the fillets.Afterthat, cut the fillets intothinslices. Finally,cutand separate the wings. For thegravy sauce, you don’t need to wait for the roasting juices. Start by heating 1tablespoonofolive oil andsautéing 1-2 turkey necks orchicken wings for about 5 minutes, thenset themaside. Inthe remaining oil,sauté 1 cupoffreshbasil for6 minutes untilthey’re nicely browned.Ifyou’re using dried mushrooms(50 g), soakthemin 2/3 cup ofwaterfirst.Addanother tablespoonofoilto the pot and cook2 chopped dried onions on low heat for 7-8 minutes. Then,add2 coarselychoppedcarrots,the leaves from2 rosemary sprigs, 2 sprigs of thyme, 2sprigsof marjoramor oregano, and2 bay leaves.Sauté for 2minutes,then add the necks(orwings)and deglaze with 200mlofwhite wine.Stir for a bit and thenpourin 1,500 ml ofchicken broth.Let itsimmer for 25minutes,strain it,and keep 1liter (you can save the rest for soup orrisotto). Ina small pot, melt 50g of butter, thenadd 1/4 cup offlour and mixfor2-3 minutes. Gradually pour in thebroth inthree parts.Let it simmerforabout 10minutes,stirring often, untilthe sauce thickens. Finally,add 2 tablespoonsof Japanese soy sauce andsome pepper. Mixit all together,and ifyou like,you can addsomelime or lemonzestfor extraflavor.

Vietnamese caramel salmon with steamed ginger rice.

•3/4 cup caster sugar

•3cm piece fresh ginger, peeled, cut into matchsticks

•4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

•1 long red chili, seeded, cut into matchsticks

•1/4 cup fish sauce

•6 x 150g skinless salmon fillets

•Steamed broccolini, to serve

•Steamed asparagus, to serve

•Fresh coriander sprigs, to serve

•Steamed ginger rice

•1 1/2 tbsp vegetable oil

•4 green onions, white and green parts separated, thinly sliced

•4cm piece fresh ginger, peeled, finely grated

•2 cups medium-grain white rice

•Make Steamed Ginger Rice Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the white part of the onion. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Add ginger. Cook, stirring, for 30 seconds or until fragrant. Add rice. Stir until well-coated. Add 2 ¾ cups water. Season with salt. Stir. Increase heat to high. Bring to the boil. Cover. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cook for 15 minutes or until water is absorbed and rice is tender. Remove from heat. Stand, covered, for 5 minutes. Add the green part of the onion. Fluff with a fork to separate grains.

•Place sugar and 1/2 cup water in a large, deep frying pan over medium-low heat. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes until sugar dissolves. Increase heat to high. Cook, without stirring, for 6 to 8 minutes or until a light caramel.

•Add ginger, garlic, chili, fish sauce, and 1/4 cup water. Stir to combine. Bring to the boil. Add salmon. Turn to coat. Reduce heat to medium-high. Cover. Cook for 6 minutes or until salmon is just cooked through.

•Drizzle salmon and steamed vegetables with caramel mixture. Top with coriander. Serve with ginger rice.


Belmond has recently revealed anexciting new route thatguarantees an amazing adventure,showcasing Britishsophisticationand the timelesscharmoftrain travel. Backin1982, the Belmond Group tookover thelegendaryVenice Simplon Orient Express, reviving the essence ofclassic luxury. Now,they are gearing upto introducethe Britannic Explorer,set to start journeys throughEnglandand Wales inJuly 2025. This new route offers a one-of-a-kind experience,allowing travelersto explore stunning scenery, including mountains,lakes, andhistorictowns across Britain.

or charges you the retail price for services. Reputable designers will provide you with a thorough budget before they start making purchases, so seeing a cost breakdown shouldn’t be that difficult. If your designer seems resistant to the idea, you may want to look elsewhere.

This journey showcases the finestaspects ofthe Englishcountryside, featuring spotsthat blend intrigue,history,and stunning nature, stretching fromthe vibrant energy ofLondon to theserene landscapes ofScotland.You’llencounter charming villages, historictowns, and breathtaking views,all while enjoying theexperience froma private suite. Fromthe lush hillsof Wales tothe clear waters ofCornwalland the towering peaks ofthe Lake District, the Britannic Exploreraimstobring backthe glory of classic traintravel, completewithallthe modern luxuries you’dexpect. GaryFranklin,VicePresidentof Belmond,calls it"revolutionary,"highlighting that it provides a unique chance toexplore the ruggedcoastline of Cornwall, themajesticSnowdonia NationalPark,and the expansiveLake Districtlike neverbefore. The British Explorercars havebeenbeautifully renovated withhigh-quality materialsreminiscentof the 1920s and1930s. The wood, bronze, and velvet accents create anatmosphereof sophistication,while the refurbished cabinsblend comfort with atouchofromance.

Eachcabinfeatures top-notchbeds, high-quality fabrics,and uniquedecorationsthat create a cozy yet elegant atmosphere.The bathroomsare private and providethe ultimate inmodern luxury and hygiene. Forthose seeking extra space, suites are available, complete witha separate living area furnished witharmchairs and classicBritishdecor.The dining experience onthe Britannic Exploreris craftedby Michelin-starred chefSimonRogan. Passengers canlook forward to breakfast,lunch,and dinner,witha menu highlighting traditionalBritishflavors,including fillets,grilled vegetablessourced fromlocal English farms, and freshly madedessertsinspired by regionaltraditions.Dinnerwill take place in the formalrestaurant car, where passengers are expected todress inevening attire,adhering to the traditional customs ofthe journey. This dresscode adds a touchoftimelesssophistication and enhances the luxurious experience.

Passengers cansavorbreakfast intheir rooms,unwindwithafternoon tea, or strollthrough thetrain area, taking inthe stunning viewsofthe spacious carriages. Forthose wholove photography, there will be designated stops at certainlocations,allowing travelersto capturethe enchanting scenery.This journey is like a dreamcome true. Throughout the trip, guestswill enjoy cultural experiences,including intimate classicalmusicconcertsand theatrical performances.In thelounge car during the afternoon, evenings willfeature storytelling sessions inspired by localfolklore andthe legendary Orient Express. Apiano willbe available foranyone who wants toenjoysomelive music, andat night,there willbe opportunitiesforcocktailand wine tastingsfeaturing top selectionsfromBritain andEurope. Britannic Exploreraims to redefine luxury railtravel,honoring the richtraditionand history ofthe iconicOrient Express whileproviding thehighest level of moderncomfort.Travelers canchoose from three different routes,eachdeparting fromLondon for three-nightadventures to Cornwall,the Lake District, and Wales.Prices start at 13,200euros,which includesexcursions, meals, anddrinks.

Poetry was the way I channeled the hardest days and the most dreadful nights into something I could reflect on. There was so much torturing my mind, that I needed a safe place to write it down and let it go. After journaling all my inner, deepest, and unacceptable truths about myself, it was suddenly easier to move on from it. I feel like a lot of us choose to ignore things that challenge us, make us sad, or feel something unwanted. But the reality of it all is that with ignorance there never comes acceptance; therefore, your mind will keep circling around the same thing you wanted to forget. If it wasn't for my best friends, I would have never recognized that running eventually gets so tiring that you end up drowning when you stop.

They were the ones who also taught me that you shouldn't stop loving so deeply just because love isn't all you were given. Instead of running, learn! Instead of ignoring, accept!

Instead of hating, forgive! Instead of fear, choose hope! That's what this unexpected path showed me. And once I let go of all those negative, triggering miserable feelings and thoughts, I was clear about what I needed and wanted from that day on. So, then, I found it!

This book is still hard for me to share, as there are parts of me I never even wanted to let others see. But after a while of talking about these difficult times and topics, I realized we’re kind of all similar, and maybe more people than I know of will find this book helpful, relatable, and empowering. Because there's indeed light at the end of every tunnel. We just must keep going till we reach it. The book is available on AMAZON.

Maria Konnari Stevens Marketing Director

Luxury Living Design & Lifestyle

AD iDesign Miami Magazine Marketing Director

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Hire a commercial and residential interior design specialist in Miami, Boca Raton, FL or New York, NY, Charlotte NC, Charleston SC

Whether designed for living or business, the science of interior design serves two masters— the clientele and the investor. The art Marianna Holoway brings into this science & design approach is to balance their needs in ways that honor the laws of attraction at every price point—building brand loyalty, satisfaction, and happiness. Arcon Design’s approach is a unique specialty in the construction industry. From designing restaurants, nightclubs, hotels, luxury apartments, or mega mansions, to a portfolio that extends into customizing furniture, lighting fixtures, and floor plan solutions while providing the best materials every time.

Our concept of “democratic design”—to increase the quality of the objects at lower prices so that more people can enjoy the best—set Arcon Design apart in early 2000 when the design was geared exclusively towards the elite.

Our inventive and fanciful interior concepts for numerous restaurant, hospitality, and retail projects are world-renowned and our design is entirely sustainable and eco-friendly.

A self-proclaimed “tireless citizen of the world” Marianna Holoway considers it her duty to share her ethical and subversive vision with the world.

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