Initiatives Guide for the Promotion of Fruit & Vegetables in 26 European Regions

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Regio’Com Initiatives de

promotion des fruits et légumes dans les régions membres de



Initiatives Guide for the Promotion of Fruit &

Vegetables in the AREFLH Member Regions

September 2012

CONTENTS The AREFLH at the heart of the European Fruit and Vegetable Industry ......... 2 Fruit and Vegetables, food with a thousand virtues ....................................... 4 A.

THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET.................................................................................... 5


HEALTH BENEFITS .................................................................................................. 6



Major components in the fight against obesity ......................................................... 6


Multiple benefits for our health ................................................................................. 7 TASTE AND FLAVOUR COMBINED WITH BALANCE AND ENJOYMENT ...................... 8

Promotion and awareness campaigns ............................................................ 9 A.

POLICIES ON NUTRITION AND HEALTH ................................................................. 10 A.1. THE EUROPEAN PROGRAMME FOR FRUIT CONSUMPTION AT SCHOOL ................. 10 a)

"Un fruit pour la récré" in France ....................................................................... 11


“Plan de consumo de Frutas en las escuelas” in Spain ...................................... 13


«Frutta nelle Scuole» in Italy .............................................................................. 15


Tutti frutti in Belgium ......................................................................................... 17


“Regime de Fruta Escolar” in Portugal ............................................................... 18

A.2. NATIONAL POLICIES.................................................................................................. 19



France ................................................................................................................. 20


Italy ..................................................................................................................... 21


Spain ................................................................................................................... 22


Belgium ............................................................................................................... 23

FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PROMOTION INITIATIVES ................................................ 24 B.1. PROMOTION OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CONSUMPTION ....................................... 24 a)

In Europe and the World .................................................................................... 25


In France ............................................................................................................. 27


Promotion of F&V consumption in Italy ............................................................ 51


Promotion of F&V consumption in Spain ........................................................... 55


Promotion of F&V consumption in Belgium ...................................................... 64


Raising awareness amongst children and families ............................................ 67


Raising awareness in school canteens ............................................................... 83

Appendix: Trade shows .................................................................................84 Contact : .......................................................................................................84


The AREFLH at the heart of the European Fruit


Vegetable Industry

The Assembly of the European Regions producing fruit, vegetables and plants, which was created in 1998, is a European organization for the fruit and vegetable industry.

26 member regions, 45% of Europe’s fruit and vegetable production Based on a joint organisation made up of a region’s college and a producer’s college, the AREFLH works on many current topics to represent the trade at European level. Amongst these current topics, the consumption of fruits and vegetables is a cause recognized as a priority by the AREFLH for many years.

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation


BELGIUM Flanders

FRANCE Aquitaine, Lower Normandy, Brittany, Centre, Ile-de-France, Languedoc-Roussillon, MidiPyrénées, Pays de la Loire, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Rhône-Alpes.

ITALY Basilicata, Bolzano, Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, Tuscany, Trent, Veneto.

SPAIN Andalusia, Aragon, Catalonia, Extremadura, Murcia.

Associated Regions PORTUGAL : Lisbon & Tagus Valley GREECE : Central Macedonia & West Macedonia.

Measures within the “Promotion” Committee exchange information and experience between regions on policies, communication programmes and healthy-eating education ; lobbying the European Union for a strong and continued communication and promotion policy ; taking part in the main international industry fairs ; supporting projects by the most involved regions who are promoting fruit and vegetables to young people in the school environment (School Fruit Scheme).

« The revival of fruit and vegetable consumption must become a great European cause. »


Fruit and Vegetables, food with a thousand virtues

« Fruits and vegetables are to be consumed in all forms for their countless benefits. » Fruit and vegetables form part of the basis of human consumption. However, their consumption is still too low despite their many benefits. These foods are not only rich in taste and suitable for a variety of cuisines, but they also have valuable health benefits if you consume enough of them. That is why the Mediterranean diet, known for its nutritional values and taste, puts fruit and vegetables at the heart of a balanced diet.

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation



Today, the Mediterranean diet is internationally renowned but it takes its traditional diet from the Greek islands and Crete : fruit, vegetables and virgin olive oil are the main ingredients.

In other countries, we can find different variations of this diet : more pasta in Italy, more fish in Spain, for example.

What are the health benefits ? Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease ; Reduces the risk of cancers ; Increases life expectancy ; Improves general health. These benefits are notably linked to antioxidants brought in abundance by vegetables, fruit and virgin olive oil. In 2010, a study led by epidemiologists from the University of Indiana in Bloomington, USA confirmed that this diet reduces the risk of heart problems.



Major components in the fight against obesity

If obesity has multiple causes, it is well known that an unbalanced diet leads to weight problems : this is the direct consequence of an energy imbalance between calories consumed and expended. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), excess weight affects :  1.4 billion adults who are 20 years old and over, of which 200 million men and nearly 300 million women are obese (estimation from 2008) ;  nearly 43 million children of less than five years old (estimation from 2010).

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Its impact on health expenses are considerable‌ however, obesity is avoidable in most cases ! Fruit and vegetables are known for their low calorie content. Hence why they can directly play a role in fighting against excess weight and obesity by allowing : ďƒ˜ food intake to be controlled ; ďƒ˜ a more balanced diet by reducing sugars and fats.


Multiple benefits for our health

They protect the heart and blood vessels Thanks to their richness in antioxidants and fibre, fruit and vegetables prevent oxidation of cholestrol therefore reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems.

They strengthen bones Fruit and vegetables are an undeniable source of calcium and potassium. They fight against bone demineralization and are an important asset in the prevention of osteoporosis.

They protect against cancer A third of cancers are said to be caused by bad dietary habits. And yet fruit and vegetables provide a set of protecting components : fibre, vitamins, minerals, polyphenols and other micronutrients which act in synergy to balance the activators and inhibitors of cancer in our body.



Taste is one of the five senses : it allows us to taste the flavours of the food we put in our mouth. There are five basic tastes that we detect : sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami (taste of meat). The combination between smells and tastes of food allows us to experience a thousand flavours. Other factors are added to increase the possible combinations :

spiciness : activation of pain receptors ; freshness : activation of cold sensors ; dryness : activation of touch receptors ; Appetite is satisfied by food and the pleasure of eating. Food preparation plays an important role in appetite and satisfaction which « whets our appetite ». By including the important fruit and vegetable portions, this allows us to bring a “healthy” aspect to a natural pleasure.

What do fruit and vegetables provide us with ? a lot of vitamins (vitamins A, C, etc.) ;

minerals and trace elements such as iron, magnesium and potassium ; dietary fibre which facilitates transit through the intestinal tract they are low in saturated fat and sodium. So it is possible to enjoy eating whilst looking after your health thanks to a diet rich in fruit and vegetables.

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Promotion and awareness campaigns Fruit and Vegetables at the heart of our


ÂŤ Current dietary habits are too high in fats and refined sugars and too low in fibre. Âť Fruit and vegetables can help offset these imbalances. This is why we need to encourage consumption through policies and initiatives to promote fruit and vegetables. At the same time,




on the nutrition principles of a

healthy diet, mainly amongst children, allows for global action and a radical change in society.




After findings from 2006 reported that more than 22 million European children are overweight, the European Union set up a major programme to allow the distribution of fruit and vegetables in volunteered schools. For the 2009-10 school year, this programme aims to encourage young people to adopt healthy eating habits. In addition to the

distribution of fruit and

vegetables (a minimum of 6 deliveries per term), it asked participating member states to set up

national strategies including :  education initiatives ;  raising awareness measures.

This programme has been followed throughout all of Europe, with different versions of it depending on the countries and regions. Amongst the benefitting countries, Italy is the country that dominates in terms of budget with European support of more than 20 million euros. This programme costs about 0.30 euros per portion of fruit. With the CAP reform, Europe wishes to increase its budget and to move forward with cofunding which will have a higher bracket of 50-75% à 75-90%.

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

a) "Un fruit pour la récré" in France All the member regions of the AREFLH participate in this European programme: Aquitaine, Lower Normandy, Brittany, Centre, Ile-de-France, Languedoc-Roussillon, MidiPyrénées, PACA, Pays de la Loire, Rhône-Alpes. It is funded 51% by the European Community and 49% by local authorities (in general the community aid can be acknowledged between 50% and 75% of the cost of fruits.

How many children benefit from it ? On a national level, 500 000 children have taken part, spread out in 3400 primary schools.

How much fruit do they receive ? Each pupil receives at least 600 g of fruit or vegetables every term, that is a total of more than 2 kilos per year per child.

Which fruits and vegetables are given out ? Fresh fruit, whole or pre-cut, can be accompanied with fruit juice, compotes, small vegetables even soups. The priority is placed as much as possible on seasonal fruits, organic and/or locally supplied.

Activities and various educational tools Activity guides for supervisory staff were created in order to have true “fruit

ambassadors”. A “Gardening at school” activity was developed which offered many tools to teachers so that they could create a garden within the school. As part of this a “week of gardening in schools” has been organised. From 12th to 18th March 2012, 349 garden centres from all over France welcomed more than 2,600 nurseries and primary schools to attend practical and educational workshops to discover about plants and an introduction to gardening.

“The season tree” in the PACA region (ProvenceAlpes-Côte d’Azur Region) was created at the PEIFL (European Cluster for Fruit and Vegetable Innovation) initiative to illustrate the concept of seasonal fruit and vegetables. It is a tree card used as a teaching aid. The aim is to help children understand : -

the natural plant cycles ; why consideration for these seasonal patterns is important for the environment and health ; the diversity of the fruit and vegetable species ; the botanical difference between fruit and vegetables.

Dietician talks in the Ile de France with activities based on : -

in primary school: sensory discovery of fresh fruit and vegetables with the tasting of 2 or 3 fruits or vegetables accompanied by the “tree game” support ; in elementary school: introduction to balanced diets, the “tree game” or the “resh fruit and vegetables farandole game” with the sampling of 2 or 3 fruits and vegetables.

Useful links : Un fruit pour la récré en France : Guide pour l’année scolaire 2011-2012 : Jardinons à l’école :

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

b) “Plan de consumo de Frutas en las escuelas� in Spain In Spain, the programme is renewed at the beginning of each school year in collaboration with Autonomous Communities who are interested. The member regions of the AREFLH (Andalusia, Aragon, Catalonia, Extremadura, Murcia, Valencia) have all applied this programme.

How many children will benefit ? On a national level, 1.3 million children have participated, spread out over 6500 primary schools.

How much fruit do they receive ? It changes depending on the Autonomous Communities; the pupils receive up to 12kg

of fresh fruit per year.

Which fruits are given out ? The fruits that are given out the most are apples, pears and citrus fruits, but many others are also being offered.

Accompanying measures: fun activities As part of the accompanying measures the Ministry of Agriculture has created some educational games : Frutijuego ; Alimentraining ; Batidora ; Caleidoscopio. In Andalucia, the accompanying measures are particulary varied: -

recipe books for children ; competition "profite des légumes" (2011-2012) et "Profite des fruits" (2010-2011); "Frutibus" Travelling nursery ; thematic talks ; nutritional information platform ; ideas for recycling containers.

In some areas , a slogan and a visual image have been created: in Catalonia : « A la nostra escola mengem + fruita » (“At our school we eat fruit”) or in Valencia they have the clementine as their mascot.

Useful link :

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

c) ÂŤFrutta nelle ScuoleÂť in Italy In Italy, the project has been carried out in each member region of the AREFLH: Basilicata, Bolzano, Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, Tuscany, Trent and Veneto. Organised by the EU, the Ministry of Agriculture, the regions and the Ministry of Health, it is financed 58% by the European Commission and 42% by the Italian State.

How many children benefit from it ? On a national level, nearly a million children have participated, spread out over 8500 primary schools and for a total budget of 31 million euros.

How much fruit do they receive ? Each pupil receives 7 kg of fruit every 6 months of the project; a total of around 1500 tons per school year.

Which fruits and vegetables are given out ? Apples, apricots, oranges, clementines, strawberries, persimmons, mandarins oranges, grapes, plums, pears, peaches and carrots. In many regions, priority is put on local production, under the quality labels PDO or PGI, and by taking into consideration the seasonal cycle and environmental impact.

Ways to supplement the distribution of fruits APOFRUIT is the partner in charge of the fruit supply in Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and Umbria. They organise and also put into place specific measures such as « Frutta Day » : "Les journées du jus d’orange pressé" (2011-2012) : workshop and sampling of organic orange juice in schools ; "La fête des cerises à l’école" (2010-2011) : exceptional distribution of an additional amount of cherries to pupils which is one of the favourite fruits amongst children. ALIMOS, who is in charge of the organization of supplementary activities in several regions (Emilia-Romagna, Basilicata, Trent, Bolzano) is another important partner. Amongst these activities, there are : visits to educational farms to allow children to interact with the agricultural world and producers ; days of shows and theatrical performances in schools ; creation of vegetable gardens at school; creation of small agricultural laboratories to teach children the origin of the products that they eat every day.

Useful contacts: Emilia-Romagna Region : Piedmont Region:

Veneto Region : Grazia Maria Bambino : Paolo Giacomelli : Giuseppina Varetto: Tel : 0039 0412795637/5559

Useful links: APOFRUIT :

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :


Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

d) Tutti frutti in Belgium The Belgian project Tutti Frutti is a member of the European fruit promotion programme in schools. It is financed by the European Union, the local government and the fruit and vegetable sector. Schools can subscribe to the programme between August and October and can chose amongst three working modalities :

Fruit in the backpack : schools set one day of the week with families where children are given a fruit to try.

Fruit from a provider with a subsidy : The school chooses a provider and decides on a day in the week to deliver produce. The provider promises to deliver a variety of ripe and seasonal fruits between October and June.

Fruit from a provider without a subsidy : The schools agree a delivery procedure with a provider without a later reimbursement.

How many children benefit from it ? For the 2012-2013 school year, they are 30% of pupils from the country, which means more than 150, 000 children who take part in the programme.

Useful link:

Useful contact: Mme Neven,


Tel: 0032 24224949

e) “Regime de Fruta Escolar” in Portugal In Portugal, the European programme has been followed from the first year and is under the name «Regime de Fruta Escolar » (RFE). It is coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture ; the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and the IFAP (Financing Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries).

How many children benefit from it? On a national level, more than 250,000 children from more than 3,000 schools benefit from this distribution of fresh, local, good-quality and

seasonal fruits.

What measures, parallel to distribution, are put into place? Organising visits to farms, markets and fruit and vegetable centres ; Installing vegetable gardens and/or greenhouses at school; Displaying videos or films related to the programme ;

Carrying out fun activities: plays, dancing, singing and poems which are related to the programme ; Awarding prizes and motivation rewards for the consumption of the products.

Useful links :

Useful conacts: IFAP, Regime da fruta escolar : Direcção-Geral de Inovação e de Desenvolvimento Curricular Dr. Rui Lima, Email :

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

A.2. NATIONAL POLICIES In recent decades, states have realized the importance of the qualitative aspect of food in terms of nutrition and a lifestyle of excess malnutrition. The consequences of an unbalanced diet, which have spread to Western countries, are weight and obesity problems, as well as multiple cardiovascular problems and development of many cancers. Following this general realization of the importance of having a healthy and balanced diet, many countries have applied comprehensive

and health. Amongst the

strategies linking nutrition

AREFLH member regions, the following programmes can be

found:  in France with the Programme National Nutrition Santé ;  in Italy with the programme « Guadagnare salute, rendere facili le scelte

salutari » ;  in Spain with the NAOS strategy “ Estrategia para la Nutrición, Actividad Física y

Prevención de la Obesidad” ;  in Belgium with the Plan National Nutrition Santé Belge.

a) France The Programme National Nutrition Santé was launched in 2001 and renewed in 2006 and 2011. It aims to improve the population’s health status by acting on one of its major determiners: nutrition. « Nutrition », means diet and physical activity: diet meaning all aspects of nutrients, food, social, cultural, economic, sensory and cognitive determiners of eating behaviour. Measures implemented by the PNNS aim to promote, in diet and lifestyle, factors in health

protection and reducing exposure chronic health risk factors.

In addition and to supplement the PNNS, the Programme National pour

l’Alimentation gives each citizen the means to know, access and appreciate the richness of the French diet. Launched at the end of 2010, it assumes that “Bien manger, c’est l’affaire de tous” (“Eating well is everyone’s business”). In particular it suggests improving the food supply and the knowledge of food but also promoting dietary and culinary cultural heritage.

Useful links : PNNS : PNA :

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

b) Italy Regarding dietary education, the Italian government presented a national strategic plan from 2007 called "Guadagnare salute, rendere facili

le scelte salutari ". The Government hopes to encourage a healthy lifestyle by giving some advice to its citizens  Practise regular physical activity;  Consume fruits and vegetables several times each day ;  Reduce consumption of sugar and foods high in calories ;  Reduce the use of tobacco and alcohol. The plan developed for this is three types of communication: specific communication plans for each intervention ; an information campaign which puts the citizen at the heart of their health

choices and which gives a facilitating role to governments; a specific programme in collaboration with schools.

The main concepts of dietary education in Italian schools is summarized in a text published in November 2011 under the title «Scuola: linee guida per l’educazione alimentare ». Useful links : Project presentation : Guide for schools :

c) Spain The strategy for nutrition, diet

and the prevention of obesity "NAOS ", by the Ministry of Health and the Spanish Association of Diet and Nutrition Security (AESAN), exists since 2005. It is made up of a group of recommendations and agreements with the food industry, distribution and publicity. Initiatives have to encourage the population and particularly children and young people to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, in particular a healthy diet and to practice regular physical

activity. at school  information on diet and encouragement of physical activity ;  healthy and balanced meals whilst keeping in mind the differences in pupils ;  measures regarding vending machines .

in the food processing industry (IAA)  commitment from the IAA to reduce salt, market healthier products intended for children, decrease the calorie content of food products and individual portion sizes ;  nutritional and calorie information on all labels.

the advertising of products for children  self-regulatory code concerning the advertising of food and drink for children under the age of twelve. Useful link :

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

d) Belgium Launched in April 2006, the Plan National

Nutrition Santé Belge‘s primary objective is to ensure that the Belgian population can benefit from concrete, visible and coordinated measures on a national level in order to improve their dietary habits, increase their physical activity, reduce the risk of disease, maximize their health status and increase the quality of life for everyone. It consists of 7 strategic steps :  Information and communication : creation of a website, a TV advert, various posters, 5 dietary guides and two competitions ;  Creation of an environment stimulating healthy

dietary habits and physical activity ;  Commitment from the private sector ;  Breastfeeding and diet of infants and young children / selective dietary deficiencies and optimum diets ;  Malnutrition in hospitals, old people’s homes and home care ;  National dietary inquest ;  Scientific research on diet, eating habits and physical activity

Useful link:


fruit and vegetable

consumption is generally supplemented

by more general measures of raising awareness and through education regarding a

healthy diet. B.1.






« The consumption of fruit and vegetables is everybody’s business. » These products are promoted at different scales and by different players in the world.

Association groups such as “5 a day” are very active on the whole planet and are joined together depending on the countries’ existing systems. The professionals are generally very active on this subject which is the case in France with Interfel, the inter-branch association of fresh fruit and vegetable producers, representing the production professionals up until distribution. They are in charge of many organizations and promotions for the general public. Likewise, producer organizations can be involved in the advertising campaigns of their produce as well.

Regions and groups are generally implemented as part of national plans and different projects; for example in partnership with the Chambers of Agriculture or private companies.

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

a) In Europe and the World « 5 A DAY » « 5 a day » is an international movement bringing together different associations who encourage the consumption of fruit and vegetables. They are present in more than 40 countries out of 5 continents and aim to :  Inform on the benefits of consuming 5 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables everyday.  Send out the message to society, mainly to children, about the big benefits of consuming fruit and vegetables.  Improve the dietary habits of our society.  To increase the fresh fruit and vegetable consumption per person in order to reach the recommended amount.

National versions… In Spain : 5 al dia is association existing since 2000 and leads different campaigns on a national level and offers activities for schools. The association has many members, amongst which there are professional associations such as Fructifica or even producers such as Fresón de Palos and Afrucat.  The campaign "5 par jour, c'est vital" (2004-2007) had encouraging results : -

more than 1,500 schools and almost 500,000 pupils have applied the programme and tripled new targets at the beginning of the campaign ; the website received an average of 46,000 visists per month ; vegetable consumption increased in 2005 from 5.4% and fruit consumption from 4.7% ; attendance of more than 1,500 outlets throughout Spain (materials, promotion measures and taste sessions) ; congratulations and support from public companies and celebrities ;


prize (bronze) for the best use of advertising.

 "Educational programme" : training manual and modules for nursery and primary school education created by teachers.

In Portugal : "5 ao dia. Faz crescer com energia" started up 4 years ago in the Alentejo region in collaboration with the Alentejo Regional Health Administration. The measures of the 5 ao dia in Portugal are :  institution communication campaign ;  measures in elementary schools and secondary schools such as talks from specialists on nutrition or visits to the MARE Marché provider of the Evora region.

…and regional versions The Aragon Region has developed a specific programme in connection with the "5 al dia" campaign to promote fruit and vegetable consumption to 2,000 pupils between 8 and 12 years old from around forty schools in the region.  For two months each year, special days are organized in the region, with theatrical performances on the theme of an honorary fruit or vegetable, taste sessions and guided visits.  An internet site was activated during the campaign :

Useful links : 5 Al Dia Espagne(Spain) 5 F&L par jour France (France) 5 Ao Dia Portugal (Portugal) 5 F&L par jour Belgique (Belgium)

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

b) In France National and multi-regional measures Fraich’attitude Interfel, representing the French fruit and vegetable trade is particularly active in the advertising of fruit and vegetable consumption. Its actions come in mainly as part of the "Fraîch’attitude" programme, which aims at thoroughly changing the population’s eating attitudes. The AREFLH helps in the organization of this programme and its many actions.

The Fraich’attitude week The eighth edition took place from 1st to 10th June 2012, with activities all over France for children and adults.

Major Event 26 000 organizations all over France 42 events in public places 120 partner cities and 5 French department councils 20 national partners (Figures 2011)

The International Fair of Agriculture stand in Paris from 19th to 27th February 2011 was intended mainly for children. In 2012, the stand was aimed at professionals, but dieticians were present for the general public. Tours of the Fraich’Bar, Fraîch’Kids and activities in University


Fraich’Kids Tour

Fraîch’Bar Tour

(from 3rd November to 11th December 2012)

(from 7th March to 10th April 2011)

Tour of 5 weeks in primary

Almost 25,000 high

schools and leisure centres, coordinated by

schools and sixth form pupils in around 50


institutions have been made aware in several cities.

Children will be able to benefit from - taste sessions, - culinary workshops - educational games Co-funded by France AgriMer.

Organisations in CROUS (March to April 2011) Almost 40,000 students from 60 university cafeterias, benefited from advice by dieticians. Distribution of "spécial étudiants" kits with - posters, - paper chains, - recipe booklets to 198,000 students in the whole of CROUS (French Student Welfare Organization).

Useful links :

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

The Charter "Fruit, Vegetables and Society" The Charter lists the 10 founding principles of a

balanced diet taking into consideration public health as well as the environment. It underlines in particular the intake of fresh fruit and

vegetables in response to the plague that constitutes obesity, notably amongst young people. It prompts public and private bodies to get involved and apply concrete measures aiming to increase the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables.

How and by who is it prepared?  Prepared by fresh fruit and vegetable inter-branch association (Interfel) in 2005 in liaison with many Members of Parliament, in particular following the initiative of the President’s study groups on fruit and vegetables and obesity in the Senate and the National Assembly.

What resources regarding the Charter ? Launched in 2005 in the Senate, it collected more than 200 signatures in a week. The launching of the Charter has thus marked the beginning of a big involvement campaign by the elected officials, leading to an increase in local support and in 2007 to the creation of:  a network of Pilot Communities, regions, departments, municipals and inter-municipals having put into practice original and sustainable measures to promote the consumption of fruit and vegetables ; 

the Club Fruit, Vegetables and Society and its Magazine, which brings together elected officials aware of the fresh fruit and vegetable cause, with almost 200 members

Useful link :

Vegetables from France at the International Fair of Agriculture In 2012, the inter-branch associations of several fruit and vegetable sectors grouped together within the

unique advertising stand at the International Fair of Agriculture : Vegetables from France, the AOPn (national producer’s organization association) of Tomatoes & Cucumbers from France, the AOPn of Strawberries from France, l’ANIail (national inter-branch association of garlic), the AOP of Chicory (APEF), the AOP of Leeks from France, l’AIMelon (inter-branch organization of melon association) and the SIPMM Onion (first marketed interbranch association section).

Dual communication  on the vegetable producer profession;  on the product to raise awareness amongst the consumers.

Multiple tools Vegetable pyramid

Taste session space

Producer centres

Symbol of market gardens, height of 4 metres highlighting the diversity and quality of products from France

Visitors can taste simple and delicious recipes prepared by major chefs

Attendance by producers to share their skills and knowledge on market gardens with visitors.

Fir photos

VIP Space

Highlight good agriculture practice : from working on the land to marketing.

Meet politcians or the press

Useful link : culture_/SIA_2012/dossier_de_presse__producteurs_de_legumes_de_france_au_salon_agricultu re__2012.pdf L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Fresh baskets at SNCF stations The SNCF launched this project in 2007 in partnership with the Ile de France and the Seine and Marne Chambers of Agriculture, but initially for the Ile de France stations. It then expanded into many regions. It is a sales service of fresh fruit and vegetable baskets at the stations once a week at rush hour.

Local producers are associated with the process which aims to become sustainable. The products are therefore local, in season and sold directly by the producer.


No. of railway stations involved

Launch year

After one year of function, 35 baskets were distributed each week. In Orleans after one year of functioning, 170 baskets were distributed per week.













Languedoc Roussillon






Pays de la Loire




Launch year

Additional information

20,000 kilos of fresh fruit and vegetables are sold each week to 2,500 families.

During the first year, 6,000 baskets had been distributed in all of the participating railway stations. In collaboration of two organic agriculture associations (GAB 44 et GABB 49). No. of railway stations involved

Additional information

PACA (ProvenceAlpes-Côte d’Azur)






At the same time, the Conseil General, through its Cartreize network, intitiated a similar step, «Les Paniers du Terroir», in 5 bus stations in the department. The two initiatives joined together to suggest the « Paniers fraîcheurs du terroir » at the Marseille St Charles station, in partnership with the Chambre d’agriculture in the Bouchesdu Rhône department.

The service exists and continues to develop in several other French regions(Picardy, Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Upper Normandy, Burgundy, Franche-Comté, Lorraine).

Useful links : Presentation on Languedoc -Roussillon: /DetailsFlash_actus.aspx?URI=tcm%3a22-61517

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Regional measures for France Aquitaine : the Aquitaine farm at the regional fair of agriculture The 40th edition of the regional fair of agriculture took place from the 12th to 21st May 2012. This fair is the chance to promote regional agricultural production to the population, since more than 300,000 people have visited it for this edition. The Aquitaine farm is one the fair’s organizations, and proposes to discover different worlds, including fruit and vegetables in the vegetable centre. The region’s fruit and vegetables brought together under the association’s banner "Aquitaine Fruit and Vegetables", shows the products and their professions:  a wide variety of fruit and vegetables under quality labels, strawberries from Lot and Garonne, strawberries from Périgord, asparagus from the Sables des Landes, kiwis from Adour, prunes from Agen, walnuts from Périgord, apples from Limousin ;  brands which are gaining reputation at a regional level on products such as the hazelnut and the tomato… A lot of fresh fruit and vegetable taste sessions are offered. To provide accurate information on the modes of production, the Aquitaine farm’s tomato greenhouse shows visitors the integrated production techniques and irrigation management for tomatoes and cucumbers. The children’s pathway, created from 1998, allows children to be offered fun and educational ways to discover the different aspects of regional agriculture. The Young Farmers of Aquitaine welcome primary school pupils in order to accompany them and let them discover different workshops. Useful link:

Useful contact :

PACA : Epicurium, the museum of F&V Epicurium, the first museum in Europe

devoted to fruit and vegetables is situated near Avignon, in Provence. It belongs in the Cité de l’Alimentation d’Avignon which was opened in 2008 thanks to the support from Chambers of Trade and Industry in Vaucluse. It opened its doors on 12th June 2010 in Avignon.

Routes for all Thanks to the interdisciplinary approach – agriculture, diet, industry, environment – Epicurium shows the path of fruit and vegetables from seed to plate, field to factory using :  interactive space museums and gardens of nearly 9000m² ;  changing the permanent exposition ;  different activities and visit options for the different public categories : cooking classes and gardening : "Epicurieux workshops".

Several events organized during the year « Fête du Printemps : le vert est à l’honneur » 31st March and 1st April 2012 « Fête de l’été : le rouge est à l’honneur » 23rd and 24th June 2012 « Fête de l’automne : le jaune est à l’honneur » 29th and 30th September 2012

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Activities themed on aromatic plants and green vegetables.

Activities on red fruits and tomatoes : meetings with producers, educational workshops, artistic activities, activities on nutrition and health. Activities dedicated to yellow autumn fruits.

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

A real success  in 2011, Epicurium welcomed more than 9,200 visitors, an increase of more than 60% compared to 2010 ;  the public was made up of 63 % children and 37% adults ;  groups of children in particular represented 50% of the total public, which is more than 4,400 children in 2011. From a "qualitative" point of view, the return of individual visitors was excellent, proving the faithfulness of many visitors (which led to the introduction of a loyalty card) and the majority proportion by “word of mouth” amongst the sources of information on Epicurium cities by visitors.

Construction partnership This museum was created by the Pôle Européen d’Innovation Fruits et Légumes

(European Innovation Clusters for Fruit and Vegetables). A scientific committee, made up of scientists from different organizations (INRA, INSERM, UPR, GEVES, ISARA, Lycée de l’Arc, CTCPA and PEIFL) validated the overall scientific and education content of the museum. Many companies are also partners in the project. Lastly,

several groups also support the initiative : the PACA region, France AgriMer, CG

Vaucluse ; Communauté d’Agglomération du Grand Avignon ; Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries; Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Useful link :

Useful contacts : Epicurium, Tel: Email: Pauline Grison, in charge of communication

Tel : 04 90 31 58 93

Lower Normandy : Bien manger (Eat well) in Normandy From 2005, IRQUA-Normandie introduced a project to promote Norman produce in a balanced diet. IRQUA-Normandie, in close relationship with all its partners (local education authorities, regional education authorities in Caen and Rouen, Regional Councils of Upper and Lower Normandy and the General Councils) is preparing "Bien manger en

Normandie" using several steps and tools.

Educational tools for the big and small  Recipe books with regional products, a list of the Norman culinary heritage, a guide to regional quality products ;  A gastronomic tourist map of Normandy ;  Children’s recipe books ;  Educational games themed on Norman gastronomy ;  Educational poster of Norman procedures.

Promotional events International Fair of Agriculture 2012 Attendance of the Norman AOC (registered designation of origin) and sectors linked to the sea, creative cuisine with le piano des chefs résolument educational and interactive, promotions displays and taste sessions on Norman products and the brand and

"Bienvenue en Gourmandie" product presentations, taste workshops and educational activities fpr adults and children with professionals, demonstrations of product development...

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

"Balanced Norman Meals" Contest Each year during the taste week, the IRQUA-Normandie organizes this contest to promote Norman agri-food products in the context of a balanced diet. It is open to Norman school canteen chefs (nursey/primary, high school and sixth form) and hotel school pupils/catering training centres: the participants are invited to create a balanced meal using Norman products taking into account the specific demands of the school canteen and the nutritional needs of the young public.

FĂŞte du "Bien Manger en Normandie" in school establishments 21st-25th May 2012 For 6 years and during one week, following the competition, each chef created a "Menu Normand EquilibrĂŠ" to share amongst pupils their culinary creation and make them aware of the three-word motto quality-enjoyment-balance. Adapted educational tools accompany the event : posters, fun booklets, games themed on Norman products. In total for 2012, 48,000 pupils (that is nearly 200 institutions) took part in this gathering.

Useful link :

Brittany : Farmer recipe books The creation of the recipe book “Nos

légumes dans votre cuisine” (“Our vegetables in your kitchen“) uses vegetables from the region by 12 territory farmers in St Léon in the Finistère department. It was designed as a tool for sustainable development of the regions vegetables

under the umbrella of a chef, JeanClaude Sépagne, between November 2011 and May 2012. In the end, 45 recipes using more than 25 different vegetables are offered in the book. During the week « Fraich’attitude » from 1st to 4th June 2012, several restaurateurs have made the recipes from the book in their restaurants. A month after its release, 2,500 copies have been sold and a second printing is planned. It will also offer agricultural fairs and festivals scheduled during summer 2012 :  2nd July : activities on the Welcome Monday at St-Pol,  14th and 15th July : taking part in the Tonnerres de Brest 2012 (International Maritime Fesitval) in partnership with the Prince de Bretagne on the Village Terres et Mers in Brittany,  6th August : activities on the Welcome Monday at St-Pol,  15th August : participation at the Fête des Légumes at St-Jean-du-Doigt.

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Ile de France : exhibitions on the Ile de France agriculture Within the 2012 season, Paris addresses the theme urban and peri-urban

agriculture. 3 complementary exhibitions « Carrot City » at the Bercy park Roadshow on urban and sustainable agriculture. Examples of rooftop gardens, perched on urban greenhouses… Original initiatives presentation of the world’s largest cities. From 20th June to 30th September 2012

« Savez-vous planter les choux (Do you know how to plant cabbages) » at Bagatelle park The gardens offer vegetables from the Ile-de-France and fruit trees, illustrating traditional cultures and know hows. The tour continues with the history of market gardens and urban agriculture in the Trianon, finishing with a photograph exhibition « De la fourche à la

fourchette » showing the links between the tools and its vegetable, and putting up farmer’s portaits. From 16th June to 4th November 2012

« Staged vegetable plants » at Parc Floral Presentation of an urban garden, including heirloom vegetables and climbing vegetables. Useful link :

Languedoc-Roussillon : Fresh fruit and vegetables at hospital In 2009, Interfel, supported by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and France AgriMer introduced a pilot project on the theme of nutritional education: «Fruits et

Légumes frais à l’hôpital», from June to August 2009, at the Perpignan Hospital Centre in the Maternity and Endocrinology Services. A mini basket of fruit and small vegetables to snack on is distributed each day in addition to meals so that the patient can enjoy them during the day. The aims are to promote an offer of diverse range and good quality taste in a hospital environment. This project takes place in partnership with the hospital, relying on the collaboration between the catering service, dieticians, maternity and endocrinology services and Interfel. This first experiment is to be extended as was with the case of the experimental operation of fruit distribution in schools «Un fruit pour la récré». Following this pilot operation launched in 2009, a huge study was launched in 2010 so as to study the possibilities of extending this operation on a bigger scale, followed by supplementary pilot experiments on the Perpigan’s initiative. Currently, the opportunity to distribute fresh fruit and vegetable baskets in hospitals on a national scale is being evaluated at ministerial level.

Useful links : Présentation de l’action à Perpignan :

Legumes-frais-a-l Présentation opération pilote à l’hôpital Emile-Roux de Limeil-Brévannes (94) :

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Midi-Pyrénées : IRQUALIM supports regional fruit and vegetables under the Signe d’Identification de la Qualité et de l’Origine (Stock with quality and origin certification In the Midi-Pyrénées region, the Regional Institute of Food Quality IRQUALIM is in charge of the promotion for Fruits et Légumes sous Signes d’Identification de la

qualité et de l’Origine (Fruit and vegetables under the Stock with quality and origin certification) (SIQO). 8 products are thus highlighted : white garlic from Lomagne, pink garlic from Lautrec, chasselas grapes from Moissac, Tarbais green bean, prunes from Agen, melon from Quercy, walnut from Périgord and the greengage plum.

For this, many permanent and temporary measures were are put into place :  design and editing of generic promotional materials,  creation and continuous updating of the website,  press advertisements and editorial advertising in major regional medias

Products from the Midi-Pyrénées on the big screen Shown in cinema complexes Gaumont Labège and Gaumont Wilson in Toulouse, 2

commercials show products from the Midi-Pyrénées under stock with quality and origin certification and their recipes and to encourage cinema-goers to find them on the website.

L’odyssée gourmande Created around ten years ago by the region and the IRQUALIM and renewed every two years, the odyssée gourmande is an educational cooking contest only in France. The operation was intended for 3rd and 4th year primary school classes. This event, at IRQUALIM’s initiative, is supported by the Midi-Pyrénées region, the Toulouse Academy and the hotel schools. The classes have to present, in writing, two recipes using SIQO products as well as an artistic composition illustrating their recipes (sketch, skit, song, fable). A jury keeps the 24 best projects, in which at least one per department. The selected classes are then sponsored by a chef and enjoy a day of "Petits Gastronomes" training in a regional hotel school.

Useful link :

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Centre and Pays de la Loire : IDFEL promotes fruit and vegetables in 2 regions Interface between its members and the structures of the fruit and vegetable field, IDfel provides dynamic fruit and vegetables in the Loire Valley and represents its members, whenever necessary with various representatives. IDFel organizes mainly the promotion of apples and more generally, fruit and vegetables from the Loire Valley through different events.

Printemps de Bourges Like last year, IDfel Loire Valley and Interfel were at Printemps de Bourges for three days (from Tuesday 24th to Thursday 26th April 2012). A partnership was created between the Printemps de Bourges – Loire Valley Fruit and Vegetables and apples from Berry as follows :  Strawberries, radishes, cherry tomatoes and applies from the Loire Valley are invited in the dressing rooms  A public reception in the afternoon where visitors tasted apples and radishes from the Loire Valley,  In the evening, a stall in the VIP space where strawberries, cherry tomatoes, apples and radishes were sampled by guests. In figures : 2,500 strawberries, 5,000 cherry tomatoes, 20 kg pink radishes and

20,000 portions of apples were sampled.

Les Championnats de France de Natation des Maitres (Masters of swimming French championships) At the Jean Bouin swimming pool in Angers the Championnats de France de Natation des Maitres took place from 8th to 11th March 2012. IDfel Loire Valley was the partner of this national event in providing more than 5,000 apples. With Interfel, the Association had a stand to introduce apples from the Loire Valley.

International Fair of Agriclulture IDfel introduced fruit and vegetables frol the Loire Valley for several organisations and taste sessions on the France AgriMer, l'Avenir pousse en Anjou stands and the Stand

Pays de la Loire. During each activity, a producer was present to answer technical questions and discuss with the public.

Operation "GARE" In October and November 2011, the associations distributed apples in the railway stations in Angers, Orléans, Nantes and Tours. This action was mainly put in place to promote fruit and vegetables from the Loire Valley and its producers. Between 1500 and 2000 apples were distributed at the stations with a Zcard and some recipes.

Useful link :

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Rhône-Alpes : Regional and in season fruit and vegetables against global warming Consuming in season, fresh and locally produced fruit and vegetables is good for your health and also good for the planet. It is from the ecological and climatic assessment of transport and cultivation of in season fruit and vegetables that the Agence Locale de l’Energie (ALE) of Lyon and its suburbs chose to act. This is why they created a calendar of in season fruit and

vegetables for the Rhône-Alpes, as a magnet, distributed free of charge with priority given to the locals. Following the success of the operation, the ALE offers to continue the measures in partnership with its community, associations and companies in the region.

Useful link :

Criteria produced and collectives marks in France Criteria produced Association Nationale Pommes Poires 1500 producers are members of the Association Nationale Pommes Poires (ANPP) (National association of apples and pears), representing 860,000 tons of apples and 35,000 tons of pears. They are all involved in the integrated fruit production charter a reference source of good arboreal practices whose results and continuous improvement is seriously controlled for 10 years.

Promotion  Promotion campaign based on the apple producing profession: 4,500 shops in March 2012 2012 ;  Diétécom Fair 22nd-23rd March 2012 ;  Operation "Nouvelle récolte" in September 2011 in 3000 outlets ;  Operation "Vergers ouverts", September 2011 ;  Special edition of "Petit quotidien" on apples ;  Promotion on the theme "Eco-friendly orchards".

AOPn Tomatoes and Cucumbers in France L’AOPn – national association of producer’s organization of "Tomates et Concombres de France" consists of 30 organizations, representing more than 1,000 producers throughout France. Gathered together around a Quality Charter, the professionals wish to share their expertise, their commitment to the environment, quality, taste and variety of their products.

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Promotion In June 2012 they initiated a comprehensive programme in raising awareness

amongst children about the cultivation and consumption of tomatoes and cucumbers.  A film called "Sous serre" was created by Jamy Gourmaud, animator of the education programme "C’est pas sorcier".  From 21st June to 4th July 2012, displays were put in place in 90 bazaars in elementary schools in Rennes, Bordeaux and Avignon. AOP peaches and nectarines from France L'AOP is made up of 21 companies representing a production of 140,000 tons of fruit and 70% of organised production.

Promotion In 2012, a new logo was created for the AOP peaches and nectarines during an important communication plan. €400,000 will be spent this year for promotion and marketing. The producers’ view, in place since 2011, has positive consequences within and among consumers according to the findings by AOP, the operation will be repeated. In addition, promotional tools at sale points will be reinforced in supermarkets. The interbranch association will announce the eco-friendly orchards. Site consommateurs : AOPn Fraise Created in 2008, AOPn Strawberry, national Association of Producers' Organizations, federates more than 500 French producers. Their objectives are to sustain and develop the production of French strawberries by offering consumers varieties of quality. The whole of the production federated by AOPn accounts for 40% of the French strawberry.

Promotion  Educational Program “Fraise attitude”, introduced at the International Fair of Agriculture, planned from March to June 2012;  Contest “Strawberries of France” (“Fraises de France”) from 18th May and 31st August 2012;  Radio campaign at the beginning of the campaign (15th-17th March 2012). AOPn Asparaguses 7 members for 246 producers, AOPn Asperges is in constant increase.

Promotion  Radio campaign, including 2 adverts in partnership with the strawberry in 2011;  Creation of poster and recipe cards;  Lively promotion display and medium-sized supermarkets;  Participation in the contest “the spring of the vegetables” (“Le printemps des légumes) 2011 organized by Interfel.

AOPn Plum AOPn created in 2010, the National Association of Organizers for the Plum (Association d’Organisateurs National Prune) brings together no less than 400 producers, that is to say approximately half of the French production: 35,000 tons out of 80,000 tons.

Promotion  From 1st August to 15th September 2011, AOPn launched a large campaign “the plum refunds your plums” (“La prune rembourse vos prune”), offering to refund three parking tickets per day;

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

ANIAIL The French garlic producers turned towards an official identification of quality and origin of their production: AOP, IGP and Red Label (Label Rouge). Thus, the near total of the French producers is committed in official processes of quality. For white garlic, two soils are recognized IGP: the white garlic of Lomagne and the garlic of Drome. The pink garlic of Lautrec profits from a red label and an IGP. The purple garlic of Cadours and the pink garlic of Auvergne are in the process of going through recognition.

Promotion  Contest “You’re the boss” (“C’est vous le chef”) from 19th September to 7th October 2011;  Recipes and advice from chefs on the website.

Collective brands Brittany: Brand “Prince de Bretagne” The brand was created in 1970 to give an identity and a regional anchoring to vegetables produced in the coastal area of the north of Brittany. Under this label, the vegetables produced are marketed by the six cooperative members of the CERAFEL Brittany, which are approximately 25 vegetables. Ile de France: Brand “Saveurs Paris Ile-de-France” At the instigation of the CERVIA Paris Ile-de-France, the professionals - farmers, craftsmen and food-processors - gather around a regional identity: the brand “Saveurs Paris Ile-deFrance”.

Languedoc-Roussillon: Brand “Sud de France” Sud de France is in the identifier of wine products and farm produce of the Languedoc-Roussillon region. By sticking to this process, 1600 companies and 5000 products shows their commitment to the origin and the state of mind associated with a production and regional know-hows recognized. More than 30 fruits and vegetables are already represented.

PACA: Brand “Provence” The PACA regions fruit and vegetables brand was introduce by the region in July 2012. A bill of specifications guaranteeing a way of sustainable production and putting the traditional know-how to good use will be at the root of this brand. The brand “Provence” should start to appear on food products at the beginning of 2013.

Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrenees: Brand “Sud Ouest France” This brand is for SIQO farm produce and was launched during the International Fair of Agriculture. It is the first brand put into place in partnership with two neighbouring regions.

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

b) Promotion of F&V consumption in Italy b .1) Emilia-Romagna: Frutta Snack The project “Frutta Snack” was set up in Italy in 2007 by the Ministry of Labor and Social Action and the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, with the support of the agro-environmental experimentation centre of Cesena. The project proposes an overall educational project on food education accompanied by the installation of fruit vending machines in schools and workplaces. The ALIMOS society is also a central partner of the project, in particular by ensuring the supply.

Broad outlines: consumption - education - critical mind Increase in the consumption of fruit and vegetables at school and in the family; Learning the basics of good nutrition and the influences of advertising; Learning to choose food in a conscientious manner; Possible introduction of “Frutta Snack Bar” vending machines into schools. In Emilia-Romagna 39 schools, 895 classes and 20,097 pupils took part in the project “Frutta Snack” and the project was extended to three other areas: Apulia, Le Marche and Latium.

Several players take part in the project:  Producers who can guarantee and provide quality and healthy products;  Universities and research organizations for the innovation of the sector;  Food-processors in agreement with local productions,  Distributors.

Some figures… ONGOING PROJECTS 144 3,221 82,000 25 3 4 158 5

Schools Classes Pupils Workplaces Ministries Regions (Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Puglia, Le Marche) Installed “Frutta snack” vending machines Producer’s organizations (Apofruit, Verde ValdasoTerre di Bari, Apo Conerpo, Veba-Capuzzo)

EDUCATIONAL ACTIONS 37 108 111 4 72 20 140,000

Training meetings for teachers Hours of teacher trainings Promotion displays for pupils Editions of the contest “Monte un spot pour Frutta Snack” Participating Classes in the contest Initiative intended adults/parents Educational materials made (folders, notices, posters, gadgets)

Useful links:

Useful Contacts: ALIMOS: -

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

b.2) Ortofrutta d’Italia for quality F&V For the first time in Italy, 16 producer organizations met under the same brand “Ortofrutta

d' Italia” to launch a large communication campaign over the two years 2012 and 2013. The project is initiated by the CSO CentroServizi. The objective of the communication campaign is to:  highlight the major position of Italian production as a “first world producer of fruit and vegetables”;  enforce “one heritage quality”. The slogan chosen by the brand is: “Sapori di

qualita”: flavours of quality! The campaign is divided into two big parts, granted to the seasonal productions:  the first one during the winter based on apples, pears, kiwis, citrus fruits, carrots and radish;  the second one in spring based on summer fruits : peaches, nectarines, strawberries, etc. The means used to carry out this campaign included TV adverts broadcast at prime time, as well as thematic documentaries broadcast on the national and local channels. A

Facebook page was also created to relay information to the largest number possible. 100 million people would have been reached by the campaign at the end of 6 months. Useful links:

b.3) Fruitness, enjoy it ! This collaborative project assembled by the European Union, the Italian government and the CSO CentroServizi, aims to target consumers of five European countries: Germany, England, Austria, Poland and Sweden. Two major guidelines direct this project which was set up in 2006:  provide information on nutritional qualities and safety of the fruits, as well as their benefits for children’s health and their role in preventing obesity;  to promote fruit consumption and emphasize the health benefits in a nonmedical approach: “I eat fruit because I like it and I am in good shape, and not because I have to eat it” The promotion campaign involves children, families, companies, schools, institutions and health authorities, in order to reverse the downward trend of fruit consumption.

Comprehensive methods and objectives to revive fruit consumption within the European market; to encourage fruit consumption amongst young people, in particular children and teenagers, to counter the increase in obesity by establishing good dietary habits; to offer comprehensive information to families on quality, public health and nutritional qualities in fruit; to develop the image of fruits with children as good and healthy friends with whom one can have fun: it is the role of “Mr. Fruitness”, the project mascot and the many games offered. Useful link:

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

c) Promotion of F&V consumption in Spain National action: The sponsorship of a school 5 al día

Developed by the association 5 al día, the project was intended to extend the advantages of the educational program “5

al dia” to all the schools on Spanish territory with the help of private companies or communities wishing to get involved more. Today more than 1500 schools are part of the program. The intention is to make children and their parents aware of the importance of consuming 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day.

Educational objectives of the program to inform and teach children the benefits that fresh fruits and vegetables bring to health; to influence the adoption of healthy dietary habits for children and their families;

to increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables amongst children. Commitments from schools If it has a canteen, include 2 portions of fruit and vegetables each day in the menus (salad, fruit, juice, vegetables, purée, fruit salad, etc). To inform parents on membership to the educational Program “5 al dia” and to inform them of the activities to do, as well as providing them with information on sponsors, thanks to which finance to establish the programme has been obtained. To devote at least 30 minutes per week to the knowledge of the fruit and vegetables course with the educational materials which the program provides.

The sponsor… The sponsor is the main actor of promoting fruit and vegetable consumption in children.

… Who? It is an organization, public or private, related to the “5 al dia” association, which is responsible for a certain number of schools in its area. It is addressed at company managers, public institutions or organizations which are part of the educational program “5 al dia” and which are aware of the food deterioration amongst children and its consequences in terms of health such as obesity.

… How does it act? It financially supports schools so that they can use the educational program, help them to carry out the supplementary activities and must be a direct player of the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption amongst children. The sponsor can also promote specific activities with the secondary school, such as visits, discussions or the celebration of days in the centre.

Useful links: the section ` “Apadrina a colegio” Useful Contacts:

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

National promotional campaigns of Spanish fruit and vegetables The Spanish government set up large promotional campaigns of Spanish fruits according to the year or seasons.

“Necesito frutas y verduras cada día” Campaign proposing many promotional materials (adverts, radio advertisements, reports, brochures…)

“Frutas y verduras de España, cada día. Del campo para ti” Campaign carried out in collaboration with professionals ASAJA, COAG, UPA, Cooperativas Alimentarias.

“Ya están aquí las verduras de temporada. De toda confianza” A guide on quality, freshness, taste and the various ways of cooking and preparing in season vegetables.

“Frutas y verduras de temporada” Campaign targeted on in season fruit and vegetables with information on the production season of each fruit and vegetable (poster-time-tables).

“Sabor de verano” Summer Campaign for all the fruits produced in this season.

“Siempre es momento de comer más fruta” Program encouraging the children to regularly play, move and do sports as well as eating fruit.

“Verdura, también ultracongelada” Campaign to encourage vegetable consumption throughout the year thanks to frozen products.

Campaign “produce”: Pears, apples, bananas, melon and watermelon, grapes, strawberries, oranges and mandarins

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Murcie : This program is an initiative developed by the corporations associated with Proexport aiming to

support the educative community in all the activities aiming to increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables amongst children and to contribute so that they have a more active and healthier lifestyle. The project comes in from having taken into account two factors: on the one hand children almost never eat fruit and vegetables; and on the other hand childhood obesity is increasing.

Various activities are proposed by “” for all the secondary schools registered such as contests, recipes, Web pages, theatrical representations etc. Thus in 2012 the photo contest “Me gustan las Frutas y Verduras” takes place on the initiative of the EU, the Murcia region and the MARM, with the collaboration of Proexport and of the homepage.

In 2012, 202 secondary schools participated in this initiative and more than 25,000

families had access to the various activities.

Useful link:

Valence: Método bouquet

It is about a promotion campaign developed by cooperative ANECOOP and supported by Generalitat Valenciana, to stimulate the daily consumption of

fruit and vegetables. This campaign is aimed at families and especially children. “Método Bouquet” is an online game for families who want to practice healthy eating habits which is rich in fruit and vegetables. During 28 days the families followed challenges and tasks which they can do with other families or within their own family. They will learn that eating healthily is very easy.

Useful link:

Useful Contact: Manuel Lainez Andrés, DIRECTEUR GENERAL DE PRODUCTION AGRAIRE, ÉLEVAGE ET PÈCHE C/ AMADEO DE SABOYA, 2 - Planta: 5 46010 Valencia Téléphone : 963424835 E-mail :

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Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Murciea & Andalusia : We care you enjoy Campaign This campaign was launched by the Spanish organizations HORTYFRUTA (fruit and vegetables association of Andalusia) and PROEXPORT for the next 3 years in Germany, Austria and in the United Kingdom. The objectives are :  to reinforce consumers confidence in vegetables produced in Europe;  to encourage the increase in consumption in all European homes and for all the population, especially young people, children and the elderly. The slogan “we care, you enjoy” launches a rational message by ensuring that European vegetables are safe, but also an emotional message by explaining the benefits of eating vegetables. The promoted products will be sweet pepper, cucumber, lettuce, and broccoli.

The total budget of the campaign is approximately €3m and is financed by the European Union at 50%, the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment at 30% and PROEXPORT and HORTYFRUTA organizations at 20%. Useful link:

Aragon: fruit and vegetables of highlighted quality The Aragon area chose to generally direct its promotional campaigns towards products of quality, including fruit and vegetables, through the programme “Pon Aragón en tu mesa”, co-funded by Europe.

Measure to inform the public, raising awareness, training and promotion are part of this programme, aimed at the whole Aragonese population. Nearly 6,000 pupils from the region benefitted from the actions as part of this program.

Actions through 20 local action groups  The group “Bajo Aragón-Matarraña” organised the contest “Huertos

ecológicos Escolares” which consisted of creating a garden at school;  Association for the integral development of Bajo Martín Andorra Sierra in Arcos organised the cherry festival on 23rd June 2012;  A conference on fruit and vegetables was organised at the hotel management school in Miralbueno for approximately 60 future chefs on 13th February 2012.

Expotrailer Aragón Alimentos This road show goes up and down roads to promote the Aragonese quality agroalimentary products: peaches

from Calanda or the asparagus from Navarre for example. The objective of this exhibition is to highlight various quality brands, associated products, their production zone in the middle of the Aragón territory and to explain their role in the safeguarding of cultural heritage. L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Some examples of festivals and fairs  Feria de otoño de Biescas: Feria ganadera de agroalimentación y turística (22nd-23rd October 2011)  Jornadas Micológicas de Ayerbe (29th-30th October 2011  Feria Valdejalón Agrícola, Comercial y Ganadera- VALGA (30th April-2nd May 2011)  Feria “Con Cinco Sentidos”, Monzon (11th-13th June 2010) Useful links:

Useful Contacts: Aragón Alimentos: “Pon Aragón en tu mesa”: Grupo Coordinador: Adefo Cinco Villas. Rosa Rived 630420820.

d) Promotion of F&V consumption in Belgium All Day long “All Long Day” is a program on the initiative of the Belgian fruit and vegetables producers with the support of the European Union and domestic trade (wholesalers, supermarket sector and specialized trade). Several measures are put into place, in particular within corporations to stimulate fruit and vegetable consumption all day.

“Fruit and vegetables at work” It is a targeted initiative on people consuming a third of their daily food at work. It suggests that the workplace is the ideal place to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Corporations begin to help their employees to consume more fruit and vegetables by making them available but also thanks to informing and making people aware.

Why consume fruit and vegetables at work? For the employees

 Protection against the chronic affections.  Facilitate the recommended daily consumption of 300 grams of vegetables and 2 to 3 fruits.

 Having a healthy snack in case of a midafternoon slump.

For the corporation

 Increase in employee satisfaction and improves the work environment.

 Provides employees with energy.  Increase resistance to the diseases, therefore decreases the absenteeism.

 Takes care of social responsibility.  Improve the reputation of the corporation.

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

“All long Day” Trophy Each year, the program proposes an “All long Day” trophy which rewards the corporations who encourage fruit consumption in the workplace. For example, in 2012, it is the Jessa Hospital in Hasselt which gained the trophy. In this hospital, the management set up several actions:  offer fruit and vegetables in the staff restaurant;  make fruits available during meetings;  support throughout the career with information sessions;  broadcasting information concerning healthy food and physical exercise by the Intranet and posters;  measures in relationship to physical exercise: personalized programme intended for people who do only a little or no exercise at all, “start-to-run” programmes under the supervision of a physiotherapist, walks during the midday break, making pedometers available…

Fruit and vegetable week Fruit and vegetable week, which exists since 2009 in Belgium, was launched on the initiative of the producers. It took place from 6th May to 13th May 2012. It is the opportunity for many exhibitions, promotion displays in restaurants, radios etc. It is also the chance for the All Day Long programme to launch its annual trophy.

Useful link:

Useful Contact : Sophie Lambreht, tel : 0032 25528039


“Fruit and vegetable consumption must be at the heart of a healthy lifestyle.” The many policies, initiatives and actions existing today to promote fruit and vegetable consumption are supplemented by more comprehensive programmes on diet.






nutrition, food balance, but taste or even agriculture, are set up to

programmes on also on

give back the knowledge and the essential desire to children and families to adopt healthy


Supplementary programs are also developed in many areas to raise awareness and train the school canteen staff, the main players in children’s nutrition.

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

a) Raising awareness amongst children and families In France (a) Midi-Pyrenees: the SISQA and its journey of the senses In partnership with the Midi-Pyrenees regional Institute of food-processing quality of (IRQUALIM), the MidiPyrenees Regional court of agriculture and the Toulouse Association of the regional agricultural contest, the MidiPyrenees region organizes for the 10th year the Midi-

Pyrenees Fair of Quality Food, the SISQA from 13th to 16th December 2012. This Fair, created in 2002, became a citizen gathering around food and quality products. The SISQA is also a time for information and education, as much for the small ones as for the big ones. One day “Fraich' Kids� is also organised by Interfel on this occasion.

Journey of the senses, discovering taste This journey offers to pair taste with the five senses, in partnership with the Institute of Taste. Promotion displays and workshops are carried out around various foods, including the fruit and vegetables with a workshop created and organised by Interfel.

Demonstration space and culinary tasting This space allows people to discover regional products. A workshop created and organised by SlowFood proposes, depending on the year, to cook different products, like legumes or even old in season fruit and vegetables. Taste sessions of regional products are also offered in this space. Useful link :

(b) Ile de France, Center, Midi-Pyrénées, Upper Normandy, Languedoc-Roussillon…: Classes of taste As part of the PNA, the Ministry of Agriculture supports the operation “classes of

taste”. It makes it possible for children from CE2 classes (9 year old) from several areas in France to benefit from lessons on taste and gastronomy.

The pupil’s education…. These classes of taste consist of 8 education meetings on taste and food lasting one and a half hours, intended for CE2 classes:  the 5 senses are brought up;  the children are made aware of regional products and French food heritage;  an emphasis is put on products that have a quality label on them. In addition, the meetings can be enhanced by lectures in the classes from professionals such as farmers, fishermen, aqua farmers, manufacturers, butchers, bakers…

… and the teachers A course intended for teachers allows them:  to work on themselves, and to reconsider their relation with food and their environment;  to assist them in defining their guidelines and shared values supported by the school on the subject of food ;  to understand the human eating behavior;  to develop and promote culinary culture;  to to acquire confidence in their ability to run sensory education programmes;  to comprehend the question of food in a comprehensive and cross disciplinary way in education. The INAO (National Institute of Origin and Quality) takes part in teacher training on quality products. L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Useful link:

Useful Contacts: INSTITUTE OF THE TASTE 49 rue de Paradis - 75010 Paris Mrs. Natalie Politzer, responsible projects Tel.: 06 84 33 43 85 - Fax: 01 42 77 18 87 E-mail:

(c) Rhône-Alpes: From seed to plate: “Love your meal” To encourage autonomy amongst the young people in the “Residences Habitat Jeunes” in relation to their food and to promote resident’s measures and the development of their abilities. It is the challenge which launched in the Rhône-Alpes Regional Union for Youth Housing.

Reports… many young people resident do not know how to feed themselves “on their own”, cook, or use kitchen equipment; their diet is not balanced; the majority have to face up to financial problems.

… adapted measures Particularly amongst young people: the introduction to culinary practices, choosing the products, putting together meals on a nutritional as well as budgetary level (taste education, food education);

highlight food heritage and local cuisine, but also to show people and get them to rediscover cooking and regional products as well as from around the world ;

setting up a partnership between the residences and the Jardins de Cocagne or the AMAP according to the area, with the purpose of providing organic vegetables and fruits for the displays of cookery workshops with young people. This partnership comprises various workshops organised in modules: “Cuisinons avec les produits de saison” “Bien manger même sans un radis” “Fruits et légumes en fête” “L’art d’accommoder les restes” “Fabriquons notre pain” “Visitons les Jardins de Cocagne” “Rencontre avec un chef” “Créons nos recettes” “Un diner presque parfait”

Useful link: (p14):

Useful Contact:

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Raising awareness and food education programmes in Italy a) Noi e il cibo (Us and food), Slow Food In 2009, the Ministry of Education started the programme “Scuola e Cibo” (Food and school), with the purpose of defining an established nutritional education model for the World Exhibition 2015 in Milan whose theme is “Feeding the planet, energy for life”. The project of Slow Fox Trot Food “Noi e il Cibo” is an educational course for primary school which supports the introduction of food education as a school subject. The project focuses on the pupils and teachers, but also on families; it is the union between these 3 players which can make the educational project stronger.

Food education must focus on the “health” aspects, but it must also give young people all the necessary tools to discover the world of food. The program explores multiple dimensions of food: sensory aspects, sustainability, territoriality, memory, identity, globalization, ethics, not forgetting safety and health.

Useful links:

b) Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Piedmont… : Open and educational farms The project created in 1999 as part of the “Open Farms” project carried out by the Emilia-Romagna area with collaboration from the provinces and technical assistance from Alimos. The initiative aims to bring young people closer to the countryside and to lead them on a discovery of the link between the earth and the table, by getting them to know the culture of the rural world, knowledge of the organic production and local products. For more than 10 years, the project has extended to lots of areas in Italy to reach a

network of 1,936 farms in 2010, and has also been developed in Europe. Emilia-Romagna

In Emilia-Romagna, the project created in 1999, has from now on a network of approximately 330 farms which support the idea of sustainable agriculture and whose production is tied to the area. Each year approximately 5,000 classes and groups organise visits which makes for a total of 110,000 young people

and adults. Piedmont The Piedmont region sets up the “educational farms” project while each educational farm signs a charter of

commitments and quality

with which the farms are committed to complying with many rules to enter the regional list of the educational farms saying that they wish to take part in the project. So, a regional network of more than 220 educational

farms was created to facilitate the exchanges between school and agriculture.

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Veneto This project is developed as part of the “Communication and food education” inter-regional programme and the regional project “Cultura che nutre: saperi e sapori attorno al piatto”. The Veneto Area began as of 1999 to set up education initiatives for schools. The objectives were to reinforce the links between children - and also their family - and the area while improving the communication between producers and consumers. Naturally, a network of educational farms was also created.

5,000 children visited the 228 educational farms during the school year 2010/2011. Approximately

Moreover, once a year the “Opened educational farms” day takes place or the great majority of the farms on the network offer a free visit for all.

Lombardy The regional educational farms initiative in Lombardy was created in 2001. Today, it has 184 farms. The farmers of the network committed to the Charter of Quality laying down certain methods, including the training of the farmers. For the seventh year the “Opened educational farms” day took place in Lombardy. The farmers accompany the adults and the children in farm visits, offering workshops and activities to learn more on rural life, nature and the environment. Many didactic farms offer the possibility of holding a lunch or dinner or offer a room to spend the night.

Tuscany In Tuscany, the network of educational farms accounts for more than a hundred farm partners brought together by the network “AmicaFarm ».

Trent and Bolzano A network of 60 educational farms currently functions in this area.

Useful link : Site for Italy :

Useful contacts : Emilia-Romagna Region: Veneto Region: Tuscany Region:

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Raising awareness and food education programmes in Spain a) Week of the Mediterranean diet The Ministry of Agriculture benefitted from the classification of Intangible Cultural Heritage of

Humanity UNESCO of the Mediterranean diet in 2010 to organize one week to promote this diet, from 11th to 14th October 2011. It is the chance for the producers to promote Spanish quality products which fits completely in the Mediterranean diet. It is also the chance to propose the Mediterranean lifestyle, like a true patrimony to be preserved preciously. The scheduling organised in partnership with several agro-alimentary professional organizations, of the week consists of: an open day; the exhibition on the “Mediterranean diet�; presentation of a new food pyramid; broadcasting of video and radio adverts; conferences.

Useful link :

b) Andalusia, Aragon, Catalonia: Program Thao-Salud Infantil This foundation, located in Spain and Colombia, is a not for profit organization which tries to promote healthy

lifestyles and to prevent health problems in order to reduce diseases related to lifestyle, thanks to the design and development of programmes, projects, actions and longterm campaigns. It uses all the means which have an influence on society so that it changes its behavior. Since 2007, the foundation set up at municipal level in several regions the “Program

Thao-Salud Infantil” for children between 3 and 12 years old from Andalusia, Aragon and Catalonia. It aims to improve the way of life by promoting healthy lifestyles and to prevent childhood obesity amongst children and their families. Since 2010, it also concerned newborn babies up to 3 years. The program offers also two types of action:

Seasons: each season targets a group of food or an activity with the aim to promote a varied and balanced diet and to support the physical-activity whilst respecting emotional balance and the daily life.

Cross-disciplinary actions: activities available permanently with the collaboration of the teachers, instructors; sports clubs, leisure centres etc.

Useful link :

Useful contact : Calle Roger de Llúria 119, 4º-1ª 08037 Barcelona (España) Tél : (+34) 934 873 063 E-mail :

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

c) Murcia : “El estirón “ The televised program “El estirón” is an initiative led by Antena 3, in which Proexport in particular takes part and aims to raise awareness on childhood obesity to parents and teachers as much as to children.

Main messages importance teaching children and young people good dietary habits; importance of physical-activity to avoid the health problems linked to obesity amongst children.

Supplementary activities the website is active and offers advice, mainly in the format of short videos on diet and sport; a “walk with El Estirón” is organised at the end of the season, gathering nearly 4,000 people for one day dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle as well as sport;

a contest of recipes is also organized.

Useful links :

d) Castile-La Mancha: What do you have for breakfast?

In 2010 this association set up the campaign “What

do you have for breakfast?” in two schools with Cuenca. After one week of educational and interactive discussions, the children had the opportunity to try a breakfast consisting of bananas, clementines, milk and bread with olive oil (Spanish tradition). Moreover, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias began food days intended for children, aiming to promote a healthy diet and fruit and vegetable consumption as part of the essential food in everyday life. Up until today, this campaign has reached more than 25,000 children. Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias will continue, with the regional government’s Department of Health and Social Wellbeing, to carry out this kind of activity in the area with the aim to share the benefits of a healthy diet with the association’s products which are natural, accessible and locally produced. Useful links:

Useful contact : Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias Castilla-La Mancha Juan Martinez Bravo Avenida de Criptana, 43 13600 Alcázar de San Juan, (Ciudad Real) Tel : 926545204 Email :

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Raising awareness and food education programmes in Portugal a) Programa Apetece-me The educational program is “Apetece-me” is a project developed by Nestlé Portugal, aimed at elementary and secondary schools, with the collaboration and support from the Head Office for innovation and the Development of the Ministry of Education. A set of didactic materials for pupils and teachers of secondary and primary schools was prepared. With these materials, the program not only aims at making pupils aware of the importance of a balanced diet, but also at helping teachers to tackle questions related to healthy

lifestyles, nutrients and food balance in class. The Apetece-me website counts three different spaces: “Espaço Educadores” is dedicated to teachers. Here they can find useful educational materials and links; “Espaço Alunos” is for pupils and has material on healthy lifestyles, things to download, games and desktop wallpapers; “Espaço pais” is for parents and gives them ideas on a healthy diet for children. Useful link:

Useful contact: EC Campo de Ourique Apartado 24290 1250 - 996 Lisboa Tel: 213 153 066 E-mail:

b) FIPA Educational Channel The site was developed by the FIPA (Federation of the Portuguese Food-processing industries) and approved by the Head Office for Innovation and Development and the Portuguese Association of Nutritionists. This channel aims to provide the educative community information and documents which can be useful in acquiring a healthy lifestyle in class or for the development of projects on the subject. After registering, the site provides the contents and activity cards, adapted to elementary and secondary schools pupils on various subjects related to a healthy diet.

Useful link :

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Raising awareness and food education programmes in Greece PAIDEIATROFI Program This programme fits into the continuity of the French programme EPODE to fight against obesity. A European network of actions was created, which the PAIDEIATROFI programme in Greece is part of since 2008, with the support of the European Commission for Health and the Consumers Head Office.

14 municipalities throughout Greece currently take part in this program through several tools and actions. Two topics in particular were suggested: fruit and vegetables. Tools


informative leaftlets, posters;

National conferences;


educational methods;

annual convention;

sports events;

letters to health professionals;

press conference;

artistic contests;



theatre shows.

Topic “Taste of all time: vegetables” For 6 months between July and December 2010, several actions took place such as cookery lessons with recipes containing vegetables, the planting of a vegetable garden, theatrical performances, a producers market and many other games and events.  In the Argyroupoli region, approximately 500 pupils from primary schools spent one day in the town hall. They learnt what children ate as vegetables in Ancient Greece, benefits of vegetables on our bodies, as well as the journey of vegetables from garden to kitchen. On the same occasion, a cooking workshop was organised to learn how to cook vegetables with a chief cook, as well as a pumpkin and aubergine sculpture workshop.

 The council school pupils in Corinth were invited to promote vegetable consumption to their fellow-citizens themselves. Each school, representing a vegetable, informed the pedestrians and the shopkeepers of the city, offering vegetables and brochures with practical ideas and recipes. The local team of PAIDEIATROFI rewarded small grocers with puppet shows, interactive games and baskets filled with colourful vegetables.  In the municipality of Kifissia the inhabitants put on display the small vegetable dishes prepared by the children with the assistance of their parents. During a vegetable celebration day, the children had the chance to listen to tales where sweet peppers and green beans were put into the limelight and singing for the chickpea… In addition to the measures for children, the kinds of initiative suggested make it possible to reach a larger audience, through families, shopkeepers and passer-bys. This is thanks to measures put in place in public places on many occasions during the 6 months dedicated to vegetables. The same kinds of measures were made on the subject of fruits between January and July 2009. So, at the time of a measure dedicated to the promotion of fruits, 200 children were involved to create an event in the city, with the distribution of 30,000 posters and leaflets and the delivery of 500 fruits to participating children.

Useful link:

Useful contact:

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

b) Raising awareness in school canteens In Europe European Schools for Healthy Food: Slow food in the canteen Slow Food is an international association which works with the protection of food biodiversity and traditional knowledge to support food education and to stage demonstrations or projects aiming to bring producers and consumers closer.

“European Schools for Healthy Food” The project “European Schools for Healthy Food”, financed by the European Commission, was launched between May 2010 and April 2011 in a network of European schools. The main aim of the project is to promote healthy food amongst young people while providing schools and the whole network (family, school canteens and authorities in charge of educational policy) with information on good dietary habits.

Tools used  Sensory education kit “At the Origins of Taste” which is used to stimulate the senses and encourage young people to get to know food;  advice at schools to improve the quality and durability of their meal service;  A website making it possible to communicate and swap information;  Organization of a local network gathering all the people interested (teachers, producers, headteachers and parents). Useful link:

Measures in school canteens in Portugal Programa 100% The “100% Programmme” is a programme from Unilever Jeronimo Martins with the support of the Ministry of Education and the scientific support from the Platform against Obesity, in partnership with the Portugal Association of Professional Cooks (ACPP). The main aim of the program is to improve the school food in Portugal. The objective is to achieve a diet which is 100% healthy, 100% varied and 100% delicious.

What means are used? The cooks receive training to help them make healthy menus for pupils and to instil healthy eating habits into them. Thanks to the publicity material, the canteens are refurbished with modern furniture, aprons for the cooks, brochures and menus etc.

Useful link :

Useful contact :

L’AREFLH Les Bénéfices La Promotion :

Les Politiques Les initiatives: Promotion de la consommation - Programmes de sensibilisation

Measures in school canteens in Spain Extremadura: Food guide for canteens In 2003, as part of food in schools, the Department of Health and Consumption implemented a guide on food in schools with the objective to train staff that were in charge of school canteens on food and nutrition so that they can draw up healthy and balanced diets so as to ensure a suitable diet for children. This guide shows the bases of nutrition and specific needs for teenagers, in particular for the canteen staff and the current problems of childhood obesity. Several models of

balanced menus containing foods from each group were put forward.

Useful link : para+centros+escolares.pdf

Useful contact: Eulalio Ruiz Muñoz Département : Sanidad y Dependencia Direction General : Planificación, Ordenación y Coordinación Sanitarias Service : Coordinación Sanitaria Téléphone : 924 004195 E-mail :

Appendix: Trade shows

International Fruit World Cologne, 27th and 28th March 2012

1st International Conference "Eating at school" Barcelona, 29th May to 1st June 2012

XIV Congreso AECOC de Frutas y Hortalizas Valencia, 12th-13th June 2012

Deutscher Obst und Gemüse Kongress Düsseldorf, 21st-22nd June 2012

The Big Prune Show Agen, 31st August to 2nd September 2012. Cultural and gastonomic festival on prunes www.grandpruneaushow.f

8th International Conference of the Promotion of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Cali (Colombia), 27th-28th Septembre 2012 &idage=7376&vap=0

Eurofruit Lérida Lérida, 27th – 30th September 2012

Taste Fair from 26th to 29th October 2012 Turin, Italie,

MIFFEL 2012 Avignon, 23rd – 2th5 October 2012

Fruit Attraction 2012 Madrid, 24th – 26th October 2012

Interpoma Bolzano, 15th – 17th November 2012

Citrus congress 2012 Valencia, 18th – 23rd November 2012

French-language nutrition day 12th-14th December 2012 in Lyon

Fruit Logistica Berlin, 6th – 8th February 2013

Fruyver Zaragoza, 12th -15th February 2013

SIA (International Fair of Agriculture) Paris, 23rd February – 3rd March 2013

MEDFEL Euro-Méditerranean Fruit and Vegetable International Business Trade Fair Perpignan, 22nd-24th April 2013

This Regio’Com guide has been put together with the help of: Alice Armillei (Italy) Rocio Hornedo Moreno (Spain) Ariel Harreau (France) Digital and downloadable version of the guide:  les dossiers  promotion  Regiocom

Contact : Laetitia Forget AREFLH - Assemblée des Régions Européennes Fruitières, Légumières et Horticoles 37 avenue du Général de Larminat 33000 Bordeaux - France Tel: (+33) (0)5 56 48 88 48 –

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