News from ArgyllCollege UHI

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Lochgilphead Hair Show raises over £500 for charity Well over 100 people made the journey on 12th May to support and applaud the efforts of the Lochgilphead Centre hairdressing students at their annual Hair Show. The evening raised over £500 for locally based charity the ARMS Centre. The theme, planning and project management for the evening was very much in the hands of the SVQ3 students who had been working towards this evening for several months. The students had enlisted the help of the SVQ2 and Skills for Work students – many of whom were models on the evening – to complete the ‘Show Team’. Maria McKenzie, tutor, was delighted with the way the students had worked together from the initial concept and planning to the final delivery of the polished show, “they are a great team and I’m really proud of them. The way they were received by the local community is a testament to the amount of work they have all put into the evening. They have really raised the College’s profile”. There were many highlights during the evening – the ‘peacock hair’, the Extreme Magic dance troupe and not forgetting Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley! The students were unanimous in their desire that the money raised during the evening – over £500 – should be given

to the ARMS Centre (Action and Research on Multiple Sclerosis) who help local people suffering from the debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis.

Outstanding Achievement awards for three Rothesay students. On 17th June, Rothesay students Holly

The awards were presented on behalf

Colhoun, Leanne Chisholm and Alana of Argyll College and Nadia’s Hair and Graham were each presented with an Beauty Salon – where the girls attended outstanding



to for their course. Well Done.

recognise both their commitment and efforts in completing Skills for Work Hairdressing




No matter what, the show must go on...

... and it did and on time!

The Corran Hall was booked, a full sound Five SVQ3 students successfully created system was in place, the catwalk was built

three models each, despite the conditions.

and the canapés ordered.

A further two SVQ3 students, twenty-one

Argyll College Oban Centre’s SVQ3 Hairdressing students had spent several months

SVQ2 students and two Skills for Work students also produced models.

planning the evening down to the very last

The students received great support from


five local salons – Rutherfords, The Ark, The

However, the arrival on 23rd May of one of the worst spring storms for many years tested their resilience and planning abilities in the extreme.

aged to develop styles for the Show against the odds. The Show – whilst a triumph of crisis man-

Atrocious weather conditions meant that many students and guests were unable to make the journey to Oban.

Studio, Trinity and Reflections – who all man-


blackouts made the Corran Hall unavailable and students and local salons preparing models were left with no power.

agement – was a great success. The efforts of all the models and stylists were much applauded as were Michelle Petrie’s sixties songs.

One other particularly memorable

highlight was the transformation of Argyll College UHI’s SITS Administrator into an unforgettable Barbarella!

But, at the Oban Centre at 7.00pm - in front of around 40 guests and using a hand-held sound system - the show began on time!

Best Workplaces Award for Argyll College UHI - Update The UK’s Best Workplaces Awards 2011

Argyll College UHI is proud to have been

winners were recently announced in London.

awarded 16th place in the Best Small

The Awards this year attracted over 5,500 Workplaces United Kingdom 2011 rankings. entries from companies and organisations worldwide. For further information: Michael Breslin, Director, Argyll College UHI 01631 559 755

Compere David Brody introduces Suzie Thomson, designer of Eilidh’s avante garde style.

Charlotte Gilbert models fashion from the 90s’

Campbeltown Grammar

Care and Make up students

School was the venue on 5th

and they enlisted the help of

May for the Argyll College

both the SVQ Hairdressing

UHI Campbeltown Beauty and

students and the Skills for

Hairdressing students spring

Work students – many of

fashion show.

whom were models on the

The show was originally the brainchild of the NC Beauty

night – to create and produce an extremely imaginative and visual show.

Fashion Throu

The models line up to display the differen

A futuristic Geisha look modelled by Siobhan Williams

David Brody with Carly MacIndeor and Mahri MacKillop

Annette McQuade - Beauty

Awards were made prior to

on the evening by Steps

Care Tutor - was thrilled with

the event for technical skills.

Dance Troupe and a

the way both the preparations

On the evening Karen Willets

staggering £570 was raised

and the evening had gone

was rewarded with first place

for local charities.

“the students really mucked

in the ‘imagination and effort’

in at every stage, it was real

category for her ‘ensemble in

teamwork and has given the


whole course a little extra sparkle”.

The students were supported

ugh the Decades

nt eras.

Argyll College UHI Student Secures Place in Wella Xposure National Finals in London Following a regional heat held at South La-

At the final in London on 9th June, Aiden will

narkshire College in March, local hairdress-

have just one hour to recreate his design

ing student Aiden MacLaren has been cho-

and impress the judges for the last time.

sen as one of 20 national finalists who will compete in London on 9th June for the Wella Xposure 2011 title.

Wella Xposure judge and Francesco Group’s Head of Hairdressing Anya Dellicompagni has said of the competition “I believe that

The competition - now in its second year -

encouraging young people to showcase their

attracted over 700 entries nationwide and is

skills at this age will ultimately help instil the

designed to showcase the develop-

passion and mo-

ing skills of young hairdressing stu-


dents throughout the United King-

they will need to



Following an initial photographic entry, Aiden was chosen as one of the Scotland and North of England region finalists. Along with his




potential in the competitive hairdressing



model Gemma Hegarty he cre-

Aiden’s fellow stu-

ated his design live for the judg-

dents at Argyll Col-

es at the regional heat. Aiden



most challenging part of the competition was not coming up with the design but




boards which build a scene and setting around the de-

lege UHI are right behind him and have been putting much effort into fund raising to help with the costs of Aiden’s trip to the final.

sign for the judges”. When

On 26th April the

asked how he felt about

students held a Fun

the finals and if he was ner-

Day at the Oban

vous, he said “a little, but




very excited – I just want




to be there”.

Aiden’s ‘Finals Fund’.

First Minister at Oban Campus “..I am delighted to learn that Argyll College is already looking at introducing courses to meet new skill expectations ” Alex Salmond


n Tuesday 26th April, Argyll College

understand and cater for the needs of such

UHI Oban played host to Scotland’s

a fast-growing industry.”

First Minister Alex Salmond.

Michael Breslin, Argyll College UHI Director,

The First Minister made it clear he was very

confirmed that the College is investigating

supportive of the work Argyll College UHI is

a number of options which could see

doing in developing new courses and skill

engineering disciplines added to our list of

areas to benefit the students of Argyll and

courses. “The majority of jobs, particularly

the Islands in 2011 and beyond.

in the offshore wind sector, will come about

Whilst discussing the impact renewable energy schemes will have on Scotland in the next 10 years, Mr Salmond said “Every

in the long-term but we want to make sure that we have the skills here in Argyll”, he said.

area of Scotland will benefit from this


energy revolution but Argyll particularly has

campus meeting many members of staff

an opportunity to benefit economically.


and students, confided to several of our

am delighted to learn that Argyll College is

hairdressing students that he found a visit

already looking at introducing courses to

to the hair salon an enjoyable experience as

meet new skill expectations and I think it

it offered a relaxing environment.

is vital that the area’s education providers






Argyll College UHI Reaches The Final of Scotland’s Best Workplaces Awards 2011


t’s official: Argyll College UHI is one

“Trust the people they work for, have pride

of the best places to work in Scotland.

in what they do, and enjoy the people they

The announcement was made at the first work with”. ever Scotland’s Best Workplaces Awards in Glasgow on 31st March.

Crucially, two thirds of the score which secures






Argyll College UHI – your local college – Workplaces Awards list relies on the had already been included as one of the employee survey, ensuring that success 25 finalists chosen from a large number of

is based firmly on the voice of those who

Scottish companies, both large and small.

work at the coalface.

The shortlist was based on employee surveys and independent assessment of company management practices by the internationally renowned Great Place to Work Institute, the organisers of Scotland’s Best Workplaces Awards. Argyll College UHI took 11th place overall.

A delighted Michael Breslin, Director, Argyll College UHI commented: “I’m incredibly proud that Argyll College UHI has received this accolade. 2011 has already been an exciting year for us, and to know that my colleagues throughout Argyll College UHI feel so positive about the college and our

The Institute describes a great place to work future, puts us on a stronger than ever as an organisation where the employees:

footing for the rest of the year and beyond.”



t the end of April, Argyll College UHI

The idea which secured Rasa a place in the


finals has at its heart good coffee, great




stepped confidently into the Dragon’s Den conversation and accessible surfing. The at Lews Castle College.

Rasa, an HNC

proposal was designed and developed with

Business student, had been chosen as

the specific wants and needs of her local

one of seven finalists in the Lews Castle

Islay community very much in mind.

Dragon’s Den Business Ideas competition. She presented her business proposal, via

Rasa is now awaiting the Dragon’s verdict.

a video conferencing link, to a panel of the best Lews Castle Dragons.

COMIC RELIEF NEWS FLASH Our SVQ Hairdressing and Skills for Work 3 mile walk, raising around £290, whilst Hairdressing students on Islay raised

the Skills for Work students organised a

over £390 for Comic Relief with a ‘Glam street collection along the route adding a Walk’. The SVQ students undertook the

further £100 to the total.

Did you know you can get up to £200 a year towards the cost of learning something new? The Scottish Government has put in place

The money is not a loan – so you will not

a scheme - ILA Scotland – to help students

have to pay any of it back.

with the costs involved in either learning a new skill or in developing their existing skills.

Over the next month, Argyll College UHI will be holding an ILA Information week across its local campuses.

College staff

If you are over 16, living in Scotland and will be on hand to explain exactly how the have an income of less than £22,000 scheme works, advise which courses are per annum, or are in receipt of benefits, right for you and to guide you through the then you can receive up to £200 a year application process. Please contact your towards a wide range of courses available local campus for further details about their throughout Scotland.

ILA Information Week.

Once in place, your Individual Learning Don’t miss out. Account (ILA) is available for you to use throughout the following 12 months to undertake as many further education courses as you choose up to the value of £200.

“ We a r e making people laugh with our music v i d e o s .” Argyll College UHI students have once again The students have many more projects in been showcasing their media talents – with

the pipeline. You can check them out on the

six radio shows and an award winning film to

links below.

their name they have now made an exciting and eye -catching foray into the world of animations.

The students – many of whom are members of the Isle of Bute based Phoenix Centre – really seem to have hit the right mark with this latest enterprise. The steadily growing number of hits on their website is helping to bring their talents to an ever increasing audience.

Nicola Jones a tutor with Argyll College UHI was pleased to report: ‘Since the Animations went online a month ago, we have had hundreds of hits and lots of interest in what we are doing. We are making people laugh with our music videos.”

Also check out what’s going on at Rothesay Campus

Historic Day For Argyll College UHI as University Of The Highlands And Islands Becomes Scotland’s Newest University


February was a historic day for Argyll College UHI as UHI Millennium

Argyll College UHI has centres scattered through Argyll and has been offering

Institute became the University of the

further and higher education in one of

Highlands and Islands (UHI).

the most geographically fragmented areas of Scotland since late 1999.

Following confirmation from the Privy Council, the milestone was marked by celebrations hosted jointly by the Scottish Association for Marine Science

“Providing students

(SAMS) UHI and Argyll College UHI.

with local access to

On the day Michael Breslin the director

education is at the

of Argyll College UHI said: “Argyll College UHI is delighted with today’s announcement that UHI is now the University of the Highlands and Islands. As one of the university’s academic partners, we have helped to create a university for the area but we also remain a college where further education is the mainstream of our business. Being part of the new university allows our students to study at all levels in further and higher education, up to post graduate level. Providing students with local access to education is at the heart of what we do and recognition that we’re part of this new university gives us even more reason to be proud of what we’ve achieved here in Argyll and the Islands.”

heart of what we do” - Michael Breslin UHI comprises thirteen colleges, specialist institutions and research centres spread across the Highlands and Islands of Scotland; an area twice the size of Wales. It uses information technologies to link together students and staff to bring access to higher education to dispersed communities. The achievement of university title by UHI is the realisation of a long-time ambition for the region to have its own university to support economic development and to help sustain rural and island communities.

“The achievement of title and the University of the Highlands and Islands

Pink, white and blue pyjamas for Red Nose Day

is wonderful news. This is the fulfilment of a long held vision. Social justice and economic prosperity have always been our aspiration in creating Argyll College UHI as an academic partner of UHI. We are delighted with the news.” said Wilma Campbell, Chair of Argyll College.

Chris Talbot, Argyll College UHI student and UHI Student Association Vice President said: “There is a certain amount of kudos in graduating from the new university. Overall this will help the Islands regionally, and after an initial period of time will help centres of excellence to win funding from the government which in turn aids employment.”

Childcare Studies students at Argyll College UHI Dunoon held a 2 day pyjama party last week to help raise funds for Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day appeal 2011. Alex Davies, Childcare Tutor at Argyll College UHI Dunoon commented: “The students made the decision to support Red Nose Day themselves. The planning, promotional ideas and successful fund raising was entirely down

Student representative, Hannah Poulton is

to them. We had a great two days.”

a seventeen year old degree student from Bunessan on the Isle of Mull. Currently

Thanks should also go to the Skills for

studying BA History and Politics Hannah

Work students from Dunoon Grammar

said “Argyll College UHI has been fantastic

School who joined in enthusiastically while

and the course fits in with my personal

attending Argyll College UHI Dunoon last

life. There’s not many jobs on Mull and


the few jobs that are available don’t have a big career progression. It’s important

In excess of £ 115 was raised for Comic

to get young people to stay on the island.

Relief and the many projects it actively

Knowing about your own culture and

supports both at home and abroad. A

history is important which is harder to

great effort from our students and staff –

do from a distance. University status

thank you.

will encourage more students to stay and study with the prospect of employment.”

Martin G Stephenson Gives Students “Breath Of Life”


artin the

Stephenson, Daintees,










Rothesay Learning Centre to pass on

day workshop for Argyll College UHI

some of his skills and experience from

in December.

more than twenty-five years of touring

Funded by prize money

from the Good Practice in Adult Learning

and writing music.

Awards, all the students involved in the Bute Multi-Media Project were invited to

The result of the day was a song written

take part.

by the students (with a little help from Martin) titled “Breath of Life”. The song was recorded and mastered by college staff and made it’s debut on Bute FM 96.5, Christmas Day 2010. The track was received well by listeners.

Martin said “This has been an amazing experience, it’s been a learning curve for everybody, I’ve learned a lot from the students as well as them learning from me. It’s amazing how everybody works Above: Martin gives advice on writing verses.

together for the common goal, the team have done great things here.”

“Breath of Life” is still being given air time on Bute FM.

Left: Diane, Christine, Anne & Tommy, put their imagination to the test.

Above: all smiles, taken after final recording. Left: Martin gets everyone singing. Below: Peter takes ideas from his group.

Click here for more Martin G Stephenson

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