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Introduction Omnify is a creative studio that designs and develops digital goods such as HTML themes and resume templates for purchase.


Major Studio Project

Ariel Beninca


Semester One 2016



Omnify: to make universal

Products Elixir is an HTML theme that

gaining more followings. As

in terms of customization and

integrates users Behance into

a HTML theme, this makes it

greatly depreciates the site

their website. Elixir means a

easy for the user to design and

load time. The majority of the

magical or medicinal potion and

customize the site to however

target market would have basic

I thought this suited the theme

they please, they only need

knowledge of HTML & CSS to be

well as it contains a combination

basic knowledge of HTML & CSS

able to change images and text

of elements with the integration

or they can even drag it into

to suit them as well as remove

of the Behance portfolio, other


sections they don’t need. In

social feeds, and multiple


addition, a range of tutorial

design options. Benefits of

As Behance becomes the

videos will be created to show

using Behance for your website

content management system for

the user how to customize their

include saving time, less effort,

the website, I decided there was

theme. Elixir will be sold on

always up to date portfolio and

no need for it to be a WordPress

Themeforest including all styles

it further promotes your Behance

theme. WordPress limits users

in a bundle.

Product Name

P r o d u c t Ty p e


Html theme with

Number of styles




A ge n c y

F r e e l a nce r

Cha n ge i n g ty pewiter text

Ab o u t & Re su m e D o wn lo ad

Wh at y o u d o

Style One Portfolio Template

C o n t ac t in f o r m at io n

In st r agra m F e e d

Abo ut

Pa r a l l a x Head er effect

Serv ice s

D e sig n q uo te s fr o m tw i tte r fe e d

Cl i e nts

Style Two Agency Template

In st agr am Fee d T h e Te am

Co nta ct S e cti o n

What I d o


Style Three Freelancer Template

C o n t ac t in f o r m at io n

In st agr am Fee d

Ide a s & research

D e sign o f we b sit e

D e v e lo p me nt o f

La ndi ng p a g e de s i g n &

t e m p lat e s in P h o t o sh o p

t e m p l a te s

de v e l o p m e nt

The Process

Doc umentation

Tu t o r ial V id e o

T h e m e f o r es t g r a p h i cs

P r o duct l a unch

(p ac k a g i ng )


Landing Page For themes with multiple style options, a landing page is needed so the user can choose which one to preview. The interface design makes it easier for the users to see the different styles in order to make their selection.



Documentation The theme documentation contains information and instructions about how to use the template. This is included when the user downloads the files after purchasing the theme. It is a html file that the user opens in their browser as a website. I have designed it to be easy to navigate and communicate easy to the user.



Themeforest Graphics These graphics are designed to market the theme on theme forest and communicate the features of the theme to potential buyers.


Products For those who just want a sexy website, Imbue is the template for you. It offers a unique full page parallax feature with a clean, simple and easy to navigate design. To update the portfolio items the user only has to replace images so it is pretty easy to maintain. The template will be sold on Themeforest in one style with the possible expansion of other features in the future.


Product Name

P r o d u c t Ty p e

Number of styles


Responsive HTML portfolio template


Abo ut s e cti o ns w i th S k i l l s

Each portfolio I tem is a full screen slid e sh o w

Ea ch s e ction is 100% s c r e e n he i ght and can b e na vi ga t e d with arrow key s.

C o n t ac t Se c t io n


Themeforest Graphics These graphics are designed to market the theme on theme forest and communicate the features of the theme to potential buyers.


Products This A4 resume template perfect for any passionate developer wanting to display their skills in a creative way. To non developers, code can look scary, though this resume communicates the message to anyone (who can read English). This is not your average CSS, it’s laid out using sass which communicates the content better + all good web developers use sass. The template comes in both light and dark as well as features fully layered PSD and AI files.


Product Name

P r o d u c t Ty p e

Number of styles


R e s u m e Te m p l a t e

Tw o


Creative Market Product Page

This is the product listing page on creative market that serves to provide information and previews to potential buyers.


Products This is a simple minimal resume template ideal for creatives but can be adapted for pretty much anyone. It features a unique time-line of work experience and education which communicates in a visually appealing way. The product will be available on creative market in both AI and PSD formats.


Product Name

P r o d u c t Ty p e

Number of styles

M i n i m a l R e s u m e Te p l a t e

R e s u m e Te m p l a t e



Creative Market Product Page

This is the product listing page on creative market that serves to provide information and previews to potential buyers.


Photography I took the photos to use as images for my websites so I am able to include them as apart of the commercial product without copy-write issues.


Photo shoot 1

Photo-shoot 2

Brisbane City

Phillip Rudnev

P h o t o g r a p h y b y A r i e l B e n i n c a . G r i f f i t h p h o t o g r a p h y s t u d i o w i t h P h i l l i p R u d n e v. 2 0 1 5 .

G r i f f i t h p h o t o g r a p h y s t u d i o w i t h P h i l l i p R u d n e v. 2 0 1 5 .

G r i f f i t h p h o t o g r a p h y s t u d i o w i t h P h i l l i p R u d n e v. 2 0 1 5 .

Brisbane Art Gallery 2015.

Brisbane city 2015.

The Brand Omnify: to make universal A creative studio that designs & developers website templates & digital goods for purchase.


Brand Name

We b s i t e

Number of Products




Bussiness Cards

The front features a blind impressed logo onto 600gsm white card. I felt only the website is needed for this particular brand as it contains the contact information and social media links.






Email signature


Social Media


Social Media

Instagram: omnifycreative


The Website


Interior fit-out


As my products are digital, I am unable to design the shop fittings for them. What I have designed is the creative studio of which the products are designed and developed for Omnify. The studio features office spaces with room to expand in a creative environment. Studio facilities include a meeting room, entertainment area, bathroom, kitchen, gym, games, pool, carpark, and a photo studio. I have also included a guest bedroom on the bottom floor. My own house would be on the second level of the complex.




Omnify and WWF are joining forces during the month of May to raise awareness and money for deforestation and its effects We encourage people to use digital resumes and portfolios instead of printed ones in this growing age of technology where deforestation is a major issue.


Assesment Item

C a m p a i g n To p i c

Campaign Elements






We b s i t e p o p u p When the user scrolls to the bottom of the website ( a pop up is triggerd with the following page to prompt the user to read more which takes them to a seprate page which opens in a new tab as to not distract the user from the website itself.




We b Pa g e The web page is designed to educate the user in a simple, easy to communicate way. As you scroll down you can read more facts about deforestation in simple dot points to break it up.


Cause-related Marketing

Instagram Post


Cause-related Marketing

Facebook Post




Google Adwords Advances in Internet technology have evolved the business world in a number of ways, including taking advertising techniques to a new level. Advertising online throughs google Adwords allow us to targets users based off search history meaning we are more likely to generate sales from it. We will also advertise on design blogs and web design awards site to focus on our target market.




Email Marketing Users can sign up to a mailing list via our website with an incentive. An email will be sent out informing subscribers of the campaign.



Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.