MSP Pitch

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Product Pitch

Major Studio Project

Ariel Beninca

We e k 2

Semester One 2016


Product Pitch

A range of digital products.

Idea 1

Html template that brings in your live Behance portfolio so it’s always up to date and easy to manage. (3 Styles in one packaged product) + Resume templates. (2 separate products) + Responsive full page parallax HTML portfolio template. (1)


Ta r g e t M a r k e t

Products for purchase

Design variations




I have found that designers are too lazy to make and maintain their portfolios so I thought of developing a range of HTML themes that brings in their live Behance portfolios. Behance becomes the websites CMS to manage portfolio items. It includes 3 different designs...

- Portfolio - Agency - Freelancer

The theme pulls in your Behance portfolio so it’s always up to date and easy to maintain. Posting a project to Behance will automatically post it to your website.

* Please note I could not just do 6 styles of elixir because it would take way too long with development time and I also want to sell other digital products that relate to it.

A sexy responsive HTML full page parallax portfolio template. I have not seen a theme design portfolio concept like it before on Themeforest so the design is a unique addition.

Developers Resume Using Sass A resume perfect for any passionate developer wanting to display their s k i l l s i n a c r e a t i v e w a y. T h i s i s n o t y o u r a v e r a g e c s s , i t ’s l a i d o u t u s i n g s a s s which communicates the content easier + all good web developers use sass so it shows off skill. The product comes in light & dark variations.

M i n i m a l R e s u m e Te m p l a t e A minimal resume template with unique design features to be sold on creative market.

Print on demand products. (Corny Puns)

Idea 2

A range of T-shirts and accessories featuring cute illustrations of food with corny puns.


Ta r g e t M a r k e t

P r o d u c t s Ty p e

I d e a Ty p e

People who like corny puns and cute food.

Print on demand


An illustration I did in 2014 showing the concept for the product range,

An eco brand

Idea 3

Cloth bags and T- Shirts featuring forest prints made out of recycled materials.


Ta r g e t M a r k e t

P r o d u c t Ty p e

I d e a Ty p e

Stylish people who care about the planet.

Print on demand



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