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Vito Fusco


June 20, 1980, I live in Positano. I approached photography due to the "fault" of my partner, who was interested in visual and plastic arts. It was simply a game, but a very pleasant and congenial one. I grew fond of the medium and fell in love with the idea of ​​being able to express myself, of being able to leave a message. The key moment is the meeting with one of the Norwegian masters of photography: Morten Krogvold and his life partner Tarand. They were old data customers of the restaurant where I worked. For two weeks Morten played the role of "Pablo Neruda" in the film with Massimo Troisi: "il Postino". Two weeks in which he took me by the hand and enchanted me with his lessons on color and shape, talking about Kandinsky, light and composition. Shortly thereafter, I gave up my job at the restaurant and threw myself fully into training by following seminars and workshops to dedicate myself to "writing with light". After a few years I created Arkimedia Lab with Antonio Casola (Web Designer), an agency that deals with visual communication. Keep reading on:
