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PUBLICATIONS 2009 LE CORBUSIER’S VILLA SHODHAN In the 1950’s Le Corbusier designed a number of buildings in India. Villa Shodhan - the last building that he constructed – is built in 1957 in Ahmedabad, Gujarath. As a privately owned home it has been protected from fame and only few have been granted access to this fantastic house, the last villa to be designed by Le Corbusier. The book is written by the Indian architect Manisha Shodan Basu, who is related to the inhabitants of the villa. The book is a thorough examination of the large and complicated building in which Corbusier makes use of all his experience with house

and building, at the same time adjusting them to the local conditions like climate, building tradition and family relations. Manisha Shodhan Basu 118 pages, 24,50 x 29 cm Softcover, illustrated ISBN 9788787136785 English edition The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers Price: 280 DKK excl. VAT

SUSTAINABLE COMPACT CITY Our cities grow and spread loosely and incoherently out into the landscapes. The EU Commission is therefore looking for models for a more concentrated and sustainable urban development. On this background, the Centre for Strategic Urban Research and Realdaina Research have carried out a development project on sustainable, compact buildings in Denmark. ‘Sustainable Compact City’ is a result of this project. The book illustrates how, on the one hand, it is possible to gain environmental advantages by compact, dense and mixed building with low resource consumption and high floor space ratio, and on the other to satisfy the demands for modern housing and office building to have good daylight conditions, a desirable location and access to good recreational areas. The concept of ’compact city’ is illustrated through model studies of building types with high floor space ratios, and casestudie proposals designed for specific areas in the Northern Harbour of Copenhagen and in Kolding. In addition to spatial and urban qualities, wind, light and energy conditions are studied in the compact buildings.

The book nudges customary ideas about density and provides material for a discussion of how to build. Poul Bæk Pedersen a.o. 144 pages, 22 x 27,50 cm Softcover, richly illustrated ISBN 9788790979232 (Danish/English edition) Aarhus School of Architecture Price: 152 DKK excl. VAT

P.V. JENSEN-KLINT – The Headstrong Master Builder The book tells the story of P.V. Jensen-Klint and his importance as an architect and role model. The book is the first survey of his very personal architectural output, as well as a thorough examination of the Grundtvig Church, admired the world over for its formidable use of brick. As an architect, pioneer, innovator, and avid critic, P.V. Jensen-Klint proved of major significance for the evolution of Danish architecture and design.

Thomas Bo Jensen 456 pages + index, 800 illustrations 26 X 30 cm, hard back ISBN 9788787136754 (English edition) ISBN 9788787136747 (Danish edition) The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers, 2009 Price: 448 DKK excl. VAT

PORTRAIT: DORTE MANDRUP ARKITEKTER Dorte Mandrup’s first works marked a minor shift in Danish architecture from stern NeoModernism toward a more open artistic approach to the individual assignment. Today, Dorte Mandrup has achieved international recognition, and with an impressive list of finished works she has earned her place among the very finest architects in Denmark. The book presents her latest works through text, drawings and photographs in combination with articles by writers from Denmark and abroad.

Merete Ahnfeldt-Mollerup, Synne Rifbjerg, Martin Keiding a.o. 64 pages, 23 x 31 cm Soft cover, illustrated ISBN 9788774073666 The Danish Architectural Press, 2009 Price: 160 DKK excl. VAT

THE CITY OF THE HUNTER The City of the Hunter deals with urban systems and urban architecture in Original Societies, i.e. societies that conceptually antedate but historically are behind the agrarian class societies. The book is volume 4 in the collection “An Outline of the History of Urban Development”. The other volumes are “The City of the Divine King (vol. 1), The City of the Landowner (vol. 2), The City of the Merchant (vol. 3). The books are addressed to architects, city planners and those interested in historical and urban issues.

Finn Barnow 4 volumes, hardback, illustrated ISBN 9788787136983 Danish box set ISBN 9788787136990 English box set The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers, 2009 Price: 600 DKK excl. VAT

THE BIG LAB About Bjarke Ingels Group – one of this decade’s most innovative Danish architectural offices. The book is lavishly illustrated with drawings and construction site photographs. The main emphasis of the book is on the studio lab where the ideas are developed, the models are constructed, and geometrically sophisticated drawings see the light of the day. Danish and English edition.

Boris Brorman Jensen, Jens Thomas Arnfred and Martin Keiding a.o. 68 pages, 22.8 x 30.8 cm Soft cover, illustrated ISBN 9788774073352 The Danish Architectural Press, 2009 Price: 160 DKK excl. VAT

CARTHOGRAPHY MORPHOLOGY TOPOLOGY In 2004 a Summer School was established on the Greek island Hydra by architect Cort Ross Dinesen, lecturer at the Institute of Building Culture, the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and architect Claus Peder Pedersen, lecturer at Aarhus School of Architecture. It was to be the basis of research-based morphological and topological studies, which have since taken place for 4 weeks a year. Starting with Hydra’s topography different ways of considering topology were developed. The work was approached from a new angle every year through a series of associated questions, resulting in an extensive body of drawings describing the various discourses raised. The drawings were developed in cooperation with architecture students and this work has subsequently been followed up with a number of articles unfolding and reflecting on this research.

mirjam gelferjørgensen



Cort Ross Dinesen and Claus Peder Pedersen 279 pages, 25 X 34 cm, soft cover Danish – English edition ISBN 978 87 87136 89 1 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers, 2010 Price: 278.40 DKK excl. VAT

FURNITURE WITH MEANING – Danish Furniture 1840-1920

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The book follows the chronology of this development and the texts leading up to each Hydra Summer School reflect the questions processed through the drawings. The index consists of subjects about “Places – Densifications – Components / Inserts Places”, “Components – Plastic Modules”, “Constructions – Modulations and Articulations”, “Movements – Modulations and Currents” and “Topologies – Plasticity and Movement”.

mirjam gelfer-jørgensen

furniture with meaning Danish Furniture 1840–1920 VOLUME II

the danish architectura architectural press

the danish architectural press

The book describes the development of cabinetmaking and its importance for the Danish furniture design as well as the international and modern perspective that characterized the period leading up to the 1920s with their functionalism and more puritanical outlook. It tells the story of a previously neglected section of our common cultural history, which had a powerful impact on the entire 20th century. Therefore the book also draws lines to current home design and furniture. The book is written and structured as a reference book and contains more than 700 illustra-

tions, including new photograps, a wealth of beautiful drawings and informative captions. Easy to read. Mirjam Gelfer-Jørgensen 2 volumes, 808 pages, 24 x 31 cm, richly illustrated ISBN 9788774074007 English edition ISBN 9788774073864 Danish edition The Danish Architectural Press, 2009 Price: 756 DKK excl. VAT

CHAIRS’ TECTONIC Danish furniture design reflects a culture that lives on largely in unspoken knowledge. A considerable portion of the architect’s specialized expertise that has become embedded in the art of furniture design has not been systematically organized or written down but has rather been handed down from master to apprentice through this specialized area’s extraordinary culture of “crafts apprenticeship.” This book is aimed at making some portion of the concepts and insights that have been bearing notions for modern furniture design come alive and is simultaneously aimed at making them more comprehensible and accessible and bringing them up to date, with an eye toward sharpening future design competence within the profession.

The present publication want to contribute to a more delicately nuanced understanding of the complex of artistic problems which has preoccupied, has been formulated and has been handled by several of the creators of the twentieth century’s impressive international furniture successes. Nicolai de Gier and Stine Liv Buur 105 pages, 22 x 26 cm Soft cover, richly illustrated ISBN: 978-87-87136-90-7 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers, 2010 Price: 199 DKK excl. VAT

APPROACH THE COAST Our coasts are a pivotal issue in the climate debate. Increased water level means major physical changes. Approach the Coast unfolds a wide range of approaches to the coast. From architectural proposals to developing specific localities in both Denmark and Europe into conceptual contributions that more abstractly circle around the coast as concept and metaphor. Approach the Coast gives a multifarious and varied picture of the coast as phenomenon, as specific locality, and as architectural potential. This is done through student projects, methodological and educational presentations and research-related texts and projects. The localities include Blokhus, the Tønder Marsh, Mandø, the Harbour of Copenhagen, Dover, and Rügen – each with its distinctive geographical and topological features.

The book is the result of a combined research and educational course at the Department of Architecture, Aarhus School of Architecture. Claudia Carbone, Anne Elisabeth Toft, Claus Peder Pedersen and Hans Feldthusen. 160 pages, softcover, richly illustrated ISBN: 9788790979249 Danis/English ed. Aarhus School of Architecture, 2009 Price: 176 DKK excl. VAT

Pasteursvej 14, 4. Tv. • DK 1778 København V • Tel. +45 32 83 69 70 • Fax +45 32 83 69 41 • VAT-No DK 55 75 75 18 • eksp@arkfo.dk • www.arkfo.dk

Pasteursvej 14, 4. Tv. • DK 1778 København V • Tel. +45 32 83 69 70 • Fax +45 32 83 69 41 • VAT-No DK 55 75 75 18 • eksp@arkfo.dk • www.arkfo.dk

PUBLICATIONS 2010 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture Publishers

A New Nature

A NEW NATURE - 9 architectural conditions between liquid and solid


»Many would, in looking at this dense world of objects they see around them, see a new ‘nature’, which is just as irrational, incomprehensible and ruthless as the original nature.« Willy Ørskov The preliminary condition for this work is a world where architecture manifests itself in disperse organizations rather than as representations of a common order. The city and the cultural landscape are degrees of order, brought forth by the interference of countless different systems. The book documents and comments on the construction of the nine architectural conditi-

ons between the fluid and the firm, which will subsequently be developed into chains and narratives transpiring within the Composite world. Anders Abraham 578 pages, more than 400 illustrations Softcover ISBN: 9788787136884 English edition The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers, 2010 Price: 400 DKK excl. VAT

EUROPAN 10 EUROPAN 10 presents the Danish results from the world’s biggest architectural competitions for young architects under 40. Five Danish towns and cities have provided assignments and sites for architects from all over the world, and the publication presents the many entries that received awards from the international jury. Each town or city is introduced, and the assignments are described in detail: Rudkøbing, Kolding, Århus, Copenhagen and Augustenborg all have areas that are awaiting innovative houses and buildings to help revitalise the individual locations and our way of living. All the awardwinning proposals are described in text and illustrations, and the architects behind the visions for a new architecture are presented. EUROPAN is a joint European competition involving 20 countries. This is the 10th time that the Europan competition has been held, and the book also contains a number of articles about the European architect’s future role and work areas. The Danish Architecture Centre, DAC, acts as the secretariat for Europan Denmark on behalf of the Danish Ministry of Culture, which

funds the Danish participation. The competition is handled by Architects’ Association of Denmark. To mark the occasion of the tenth anniversary, the Danish minister of culture, Mr. Per Stig Møller, has written the preface to the book. The publication has received financial support from the Danish Arts Foundation. Editors: Martin Keiding and Danielle Jørgensen Articles by: Danielle Jørgensen, Carlos Arroyo and Jens Kvorning and introduction by Helle Juul and Jan Christiansen. 104 pages, 22,8 x 30,8 cm Paperback, illustrated The Danish Architectural Press in cooperation with DAC, 2010 ISBN 978-87-7407-405-2 Danish and English edition Price: 158 DKK excl. VAT Sale: 79 DKK excl. VAT

THE ARCHITECT FINN JUHL Finn Juhl was one of Denmark’s most original furniture designers. At the triennials in Milan in the 1950s he received no fewer than five gold medals, and it was also during this era that he won world renown for his furniture. As an interior designer, Finn Juhl achieved international acclaim with his interior designs for the UN Headquarter in New York, and as an exhibition architect he created the big exhibitions of Danish craft and design abroad that helped establish the concept of “Danish Design”. This classic book on Finn Juhl was authored by writer Esbjørn Hiort, who was a close personal friend of Finn Juhl’s. Thus, the book draws a well-rounded portrait of this furniture

designer, who was one of the leading figures behind the development of the concept of Danish Design. The book is published in both a Danish and an English edition. It was originally published in 1990. THE ARCHITECT FINN JUHL, Reprint Author: Esbjørn Hjort among others 144 pages, 24,5 X 30,50 cm, hardback, illustrated ISBN 9788774074045 English edition ISBN 9788774074038 Danish edition The Danish Architectural Press, 2010 Price: 183 DKK excl. VAT

NEW SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSES – New Nordic The book presents and comments on a selection of new Nordic single-family houses including custom-built homes, pre-fab houses and examples of existing homes that have been renovated and expanded. The main emphasis is on Danish examples, but Nordic architecture is characterised by many common features, including the desire to adapt houses to match the landscape and surroundings, which makes comparisons inspiring and relevant. Our approach to constructing single-family houses springs from a long-standing tradition and a unique culture. The book presents several historical examples of this, including recently renovated and listed bungalows from the 1950s and 1960s as

well as detached houses from the same period designed by the leading architects of the time. More recent examples include houses designed by Tham & Videgård, Cornelius & Wöge, Mads Møller, Martina Eriksson, Valbæk Brørup, Merete Lind Mikkelsen and others. Editor Martin Keiding 120 pages, 22,7 x 24,5 cm soft cover, illustrations in colour ISBN 9788774073246 English/Danish language edition) The Danish Architectural Press Price: 236 DKK excl. VAT


Centre for Industrialised Architecture

The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture



The book ”Three Ways of Assembling a House” is based on the research project: “Architectural Quality, User Requirements and Mass Customisation in Industrial Building Systems”. The research was carried out by CINARK – Centre for Industrialised Architecture at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen. The book takes a look at the implementation of industrialised building systems in the scandinavian building practice of today - a field which is still in development and therefore in need of an architectonic discussion of what course it should take. The Scandinavian construction industry is characterised by high quality craftsmanship, but also by an array of highly industrialised, but not always coordinated, building systems. This book aims to shed some light on these

systems and their underlying concepts. By looking at both the systems themselves, the way they are produced and the business models behind them, the systems and concepts are assessed in their broader organisational context and not just as physical manifestations of their design intentions. The book aims to inspire the development of new industrialised solutions that go hand in hand with architectural ingenuity. Anne Beim, Jesper Nielsen and Kasper Sánchez Vibæk 168 pages, 21 x 26 cm, Soft cover, illustrated ISBN: 9788787136969 English edition The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers, 2010 Price: 200 DKK excl. VAT

URBAN PROSPECTS Professor Erik Christian Sørensen has been working on URBAN PROSPECTS for the last 4 years. The book contains 10 essays, which analyze towns and urban elements written with the author’s personal angle. All of them have significant meaning for the articulation of architecture. In ”Poetik til bygningskunst” (Poetics in Architecture) Erik Christian Sørensen experimented with a specific way of writing, where every single sentence becomes a strong and condensed statement about the elements in architecture. In URBAN PROSPECTS he has refined this way of writing. Every sentence is very tightly phrased and you can expect these statements to be as frequently quoted as was the case with Poetics in Architecture. The book is in English and is illustrated with

a large number of photos and drawings, all of them done by the author. The illustrations are all from the author’s studies in numerous European countries.

Professor Erik Christian Sørensen 22,5 x 28 cm, approx. 400 pages, Paperback, illustrated ISBN 9788787136846 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers Publication date: 2010-2011 Price: 239 DKK excl. Vat

AN OUTLINE OF THE HISTORY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT The City of the Divine King (vol. 1), The City of the Landowner (vol. 2), The City of the Merchant (vol. 3) and The City of the Hunter (vol. 4) make up the complete work on ‘Aspects of the History of Urban Development’. The books deal with urban systems and urban architecture both in theory and via very comprehensive empirical data. The books deal with new relations between the social, the spatial and the architectural. The target groups are architects, urban planners and anyone else interested in urban history and urban theory issues.

VAT. Thus, the books are no longer available individually. Finn Barnow 4 volumes, hardback, illustrated ISBN 9788787136983 Danish edition ISBN 9788787136990 English edition The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers Relaunched september 2010 Price: 600 DKK excl. VAT

The work is now available as a box set with dust covers in Danish and English, respectively, at a special price of 600 DKK excl.

ARCHITECTURE BODY AND SPACE Danish language only The book focuses on architecture as a setting for exercise and other physical activities, especially the softer types of workout such as yoga, pilates, gymnastics, dance and other forms of exercise that appeal to many women in particular. These activities often take place in gyms and other settings that are not designed for the purpose, and several studies have demonstrated the need to take a different approach to physical exercise to make it appealing and pleasant to exercise and stay fit – for both sexes! The book’s intended readership includes architects and

decision-makers involved in the construction and renovation of facilities for softer types of workouts. Karin Skousbøll and Helle Bøcken Wikken 320 pages Softcover, illustrated ISBN 9788787136938 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers, 2010 Price: 199 DKK excl. VAT

APROPOS Danish language only This book seeks to offer a new and “holistic” view of the school of the future, where health and competence development is a more explicit consideration in the construction and renovation of school buildings. The book aims to contribute new knowledge about the interaction between educational processes and construction/planning with a view to promoting health, learning and motor development in children and youth. The book’s intended readership includes prospective teachers, architecture students, planners, architects, educators and other key individuals in relation to school construction and education planning.

Editors: René Kural, Bjarne Bruun Jensen and Inge Mette Kirkeby 144 pages, 21,5 x 27, 5 cm, soft cover ISBN 9788787136952 Danish edition The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers, 2010 Price: 173 DKK excl. VAT

THE ARCHITECTS’ OWN HOMES – in the architects’ own words Danish language only

Arkitekternes egne boliger -med arkitekternes egne ord Mogens Stærk og Kirsten Grønborg Arkitektskolens Forlag

The book is based on what architects have said about their own homes. An architect’s home often reflects contemporary or future ideals for residential architecture. Thus, we gain insight into the architects’ ideals and dreams concerning residential architecture and see how these dreams and ideals have been addressed and expressed, often over a long lifespan. What architectural trends do the homes reflect, and to what extent do they meet the users’ varying needs – from youth to old age?

Editors: Mogens Stærk and Kirsten Grønborg 424 pages, 20x29,7 cm, Softcover, illustrated ISBN 9788790979263 Danish edition Aarhus School of Architecture, 2009 Price: 308 DKK excl. VAT

Pasteursvej 14, 4. Tv. • DK 1778 København V • Tel. +45 32 83 69 70 • Fax +45 32 83 69 41 • VAT-No DK 55 75 75 18 • eksp@arkfo.dk • www.arkfo.dk

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