Arkitema Health

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Denmark: Frederiksgade 32 DK-8000 Aarhus C T  +45 7011 7011

Arkitema Health


Rued Langgaards Vej 8  DK-2300 Copenhagen S T  +45 7011 7011



Sweden: Rosenlundsgatan 29A, S-104 62 Stockholm T +46 (0)8 545 856 00

Norway: Skøyen Atrium Drammensveien 147B, 2. etg. N-0277 Oslo  T  +45 7011 7011

A rkitema A rchitects EN

Arkitema Architects

cover: norwegian radium hospital—the research wing

DNV-Gødstrup—kick-off workshop held january 2012 at Arkitema in Aarhus

at the public announcement of winners of the DNV-Gødstrup competition

Arkitema Architects—our profile Arkitema Architects has a long history, dating back to 1970 when the practice was founded. In the 40 years since, the office has been responsible for a broad agenda of residential construction as well as countless schools, town halls, recreational facilities, office buildings, hospitals, restoration projects, landscape and urban design, and more. Common to all our projects is a desire to create a social and energetically sustainable architecture designed in close dialogue with the client and the user, an architecture that is experienced as beautiful, unique and befitting its purpose. Though a Danish firm, with locations in Aarhus and Copenhagen, we have become an increasingly important player in the Nordic market, with an office in Stockholm and a project office in Norway. We create our projects using our broad array of expertise and experience, which allows us to work with not only the architectural element but also with sustainable design, user involvement and a wholehearted commitment to 3-D technology.

Arkitema is a limited partnership owned by MAA architects Bendt A lmvig, Jørgen Bach, Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen, Thomas Carstens, Per Fischer, Kim Risager, Poul Schülein and administrative director Peter Hartmann Berg. A ssociated partners are MAA architects Niels Christoffersen, Glenn Elmbæk and Dorthe Keis. Retired partners with special ties to the company are MAA architects Michael Harrebek, Erling Stadager and Helge Tindal. Arkitema employs about 265 employees, which includes architects, landscape architects, building consultants, construction managers, construction engineers, construction economists, designers, technical assistants, graphic artists, humanists, communication officers and administrative staff, all working to create the best in architecture.

Arkitema health



Editors Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen, Holger Dahl, Birgitte Gade Ernst, Kenn Hoff Lassen, Anne Strange Stelzner Copy Editors

Holger Dahl, Anne Strange Stelzner

Translation Judith Ugelow Blak Photos

Arkitema Architects and Kontraframe (cover, pp. 14-21, 23, 30-31) Klaus Bang (p. 7 ) Niels Nygaard (pp. 7 , 8, 32-37, 40-43, 46-49, 95) Olof Thiel (pp. 24-25, 28-29) Thomas Lindblad (pp. 38-39) Jørn Havsholm (p. 45) Jacob Borg Damkjær (p. 51) Kranor AS (p. 58)

Layout Kenn Hoff Lassen Publisher

Damgaard Jensen


200 copies

© 2013 Arkitema Architects—

DNV-Gødstrup—kick-off workshop held january 2012 at Arkitema iN Aarhus

4  Arkitema Health



Arkitema health

12 Method 15 completed projects

16 Norwegian Radium Hospital 24 Sophiahemmet 27 Karolinska Institutet 28 Karolinska University Hospital 30 Bærum Hospital 32 DTU campus 38 Fertin Pharma 40 Regional Hospital Horsens 44 Shenzhen People’s ­Hospital 47 Vendsyssel Hospital 49 Psychiatric Centre Amager

53 ongoing projects

54 DNV-Gødstrup 58 New Østfold Hospital 62 New Molde Hospital 64 Narvik Hospital 66 Psychiatric Centre Esbjerg 68 Regional Hospital Viborg 70 New Karolinska Solna

73 competitions

74 Aalborg University Hospital 78 Rigshospitalet 82 New OUH 86 Bispebjerg Hospital 89 Psychiatric Hospital Slagelse 90 Mental Health Centre Sct. Hans 92 Helsingborg General Hospital

94 principals in Arkitema health 95 Arkitema Architects—Our profile

Arkitema Health


Arkitema health has staff placeD at all of ­Arkitema's four locations—Aarhus, ­c openhagen, Stockholm and the project office for New Østfold hospital in Norway.



ABOUT ARKITEMA HEALTH Arkitema Health’s contribution to the healthcare sector spans from specific hospital-related projects to buildings—from the laboratory to the pharmaceutical company. All involve complex, high-tech buildings. Therefore Arkitema Health has engaged many professionals for the job—a total of 65 people, all highly competent and expert in health-promoting architecture. Arkitema Health understands the importance of the cross-disciplinary approach; we keep that in focus when we plan, design and build. We work with patients, equipment suppliers, hospital planners, engineers and client organizations. Therefore, the competence profile of Arkitema Health has been created both broad and solid in the fields that ensure architectural quality and innovation.


To ensure the expertise and skill required for very large hospital projects is delivered to each project, Arkitema Health has founded the strategic network consortium CuraVita. Arkitema Health is the leading organization in this consortium.

ABOUT ARKITEMA HEALTH IN SWEDEN With Arkitema DOT, Arkitema has consolidated its place as one of Scandinavia's largest hospital architects. Through Arkitema DOT, Arkitema works now with essential projects within the Swedish healthcare system, including the development of the concept for the new Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.

Aarhus København

6  ARKITEMA Health



Arkitema HEALTH


Arkitema Health represents one of the largest and most important fields for Arkitema—an Arkitema that right now is experiencing a signficant development in health-promoting architecture with its participation in a series of leading competitions in hospital construction in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and its May 2011 merger with Swedish hospital architects DOT Architects, all of which reflects Arkitema Health’s expertise in health-promoting architecture. In the following text, the partner and business manager for Arkitema Health, Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen, talks about Arkitema Health, about Arkitema’s work with healing architecture, about the issues, concepts and ambitions arising as Arkitema Health expands its works in this fascinating specialty.

Arkitema Health


COMPLEX CHALLENGES Arkitema Health’s ambition is always to create a healing architecture that contributes positively to users' everyday lives. Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen explains that the major challenge when building hospitals is to ensure the aesthetic while providing a complex and well-functioning machine. Fortunately, Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen elaborates, the developer often wants both a beautiful as well as a functional hospital—a good starting point that is often replaced by economic concerns and cut-backs during the design and construction process. Here the architect must fight an uphill battle to ensure that logistics don’t displace architecture, to realize a balance between the two conditions. Aesthetics and functionality are two sides of the same coin, but hospitals are best designed from the inside out, and it is, therefore, rare that an iconic figure ends up as the final solution. These complex challenges are best solved by employing both aesthetic and functional components. A GROWING SPECIALTY Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen explains that, though Arkitema ­Health’s history is long, its work over the last 20 years has profoundly strengthened their portfolio of large hospital project design— primarily in Denmark and Norway. In Denmark, it started with a new treatment building at Regional Hospital West Jutland and the new psychiatric hospital in Amager as well as a number of additions at and renovations of Danish hospitals. At the start of

8  ARKITEMA Health

this millennium, our project approach changed radically when Arkitema won four major competitions for hospital design in Norway: Bærum Hospital, Follo Hospital (won with Henning Larsen Architects), Norwegian Radium Hospital in Oslo (also won with Henning Larsen A rchitects and built 2006-2009), and the 90,000 m2 New Østfold Hospital (currently being designed out of our project office in Sarpsborg, won together with A A RT A rchitects and Norwegian ELN A rchitects in 2002). This breakthrough was accompanied by the award of first prize in the competition for the 320,000 m2 Shenzhen People's Hospital in China, for which the first stage of 100,000 m2 was inaugurated in November 2011. In Sweden, Arkitema DOT is the consultant for New Karolinska Solna, and in 2012, the firm won two new health sector projects in Finspång and in Uppsala. Arkitema Health’s steady growth over these years has led to a staff of 65, in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, now employed to work solely on tasks within Arkitema Health. sTATE-OF-THE-ART KNOWLEDGE AND THE USER Over the last five years, Arkitema has intentionally worked with the concepts of healing architecture and evidence-based design in their healthcare sector design—an approach resulting from input from our two industrial PhD students, Jeanet Lemche and Lene Lottrup, who have grounded their PhD projects in work being carried out in, respectively, Arkitema Health and Arkitema Planning & Landscape. Both students are applying their work to hospital architecture, examining

how to ensure that the concepts of healing architecture and evidence-based design become inextricable, active elements of the architect’s work—to result in proficient hospital projects. The experiences of these PhD students have become part of our discussions with all users. Additionally, A rkitema Health keeps itself up to date with state-of-the-art hospital design by participating in and presenting at conferences around the world. In these connections, a very important part of Arkitema Health’s work lies in user involvement. Designing a hospital requires the creation of an effective and fruitful collaborative process with the users, a process-oriented approach involving regular meetings with all interested parties—from patients, nurses and consultants to cleaning staff and receptionists. Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen explains how, for example, the design of patients’ rooms is very important for the healing process. Relatedly, studies show just how injuries from falls in hospital rooms and bathrooms as well as hospital-related infections significantly prolong a patient’s stay in hospital. Therefore, we concern ourselves with the interior design of patients’ rooms, making access to bathrooms/toilets easy and secure, for example. While planning New Østfold Hospital, Arkitema Health experienced how the use of the latest digital tools can help meet users’ needs. Wilhelm Berne Nielsen says that we continue to experience great success with the latest technology, BIM, a 3-D model technology architects use to guide the staff around their future hospital—from the small toilet in the patient’s room to the large main entrance area to the chief physician’s office. The 42 user groups the architects have been in dialogue with regarding New Østfold Hospital have expressed great satisfaction with their participation in the project. The use of the BIM model during meetings with users also means that all user comments on the spaces as seen in the 3-D model can be recorded in the moment of the meetings. In this way, the users can see that their contributions are taken into account and that the meeting minutes are written directly into the documents. FROM LOCAL HOSPITALS TO CENTRAL HOSPITALS Centralization is taking place on many fronts in society—in our cities, within our educational institutions, and not least within our hospital structure. In Denmark, the trend over the last 10 years has been to drop the local hospital designation in favor of a more international one. At the same time, there is a movement in healthcare away from many small units spread across the country toward super units, the new super hospitals, which accommodate top professionals, research and practice, efficiency and intensity.

about Arkitema'S industrial PhD projects Lene Lottrup (left) and Jeanet Lemche have completed their industrial PhD projects in Arkitema. Lene Lottrup’s project entitled “Workplace Greenery: The use, preferences, and health benefits of green outdoor environments at work places” has been referenced in several newspapers and radio spots, and reproduced in professional journals. Both Lene and Jeanet have based their projects on “the user”, who Arkitema involves as much as possible in their architecture and design. Both projects focus on the users—their observations and experiences with both the outdoor environment and relationship between a structure and its surrounding environment, and hospital spaces.

about healing architecture The concept of “healing architecture”, from the U.S., recognizes that architecture has an impact on the healing process. It is about how architecture affects staff, patients and relatives— through material choice, spatial sequence (flow), the use of natural/artificial lighting, junctions with landscape and relationships between the outside and the inside. Arkitema’s approach to healing architecture is a systematic one. It's something we've always done; now, though, we apply it even more consciously.

Super hospitals are replacing the smaller, local hospitals, bringing together highly specialized treatment options, insuring that top medical staff have strong ties to university research. The new super hospitals also require very high investments for their establishment, investments that enable the best and latest equipment for the best and most modern treatment. Modern hospitals are, therefore, few in number, and placed in proximity to university communities since they require well-trained and very professional personnel to ope­ rate advanced equipment. The same trend applies in Norway and Sweden. Norway is already in the process of building super hospitals, and Sweden is just starting. We have set up an office in Sarpsborg, in southern Norway, where, together with A ART Architects and ELN Architects, we have been planning the New Østfold Hospital. We are in the process of establishing a subsidiary in Oslo. Meanwhile, Wilhelm Berner-­Nielsen

Arkitema Health


stresses, the fusion with the Swedish architectural firm Architects DOT provides Arkitema additional expertise and knowledge of the Swedish market for healthcare architecture. Over the last 10 years, Arkitema has operated and expanded this Scandinavian strategy of joining and creating strong Scandinavian teams, building optimal collections of competence. As Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen recounts, already in 2007, Arkitema founded the consortium CuraVita, a collaboration between Norwegian and Danish hospital architects, planners and engineers, which today consists of A rkitema, the Norwegian architectural firm NSW Architects, the engineering firm Grontmij and the Norwegian hospital planners Hospitalitet. THE ArchITECT AS PROJECT MANAGER With the advent of super hospitals, the building of hospitals will become an increasingly complex task requiring a large effort on the part of all parties involved. Wilhelm BernerNielsen can see a large benefit in choosing the architect as project manager, someone who can maintain a perspective of the whole while collecting and directing all the crossdisciplinary elements. Architects can do this, says Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen, because of skills they possess that neither the hospital planner nor engineer possess; the architect is process-oriented, thinking broadly and analytically, seeing and involving all the multidisciplinary aspects that are important specifically to hospital architecture. Architects are good at entering into dialogue with users, good at visualizing and thus conveying architectural ideas and getting users to think “outside the box”. At the same time, architects are good at coordinating and creating the whole, and achieving perspective and cooperation among architects, hospital planners and engineers. We can create the necessary and very important relationship that is fundamental for healing architecture. THE KEY TO A RELIABLE HOSPITAL The key to a successful and profitable super hospital, according to Wilhelm Berne Nielsen, is logistics. He believes that working with hospital architecture is a complex task, requiring constant vigilance to keep the final operation in mind. When logistics are in order, workflow is facilitated and a hospital can economize on costs. A s it is now, construction costs for a new hospital constitute 2-3 times the annual operating expense. Therefore, it pays to invest in a well thought-out architectural design of hospitals so that the resulting hospital operates optimally. SUSTAINABLE HOSPITALS Another very important aspect is sustainability: both the traditional idea of sustainability, understood as solutions

10  ARKITEMA Health

that reduce the consumption of electricity, heat and water and include durable and robust materials, and social sustainability, understood as architectural solutions that encourage and support human encounters. Energy sustainability must be an intricate part of the design and not appended as a technical afterthought. Through a rational planning of solar orientation, natural ventilation and material use, we can now achieve significant energy savings. This sustainable focus in architecture naturally leads to structures that are more comfortable to work in. In addition, it is highly important that hospitals interact with their surrounding exterior and have a comfortable and natural interior climate, favorable daylight conditions and room proportions that encourage cooperation and social harmony. The sustainable hospital is an open hospital far from past treatment facilities that are better likened to industrial buildings. The new hospitals have often a patient hotel attached to it where relatives can stay for shorter or longer periods, allowing them to be close to their loved ones during hospitalization. Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen explains how the architect of modern hospital architecture is much more aware today than before of the hospital's role and its placement in the urban and rural landscape. This awareness means that passersby, who have no direct interaction with the hospital, can still benefit from the hospital’s green environment, its laid-out gardens and paths. By better linking the hospital to the urban and rural landscape, and by incorporating the hospital into life that goes on around it—among the healthy, we create a much better experience for patients, families and staff—an open and sustainable hospital. hospital architecture of the future When Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen looks into the future, he sees a digital landscape emerging. The future is based on highly specialized professionals working in centralized hospitals as well as community hospitals and health centres . Using telemedicine, large patient groups, such as cardiac and diabetes patients, can be treated from a distance, while at home, for example. The patient can check blood pressure and blood sugar and send the information via computer to a professional staff at super hospitals or local health centres. The future is, therefore, digitization—also regarding dialogue with medical staff. All this, therefore, requires that architects build super hospitals that both centralize expertise and open up the opportunity for more and more patient dialogue in cyberspace.


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Arkitema Health has developed its services based on evidence-based design principles (EBD). Arkitema uses EDB as part of the architectural design method, continually incorporating the latest evidence of architecture's impact on patients, families and staff into the design and building process. We design and draw on the latest knowledge, knowing that acoustic conditions, the use of natural and artificial light, choice of materials and colors, contact with the landscape, a rooms’ relative placement (proximity and flow) and individual room design and layout, among other things, are all essential architectural factors that affect a patient's experience with and response to therapy, rehabilitation and contact with staff.


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Arkitema consciously employs “healing architecture” and keeps itself abreast of all advances of knowledge made in this area. We start from the premise that hospital architecture and design concern not only spaces and structures in which patients are treated and cared for, but also facilities that support patients' treatment and rehabilitation and soothe and promote their healing. The relative placement of rooms as well as the layout of individual rooms helps to support a positive physical interaction for both patients and relatives. The right solutions will alleviate staff experience with stress and give them more control over their own work situation.

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EDB is also about involving users in the design process, coupling their experiences with an existing hospital with the latest knowledge in the field, aware that it is the key to creating the optimal new hospital. We always use our user inclusion tool “Arkitema Sensemaking”, which ensures that users' contributions are collected, analyzed and used most effectively.

ANKOMST/ ELEKTIV Ankomst/Elektiv


AKUT/ SERVICE Begrønning af facaderne Varierede gårdrum i psykiatrien Terrasserne i sengeafsnittene, de tværgående funktioner og ambulatorierne

Basens tag som opholdsflade

Kontakten til landskabet

Landskabet omkring hospitalet




NaturE & LANDSCAPE It is well-documented that views of and contact with nature are important parameters in the healing process. Contact with nature—attuned to flow and proximity principles—has, therefore, always been a central focus in Arkitema's plans for health-related structures.

Arkitema Sundhed










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behandling behandling



A hospital is a complex building with many features that must be assembled into a whole. Arkitema, through participation in several Scandinavian hospital competitions, has developed a method for optimally organising each individual hospital—from programme to concept.

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thorax thorax senge 45% 35% senge tho nærhedsbehov thorax neuro afsnit afsnit 20% kirurgi 20% mellem klynger mellem klynger og mellem klynger og psyk 5% kirurgi 5% 0% 15% 5% kirurgi 30% 5% 50% neuro 55% 60% 7% neuro neuro 7%kirurgi neuro familie behandlingneuro kirurgi hovedindgang kirurgi neuro thorax behandling 20% INTENSIV dia kirurgi familie INTENSIV 5% kir kræft 5% op 30% 50% psyk 55% kræft kirurgi kirurgi thorax dia kirurgi ITA 5% familie kræft akut: 2% nærhedsbehovet mellem 1% hotel 1% kræft hotel 7% kræft 0% ambu0% 0% 0% ambu0% 25% 0% 0% psyk psyk psyk5% 0% 0%neuro 0% psyk psyk akut og med/kir er begrundet psyk psyk 5% psyk 13% 0% thorax 2% 35% psyk 0% thorax familie 0% 13% neuro kirurgi 35%psyk 45% kræft kræft kræft kr 45% 30% latorier kræft kræft familie thorax 7% neuro latorier 25% thorax thorax 25% med megen transport af læger neuro thorax thorax fælles dia 5% 5% dia 0% akut se 0% 0% 5% dia opkræft + neuro kirurgi kræft kræft kræft kræft 10% 20% psyk op + + neuro op + neuro 25%op 40% 40%af thorax thorax kirurgi op + thorax akut akut ITAITA ITA ITA 10% thorax 10% 35% 40% op + 15% 5% 5% 45% familie 30% dia op + op + 0% 10% 10% 10% 15% 15% op + 5% 20% familie familie psyk familie 0% akut familie psyk 15% op + kirurgi familie thorax thorax thorax ne 5% thorax familie familie familie op + 5% 15% 5% familie kirurgi 5% 5% ITA dia 0% log 30% 50% kræft neuro 55% psyk 60% ITA 7% neuro neuro ITA ITAneuro ITAneuro ITA ITA familie kirurgi kirurgi 20% kontor kirurgi 5% 15% psyk 5% 5% kirurgineuro 5% kirurgi kræft kirurgi 5% 0% kirurgi psyk kræft neuro neuro kirurgi psyk 7% neuro neuro : klyngerne ønsker nær lægetransporter kræft familie lægetransporter 30% 30% lægetransporter lægetransporter lægetransporter2% lægetransporter familie 5% 30% 30% thorax thorax dialægetransporter 50% lægetransporter dia ps 60% at have en direkte forbindelse. 1% mellem ambulatorier, me kræft mellem klynger og mellem klynger mellem klynger og mellem mellem klynger og 5% mellem klynger og kirurgi kirurgi kirurgi mellem thorax 0% 7% kirurgi ambulatorier, dia oghotel 0% 0% 0%klynger og familie neuro psyk psyk psyk kræft0% fælles familie psyk psyk 13% behandling hovedindgang 5% senge kræft og kræft kontor behandling mellem og klynger mellem op0% 0% 0% 1% OPERATION INTENSIV INTENSIV hotel behandling hovedindgang senge ogfamilie kontor ogbehandling klynger kræft OPERATION INTENSIV kræft opbehandling INTENSIV behandling kræft kræftPatienttransporter kræft Lægetransporter neuro 25% 0% 0% 0% fælles 0% 0% psyk psyk psyk fælles familie psyk psyk dia 13% at senge 5% dia op + neuro/psyk: klyngerne ønsker 10% fam 7% akut: nærhedsbehovet mellem 5%5% psyk 25% neuro kirurgineuro fælles neuro neuro kirurgi 5% neuro neuro afsnit 5% dia 0% 25% 0%mellem kirurgi ITA have enkræft direkteop forbindelse. 10% neuro 10% 15% akut og med/kir er begrundet kræft kræft 5% akut: nærhedsbehovet 0%thorax 15% + neuro thorax psyk 35% kræft familie familie familie op + 25% op familie familie 35% log 5% 45%log 45% 30% op + + 5% 0% op + thorax 25% thorax5% thorax5% neuro neuro med transport af læger ITA thorax 40%thoraxITA 35% 7% 10% 45% thorax akut og med/kir er begrundet 5% dia neuro35% + + neuro familie 10% familie thorax 0% megen akutthorax ITA op15% psyk 15% at op akut thorax op 5% thorax5% thorax 35% familie thorax familie op + familie/psyk: klyngerne ITAITA ønsker log 45% 30% familie thorax familie 5% log 20% psyk op + megen transport thorax thorax med psykpsyk af læger thorax thorax ITA ITA ITA 15% 15% IT kirurgi 20% lægetransporter akut lægetransporter lægetransporter have en direkte forbindelse. kræft psyk klinisk hovedstruktur psyk kræft psyk ITA 5% 15% familie 5% 20% neuro kirurgi kirurgi 5% 20% kræft neuro kirurgi psyk 7% klynger 1% neuro hotel kirurgi kirurgi familie og mellem klyngerneuro og lægetransporter 30% og lægetransporter 50% 55% 60% lægetransporter mellem klynger ambu- mellem kirurgi hovedstruktur 0% 0% 20% kirurgi0% klinisk kirurgi0% 30% psyk psykbehandling mellem 30% kontor 50% kirurgi kirurgi psyk psyk 5% op og klynger 13% behandling hovedindgang familie kirurgi INTENSIV behandling op/int: familieklyngen ønsker og kræft kirurgi oglatorier INTENSIV kirurgi Lægetransporter kirurgi - behov og nærhed familie OPERATION 50% thorax dia mellem klynger mellem klynger og familie 55% 60% familie 5%mellem klynger 25% : klyngerne ønsker fælles kræft kirurgi kirurgi kræft kontor kirurgi kirurgi 5% 0%0% 1% behandling hovedindgang kræft behandling mellemdiaop og klynger OPERATION INTENSIV INTENSIV behandling kræft familiehotel - behov og nærhed fælles familie fælles at have en direkte forbindelse. 0% 0% 2% psyk kræft 0% Patienttransporter : klyngerne 0% ønsker kræft psyk psyk 7% fælles familie psyk kejsersnit. neuro fælles fælles ved behov for 10% 15% 7% 5% 0% 15% op + at have en direkte forbindelse. 5% 0% 25% 0% neuro familie familie op + kræft 5% familie familie2% fælles 0% 5% kræft kræft 7% kræft kræft log dia neuro 5% 0% dia neuro neuro kirurgi ITA kræft kræft ITA senge kræft neuro 0% 0% 5% kræft kræft op +0% neuro/psyk: klyngerne ønsker at kræft kræft 10% 10% 10% psyk neuro loglog op +neuro 5% op + 10% 15% log5% nærhedsbehov psyk lægetransporter lægetransporter lægetransporter senge afsnit 10%dia familie familielægetransporter familie op + ITA have enlogdirekte forbindelse. log 5% familie op + neuro/psyk: klyngerne ønsker at 5% 10% log psyk psyk ITA neuro ITA ITA 5% 5% 5% mellem ambulatorier, 0% mellem mellem klynger og mellempsyk klynger mellem ogafsnit neuro neuro ITA have enklynger direkte forbindelse. 7% neuro og neurokræft 5% 15% klynger 5% familie psyk neuro neuro neuro psyk 7% familie/psyk: klyngerne ønsker at klinisk klinisk hovedstruktur hovedstruktur 5% behandling hovedindgang senge og kontor 5% 5% INTENSIV OPERATION INTENSIV 0% familie behandling psyk op + neuro neuro lægetransporter lægetran 7% neuro neuro Lægetransporter klinisk hovedstruktur familie have en direkteønsker forbindelse. familie/psyk: at ITA 5% familie psyk mellem klyngerne klynger og mellem kly op + familie 1% hotel behandling behandling mellem mellem op - behov - behov og nærhed nærhed have en direkte forbindelse. ambu- hovedindgang ITAog 0% 0% 1% Klinisk hovedstruktur familie hotel behandling 0% behandling mellem op og klynger 0% OPERATION INTENSIV behandling psyk psyk - behov oghotel nærhed psyk psyk 13% 0%familie psyk 1% 0% 0% latorier psyk Patienttransporter psyk op/int: familieklyngen ønsker fælles familie ambu0% 25% 0% 0% fælles psyk psyk psyk fælles psyk 13% dia 25% op/int: familieklyngen ønsker familie latorier dia 25% fælles dia ved behov for kejsersnit. 10% 15% 5% 0% 15% 10% op + familie familie op + familie familie 5% 10% 15% log ved behov for kejsersnit. dia familie familie familie op + log ITA 10% 5% ITA 5% 0% 15% op + familie familie op + familie familie log ITA 5% log dia ITA ITA nærhedsbehov lægetransporter lægetransporter lægetransporter lægetransporter mellem ambulatorier, nærhedsbehov mellem klynger lægetransporter mellem klynger og klinisk hovedstruktur mellem klynger og mellem klynger og lægetransporter lægetransporter lægetransporter behandling hovedindgang senge og kontor mellem ambulatorier, OPERATION INTENSIV INTENSIV mellem klynger mellem klynger og mellem klynger og mellem klynger og Nærhedsbehov behandling hovedindgang behandling mellem op og klynger - behov og nærhed Patienttransporter behandling hovedindgang senge og behandling kontor OPERATION INTENSIV INTENSIV dia


kræft op og klynger ling mellem

5% familie kræft

0% kirurgi



akut op + ITA



op + ITA




45% neuro




30% psyk


10% kirurgi





op + ITA


5% thorax



0% dia

op + ITA 40%








40% neuro






thorax neuro




dia op15% + ITA



kontor kræft







akut: nærhedsbehovet mellem akut og med/kir er begrundet med megen transport af læger








60% kræft



















op + ITA

















A main objective when selecting a clinical structure is to minimize internal transport distances and create the optimal flow in the hospital for clarity, efficiency and professionalism. It is welldocumented that short transport routes reduce errors and falls, and staff experience a better everyday with optimized workflows and less downtime.



Part of the solution lies in choosing a compact building structure, which in itself shortens internal transport routes. Another key part of the solution is the relative placement of individual departments.

The foundation of the programme is supported by an analysis of patient and staff flows that helps to identify optimal workflows and proximity principles for staff, and create a basis for good communication with patients.


udsigt mod nord




udsigt mod syd


operation billeddiagnostik


fælles senge

udsigt mod nord ambulatorier / senge


med fælles

operation lleddiagnostik


ambulatorier kir

udsigt mod syd ambulatorier


principsnit - senge sengestuer tilknyttet medicin, fælles kræft og kirurgi-klyngerne kan placeres ovenpå ambulatoriet.







principsnit - senge op + inten. neuro, fælles psykiatri og familie klyngerne diagnostik har et ønske om atsenge placere senge i terræn. ambulatorier med kir kræ

ambulatorier / senge




Principsnit – senge

nen i kombination med placeringen af å de er synlige fra receptionsområdet senge et at orientere sig i bygningen. Ingen en længere vej end nødvendigt. gnostik og OP ligger hævet over




principsnit - senge sengestuer tilknyttet medicin, kræft og kirurgi-klyngerne kan fælles placeres ovenpå ambulatoriet.

Principsnit – ambulatorier

ambulatorier kir


ambulatorier psyk


principsnit - senge operation neuro, psykiatrifælles og familie klyngerne billeddiagnostik har et ønske om at placere senge i terræn. senge patienter


natur / udsigt mod syd


ambulatorier / senge


den centrale placering af receptionsområdet i kombination med operation / billeddiagnostik fællesenten lige over eller ud til dette område placeringen af afdelingerne

giver korte transportveje for alle selvhenvendende patienter. Korte transportveje for patienter akutte selvhenvendere bliver via skiltning direkte til akutafdelinambulatorier /ledt senge senge gen udefra, men skulle de overse skiltning vil de stadig fra receptionsområdet have meget kort afstand til akutafdelingen.

korte overskuelige adgangsveje den centrale placering af hovedreceptionen i kombination med placeringen af operation de forskellige afdelingersfælles adgangsveje, så de er synlige fra receptionsområdet billeddiagnostik senge giver overskuelighed, således at det er let at orientere sig i bygningen. Ingen Korte overskuelige adgangsveje spilder tid ved at gå forkert eller vælge en længere vej end nødvendigt. ambulatorier / senge patienter ligger i stue niveau og diagnostik og OP ligger hævet over Ambulatorier fordelingsrummet.

fælles ambulatorier

orte transportveje for patienter fagligt fællesskab en centrale placering af receptionsområdet i kombination med de forskellige medarbejdergrupper operation fælles fælles fælles aceringen af afdelingerne enten lige over eller ud til dette område mødes i en central og tværgående billeddiagnostik ver korte transportveje for alle selvhenvendende patienter. kontor, undervisning og forskningszone Fagligt fællesskab ambulatorier / senge / senge kutte selvhenvendere bliver via skiltning ledt direkte til akutafdelin- ambulatorier der liggerambulatorier på tværs af alle klynger patienter en udefra, men skulle de overse skiltning vil de stadig fra receponsområdet have meget kort afstand til akutafdelingen. korte transportveje for hospitalets ansatte personalet vil typisk kun skulle bevæge sig meget korte distancer uanset om de bevæger sig horisontalt eller vertikalt. placeringen af fællesrummene gør dem til naturlige mødesteder, idet Korte transportveje for alt klinisk personale i løbet af arbejdsdagen vil hospitalets passere herigennem. ansatte Både de korte afstande og de naturlige mødesteder understøtter et arbejdsmiljø, der både er effektivt og socialt bæredygtigt.

12  Metode


fælles fælles ambulatorier



ambulatorier psyk



principsnit - senge neuro, psykiatri og familie klyngerne har et ønske om at placere senge i terræn.







natur / udsigt mod syd

korte transportveje for patienter


op + inten. diagnostik

principsnit - senge sengestuer tilknyttet medicin, kræft og kirurgi-klyngerne kan placeres ovenpå ambulatoriet.

senge mod nord udsigt mod syd ambulatorier Personaletudsigt strategisk placeret

ambulatorier / senge

operation / billeddiagnostik

ambulatorier / senge

personalet strategisk placeret op + inten. korte afstande til alle klynger



operation billeddiagnostik

natur / udsigt mod syd



ope billedd


fælles ambulatorier / senge


defining CentrAL NODES ­

fagligt fællesskab de forskellige operation medarbejdergrupper fælles mødes i en central og tværgående billeddiagnostik


ambulatorier personalet strategisk placeret korteoperation afstande til alle klynger


udsigt The analysis is used to determine the billeddiagnostik ambulatorier ambulatorier ambulator clinical structure and determine the korte transportveje for patienter fagligt fællesskab operation den centrale placering af receptionsområdet i kombination med operationde forskellige medarbejdergrupper fælles enten lige over eller ud til dette område placeringen af afdelingerne fælles mødes i en central og tværgående nodes for fælles strategic professional enbilleddiagnostik billeddiagnostik senge senge giver korte transportveje for alle selvhenvendende patienter. kontor, undervisning og forskningszone akutte selvhenvendere bliver via skiltning ledt direkte til akutafdelinligger på tværs af alleambulatorier ambulatorier / senge ambulatorier me gagement and to find derthe nodesklyngerand/ senge gen udefra, men skulle de overse skiltning vil de stadig fra receptionsområdet have meget kort afstand til akutafdelingen. prin personalet strategisk placeret seng korte afstande til alle klynger distribution points that result in short, fælles kræ plac manageable access routes ambulatorier ambulatorier ambulatorier / senge and short fælles korte overskuelige adgangsveje transport times for staff and patients. korte transportveje for patienter den centrale placering af hovedreceptionen i kombination med placeringen af den centrale placering af receptionso kontor, undervisning og forskningszone der ligger på tværs af alle klynger ambulatorier / senge senge patienter




operation / billeddiagnostik


de forskellige afdelingers adgangsveje, så de er synlige fra receptionsområdet giver overskuelighed, således at det er let at orientere sig i bygningen. Ingen spilder tid ved at gå forkert eller vælge en længere vej end nødvendigt. Ambulatorier ligger i stue niveau og diagnostik og OP ligger hævet over fordelingsrummet.

placeringen af afdelingerne enten lige giver korte transportveje for alle selvh akutte selvhenvendere bliver via skiltn gen udefra, men skulle de overse skilt tionsområdet have meget kort afstand


senge Varme




operation / billeddiagnostik

Til tilstødende ambulatorie / teknikrum


ambulatorier servicetunnel

Varme Varme






er teknik


senge / AGV transportring



teknik / AGV transportring i servicetunnel

Adgang til Tom seng installationer under gulv

teknik / AGV transportring AGV i servicetunnel senge / AGV transportring





El/IT/Tele El/IT/Tele


establishing supply logistics

Til tilstødende ambulatorie / teknikrum

Supply logistics—including vertical correspondences, tunnel systems and loop connections—are determined so that they support the elements identified under point 2.

El/IT/Tele El/IT/Tele








Til tilstødende ambulatorie / teknikrum


operation / billeddiagnostik


ambulatorier servicetunnel



teknik / AGV transportring i servicetunnel


teknik / AGV transportring i servicetunnel

Varme Varme






Adgang til Tom seng installationer under gulv

Til tilstødende ambulatorie / teknikrum

4 El/IT/Tele El/IT/Tele


El/IT/Tele El/IT/Tele




ESTABLISHING BUILDING LAYOUT The final building layout is defined on the basis of the analyzed flow, defined nodes and established supply logistics.

















Personale færdes på alle gange og benytter sig af alle elevatortyper. Flow af gående patienter samt pårørende indtil venteområder


Flow af sengetransporter/liggende patienter




Personelevatorer Forsyningselevatorer AGV Elevator udelukkende til personale Personaleindgange

flowdiAGrAm for StueplA

Venteområder hvor gående patienter og pårørende ankommer KONTORER

til. Efterfølgende flow sker på foranledning af hospitalets personale



AMBULANCE Personale færdes på alle gange og benytter sig af alle



Flow af gående patienter samt pårørende indDAGKIRURGI til venteområder Flow af sengetransporter/liggende patienter Sengeelevatorer Personelevatorer Forsyningselevatorer AGV Elevator udelukkende til personale Ambulancemodtagelse Venteområder hvor gående patienter og pårørende ankommer


flowdiAGrAm for 1. SAl

til. Efterfølgende flow sker på foranledning af hospitalets personale



Personale færdes på alle gange og benytter sig af alle elevatortyper. Flow af gående patienter samt pårørende indtil venteområder Flow af sengetransporter/liggende patienter Sengeelevatorer Personelevatorer

Personale færdes på alle gange og benytter sig af alle

Forsyningselevatorer AGV


Venteområder hvor gående patienter og pårørende ankommer

Flow af gående patienter samt pårørende indtil venteområder flowdiAGrAm

til. Efterfølgende flow sker på foranledning af hospitalets

Flow af sengetransporter/liggende patienter



for 2. SAl

Personelevatorer Forsyningselevatorer AGV Venteområder hvor gående patienter og pårørende ankommer

flowdiAGrAm for 4.-6./14. SAl

til. Efterfølgende flow sker på foranledning af hospitalets personale

Arkitema Sundhed


14  Completed projects

completed ­projects 16 Norwegian Radium Hospital 24 Sophiahemmet 27 Karolinska Institutet 28 Karolinska University Hospital 30 Bærum Hospital 32 DTU campus 38 Fertin Pharma 40 Regional Hospital Horsens 44 Shenzhen People’s H ­ ospital 47 Vendsyssel Hospital 49 Psychiatric Centre Amager

Arkitema Health


the research wing in its urban context


norwegian radium Hospital Address: Ullernchausseen 70, Oslo, Norway  /  Year: 2000-2009  /  Scope: approx. 50,000 m²  /  Client: Rigshospitalet—Radium Hospitalet HF Oslo  /  Architect: Arkitema and Henning Larsens Tegnestue  /  Landscape: Bjørbekk og Lindheim A/S  /  Engineer: Rambøll Norge A/S (electrical/construction) and MekConsult A/S (HVAC)

The Norwegian Radium Hospital consists of a new radiotherapy section for cancer patients and an advanced laboratory building for research. The research section is a transparent, graceful building complex consisting of two research wings and a central atrium. The base contains technical and supply services; parking is located on the basement level. The atrium and work spaces in the two research wings afford views of Oslo and the fjord. The building contains a number of laboratory functions, auditoriums and informal meeting spaces.

16  Completed projects

the research wing with oslo in the background

Arkitema Health


relationship between inside and outside stairwell entrance

18  Completed projects

Arkitema Health


radiation section, seen from the forest, with a simple facade—horizontal window bands and a white plastered exterior

treatment room

Bright hallway

20  Completed projects

The radiotherapy section has been placed closed to the edge of a small forest where the building has been carefully placed. Inside, the large central common room offers bright and accommodating waiting areas in visual contact with the forest outside.

Arkitema Health


22  Completed projects

the green therapeutic view just outside the windows

waiting area with built-in seating

the research section's bright waiting area

Arkitema Health


Sophiahemmet Address: Valhallavägen 91 Stockholm, Sweden / Year: 2004-2008 / Scope: Extension 8,000 m². Renovation 1,800 m² / Client: Sophiahemmet Ideell Förening / Architect: Arkitema DOT

The extension and renovation of Sophiahemmet in Stockholm involve the operating and nursing facilities. The ground floor concentrates out- and inpatient surgery for both Sophiahemmet and A rtro Clinic, a private clinic that specializes in sports injuries, among other things. The building also houses treatment and administration facilities, including those for rehabilitation, as well as a nursing school that contains, among other things, an auditorium, which seats 180 people, a lecture hall, which seats 90 people, and 10 group rooms of varying sizes.

24  Completed projects

operating theatre


operating theatre

Arkitema Health


26  Completed projects

the Atrium, unifying the existing building with the new addition

the atrium, used for information stations for the library

Facade toward the arrival area

Karolinska InstituteT—Main Building Address: Alfred Nobels Allé 8, Huddinge, Sweden / Year: 1998-2002 / Scope: New construction 10,000 m². Renovation 25,000 m² / Client: Akademiska House. Magnus Johansson / Architect: Arkitema DOT

The building has been extended over time and now includes classrooms for dentists and biomedicians. The building also houses the administration, a library, general classrooms and facilities especially suitable for odontological research.

The space between the existing building and the extension has been transformed into a large and bright atrium that unifies the entire construction and houses a café and library.

Arkitema Health


Karolinska University Hospital New backup power system and operations centRe Address: Karolinska University Hospital, Solna, Sweden / Year: 2004-2005 / Scope: 3,500 m2 / Client: Locum AB / Architect: Arkitema DOT

This new building, which houses five new reserve power systems, ensures Karolinska Hospital protection from future outages. The building also serves as the operations and technical centre for the entire hospital and distinguishes itself from Karolinska’s other brick architecture by its grayplastered facade with large simple glass panels that integrate solar shading.

Circular Reception counter with connecting examining room

28  Completed projects

technical room

Karolinska University Hospital Conversion of the Emergency Department

Address: Karolinska University Hospital, Solna, Sweden / Year: 1998-2008 / Scope: 2,100 m² / Client: Locum AB / Architect: Arkitema DOT

In conjunction with the conversion of the emergency department, a series of studies were made to ensure that the conversion would lead to a better overview for staff, more security and improved workflow. This resulted in a model of the entire space using movable walls that allowed us to try out room sizes and layout.

The final renovation resulted in a new arrivals area, where a nurse meets with a patient to decide on further treatment. The two circular reception counters provide a good overview, and standardized examining rooms are located close to the two counters. The emergency department is also equipped with its own infection-control room.

Arkitema Health


Bærum Hospital Address: Thunesveien 2, Oslo, Norway / Year: 2001-2006 / Scope: approx 11,500 m2 / Client: Asker and Bærum HF / Architect: Arkitema and Henning Larsen Architects / Landscape: Steen Bisgaard / Engineer: Birch & Krogboe Inter Consult / Contractor: Reinertsen Anlegge A/S Østlandet (NO)

On the edge of a mountain ridge overlooking Bærum and Oslo Fjord lies Bærum Hospital. The new hospital expansion, containing a new emergency department, a new bed wing and a new ambulance station, strengthens the hospital complex, now seen as an architectural whole. A gentle, light, open passage transitions the new extension to the original building structure.

30  Completed projects

new bed wing


main entrance to the new north wing

Arkitema Health


DTU campus Address: Anker Engelundsvej 1, Kgs. Lyngby  /  Year: 2004-2008 (architectural consultancy) and 2008-2012 (lead consultancy)  /  Scope: Two 4-year general agreements for diverse projects­  /  Client: Technical University of Denmark, Campus Service Instituttery  /  Architect: Arkitema  /  Landscape: Arkitema  /  Engineer: Moe & Brødsgaard

At DTU in Lyngby, where 10,000 students and employees spend their days, the dark teaching rooms and traditional educational buildings have been transformed into a modern technical university with social learning environments through a redesign of both facades and interiors.

Lobby with study areas U-formeD Auditorium Lobby with study areas auditorium with platforms and group format

32  Completed projects

Arkitema Health


In addition to classrooms and large auditoriums, our involvement with DTU has included the design of technically complex laboratories, which have been upgraded to today’s standards, now allowing for more project-oriented teaching. We have also modernized the lecture halls, allowing for both traditional lecture teaching as well as more modern and projectoriented teaching formats.

34  Completed projects

teaching and research facilities

research and teaching laboratories

Arkitema Health


36  Arkitema Health

DTU building 101 library—Study bazAar 24/7. newly designed multifunctional study environment for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, inspiration and fun, night and day. Information square and exhibition area

relaxating by the big screen

Built-in seating encouraging social interaction Relaxing close to the work stations

Arkitema Health


Fertin Pharma Address: Fertinvej 5, 7100 Vejle  /  Year: 2002-2004  /  Scope: 8,000 m²  /  Client: Fertin Pharma A/S  /  Architect: Arkitema  /  Landscape: Arkitema and Niels Boldt A/S  /  Engineer: COWI A/S  /  General Contractor: Skanska Danmark A/S

From a global viewpoint, the manufacturing plant for Fertin Pharma A /S in Vejle is the first project specifically designed for the production of FDA-approved medicinal chewing gum. Containing highly-classified clean-room facilities for the manufacture of medical products, the factory has been architecturally placed in the beautiful, hilly terrain along the

38  Completed projects

lakeshore. The two-part facade reflects production areas in the lower portion, engineering and management in the upper, a disposition that effectively separates the differing hygiene needs. Fertin Pharma is a both a thoroughly detailed and thoroughly tested construction.

main entrance

facade section the horisontal facade placed in haromony with the lake's edge

Arkitema Health


RegionAL hospital Horsens Treatment Building 6

Address: Sundvej 30, Horsens  /  Year: 2011-2012  /  Scope: 1,400 m². Renovation of Building 6, approx. 625 m²  /  Client: Region Midtjylland  /  Architect: Arkitema  /  Engineer: Grontmij Carl Bro

The project comprises a renovation as well as addition to Treatment Building 6. The courtyard, formed by the new building with the existing, extends from the first floor and two floors up to the roof level, bringing daylight and air into the existing spaces and the central part of the extension and overhead light to the kitchen area on the ground floor. The addition results in an extension to and renovation of the central kitchen, an extension to the surgical outpatient clinic and an extension of the common emergency department (FA M). In addition, the building contains an emergency call service function.

40  Completed projects

the new treatment building

facade section

Arkitema Health


42  Completed projects


a view from the lightwell into the waiting area ward corridor

Arkitema Health


Administration, treatment and arrival, south

Administration building

Shenzhen People’s ­Hospital Address: Shenzhen, China  /  Year: 2004-2011  /  Scope: 283,000 m²  /  Client: Shenzhen People’s Hospital  /  Architect: Arkitema and BIAD (CN)  /  Landscape: Arkitema and BIAD (CN)

Shenzhen People's Hospital, which opened in November 2011, is A rkitema’s tallest building, with a total of 42 healthpromoting floors. The hospital comprises a medical and surgical hospital, a VIP hospital and teaching and research facilities. Shenzhen, located in the Guangdong Province, has the status of “minister city”, where the government holds meetings. Therefore, the hospital is equipped with an entire floor dedicated to servicing the Chinese president. The floor is specially equipped with a range of facilities, including a fitness centre and a chapel. The hospital is categorized as a first class hospital, containing single rooms equipped for preferential treatment and facilities built to hotel standards, among other features.

44  Completed projects

Arkitema Health


nurses' station

46  Completed projects

inner courtyards

main entrance to emergency department

Vendsyssel HOspital Emergency department

Address: Bispensgade, Hjørring  /  Scope: approx. 3,500 m² + 630 m² renovation  /  Year: 2011  /  Client: Region Nordjylland  /  Architect: Arkitema and Bjerg Arkitektur A/S  /  Landscape Architect: Arkitema  /  Ornamentation: West & Werners  /  Engineer: Korsbæk & Partnere KS and Harde Larsen A/S

The area of this new emergency department is defined by Building 40 to the east, Building 18 to the north, and the trafficked road Bispensgade to the west. The layout of the new building is made with respect to the severely limited potential for views and little room for green outdoor and indoor common areas. We worked consciously to create atria as architectural, recreational and lighting elements. We established a structural environment oriented inwards, thus creating an experience-rich domain with flowing relationships that transform essential corridors into lively paths in a

varied interior, giving daylight the highest priority, treated to emphasize the various functions, making movement and the connection to the bright inner courtyards and each section an experience in itself. Externally, the building consists of two horizontally divided volumes—a volume containing the emergency unit and a volume containing the wards. The two volumes are fashioned in two different materials: the facade of the emergency unit in bright natural stone; the wards created in an airy glass building.

Arkitema Health


main entrance

Lobby with waiting area

48  Completed projects

Psychiatric Centre Amager Address: Digevej 110, Copenhagen S  /  Year: 2000-2002  /  Scope: 11,800 m²  /  Client: Hovedstadens Sygehusfællesskab  /  Architect: Arkitema  /  Landscape: Ludo Duys landskabsarkitekt  /  Engineer: Søren Jensen A/S (construction, HVAC) and Balslev (electrical)

The placement of Psychiatric Centre Amager—midway between city and countryside—is used to create both lively and comfortable outdoor spaces, allowing patients to live with easy access to the outdoors. The smaller gardens nearer to the building are intimate and contained yet naturally extend to the surrounding larger urban park. From the common spaces of the atria, one moves from the main corridor through local ones to courtyards designed

with different sensory stimulating experiences. The dialogue between interior and exterior spaces is present everywhere and makes orientation easy. The interior has a light and airy atmosphere; daylight streams into the building through skylights, atria and large windows, providing plenty of light and air to the patients. Conscious consideration of both patient and staff security has been taken throughout.

Arkitema Health


50  Completed projects

Lobby with waiting area nurses' station

exit to courtyard

Arkitema Health


52  Ongoing projects

ongoing projects 54 DNV-Gødstrup 58 New Østfold Hospital 62 New Molde Hospital 64 Narvik Hospital 66 Psychiatric Centre Esbjerg 68 Regional Hospital Viborg 70 New Karolinska Solna

Arkitema Health


DNV-Gødstrup Address: Gødstrup, Herning  /  Year: 2011-2016 (1st stage)  /  Scope: 135,000 m²  /  Client: Region Midtjylland  /  Architect: Arkitema, AART, and NSW Arkitekter & Planleggere (NO)  /  Landscape: Arkitema  /  Engineer: Grontmij, Moe & Brødsgaard and Arup  /  Hospital Planners: Hospitalitet (NO)

In September 2011, Central Denmark Region declared Cura­ Vita, and thus Arkitema, winner of the competition for the new super hospital in Gødstrup, north of Herning. With a construction cost of four billion Danish crowns, DNV-Gødstrup becomes one of Denmark’s largest new constructions in healthcare and thus sets the standard for future Danish hospital construction. Research shows that close contact with nature helps facilitate patient recovery and staff well-being. Therefore, Cura­ Vita has integrated its design with the West Jutland heath, the inspiration for the proposal’s uniqueness and sense-filled design, which uses materials that divert the mind from the traditional clinical hospital to one characterized by a safe and homey atmosphere. Contact with the expansive Jutland horizon has resulted in a clear architectural concept. A s a natural extension of the

54  Ongoing projects

landscape’s horizontal lines, the winning proposal is rooted in an extended base, which includes outpatient clinics and sections for diagnostic imaging, surgery and offices, topped by lighter horizontal slices containing the wards, the combination of which draws attention up toward the blue sky over Herning. To ensure efficient workflow, the winning entry creates close contact between all departments and specialties. This minimizes the transport time for the patient to get to, for example, diagnostic imaging and outpatient treatment; but more importantly, this allows for the specialist to come to the patient, rather than vice versa. By concentrating transport routes, the winning entry creates a hospital that makes the patient the central player, and proximity to the specialised areas helps ensure rapid and accurate diagnosis.


aerial view arrival from the north, by the new water landscape

Arkitema Health


56  Ongoing projects

“The project has obvious qualities, from both a functioning hospital as well as architectural standpoint.” from the jury's report

DNV-Gødstrup Project offices in Aarhus and copenhagen, respectively Lobby

main entrance

Arkitema Health


New Østfold Hospital Address: Sarpsborg, Østfold, Norway  /  Year: 2008-2015  /  Scope: 90,000 m²  /  Client: Helse Sør-Øst  /  Architect: Arkitema, AART and Eliassen og Lambertz-Nilssen Arkitekter (NO)  /  Landscape: COWI A/S  /  Engineer: COWI A/S

The groundbreaking ceremony for New Østfold Hospital took place in September 2011; in December 2012, 300 artisans started working on site, the hospital growing two metres in height each day. The hospital will merge several hospitals into one super hospital, meeting needs for the southeastern part of Norway as part of a strategic plan by the Norwegian government to streamline and improve the Norwegian hospital system. The project, with its 90,000 m², will accommodate four existing hospitals as well as psychiatric care.

58  Ongoing projects

The hospital has been tagged “bright future” to emphasize the importance of context—not just for the architectural expression, but also for its healing effect on patients and the effect on hospital staff. The hospital is robust and compact in its layout, yet contains optimal logistics and flexibility. The goal of the architectural design is a confidence-building framework in which patients, visitors and staff feel highly prioritized.

Under construction, december 2012

New Østfold Hospital, centrally located with easy access to the motorway and with views of the forest and lake the hospital seen from the east with wards that overlook the landscape

Arkitema Health


“As one of Norway’s most modern hospitals, Østfold will be the flagship, which the rest of Europe will also notice.” JONAS GAHR STØRE, NORWAY'S MINISTER OF HEALTH AND CARE SERVICES DURING GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY

60  Ongoing projects


the hospital seen from the north

entrance area

Arkitema Health


New Molde hospital Address: Molde, Norway  /  Year: 2007-  /  Scope: 60,000 m²  /  Client: Helse Midt  /  Architect: Arkitema, Arstad ­Arkitekter (NO) and NSW Arkitekter & ­Planleggere (NO)  /  Landscape: Arkitema  /  Engineer: COWI A/S

New Molde Hospital is a regional hospital project that will service a large geographical area. The new hospital building will be located on an undulating site on the outskirts of Molde in Norway. The building is designed with a base of three floors that cuts into the terrain. Treatment will be located in the base. Above the base unit, stand-alone building parts will be placed in varying heights, oriented towards the view of

62  Ongoing projects

the fjord. The wards will be placed here providing a stunning panorama over a landscape of mountains and fjords. The project includes all somatic features and integrated psychiatry departments. The project was delivered as a pilot project and awaits proper start-up. Estimated start of construction is 2016.

aerial view

the hospital seen from the road. cantilevered out over the facade, the two wards are fitted with large glass sections that open up to the impressive views

Arkitema Health


Narvik hospital Address: Furomoen, Narvik, Norway  /  Year: 2009-2010 (Conceptual design). Expected start: 2016  /  Scope: 25,000 m²  /  Client: Universitetssykehuset i Nord Norge HF  /  Architect: Arkitema  /  Landscape: Arkitema  /  Engineer: Moe & Brødsgaard (NO)

The new hospital is a local one, located on a sloping site on Furomoen on the outskirts of Narvik in Norway. The main architectural concept is based on a unifying spine that cuts into the terrain from which the different functions, like fingers, stretch out into the landscape. Courtyards, created between the fingers, ensure daylight at all levels of the structure and

64  Ongoing projects

delightful views from the surrounding functional spaces. A major focus in this design is the outdoor lighting since the area for a large part of the year is in darkness. The hospital integrates somatic services and psychiatry. The conceptual design has been completed, and construction is expected to start in 2016.

site plan of the hospital Interior rendering, illustrating the hospital's open space and large glass panels that immerse the space in daylight and permit views of the green surroundings aerial view

Arkitema Health


common space

common room for the ward

concept diagrams

aerial view of the addition to the existing psychiatric centre

psychiatric centre Esbjerg Address: Gammel Vardevej, Esbjerg  /  Year: 2011-2014  /  Scope: 6600 m²  /  Client: Region Syddanmark / Architect: Arkitema / Landscape: Arkitema /  Engineer: Rambøll

The expansion and renovation of Psychiastric Centre Esbjerg is based on a continuation of the existing classical orthogonal layout of the buildings. The new buildings are placed so that the overall architectural structure reflects a clear functional division and a hierarchical arrangement among the functions. The main building, and the extensions built later, will house on the ground floor the structure’s main corridor, which links the new and existing wards on each side of the main building and contains all common and activity spaces. Bound by the main corridor, the entire system works as a compact structure.

66  Ongoing projects


















Kontakt mellem to vagtbaser

Synlighed for patienterne

Mulig opdeling

Behandler-/lederkontorer, samtalerum og bifunktioner

Forbindelse til øvrige afsnit via hovedgade







Overblik for personale


HAVER OG OPHOLDSRUM Sammenhæng ude og inde Haverum Gårdhaver til aktivitet og rekreation Opholds- og aktivitetszone

Vagt Opholds- og aktivitetszone Gårdhaver til aktivitet og rekreation

Arkitema Health


Regional hospital Viborg design consultancy

Address: Heibergs Allé 4, Viborg  /  Year: 2010-2018  /  Scope: 64,900 m²  /  Client: Region Midtjylland  /  Architect: Arkitema  /  Landscape: Arkitema  /  Engineer: Moe & Brødsgaard

A rkitema is the building consultant for Viborg Hospital, possibly the designer for parts of the project. Regional Hospital Viborg will be one of the region's five hospitals and will house the common emergency department. An expansion of the hospital is planned to meet this acute function and the steadily increasing demands of a modern, rational and efficient regional hospital. The hospital will be accessible to the patient around the clock—centrally located in the region and local to Viborg, with easy major road and public transport access. The main aspects of this project are a new construction of an emergency function and a new main entrance and auditorium. A reshuffling of existing buildings will create efficient logistics applicable to the overall hospital. Bed wards and outpatient facilities will be prioritised and improved. Furthermore, Arkitema is planning a new building for the West Denmark’s Centre for Spinal Cord Injury (VCR) as well as the construction of a new multi-storey parking structure.

68  Ongoing projects

As part of Arkitema’s application to the government for approval of the Regional Hospital, a realization study was made. This entailed a general structural plan for the hospital, establishing functional linkages, new infrastructure and the relation of Viborg's local plan to future hospital expansion. The functional linkages discussed in the realization study were later included as part of the competitive basis for the architectural competition that followed. On the basis of our user inclusion tool for establishing hospital operating principles, all the hospital's main functions were reviewed, developed and described. For each of the five main areas—surgery, radiology, outpatient surgery, emergency services, and entrance and logistics, a user group was set up, and together with Arkitema’s staff, these groups developed the operating principles for all aspects of the project.

realisation studies from the general plan: new emergency department, main entrance


new emergency department seen from Gl. Århusvej

Arkitema Health


New Karolinska Solna Address: Solna, Stockholm / Year: 2009–2017 / Scope: 20,000 m² / Client: Skanska /  Architect: Arkitema is sub-consultant for White Tengbom Team Ab

The vision for NKS, which opens for patients in 2016, is a hospital with a highly specialized hospital operation as well as high quality research and education. The hospital will offer the most advanced patient care, patient-clinical research, education and basic research. The motto “the patient always comes first” has inspired the design of NKS, a design that puts patient safety, integrity and comfort at the centre.

70  Ongoing projects

A s a part of the consulting team, A rkitema is responsible is for the clinical design of the emergency department, diagnostic imaging, and the surgical and intensive care units. Furthermore, Arkitema has a major role in planning the logistics for the hospital.

Illustration: White Tengbom Team

Illustration: White Tengbom Team

Illustration: White Tengbom Team

Illustration: White Tengbom Team

aerial view

facade seen when arriving

Lobby arrival

Arkitema Health


72  Competitions


74 Aalborg University Hospital 78 Rigshospitalet 82 New OUH 86 Bispebjerg Hospital 89 Psychiatric Hospital Slagelse 90 Mental Health Centre Sct. Hans 92 Helsingborg General Hospital

Arkitema Health


Aalborg University hospital Address: Aalborg Øst  /  Year: 2012 (competition)  /  Scope: 134,500 m² hospital, 17.000 m² new healthcare professional facility and 92 ha main structure plan  /  Client: Region Nordjylland  /  Team: Arkitema, NSW Arkitekter & Planleggere (NO), AART, Grontmij, Moe & Brødsgaard and Hospitalitet (NO)  /  Awards: 2nd prize after sharing 1st place in the first round

From the hill to the east, the hospital emerges as an open structure with east-west-oriented fingers of varying lengths and angles modeled to the landscape’s curves. The landscape’s natural dynamics shape the hospital's north-south artery—the main corridor, and connects and provides direct access to all hospital functions, and links the project to psychiatry in the south and the extensions in the north. The play of the terrain’s curves with the structure brings movement to the main corridor and gives the total hospital a natural variation and character. With reference to the landscape and chalk subsoil, a heavy, rustic base, housing the hospital's

outpatient clinics and treatment facilities, is created in light concrete. The base anchors the hospital to the site; its main structure ensures the included functions a flexibility and elasticity given the mobility of intefaces that can be adjusted to change room size. Parallel structures housing the wards have been laid on top of each base, allowing a unique view of the landscape from each room. In contrast to the base's tactile nature and horizontal expression, the wards’ light, refined volumes fabricated in tombak copper offer a vertical and crisp expression.

“The jury finds the plan of the main structure clear and convincingly simple, outlining great qualities in the urban and landscape spaces.” from the jury's report

74   Competitions

west-oriented building volumes

landscape integrated with hospital

arrival at the hospital

Arkitema Health


the central entrance

relaxing by the front entrance

“The hospital construction is beautiful and distinctive in its material use and design.” from the jury's report

76  Competitions

The wards in the upper volumes are spread out over four floors, giving the appearance of a smaller structure, but also allowing a highly visible and distinctive impression on arrival from the east. The overall hospital geometry is simple and rectangular with natural variations brought to the structure by the interplay with the terrain. The structures meet the landscape as lobed fingers that radiate into the terrain, creating spaces in-between that bring the landscape up to the main corridor throughout. At the ends of each finger, the building height is gradually reduced, from the wards to

the outpatient clinics, so that each east-west finger meets the landscape with a friendly compositional line of one-, then two-storey gables. The simple building architectural concept—the horizontal base stretched out like fingers in the terrain overlaid by spatial strokes of vertical layers of wards—provides the hospital and future additions an ultimate sturdiness. This also ensures that patients—both as outpatient and inpatient—are provided the best landscape views and direct contact with nature.

Arkitema Health


Rigshospitalet Address: Blegdamsvej, Copenhagen Ø  /  Year: 2012 (competition)  /  Scope: 1st phase including patient hotel 50,000 m²  /  Client: Region Hovedstaden  /  Team: Arkitema, Creo Arkitekter, Søren Jensen A/S, Balslev, Alectia and Hospitalitet (NO)  /  Award: 2nd prize after sharing 1st place in the first round

Our competitive proposal was inspired by the well-known Copenhagen quarter structure that is used to implement a scale transition between the existing Blegdamsvej quarter, the Fælledparken green, Rigshospitalet’s current single building composition and the new buildings that will sprout in Vidensbyen. Though respecting the traditional, the new building is fashioned in a contemporary idiom that clearly differs from that of Rigshospitalet’s existing buildings. The facade is designed to provide a transition between Blegdamsvej’s residential area and the new Vidensbyen’s more modern facades—a hospital with a contemporary and innovative

78  Competitions

expression, a hospital that heralds in a new era for a peopleoriented, robust and yet very modern design. The green context is a necessary component. Patients should be able to feel the grass between their toes, doctors should be able to hear the birds sing and visitors should be able to enjoy the sunshine together with their close ones. A simple concept that heals. While our proposal respects the existing hospital, it also yanks hospital architecture a notch into the future. An important step that is possible only because our proposal throughout the process has worked with an integrated design.

aerial view

large arrival area with view of upper levels

Facades developed with a totally new system for construction

main entrance

Arkitema Health


In the context of this proposal, we developed a new construction principle that raises the level of Danish hospital construction from the traditional by combining a unique building structure with greater flexibility. This new construction system transforms the facades into bearing loops, so that each loop can rest on top of another. This proposed structural system with bearing facades ensures great flexibility, robustness and resiliency in the new construction. Compared to

80  Competitions

traditional structures with interior columns and bearing walls that cannot be moved, the new building will be characterized by a new, unfamiliar flexibility and robustness with respect to future renovations. Between the bearing facades, the floor is constructed using a steel/concrete composite, providing maximum freedom with its column-free floors. Our proposal results in a modern yet maximally robust hospital without interior columns and with minimal material requirements.

“... A compelling holistic idea adapted to the complex situation at Rigshospitalet, putting a clear and quality stamp on both the construction and architectural idiom.” from the jury's report

Patient hotel Reception area immersed in daylight, with views Patient's room

Arkitema Health


New OUH Address: Odense  /  Year: 2011 (competition)  /  Scope: New Odense University Hospital and SUND—OUH, 234,000 m². Research facility, 39,200 m²  /  Client: Region Syddanmark and Universitets- og Bygningsstyrelsen  /  Team: Arkitema, NSW Arkitekter & Planleggere (NO), Hospitalitet (NO), Grontmij, Moe & Brødsgaard, Alectia and Arup (GB)  /  Awards: 2nd prize after sharing 1st place in the first round

As leader of CuraVita, Arkitema received the 2nd prize in the competition for the new university hospital in Odense. CuraVita’s proposal was entitled “The Human Hospital City”. A s future hospitals become larger and larger, it is very important to design with the human experience in mind. While the hospital must function effectively, recent experiences point precisely toward combining efficiency with the individual. The hospital city encompasses a large area south of Killerup Rende by the University of Southern Denmark, having a light rail connection to Odense, direct access to the highway, and a direct connection to the University of Southern Denmark. The hospital’s presence will provide the university an opportunity to create an elite health sciences education. This connection to both the university and the rest of Odense will result in the human traffic that will transform New OUH into a city. CuraVita has suggested a distinctive tower, the Knowledge Tower, adjacent to the large square by the main entrance. An attraction for all of Odense, the Knowledge Tower presents a golden opportunity to invite recreational city life to the area. The hospital city is also closely linked to the rich nature of the area. The landscape project creates a green hospital city where wetlands, hills and meadows together with small private gardens off of each department create ample opportunity for recreational outdoor experiences for patients, relatives and staff.

82  Competitions

OUH Square and knowledge tower aerial view of The Human Hospital city Cluster of wards around an open space

“The proposal for New OUH is a very detailed project, exhibiting broad knowledge of hospital operation today ...” from the jury's report

Arkitema Health


84  Competitions

interior perspective of the lobby at OUH square

patient's room

reception area

“Of special note: 1) good coupling between the University of Southern Denmark and New OUH, and 2) the human flow in the building, i.e. the opportunity for staff, students and guests to move easily and unhindered through the building mass.” from the jury's report

Arkitema Health


Bispebjerg Hospital Address: Bispebjerg Bakke, Copenhagen NV  /  Year: 2012 (competition)  /  Scope: for the somatic hospital—new construction, approx. 94,000 m² and renovation, approx. 64,000 m²; for psychiatry—new construction, 27,000 m² and renovation, 32,000 m²  /  Client: Region Hovedstaden  /  Team: Arkitema, NSW Arkitekter & Planleggere (NO), Kollision, AART, Moe & Brødsgaard, CIA (Center for Idræt og Arkitektur) v. René Kurell, Handiplan Plus and Ulrika Stigsdotter  /  Awards: none

Martin Nyrop designed the original Bispebjerg Hospital for a hillside outside Copenhagen, a hospital that would insulate patients from the surrounding world, properly away from city noise and smoke. Bispebjerg was at the time an ultra-modern hospital inspired by the thoughts of healing architecture and a vision of the garden city as an autonomous enclave. Over time, the hospital became enclosed by the growing city, but retained some its insulating nature through hedges, fences that screened it from the city. During these years, the hospital was expanded, incorporating a new, rationale of hospital as machine and special functions that departed from Nyrop’s visions of healing architecture and of green areas as key value for health and healing. With the project “Bispebjerg—an open health community”, it is our intention to preserve the healing of the green hills and the architectural qualities, and to optimize the rationale of hospital as machine, combining them both with a greater openness to the community outside. The main concept is the ring—an interconnected band that protects Bispebjerg Hospital's green heart, acting as a central corridor to all functions, separating the historic Bispebjerg from the new hospital, which meets the city in a lobed and plaiting structure along the property’s perimeter. In connection with the new main entrance, we establish Bispebjerg Universe, uniting both social and therapeutic functions.

86  Competitions

“A good sense of city—and a clear ring concept that emerges as a robust main artery with large variation in content and intensity.” From the jury's report

the new ward building seen from the Hospital garden the open city of health's new urban space bt the main entrance

site plan

psychiatric centre seen from the new public walking street

concept diagrams




Examples of building typology



variation i husdybder

højdestigning mod ringen

terrasser og nicher: subtraktion



varitation i facade: addition

åben i stueetage

Arkitema Health


Fremtidig Campusområde Sportsbaner

Personale indgang



Parkering Løberute 480 M




vandelement Gårdhave




Sikret Boenhed



Indgang Sikringen

Cykel-P Magnolia Gårdhave

Boenhed Dufthave










Ophold Græs Siddeplint Køkkenhave


Grussti Dufthave





Sikret boenhed Multiflade

Indgang retsspsyk. og akut



Eng Landskab Lyssiv


Rets boenhed



Løberute Kirsebærtræer Niche



Rets boenhed



Skærmet gård


Japansk have







Volley Magnolia

Sedum Tag



Træplatforme Frugtlund

Sten til at sidde på

Parkering Parkering

Legeplads Træningsspot





Sti Multiflade til arrangementer

Sti Playspot Bakker


Bmx bane Bakker

Boldspil Sidde niche

site plan

the interior with courtyards infusing daylight into the building, making easy access to secure green outdoor spaces

proposal awarded 1st prize in an open idea competition

concept diagrams

niveau 2

niveau 3

niveau 4

niveau 1

niveauerne forbindes med landskabelige “tunger”. Boenheder placeres på landskabet som selvstændige bygninger.

De 4 landskabsflader trækkes ud over hinanden så der skabes rum mellem dem. fladerne udlægges så der skabes et sydvestvendt amfilandskab. Landskabet trækkes over grønningen som en landskabelig bro.




udsigt og udsyn


Støjpåvirkning og støjbarriere

fremtidige udvidelsesmuligheder

88  Competitions

Psychiatric hospital Slagelse Address: Stadionvej, Slagelse  /  Year: 2009 (competition)  /  Scope: approx. 44,000 m²  /  Client: Region Sjælland  /  Team: Arkitema, Grontmij, ­Hospitalitet (NO), ­ NSW Arkitekter & Planleggere (NO) and Arstad Arkitekter (NO)  /  Awards: 1st prize in an open idea competition

The competition proposal presents a series of point buildings in the landscape, where the base of each house contains treatment facilities and the elevated residential units above ensure visual contact with the landscape. The project creates a subtle variation in the private and public outdoor spaces, merging the landscaped outdoor spaces and Slagelse.

“The proposal is like a beautiful, easy-toread project adapted to the landscape in two levels in the best possible way, original and consistently implemented on its own terms.” From the jury's report

Arkitema Health


Mental health centre Sct. Hans Address: Boserupvej 2, Roskilde  /  Year: 2013  /  Scope: 25,000 m²  /  Client: Region Hovedstaden Psykiatri  /  Architect: Arkitema / Landscape: Arkitema / Engineer: MOE

The proposal for the Mental Health Centre Sct. Hans is based on the delightful qualities of its location as well as the effect the design can have on the consciousness of the public, patients, staff and relatives. Through a newly built centre organised around a new central corridor, the proposal establishes a logical and coherent structure that includes all aspects addressed in the new forensic psychiatric law, resulting in a structure that allows easy access to all hospital areas while creating a graduated transparency that naturally divides the public, semi-public and private areas.

This new mental health centre optimizes security through an effective, but visually invisible perimeter while providing the best spaces for treatment with a series of parks and gardens that offer both patients, relatives and staff the best opportunities for pursuing and achieving differentiated treatment. Nature plays a crucial role. A conscious effort is made to draw nature into the treatment process and also to offer views and scenery that help divert thoughts from confinement and restriction to an opening of the mind to experiences and connections.

“The proposal shows insight into, understanding of and respect for the needs of patients, with its spaciousness and views, for personnel needs and desire for a gratifying work environment, as well as for efficient operation.” from the jury's report

90  Competitions

view to common gardens exit to common gardens

patient's room

courtyard for the ward

Arkitema Health


Helsingborgs Lasarett Address: Södra Vallgatan 5, 251 87 Helsingborg  /  Year: 2013 (competition)  /  Scope: 35,000 m² / Client: Regionservice, Region Skåne  /  Architect: Arkitema  /  Landscape: Arkitema  /  Engineer: Buro Happold

The expansion of Helsingborg Lasarett includes a new building that will house somatic outpatient clinics, psychiatric residential units and laboratory facilities. The proposal, built up around a general, generic solution for optimal land use, also ensures future flexibility—both for each of the three functional areas and for their mutual cooperation.

92  Competitions

A base unit—a loop—is created as a recurrent functional element with an inner courtyard or atrium, which ensures optimum daylight conditions for all spaces. Basic units are coupled together to form a flexible functional structure with short transport routes and clear vertical connections. A tapering of roof levels is used to create south-oriented, roof gardens for psychiatric residential use.


aerial view courtyard for psychiatric ­r esidential unit

Arkitema Health


principals in Arkitema health copenhagen

Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen

Birgitte Gade Ernst

Merete Brun Ejlers

Jesper Bo Jensen

Partner Division Director, Arkitema Health Architect MAA Chair for International Committee, Danske Ark

Job Manager (temp.) Creative Leader Architect MAA

Creative Leader Architect MAA

Creative Leader Architect MAA M  +45 2226 6264 M  +45 2072 9911 M  +45 4081 8077 M  +45 2672 2601


Carsten Jensen

Birthe Buhl Jensen

Lene Neerup Melchiorsen

Palle Bo Rasmussen

Business Director, Arkitema Health Construction Architect/Economist Masters in Client Consulting and Value-based Design

Job Manager Masters in Client Consulting and Value-based Design

Creative Leader Client Consultant

Creative Leader Architect MAA M  +45 2014 8775 M  +45 2672 2608 M  +45 6155 3681 M  +45 5077 7382


Urban Blomberg

Susan Schack

Taku Ala-Hakula

Görel Johansson

Adm. Director, Arkitema DOT VD, Architect SAR/MSA

Job Manager Architect SAR/MSA

Creative Leader Architect SAR/MSA

Creative Leader Architect SAR/MSA

urban.blomberg­@ ­a M +46 (0)709-62 84 38 M +46 (0)732-55 91 52

taku.ala-hakula@­a M  +46 (0)702-75 81 66

gorel.johansson@­a M +46 (0)721-51 82 29

Izabela Kjellmann

Jan Robertsen

Pia Westbeck

Creative Leader Architect SAR/MSA

Creative Leader Architect SAR/MSA

Creative Leader Architect SAR/MSA

izabela.kjellman@­a T +46 (0)854-58 56 11

jan.robertsson@­a M +46 (0)721-51 82 37 M +46 (0)721-51 82 29

94  principals in Arkitema health

cover: norwegian radium hospital—the research wing

DNV-Gødstrup—kick-off workshop held january 2012 at Arkitema in Aarhus

at the public announcement of winners of the DNV-Gødstrup competition

Arkitema Architects—our profile Arkitema Architects has a long history, dating back to 1970 when the practice was founded. In the 40 years since, the office has been responsible for a broad agenda of residential construction as well as countless schools, town halls, recreational facilities, office buildings, hospitals, restoration projects, landscape and urban design, and more. Common to all our projects is a desire to create a social and energetically sustainable architecture designed in close dialogue with the client and the user, an architecture that is experienced as beautiful, unique and befitting its purpose. Though a Danish firm, with locations in Aarhus and Copenhagen, we have become an increasingly important player in the Nordic market, with an office in Stockholm and a project office in Norway. We create our projects using our broad array of expertise and experience, which allows us to work with not only the architectural element but also with sustainable design, user involvement and a wholehearted commitment to 3-D technology.

Arkitema is a limited partnership owned by MAA architects Bendt A lmvig, Jørgen Bach, Wilhelm Berner-Nielsen, Thomas Carstens, Per Fischer, Kim Risager, Poul Schülein and administrative director Peter Hartmann Berg. A ssociated partners are MAA architects Niels Christoffersen, Glenn Elmbæk and Dorthe Keis. Retired partners with special ties to the company are MAA architects Michael Harrebek, Erling Stadager and Helge Tindal. Arkitema employs about 265 employees, which includes architects, landscape architects, building consultants, construction managers, construction engineers, construction economists, designers, technical assistants, graphic artists, humanists, communication officers and administrative staff, all working to create the best in architecture.

Arkitema health


Denmark: Frederiksgade 32 DK-8000 Aarhus C T  +45 7011 7011

Arkitema Health


Rued Langgaards Vej 8  DK-2300 Copenhagen S T  +45 7011 7011



Sweden: Rosenlundsgatan 29A, S-104 62 Stockholm T +46 (0)8 545 856 00

Norway: Skøyen Atrium Drammensveien 147B, 2. etg. N-0277 Oslo  T  +45 7011 7011

A rkitema A rchitects EN

Arkitema Architects

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