Portfolio Arnaud Iprex 2013

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Arnaud Iprex Paintings 2012/2013

Arnaud Iprex

Through my work I intend to highlight some of the common denominators in fundamental human experiences. I approach these common points from various fields of topic, from those of Dogon ceremonies to rituals of obsessive compulsive disorder patients. The narrative line of my paintings is a combination of research with my personal experience. As of 2012 I have been exploring three main themes throughout my work: - Parallelisms: the juxtapositioning of scenes from occidental and African cultures. - OCD: the representation of obsessive compulsive disorders - Paris/Berlin: the reinterpretation of day to day life events

detail: politique (politics) acrylic on canvas 100cm x 130cm


Each culture has its own way of answering to the same fundamental questions: how to deal with the future, with conflicts, with power? This series features a comparison between our society and traditional African societies through the juxtapositioning of different approaches to similar issues. These juxtapositions can sometimes lead to the outlining of differences linked to environment or to thinking patterns. However, at times the proximity of these differing cultures is surprisingly evident.

detail: voleurs de jazz (thieves of jazz) acrylic on canvas 100cm x 130cm

dance acrylic on canvas 100cm x 130cm

forecast acrylic on canvas 100cm x 130cm

war acrylic on canvas 100cm x 130cm


Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by the outbreak of intrusive thoughts occurring against the will of the subject. These thoughts are associated with rituals in order for the patient to be able to reduce his anxiety. The subject feels compelled to follow a repetitive behaviour or a mental act with strict rules. These flashes of madness, which overwhelm the subject’s reason make him switch instantly from self control to machine-like automatism. These rituals are series of gestures recognised as irrational, but nevertheless repeated in an invasive way, like a personal mysticism fighting against fate.

OCD1 acrylic on canvas 100cm x 130cm

OCD2 acrylic on canvas 80cm x 100cm

OCD3 acrylic on canvas 80cm x 100cm


Berlin and Paris are both world capitals of contemporary art. This body of works is part of a project, which I created for le Comptoir du Dessin Gallery in Paris. The paintings were inspired by everyday life events in each of these cities. I mainly focused on depicting the influences of these cities on its inhabitants.

detail : feuerwerk (fireworks) acrylic on canvas 100cm x 130cm

waschsalon (launderette) acrylic on canvas 100cm x 130cm

ĂŠpicerie (grocery) acrylic on canvas 100cm x 130cm

verlassen (abandoned) acrylic on canvas 100cm x 130cm

quand Paris sera dĂŠtruit (when Paris will be destroyed) acrylic on canvas 130cm x 200cm

Arnaud Iprex mail : arnaud.iprex@gmail.com tel : +49 179 6307382 website : arnaudiprex.com skype : arnaud.iprex

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