02 19 Photograph taken at M+, Hong Kong
69 days (2019), Sim Chan, Oil on canvas and customized LED system, 25 x 25 x 7.5 cm, 2019 Courtesy: 1a space, Hong Kong
Participating Galleries # 10 Chancery Lane 303 Gallery 47 Canal A Miguel Abreu Acquavella Aike Alisan Anomaly Antenna Space Applicat-Prazan Arario Alfonso Artiaco Artinformal Aye B Balice Hertling Beijing Art Now Beijing Commune Bergamin & Gomide Bernier/Eliades Blindspot Blum & Poe Boers-Li Tanya Bonakdar Isabella Bortolozzi Ben Brown Gavin Brown Buchholz C Gisela Capitain Cardi Carlos/Ishikawa
Chambers Chemould Prescott Road Yumiko Chiba Chi-Wen Sadie Coles HQ Contemporary Fine Arts Continua Paula Cooper Pilar Corrias Alan Cristea Chantal Crousel D Thomas Dane Massimo De Carlo de Sarthe Dirimart du Monde E Eigen + Art Eslite Gallery Exit Experimenter Selma Feriani Fortes D‘Aloia & Gabriel Fox/Jensen G Gagosian Gajah gb agency Gladstone Gmurzynska Goodman Gallery
Marian Goodman Gow Langsford Bärbel Grässlin Richard Gray Greene Naftali Karsten Greve Grotto H Hakgojae Hanart TZ Hauser & Wirth Herald St Max Hetzler Hive Xavier Hufkens I Ingleby Ink Studio Taka Ishii J Annely Juda K Kaikai Kiki Kalfayan Karma International Kasmin Sean Kelly Tina Keng Kerlin König Galerie David Kordansky Tomio Koyama Kraupa-Tuskany
Zeidler Andrew Kreps Krinzinger Kukje kurimanzutto L Pearl Lam Simon Lee Leeahn Lehmann Maupin Lelong Lévy Gorvy Liang Lin & Lin Lisson Long March Luhring Augustine Luxembourg & Dayan M Maggiore Magician Space Mai 36 Edouard Malingue Matthew Marks Mazzoleni Fergus McCaffrey Greta Meert Urs Meile Mendes Wood DM kamel mennour Metro Pictures Meyer Riegger Francesca Minini Victoria Miro Mitchell-Innes &
Nash Mizuma Modern Art The Modern Institute mother‘s tankstation N nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder Nadi Nagel Draxler Richard Nagy Nanzuka Taro Nasu neugerriemschneider nichido Anna Ning Franco Noero O Nathalie Obadia OMR One and J. Lorcan O‘Neill Ora-Ora Ota Roslyn Oxley9 P P.P.O.W Pace Pace Prints Paragon
Peres Projects Perrotin Petzel Pi Artworks PKM Plan B R Almine Rech Regen Projects Nara Roesler ROH Projects Tyler Rollins Thaddaeus Ropac Rossi & Rossi Lia Rumma
The Third Line This Is No Fantasy dianne tanzer + nicola stein TKG+ Tokyo Gallery + BTAP Tornabuoni Two Palms V Vadehra Van de Weghe Vitamin W Waddington Custot Wentrup Michael Werner White Cube White Space Beijing Barbara Wien Jocelyn Wolff
Insights A Thousand Plateaus Asia Art Center
T Take Ninagawa Tang Templon
Z Zeno X Zilberman David Zwirner
S SCAI The Bathhouse Esther Schipper Rüdiger Schöttle ShanghART ShugoArts Side 2 Sies + Höke Silverlens Skarstedt Soka Sprüth Magers Starkwhite STPI Sullivan+Strumpf
Y Yavuz
Bank Baton Beyond Dastan‘s Basement Don Empty Gallery Espace Fost Hunsand Space Yoshiaki Inoue Johyun Richard Koh Mind Set Pifo Star Yuka Tsuruno Watanuki / Toki-no-Wasuremono Wooson Yamaki
hunt kastner Jhaveri JTT Maho Kubota Emanuel Layr Michael Lett MadeIn mor charpentier Nova Contemporary Project Native Informant Société Tabula Rasa Tarq Vanguard
Riding through Boundless Lands on Music
第四十七屆(2019年)香港藝術節節目 The 47th(2019) HK Arts Festival Program
Meeting across Nine Millennia of Time
Feb. 22, 2019 (五 Fri)
納伊笛 團長: 骨龠、雙筒: 指揮:閻惠昌 笙:吳巍 古斯.愛簡拿 Conductor: 劉正國 Guyue and Sheng: Wu Wei Ney and Direction: Double-tube Bamboo Yan Huichang Kudsi Erguner Pipe: Liu Zhengguo 演出:古斯.愛簡拿樂團—土耳其拉弦琴:尼瓦.奧茲簡 卡農琴:哈坎. 管格什 彈撥爾:穆拉特.艾德米爾 烏德琴:楊尼斯.高蒂斯 拉弦彈撥 爾:米高利斯.高里瓦斯 敲擊:法拉天.約金 Performed by: The Kudsi Erguner Ensemble Kemençe: Neva Özgen Kanun: Hakan Güngör Tanbur: Murat Aydemir Ud: Giannis Koutis Tanbur with bow: Michalis Cholevas Percussion: Fahrettin Yarkin 時間:晚上 8:00 地點:香港大會堂音樂廳 票價:$200, $250, $320, $420
Time : 8:00 pm Venue : Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall Ticket Fee : $200, $250, $320, $420
風雅頌之交響— 新時代趙季平與歷史時空對話 A Historic Dialogue - The Symphonic Chinese Music of Zhao Jiping
Discoveries 1335Mabini A+ Contemporary Sabrina Amrani Christian Andersen Capsule Château Shatto Commonwealth and Council Crèvecoeur Ghebaly High Art Hopkinson Mossman
指揮:閻惠昌 Conductor: Yan Huichang
作曲家:趙季平 Composer: Zhao Jiping
琵琶:吳蠻 Pipa: Wu Man
Apr. 12-13, 2019 (五、六 Fri, Sat)
女高音:張寧佳 Soprano: Zhang Ningjia
Time : 8:00 pm Venue : Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall Ticket Fee : $170, $220, $280, $350
時間:晚上 8:00 地點:香港文化中心音樂廳 票價:$170, $220, $280, $350
開售日期Ticket on sales date:12/2/2019
March 29 – 31, 2019 香港中樂團HKCO
藝術館及文化中心 / Art Museum and Cultural Centre A01
(852) 2921 2840
香港大會堂 /
Hong Kong City Hall /
香港中環愛丁堡廣場5號 / 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong / 港鐵中環站 J, K 出口,香港站A出口 MTR Central Station Exit K, J,Hong Kong Station Exit A
2, 3B, 5X, 6
09.02.2019 20:00
兒童癌病基金管弦音樂會:與英雄同樂|香港業餘管弦樂團主辦 / Children's Cancer Foundation Orchestral Concert: Heroes Among us|Presented by Hong Kong Amateur Orchestra / $280 / $180 / $80 /
08.02.2019 20:00
大狀好友齊唱金曲迎新春|華麗歌舞團主辦 / Oldies Music Night| Presented by Gorgeous Dance and Singing Group /
07.02.2019 14:30
中西區戲曲藝術展姿采|中華文化藝術發展研究會主辦 / Chinese Culture Opera Arts|Presented by Chinese Arts and Culture Association / $120 / $80 / $40 /
03.02.2019 19:30
葉氏器樂幼苗培育工作坊音樂會三十九|葉氏兒童合唱團主辦 / Yip's Instrumental Workshop Concert XXXIX| Presented by Yip's Children's Choir / $130 /
03.02.2019 14:30
葉氏弦琴精英顯才華音樂會之七十三|葉氏兒童合唱團主辦 / Yip's Talents' Strings Concert LXXII|Presented by Yip's Children's Choir / $130 /
02.02.2019 20:00
藝音樂人•五重奏 ─ 難得夢一場|方志宏主辦 / Circle of Five – A Quarterlife Dream|Presented by Fong Chi Wang / $180 / $150 /
01.02.2019 20:00
美妙的俄羅斯民歌之夜|樂樂樂合唱團主辦 / An Evening of Splendid Russian Songs|Presented by Yao Yue Le Choir / $180 / $150 / $120 /
01.02.2019 19:30
音樂會「桃紅柳綠喜迎年」| 薈粹(香港)文化藝術團 /
香港演藝精英盃──豎琴首演音樂會|香港演藝精英協會主辦 / 09.02.2019 Hong Kong Music Talent Harp Premiere Concert|Presented 20:00 by Hong Kong Music and Performing Arts Association / $120 / $90 /
交響情人夢(香港篇)Ⅱ|香港合唱團有限公司主辦 / Valentine's Day Concert|Presented by Hong Kong Chorus Society Limited / $380 / $300 / $220 / $140 /
14.02.2019 20:00
18, 19.02.2019 20:00
方伊琪歌好月正圓45週年演唱會|創藝文化動力主辦 / $580 / $380 / $280 / $180 / $120 /
15-16.02.2019 20:00 16.02.2019 15:00
動人心弦——葉麗儀•葉振棠|香港中樂團有限公司主辦 / HKCO Valentine's Day Concert with Frances Yip and Johnny Ip|Presented by Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Limited / $680 / $480 / $280 /
香港藝術節:「帕佛.約菲與NHK交響樂團」(日本)|香港藝術節 28.02.2019 協會有限公司主辦 / Hong Kong Arts Festival: “Paavo Järvi with the 20:00 NHK Symphony Orchestra” (Japan)|Presented by Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Limited / $1180 / $980 / $800 / $620 / $440 / $280 /
16.02.2019 20:00
第47屆香港藝術節 :小號巨星納卡里亞科夫 ─ 香港大會堂場地伙伴 計劃|香港小交響樂團主辦 / 47th Hong Kong Arts Festival: Sergei Nakariakov • The Art of the Trumpetby Hong Kong Sinfonietta Hong Kong City Hall Venue Partnership Scheme|Presented by Hong Kong Sinfonietta / $420 / $280 / $160
快樂的魔法圓號|香港青少年管弦協會 / The Magic Horn| Presented by MY Orchestra Society / $1000 / $480 / $350 / $250 /
10.02.2019 20:00
香港愛樂室樂管樂團十週年音樂會|香港愛樂管樂團主辦 / Hong Kong Chamber Wind Philharmonia 10th Anniversary Concert|Presented by Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia / $230 / $180 / $150 /
香港藝術節:戲劇「重新劇團《追憶消逝的人生》」(英國) 21.02-24.02.2019 |香港藝術節協會有限公司主辦 / Hong Kong Arts Festival: 20:30 Theatre “The Nature of Forgetting by Theatre Re” (UK) 23.02-24.02.2019 |Presented by Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Limited / 16:30 $340 / $260 /
10.02.2019 15:00
Concert "Edelweiss"| Presented by Chamber Garden / $100 /
香港科學館 /
23.02.2019 20:00
香港藝術節:「鮮于睿權鋼琴獨奏會」|香港藝術節主辦 / Hong Kong Arts Festival: “Yekwon Sunwoo Piano Recital” | Presented by Hong Kong Arts Festival / $420 / $320 / $200 /
22.02.2019 20:00
香港藝術節:音樂會「九千年的邂逅」|香港中樂團主辦 / Hong Kong Arts Festival: Concert “Meeting Across Nine Millennia of Time”|Presented by Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra / $420 / $320 / $250 / $200 /
鏡頭下的維城慶典與度歲習俗|香港歷史博物館名譽顧問鄭寶 鴻先生 / Chinese New Year's Celebrations and Rituals: Old Photos of Victoria City|Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Museum of History,Mr. Cheng Po Hung /
23.02.2019 15:00
賞悅金曲慶新春| Vwa Club主辦 / $20 / 凝•音樂會2019|凝•樂薈聚主辦 / Da Capo Concert 2019 |Presented by Da Capo Music Society / $80 /
23.02.2019 20:00 24.02.2019 15:00
(852) 2694 2509
沙田大會堂 / Sha Tin Town Hall /
高山劇場 / Ko Shan Theatre /
香港新界沙田源禾路1號 / 1 Yuen Wo Rd, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong /
盈月同歡會知音|盈月軒主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Ying Yuet Hin / $180 /$ 100 /
07.02.2019 19:00
經典金曲今晚夜| 羊羊樂康會主辦 /
03.02.2019 15:00
香港精英室樂團周年音樂會|香港精英室樂團主辦 / HKECO Annual Concert|Presented by Hong Kong Elite Chamber Orchestra / $180 /$ 100 /
(852) 2740 9222
09.02.2019 19:15 10.02.2019 14:15
《友情頌千禧新春匯演折子戲專場》|千禧樂苑主辦 / Cantonese Opera Excerpts|Presented by Millennium Cantonese Operatic Song & Music Troupe / $240 / $200 / $160 / $100 /
03.02.2019 15:00
巴松館 – 周年音樂會2019|巴松館主辦 / The Bassoonion Annual Concert 2018|Presented by The Bassoonion / $150 /
02.02.2019 20:00
香港大學學生會合唱團五十一屆周年音樂會—悠蹤|香港大學學生 會合唱團主辦 / The Hong Kong University Students' Union Choir : The 51st Anniversary Concert - Wayfarer|Presented by Hong Kong University Students' Union Choir / $240 / $180 / $120 /
01.02.2019 19:30
1號影院 香港敲擊樂協會周年音樂會2019|香港敲擊樂協會主辦 / Theatre 1 - Hong Kong Percussion Association Annual Concert 2019|Presented by Hong Kong Percussion Association / $150 /
05.02.2019 19:30 06.02.2019 14:15
粵劇《愛.蓮.雪》|吾識大戲主辦 / $340 / $300 / $240 / $180 /
25.02.2019 20:00
23.02.2019 15:0 19:00 24.02.2018 14:00 17:00
合家歡音樂劇《西遊記》|春天實驗劇團主辦,康樂及文化事務署贊 助 / "Journey to the west" the Musical|Presented by SpringTime Experimental Theatre and sponsored by Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $230 / $170 / $130 /
26.02.2019 20:00 27.02.2019 20:00
萬紫千紅樂悠悠|卡文星星社主辦 / 卡文星星社主辦|Presented by Karmen Starry Club /
11.02.2019 19:30
28.02.2019 20:00
09.02.2019 19:30
好友共聚群星賀新春演唱會| 歌藝滙聚主辦 /
03.02.2019 15:00
春之舞 - 音樂匯演|樂作枋主辦 / Dance of Spring - Music Gala|Presented by Ponte della Musica Limited / $160 /
20.02.2019 20:00
春天的旋律-2019|香港聲樂藝術沙龍主辦 / Vocal Recital|Presented by Hong Kong Vocal Music Salon /
11.02.2019 19:00
華麗聲韻會知音|華麗聲韻主辦 / Variety Show|Presented by Gorgeous Rhyme /
10.02.2019 14:15
粵劇曲藝賀新禧|萃翔榮劇團主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs and Excerpts|Presented by Sui Cheung Wing Cantonese Opera /
09.02.2019 19:00
大狀好友齊唱金曲夜|華麗歌舞團主辦 / Oldies Concert| Presented by Gorgeous Dance and Singing Group /
08.02.2019 14:15 19:15
暢懷金曲情| 馬坑涌同樂會主辦 /
19.02.2019 19:30
己亥年大埔萬家慶新春活動閉幕典禮晚會|大埔萬家慶新春活動委 員會主辦 / Closing Ceremony cum Entertainment Show of Tai Po Chinese New Year Programmes|Presented by Tai Po New Year Programmes Organizing Committee /
15.02.2019 19:00
世紀金曲樂洋洋|康樂體育會主辦 / Oldies Concert|Presented by Leisure & Sports Association /
24.02.2019 20:00
鳴聲滙歲賀新禧|Vwa Club主辦 / Oldies Concert|Presented by Vwa Club /
23.02.2019 19:00
瑤琴樂韻粵曲演唱會|屯門室樂協會主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Tuen Mun Chamber Music Association /
悠揚樂韻| 華韻樂聚主辦 /
25.02.2019 14:00 19:00 27.02.2019 14:00 19:00
香港海事博物館 /
(852) 3713 2500
孫中山紀念館 /
(852) 2367 6373
Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum /
香港中環半山衛城道7號 / 7 Castle Road, Central District, Hong Kong /
12, 12M, 13, 23, 23B, 40, 40M, 103
23.02.2019 15:00
孫中山與二十世紀初的澳門社會|澳門文獻信息學會理事何偉 傑博士 / Dr Sun Yat-sen and Macau Society in the Early 20th Century|Executive Member of Macau Documentation and Information Society Dr Ho Wai Kit /
M+展亭 /
(852) 2200 0217
M+ Pavilion /
西九文化區 / West Kowloon Cultural District / 11:00-18:00
對位變奏:野口勇之於傅丹 / Noguchi for Danh Vo: Counterpoint /
文化機構 / Cultural Institute B02.9
(852) 2582 0200
香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 /
Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre /
香港灣仔港灣道2號 香港藝術中心UB / UB, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong /
(852) 2665 4477
大埔文娛中心 /
(852) 2450 4202
13-15, 17.02.2019 19:30 16.02.2019 15:30
(852) 2582 0201
麥高利小劇場 /
McAulay Studio /
港鐵灣仔站A出口 MTR Wan Chai Station Exit A
Le Prénom – What's in a name! / HK Theatre Association /
08:00 - 23:00
19.02-23.02.2019 20:30 24.02.2019 19:30
(852) 2582 0201
壽臣劇院 /
Shouson Theatre /
香港灣仔港灣道2號 香港藝術中心1-3樓 / 1-3/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong / 港鐵灣仔站A出口 MTR Wan Chai Station Exit A
那一年風暴來時 / Those were the Days: Hard Rain / $160 / $80 /
02.02.2019 19:00
21, 23.02.2019 19:30 23, 24.02.2019 14:30 24.02.2019 11:00
Peter Pan & Wendy / $280 / $240 /
15, 16.02.2019 20:00 16, 17.02.2019 15:00
二次唱作流音樂騷 潘源良生炒廣東話之有辣有唔辣 / A Nightmare of Cantonese with Poonsan / $520 / $450 / $415 /
藝穗會 /
(852) 2521 7251
Fringe Club /
香港中環下亞厘畢道2號 / 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong /
港鐵上水站 MTR Sheung Shui Station
港鐵中環站D, G出口 MTR Central Station Exit D, G
02.02.2019 19:30 話劇《夢想電車》|基督教香港崇真會沙田綜合服務中心主 辦 / Drama Transaction for ……?|Presented by Tsung Tsin 03.02.2019 19:30 Mission of Hong Kong Sha Tin Integrated Service Centre /
花旗飄洋──1784至1900年遠航來華的美國商人 / THE DRAGON AND THE EAGLE: American Traders in China, A Century of Trade from 1784 to 1900 /
02.02.2019 10:00 02.02.2019 20:00
09.02.2019 14:15
11.02.2019 14:15 19:15
開心金曲會知音| 開心老友藝社主辦 /
港鐵九龍站E4或E5出口 MTR Kowloon Station Exit E4 or E5
13.02.2019 14:15 19:15
21.02.2019 19:15
港鐵灣仔站A出口 MTR Wan Chai Station Exit A
人間版圖:基斯頓費雷紀錄片回顧展 / The Tectonics of Humanity - Christian Frei Documentary Film Retrospective / $75 / $60 /
B02.10 09:00-22:00
香港灣仔港灣道2號 香港藝術中心LB樓 / LB/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong /
01-02.02.2019 20:30 02-03.02.2019 15:30
12.02.2019 19:00
星星匯聚星閃閃|星星匯聚主辦 / Oldies Concert|Presented by Galaxy of Stars /
20.02.2019 19:15
林建國師生金曲演唱會| 歌韻風華藝術團主辦 /
(852) 2671 4400
北區大會堂 /
North District Town Hall /
香港新界上水龍運街2號 / 2 Lung Wan St, Sheung Shui, New Territories, Hong Kong /
屯門大會堂 /
Tuen Mun Town Hall /
香港新界屯門屯喜路3號 / Tuen Hi Rd, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong /
玲瓏匯聚歌舞坊主辦|天恩常樂會主辦 / Variety Show|Presented by Tin Yan Sheung Lok Club / $50 /
10.02.2019 14:15
Jazz Workshop Vol.2 – Introduction to Music Improvisation / $100 /
02.02.2019 14:30
行雲樂集呈獻:愛的二重奏—情人節音樂會 / Andante Musica: Valentine's Day Piano Duo Concert / $250 /
08.02.2019 19:00
匯聚好歌為你獻| 匯聲歌唱團主辦 /
喜樂歌聲處處聞粵曲會知音|喜樂曲藝協會主辦 / Cantonese 08.02.2019 Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Happy Music Association / 14:15
11.02.2019 14:15 19:15
勁歌金曲演唱會| 玲瓏匯聚歌舞坊主辦 /
08.02.2019 20:00
好友金曲賀新春演唱會| 北區友愛協進會主辦 / H.K.Y.M.C.S. 2019周年合家歡音樂匯演|香港青少年音樂文化協會 主辦 / H.K.Y.M.C.S. Annual Concert|Presented by Hong Kong Youths Music Culture Society / $30 /
14.02.2019 20:00
(852) 2241 5500
香港大學美術博物館 /
University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong /
18.02.2019 19:15
香港般含道90號 / 90 Bonham Road, Hong Kong /
愛生命•電影節@北區大會堂2018 電影放映暨映後座談會| 20-22.02.2019 創意香港主辦;香港影藝聯盟協辦 / "Love Your Life" Film Festival 14:30 19:30 @ North District Town Hall 2018 Film Screening & Symposium| Presented by Create Hong Kong; in association with Hong Kong Film Art Association /
15-16.02.2019 20:00 16-17.02.2019 15:00
劇場空間音樂劇《單身•友•情人》|劇場空間主辦;鳴謝: 康樂及文化事務署 / Musical Company by Theatre Space| Presented by Theatre Space;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $300 /
波比大SHOW•甜華妹夢幻俏佳人華女演唱會|華妹歌唱 藝術團主辦 / Oldies Concert|Presented by Sarah Singing Concert /
Hong Kong Maritime Museum /
香港中環八號碼頭 / Central Pier No. 8, Hong Kong /
港鐵上環站A出口 MTR Sheung Wan Station Exit A
港鐵西灣河站B出口 MTR Sai Wan Ho Station Exit B
'Twinkling Stars Chinese New Year Group Concert | Presented by Hong Kong Suzuki Music Institute Limited /
02.02.2019 19:15
輕歌舞影聚知音| 輕鬆舞軒主辦 /
03.02.2019 19:30
2019全港大專聯校舞蹈邀請賽|香港大學學生會舞蹈學會主辦 / Intra-Varsity Dance Competition 2019|Presented by Dancing Club, The Hong Kong University Students' Union / $200 / $180 /
12.02.2019 14:15 19:15
歌舞昇平同樂日| 美天康樂會主辦 / 波比大騷甜華妹 咖啡奶茶厚多士演唱會|宇晴波比朗頌團主辦 / Variety Show|Presented by Pacific Bobby Speech Group /
15-17.02.2019 20:00 16-17.02.2019 15:00
20.02.2019 19:15
懷舊金曲會知音 / 麗韻歌詠社主辦 /
24.02.2019 13:00 17:00
情繫滔滔新春粵曲演唱會|屯門室樂協會主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Tuen Mun Chamber Music Association /
Tai Po Civic Centre /
香港新界大埔市中心安邦路12號 / 12 On Pong Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong /
蛋糕時間互動親子劇場吱吱喳喳動物嘉年華2之獵人來了!|一 23-24.02.2019 舊飯團主辦 / Children's Magical Music Carnival 2 Here Comes 15:00 Mr. Hunter!|Presented by Riceball Association / $160 /
港鐵大埔站A3出口轉乘港鐵巴士K12 Interchange with MTR Bus K12 at MTR Tai Po Station Exit A3
(852) 2476 1029
元朗劇院 /
Yuen Long Theatre /
21.02.2019 14:15
愛心傳送粵曲會知音 / 亮華樂苑主辦 /
2019香港藝術節瑞士默劇團《百變樂園》|香港藝術節協會有限 公司主辦 / 2019 Hong Kong Arts Festival Mummenschanz - Reloaded|Presented by Hong Kong Arts Festival Soceity Limited / $280 / $200 / $120 /
紅聲燕韻賀新禧樂逍遙| 歌藝滙聚主辦 /
Young Vocalists主辦|Young Vocalists主辦 / Singing Competition 10.02.2019 and Vocal Lecture by Jeffie Leung|Presented by Young Vocalists 10:00 / $100 /
01-02.02.2019 20:00 02.02.2019 15:00
09.02.2019 19:15
樂儀社16週年懷舊及流行金曲音樂會(2)|樂儀社主辦 / Pop Concert|Presented by Lok Yee Club / $40 /
12.02.2019 14:15 19:15
金曲耀香江| 小鳳姐康樂歌藝社主辦 /
十二怒漢|同仁起動主辦The Twelve Angry Men| Presented by Peers Power / $120 /
同一天空下音樂會(三)|怡情藝術坊主辦 / K Sky Music Concert 10.02.2019 Part III|Presented by Do Re Me Arts Centre / $100 / 14:15 19:30
12.02.2019 19:45
天韻琴行周年音樂會|天韻琴行主辦 / Annual Concert| Presented by Hymn Piano Company / $40 /
22.02.2019 19:15
STEM@元朗之「創新科技知多少展覽計劃」|元朗區議會、元朗民 23.02.2019 政事務處、元朗區中學校長會、元朗區小學校長會、元朗大會堂合 14:00 辦 / STEM@Yuen Long "Innovative Technology Exhibition" |Presented by Yuen Long District Council, Yuen Long District Office, Yuen Long District Secondary School Heads Association, Yuen Long Primary School Heads Association and Yuen Long Town Hall /
香港樂隊時代金曲演唱會|知音羣樂會主辦 / $60 / $40 /
(852) 3184 5760
西灣河文娛中心 /
Sai Wan Civic Centre /
香港筲箕灣道111號地下 / G/F, 111 Shau Kei Wan Road, Hong Kong /
粵劇《歲賀年年 - 洛神》|群藝社同學會主辦 / Cantonese Opera|Presented by Student Club of Arts Collection / $200 / $180 / $160 / 26/2 粵劇《林沖》27/2 粵劇《蟠龍令》| 翠羽紅裳粵劇團主辦 / $380 / $320 / $280 / $220 / $160 /
李佳琵琶獨奏會|龍音樂藝主辦 / Pipa Recital By Li Jia| Presented by Arts of The Dragon / $300 / $200 /
28.02.2019 19:30
(852) 2325 1970
香港九龍清水灣道11號牛池灣市政大廈2樓及3樓 / 2/F & 3/F, Ngau Chi Wan Municipal Services Building,11 Clear Water Bay Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 09:00-23:00
踮起腳尖說再見|同仁起動主辦 / Drama Performance| Presented by Peers Power / $140 /
(852) 2408 0128
11.02.2019 11:30
許蓮香學生流行金曲演唱會|樂陶聲藝會主辦 / Helena Hui Student's Concert|Presented by The Happy Singers Club /
第十屆「灣仔戲味」音樂劇匯演|灣仔區議會社區建設及房屋事務委員 17.02.2019 會及浸信會愛羣社會服務處灣仔綜合兒童及青少年服務中心合辦 / The 15:00 10th "Wan Chai Theatre"- Musical Theatre|Jointly presented by Community Building and Housing Affairs Committee of Wan Chai District Council and Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service Wanchai Integrated Children and Youth Services Centre /
13.02.2019 19:15
金曲會知音|常歡樂好主辦 / Pop Concert|Presented by Fun Loving /
14.02.2019 19:15
18.02.2019 19:15
活力聲鼓勁鳴金曲同樂日|活力歌韻社主辦 / Pop Concert|Presented by Vitality Music Society /
(852) 2732 3232
17.02.2019 15:00
元朗兒童合唱團開心改「格」20x2生日音樂會|元朗大會堂管理 委員會有限公司主辦 / Yuen Long Children's Choir 20x2 Birthday Concert|Presented by Yuen Long Town Hall Management Committee Limited / $50 / $30 /
程國祥好歌獻給你賀新春| SING聲樂社主辦 / $20 / 好歌金曲迎新春|朱廸歌藝團主辦 / Oldies Concert|Presented by Judy Music Club / 經典金曲會知音|湖暉樂聚軒主辦 / Oldies Concert|Oldies Concert /
01.02.2019 19:00 01-03.02.2019 19:30
09.02.2019 14:00
粵劇《刁蠻元帥莽將軍》|愛心翱翔主辦 / Cantonese Opera| Presented by Caring Plane / $300 / $200 / $100 / $50 / $20 /
牛池灣文娛中心 /
Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre /
16.02.2019 14:00 19:00
港鐵彩虹B2出口 MTR Choi Hung Station Exit B2
21-24.02.2019 20:00 23-24.02.2019 15:00
葵青劇院 /
港鐵葵芳站C出口 MTR Kwai Fong Station Exit C
08.11.201825.02.2019 hk.science.museum
《絲路如詩》|香港舞蹈團主辦;香港 22-24.02.2019 舞蹈團由香港特別行政區政府資助 / Ode 19:45 to the Silk Road|Presented by Hong 23-24.02.2019 Kong Dance Company; Hong Kong 15:00 Dance Company is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region / $320 / $220 / $120 /
22-23.02.2019 20:00 23-24.02.2019 15:00 www.lcsd.gov.hk/twth
(852) 2414 0144
荃灣大會堂 /
22.02.2019 20:00
大森香奈馬林巴琴演奏會|擊能量音樂中心主辦 / Kana Omori's Marimba Recital|Presented by PercussionSpirit Music Centre / $160 /
天邊外劇場《半入塵埃》|天邊外劇場主辦;鳴謝:康樂及文化 事務署 / Requiem by Theatre Horizon|Presented by Theatre Horizon;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $220 /
香港新界元朗體育路9號 / 9, Tai Yuk Road, Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong /
滾滾黃沙之上、蒼茫雲海之間,是如畫的絲路風情,也是如詩的舞影翩翩。香港舞蹈團結集西域文化菁 華,以傳統身段糅合高雅舞姿,把大型民俗舞萃搬上舞台,將少數民族的情懷與氛圍呈現觀眾眼前。塞 外舞者的氣韻神態,此刻台上綻現 – 毋須親臨其境,絲路風情已在眼前。
《一絲不掛》|影話戲主辦 / Lightening| Presented by Cinematic Theatre / $200 /
Tsuen Wan Town Hall /
展覽簡介皇城的規劃佈局,以及紫禁城由來、規劃、建築特色,並重點介紹紫禁城內規格最高的建築 — 太和殿。同時亦會解構紫禁城建築八大作中的木作、瓦作、油作和彩畫作,透過營造技藝的介紹, 深入淺出地展現紫禁城建築所蘊藏的深厚歷史文化和智慧。展覽亦會介紹香港中式建築物的風格和特 色,讓參觀者從中了解保育文物建築的重要性
(852) 2180 8188
港鐵車公廟站A出口 MTR Che Kung Temple Station Exit A
彎彎月亮情人夜 2019|香港金旋律曲藝社主辦 / Pop Concert| Presented by Golden Rhythm Music Society Hong Kong /
02-03.02.2019 19:45
19.02.2019 14:15 19:15
金曲 Good 騷演唱會|金曲 Good 騷演唱會 / Pop Concert| Presented by Lung Poon Court Commerce Association /
「冬日開懷集」系列:坐唔定空中舞蹈團(愛爾蘭)《飛 15.02.2019 15:00 19:30 甩鳥毛》|康樂及文化事務署主辦 / Cheers!' Series: 16.02.2019 "Strange Feathers" by Fidget Feet Aerial Dance 11:30 15:00 19:30 Theatre (Ireland)|Presented by Leisure and Cultural 17.02.2019 Services Department / $220 / 11:30 15:00
金漆輝映:潮州木雕 / Gilded Glory: Chaozhou Woodcarving /
Hong Kong Science Museum /
(852) 2208 4400
粵劇《跨鳳乘龍》|香港當代中國文化藝術促進中心主辦 / Cantonese Opera|Presented by The Contemporary Chinese Arts and Culture Centre (H.K.) / $180 / $140 / $100 / $60 /
香港新界荃灣大河道72號 / 72 Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong / 港鐵荃灣站A出口 MTR Tsuen Wan Station Exit A
古蹟遊歷:從東角到春園 / Heritage Trail: From East Point to Spring Garden /
The exhibition introduces the layout, as well as the origin, planning and architectural features of the Forbidden City, with focus on the most transcendent building in the palace - Hall of Supreme Harmony. By examining the carpentry, tiling, coating and polychrome painting amongst the eight glorious craftsmanship techniques, the exhibition presents the profound historical culture and architectural wisdom of the Forbidden City. The style and characteristics of Chinese buildings in Hong Kong will also be introduced to facilitate visitors’ understanding on the importance of conserving historic buildings.
(852) 2734 2009
香港文化博物館 /
Hong Kong Heritage Museum /
香港新界沙田文林路1號 / 1 Man Lam Rd, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong /
02-03.02.2019 14:30
花木蘭|鳳翔鴻劇團主辦 / Faa Muk Laan|Presented by Fung Cheung Hung Troupe / $600 / $480 / $380 / $280 /
太古輕鬆樂聚:格拉斯的大衛寶兒|香港管弦樂團主辦; 香港管弦 15-16.02.2019 樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 / Swire Denim : Philip Glass's 20:00 David Bowie|Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra; Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region / $320 / $280 / $180 / $120 /
合•陶 —— 當代陶瓷藝術展|康樂及文化事務署主辦;香港 文化博物館籌劃 / Claylaboration – Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition|Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department;Organised by Hong Kong Heritage Museum /
12.01.2019 20:00
西鐵綫朗屏站B出口轉乘港鐵巴士K68 Interchange with MTR Bus K68 at West Rail Line Long Ping Station Exit B
With billowing yellow sand beneath your feet and spectacular sea of clouds overhead, you glimpse into the picturesque horizon of the Silk Road and are intrigued by the enigmatic figures. Feeling the beat of the tambourine, they break into traditional dances representing the unique treasures and pride of their ethnicities. Hong Kong Dance Company weaves in silky threads of inspiration from the Western Regions' ethnic minorities. The diversity in these rich cultures is marked by their distinctive costumes and exotic rhythm to their music. In the comfort of their seats, the audience is guaranteed a magic carpet ride for a breathtaking journey to the West.
香港文物探知館 /
粵藝名曲欣賞會|玉鳳鳴曲藝社主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Jade Phoenix Drama Association /
(日場) 良朋好友同樂賀新春 (夜場) 新春唱聚樂飛揚|芳芳粵曲 藝術園主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert| Presented by Fong's Arts Club / 劇場空間音樂劇《單身•友•情人》|劇場空間主辦;鳴謝: 康樂及文化事務署 Musical Company by Theatre Space|Presented by Theatre Space;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $380 /
23.02.2019 19:30
Kwai Tsing Theatre /
香港新界葵芳興寧道12號 / 12 Hing Ning Rd, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong /
28.02, 01.03.2019 20:15 02.03.2019 15:00
「新能量」系列:眾聲喧嘩《此地 他鄉》|眾聲喧嘩主辦;鳴謝: 01-03.02.2019 康樂及文化事務署"New Energy" Series: Foreign Land by 20:00 Heteroglossia|Presented by Heteroglossia;Acknowledge- 02-03.02.2019 ment: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $200 / 15:00
(852) 2724 9042
Hong Kong Museum of History /
Studiodanz Showcase 2019|舞館有限公司主辦 / Presented by Studiodanz Company Limited / $260 / $180 /
香港九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南100號 / 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 10:00-18:00
香港九龍尖沙咀東部科學館道2號 / 2 Science Museum Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
25.02.2019 19:15
唱腔流派薈采泠|采泠薈主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Euphonia / $300 / $220 / $180 / $120 / $40 /
港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口 MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit B2
香港賽馬會呈獻系列:匠心獨運 —— 鐘錶珍寶展 / The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Treasures of Time /
Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre / 10:00-18:00
港鐵尖沙咀站A1出口 MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit A1
「穿越紫禁城 ─ 建築營造」展覽 / Exhibition on "Traversing the Forbidden City – Architecture and Craftsmanship" /
(852) 2921 0500
香港九龍紅磡高山道77號 / 77 Ko Shan Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
港鐵沙田站A出口 MTR Shatin Station Exit A
雲門舞集45週年林懷民舞作精選|香港藝術節協會有限公司主辦 21-23.02.2019 / Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan The 45th Anniver20:15 sary Gala Programme Retrospectives of Lin Hwai-min's 24.02.2019 Works|Presented by Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Limited / 14:00 $800 / $700 / $600 / $500 / $400 / $300 /
沙田戲劇匯演2018/2019|沙田文藝協會有限公司主辦 / Sha Tin Drama Contest 2018/2019|Presented by Sha Tin Arts Association Limited / $45 /
香港藝術節開幕演出:「瑪琳. 21-22.02.2019 艾爾梭與聖保羅交響樂團」 20:00 (巴西)|香港藝術節協會有限公 司主辦 / Hong Kong Arts Festival Opening: “Marin Alsop with the São Paulo Symphony Orchestra” (Brazil) |Presented by Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Limited / $1180 / $980 / $800 / $620 / $440 / $280 / 與別不同的艾爾梭大師終於率領聖保羅交響樂團首次來港,帶來既經典又充滿獨特南美個性的兩場節 目:由普羅科菲耶夫打頭陣,幽默把玩交響曲的古典形式,再與蜚聲國際的寧峰以超凡技巧演繹帕格尼 尼小提琴協奏曲,及後由史特勞斯浪漫熱情的《玫瑰騎士》組曲為首場音樂會作結。次場以活力充沛的 《康第德》序曲向伯恩斯坦致敬,更獻上巴西國寶魏拉-羅伯斯以巴羅克作曲手法承載南美想像的《巴 西的巴赫風格》及阿根廷作曲家吉納斯特拉的熱情舞曲,最後以林姆斯基-高沙可夫的《天方夜譚》令 樂團表演綻放斑斕的色彩!
香港藝術節:舞蹈「香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台《舞鬥》」 |香港藝術節協會有限公司主辦 / Hong Kong Arts Festival: Dance “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series Dance Off”|Presented by Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Limited / $150 /
16.02.2019 14:30
寨城尋龍|香港小莎翁主辦 / The Light Dragon|Presented by Shakespeare4All Company / $200 / $100 /
香港歷史博物館 /
21-24, 26-28.02.2019 20:00 23,24.02.2019 15:00
港鐵尖沙咀站A1出口 MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit A1
26.02.2019 19:15
楊雅雲氍毹樂友倆關情|采泠薈主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Euphonia / $300 / $220 / $180 / $120 / $40 /
雙生輝映戲如龍 9 《六國大封相》《風流天子》 10 (日場)《桃花 09.02.2019 湖畔鳳求凰》(夜場)《大鬧廣昌隆》 11 《百戰榮歸迎彩鳳》 12 19:15 《征袍還金粉》 13 《鳳閣恩仇未了情》 14 《英雄掌上野荼薇》 10.02.2019 15 《旗開得勝凱旋還》|春暉粵藝工作坊主辦 / Cantonese 13:30 19:30 Opera|Presented by Spring Glory Cantonese Opera 11-15.02.2019 Workshop / $420 / $340 / $260 / $200 / $160 / 19:30
Both core orchestral repertoire and Brazilian beats heat up these two HKAF concerts: Prokofiev's witty parody of a 'classical' symphony opens the first night, followed by Paganini's virtuosic Violin Concerto No 1 with acclaimed soloist Ning Feng and Richard Strauss's emotionally charged Der Rosenkavalier Suite. A celebrated protégée of Leonard Bernstein, Alsop opens the second concert with her mentor's exuberant Candide Overture, before we take in the fabulously textured Bachianas Brasileiras – Baroque harmony and counterpoint reimagined by Brazil's most significant composer, Heitor Villa-Lobos – and finally a dazzling conclusion with Rimsky-Korsakov's colourful Scheherazade.
17.02.2019 19:15
BEYONDancing BOLLYWOOD Night 2019| Presented by BEYOND Bollywood / $360 / $320 / 香港藝術節:「倫敦燃料劇團、布里斯托爾老域劇團、愛丁堡皇 家蘭心劇院與北安普敦皇家及德蓋特劇院聯合製作《攀越冰峰》 」|香港藝術節主辦 / Hong Kong Arts Festival: "Touching the Void co-produced by A Fuel, Bristol Old Vic, Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh, and Royal & Derngate Northampton” |Presented by Hong Kong Arts Festival / $450 / $360 / $280 /
(852) 2869 0690
茶具文物館 /
Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware /
香港中區紅棉路10號 (香港公園內) / 10 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong (inside Hong Kong Park) /
香港九龍尖沙咀海防道九龍公園 / Kowloon Park, Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
港鐵金鐘站C1出口 MTR Admiralty Station Exit C1
陶瓷茶具創作展覽2018 / 2018 Tea Ware by Hong Kong Potters /
香港中央圖書館 /
Hong Kong Central Library /
香港銅鑼灣高士威道66號 / 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong / 港鐵銅鑼灣站F出口或天后站B出口 MTR Causeway Bay Station Exit F and Tin Hau Station Exit B
香港音樂家群像系列: 馮華與「今樂府」/ The Hong Kong Musicians Series: FUNG Wah and "Kam Lok Fu" /
香港文化中心 /
Hong Kong Cultural Centre /
香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號 / 10 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 港鐵尖沙咀站E出口 MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit E
08-09.02.2019 20:00
百老匯巨星:莉亞•莎朗嘉|香港管弦樂團主辦 / Lea Salonga: The Voice of Broadway|Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra / $780 / $580 / $380 / $280 /
港彩流金:二十世紀香港彩瓷|康樂及文化事務署與香港陶瓷研究 會聯合主辦;香港文化博物館及香港陶瓷研究會聯合籌劃 / Golden Splendours: 20th-Century Painted Porcelains of Hong Kong|Jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and The Hong Kong Ceramics Research Society;Jointly organised by Hong Kong Heritage Museum and The Hong Kong Ceramics Research Society /
Lea Salonga: The Voice of Broadway for Filipino Community| 10.02.2019 香港管弦樂團有限公司主辦 / Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic 15:00 16:45 Orchestra Limited / $200 / $150 / Liza and Friends 摯友樂聚——香港中樂團籌款晚會|香港中樂團 有限公司主辦 / Liza and Friends - HKCO Fundraising Gala| Presented by Hong Kong Chinese Orchestea Limited / $350 / $280 / $220 / $170 /
23,40,40M,3B,40M ,8,22,28
湖山勝概:綿延千年的雕版印刷 / West Lake Panorama: One Thousand Years Of Woodblock Painting /
1_201901-HK_ArtMap_Feb-57x76cm-Final.indd 1
25/1/2019 下午2:50