The Ch'i_lin Of Calauit, Yee I-Lann, C-print, 2005
04 19
耳聽千卷 樂行萬里
Riding through Boundless Lands on Music
風雅頌之交響— 新時代趙季平與歷史時空對話 A Historic Dialogue - The Symphonic Chinese Music of Zhao Jiping
Apr. 12-13, 2019 (五、六 Fri, Sat)
14–15.06.19 指揮:閻惠昌 Conductor: Yan Huichang
作曲家:趙季平 Composer: Zhao Jiping
30 March – 16 May, 2019 10am – 7pm 合唱:香港城市合唱團 Chorus: Hong Kong City Choir
女高音:張寧佳 Soprano: Zhang Ningjia
琵琶:吳蠻 Pipa: Wu Man
時間:晚上 8:00 地點:香港文化中心音樂廳 票價:$170, $220, $280, $350 Time : 8:00 pm Venue : Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall Ticket Fee : $170, $220, $280, $350
白山黑水間 May. 3-4, 2019 (五、六 Fri, Sat) White Mountains, Black Waters The Rustic Landscape of Northeastern China 剪紙︰初春枝(滿族剪紙非物質文化遺產傳承人)、 演唱︰陳智、王志昕、中阮︰葛楊(香港中樂團小阮 柳琴首席)、三弦領奏︰趙太生(香港中樂團三弦首席)、 嗩吶領奏 東北大杆︰夏博研、板胡領奏︰張宇慧 (香港中樂團高胡演奏家)
Papercuts: Chu Chunzhi、Vocals: Chen Zhi、 Wang Zhixin、Zhongruan: Ge Yang、Lead Conductor: Sun Peng Sanxian: Zhao Taisheng、Lead Suona & Dagan of Northeastern China: Xia Boyan、Lead Banhu: Zhang Yuhui 指揮:孫鵬 (首席國際
中樂指揮大賽冠軍) © Marc Domage
西九文化區 自由空間 大盒 晚上 8 時
$380, $300
The Box Freespace West Kowloon Cultural District 8pm
Co-presented with 合辦機構
For more information and tickets 詳情及購票
二胡 板胡 板胡 領奏︰趙奪良 Erhu / Banhu / Lead Banhu: Zhao Duoliang
Xiqu Centre Ticket Office 戲曲中心票務處
Open 辦公時間:每日上午 10:00am ‒ 晚上 9:00pm daily
Telephone booking 電話購票:2200 0022
( No handling fee for tickets bought online, in person or by phone
時間:晚上 8:00 地點:香港大會堂音樂廳 票價:$170, $220, $280, $350 Time : 8:00 pm Venue : Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall Ticket Fee : $170, $220, $280, $350
門票於城市售票網發售 Tickets available at URBTIX
網上、親身及電話購票均不設手續費 )
Exclusive sponsor 獨家贊助
11F, H Queen’s, 80 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong T. +852-2537-1880 M. 香港中樂團HKCO
藝術館及文化中心 / Art Museum and Cultural Centre A01
(852) 2921 2840
香港大會堂 /
Hong Kong City Hall /
香港文化中心 / Hong Kong Cultural Centre /
魔犬(暫名)|中英劇團有限公司主辦 / Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery|Presented by Chung Ying Theatre Company (HK) Limited / $280 / $180 /
06-07.04.2019 14:30 06.04.2019 19:30
失蝨室樂團: 音樂劇|香港城市室樂團 主辦;鳴謝:康樂及文化事務署 / Bug Symphony: The Musical|Presented by City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $550 / $350 / $250 /
While having a picnic, two humans are interrupted by a bug orchestra rehearsing for the Queen Bee’s coronation and are tasked by maestro mantis to find the missing notes of the golden orb spider in time for the performance. During the search they encounter a cockroach on saxophone, a deadly killer bug and a Broadway stinger! Billed as a musical and starring comedy duo Scotty & Lulu with a stunning cast of performers in dazzling bug costumes, Bug Symphony was premiered in 2015 to rave reviews and won the Public Choice Award at the YAMawards in Portugal in 2017.
浪人劇場《棒球場上的亞熱帶少年》(重演)|浪人劇場主 辦;鳴謝:康樂及文化事務署 / Fallen (Re-run) by Theatre Ronin|Presented by Theatre Ronin;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $280 / $180 /
舒曼鋼琴協奏曲|香港小交響樂團主辦 / Great Piano Concertos: Jean-Frédéric Neuburger Plays Schumann|Presented by Hong Kong Sinfonietta / $420 / $280 / $160 /
13.04.2019 20:00
音樂會「樂而忘返」|香港交響管樂團主辦 / Concert “Adventure in Time”|Presented by The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds / $250 / $180 / $150 / $100 /
14.04.2019 15:00
非遺粵韻耀香江2019粵曲演唱欣賞會|大中華非物質文化遺產 傳藝會主辦 / Presented by The Great China Intangible Cultural Heritage Association / $280 / $200 / $160 / $80 /
16.04.2019 19:15
琴韻化蝶 ─ 紀念《梁祝》60週年 呂思清及鄭慧二重奏之夜|香 港演出 / The Butterfly Lovers 60th Anniversary Concert - An Enchanting Evening of Violin and Piano by Lu Si-Qing & Cheng Wai| Hong Kong Performance / $880 / $480 / $360 / $220 /
18.04.2019 20:00
非凡小號:海頓與祖利維|香港小交響樂團 / The Art of Trumpet: Haydn & Jolivet|Hong Kong Sinfonietta / $380 / $260 / $150 /
28.04.2019 15:00
傷健同心樂韻情2019慈善音樂會|香港復康力量主辦 / Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power 2019 Charity Concert|Presented byHong Kong Rehabilitation Power / $500 / $300 / $200 / $100 /
30.04.2019 19:15
09.04.2019 19:00
瑤琴樂室三十週年音樂匯演|屯門室樂協會主辦 / Violin and Cello Concert - Yiu Kum Ngok Set 13 Chow Nin Yum Ngok Wui Yin|Presented by Tuen Mun Chamber Music Association / $35 /
14.04.2019 19:30
眾樂團周年音樂會|眾樂團有限公司主辦 / Shinywinds Annual Concert – Silver Lining|Presented by Shinywinds Company Limited / $160 / $120 /
13.04.2019 20:00
歷山與你同樂|林傑豪主辦 / Alexander Band and You| Presented by Lam Kit Ho / $30 /
21.04.2019 19:15
小光之友會知音|光輝研藝社主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Kong Fai Association /
23.04.2019 14:15 19:15
彤音粵藝會知己|芍彤粵劇曲藝社主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Peony Chinese Opera Troupe /
25.04.2019 12:15 19:15
粵曲欣賞會|舞動藝軒主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Arts Clance /
26.04.2019 14:00
12-13.04.2019 20:00 13-14.04.2019 15:00
專業演出系列《葬鯨魚的人》|好Teen戲主辦 / 《Whale Game》|Presented by Teens Theatre /
18-21.04.2019 20:00 20-21.04.2019 15:00 19-20.04.2019 20:00
【利瑪竇】音樂劇|文化交談有限公司主辦 / Matteo Ricci The Musical|Presented by Intercultural Dialogue Limited / $1500 / $525 / $425 / $250 / $120 /
20, 26, 27.04.2019 19:30 28.04.2019 14:30
馬勒 : 第九交響曲|香港管弦樂團主辦 / Mahler $200: Symphony No. 9|Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra / $200 /
26-27.04.2019 20:00
12, 12A, 23, 23B, 40, 103
失去了又回來 / Once lost but now found /
閱讀感染 – 圖書館之七封印|白雙全、潘國靈 / Contagious Reading 22.03— The Library's Seven Seals|Tozer Pak, Lawrence Pun / 18.04.2019
香港中央圖書館 /
Hong Kong Central Library /
(852) 2921 0500
香港銅鑼灣高士威道66號 / 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong / 港鐵銅鑼灣站F出口或天后站B出口 MTR Causeway Bay Station Exit F and Tin Hau Station Exit B
古蹟遊歷:從東角到春園 / Heritage Trail: From East Point to Spring Garden /
香港音樂家群像系列: 馮華與「今樂府」/ The Hong Kong Musicians Series: FUNG Wah and "Kam Lok Fu" /
22.04.2019 19:30
Play Together 英語音樂劇2019周年 匯演|Play Together Company Limited 主辦 / Play Together Annual Performance 2019|Presented by Play Together Company Limited / $180 /
27.04.2019 14:30 19:45
香港兒童交響樂團2019周年音樂會: 楊曉宇的帕格尼尼|香港兒童 交響樂團主辦 / Hong Kong Children's Symphony Orchestra Annual Concert 2019 : Yang Xiaoyu's Paganini|Presented by Hong Kong Children's Symphony Orchestra / $180 / $120 /
27.04.2019 20:00
香港譜樂管弦樂協會周年音樂會2019|香港譜樂管弦樂協會主辦 / HKPMOA Anniversary Concert 2019|Presented by Hong Kong Post-Modern Orchestra Association / $180 / $120 /
28.04.2019 19:45
第七十一屆香港學校音樂節優勝者音樂會|香港學校音樂及朗 誦協會主辦 / The 71st Hong Kong Schools Music Festival Prize-winners' Concert|Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association / $80 /
29.04.2019 19:30
(852) 2740 9222
(852) 2694 2509
04.04.2019 19:00
《聯合齊享綜藝性金曲之夜》|天朗常樂會主辦 / Variety Show|Presented by Music is Life / $50 / $30 /
08.04.2019 19:15
《錦繡華麗展繽紛-粵劇折子戲演出》|樂錦繡粵劇社及華麗戲臺 合辦 / Cantonese Opera Excerpts|Co-presented by Lok Kam Sau Cantonese Opera Association & Gorgeous Stage /
14.04.2019 14:15 19:15
廣東音樂系列:嶺南山海有情音樂會–白字戲、花朝戲及皆歌| 康樂及文化事務署主辦 / Guangdong Music Series: A Concert of Hakka and Hailufeng Folk Music - Baizi Opera, Huachao Opera and Hakka Folk Song|Presented by Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $260 / $160 /
19.04.2019 20:00
《知音同聚樂滿城粵劇折子戲專場2019》|葵涌及青衣區文藝協 進會有限公司主辦 / Cantonese Opera Excerpts|Presented by Kwai Chung and Tsang Yi District Culture and Arts Co-ordinating Association Limited /
22.04.2019 19:15
粵劇《武松》|紫彤藝苑主辦 / Cantonese Opera|Presented by Selena Arts House / $280 / $240 / $200 / $160 / $100 /
24.04.2019 19:30
13.04.2019 19:30
太古週日家 賞系列: 古典樂棟篤笑之獨奏家打大交|香港管弦協 會有限公司主辦 / Swire Sunday Family Series Igudesman & Joo: Clash of the Soloists|Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Society Limited / $480 / $380 / $280 / $180 /
14.04.2019 15:00
輝紅粵劇團 《夢斷香銷四十年》|海棠紅粵劇團主辦 / Cantonese Opera|Presented by Begonia Chinese Opera Association / $400 / $320 / $240 / $180 / $120 /
15.04.2019 19:30
《雯藝桃李賦新聲》粵劇折子戲及粵曲演唱會|雯藝軒主辦 / 25.04.2019 Cantonese Opera Excerpts and Operatic Songs Concert| 19:15 Presented by Emily Music Forum / $380 / $320 / $260 / $160 / $100 /
輝紅粵劇團 《紅菱巧破無頭案》|海棠紅粵劇團主辦 / Cantonese Opera|Presented by Begonia Chinese Opera Association / $400 / $320 / $240 / $180 / $120 /
16.04.2019 19:30
《絃升緣牽九載情折子戲專場》| 絃升粵藝社主辦 /
何麗琼粵藝銀禧展風華|瓊花藝苑主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Jade Flower Cantonese Operatic Society / $200 / $120 / $60 / $20 /
18.04.2019 19:00
(852) 2325 1970
港鐵彩虹B2出口 MTR Choi Hung Station Exit B2
11.04.2019 19:15
活出彩虹 | 麗鈞友好金曲會知音主辦 / $30 /
(852) 2408 0128
19, 26.04.2019 20:00 20, 27.04.2019 14:30 20:00 21, 28.04.2019 11:00 14:30 17:00
信義男爵樂團 未來|基督教香港信義會社會服務部主辦 / MEN IN JAZZ FUTURE OF TOMORROW|Presented by Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Hong / $200 / $180 /
港鐵葵芳站C出口 MTR Kwai Fong Station Exit C
《月球下的人》三度公演|Kearen Pang Production 主 辦 / Laugh me to the moon (3rd run) |Presented by Kearen Pang Production / $480 / $380 / $320 / 《好不容易遇見愛》|粉紅會主辦 / Love, Finally|Presented by The Pink / $190 /
音樂劇《聽話?》|瘋劇團主辦 / Drama Performance / $220 /
05-07,09-13.04.2019 20:00
A17 05.04-07.04.2019 20:00 06.04-07.04.2019 15:00
《拾約》|新約舞流主辦;鳴謝:康樂及文化事務署 / 12-13.04.2019 20:00 1ogether|Presented by Passoverdance;Acknowledge13-14.04.2019 ment : Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $200 / 15:00 香港舞蹈年獎2019|香港舞蹈聯盟主辦 / 21st Hong Kong Dance 18.04.2019 Awards|Presented by Hong Kong Dance Alliance / $170 / $120 / 20:00 中樂嘉年華|香港中樂團主辦 / Fun! Fun! Fun! Chinese Music|Presented by Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra / $120 / 《冬之旅•春之祭》|城市當代舞蹈團主辦 / Winterreise · The Rite of Spring|Presented by City Contemporary Dance Company / $300 / $240 / $180 /
19-20.04.2019 19:30
26.04-27.04.2019 20:00
21.04.2019 19:30
27.04.2019 19:45 28.04.2019 14:45
元朗劇院 / Yuen Long Theatre /
(852) 2476 1029
香港新界元朗體育路9號 / 9, Tai Yuk Road, Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong / 西鐵綫朗屏站B出口轉乘港鐵巴士K68 Interchange with MTR Bus K68 at West Rail Line Long Ping Station Exit B
2019香港青少年鋼琴大賽總決賽|元朗大會堂管理委員會有限公 07.04.2019 司主辦 / 2019 Hong Kong Children and Youth Piano Contest 14:15 Final|Presented by Yuen Long Town Hall Management Committee Limited / $10 / 拉闊劇團《書虫的少年時代》|拉闊劇團主辦;鳴謝:康樂及 文化事務署 / The Death of a Bookworm by Live Theatre| Presented by Live Theatre;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $360 / $320 / $280 /
廣東音樂系列:王培瑜與汕頭市弦詩樂團音樂會|康樂及文化事務 署主辦 / Guangdong Music Series: Concert by Wang Peiyu and Xianshi Ensemble of Shantou|Presented by Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $260 / $160 /
13.04.2019 20:00
HKPPO 團員演奏會2019|香港飛躍愛樂管弦樂團主辦 / HKPPO Member's Recital 2019|Presented by Hong Kong Progressive Philharmonic / $80 /
13.04.2019 20:00
春韻妙韻2019|春韻之聲主辦 / Presented by The Spring Melody / $100 /
20.04.2019 19:30
「弦夢」音樂會|黎偉主辦 / Dream of String|Presented by Li Wei / $100 /
21.04.2019 15:00
對位變奏:野口勇之於傅丹 / Noguchi for Danh Vo: Counterpoint /
12.04-14.04.2019 20:00 13.04-14.04.2019 15:00
06.04.2019 20:00
舞蹈表演|Sri Shakti Academy主辦 / Anjali 2019|Presented by Sri Shakti Academy / $150 /
07.04.2019 15:00
玩具大暴走|有骨戲主辦 / Run Run Hero| Presented by Boney Show / $220 / $180 / $140 /
11.04-14.04.2019 19:45 13.04-14.04.2019 15:00
合家歡音樂劇場《花木蘭》|夢飛行合家歡劇 團主辦 / MULAN|Presented by The Theatre Wonderland / $270 /
18.04-21.04.2019 19:15 19.04-21.04.2019 15:15 21.04.2019 11:00
22.04.2019 19:30
大埔文娛中心 / Tai Po Civic Centre /
港鐵彩虹站A2出口 MTR Choi Hung Station Exit A2
06.04.2019 19:00
仙歌妙舞同樂晝與夜|香港沙田知音舞蹈團主辦 / Enjoying Together Lovely Songs and Dances Day and Night| Presented by Hong Kong Shatin Zhiyin Dancing Club /
12.04.2019 14:00
動漫音樂大匯演|亞洲音樂協會主辦 / Cartoon Music Concert| Presented by Association De Musique Asie / $200 / $120 /
20.04.2019 20:00
玉珍、文文、美蘭個人演唱會|良朋珍心主辦 / Oldies Concert|Presented by Annisa's Voice /
21.04.2019 19:00 22.04.2019 09:00 14:15 19:15
寶珠群星匯|群星匯主辦 / Variety Show|Presented by The Group of Stars /
24.04.2019 14:00 19:00
豐盛人生演唱會2019 / 豐盛曲藝社主辦 /
27.04.2019 14:00
粵韻牽情欣賞會|妙賢雅集主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Mui Yin Association /
28.04.2019 14:00
金曲好友會知音|香港金曲好友唱家班主辦 / Oldies Concert| Presented by HK Golden Song Good Friends Singers /
30.04.2019 14:00
"New Art Now" /
Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre /
(852) 2582 0200
香港灣仔港灣道2號 香港藝術中心UB / UB, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong /
自主特區: 澳門原創動畫短片放映 / Independently Yours: Macau Original Animation / $65 /
02.04.2019 19:30
《包浩斯:百年風格》/ Screening of a documentary Bauhaus Spirit: A 100 Years of Bauhaus / $75 / $60 /
10.04.2019 20:00
香港好電影——四月 / Great Hong Kong Movies - April / $75 /
25.04.2019 20:00
高先精選——四月:淪落人 / Golden Scene Selection - April: Still Human / $75 /
26.04.2019 20:00 28.04.2019 14:15
高先精選——四月:《大象席地而坐》 / Golden Scene Selection - April: An Elephant Sitting Still / $130 /
港鐵九龍塘港鐵站 E 出口 MTR Kowloon Tong MTR station Exit E
23,40,40M,3B,40M ,8,22,28
靜 • 激盪——陳作基 個人畫展 / Tranquility • Vibrancy - a solo art exhibition by Chan Chok Ki /
(852) 2103 9511
Asia Society Hong Kong Center /
香港金鐘正義道九號 / 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong / 港鐵金鐘站C1出口前往金鐘廊 MTR Admiralty Station Exit C1 to Queensway Plaza
(852) 2521 7251
亞洲協會香港中心 /
香港中環下亞厘畢道2號 藝穗會 / 2 Lower Albert Rd, Central, Hong Kong, The Fringe Club, Hong Kong / 港鐵中環站D, G出口 MTR Central Station Exit D, G
寓研於教——饒宗頤教授在香港大學的十六年 / Searching through Teaching: Professor Jao Tsung-i's 16 Years at The University of Hong Kong /
The Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery /
(852) 2241 5500
香港般含道90號 / 90 Bonham Road, Hong Kong /
12.04-14.04.2019 20:00
藝穗會陳麗玲畫廊 /
University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong /
03.04.2019 20:00
大大夢幻樂園 / Big Big Paradise / $120 / $95 /
香港大學美術博物館 /
27.04.2019 14:15
學生視覺藝術作品集展 2018/19 / Exhibition of Students Visual Arts Work (2018/19) – Senior Secondary Students' Visual Arts Portfolios /
(852) 2521 7251
港鐵中環站D, G出口 MTR Central Station Exit D, G
(852) 3698 4490
香港九龍塘沙福道19號教育局九龍塘教育服務中心西座平台 / West Podium, EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19, Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
藝穗會 / Fringe Club /
薈萃館 / The Young Achievers’ Gallery /
A Broadway Celebration|The Hong Kong Singers Concert Choir / $100 / $80 /
不忘初心演唱會|清蘭和諧之音主辦 / Oldies Concert|Presented by Ching Lan Singing Club /
(852) 3411 8272
香港九龍觀塘道51號啟德校園 / Main building, Kai Tak Campus, 51 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon /
香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 /
AVA Gallery, Kai Tak campus, HKBU /
香港中環下亞厘畢道2號 / 2 Lower Albert Rd, Central, Hong Kong /
港鐵大埔站A3出口轉乘港鐵巴士K12 Interchange with MTR Bus K12 at MTR Tai Po Station Exit A3
04.04-13.04.2019 03.04.2019 19:00 Opening
香港浸會大學啟德校園畫廊 /
(852) 2582 0201
(852) 2665 4477
視線,之間 / Sightlines /
香港新界大埔市中心安邦路12號 / 12 On Pong Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong /
金曲會知音| 小鳳姐康樂歌藝社主辦 /
港鐵灣仔站A出口 MTR Wan Chai Station Exit A
(852) 3411 8272
港鐵灣仔站C出口 MTR Wan Chai Station Exit C
逍遙歡樂音樂會|逍遙樂社主辦 / Concert|Presented by Happy Music / $60 /
Pictures Of Persuasion: Hong Kong's Travel Posters /
香港灣仔港灣道2號 香港藝術中心3樓 / 3/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong /
26.04.2019 14:00
港鐵九龍塘站A2出口 MTR Kowloon Tong Exit A2
(852) 2582 0201
第五屆收藏家當代藝術藏品展 / 5th Collectors' Contemporary Collaboration /
(852) 3184 5760
演藝鋼琴大師班—Milan Franek / Academy Piano Masterclass by Milan Franek /
香港九龍塘禧福道5號香港浸會大學傳理視藝大樓 / Communication and Visual Arts Building, Hong Kong Baptist University, 5 Hereford Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
香港灣仔港灣道2號 香港藝術中心4, 5樓 / 4/F and 5/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong /
10.04.2019 17:30
Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Baptist University /
港鐵灣仔站C出口 MTR Wan Chai Station Exit C
演藝長笛大師班—Noemi Gyogi / Academy Flute Masterclass by Noemi Gyogi /
香港浸會大學顧明均展覽廳 /
包氏畫廊 / Pao Galleries /
07.04.2019 18:00
10.04.2019 15:00 12.04.2019 14:00
文化機構 / Cultural Institute B02.7
05-06, 09-10, 12.04.2019 20:00
演藝鋼琴大師班—Aquiles Delle Vigne / Academy Piano Masterclass by Aquiles Delle Vigne /
(852) 2200 0217
演藝多媒體作品音樂會—朱啟揚、李海欣、沈耀忠與葉加俊 / Academy Multimedia Composition Concert by Chu Kai-yeung, Li Hoi-yan, Sham Yiu-chung & Yip Ka-chun /
港鐵九龍站E4或E5出口 MTR Kowloon Station Exit E4 or E5
室內歌劇《美麗與哀愁》/ Beauty and Sadness (A Chamber Opera) / $880 / $680/ $380 /
西九文化區 / West Kowloon Cultural District /
05.04.2019 20:00
5P, A12, 18, 18P, 46X, 309
M+展亭 / M+ Pavilion /
(852) 2802 0088
香港灣仔告士打道1號 / 1 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong /
實驗畫廊 / Experimental Gallery /
河•頌|薈韻文化藝術有限公司主辦 / River of Ode|Presented by Perfect Pitch Art Company Limited / $180 / $150 /
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts /
香港中環八號碼頭 / Central Pier No. 8, Hong Kong /
花旗飄洋──1784至1900年遠航來華的美國商人 / THE DRAGON AND THE EAGLE: American Traders in China, A Century of Trade from 1784 to 1900 /
香港演藝學院 /
(852) 3713 2500
港鐵上環站A出口 MTR Sheung Wan Station Exit A
皇朝禮器 / For Blessings and Guidance: the Qianlong Emperor's Design for State Sacrificial Vessels /
30.04.2019 19:00
香港海事博物館 /
女青菁英 II|香港基督教女青年會主辦 / HKYWCACO Elite II|Presented by Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association / $160 / $140 /
香港九龍清水灣道11號牛池灣市政大廈2樓及3樓 / 2/F & 3/F, Ngau Chi Wan Municipal Services Building,11 Clear Water Bay Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
葵青劇院 / Kwai Tsing Theatre /
(852) 2853 2689
港鐵西灣河站B出口 MTR Sai Wan Ho Station Exit B
28.04.2019 14:15
偶友街作《小木偶荒失失歷險記》|偶友街作主辦,康樂 及文化事務署贊助 / "A Puppet's Grand Adventure" by Make Friends with Puppet|Presented by Make Friends with Puppet, Sponsored by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $200 /
《梓翠寶珠耀華年》粵曲演唱會|梓翠曲韻薈社主辦 / Cantonese 24.04.2019 Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Tse Tsui Opera Association / 19:15
19.04.2019 20:00
香港筲箕灣道111號地下 / G/F, 111 Shau Kei Wan Road, Hong Kong /
協青街舞劇2019|協青社主辦 / Yo Dancical 2019|Presented by Youth Outreach / $200 / $120 / $80 /
Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre /
27.04.2019 14:30
西灣河文娛中心 / Sai Wan Civic Centre / 23.04.2019 19:30
牛池灣文娛中心 /
世界舞蹈日2019|屯門文藝協進會主辦 / Dance Performance| Presented by Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association /
三架頭與鄰居|香港直笛學會主辦 / The Three Tenors and Their 28.04.2019 Neighbours|Presented by The Recorder Institute of Hong Kong / $230 / 15:00
粵劇《周瑜》|紫彤藝苑主辦 / Cantonese Opera|Presented by Selena Arts House / $300 / $260 / $220 / $160 / $120 /
好歌獻給你演唱會|耀聲曲藝社主辦 / Oldies Concert|Presented by Yiu Sing Music Association /
10週年紀念演出"小雄雞不想睡覺"兒童音樂劇|小天使兒童 04.04.2019 19:15 劇團主辦 / Early to Bed, Early to Rise|Presented by Angela 05.04-06.04.2019 Children's Theatre / $450 / $380 / $280 / 11:00 14:15 16:30
《憑歌寄意鄧麗君金曲演唱會》|香港音樂歌藝協會主辦 / Oldies 15.04.2019 Concert|Presented by Hong Kong Music Songs & Art Association / 17:15
06.04.2019 20:00
27.04.2019 20:00
香港皇后大道中345號上環市政大廈5樓 / 5/F, Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building, 345 Queen's Rd Central, Hong Kong /
香港九龍紅磡高山道77號 / 77 Ko Shan Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
摯情摯友訴金曲|亮之光曲藝社主辦 / Variety Show| Presented by Light of Star Music Organization / $30 /
港鐵上環站A2出口 MTR Sheung Wan Station Exit A2
26.04-27.04.2019 19:45 27.04-28.04.2019 14:45
Hong Kong Maritime Museum /
26.04.2019 20:00
上環文娛中心 / Sheung Wan Civic Centre /
14.04.2019 14:00
文化中國系列之四《詩聖杜甫》|香港戲劇工程主辦 / Drama Du Fu|Presented by Hong Kong Theatre Works / $220 /
拉丁姿彩繽紛金曲夜 Live Show|姿彩歌舞團主辦 / Latin Gorgeous Singing Show|Presented by Dance And Sing Friend Association / $30 /
高山劇場 / Ko Shan Theatre /
香港新界葵芳興寧道12號 / 12 Hing Ning Rd, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong / 14:00-20:00
SF管樂動漫祭|Hong Kong Youth Sinfonica 主辦 / SF Wind ACG|Presented by Hong Kong Youth Sinfonica / $160 / $140 /
Los Duende 彈唱天地音樂會2019|歐永財魅力佛蘭明高藝術團 22.04.2019 主辦 / Los Duende Flamenco & Folk Guitar Music Concert| 20:00 Presented by Raymond Au & His Flamenco Troupe Los Duende / $120 / $80 /
(852) 2512 3000
2019音樂事務處樂團聯合音樂會II - 少年樂團|康樂及文化事務署 音樂事務處主辦 / 2019 Joint Concerts of Music Office Bands and Orchestras II - Junior Groups|Presented by Music Office, LCSD / $65 / $55 / $45 /
香港北角油街12號 / 12 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong /
廣東音樂系列:竹韻小集「粵樂琵琶行萬里—昭君出塞二千年」 音樂會|竹韻小集主辦;鳴謝: 康樂及文化事務署 / Guangdong Music Series 2019: A Promenade through Time: Cantonese Pipa Concert by Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble|Presented by Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $300 / $200 / $150 /
香港醫學會管弦樂團2019春季音樂會|Hong Kong Musicianship 19.04.2019 Foundation 主辦 / HK Medical Association Orchestra 2019 Spring 20:00 Concert|Presented by Hong Kong Musicianship Foundation / $120 /
剖析手風琴|香港現代音樂協會;鳴謝︰康樂及文化事務署 / 05.04.2019 Avant Music Night 2019 - Anatomy of the Accordion|Presented 20:00 by: Avant Music Group Association of Hong Kong;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $160 /
香港中區堅尼地道7A / 7A Kennedy Rd, Central, Hong Kong /
港鐵炮台山站A出口 MTR Fortress Hill Station Exit A
鬼鬼馬馬開心Show|開心雙星之友社主辦 / Singing Concert|Presented by Twin Couple Fans Club / $20 /
10.0411.04.2018 20:00
漫遊音樂世界 學校聯演|康樂及文化事務署音樂事務處主辦 / Travel Around the Music World Joint School Concerts| Presented by Music Office, LCSD / $55 /
(852) 2521 3008
油街實現 / Oi! /
12.04.2019 20:00
港鐵沙田站A出口 MTR Shatin Station Exit A
經典樂無窮金曲夜|耆樂無窮有限公司主辦 / Infinite Joy Golden Song Night|Presented by Infinite Joy Limited /
香港新界沙田源禾路1號 / 1 Yuen Wo Rd, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong /
27.04.2019 20:00
香港兒童交響樂團: 楊曉宇的帕格尼尼|香港兒童交響樂團主辦;鳴 謝︰康樂及文化事務署 / Yang Xiaoyu's Paganini' by Hong Kong Children's Symphony Orchestra|Presented by Hong Kong Children' s Symphony Orchestra;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $200 / $140 /
豐盛國度|香港藝術動力 / Splendor of Horizon|Hong Kong Art Gear /
08.04.2019 19:00
沙田大會堂 / Sha Tin Town Hall /
25-27.04.2019 20:00 27-28.04.2019 15:00
亞洲當代陶藝探索|陶作集結社 / Exploring Asian Contemporary Ceramics|Ceramics Combined Group /
龍歌鳳舞金曲演唱會| 千個太陽藝術中心主辦 / $40 /
Cellistra 周年音樂會 2019|香港國際大提琴學會主辦 / Cellistra 23.04.2019 Annual Concert 2019|Presented by Hong Kong International Cello 20:00 Association / $280 / $200 / $130 /
Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre /
05-06.04.2019 19:30
合•陶 —— 當代陶瓷藝術展|康樂及文化事務署主辦;香港 文化博物館籌劃 / Claylaboration – Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition|Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department;Organised by Hong Kong Heritage Museum /
第七十一屆香港學校音樂節優勝者音樂會|香港學校音樂及朗誦 22.04.2019 協會主辦;鳴謝︰康樂及文化事務署 / 71st Hong Kong Schools 19:30 Music Festival Prize-winners' Concert|Presented by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $80 /
香港視覺藝術中心 /
〈CCTV空中劇院港澳行〉廣東粵劇院|中華文化城有限 公司主辦 / $320 / $260 $200 /
港鐵車公廟站A出口 MTR Che Kung Temple Station Exit A
童話故事系列:睡公主•柴可夫斯基的音樂王國|港青交響協會主 21.04.2019 辦 / Fairy Tale Series: Sleeping Princess•Tchaikovsky's Musical 14:30 Kingdom|Presented by CHK Youth Symphony Society / $230 / $190 / $160 /
香港新界屯門屯喜路3號 / Tuen Hi Rd, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong /
06.04.2019 20:00
香港文化博物館 / Hong Kong Heritage Museum / (852) 2180 8188
無伴奏說唱劇場「維多利雅講」|一舖清唱主辦 / A Cappella18-20.04.2019 20:00 “This Victoria Has No Secrets”| Presented by Yat Po 19.04.2019 15:00 Singers / $320 / $250 /
(852) 2450 4202
屯門大會堂 / Tuen Mun Town Hall /
港鐵大學站 MTR University Station
慧質明心仙音 韻敬老會知音|香港金龍曲藝社主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Hong Kong Golden Dragon Operatic Club /
戀上大提琴 (七) 之山田真吾演奏會|中華大提琴演奏家協 會(香港)主辦 / Fall in Love with Cello VII|Presented by Chinese Cellist's Association (Hong Kong) / $140 /
15.04.2019 20:00
港鐵荃灣站A出口 MTR Tsuen Wan Station Exit A
新界沙田香港中文大學中國文化研究所文物館 / Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong /
(852) 2671 4400
香港新界上水龍運街2號 / 2 Lung Wan St, Sheung Shui, New Territories, Hong Kong / 港鐵上水站 MTR Sheung Shui Station
(852) 3943 7416
Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong /
北區大會堂 / North District Town Hall /
香港新界荃灣大河道72號 / 72 Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong /
香港新界沙田文林路1號 / 1 Man Lam Rd, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong /
輕鬆樂曲迷你心|音樂之路主辦 / Heart Warming Light Music and Songs|Presented by Music Path / $240 / $100 / $40 /
(852) 2414 0144
05-06.04.2018 20:00
跳著舞去火星|不加鎖舞踊館有限公司主辦 / Jump to Mars, Dance with Me|Presented by Unlock Dancing Plaza Limited / $220 /
音樂事務處《漫遊音樂世界》學校聯演8|康樂及文化事務署主辦 / 27.04.2019 Music Office "Travel Around the Music World" Joint School Concert 15:00 8|Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $55 /
荃灣大會堂 / Tsuen Wan Town Hall /
20.04-21.04.2019 19:15 21.04-22.04.2019 14:15
史拉健與伊頓公學聖詩合唱團|香港管弦樂團主辦 / Leonard Slatin Eton College Chapel Choir|Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra / $680 / $480 / $380 / $280 /
梵志登 莫扎特|香港管弦樂團主辦 / Jaap Mozart| Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra / $480 / $380 / $280 / $180 /
12.04-13.04.2019 20:00 14.04.2019 15:00
《共您仍然接近》|普 劇場主辦 / Drama Performance|Presented by POP Theatre / $600 / $380 / $280 / $200 / $150 / $90 /
26.04-27.04.2019 20:00 27.04-28.04.2019 15:00
29-30.03, 03-06.04.2019 20:00 30-31.03-06-07.04.2019 15:00
太古輕鬆樂聚:古典樂棟篤笑之獨奏家打大交|香港管弦樂團 主辦 / Swire Denim - Igudesman & Joo: Clash of the Soloists|Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra / $480 / $380 / $280 / $220 /
話說有兩個人去郊遊野餐,正開心享受的時候,竟然被昆蟲樂團打斷興緻。原來牠們正要為蜜蜂皇后加 冕而密鑼緊鼓綵排,但負責其中一段獨奏的蛛圓小姐卻失蹤了!指揮螳螂大師唯有請求人類協助尋找蛛 圓小姐。在尋找途中,他們遇到會吹色士風的蟑女螂、能致人於死地的殺手甲蟲,還有百老匯叮咬高手! 故事發展如何?不妨來到現場一起觀看!音樂劇《失蝨室樂團》於 2015 年首演,喜劇孖寶史葛蒂與露 露擔綱演出,再加上穿著昆蟲服裝的樂師兼任演員傾力表演,使節目迅速贏得響亮口碑,並於 2017 年 於葡萄牙舉辦的 YAMawards 奪得「觀眾票選獎」。如此精彩的演出,您又豈能錯過 ?
05.04-06.04.2019 20:00 06.04.2019 15:00
戲劇「A2•10 YEARS CHALLENGE:《波音情人》」 |A2創作室主辦 / Theatre "A2•10 YEARS CHALLENGE: Boeing Boeing"|Actors' Square / $280 /
(852) 2734 2009
港鐵尖沙咀站E出口 MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit E
2, 3B, 5X, 6
動藝《舞.台.戲》|主辦:動藝;鳴謝:康樂及文化事務署 / Beauties & Desires' by DanceArt HK|Presented by DanceArt HK;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $200 / $160 /
《禧戲劇場 2019》|中英劇團主辦 / The Golden Aged Theatre 2019|Presented by Chung Ying Theatre Company / $90 /
香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號 / 10 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
香港中環愛丁堡廣場5號 / 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong / 港鐵中環站 J, K 出口,香港站A出口 MTR Central Station Exit K, J,Hong Kong Station Exit A
香港中文大學文物館 /
詹姆斯•特瑞爾《Yukaloo》 / Yukaloo by James Turrell /
《光的故事:韓志勳》/ A Story of Light: Hon Chi-fun /
文化空間 / Cultural Space C01
生命是一個旅程。在步伐急速的香港大都會,這旅程充斥著焦慮、矛盾、和無盡的困惑。 活在這稠密 的空間,陳作基將其經歷,感受及社會蛻變融入其作品中,反映着不同時空的心態。 有充滿着激情的、 恐懼的、諷刺的 ; 也有帶着寧靜的、喜 的和美麗的。畫家將在香港的日常遭遇和靈感,在畫布上展現他 的感性、能量和超現實的想象空間。透過風格鮮明的畫作,畫家試圖激發觀賞者作跨界思考,引發共鳴 和創新的思潮。 Hong Kong city life is a fast-paced journey full of anxiety, perplexity and contradiction. The artist turned to oil painting as an escape from his high-pressured career life. The paintings reflected his state of mind at different space and time. At times, it was full of excitement, vibrancy, fear, sarcasm and irony; other times, it was peaceful, relax, quiet, serene and beautiful. Arising from his daily encounters, inspirations, frustrations and memories, the artist transformed them into paintings that expressed his feelings, energy and surreal thoughts. He set free his intuition and sought to inspire and stimulate audiences to transcend across and beyond boundaries.
Para Site 藝術空間 /
Para Site Art Space /
(852) 2517 4620
香港鰂魚涌英皇道677號榮華工業大廈22樓 / 22/F, 677 King's Road, Wing Wah Ind.Building, Quarry bay, Hong Kong / 港鐵鰂魚涌站C出口 MTR Quarry Bay Station Exit C
百物曲 / An Opera for Animals /