Norberto Roldan, Incantations in the land of virgins, monsters, sorcerers and angry gods, 1999-2019. Photo courtesy of Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile (CHAT), Hong Kong 諾爾貝托•羅爾丹,《來自處女、怪獸、巫師及怒神之地的咒語》,1999-2019。 相片提供:六廠紡織文化藝術館 (CHAT 六廠 ),香港
aCONCEPT GALLERY 1C, Kingearn Building, 24-26 Aberdeen Street Central, Hong Kong Tel / 2547 9115 Website /
2019 / 03.25 - 05.04
B I R D 1
05 19
5月1日 6月2日
藝術館及文化中心 / Art Museum and Cultural Centre A01
(852) 2921 2840
香港大會堂 / Hong Kong City Hall /
香港中環愛丁堡廣場5號 / 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong / 港鐵中環站 J, K 出口,香港站A出口 MTR Central Station Exit K, J,Hong Kong Station Exit A
2, 3B, 5X, 6
04, 07-11, 14-16, 戲劇「招商永隆銀行冠名贊助《父親》」 |香港話劇團主 辦 / Theatre “CMB Wing Lung Bank Proudly Sponsors 17-18.05.2019 19:45 Le Père”|Presented by Hong Kong Repertory Theatre / 05, 12.05.2019 14:45 $420 / $320 / $220 /
Invitation to the voyage takes us on a journey through music, poetry and painting. The programme begins with the Sinfonietta for String Orchestra Op. 52 by French composer Albert Roussel, who was a sailor-turned-composer. The sea was the constant inspiration for most of his works and appears to be an epic theme in the Sinfonietta. The programme presents a selection of the most beautiful melodies composed by Berlioz in honour of the 150th anniversary of his death sang by infamous French mezzo soprano Aurore Ugolin. While Philippe Hersant's Patmos for string orchestra takes us to the Greek island where St John the Baptist wrote The Apocalypse. The composer Edith Canat de Chizy gained inspiration from painter Nicolas de Staël's tragic destiny and his discovery of the colours, atmospheres and lights of Northern Europe, Provence and North Africa. Eric Genovese, a member of the celebrated Comedie-Française, will read excerpts from the painter's correspondence, while some of de Staël's most celebrated paintings are projected on stage above the orchestra.
皮亞佐拉五重奏|英翹創意主辦 / Quinteto Astor Piazzolla|Presented by InTuition Creative Learning / $500 / $380 / $280 / $180 /
10.05.2019 20:00
「大會堂樂萃」系列:肯桑三重奏|康樂及文化事務署主辦 / "City Hall Virtuosi" Series: Canzone Trio|Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $200 / $150 /
11.05.2019 20:00
俄羅斯大師系列──國際柴可夫斯基大賽獲獎者──安東諾夫大提 琴演奏會|香港演奏主辦 / Russian Maestro Series – Gold Medal Prize Winner of Tchaikovsky Competition - Sergey Antonov Cello Recital|Presented by Maestro Performances Hong Kong / $400 / $300 / $200 / $140 /
12.05.2019 20:00
角聲合唱團第86輯 情牽俄羅斯之夜音樂會|角聲合唱團主辦 / Horns Chorus 86th Annual Concert - An Evening of Passionate Russian Songs|Presented by The Horns Chorus / $200 / $160 / $100 /
13.05.2019 20:00
《聆聽!中國古典藝術歌曲》──魏俊﹝男中音﹞獨唱音樂會| 香港藝術教育交流發展促進會主辦 / Listening! Chinese Classical Art Songs - John.W (Baritone) Solo Concert|Presented by Hong Kong Arts Education Exchange and Development Association / $320 / $280 / $240 / $180 / $120 /
14.05.2019 20:15
畫|香港都會管樂團主辦 / Pictura|Presented by Hong Kong Wind Symphony / $180 / $140 / $100 /
18.05.2019 20:00
歲月迴響──王國潼、王憓、香港國際創價學會交流音樂會| 香港二胡藝術中心主辦 / $300 / $200 / $100 /
19.05.2019 15:00
飛躍演奏香港:巴羅克 Χ 當代 跨世代音樂會「派克,小提琴及 艾斯凡哈尼,古鍵琴」|飛躍演奏香港主辦 / PREMIERE PERFORMANCES: Baroque Meets Contemporary: “Jennifer Pike, Violin & Mahan Esfahani, Harpsichord”|Presented by Premiere Performances of Hong Kong / $480 / $300 / $200 / $100 /
21.05.2019 20:00
法國五月藝術節2019:爵士樂音樂系列:森美.蒂爾博《加勒比故 事》|法國五月藝術節主辦;鳴謝︰康樂及文化事務署Le French May Arts Festival 2019 - Live Jazz Series: "Caribbean Stories" by Samy Thiébault|Presented by Le French May Arts Festival;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $380 / $280 /
21.05.2019 20:00
法國五月藝術節2019:爵士音樂系列:麗卡樂隊《走過回憶中的她 們》|法國五月藝術節主辦;鳴謝︰康樂及文化事務署 Le French May Arts Festival 2019: Live Jazz Series: "The Women I Grew Up With... " by Laïka and The Unit|Presented by Le French May Arts Festival;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $380 / $280 /
21.05.2019 20:00
「爵士.樂」系列:布拉德.梅爾道三重奏|康樂及文化事務署主 辦 / "Jazz Up" Series: Brad Mehldau Trio|Presented by Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $480 / $350 / $250 / $180 /
28.05.2019 20:00
法國五月藝術節 香港小交響樂團:凱拉斯大提琴獨奏會—— 香港大會堂場地伙伴計劃|香港小交響樂團主辦 / Le French May Art Festival Hong Kong Sinfonietta: Cellomania: Jean-Guihen Queyras Cello Recital - Hong Kong City Hall Venue Partnership Scheme|Presented by Hong Kong Sinfonietta / $360 / $260 / $150 /
30.05.2019 20:00
梵志登與賓尼亞堤菲莉|香港管弦樂團主辦 / Jaap Khatia Buniatishvili|Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra / $680 / $580 / $480 / $380 / 2019週年音樂會「愛唱歌」|香港童聲合唱團有限公司主辦 / Annual Concert 2019 "Love Singing" |Presented by Hong Kong Treble Choir Limited / $550 / $280 /$220 /
助學無彊界——苗圃慈善音樂會|苗圃行動主辦 / We Sow a Harmonious World – Sowers Action Charity Concert| Presented by Sowers Action / $390 / $120 /
25.05.2019 20:00
(852) 2694 2509
沙田大會堂 / Sha Tin Town Hall /
樂群樂聚《李玉華情迷南音經典夜》| 樂群樂聚 / "Pian Lee's Nan Yin Night" by Cheer Music Club| Cheer Music Club / $200 / $160 / $120 /
港鐵彩虹B2出口 MTR Choi Hung Station Exit B2
14-15.06.2019 《來自真實故事》──克里斯汀・赫佐 | 20:00 西九及法國五月合辦 / From a True Story – Christian Rizzo|Co-presented by West Kowloon and Le French May / $380 / $300 / 「編創舞蹈風景」五天專業舞蹈工作坊 / Choreographic Landscapes – Fiveday professional dance workshop / $1000 /
05.05.2019 15:30
24-26.05.2019 20:00 25-26.05.2019 15:00
10.05.2019 19:15
飛舞天下《神采飛揚》舞蹈匯演|飛舞天下主辦 / Dance| Presented by World of Dancing / $90 /
12.05.2019 14:30 16:30
樂儀社16週年師生流行曲音樂會 (4)|樂儀社主辦 / Pop Concert|Presented by Lok Yee Club / $40 /
18.05.2019 19:15
舞韻——中華情|工俱舞蹈團主辦 / Dance| Presented by Dancing Group of Workers' Club / $140 / $100 /
19.05.2019 19:30
香港新界荃灣大河道72號 / 72 Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong / 港鐵荃灣站A出口 MTR Tsuen Wan Station Exit A
大衛帕夫洛維奇和香港結他合奏團音樂會|香港結他合奏團主辦 / Dávid Pavlovits & The Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble in Concert|Presented by The Hong Kong Guitar Ensemble / $100 /
04.05.2019 20:00
2019音樂事務處樂團 聯合音樂會IV 弦樂團|演出團體:港島青年 05.05.2019 弦樂團、九龍青年弦樂團、新界青年弦樂團、香港青年弦樂團 / 2019 15:00 Joint Concerts of Music Office Bands and Orchestras IV – Strings| Performing groups : Island Youth Strings, Kowloon Youth Strings, New Territories Youth Strings, Hong Kong Youth Strings / $65 / $55 / $45 /
香港青苗 劇團「神話傳奇系列」|香港青苗 劇團主辦;鳴謝︰ 康樂及文化事務署 / Cantonese Opera by Hong Kong Young Talent Cantonese Opera Troupe|Presented by Hong Kong Young Talent Cantonese Opera Troupe;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department /
01.05.2019 19:30
世紀金曲獻給你|沙田社區協進會主辦 / Oldies Concert|Presented by Shatin Society Association /
11.05.2019 19:00
港鐵灣仔站A出口 MTR Wan Chai Station Exit A
港鐵灣仔站A5出口 MTR Wan Chai Station Exit A5
「我們很快樂」2019 / A Diary Of A Girl's Happiness / $240 / $180 /
香港佳士得2019年春季拍賣會 / Christie's Hong Kong Spring Auctions 2019 /
國際古玩展 / International Antiques Fair /
(852)2620 2222
香港國際藝術及收藏品博覽會2019 / Hong Kong International Arts & Collectibles Expo 2019 /
港鐵金鐘站C1出口前往金鐘廊 MTR Admiralty Station Exit C1 to Queensway Plaza
鐵筆之藝術:明清竹雕 / Art Of The Iron Brush: Bamboo Carvings From The Ming And Qing Dynasties /
(852) 3177 9159
大館 / Tai Kwun /
港鐵中環D1出口 MTR Central Exit D1
港樂 x 大館:室樂音樂會系列|夢弦(混合小組)/ HK Phil x Tai Kwun: 20.05.2019 Chamber Music Series|Interpretation of Dream (Mixed Ensemble) /
(852) 2801 5311
香港中環荷李活道10號 / 10 Hollywood Road, Hong Kong /
(852) 2103 9511
Asia Society Hong Kong Center /
元創方 / PMQ /
(852) 2811 9010
香港中環鴨巴甸街35號 / 5 Aberdeen St, Central, Hong Kong /
《光的故事:韓志勳》/ A Story of Light: Hon Chi-fun /
港鐵上環站E2出口 MTR Sheung Wan Station Exit E2
香港般含道90號 / 90 Bonham Road, Hong Kong /
影像包浩斯:埃里希•葛斯梅勒鏡頭下舉世聞名的設計學府 / Picturing The Bauhaus: Erich Consemüller Photography Of The World's Most Famous Design School /
28.05.2019 19:00
亞洲協會香港中心 /
(852) 2241 5500
寓研於教——饒宗頤教授在香港大學的十六年 / Searching through Teach- 08.03ing: Professor Jao Tsung-i's 16 Years at The University of Hong Kong / 19.05.2019
【誠明講堂】音樂與文學•文學與音樂第四講︰《你 無選擇》, 《蜜蜂與遠雷》——談現代音樂比賽與藝術學院的生態 /
Lumenvisum is proud to work with Singaporean curator Zhuang Wubin to present Photography in Southeast Asia (III) – "Mountain Connecting Mountain, River Connecting River" (2012/2019), the solo exhibition of Nguy n Thế Sơn. It is the first solo exhibition of the Vietnamese artist Nguyễn Thế Sơn in Hong Kong. This exhibition can be described as "open couplet" , encompassing a mixed-media installation that incorporates photography, lacquer work and calligraphy. It invites viewers to re-examine the ambiguous and tangible relationship, its past and present, between Vietnam and China.Ideas such as "boundary" and "Chineseness" are entangled in the complexity of histories in Southeast Asia. The situation between Vietnam and China is one example. Vietnamese artist Nguy n Thế Sơn focuses on the cultural exchanges and shifting relationship between the two nations in the past 100 years. He is especially interested in the tension between identity and "Chineseness" , exploring this trajectory through photography and other art mediums.
香港金鐘正義道九號 / 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong /
22.05.2019 19:00
「光影作坊」與新加坡籍策展人莊吳斌攜手策劃的「東南亞攝影系列」邁進第三年,將於 2019 年 4 月 呈獻「東南亞攝影系列 III」《山連山水連水》(2012/2019) (Mountain Connecting Mountain, River Connecting River 2012/2019) 阮世山個展,為越南當代攝影藝術家阮世山於香港的首個個人展覽。展覽將展 出藝術家於 2012 年開始以影像為主的創作,作品被比喻為「一幅開放式的對聯」,透過涵蓋了攝影、 磨漆、拼貼和書法等混合媒介,視覺地拼貼出歷史和當下,引領觀眾審視越中過去和現在、既模糊又具 體的關係。
港鐵九龍灣站A出口,德福廣場2期轉乘免費穿梭巴士 Fee shuttle bus at Telford Plaza II, MTR Kowloon Bay Station Exit A
University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong / 0930-18:00
【誠明講堂】音樂與文學•文學與音樂第三講︰ 昆德拉的音樂世界 /
東南亞攝影系列(三):山連山 水連水 06.04(2012/2019) 阮世山個展 (河內,越南) / 19.05.2019 Photography in Southeast Asia (III): Mountain Connecting Mountain, River Connecting River (2012/2019) – A solo exhibition by Nguyễn Thế Sơn (Hanoi, Vietnam) /
香港九龍九龍灣展貿徑1號 / 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
香港大學美術博物館 /
詹姆斯•特瑞爾《Yukaloo》 / Yukaloo by James Turrell /
15.05.2019 19:00
港鐵石硤尾C出口 MTR Shek Kip Mei Exit C
Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre /
24-25.05.2019 20:00
【誠明講堂】音樂與文學•文學與音樂第二講︰諾貝爾 「文學」獎的「音樂」大師——羅曼.羅蘭 與 湯馬斯.曼 /
香港九龍石硤尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心L2-10 / L2-10, JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong /
九龍灣國際展覽中心 /
08.05.2019 19:00
光影作坊 / Lumenvisum /
香港灣仔港灣道2號 香港藝術中心1-3樓 / 1-3/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong /
【誠明講堂】音樂與文學•文學與音樂第一講︰ 《浮士德》的音樂世界 /
1830 668
香港灣仔博覽道1號 / 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong /
(852) 2582 0201
港鐵灣仔站A出口 MTR Wan Chai Station Exit A
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre /
03-05.05.2019 20:00 04-05.05.2019 15:00
壽臣劇院 / Shouson Theatre /
港鐵尖沙咀站B出口 MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit B
香港會議展覽中心 /
08:00 - 23:00
(852) 3411 8272
(852) 2582 0201
麥高利小劇場 / McAulay Studio /
(852) 2904 1988
香港九龍尖沙咀彌敦道132號美麗華商場 / Miramar Shopping Centre, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
「到此票遊」展覽 / "Peregrination in Bookplates" Exhibition /
23,40,40M,3B,40M ,8,22,28
一條褲製作《一個人的政治:長毛》|一條褲製作主辦;鳴謝: 16-18, 22康樂及文化事務署 / A Hongkonger's Political Journey: 25.05.2019 20:00 Long Hair by Pants Theatre Production|Prese; 18-19, 26.05.2019 Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $220 / 15:00
02.05.2019 19:30
<六色光。彩虹> 音樂劇場|演活藝術 / Rainbow Reflection 2019|GIA theatre /
24.05-26.05.2019 20:00 25.05-26.05.2019 15:00
港鐵九龍塘站A2出口 MTR Kowloon Tong Exit A2
香港灣仔港灣道2號 香港藝術中心LB樓 / LB/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong /
(852) 2665 4477 港鐵大埔站A3出口轉乘港鐵巴士K12 Interchange with MTR Bus K12 at MTR Tai Po Station Exit A3
Oops!偷了你的信|排場好戲 / Oops! Stole Your Letter|Epictudio / $180 / $90 /
25.05-09.06.2019 24.05.2019 18:00 Opening
香港九龍塘聯福道34號 / 34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong /
Yuli / $75 / $60 / 香港新界大埔市中心安邦路12號 / 12 On Pong Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong /
(852) 2414 0144
PolyU HKCC Design Annual Show 2019|理大香港專 21.05-23.05.2019 上學院 / PolyU Hong Kong Community College / 20.05.2019 18:30 Opening
3/F, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library, HKBU /
(852) 2582 0200
港鐵灣仔站C出口 MTR Wan Chai Station Exit C
少言劇社青年劇團編作劇場「反轉經典」|少言劇社 / 11.05.2019 20:00 Subversion of Classics|Siu Yin Theatre / $120 / $80 / 12.05.2019 15:00 20:00
香港浸會大學區樹洪圖書館 /
Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre /
大埔文娛中心 / Tai Po Civic Centre /
存在的跳躍──藝術展|黃基明 / Existential Dialectic – Exhibition|KM Wong /
感官互動嬰幼兒劇場──「我是黑白」|香港五感感知教育 18.05-19.05.2019 劇場 / Sensory Interactive Baby Theatre – "I'm Black & White"| 11:00 14:30 Hong Kong Five Senses Education Experimental Theatre / $260 / $190 / 16:30
香港藝術中心古天樂電影院 /
(852) 3184 5760
02.05-05.05.2019 20:00 04.05-05.05.2019 15:00
商務印書館尖沙咀圖書中心 /
香港灣仔港灣道2號 香港藝術中心UB / UB, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong /
曲部聲韵傳情夜|明珠2000曲藝社主辦 / Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert|Presented by Pearl 2000 Cantonese Opera Association / $60 / $40 /
美國科羅拉多兒童合唱團中國之旅——香港站|樂作坊有限公司主辦 / 08.05.2019 Colorado Children's Chorale China Tour - Hong Kong|$200 / 19:30
《身體活》序章|不加鎖舞踊館主辦 / Body Works : 17-18.05.2019 20:00 Prologue|Presented by Unlock Dancing Plaza / $160 / 19.05.2019 15:00
未來女管家|大戲癮力 / Goldfish in Berlin / $200 / $120 /
The Commercial Press Tsim Sha Tsui Book Centre /
The process of idea development for an artist may not be bounded by just thinking and thoughts; it can be progressed through diverse methods such as reading, sketching, discussing, researching, analyzing as well as experimenting. The process leads to findings that are with complexity, purity, or intimacy and they develop to become some visual notes of the artist. These notes act as tangible memories and can be recalled or even shared with the others when necessary. At this stage of mind-mapping and notes-making, the artists owns absolute freedom on the mediums, styles and methodology, they can work as true to themselves as they wish for the exploration without any psychological burden. Visual notes may be light and minor to some audiences, but they are vital to the artists. This exhibition, organized by Hong Kong Art School, serves as a common platform for eight young artists to present their intermediate creative works which are derived from their tangible memories and thinking processes. Through the exhibition, audiences see tangible thinking processes with openness and uniqueness, and the interested subject matters of the artists. As for whether you as an audience can predict where and how far the artists can go from this stage? This is left to your imagination.
聖傑靈女子中學金禧校慶藝術作品展 / St. Catharine's School for Girls Golden Jubilee Art Exhibition /
(852) 3411 8272
(852) 2582 0200
藝術家發展創作概念的過程不僅是思考,亦通過多樣化的方式進行,如閱讀、 草稿製作、討論、研究、分析以及試驗製作﹔這些行為衍生了藝術家的一些視 覺筆記,當中有簡單、複雜、純粹、或私密的,甚或能建構作品雛型。這些視 覺筆記是藝術家可觸及並且實在的記憶,可以隨時被召回,在必要時可與他人 分享。在思維導圖和筆記製作的這個階段,藝術家在媒介、風格和方法上沒有 規限,擁有絕對的自由,他們可以真實坦率地進行探索,沒有任何心理負擔。 視覺筆記對觀眾來說可能是很輕微的,但對於藝術家來說它們是至關重要。這 個由香港藝術學院舉辦的展覽,作為八位年青藝術創作者的一個共同平台,展 出由有形記憶和思考過程所衍生的中期作品。通過展覽,觀眾看到的是具有開 放性與獨特性的有形思維,可窺視藝術家感興趣的題材和反映其藝術思考的過程。至於能否從中預想藝 術家可從這階段通往何方或能走多遠?這就留給觀眾去玩味與想像。
香港筲箕灣道111號地下 / G/F, 111 Shau Kei Wan Road, Hong Kong /
《「夢」交響詩》音樂會|泛亞交響樂團主辦 / Symphonic Poem 17.05.2019 "Dream" Concert|Presented by Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra / $180 / 20:00
Academy of Visual Arts BA Graduation Exhibition 2019 /
PROCESSING : on Mind-mapping /
(852) 2853 2689
法國五月藝術節2019:巴勒基•施素高非洲豎琴演奏會|香港法 國文化協會及法國五月藝術節合辦;鳴謝︰康樂及文化事務署 Le French May Arts Festival 2019: Ballaké Sissoko Kora Concert |Co-presented by Alliance Française de Hong Kong and Association Culturelle France - Hong Kong Limited;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $280 / $180 /
SF管樂節2019|Hong Kong Youth Sinfonica 主辦 / SF Wind 13.05.2019 Festival 2019|Presented by Hong Kong Youth Sinfonica / $160 / $140 / 19:30
港鐵石硤尾站C出口 MTR Shek Kip Mei Station Exit C
香港九龍觀塘道51號啟德校園 / Kai Tak Campus, 51 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
11.05.2019 19:15
法國五月藝術節2019:Mangano Massip劇團《愛情引力》 | 04.05.2019 法國五月藝術節主辦;鳴謝:康樂及文化事務署 Le French May Arts 20:00 Festival 2019:Les Aimants by Mangano Massip Company| Presented by Le French May Arts Festival;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $300 / $200 /
港鐵西灣河站B出口 MTR Sai Wan Ho Station Exit B
香港九龍石硤尾白田街 30號 / 30 Pak Tin Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
港鐵彩虹站A2出口 MTR Choi Hung Station Exit A2
(852) 2353 1311
Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre /
10,11,14-18,21-25,2 8.05-01.06.2019 19:45 11,18, 25.05.2019 14:00 12, 19, 26.05.2019 13:00 18:00
Kai Tak campus, HKBU /
港鐵灣仔站C出口 MTR Wan Chai Station Exit C
西灣河文娛中心 / Sai Wan Civic Centre /
08-12.06.2019 10:00-13:00 14:30-17:00
賽馬會創意藝術中心 /
香港灣仔港灣道2號 / 2 Harbour Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong /
08.05-11.05.2019 19:30 11.05.2019 14:30
香港浸會大學啟德校園 /
香港藝術中心 / Hong Kong Arts Centre /
01.05.2019 16:00 19:30 04.05.2019 14:00
港鐵上環站A2出口 MTR Sheung Wan Station Exit A2
10-11.05.2019 20:00 11.05.2019 15:00
31.05.2019 20:00
01.05.2019 19:15
香港皇后大道中345號上環市政大廈5樓 / 5/F, Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building, 345 Queen's Rd Central, Hong Kong /
03-04.05.2019 20:00 05.05.219 15:00
《完全變態》|中英劇團主辦 / Metro-morphosis| Presented by Chung Ying Theatre Company / $200 /
上環文娛中心 / Sheung Wan Civic Centre /
03-05, 08-11.05.2019 20:00 04-05.05.2019 15:00
《劊子手的門徒》|原生劇場主辦 / Drama Performance|Presented by Yuen Zen Theatre / $180 /
天恩常樂會呈獻——左大俠正能量演唱會|天恩常樂會 / Pop Concert by Tin Yan Sheung Lok Club| Tin Yan Sheung Lok Club / $100 / $80 / $40 /
香港青苗 劇團「神話傳奇系列」|香港青苗 劇團主辦;鳴謝︰ 28.05.2019 康樂及文化事務署Cantonese Opera by Hong Kong Young Talent 19:30 Cantonese Opera Troupe|Presented by Hong Kong Young Talent Cantonese Opera Troupe;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $240 / $160 / $120 / $80 /
31.05.2019 20:00
文化機構 / Cultural Institute
演藝戲劇:《記憶之書 1.0》/ Academy Drama: Mnemonic / $105 / $70 /
05.05.2019 20:00
06.05-11.05.2019 19:45 11.05.2019 14:45
駭.動 / Hactivate Yourself /
演藝戲劇:《我自在江湖》/ Academy Drama: Dust and Dawn / $95 /
© Marc Coudrais
天恩同享綜藝性金曲演唱會|天恩常樂會 / Pop Concert by Tin Yan 01.05.2019 Sheung Lok Club| Tin Yan Sheung Lok Club / $60 / $40 / $20 / 14:15
© Marc Domage
5, 5C, 26, 101, 111, 108, 116
03.05-04.05.2019 20:00 04.05.2019 15:00
戰馬 / War Horse / $1245 / $1045 / $795 / $595 / $395 /
To be confirmed
新潮粵劇展新風|屯門文藝協進會 / Cantonese Opera Songs Concert|Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association / $30 /
(852) 2408 0128
《冬之旅•春之祭》|城市當代舞蹈團主辦 / Winterreise · The Rite of Spring|Presented by City Contemporary Dance Company / $300 / $240 / $180 /
荃灣大會堂 / Tsuen Wan Town Hall /
港鐵九龍站E4或E5出口 MTR Kowloon Station Exit E4 or E5
(852) 2450 4202
義大利即興喜劇探尋之旅|香港小莎翁有限公司 / Walkie Talkie|Shakespeare4All Co. Ltd. / $200 /
香港新界葵芳興寧道12號 / 12 Hing Ning Rd, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong /
香港九龍西九文化區博物館路18號 / No. 18 Museum Drive, West Kowloon Cultural District, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
(852) 2200 0217
(852) 2529 0087
香港九龍土瓜灣馬頭角道63號牛棚藝術村14號 / Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
(852) 2802 0088
「創意間的親暱」2019 世界首演音樂會2 / Intimacy of Creativity 2019 World Premiere Concert 2 / $300 / $200 /
1a空間 / 1a space /
舞蹈學院春季演出 / School of Dance Spring Performances / $115 / $80 /
5P, A12, 18, 18P, 46X, 309
05, 11, 22.05.2019 14:00
Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District /
03-04.05.2019 20:00
百物曲 / An Opera for Animals /
香港灣仔告士打道1號 / 1 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong /
19.05, 26.05.2019 15:00
西九文化區自由空間 /
屯門大會堂 / Tuen Mun Town Hall /
葵青劇院 / Kwai Tsing Theatre /
05.05.2019 15:00
妙筆傳神: 中國美術館藏任伯年人物畫特展 / Strokes of Wonder: Figure Painting by Ren Bonian from the National Art Museum of China /
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts /
《百年留學︰女子與留學》/ A Hundred Years of Overseas Studies: Women and Overseas Studies /
香港九龍清水灣道11號牛池灣市政大廈2樓及3樓 / 2/F & 3/F, Ngau Chi Wan Municipal Services Building,11 Clear Water Bay Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
22.05.2019 19:30 23-25, 26.05.2019 19:30 26.05.2019 13:30
《百年留學︰留學與新文化運動》/ A Hundred Years of 08, 19, 25.05.2019 Overseas Studies: Overseas Study and the New Culture Movement / 14:00
牛池灣文娛中心 / Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre / (852) 2325 1970
16.05.2019 19:30
最好的時光 沙田大會堂場地伙伴計劃| 三角關係劇團有限公司 / Good Times, Best Friend - Sha Tin Town Hall Venue Partnership Scheme|TRINITY THEATRE PRODUCTION LIMITED / $380 /
03-04.05.2019 20:00
17-18.05.2019 20:00
《香港譽悅管樂合奏團四週年音樂會 - 明日•未來》|香港管樂合奏 11.05.2019 團主辦 / HKHWE 4th Anniversary Concert - The Future of Tomor20:00 row|Presented by Hong Kong Wind Ensemble / $160 / $120 /
港鐵鰂魚涌站C出口 MTR Quarry Bay Station Exit C
(852) 2517 4620
香港鰂魚涌英皇道677號榮華工業大廈22樓 / 22/F, 677 King's Road, Wing Wah Ind.Building, Quarry bay, Hong Kong /
皇朝禮器 / For Blessings and Guidance: the Qianlong Emperor's Design for State Sacrificial Vessels /
香港演藝學院 /
五四版畫小布袋製作 / The Making of Small Woodblock Print Pouch for May Fourth /
Para Site 藝術空間 / Para Site Art Space /
(852) 2367 6373
香港中環半山衛城道7號 / 7 Castle Road, Central District, Hong Kong /
(852) 2740 9222
粵劇演出——沙田大會堂場地伙伴計劃節目(15/5《柳毅奇緣》; 15, 16, 16/5《胭脂巷口故人來》;17/5《雙仙拜月亭》;|粵劇營運創新會 17.05.2019 有限公司之香港粵劇推廣中心 / Cantonese Opera - Sha Tin Town 19:30 Hall Venue Partnership Scheme Programme (15/5 "Liu Yi Delivers a Letter" ; 16/5 "Reunion at Rouge Alley" ; 17/5 "The Blessing of the Moon" )|Hong Kong Society for the Promotions of Cantonese Opera of The Cantonese Opera Advancement Association Limited / $380 / $300 / $240 / $180 / $120 /
孫中山紀念館 / Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum /
香港九龍紅磡高山道77號 / 77 Ko Shan Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong /
粵劇演出——沙田大會堂場地伙伴計劃節目 (6/5 《折子戲》 06, 07, 《洛神之七步成詩》《潞安州》《蓋世雙雄霸楚城之營房對峙》 08.05.2019 《再世紅梅記之脫阱救裴》《枇杷山上英雄血之毀靈牌/殺嫂》; 7-8/5 19:30 新編劇《鬼谷門生》)|粵劇營運創新會有限公司之龍飛戲曲推廣協會 / Cantonese Opera - Sha Tin Town Hall Venue Partnership Scheme Programme (6/5 "Cantonese Opera Excerpt Performances" ; 7-8/5 New Cantonese Opera Production "The Disciples of Guiguzi") |Dragon Opera Development Society of The Cantonese Opera Advancement Association Limited / $450 / $380 / $300 / $220 / $150 /
12.05.2019 14:30
高山劇場 / Ko Shan Theatre /
第55屆學校舞蹈節優勝者表演暨頒獎典禮|教育局及香港學 02, 03.05.2019 界舞蹈協會有限公司聯合主辦 / 55th Schools Dance Festival 19:30 Winners' Performance cum Prize Presentation| Jointly 01, 04, 05.05.2019 Presented by Education Bureau and Hong Kong Schools 16:30 Dance Association Limited / $80 / $65 / $50 /
(852) 2734 2009
港鐵大學站 MTR University Station
黑洞留影——科學家首次拍攝黑洞的影像|講 者:梁寶建博士 26.05.2019 (香港中文大學物理系講師)/ Black Hole Silhouette - Scientists Take 15:00 the First Image of a Black Hole|Speaker: Dr. LEUNG Po Kin (Lecturer , Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) /
香港新界屯門屯喜路3號 / Tuen Hi Rd, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong /
港鐵沙田站A出口 MTR Shatin Station Exit A
文化空間 / Cultural Space C01
新界沙田香港中文大學中國文化研究所文物館 / Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong /
(852) 2721 0226
香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號 / 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 港鐵尖沙咀站A1出口 MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit A1
(852) 3943 7416
Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong /
香港太空館 / Hong Kong Space Museum /
12, 12M, 13, 23, 23B, 40, 40M, 103
香港新界沙田源禾路1號 / 1 Yuen Wo Rd, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong /
藝君子劇團「覺醒系列第三部曲」—— 《夏娃》| 藝君子劇團主辦 / EVE by Artocrite Theater| Presented by Artocrite Theater / $260 /
31.05.2019 20:00
東邊舞蹈團《肆燃騷動》 | 東邊舞蹈團主辦, 康樂及文化事務署贊助 /
《柏林的金魚》|再構造劇場主辦 / Goldfish in Berlin| Presented by Reframe Theatre / $260 /
10-11.05.2019 20:00
香港教育大學聯合樂團音樂會|香港教育大學主辦 / EdUHK Joint Orchestras Gala Concert |Presented by The Education University of Hong Kong / $150 / $100 /
30.05.2019 19:45
港鐵葵芳站C出口 MTR Kwai Fong Station Exit C
梵志登與張緯晴|香港管弦樂團主辦 / Jaap Rachel Cheung Details|Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra / $480 / $380 / $280 / $180 /
1_201904-HK_ArtMap_May-57x76cm-Final.indd 1
18.05.2019 20:00
10-11.05.2019 20:00
梵志登|馬勒二|香港管弦樂團主辦 / Jaap|Mahler 2| Presented by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra / $680 / $580 / $480 / $380 /
津樂•津樂 叁 笛子音樂會|津樂竹笛演奏團主辦 / Tsun Lok . Dizi Music Concert III|Presented by Tsun Lok Dizi Enzemble Group / $120 /
藍天藝術工作室 頌先聲粵劇團粵劇演出|藍天藝術 工作室 / Cantonese Opera by Nan Art Workshop| NAN ART WORKSHOP / $360 / $320 / $260 / $220 /
多空間「'舞'可能陸」──《渾舞!》|多空間主辦;鳴謝: 康樂及文化事務署 / 'Dance "IN" Possible VI' - TransDance by Y-Space| Presented by Y-Space; Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $220 /
葉氏器樂大匯演之十|葉氏兒童合唱團有限公司主辦 / Yip's Instrumental Concert X|Presented by Yip's Children's Choir Limited / $130 /
19.05.2019 20:00
12.05.2019 19:15
琴鍵弦情音樂會2019|華偉音樂藝術民歌表演團暨香港民歌結他 促進協會主辦 / The String Night|Presented by S.T. Music & Art Folk Song Performance Group & Hong Kong Follk Song & Guitar Development Association / $150 /
香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號 / 10 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong / 港鐵尖沙咀站E出口 MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit E
周培賢與香港手風琴藝術團音樂會|香港手風琴藝術團主辦 / Concert by Gordan Chau and Accordion Troupe Hong Kong| Presented by Accordion Troupe Hong Kong / $300 / $250 /
KISS U 五月天母親金曲演唱會|荃灣海濱海灣居民協會主辦 / Oldies Concert|Presented by The Residents Association of Tsuen Wan Hoi Bun District / $480 / $320 / $180 / $120 / $80 /
夢諭|香港管弦樂團主辦 / Quotation of Dream|Presented by 24-25.05.2019 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra / $480 / $380 / $280 / $180 / 20:00
香港文化中心 / Hong Kong Cultural Centre /
12.05.2019 19:30
Hikikomori, the shelter is a futuristic story about fitting in and finding your place. The play uses a unique and original sound design that offers audiences three different viewpoints to see and hear about the same story. "Hikikomori" is a modern-age social phenomenon: it literally means withdrawal from others in Japanese. Based on this new social act of reclusion, Joris Mathieu and the Haut et Court Collective have created a futuristic story about a teenager's decision to withdraw from the world. The story begins with Nils, a young boy going through hard times at school as well as in his relationships with others. Nils finds it hard to fit into society, so one day, he decides to hide in his room and never leave… The story continues via three perspectives of a single performance on the stage. Using headphones, audiences can select to experience the story through the eyes of three actors: the mother, the father or Nils himself. Hikikomori, the shelter reminds us that there are as many ways to understand our existence, as there are ways to exist. The interactive performance through the use of headphones provides a radically different approach to the performance, whereby adults and children together can continue to discuss their different experiences at the end of the show. The children's words will be totally liberated, and their parents are now able to hear them.
《聲樂邀遊》邀請大家踏上一趟音樂、詩及繪畫之旅。節目以法國作曲家阿爾伯特.魯塞爾為弦樂團作 的小交響曲,作品 52 揭開序幕。魯塞爾本是海員,大海是他作品的主要創作靈感,也是這小交響樂曲 的史詩式主題。為紀念白遼士逝世 150 週年,節目中由著名女中音羅爾.于果蘭會演唱一系列白遼士 的優美樂曲選段。菲利浦 · 艾爾桑為弦樂而作的《帕特莫斯島》,帶領聽眾到希臘小島上,也是施洗者 聖約翰寫成《啟示錄》。法國作曲家伊迪絲.卡納特.德徹西,從俄裔法國畫家尼古拉斯.德.斯塔埃 爾的悲劇命運及畫家對北歐、法國南部和北非的光色氛圍的獨特處理獲得靈感。著名法國喜劇院的演員 艾力.吉諾維斯,將會朗讀他部分書信。同時德.斯塔埃爾一些名作,也會投影在樂團上方的銀幕上。
09.05.2019 20:00
純•箏 千金之夜|瑩聲雅集主辦 / Zheng Concert|Presented by Ying Sing Art Productions / $300 / $250 / $150 /
《隱蔽青年》是一齣關於尋找自我身份,具有未來色彩的故事。本劇運用了別開生面的聲音設計,讓觀 眾以三個不同視點細察同一個故事。「隱蔽青年」是現代的社會現象,日文標題的原意就是指遠離他人。 祖希斯·瑪朝連同「高和短藝術小組」創作的這個故事,是關於一名年輕人決定不再參與社會。故事中 的少年尼斯,無論在學校或平日跟人相處,都感到格格不入,覺得很難適應社會。於是有一天,他決定 躲在房間,永不再出來。同一個表演,故事隨著三個觀點各自發展。觀眾可利用耳機,選擇透過父親、 母親或尼斯自己的角度來體驗這個故事。《隱蔽青年》提醒大家有許多途徑去了解我們自身存在及生存 的方式。用耳機來進行互動,令觀眾對演出有全然不同的觀感,父母及子女可在節目尾聲一起討論各自 的體會。孩子可以暢所欲言,而父母能夠藉此聆聽他們的心聲。
法國五月藝術節2019:聲樂邀遊| 08.05.2019 法國五月藝術節主辦;鳴謝︰康樂 20:00 及文化事務署 Le French May Arts Festival 2019: Invitation to the Voyage by Paris Mozart Orchestra| Presented by Le French May Arts Festival;Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $420 / $300 / $200 / $120 /
姚敏百年經典:莫旭秋『為你歌唱』演唱會|文化舞台創 意中心主辦 / Joe Mok's Concert|Presented by Cultural Stage Creation Centre / $400 / $300 / $200 /
18.05.2019 20:00
法國五月藝術節2019:祖希斯·瑪朝暨「高和 24.05.2019 短藝術小組」《隱蔽青年》|法國五月藝術 20:00 節主辦; 鳴謝:康樂及文化事務署 / Le French 25.05May Arts Festival 2019: 'Hikikomori, The 26.05.2019 Shelter' by Joris Mathieu with Haut et 16:00 Court collective|Presented by Le French May Arts Festival; Acknowledgement: Leisure and Cultural Services Department / $200 / $140 /
05.05.2019 15:00
香港青年管樂團周年音樂會——譜夢|康樂及文化事務署音樂事務處主辦 / Hong Kong Youth Symphonic Band Annual Concert - Architecture of a Dream|Presented by Music Office, LCSD / $95 / $75 / $55 /
琴聲意動 - 胡琴首席之夜|香港中樂團有限公司主辦 / Fascinating Strings - An Evening with HKCO Huqin Principals|Presented by Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Limited / $280 / $220 /
香港中文大學文物館 /
中環海濱活動空間 /
Central Harbourfront Event Space /
(852) 3929 9500
香港中環龍和道9號 / 9 Lung Wo Road, Central, Hong Kong / 港鐵香港站 MTR Hong Kong Station
寵與友法國五月週末市集 / Le Franch May X Paws & Friends Weekend Bazaar /
王墒展覽|Loupe /Exhibition: A Union of Mischief by Wang Shang|Loupe /
MARIKO HAYASHI Exhibition| Arts & Crafts Studio /
俸正傑迷你個展|Art Futures Group / Feng Zheng Jie Mini Solo Exhibition|Art Futures Group /
無障畫創大賽 生命滿愛 頒獎典禮及社區畫廊巡迴展覽|etnet 社創 SoIN / Art Competition for Social Inclusion: Life in Love /
Room PLus Exhibition|Consulate General of Poland in Hong Kong, Kocham Polske HK and Pinacotheca /
25/4/2019 下午5:57