(Cold) Tea on Rectory Meadow Copyright: Ivan J. Underwood – (Cold) Tea on Rectory Meadow
On Coronation Day June 2, 1953, hundreds
“I remember this. We lived at No 5 Uplands
of Diss residents gathered, amid flurries of
Way. Mum (Irene Madgett) became
snow, for a celebratory tea in Rectory
secretary of the Uplands-Willbye
Meadow. Local photographer at the time,
Association, which grew out of this event. I
Ivan J. Underwood, captured the
still have the Coronation mug and plate. I
celebrations on his camera. As Diss
seem to remember all of us being given a
prepares to mark the Queen’s Platinum
new 1953 Elizabeth II shiny shilling.”
Jubilee in June, we share this iconic
Paul Madgett
photograph, and some of the memories it has brought back.
“If I recall correctly, the Coronation film came to the Picture House a week or two
“It was a chilly day, hence the winter coats.
after the event itself. I can remember
On the back of photo, mum wrote ‘Very
milling around outside the Picture House
cold, flurry of snow early morning’.”
before we were let in.”
June Eagle
Michael Rice
“Doris Riley is my grandma and Maureen
“I remember this day very well. My mum
Riley my mum. They can recall going to the
bought me a red, white and blue check
Rectory Meadow and walking from the
dress, red sandals and white socks. I felt
school to the picture house to watch it.”
very special. I still have the bible we were
Anne Emsden
given, but unfortunately the mug got broken over the years.” Pauline Scoulding
20 Diss Matters Summer 2022