A week in the life of…A deputy town clerk Deputy clerks, working for town councils,
Here’s a little taste of what Sonya’s average
are busy people who keep the cogs of
week might look like:
community life turning. But what do they actually do? Diss Town Council’s Deputy
Task 1. Site visit to the play park with our
Town Clerk, Sonya French, walks us through
maintenance manager to check on the
a week in her shoes.
installation of our new, inclusive play
“Being a deputy clerk is like being a town
equipment. While there, I noticed that the
resource,” says Sonya. “We’re the link
wet pour safety matting was not as we
between higher tier authorities and local
expected and had to organise for the
information. We might not always have the
contractors to come back to site to rectify it.
right answer, but with patience we can usually find it. Having the confidence and
Task 2. Meet with Mervyn Lambert on site
contacts to make that phone call or reach
to sort out road closures, signs and health
out to someone else to try and find an
and safety barriers for our annual Diss
answer, is what makes the difference. And
Carnival procession.
this is what I love about my job.” 8 Diss Matters Summer 2022