Fokus / Focus: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Art Stays Festival

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kustos / curated by

Koen Vanmechelen umetniki / artist

Ai Weiwei Monira Al Qadiri Jake & Dinos Chapman Leonardo Cimolin Josepha Gasch-Muche Shane Guffogg Brigitte Kowanz Vik Muniz Lucy+Jorge Orta Thomas Schütte Gavin Turk Koen Vanmechelen Fred Wilson Erwin Wurm

Leonardo Cimolin, Fragility and Strength of Faith, 2015 razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery


Gavin Turk, This is not a pipe, 2012 razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

GLASSTRESS PTUJ SLOVENIA, (Koen Vanmechelen & Adriano Berengo) Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

Glasstress je dolgoročni projekt Adriana Berenga, s katerim želi nadgraditi svojo vizijo združitve sodobne umetnosti in stekla in h kateremu so bili povabljeni umetniki vseh disciplin, od kiparjev do glasbenikov, da sodelujejo z mojstri pri ustvarjanju umetnosti v steklu. Od leta 2009 so dela razstavljena v zgodovinski palači Franchetti ob Velikem kanalu, od leta 2014 pa projekt dodatno podpira in promovira ustanova Fondazione Berengo. Glasstress predstavlja sodelovanje med obrtjo in ustvarjalnostjo, ob tem pa steklu tlakuje novo pot in zarisuje nove smernice za sodobne umetnike. Glasstress je gostoval v uglednih muzejih in ustanovah po vsem svetu, vključno z muzejem Millesgården v Stockholmu, newyorškim muzejem umetnosti in oblikovanja, s fakulteto London College of Fashion in z Galerijo zbirke Wallace v Londonu, sedaj pa se v okviru 16. festivala Art Stays predstavlja tudi v Sloveniji. Kurator razstave je Koen Vanmechelen, ugledni belgijski umetnik, ki z Berengo Studiem sodeluje že od devetdesetih let dalje. Glasstress is a long term project by Adriano Berengo, designed to further his vision of uniting contemporary art and glass. Artists of all disciplines, from sculptors to musicians, have been invited to collaborate with maestros in creating art in glass. Since 2009, these works have been exhibited in the historic Palazzo Franchetti on the Grand Canal, further supported and promoted by Fondazione Berengo since 2014. Glasstress showcases the collaboration of craft and creativity, forges a new trajectory for glass and a new path for contemporary artists. Glasstress has also been presented in prominent museums and institutions worldwide, including the Millesgården Museum in Stockholm, the Museum of Arts and Design in New York, the London College of Fashion and The Wallace Collection in London, and is now presented in the context of the 16th Art Stays Festival, Slovenia. Koen Vanmechelen, the renowned Belgian artist who has been collaborating with Berengo Studio since ’90s, will curate this exhibition.


GLASSTRESS PTUJ SLOVENIJA kustos / curator: Koen Vanmechelen Fondazione Berengo Prihodnost zgleda žalostno, če se izrazimo nekoliko neustrezno. Skupna prihodnost našega planeta, trpeče za posledicami ravnanja dobe, ki jo naznanja Antropocen, doba človeka, se zdi negotova. Temelji našega nekdanjega optimizma se sesedajo pod težo nepojmljivih sprememb, ki si jih nismo mogli zamisliti. Ravnovesje med kaosom in redom je dlje stran, kot kdajkoli prej. Razlog za to je vdaja dvomu in veri v vstajenje starih bogov. Informacije predstavljajo znanje in znanje je moč. Ta aksiom se je nedavno utopil v močvirju sprenevedanja in manipulacije. Vzpon avtoritarizma nas opominja na pretekle katastrofe in obljube grozečega prevrata. Prihodnost je puščava. To je podoba s katero nas vsakodnevno hranijo. Če lahko utripajoča krila metulja sprožijo nevihto na drugi strani planeta, se danes zavedamo, da lahko utrip ideje v svetu sproži pojav, ki osvoji um univerzuma kot cunami. Obvladovanje neškodljivih tovrstnih pojavov, zmanjševanje negativizma in pazljiva skrb za Vrt upanja, so lahko načini, kako krotiti pesimizem in mu ne dovoliti, da postane del sanj in fantazij. Tema te razstave, ki temelji na eklektični zbirki Fundazione Berengo, se osredinja na lomljivost, na krhkost načina, na katerega ustvarjamo svojo prihodnost. Kreacije so produkt uravnoteženih neravnovesij. Kreativnost je zapleten proces, ko gre za velike razsežnosti, ki zahtevajo delikatnost, inspiracijo, veščine in vero v moč domišljije. Na tej posebni razstavi vsaka soba predstavlja lomljivost posameznih elementov, sestavljanke, če želite, ki sestavljajo naš svet na poti skozi transformacijo. Ena izmed sob nam podaja sliko lomljivosti vere. Simbolna sklonjena glava, planet in upognjen hrbet pred superiornim bitjem. Gesta nepomembnosti, podredljivosti in razdor. Soba z naslovom »Krhkost kulture« razmišlja o ekscesu dekadence, medtem ko druge prikažejo prekarnost družbe, tapiserijo, ki jo je lažje uničiti, kot splesti. Govori o odkritjih in naravi, naši stari zibelki, ki jo vsi ljubimo in sovražimo, potrebujemo in ji nasprotujemo.

Vik Muniz, Untitled, 2010 razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

Ai Weiwei, Up Yours, 2017 razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

Razstava sama po sebi je bogata tapiserija različnih idej in izrazov, perspektiv in pristopov. Gre za spajanje različnih sestavin iz vsega sveta. Košara s semeni, je imela namen pognojiti um. Vsako od teh semen dobi čas in prostor, da se vcepi in injicira, da spodbudi in raste, da se skrije in se znova razkrije, da oplodi in se izvali. Zato tudi njihovo srečanje na krhkem otoku, kot grozd pojavov. Kaj so pravi pogoji, v katerih lahko ustvarimo skupno prihodnost? Meduza v glavni sobi prikazuje krhkost narave, predstavlja stvari, ki jih ni moč napovedati in kaže na rešitev enormne naloge, ki nas čaka, skoraj Sizifovo delo izdelovanja trajnostne prihodnosti za vse, kar je Gaja. Meduza predstavlja dvojnost, ki sta red in kaos. Daje življenje, ko ga hkrati spreminja v kamen. Njena zaščita je smrt drugega. Ko zmaja z glavo pomeni, da je plodnost zagotovljena, prav tako pa tudi popolna predaja. V tej dihotomiji Meduza predstavlja ravnovesje in kaže na dolgotrajen uspeh evolucije. Na glavi ne nosi le kač, pač pa tudi kokoši, ptiča z dvoumno pomembnostjo. V sodobni medicini so kokošja jajca pogosto osnova za mnoga cepiva in zdravila. Kokoši so simbol ženske moči. Tako kot kače, pa tudi kokoši lahko ubijajo, saj so inkubatorji usodnih katastrof. Nevarnost vedno preži na nas v stvareh, ki jih poznamo. To kar je znotraj je zunaj in mi smo tisto drugo. Rešitev za naše težavne čase je moč najti le v nas samih. Obstaja način, kako pogledati Meduzi v oči in preživeti. Tvoje preživetje je preživetje drugih.

The future looks bleak, to use an understatement. Our collective future on a planet suffering from the unforgiving consequences of the Anthropocene, the Age of Man, seems problematic. The foundations of our former optimism are crumbling under the weight of previously unimaginable transformations. The balance between chaos and order looks further away than ever before. Reason is succumbing to doubt and the belief in the resurrection of old gods. Information is knowledge and knowledge is power. This axiom recently drowned in a morass of fakery and manipulation. The rise of authoritarianism reminds us of past disasters and promises of impending upheaval. The future is a wasteland. At least, this is the impression we are fed daily. If the flight of a butterfly can cause a storm at the other side of the planet, we now realize that a flicker of an idea can grow into a meme that conquers the universal mind like a tsunami. Controlling harmful memes, downplaying negativism and carefully tending the Garden of Hope can be ways to curb pessimism, while never giving in to pipedreams and virtual fantasies. The theme of this exhibition, based on the eclectic collection of the Fondazione Berengo, deals with the fragility, the brittleness of the way in which we are constructing our future. Creations are the product of balanced imbalances. Creativity is a hypercomplex process on such a vast scale that requires delicacy, inspiration, mastery and a belief in the power of imagination. In this gem of an exhibition different rooms represent the brittleness of various key elements, puzzles if you like, that form our current world in full transformation mode. One room reflects about the brittleness of religion. The symbolical bowing head, the planet and the arching of the back to a superior Being. A gesture of insignificance, surrender and 'geworfen sein' that finds its remarkable pendant in expressions of dominance, submission, and strife. The 'brittleness of culture' room ponders on the cultural excess of decadence while other rooms instill thoughts about the precarity of society, a tapestry more easily destroyed than woven, about discovery and nature, our old cradle we love and hate, need and oppose.

Jake & Dinos Chapman, The same but in glass (detajl / detail), 2015 razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

Vik Muniz, Indviduals, 2017 razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

Thomas SchĂźtte, Gartenzwerge, 2017 razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

The exhibition itself is a rich tapestry in ideas and expressions, perspectives and approaches. It is an eclectic collection of different ingredients from all over the world. A basket of seeds, so to speak, meant to fertilize minds. Each and one of these seeds get the space and the time to instill and inject, to spur and grow, to bury and reveal itself, to fertilise and hatch. Hence their gathering on a fragile island, as a cluster of memes. What are the right conditions to construct the texture for our collective future? The Medusa, in the main room, showing the 'brittleness of nature', represents the unpredictability of things but also points to a solution for the enormous task that awaits us, the almost Sisyphean work of carving out a sustainable future for all and everything which is Gaia. Medusa stands for the duality of order and chaos. She inspires life while turning it into stone. Her protection is someone else's demise. Her snakehead means secure fertility as well as ultimate surrender. In this Medusa, however, this dichotomy finds a balance and points to long-term evolutionary success. She does not wear only snakes but also chickens, a bird which importance is ambiguous too. In modern medicine, chicken eggs are the base of many medications and vaccinations. Hens are a symbol of feminine power. Like snakes, however, chickens can kill too, being incubators of new lethal diseases for mankind. Danger always lurks in what is known to us. Inside is outside, and we are the other. A solution for our troubled times can be found in ourselves. There is a way to look into the Medusa's eyes and get away with it. Survival of yourself is survival of the other.

Vik Muniz, Individuals, razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

Razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

Razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija (Koen Vanmechelen), Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

AI WEIWEI KITAJSKA / CHINA Rojen leta 1957 v Pekingu (Kitajska). Živi in dela v Berlinu (Nemčija). Born in 1957 in Beijing, China. Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

UP YOURS, 2017 Courtesy Ai Weiwei Studio and Berengo Studio

AMORPHOUS SOLID GHOST, 2017 Courtesy the artist and Berengo Studio Photo credits: Francesco Allegretto

MONIRA AL QADIRI KUVAJT / KUWAIT Rojena leta 1983 v Senegaliji. Born in 1983 in Senegal.

JAKE & DINOS CHAPMAN VELIKA BRITANIJA / GREAT BRITAIN Jake Chapman, rojen 1966 v Cheltenhamu in Dinos Chapman, rojen 1962 v Londonu, trenutno živita in delata v Londonu (vse Anglija). Jake Chapman, born 1966, Cheltenham, UK, and Dinos Chapman, born in 1962, London, UK, currently lives and works in London.

THE SAME BUT IN GLASS, 2015 Courtesy the artists and Berengo Studio Photo credits: Francesco Allegretto

FRAGILITY AND STRENGTH OF FAITH, 2015 Courtesy the artist and Berengo Studio

LEONARDO CIMOLIN ITALIJA / ITALY Rojen 1971 v Dolu, živi in dela v Miri pri Benetkah, oboje Italija. Born in 1971 in Dolo, Italy, and lives and works in Mira, Venice.

JOSEPHA GASCH-MUCHE NEMČIJA / GERMANY Rojena 1984 v Saarlandu, živi in dela v Hannovru (oboje Nemčija). Born in 1944 in The Saarland, Germany, and lives and works in Hannover.

UNTITLED, 2012 Courtesy the artist and Berengo Studio

THE FIFTH SOUND, 2014 Courtesy the artist and Berengo Studio

SHANE GUFFOGG ZDA / USA Rojen leta 1962 v Los Angelesu, živi in dela med Los Angelesom in Strathmorom v Kaliforniji (oboje ZDA). Born in 1962 in Los Angeles, United States lives and works between Los Angeles and Strathmore, California.

VO-LUMEN, 2017 Courtesy the artist and Berengo Studio Photo credits: Francesco Allegretto

VIK MUNIZ BRAZILIJA / BRASIL Rojen leta 1961 v San Paulu (Brazilija). Živi in dela v Brooklynu v New Yorku (ZDA) in v Rio de Janneiru (Brazilija). Born 1961 in São Paulo, Brazil. Lives and works in Brooklyn, New York and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

INDIVIDUALS, 2017 Courtesy the artist and Berengo Studio

BRIGITTE KOWANZ AVSTRIJA / AUSTRIA Rojena leta 1957 na Dunaju, kjer živi in dela. Born in 1957 in Vienna, Austria. Lives and works in Vienna.

LUCY+JORGE ORTA VELIKA BRITANIJA / GREAT BRITAIN ARGENTINA Lucy Orta, rojena 1966 v Sutton Coldeldu (Anglija) in Jorge Orta, rojen v Rasario (Argentina) sta umetnika in živita teR delata v Londonu (Angija). Lucy Orta, born in 1966 in Sutton Coldeld, United Kingdom, and Jorge Orta, born in 1953 in Rosario, Argentina, are two artists who live and work in London, UK.

ARBOREAL, 2015 ourtesy the artists and Berengo Studio

THOMAS SCHÜTTE NEMČIJA / GERMANY Rojen leta 1954 v Oldenbourgu. Živi in dela v Dusseldorfu (oboje Nemčija) Born in 1954, in Oldenbourg (Germany) Lives and works in Dusseldorf (Germany)

GARTENZWERGE, 2017 Courtesy the artist and Berengo Studio

GAVIN TURK VELIKA BRITANIJA / GREAT BRITAIN Rojen leta 1967 v Guildfordu. Trenutno živi in dela v Londonu (oboje Anglija). Born in 1967 in Guildford (UK). Currently lives and works in London

THIS IS NOT A PIPE, 2012 Courtesy David Nolan Gallery, New York and Berengo Studio

EGG CORD, 2009 Courtesy the artist and Berengo Studio

KOEN VANMECHELEN BELGIJA / BELGIUM Rojen leta 1965 v Sint-Truidenu, živi in dela v Meeuwenu (oboje Belgija). Born in 1965 in Sint-Truiden, Belgium, and lives and works in Meeuwen.

FRED WILSON ZDA / USA Rojen leta 1954 v Bronxu v New Yorku, kjer živi in dela. Born in the Bronx, New York, in 1954, and lives and works in New York.

BAT, 2009 Courtesy the artist and Berengo Studio

ERWIN WURM AVSTRIJA / AUSTRIA Rojen leta 1954 v Bruck an der Muru. Živi in dela na Dunaju in v Limbergu v spodnji štajerski (vse Avstrija). Born in 1954 in Bruck an der Mur. Lives and works in Vienna and in Limberg/Lower Austria

VENEZIAN NARROW, 2015 Courtesy the artist and Berengo Studio

GLASSTRESS PTUJ SLOVENIA, otvoritev / opening Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

GLASSTRESS PTUJ SLOVENIA, otvoritev / opening Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

ostale razstave / other exhibitions 6. 7. - 9. 9. 2018 Fragile_Memory / Conict / Men Kustos / Curator: Carla Sala Prizorišče / Venue: Miheličeva galerija / Mihelič Gallery, Dravska ulica 4, Ptuj, SI Umetniki / Artists: Silvia Camporesi, Paolo Ciregia, Mustafa Sabbagh.

Krhko / Fragile Kustosa / Curators: Marika Vicari & Jernej Forbici Prizorišče / Venue: Dominikanski samostan / Dominican Monastery, Muzejski trg 1, Ptuj Umetniki / Artists: Ai Weiwei, Banu Cennetoğlu, Polona Demšar, Federica Ferzoco, Maria Teresa Gonzalez Ramirez, Laloba (Anna Crescenzi, Renata Petti), Masbedo, Mladen Miljanović, Andrea Morruchio, Boštjan Novak, Artsiom Parchynski, Giuseppe Piscopo, Patrizia Polese, Santiago Sierra, Rósa Sigrún, Andrea Tagliapietra, Alice Zanin.

Glass Painting, Fragment and saturation process Kustos / Curator: Riccardo Costantini Prizorišče / Venue: Galerija Magistrat / Magistrat Gallery, Mestni trg 1, Ptuj Umetnika / Artists: Stefano Bullo, Riccardo Costantini

Maria Fernanda Guzmán – Arte Laguna Prize Kustosa / Curators: Jernej Forbici & Marika Vicari Prizorišče / Venue: Knjižnica I. Potrča Ptuj / Ptuj’s Public Library, Prešernova ulica 33, Ptuj Umetnica / Artist: Maria Fernanda Guzmán

Razbij me nežno / Crash me Gently Kustos / Curator: Dušan Fišer Prizorišče / Venue: Tovarna umetnosti / Art Factory, Breg 8, Majšperk Umetniki / Artists: Tanja Boh Sokolov, Dragica Čadež Lapajne, Milojka Drobne, Meta Kastelic, Ines Kovačič, Marija Rudolf, Nataša Sedej, Miljanjka Simšič, Mojca Smerdu, Jože Šubic, Ljubica Zgonc Zorko

Luca Piovaccari – Krhka lahkotnost / Fragile Lightness Kustos / Curator: Italo Bergantini & Romberg Arte Contemporanea Prizorišče / Venue: Galerija FO.VI / FO.VI Gallery, Strnišče 6, Kidričevo Umetnik / Artist: Luca Piovaccari

Javne intervencije / Public interventions Kustosa / Curators: Marika Vicari & Jernej Forbici Prizorišča / Venues: Slovenski trg, Ptujski grad / Ptuj’s Castle, Sončni park, Ptuj Umetniki / Artists: Maria Teresa Gonzalez Ramirez, Marek Schovánek


na naslovnici / on the cover: Koen Vanmechelen, Eggcord GLASSTRESS PTUJ SLOVENIJA Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery


ART STAYS Produkcija sodobne umetnosti / Contemporary Art Production KUD ART STAYS Prešernova ulica 1 2250 Ptuj Pisarna / Ofce: Jadranska ulica 4, 2250 Ptuj Tel: +386 40 467 459 E - mail: Vik Muniz, Untitled, 2010 razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

Foto / Photo: Srdan Mohorič, Albin Bezjak, Jernej Forbici


Koen Vanmechelen, Lifebank / The Awakener, 2015 razstava / exhibition: Glasstress Ptuj Slovenija, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

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