3DL stuudio 3DL Studio IV - 09.2016-11.2016
3DL eksperimentaalse arhitektuuri problemaatika Kursuse eesmärk oli uurida temaatikat, mis seotud uudsete ruumikontseptsioonide loomise ja rakendamisega ajaloolisel Postiteel ja selle vahetus ümbruses. Soovisime leida värskeid ja häid ruumielamusi pakkuvaid paviljone-bussipeatusi või sündmust tekitavaid varjualuseid ja arhitektuurseid installatsioone, mis tooksid esile konkreetse asukoha eripära ning liidaksid sellele omapoolse vaatenurga. Tavapärasest selgelt eristatavate lahenduste loomiseks anti üliõpilastele järgnevad lähtekriteeriumid: objektid peavad olema suhteliselt kergesti püstitatavad või eelnevalt kokku pandud ning säilima kasutatavana 5-10 aastat, lisafunktsioonid saavad liituda vastavalt kohalikele vajadustele ja väljapakutud lahenduste iseloomule. Kursuse tulemuseks on viis erinevat grupitööna valminud maketti koos eskiisidega, mille kavandamisel on arvestatud kaasaegsete prototüüpimis- ja tootmisprotsessidega ning loodud valmisolek, et arhitektuursed konstruktsioonid täpsemalt edasi arendada ja valmis ehitada – võimalusel koostöös kohalike kompetentsikeskuste ja tootjatega.
3DL Problematics of Experimental Architecture The aim of the course was to study the topic related to the creation and implementation of innovative spatial concepts on the historic Postitee (Postal Road) and in its vicinity. We wished to find fresh pavilions-bus stops providing interesting spatial experience or shelters and architectural installations creating events, bringing out the unique features of the location and combining it with a personal angle. In order to generate novel and clearly outstanding solutions, students were given the following brief: the objects must be relatively easy to construct or previously assembled and their period of use must be 5-10 years. Similarly, further features may be added in accordance to local needs and the nature of the suggested solutions. Altogether five models with respective designs were completed as a result of group work considering the contemporary prototyping and production processes and providing the means for further development and actual building of the architectural construction – if possible, in cooperation with the local competence centres and manufacturers.
Esikaane töö autorid: Gaetan Favrie, Tarmo Kübard, Kirke Päss, Kristian Taaksalu Authors of the work on the front page: Gaetan Favrie, Tarmo Kübard, Kirke Päss, Kristian Taaksalu
Tudengid Students
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Arvi Anderson Inke-Brett Eek Gaetan Favrie Mark Grimitliht Anna Jazõkova Tarmo Kübard Valdis Linde Mathilde Mann Susann Murtezani Mari Möldre Jeromine Ponce Kristo Põlluaas Kirke Päss Ahti Sepsivart Kaisa Simon Liina Soosar Marianna Zvereva Kristian Taaksalu
Pausid Postiteel
3DL eksperimentaalse arhitektuuri problemaatika
Pauses on Postitee 3DL Problematics of Experimental Architecture
värav viis eksperiment. vaade. installatsioon.
põdrakivi portaal tolm vaateplatvorm
läte kuu
kõrts paviljon väimelas värav
Postitee külastus semestri alguses Pildid: Mari Möldre
Visiting Postitee at the beginning of school year Photos by Mari Möldre
Viis Five/Melody Tartu ja Võru vahel liikleja valib sirgema maantee asemel Postitee enamasti siis, kui tal on aega nautida avanevaid maalilisi vaateid või tutvuda teeäärsete vaatamisväärsustega või matkaradadega. Seetõttu on ka meie objekt suunatud rahulikule vaatlejale, kes varjualust märgates sellega tutvust teeb ja seda liigutades uusi kohti avastada võib. Varjualune on viisnurkne puitkonstruktsioonist objekt, mille nurgad toimivad hinge dena. Seetõttu on võimalik varjualusega koos kiikudes liigelda. Pehmel võrkkangal saab istuda ja lamada, püsti seistes ja seinale jõudu avaldades hakkab objekt sirgjooneliselt liikuma. A person travelling between Tartu and Võru will prefer to take Postitee instead of the direct highway only if he has time to enjoy the picturesque views or get to know the landmarks or hiking trails by the road. Therefore, also our object is primarily meant for leisurely observers who will make further acquaintance with the shelter and possibly also discover new places by moving it. The shelter is a pentagonal wooden object with its corners functioning as hinges. Thus, it is possible to move along with the shelter by swinging. Visitors may sit and lie on the soft mesh fabric, but when standing up and applying force on the wall, the object will start moving in a straight line.
01 02 03 04
Ühe elemendi liikumisskeem Lõiked Liikuva nurga detail Vaated
Kuna trajektoor on ette teada, saab objekti kasutada suunajana – tee ääres seisev varjualune meelitab kaugemal asuva vaatamisväärsuseni. Samuti võib mitmest varjualusest moodustada ringi ja neid kokku-lahku lükates tõmmata paralleele mõne rituaali või tantsuga. Kokku saades moodustub tihe ala, kus saab näiteks minikontserte korraldada.
01 02 03 04
The element movement Sections A detail of the movable corner Elevations
The object with a fixed trajectory may be used as a pointer – the shelter by the road will lead to the landmark located somewhat farther. Several shelters may also be pushed together or apart in a circle suggestive of a ritual or dance. When brought together, a dense area is created suitable, for instance, for mini-concerts.
Portaal Portal Palojärv paikneb Tartu ja Võru vahelise tee keskel ning peidab end vana Tartu-Võru maantee kõrval. Järve ja Postiteed eraldava metsatuka sees asub portaalina tunnetatav metsa siht. Puudest moodustuv tunnel ühendab Postitee ja Palojärve ning see tõmbab inimeste tähelepanu järvele, mitmekesisele metsale ja rabale. Portaali lähedal paikneb bussipeatus ja RMK matkarada. Meie nägemuses on tunneli alguses maamärgilik struktuur. See ühendab endas bussipeatuse ja RMK metsaraja alguspunkti ning markeerib tunneli algust. Esmapilgul paistab struktuur lihtsa risttahukakujulise vormina. Varjualusesse sisenemisel leiab inimene end keerulisel Lake Palojärv is located halfway between Tartu and Võru near the old Tartu-Võru high way. In the middle of the grove separating the lake and Postitee, there is a division line perceived as a portal. The tunnel formed by the trees joins Postitee and Lake Palojärv and thus can draw people’s attention to the lake and the versatile forest and wetland area. There is also a bus stop and State Forest Management Centre (RMK) hiking trail near the portal. In our vision, the beginning of the tunnel is structured as a landmark. It includes a bus stop and the outset of an RMK hiking trail thus marking the beginning of the tunnel. At first, the structure seems like a simple rectangular form. But when entering the shelter, one finds himself
01 02 03
Plaan Lõige Pildid
geomeetrial põhinevast ruumist ja avastab end kõrge struktuuri taha varjunud tunnelis. Portaal juhatab inimese järveni, üle raba viiva puidust tee, kus asub puitprussidest struktuur puhkamiseks ja nautimiseks.
01 02 03
Plan Section Pictures
in an exciting geometric space and in a tunnel hidden behind the high structure. The portal leads him to the lake along the boardwalk across the bog with a wooden beam structure for resting and enjoying nature.
Paviljon Väimelas A pavilion in Väimela Eesmärk oli luua Postitee äärde varjualune, kus saaks puhata, istuda ja ümbritsevat loodust nautida. Paviljonil on paindlik konstruktsioon, mida võib mitmel viisil kasutada ja erineval moel liigutada. Varjualuse vorm tuleneb vineeri loomusest. Sel on kolm suunda ja igaühel erinev kate. Vastavalt katuse kõrgusele ja talade tihedusele moodustub varjualune või mööbel. Paviljonil on mitu funktsiooni – see võib olla nii bussipeatus, vaatamisväärsus kui ka lihtsalt olemise koht. The aim was to build a shelter by Postitee for people to sit, rest and enjoy the scenery. The pavilion has a flexible construction that can be used and moved in various ways. The form of the shelter stems from the nature of plywood. It has three directions all of them with a different coating. The formation of the shelter or furniture depends on the height of the roof and the frequency of the beams. The pavilion has several functions – it may be a bus stop, an attraction or merely a place for stopping.
01 02 03
Vaated Plaan Pildid idee kujunemisest
01 02 03
Elevations Plan Pictures of the development of the idea
Vaateplatvorm Observation deck Objekt asub Kandsimäel, kus maastiku reljeef loob kauneid vaateid ümbritsevale loodusele. Vaateplatvormina ja varjualusena kasutatav väikevorm on paigutatud s-kujuliselt, mis teeb selle stabiilseks ja samas pakub vaateid erinevatele suundadele. Avanemise suunas muutub ka piirde tihedus hõredamaks, soodustades väljavaadet. The building is located on Kandsimäe where the landscape provides magnificent views of the surrounding nature. The small architectural form used as a viewing platform and shelter is positioned in S-shape to give it more stability and also offer views in various directions. Where the building opens, also the railing becomes less dense thus improving the views.
3,75 2,4
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0,9 2,4
0,9 800
4 800
4 800
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1 600
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1 255
4 800
3,75 2,4
4 800
2,4 0,9
800 800
1 600
1 300
1 255
1 255 1 300
1 255
1 300
1 300
02 03
Plans and elevations in case of various rib density Elevations Conseptual scheme
4 800
1 2551 300
02 03
Plaanid ja vaated erineva tihedusega paigutatud ribide korral Vaated Ideeskeem
4 800
EKA 2015 3DL Tutors
ARVI ANDERSON / SUSANN MURTEZANI / KRISTO PÕLLUAAS / KAISA SIMON Susann Murtezani, Kaisa Simon, Kristo Põlluaas, Arvi Anderson Martin Melioranski, Paco-Ernest Ulman
Eksperiment. Vaade. Installatioon Experiment. View. Installation. Põhiideeks on anda külastajale erinevaid ruumi- ja valguselamusi kergete optiliste illusioonidega. Puu küljes rippuval kuubikul on palju avasid, millega on võimalik mängida ja seeläbi endale sobiv vaade maastikule valida. Õhus olevana hakkab objekt koos puudega kaasa kiikuma. Värviline klaasist kuubik mängib valguse ja varjudega. Peenikesed nöörid objekti ümber tekitavad varjusid kuubiku sisse ja värviline klaassein tekitab varjusid maapinnale. The main idea is to give the visitor different space and light experience with a slight optical illusion. The treehouse cube has many openings which the visitor can play with combining different views at thelandscape. Being elevated the cube starts to swing with trees around. The coloured glass cube plays with light and shadows. Fibre strings around the cube give shadows inside the cube and coloured glass gives shadows on the fi eld.
Asendiplaan Perspektiivvaated Lõiked
01 02 03
Siteplan Perspective views Sections
Camera obscura kuubiku puhul on oluline maastiku vaade ruumi sees. Maastik on projitseeritud pimedasse ruumi batuutpõrandale , mille peal saavad külastajad kõndida justkui maailma “äärel”. Muutuv põranda vorm moondab seeläbi ka maastiku projektsiooni. Kõik kolm kuubikut on iseseisvad, aga moodustavad maastikus kompositsiooni, mis annab külastajale võimaluse kogeda ilusat maastikku erineval moel.
Camera obscura cube is about the landscape view inside the box. The landscape is projected on the trampoline floor inside the lightproof box, where visitors can walk „on the edge“ of the world. At the same time the trampoline allows to distort the projected picture. All three cubes are individual on their own but on the whole site they make one composition giving visitors an expierence of the beautiful landscape in different ways. .5 112
Experiment. View. Installation. 3DL_ Problematics of Experimental Architecture
107. 5
Three cubes are together a live installation.2. The main idea is to give the visitor different space and light experience with a slight optical illusion.
The landscape is projected on the trampoline floor inside the lightproof box, where visitors can walk „on the edge“ of the world. At the same time the trampoline allows to distort the projected picture.
11 0
he landscape is projected on the trampoline floor inde the lightproof box, where visitors can walk „on the dge“ of the world. At the same time the trampoline ows to distort the projected picture.
11 0
01 02 03
wintertime snow + icicles
5 10
summertime colourful shadow
l three cubes are individual on their own. But on the hole site they make one composition giving visitors n expierence of the beautiful landscape in different ays.
basic usage
our proposal
Camera obscura cube is about the3. landscape view inside the box.
107 .5
summertime colourful shadow
The coloured glass cube plays with light and shadows. Fibre strings around the cube give shadows inside the cube and coloured glass gives shadows on the field.
112 .5
The treehouse cube has many openings which the visitor can play with combining different views at the landscape. Being elevated the cube starts to swing with trees around.
wintertime snow + icicles
All three cubes are individual on their own. But on the whole site they make one composition giving visitors an expierence of the beautiful landscape in different ways.
01 GSEducationalVersion
02 1.
3. EKA 2015 3DL Tutors
2 500
2 500
Susann Murtezani, Kaisa Simon, Kristo Põlluaas, Arvi Anderson Martin Melioranski, Paco-Ernest Ulman 2500
EKA 2015 +4.00 3DL Tutors
2 500
Susa Marti
Postitee Postal road Meie eesmärk on tagasi tuua ja rõhutada suhet inimese ja looduse vahel. Our aim is to restore and highlight the relationship between man and nature.
postitee road our aim is to emphesize and bring back deeper connection between people and nature.
02 03
Värav Aja pikku kasvavad puud üle tee. Loodus ise loob sümboli, mis tähistab tee algust ja lõppu. Hekk Suure ava lõikamine ülekasvanud hekki avab vaate kaunile maastikule. Põdra kivi Kivi, mis kunagi kandis võimsat põdraskulptuuri, seisab praegu üksikult. Uued kivid tuuakse selle ümber.
in time trees grow over the road. nature itself makes a new construction which is symbolizing the start and the end point of the road. hedge to open up the beautiful landscape a big hole is cut in to the overgrown hedge. moon half of the time we drive in darkness. people could see only the asphalt with car strong lights. on one point a big moon will appear and remind us the space full of life existing beside the underexposed road and darkness wellspring the ancient wellspring, what have been really important drinking place, gives us its healing water. red road leads people to this power source. small track is made out of red concrete blocks. the colour comes from the local sand which emerged 400 billion years ago and exist everywhere under the ground. flowers to bring more happiness and love to the people colourful flowers are planted next to the road elk stone stone which one caried a powerful elk sculpture now sits alone. new stones are brought around it. at the moment the area next to the road has to be clean and empty. we bring back the stones to landscape. pub old pub stands empty. nobody uses it anymore. by pushing the building on the road the driver can flow throught it and experience the historical feeling of the house dust the road have been released from the heavy cover. what have been common only last 50 years. now you can have a experience about dust road like it have been hundreds of years. gate end of the road
mark grimitliht and ahti sepsivart
Gate The trees will gradually grow over the road. Nature itself will create the symbol to mark the beginning and end of the road. Hedge Cutting a large opening into the overgrown hedge opens the view of a picturesque landscape. The Elk Rock The rock that used to bear the powerful statue of an elk is now standing in solitude. New rocks will be brought around it.
01 postitee road postitee road our aim is to emphesize and bring back deeper connection between people and nature. our aim is to emphesize and bring back deeper connection between people and nature. gate gate in time trees grow over the road. nature itself makes a new construction which is symbolizing the start and the in time trees grow over the road. nature itselfend makes new which is symbolizing the start and the pointa of theconstruction road. end point of the road. afterhedge 100 years hedge to open up the beautiful landscape a big hole is cut in to the overgrown hedge. to open up the beautiful landscape a big hole is cut in to the overgrown hedge. moon moon half of the time we drive in darkness. people could see only the asphalt with car strong lights. on one point a halfmoon of thewill time we drive darkness. people the asphalt withunderexposed car strong lights. onedarkness point a big appear and in remind us the spacecould full ofsee life only existing beside the roadonand big moon will appear and remind us the space full of life existing beside the underexposed road and darkness wellspring wellspring the ancient wellspring, what have been really important drinking place, gives us its healing water. red road the ancient what have small been really important drinking place, gives us its healing road leads people wellspring, to this power source. track is made out of red concrete blocks. the colourwater. comesred from the leads people tosand this power small madeago out and of red concrete blocks. the colour comes from the local which source. emerged 400 track billionisyears exist everywhere under the ground. local sand which emerged 400 billion years ago and exist everywhere under the ground. flowers flowers to bring more happiness and love to the people colourful flowers are planted next to the road to bring more happiness and love to the people colourful flowers are planted next to the road elk stone elk stone stone which one caried a powerful elk sculpture now sits alone. new stones are brought around it. at the stone which caried nowand sitsempty. alone.we new stones are brought it. at the moment theone area next atopowerful the roadelk hassculpture to be clean bring back the stonesaround to landscape. moment the area next to the road has to be clean and empty. we bring back the stones to landscape. pub pub old pub stands empty. nobody uses it anymore. by pushing the building on the road the driver can flow old pub stands empty.throught nobodyituses anymore. by the building on the road the driver can flow and itexperience thepushing historical feeling of the house throught it and experience the historical feeling of the house dust dust the road have been released from the heavy cover. what have been common only last 50 years. now you can the road have beenhave released from the about heavydust cover. what been common onlyoflast 50 years. now you can a experience road likehave it have been hundreds years. have a experience about dust road like it have been hundreds of years. gate gate end of the road end of the road
mark grimitliht and ahti sepsivart mark grimitliht and ahti sepsivart
after 100 years after years after100 50 years
after 50 years after 50 years
03 03
Tolm Tee vabastatakse raskest kattest, mis on olnud tavapärane vaid viimased 50 aastat. Sel moel on võimalik kogeda teed sellisena, nagu see on olnud sadu aastaid varem – tolmusena. Läte Iidne allikas on olnud oluline joogikoht, mis annab tervistavat vett. Punane tee juhib inimesed selle jõuallikani. Väike rada on tehtud punastest betoonplokkidest, mis on saanud oma värvi kohalikust 400 miljoni aasta vanusest liivast. Kuu Poole ajast sõidame pimeduses, mil asfalti on näha vaid tugevate autotulede valguses. Ühel hetkel ilmub suur kuu, mis meenutab pimeda tee kõrval ruumi, mis on elu täis. Dust The road is freed of the heavy surface that has been its regular covering only in the past 50 years. This way people may perceive it as it had existed for centuries before – dusty. The Spring Ancient springs have been a significant place for drinking refreshing water. A red path leads people to the given source of power. The small track is made of red concrete slabs with the colour provided by the local 400-million-year-old sand. The Moon Half of the time we drive in the dark with the asphalt visible only with headlights on. At one point, the large moon appears to remind us of the space full of life next to the dark road.
04 05
06 04 05
Lilled Tee äärde istutatud värvilised lilled toovad rohkem rõõmu ja armastust inimesteni. Kõrts Vana kõrts seisab praegu tühjana ja keegi seda ei kasuta. Kui hoone tee peale tõsta, saab selle alt läbi sõita ja tunnetada selle ajaloolist olemust. Värav Tee lõpp Flowers The colourful flowers planted by the road bring joy and love to people. The Tavern The old tavern is now standing empty and useless. If raised above the road, driving under it will allow people to sense its historic presence. Gate The end of the road
Külaliskriitik Visiting critic MARJAN COLLETTI Marjan Colletti (1972) on Itaalia arhitekt, teadur ja teoreetik ning Londonis baseeruva arhitektuuristuudio marcosandmarjan looja ning partner. Bolzanos 1972. aastal sündinud Colletti omandas arhitektuurihariduse 1997. aastal prof. Giencke juhendamisel Innsbrucki Ülikoolis, kus ta ka õpetas. Töötanud Giencke&Co juures Grazis ning registreerunud arhitektiks ka Itaalias, kolis ta Londonisse. 1999. aastal lõpetas ta kiitusega UCL Bartletti Arhitektuurikooli magistriõppe prof. Sir Peter Cooki ja Arch. Reisneri juhendamisel ning hiljem kaitses seal ka oma doktoritöö „Digital Poetics: An Enquiry into the Properties of ‘Mimetic Intrafaces’ and the ‘Twoandahalf Dimensionality’ of Computer-Aided Architectural Design” prof Hilli ja prof. Tabori juhendamisel. Dr. Marjan Colletti is an architect, an architectural educator, researcher, and co-principal of ‘marcosandmarjan design limited’ in London. Born in Bolzano Italy in 1972, he graduated with distinction under the supervision of Prof. Giencke from the Innsbruck University in Austria in 1997, where he also taught design and construction. After having worked for Giencke&Co. in Graz, and after having registered as an architect in Italy he moved to London. He graduated with distinction under the supervision of Prof. Sir Peter Cook and Arch. Reisner with a Master’s of Architectural Design from the Bartlett School of Architecture UCL in 1999, where he afterwards completed a MPhil/PhD by Architectural Design programme entitled Digital Poetics: An Enquiry into the Properties of ‘Mimetic Intrafaces’ and the ‘Twoandahalf Dimensionality’ of Computer-Aided Architectural Design under the supervision of Prof. Hill and Prof. Tabor.
01-02 03
Pildid näitusest Maantemuuseumis Projektide esitlus kohalikele
01-02 03
Photos of the exhibition Presentation for the local audience
Juhendajad Supervisors MARTIN MELIORANSKI MARTIN MELIORANSKI on arhitekt, kelle büroo MELIORAD projektide skaala ulatub multifunktsionaalsetest keskustest eramute ja kõlariteni. Ta õpetab arhitektuuri ja teiste erialade üliõpilasi alates 1999ndast aastast. 2005ndast aastast on ta Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskonna 3D labori kaasasutaja ja juhataja. Tema arhitektuuri-, linnaehituse- ja tehnoloogiaalaseid artikleid ning projekte on avaldatud raamatutes, eriala ajakirjades ja kultuuriväljaannetes ning töid eksponeeritud USA-s, Soomes ja Eestis. MARTIN MELIORANSKI is an architect whose office MELIORAD designs projects from the scale of multifunctional centers to private houses and loudspeakers. He teaches students of architecture and other disciplines since 1999. From 2005 he has been the cofounder and director of 3DL at the Faculty of Architecture of Estonian Academy of Arts. His writings and projects on architecture, urbanity and technology have been published in books and magazines, and works exhibited in USA, Finland and Estonia.
PACO ULMAN PACO ULMAN on omandanud kogemusi arhitektina erinevates büroodes (Ars Projekt, AB Kosmos, Arhitektuuriagentuur, Allianss Arhitektid) ning 2013. aastal kaasasutas ta arhitektuuribüroo Mudel Arhitektid. Olulisemad projektid on muuhulgas Pärnu Mudaravila juurdeehituse projekt 2014. aastal (koos Tarmo Teedumäe ja Inga Raukasega), Niine tn 11 büroomaja juurdeehitus Tallinnas 2012. aastal (koos T. Teedumäe, I. Raukase ja Toomas Tammisega). Oma kunstialases tegevuses uurib ta eri meediumite kaudu peamiselt ruumiküsimusi ja selle representatsiooni. Samuti on ta teinud näitusekujundusi ja installatsioone, kujundanud graafikat, lavastanud lühifilme ja animatsioone, joonistanud graafilisi romaane jne. PACO ULMAN has worked as an architect in several firms (Ars Projekt, AB Kosmos, Arhitektuuriagentuur, Allianss Arhitektid) and in 2013 he co-established Mudel Arhitektid. His best-known projects include the extension of the Hedon Spa in Pärnu in 2014 (with Inga Raukas and Tarmo Teedumäe), the extension of the office building at 11 Niine Street in Tallinn in 2012 (with I.Raukas, T. Teedumäe and Toomas Tammis). In his artistic work, he mostly deals with the issue of space and its representation using various media. His work also includes exhibition design and installations, graphics, short films and animations, graphic novels etc.
Arhitektuuri ja linnaplaneerimise osakond ASUKOHT JA KONTAKT Pikk tn. 20, Tallinn 10133 +372 6420070
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia (EKA) arhitektuuri ja linnaplaneerimise osakonnas koolitakse tulevasi arhitekte, kes on võimelised praktiseerima kõigis arhitektuuri ja linnaehitusega seotud valdkondades. EKAs saab õppida arhitektuuri ja linnaplaneerimise integreeritud erialal ning urbanistika magistriõppekaval. Arhitektuuri kõrval on õppekava tähtsaks osaks linnaehituse ja maastikuarhitektuuriga seotud distsipliinid, lisaks omandatakse teadmisi filosoofias, kunstides, inseneri-, sotsiaal- ning keskkonnateadustes. Õppeprotsess nagu ka õpitavate ainete nimistu on äärmiselt mitmekülgsed ja eeldavad tudengilt kiiret kohanemisvõimet, oskusi nii kitsamaks uurimuseks kui erinevate teadmiste ja oskuste mitmekihiliseks sünteesiks. EKA arhitektuuriosakonnas õppimise põhieelis suurülikoolide ees on väikesed õppegrupid ja individuaalne mentorlus erialaprofessionaalidelt kogu õppeaja vältel. Arhitektuuriteaduskond kannab hoolt, et tudengid väärtustaksid jätkusuutlikku projekteerimis-, planeerimis- ja ehitustegevust, parendades elukeskkonda ning säilitades ja arendades erialast pärandit ja oskusteavet.
Department of Architecture and Urban Design LOCATION AND CONTACT Pikk Street 20, Tallinn 10133 +372 6420070
ISBN 978-9949-594-24-5 (trükis) ISBN 978-9949-594-25-2 (pdf) ISSN 2461-2359
The aim of the Department of Architecture and Urban Design of the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) is to prepare future architects for all areas related to architecture and urban construction. The programmes include the combined curriculum of architecture and urban planning and also the MA curriculum in urban studies. In addition to architecture, the curriculum is strongly related to the disciplines of urban design and landscape architecture with extensive knowledge provided in philosophy, arts, engineering, social and environmental studies. Similarly to the list of subjects, also the study process is highly versatile thus requiring adaptive ability and skills to conduct both specific research and more comprehensive synthesis of various skills and knowledge. The main advantage of the Faculty of Architecture of EKA over large universities lies in the small size of study groups and individual supervision by top specialists throughout the study programme. The Faculty of Architecture makes sure that students would appreciate the sustainable design, planning and construction activities to improve the environment and maintain and develop the professional heritage and know-how. TOIMETAJAD: Mari Möldre // Kujunduse Makett: Arhitekt Must OÜ // KEELETOIMETAJA: Kerli Linnat // TÕLGE: Kerli Linnat // © Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Arhitektuuri ja Linnaplaneerimise osakond // Tallinn 2017 EDITORS: Mari Möldre // Layout: Arhitekt Must OÜ // PROOFREADER: Kerli Linnat // TRANSLATION: Kerli Linnat // ©Estonian Academy of Arts Department of Architecture and Urban Design // Tallinn 2017