Aschehoug Frontlist Children & YA 2014

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C h i l dr e n & Young Adult 2014 frontlist

aschehoug agency f rontl ist 201 4

Children’ s and Picture Books Jostein Gaarder 6 10 Irene Marienborg Hilde and K laus Ha gerup 12 e 16 Karin K inge Lindbo Ida Jackson 17 Gunna r Opstad 17 Line Baugstø 18

Middle Grade

ad 22 achim Grimst 4 2 Hilde Hagerup Nina E 8 . Grøntvedt 2 Lars Jo

Young Adult Tom Egeland 32 Røssland 36 Steffen R. M. Sørum 37 m 38 Aslak Døru Johan B. Mjønes 39 Vera M icaelsen 40 Liv Ma rit Weberg 42

Tor Arv e

Also in 2014 A. Aud h

Torun Lian 46 ild Solberg 46

Lise G rim

nes 47 ier 47 Stein Morten L


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Children’s and o B o ks e r Pictu Jostein G aarde r6 Irene Marien borg 10 d Klaus Ha n a e d l i gerup H 12 Karin Kinge Lind boe 1 6 Ida Jac kson 17 Gunnar O pstad 17 Line Bau gstø 18

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Children’s and Picture Books

JOSTEIN GAARDER International bestselling author of Sophie’s World When Jostein Gaarder wrote Sophie’s World in 1991, he believed that a novel on the history of philosophy would appeal only to a specialist readership. Four years later the book was the most sold novel in the world. To date Sophie’s World has been translated into 60 languages and has sold over 40 million copies. An unknown number of pirate editions also exist. Jostein Gaarder’s other works such as The Christmas Mystery, The Solitaire Mystery, Vita Brevis and The Orange Girl, are also hugely popular and have been published in many countries. Gaarder continues to write books that inspire readers all over the world to think and ask questions about ourselves, our place in history, and the world around us.

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Jostein Gaarder and Akin D端zakin (ill.) ANTON AND JONATAN Original title: Anton og Jonathan First published: Spring 2014

A new collaboration between Jostein Gaarder and Akin Duzakin. Anton and Jonatan is a philosophical picture book about life, love and death. This is a story about a pair of inseparable friends - a boy and his stuffed teddy bear. But one day they are torn apart. How can Anton go on without his best friend?


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Children’s and Picture Books

Praise for Questions Asked

“A story in pictures that will make the reader hold his breath” DAGBLADET

“Where does the world come from? Has anything always been here? Or has everything come out of nothing? Can anything come out of nothing?”

Jostein Gaarder and Akin Düzakin (ill.) QUESTIONS ASKED Original Title: Det Spørs First published: 2011 Questions Asked (2012) is a picture book filled with fundamental philosophical questions, posed in a way only Jostein Gaarder is capable of. The illustrator, Akin Duzakin, has made an independent and beautiful picture narrative that underscores the existential aspect of Gaarder’s philosophical questions.

books and rights sold:

Anton and Jonatan (2014) Questions Asked (2011): Arabic (Dar Al-Muna), Brazilian Portuguese (Companhia das Letras), Chinese simplified (The Writers Publishing House), Czech (Albatros Media), French (Editions La Joie de lire), German (Carl Hanser Verlag), Greek (Livanis), Italian (Longanesi), Korean (Sigongsa), Slovakian (Albatros Media), Spanish (Siruela), Swedish (Kabusa) and Turkish (Pan). Consult backlist catalogue for full list of Jostein Gaarder’s titles and foreign rights.


Irene Marienborg

I want to Bake! says No ra

a r o The N


l u , f r u o l o c e r n a l d a u f r y s a e l k p o bo

Irene Marienborg I WANT TO BAKE! SAYS NORA Original title: Jeg vil bake! Sier Nora First published: Spring 2014

Irene Marienborg I HAVE TO PEE! SAYS NORA Original title: Jeg må tisse! Sier Nora First published: Fall 2014

Nora loves to bake, but most of all she loves decorating the cake. Sometimes Nora eats so much of the decorations and dough that she is already full when the cake is ready to be served.

Mum thinks it’s about time that Nora is potty trained. But Nora is not quite sure she is ready for the grown-ups’ toilet.

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, d rel atabl e.


Children’s and Picture Books

Irene Marienborg is a graphic designer and illustrator. The Nora books are her first books for children. books in series and rights sold:

It’s raining! Says Nora (2013) Nice Spots! Says Nora (2013) I want to bake! Says Nora (Spring 2014) I have to pee! Says Nora (Fall 2014) ASCHEHOUG AGENCY BARN OG UNGDOM SPRING 2014


t e s r y y m s w olved by e n A

s ’ y s a m w r artest 8 o N Father and daughter Klaus and Hilde Hagerup have written many prize-winning and best-selling books separately. In the series about Master detective Tim & Co. they work together to create the kids’ equivalent to Sherlock Holmes. The stories are told from nine-year-old Jenny’s point of view. She knows that her two year younger brother Tim is as much of a genius as Sherlock Holmes himself. And in each book the smart boy gets to test his detective skills with some help from his sister.

Hilde Hagerup, Klaus Hagerup and Ella K. Okstad (ill.) MASTER DETECTIVE TIM & CO. THE BIRTHDAYMYSTERY Original title: Mesterdetektiven Tim & Co. Bursdagsmysteriet First published: Spring 2014 Tim, Jenny, mum and dad are helping the rich Mrs .Cornelia throw a birthday party. When they pick up the birthday boy, it becomes clear that Tim has met his intellectual match. But the boy is also very mean and arrogant. He brings along a girl called Susse, and Tim falls in love with her. And in the midst of it all, a mystery emerges. The detective team, Tim & Co., will have to solve it.


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Children’s and Picture Books

l d o ! r a e y t 8

books in series and rights sold:

Master Detective Tim & Co. 1 The Mystery of the disappearing Diamond (2012): Hungarian (Pozsonyi Pagony Kft.)

Master Detective Tim & Co. 2 The Easter Mystery (2013) Master Detective Tim & Co. 3 The Bow and Arrow Mystery (2013) Master Detective Tim & Co. 4 The Birthday Mystery (Spring 2014) Master Detective Tim & Co. 5 The Santa Claus Mystery (Fall 2014

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lukker dem nesten aldri.

. Master Detective Tim & Co

pearing diamond The mystery of the disap Hagerup & Hagerup

piping. It was the worst scream I’d ever A scream filled the room! High and scream of someone who specialised in heard in my life. It was obviously the screaming. Mrs Cornelia. d. ‘My diamond ring’s gone! she screame Lots happened before Mrs Cornelia No, no, I’m rushing ahead much too fast. dad had bought an g. My mum and Mesterdetektiv Tim.indd 9 screamed. I must start at the beginnin to the cabin. That was where it all way our on were We . Top Sun at n old cabi began. So that’s where I’ll begin too.

nger brother Chapter 1: A brilliant you man with a dark, bushy moustache was When we got off the train, a fat little a hamburger. standing at the station. He was eating rest of the burger into his mouth. Dad waved and the man crammed the drive you to your new cabin! My ‘You must be the Bark family! I’m to Lunde Per. That’s what my wife does.’ name’s Per Lunde. But you can call me from the burger fell out his mouth Lunde Per smiled and some crumbs and landed up in his beard. ’ Tim asked. ‘Is she at back in Italy at the moment? don’t notice him at first. ple peo y He’s so small and thin that man


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Children’s and Picture Books


Lunde P er looke d at him ‘How did in amaz you kno ement. w she’s I ‘Lots of talian?’ h people p said. e asked. ut their surnam e in front of ‘That’s q their firs uite true t name in ,’ Lunde P ‘It’s only Italy,’ Tim e r te s aid. ‘But n o’cloc that’s be k,’ Tim how did cause yo s a y id. ‘But ou know u haven least on you’re e she’s aw ’t eaten e cigare ating a h ay?’ a n t te y amburg breakfas in bed to ing.’ er. I reck t. And t day, eve hen you on n thoug ‘How on ’ve smo h you re ked at earth ca ally hav e stoppe n you...’ ‘Smoker d smokhe bega n. ash in yo s get yellow fing ers,’ Tim ur beard said. ‘Yo . And yo would h u haven u smell ave eate ’t got tha o f n s moke. I breakfas t. But yo ‘Goodn f your w t with h u’ve got ess grac ife had b e r . And you ious me Italy?’ een hom wouldn’t !’ Lunde e, you Per said have sm ‘I guesse . ‘But ho oked.’ d,’ Tim s w did you aid. ‘I’m know sh not som e’s in e sort of g But he w 16.08.12 14:02 enius.’ as wron g about that. I’ve got a brillian t young You can er broth see that er. from his They stic ears. k straigh t out an His nos d pick u e recogn p ever y ises ever His eyes sound. y smell. are large , green a nd roun d. He ha Even tho rdly eve ugh he’s r closes o n ly eight, them. Tim’s ju he sees e st as sm v er ything art as m He’s a sp aster de that’s go ecialist a tective S ing on a t solving Althoug h round h e r lo ck Holm mysterie h he’s te im. es. s. rribly ir That’s w r itating, hy I’ve w I’m reall ritten ab This is t y proud out the he stor y of him. cases he The ver o f t h e ’s first one y first ca solved. . se for M aster De tective T im & Co .

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s e r u t n e v d New a WITH SAM AND NOA!

who experience everyday Karin Kinge Lindboe has written many books about Sam and Noa, a viper or when they events, big and small. Sometimes it gets scary, like the time they found were caught spying on the older boys. But it always ends well. Karin Kinge Lindboe and Elisabeth Moseng (ill.) SAM AND NOA IN THE FOX HOLE Original title: Sam og Noa i revehulen First published: Spring 2014

Karin Kinge Lindboe has written many books for both children and young adults, some of which are set in fantasy worlds.

Sam and Noa are spying on the older boys. But they get caught! The older boys tie them up in one of the old foxholes. It is very scary. What is that thing skulking about in the darkness? Luckily, everything works out fine in the end. This is the seventh book in the series about Sam and Noa. All the books have colourful illustrations, short sentences, and are easy to read.

books in series and rights sold:

Sam and Noa in the Fox Hole (2014) Sam and Noa and Papaya the Parrot (2013) Sam and Noa want to catch a Viper (2012) Sam finds a fat frog (2010) Sam and Noa Sneak out in the Night (2008) Sam Meets a Big Dog (2007) Sam and the Mysterious Bag (2005)


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Children’s and Picture Books

Ida Jackson and Hilde Hodnefjell (ill.) LENA BECOMES A PRINCESS Original title: Lena blir prinsesse First published: Fall 2014 Lena dreams of becoming a real princess. But so does Hege Susan. At school there can only be one princess. The battle for the throne begins. This is the third book about Lena’s adventures. Don’t miss the other two books in this charming and easy-to-read series, Lena Makes Perfume (2012) and Lena Colours Her Hair (2013).

Ida Jackson is a popular blogger who has previously published two non-fiction books on women’s issues and social media. The Lena series is her first book series for children.

All rights are free.


Gunnar Opstad and Henning Lystad (ill.) DON’T LEAVE THE DOOR … Original title: Ta med deg døra når du går First published: Fall 2014 Seven-year-old Jonathan lives with his father. Sometimes Jonathan has a hard time understanding exactly what his dad means. When his dad reminds Jonathan to “not leave the door ”. Jonathan gets his tool box and starts to dismantle the door … Don’t Leave the Door is a funny story about how things go wrong when children do exactly what they are told.

Gunnar Opstad is a specialist in clinical pedagogy, majoring in special education. He works with child and adolescent psychiatry. He is concerned with the relationship between language and behavior and children’s sense of wonder in the face of the many aspects of language. Don’t leave the door is his first book.

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A NEW EASY-T about the f

Line Baugstø made her literary debut with the novel A Journey in Yellow Light in 1986. Since then she has published three short story collections, eight novels, one play one nonfiction book and several children’s books.

books in series and rights sold:

Kaja and Stine and the Dog Nappers (2014) Kaja and Stine and the Boy who Disappeared (2013) Kaja and Stine and the Mystery in the Forest (2012) Kaja and Stine and the Snowman Isak (2011) Kaja and Stine and the Black Hat (2010) Kaja and Stine and the Chocolate Thieves (2009): Faeroese (Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags), Sami (Davvi Girji)

Kaja and Stine Take the Case (2008): Faeroese (Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags)

The House in the Apple Yard (2007): Faeroese (Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags)


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Line Baugstø and Flu Hartberg (ill.) KAJA AND STINE AND THE DOG NAPPER Original title: Kaja og Stine og Hundetyven First published: 2014

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Children’s and Picture Books

Y-TO-READ MYSTERY e friends Kaja and Stine! One dark evening Stine goes to visit Kaja. On the way, she hears a lot of strange noises, but finds reasonable explanations for all of them. It must be the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, she thinks. But when she sees a flashing light, she decides to run the rest of the way. The next day they learn that a dog has disappeared.

Kaja and Stine start investigating. Their search leads them to a lady who says her daughter doesn’t always know right from wrong. She tells them that the daughter borrowed the dog because she wanted to comfort her sick mother. Everything ends well. The mother of the “thief ” is really nice and Kaja and Stine gain a new friend.

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M i d d l e Grade Lars Joachim Grimsta d 22 Hilde Hag erup 24 Nina E. Grønt vedt 28

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m i h c a o J s L ar

Lars Joachim Grimstad (to the right) once dreamed of becoming prime minister, but came no closer than getting a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. He has played 69 soccer games in the Norwegian Premier League, and is currently working as a copywriter in an advertising agency.


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Grims tad PRIME MINISTER FATHAR AND SON THE SUN KING Original title: Statsminister Fahr og sønn Solkongen First published: Spring 2014 What would happen if the North Sea was drained of oil and Norway suddenly found itself dirt-poor? The result would be a country where all cars are rendered immobile, schools are closed down, and no one could afford the newest video games. A country where the population is forced to hunt crows to put food on the table. And what would it be like if your dad was the one who got blamed for it all? Prime Minster Fathar & Son: The Sun King is about embarking on a journey where enemies and dangers lurk around every corner. It is also about spoiled Norwegians, Swedish moose-hunters, old Neanderthals and crazy prime ministers, and the fact that one should be very sceptical of grown men who spend way too much time in the sunbed at the tanning salon. Prime Minister Fathar and Son - The Sun King is a standalone sequel to Prime Minister Fathar and Son – The Children who Disappeared.

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Middle grade

PRIME MINISTER FATHAR AND SON – THE CHILDREN WHO DISAPPEARED Original title: Statsminister Fahr og sønn – Barna som forvant First published: 2012 Finn Fahr is the son of a taxi driver with the world’s longest comb-over who decided to become prime minister because he thought there was too much air in the crisp packets. Now Finn sits alone on the roof of the Prime Minister’s residence wishing that everything could be the way it was before. He longs for the time when he was a fairly normal boy with a mum who was still alive, when he lived a fairly normal life. Because life as the new prime ministers’ son is not particularly normal. It helps that he has a new best friend called Sunniva. Especially because she is not scared of anything and has the most powerful dodgeball throwing arm in school. But all of this happens before the story actually begins and before the very first child vanishes. Before Finn realises that something is not right. And that he is the only one who can do something about it.

books and rights sold:

Prime Minister Fathar and Son The Sun King (2014) Prime Minister Fathar and Son – The Children who Disappeared (2012): French (Bayard Editions), German (Cecilie Dressler)

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“Chilling suspense, humor and intelligent portrayals of loneliness and death fits into the framework of a real and incredibly well-written ghost story.” ANJA RÅLM, VG

Meet the ghosts o What do you do when you find out that your family are ghosts? One day Jens discovers a terrible secret. His father wasn’t the only one who died in that car crash ten years ago. His eccentric mom is actually a ghost! “That doesn’t mean I don’t love you,” she says. Jens has to believe her, because she is all he’s got. Or is she? Other, scarier ghosts are coming out of the frozen forest and calling his name. What do they want with Jens? Is it true Hilde Hagerup’s books have received much critical acclaim both in Norway and abroad. For every new novel or picture book, Hagerup surprises with her excellent prose, unique observations and new insight into children’s life. Her books have been translated into many languages and she has been awarded the Norwegian Ministry of Culture’s Debutant award, The Critics award, Sonja Hagemann’s Children’s Literature award, and the School Librarians’ award, among other prizes.

books in series:

The Ghosts of Frosty Island – Behind Death Mountain (2011) Czech (Albatros Media), Danish (Turbine)

The Ghost of Frosty Island – The Wolves are Coming (2012) The Ghost of Frosty Island – The Cold Wind (2013) The Ghost of Frosty Island – White Nightmares (2014)


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that Jens’ s grandmother is the leader of the ghosts on Frosty Island? Is she good or evil? And if Jens goes with her, will he get to meet his dad? Norwegian children have gotten to know Jens and the ghosts of the Frosty Islands through three exciting and easy-to-read books. Fall 2014 they will get the fourth book in the series, Ghosts of Frosty Island – White Nightmares.

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Middle grade

s of Frosty Island … Hilde Hagerup GHOSTS OF FROSTY ISLAND – WHITE NIGHTMARES Original title: Spøkelsene på Frostøy – Hvite mareritt First published: Fall 2014 Jens has a secret. A small breath of the cold wind has taken hold of him and is growing ever stronger. This means that an evil is growing in him. He has nightmares about the swamp where the ghosts nest. It is a dark place surrounded by naked trees and an awful stench. In his dreams he can see skeletons rise from the swamp. He also dreams about the evil ghosts Johannes, who has a plan to use Jens to regain his physical body.

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Nina E. Grøn tve


e p r S u umm r S e 26

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Middle grade


“Impressive and completed with a twelveyear-old’s artwork, handwritten diary entries, funny rhymes, warnings, and post-it notes. And, not to mention, told in the language of a twelve-year-old. It is awkward, touching, tender, and rough, both true and dishonest. As we oddly enough often lie to ourselves in diaries.” DAGBLADET

Nina E. Grøntvedt SUPER-SUMMER Original title: Supersommer First published: Spring 2014

Oda is back with a new diary! The summer holiday is just two weeks away! And Oda has NEVER had a boyfriend. How does one REALLY become boyfriend and girlfriend? And what are you supposed to DO when you finally get a boyfriend? Oda is still really into Alfi, but that’s not a big surprise. Pretty much every girl in class likes Alfi. And suddenly they all start asking Alfi out!!! Not cool. If Alfi is going to start seeing someone, it should be her – Oda. But does Oda really want a boyfriend? She’s not quite sure… Time is running out. If she’s going to ask him out, she’d better hurry. Super-Summer is an intense, heartwarming, SUPER-FUNNY and MEGA-DRAMATIC story about the most important thing of all: young love. Don’t miss the two previous book in this popular series, Hey, it’s me! and Absolutely Unkissed!

books and rights sold:

Super-Summer (2014): Swedish (Lilla Piratförlaget) Absolutely Unkissed (2012): German (Gerstenberg Verlag), Russian (KompasGuide), Swedish (Lilla Piratförlaget).

Hey, it’s me! (2010):

Danish (Turbine), Dutch (Manteau), German (Gerstenberg Verlag), Russian (KompasGuide), Swedish (Lilla Piratförlaget) and Ukrainian (Grani-T).

Author and illustrator Nina E. Grøntvedt is from Trondheim, Norway. Grøntvedt achieved her international breakthrough with the novel Hey It’s Me!, published in 2010. This fictional diary has been compared to the Diaries of Adrian Mole, and is somewhat similar in layout to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and the Dork Diaries, although Grøntvedt’s novel gives the impression that the story is actually written, told and illustrated by the protagonist of the story herself, a 12-year-old Norwegian girl.

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Januarhobby January Hobby «Gi meg den, den er MIN!» sier jeg til Erlend og strekker ‘Hand it over, it’s MINE!’ I say to Erlend, reaching out with my mitten-cohand. sa det først, at jeg skal ha alle de blå. fram votten.vered «Jeg ‘I said it first, that I’M having all the blue ones. Give it here!’ Hit med den!» ‘But Oda, I found it,’ Erlend whines. ‘I want blue lights on my tree too.’ Erlendjeg doesn’t wantden, to give jo,» me thesutrer blue firework top7. The«Jeg blue ones «Men Oda, fant Erlend. vilareogså nicest, most unusual tops. EVERYONE wants the blue ones. But I in ha blå lys påthe treet mitt.» fact said it first, so I’ve got first dibs. ‘OK,ikke Erlend,gi what if we cut aden deal?’ Iblå say. (Sometimes I just have to put my Erlend vil fra seg fyrverkeritoppen. De blå foot down and show Erlend who’s the boss. I am in fact the eldest. And er de sjeldneste og fineste toppene. ALLE vil ha dem. Men I’m the smartest. And I will have the blue tops. Period.) ‘What kind of a deal?’ jeg sa det faktisk først, såErlend jegasks, harsuspiciously. førsteretten. ‘If I get all the blue ones, you can have all the gold tops we find,’ I say and «Ok, Erlend, hva om vi inngår en avtale?» sier jeg. (Noen smile. ‘OK?’ ‘Noooooo! tops foten don’t exist!’ shouts back at me. ganger må jeg bareBecause settegoldned ogErlend vise Erlend hvem som ‘Oh yes, they do! They’re brand new this year, in fact, and they’re super er sjefen. Jeg er tross alt eldst. Og smartest. Og jeg skal ha de nice!’ I say. ‘And you can have ALL of them if I get all the blue ones. Deal?’ if they’re so super nice, why don’t YOU want them, huh?’ Erlend asks. blå toppene.‘But Punktum.) ‘I just wanted to be nice to you. Is there suddenly some kind of rule «Hva da?» spør Erlend mistenksomt. against that? You are after all my little sister, aren’t you?’ I say. this fortoppene, quite some time. hold my and wait. «Hvis jegErlend fårthinks alleabout de blå så Iskal dubreath få alle gullI give her my sweetest smile. I can hear Helle giggling from further up toppene vi finner,» sier jeg og smiler. «Ok?» the hill. ‘Fine,’ Erlend «Næhæhæi, forfinally detsays. finnes ikke gulltopper, så!» She seems content – and a bit surprised. She looks happy, actually. (PS: roper Erlend. It’s possible Erlend won’t be as happy later on today, as she was, of courcompletely right.nye There iareår, no gold firework og tops. de But that’ll be her «Johoho,se, de er helt nemlig, er superproblem.) fine!» sier jeg. «Og ‘So hand it over,’du I say.skal få alle dem, hvis jeg får alle I want the blue top now. But all of a sudden, it seems like Erlend doesn’t de blå. Greit?» want to give it away after all. She looks up the hill at Helle, who is stan«Men hvis såtosuperfine, hvorfor vil ikke du ha dem, ding de thereer trying keep a straight face. da?» spør Erlend. «Jeg ville bare være grei mot deg. Er ikke det lov heller nå, da? Du er jo lillesøstera mi, ikke sant,» sier jeg.

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Middle grade

Erlend tenker seg om en ganske lang stund. Jeg holder pusten og venter. Smiler så søtt jeg kan til henne. Jeg hører at Helle fniser litt lenger oppe i bakken. «Greit,» sier Erlend til slutt. ‘HERE!’ Erlend suddenly shouts, and she throws the top at me. It hits me right in the shoulder andoverrasket. falls to the ground. Hun (Not thatser it hurt Hun virker fornøyd og litt glad ut, or anything, but THE NERVE! What a rude little FLEE! She definitely did faktisk. (PS: er mulig Erlend ikke kommer til å være like that onDet purpose.) ‘Thanks, Stupid,’ I say, and pick the top up from the snow. And then I hold glad seinere i dag. Hun hadde nemlig helt rett i at det ikke it up towards the sky, and I admire my beauuuutiful, blue firework top, finnes gullfyrverkeritopper. before I put it in my jacket pocketMen with thedet rest ofblir them. hennes problem.) Erlend kicks at the snowy ground with her boot, sending a lump of ice «Gi meg toppen, da,» sier jeg. flying down the street, before she carries on searching for tops. she says, her breath, and turns awayplutselig from me. Jeg vil‘Shitbag,’ ha den blåunder toppen nå. Men virker det som ‘What did you say, CRY-BABY?!’ I say, and I’m just about to launch myself om Erlendat her ikke gi den fra seg likevel. Hun ser opp bakken – but vil then we’re interrupted: you guys! Come andog have prøver a look!’ mot Helle,‘Hey, som står der å se alvorlig ut. It’s Helle shouting. So me and Erlend race up the hill, to see what it is. Hel«HER!» Erlend plutselig ogjustkaster toppen le hasroper found loads of firework tops! And it was in time, too, because på meg. it suddenly starts snowing loads – big, wet snowflakes, like slush. So we Den treffer meg rett på skuldra og faller i snøen. (Ikke at go home to our house, all three of us. Now we’ll have to wait until this snow melts again, noe, before we can carry on searching LUS! for more tops. det gjordenewvondt, eller men FREKKE Det gjorde But all added together, we found enough to put one on each of the fairy hun med vilje.) lights on both mine, Helle’s and Erlend’s mini Christmas tree. And we still have some spare. My tree turns out bright blue, Helle’s completely red – and Erlend gets all the green tops. (We told her it was such a SHAME we didn’t find any gold tops, and that she of course will get every single one we find when the snow melts. And then she was happy with the green ones.) To be honest, Erlend’s tree kind of turned out a bit nicer than mine. I ask her if she wants to swap colours, but she doesn’t want to. So I tell her she’ll regret not wanting to swap, and that blue lights are a thousand times more beautiful than green ones, anyway. I tell her this is her very last chance, and that I NEVER EVER want to swap with her later on. It’s now, or never. She says that’s completely fine, and that she doesn’t want to swap anyway, no matter what I say. Crap. Stupid Cry-Baby. I tell her that next year I’m having the green ones.

«Takk, dust,» sier jeg og plukker opp toppen. Så holder jeg den opp mot himmelen og beundrer min fiiiiine, blå fyrverkeritopp, før jeg legger den i jakkelomma sammen med resten. Erlend sparker en isklump så den fyker nedover veien, før hun leter videre etter topper. «Drittsekk,» sier hun lavt og snur seg bort fra meg. «Hva sa du, VRÆLEN?!» sier jeg og skal akkurat til å kaste meg etter henne, men så blir vi avbrutt: «Hei, dere, kom hit og se!» Det er Helle som roper. Så jeg og Erlend løper om kapp bort til henne for å se hva det er. a s c h e h o u g ag e n c y c h i l d r e n a n d yo u n g a d u lt 2 0 1 4



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A d g u lt n u Yo Tom Ege l

and 3 2 Tor Arve Røss land 36 Steffen R.M. Sø rum 37 Aslak Dø ru m 38 Johan B. M jønes 39 Vera Micae lsen 4 0 Liv Marit We berg 42

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The Treasure of Miklaga


Tom Egeland THE TREASURE OF MIKLAGARD Original title: Skatten fra Miklagard First published: Fall 2014

Tom Egeland THE SECRET OF THE CATACOMB Original title: Katakombens Hemmelighet First published: 2013

Robert joins his mother as she embarks on a new archaeological dig in Vestfold, Norway. A rumour of a revolutionary new find spreads quickly. His mother uncovers an unknown Viking burial place, and Robert starts having weird dreams. A young Viking called Ulv talks to him in his dreams. Ulv guards an old treasure, and the hiding place will only be revealed once Robert deciphers a set of old runes. The chase is on; Robert must find the treasure before it falls into the wrong hands … The Treasure of Miklagard is a standalone sequel to Tom Egeland’s prize winning young adult novel The Secret of the Catacomb.

This is a book about history and archeology, mysticism and occultism, religion and fanaticism and about the greatest puzzles of life - and death. Deep beneath the streets of Rome, in a dark catacomb, 14-year-old Robert from Norway is searching for a way up and out. But all the corridors are similar, covered with skulls and mysterious symbols. Suddenly Robert spots fresh footprints. And they are not his own. In The Secret of the Catacomb, Roman myths are woven together with the vikings’ plundering expeditions. Archaeological discoveries have fatal consequences, and Robert is often in mortal danger.

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aschehoug agency


Young Adult


Author and journalist Tom Egeland was born in 1959 in Oslo. He is a Norwegian bestselling author and so far his books have been translated into 24 languages. The Secret of the Catacomb was his first book for young adults. It has become a great success, and this fall readers can follow his hero Robert on new adventures.

10.000 children voted The Secret of the Catacomb the winner of ARK Children’s Book Award!

”Tom Egeland has written many thrillers for adults with themes taken from archaeology, history and the interpretation of history and signs. When he uses the same recipe in a gripping book for young readers, the result is highly successful ... Knowledge of history and his flair for dramatic events add something new to young people’s literature. ‘The Secret of the Catacomb’ is sure to be a direct hit with young readers.”

books and rights sold:

The Treasure of Miklagard (Fall 2014) The Secret of the Catacomb (2013): Brazilian Portugese (Callis), Bulgarian (Perseus), Czech (Euromedia Group), Danish (Turbine Forlaget) and Swedish (Bokförlaget Opal AB)


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The Secret of the Catacom


The casket Borgund stave church fs and angles, en church. With all its roo od wo ack -bl tar the at roof. ToRobert peered . Storey on storey. Roof on ng mi hel rw ove s wa rch t Borglund stave chu church stood out agains rful and mysterious, the we po rk, Da s re. sse spi cro d n an wer . Christia n’s heads snarled at the sky ago Dr . sun r me sum no t ing the dazzl nts and carvings. Bu res side by side. Orname and Norse fabulous creatu sed brooding structure. Just this dark, black, enclo windows, no stained glass. ects and pollen. The sun and full of humming ins rm wa s wa day r me sum The a powdered the trees d from the excavation are san e fin of ud clo A . wn baked do r the excavation cast a sharp shadow ove rch chu ve sta e Th . ow the and the mead their knees searching for eologists were down on area where all the archa past. ary height, ordinapletely ordinary boy. Ordin com A t. ber Ro s wa m One of the He liked music. en a few months earlier. rte fou d ne tur d ha He me of Burry appearance. owned a hamster by the na he d An es. gam r ute mp r. Exciting films. Co rch, along with his mothe here, at Borgund stave chu s wa he w d no rke ht wo rig t she Bu re. while t had come along with her ber Ro ist. og eol ha arc him an She was ld remember. It suited ays for as long as he cou he called it. during the summer holid y. Or treasure hunting, as og eol ha arc ed lov He d. e. down to the groun object. Robert didn’t car asure, his mother used to tre for g kin loo t no ’re We d, it was a treasure hunt. As far as he was concerne in a Viking grave had been working down r the mo his d an he ng e, centimetre All that morni . Millimetre by millimetr old rs yea nd usa tho a n that was more tha y back in time. dug and brushed their wa d ha y the e, etr tim cen by r broke the silence: Suddenly Robert’s mothe ‘Hi there!’


a s c h e h o u g ag e n c y c h i l d r e n a n d yo u n g a d u lt 2 0 1 4

aschehoug agency


Young Adult

A bit to o loud. A bit to cane ru o high-p nning a itched. S n d flocke ‘What is he slow d round it, mum ly got up her. ?’ Rober . The ot His mot t asked. her arch her rais aeologis ed some A caske ts t h in t. g into th e air. A caske t of cop per. A caske t from t h e Viking In one fl Age. ock, the archaeo brooche logists a s, comb ll troop s and ar sion we ed back rowhead re Robe to the b s they had r t a n The hea arracks. d h is uncover mother. d of the Here ed so fa excavatio Museum r. Headin lay all the n, Chief of Antiq g the pr Curator uities ca had fou ocesIngebor me out nd. g onto th Mykle fr Robert’s e wood om the mother en platfo Univ was so e casket o r m la t o hear w ersity ted that n the wo her han hat they rk-table On the ds trem inside th outside bled wh e barrac of the c en she p ks. asket, th laced th ree sign e coppe s had be r en engr aved:

‘Incredib le!’ the archaeo shook t logists heir hea all start ds in dis ‘What’s ed mur belief. so incre muring dible?’ R . Some ‘The fir o b st symb e chuckle r t a s k e o d d. Som l . is ‘A what an ankh e dyoucall ,’ h is m o it t ? her exp ’ ‘Ankh is lained. the ancie nt The seco nd is the Egyptian hiero glyph o Norse ru third is r sign fo ne ty, w the Chr r eterna hich rep istian cr ‘And?’ R l life for r o e s sents th s , the sym obert sa reincarn e Viking id. bol of C ation. ‘Three s ’s god o hrist’s c ymbols f w r a u r , c a T ifi s y ancient xion an r. The ‘And?’ R d resurr and diffe obe ection.’ rent as t ‘Anythin rt repeated. hese do g that d n’t belo oesn’t b ‘’Isn’t w ng toget e lo ng some hat’s pro her.’ where is bably m answere ost excit exciting d. ing find for us a His mot rchaeolo ing out her agre w gists.’ h a t’s insid e d with h So carefu e the ca im abou lly that it s ket?’ Ro t that. took ha the lid a bert lf an ete nd eased r nity, Ro open th Several bert’s m e casket of them other pic . gasped. ked the clay awa y from

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soledad tor arve røssland

Tor Arve Røssland has written books in many different genres for children, young adults and adults. He aims to tell stories that are pushing the laws of nature and realism in general.

A dystopian young adult novel about a scary near future! Soledad wakes up on the island where she is spending her summer holiday to discover that she is alone. Her father, neighbours and other people on the island have disappeared, and she starts suspecting that a big light in the sky has obliterated almost all life on the Norwegian west coast.


Tor Arve Røssland SOLEDAD Original title: Soledad First published: Spring 2014

a s c h e h o u g ag e n c y c h i l d r e n a n d yo u n g a d u lt 2 0 1 4

Days go by, and Soladad does what she can to cope. At the same time, she tries to figure out what happened to everyone. She manages to row across to the mainland and stumbles upon other survivors.

aschehoug agency


Young Adult

Don’t miss the exciting conclusion to the Angels of Death series! Coming fall 2014.

A little sci-fi, a little dystopia, a little love, and a lot of action. Steffen R. M. Sørum ANGELS OF DEATH and ANGELS OF DEATH, PART II Original titles: Dødsengler og Dødsengler, del II First published: 2011 and 2012 In the first book in this series, two buildings in Oslo are hit by gas explosions. Mysterious female creatures appear, and they are just as beautiful as they are lethal. After a while it turns out that they are dangerous angels who are about to kill innocent victims; people who are bearers of important genes for the future. Luckily Mikkel, Noor, Peder, and Ida have powers that mirror the angels’ abilities, which enables them to save the world. But how will they do it? Angels of Death will take you thousands of feet above ground, down steep cliffs, and crashing into the Royal Castle. In the second book the kids travel to the USA to investigate rumours about a strange light phenomenon. They suspect it could be a new portal for the Angels of Death. When they arrive they are detained at the airport and taken out into the desert by men dressed in black. In a base deep underground the Lazarus organization is working on solving the serious threat posed by these time-travelling hitmen. Not only do the Americans know about the abilities the young people possess – they also have access to an active portal. But time is short. The organization needs one of the angels of death in order to find out how they work...

“There is a lot of cool stuff here; romance and youth issues, thrilling action scenes, traitors, and surprises.” DAGBLADET

Steffen R.M. Sørum has written a number of books for adults and children, including the series the Angels of Death. He works as a children book editor in Oslo.

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e i

“This is an excellent book for young people who live in the delusion that it is boring to read books. This thriller is like a computer game in literary form.“


and rights sold:

The Golden Raft (2013) The Silver Castle (2014)


Aslak Dørum plays bass guitar in the rock band Dum Dum Boys. But that is not his only creative side. With the novels The Golden Raft and Heart of Glass he has tried to capture the same thrills he got from the adventure books he loved to read as a kid.

Aslak Dørum HEART OF GLASS Original title: Et hjerte av glass First published: Fall 2014

Aslak Dørum THE GOLDEN RAFT Original title: En flåte av gull First published: 2013

Amir’s dad has disappeard. Amir and Olav travel to Tehran to look for him. In the Persian Gulf their ship is boarded by pirates and they are taken captive.

This impressive debut is an adventure novel about two school boys that are on a boat trip. But during a storm they are cast overboard and drift ashore on a Pacific island. There they get tangled up in an adventure where they have to escape murderous smugglers. A group of Native Americans come to their aid.

The pirates treat them well, but will not release the two Norwegian boys unless they get a ransom. They don’t have time to wait months before someone can get the pirates the money they ask for. With help from Olav’s uncle and Amir’s mother they manage to escape the pirates. But even in their newfound freedom new dangers await. Heart of Glass is a standalone sequel to Aslak Dørum’s book, The Golden Raft.


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Their rescuers are the descendants of the Incas, and they believe the boys to be the sons of heaven. The boys then embark on a treacherous trek through the jungle, and it soon becomes clear that they are being pursued by other treasure hunters. Indiana Jones-style!

aschehoug agency


Young Adult

Creepy and intense thrillers for young dives and icy horror should scare adults! “Cold the pants off young readers. Highly recommended!” ADRESSEAVISEN

Johan B. Mjønes BLOOD TRACKS IN KLONDIKE Original title: Blodspor i Klondike First published: Fall 2014 Leif is a contestant in the world’s toughest sled dog race, the Iditarod, in Alaska. He’s poised to win when a sudden storm hits. Leif finds himself alone in the winter wasteland. Inspired by Jack London’s novel, The Call of the Wild, Mjønes picks up where he left off in Dead Man’s Chest. Blood Tracks in Klondike is an icecold thriller set in America.

Johan B. Mjønes DEAD MAN’S CHEST Original title: Død manns kiste First published: 2013 Leif and Paul are planning to spend their summer holidays painting their uncle and aunt’s house. The house is situated by a fjord where their uncle forbids them to dive. The boys can’t resist, and at the bottom of Mistfjord they come across an old shipwreck with the inscription HMS Curl. A quick internet search sets them on the trail of HMS Curlew, which sunk by Narvik in 1940. Why should this ship be found at the bottom of Mistfjord? The boys discover an abandoned village deep in a bay, and comb through the parish register that turns out to be full of black crosses, forgotten, unknown fates from several shipwrecks.

Johan Mjønes grew up in Orkanger and lives in Oslo. His professional background includes working as writer, photographer, actor, and Head of Aschehoug’s School of Writing. He writes books both for adults and young adults.

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Vera Micaelsen is a Norwegian TV-presenter, writer and filmmaker. She has written several books, for and about children.

“‘Hyper Puberty’ is a wise, wellwritten and humorous novel that says something significant about the challenges young people face today.” BARNEBOKKRITIKK


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aschehoug agency


Young Adult

A HUMOROUS DEAL WITH THE DEVIL … Vera Micaelsen DISCO DEVIL Original title: Discosatan First published: Fall 2014 Sara loves to dance disco-jazz, but unfortunately she is not very talented and cannot afford private lessons. Her mother thinks disco-jazz is an expensive and stupid sport. Her mother works as a clairvoyant who gives advice over the telephone and during séances at home. Sara is desperate! She makes a deal with the devil in order to become the Norwegian champion in disco-jazz. In notime, she knows all the moves. But the deal comes with a huge catch. The devil wants Sara’s soul.

Vera Micaelsen HYPERPUBERTY Original title: Hyperpubertet First published: 2013 Camilla is an outsider in her class, and is one of those girls who shows no sign whatsoever of growing breasts. One day, when the class is on a school trip, she gets struck by a ray of bright light and ends up in the hospital, where she discovers that she has grown huge breasts. She

panics, until she realises that they have disappeared again after some time. It turns out that hot water actually triggers the growth of her breasts. She is bullied, but gets her revenge. In the midst of a dramatic fire, from which she narrowly escapes, she discovers that the giant breasts are gone, and that her normal body is back. There is just one small exception - she now has new small breasts.

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Young Adult


Liv Marit Weberg LUCKILY, PEOPLE DON’T NOTICE ME Original title: Jeg blir heldigvis ikke lagt merke til First published: Spring 2014 The book’s protagonist is dating Tore, who breaks up with her. She’s no longer eligible for student loans, and must get a job. Against all odds, she succeeds in doing so, but the boss bullies her and finds her dysfunctional. Then she meets Stian, who might actually be a good influence on her. Finally, there’s hope. Luckily, People Don’t Notice Me is filled with black and self-deprecating humour.

Liv Marit Weberg has studie creative writing at The Norwegian Children’s Book institute. Luckily People Don’t Notice Me is her first novel.

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Also coming 0 14 2 n i A. Audhild Sol

berg 46 Torun L ian 4 6 Lise Grim nes 4 7 Stein Morten Lier 4 7


A. Audhild Solberg FREAK. REVENGE IS SWEET Original title: Freak. Hevnen er søt First published: Fall 2014

Torun Lian and Øyvind Torseter (ill.) ALICE Original title: Alice First published: Fall 2014

Anne Bea is not OK. Thea, the queen bee, is always pestering her. And Anne Bea expects that no one will ever fall in love with her. Luckily she has one friend, Nils. Does she really need more friends when she already has the best friend in the world?

Torun Lian is finally back, with a strong, poetic and intense story about 8-year-old Alice.

Freak. Revenge is Sweet back is an unsentimental and funny story about how brutal school life can be and how it actually is quite true that she who gets the last laugh wins. A. Audhild Solberg has worked in publishing for several years. This is her first novel.

Alice is stuck in the middle. She is older than her little sister and younger than her big brother. Alice speaks softly and is afraid of the dark. She is also afraid of dogs, the ocean floor, and her school route. In fact, Alice is scared of pretty much everything. The book will be illustrated by the prize-winning and internationally acclaimed artist Øyvind Torseter. Torun Lian has written film scripts, plays, television series and books for young adults. Both her books about Frida, Frida (1990) and Frida - her heart on her sleeve, have been filmed and have won Norwegian and international prizes. Her prize-winning Only clouds move the stars (1994) has also been made into a film, in which she made her debut as a director, to wide acclaim from critics and public alike. See backlist catalogue for full lithography.


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Also coming in

Lise Grimnes CHAOTIC HEART Original title: Kaoshjerte First published: Fall 2014

Stein Morten Lier THE GUNSHOT Original title: Skuddet First published: Fall 2014

16-year-old Minja lives with her mother. Minja is unnaturally strong, but she tries to hide it just as she tries to hide her shining moon eyes. Minja has always wanted a grandmother, but her mother doesn’t want to hear anything about that. While her mother is on holiday Minja decides to visit her grandmother who lives in a small Norwegian village. Grandma’s nothing like Minja had imagined, and she refuses to have anything to do with her.

Tinius borrows his mother’s service pistol and fires a shot into the woods. The next day the police find a dead man in the same forest. Tinius takes up the hunt for a drug lord to prove his innocence.

The village holds many secrets, and Minja is pulled towards the forests and mountains. Eventually she understands why she is so strong, and why her eyes are shining. She is a fourth part forest nymph, alsoknown as Hulder. Minja is dragged into a battle against the underworld. They want her back where nymphs belong. Minja is torn between two worlds. And when her best friend Joseph disappeared she has a big decision to make. Because Minja knows that if you go into the mountains, you will never return.

Stein Morten Lier is a fulltime writer and a popular lecturer in fields such as money laundering, corruption, and organized crime.

Chaotic Heart is Lise Grimnes first novel.

The third Thinius Thriller, following Rookie (2012) and Pyro (2013), will be out this fall. It is a popular series with engaging action scenes and short chapters that is easy to read.

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as ch eh o ug agenc y

Contacts 2014

Inga Semmingsen Rights Manager, Children and Young Adult e-mail: telephone: +(47) 95806134

Even RĂĽkil Rights Director e-mail:

Ane Grøteig Rights Assistant e-mail:

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