Quest 4. Textbook

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apte r•c


A Day in My Life


Today I am going to meet my friends.

Hvert kapittel starter med et oppslag med målene for kapitlet og skal fungere som en igangsetter til temaet. I lærerveiledningen finner du konkrete mål til hver side.


Listen and read: dialogue, rap, song, poem, message, facts Speak and write: words and phrases about everyday activities, say your telephone number and address Language work: verbs Culture: basketball

Today I am going to play basketball. Today I am going to school.

Today I am going shopping.

Today I am going to the school disco.

Talk about it! What are you going to do today? 8

Wo rk b o o k p a g e 3

Language Work

Differensiering Rød del Her finner du de enkleste tekstene og oppgavene. Alle skal starte på de røde sidene. Gul del Etter de røde sidene fortsetter du på de gule sidene. Her finner du litt vanskeligere tekster og oppgaver.



På disse sidene finner du lærestoff knyttet til språklæring.


Vurdering I slutten av hvert kapittel finner du dette symbolet. Det minner deg på å vurdere underveis i arbeidet med kapitlet. I lærerveiledningen finnes kopiark for egenvurdering og kapitteltester til hvert kapittel, og tips om hvordan disse kan brukes.

Contents Everyday Practice 4 1 A Day in My Life 8 2 It Is Getting Dark 22 3 Big, Bigger, Biggest 36 The Christmas School Play 50 4 Let’s Read 54 5 Spring Time 66 6 At the Zoo 78 Glossary 94

The Quest When Zoom is flying around the world He always meets a boy and a girl. He likes to hear what they have to say They use their English – they laugh and play. North Pole, South Pole, East or West Come with Zoom and join his quest Learn some English – do your best! When you are travelling around the world Maybe you will meet a boy and a girl. Speak to them, hear what they say, Use your English – Come on, let’s play!

[TF: illustrasjon av Zoom som ser på et verdenskart]

Everyday Practice Asking for Help Pardon? I don’t understand. Can you repeat that, please? Excuse me? Sorry, can you say that again, please? Can you help me, please? Do you mean …? Where is the …, please?

Could You Tell Me the Time, Please? It is ten past twelve. five to

11 12 1

ten to

quarter to

twenty to

five past

ten past


10 9

3 4

8 7


twenty-five to


quarter past

twenty past

twenty-five past

half past







24 25 twenty-four












29 30



What Order Are They in?



second third



eighth ninth



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The Alphabet


B b

C c






E e

F f

G g







J j

K k






M m

N n

O o







Q q

R r

S s






U u

V v

W w






Y y












A Day in My Life


Today I am going to meet my friends. Today I am going to school.

Today I am going shopping.



Listen and read: dialogue, rap, song, poem, message, facts Speak and write: words and phrases about everyday activities, say your telephone number and address Language work: verbs Culture: basketball

Today I am going to play basketball.

Today I am going to the school disco.

Talk about it! What are you going to do today? Wor kbook page 3


Before reading Look at the picture and the title. What do you think this text is about?

The Wake-up Call Hi! My name is Matthew. My friends call me Matt. Today I woke up at 7 o’clock. I checked my mobile and saw that I had a text message from an unknown number. The message said:

0 7 582 906 134 Are you going to the school disco tonight? I am. Fionaâ˜ş


Wo rkb o o k p a g e s 4 , 5

Wow! Fiona is the coolest girl in the whole school. I have always liked her. I didn’t think she liked me. How did she get my number? Now I have her number – 0 7 582 906 134. What am I going to say to her? Today is going to be a great day!


wake-up call vekking call kaller woke up våknet checked sjekket mobile mobiltelefon text message tekstmelding unknown ukjent whole hele am going to skal

After reading a What do Matthew’s friends call him? b What day of the week is it? c Who sent him a text message? d What is Fiona’s number? e What does Matthew think of the message? f What do you think Matthew’s answer will be? Talk about it! What do you like to do on a Friday after school? I like to … on a Friday evening.

Tell each other your phone numbers or make up phone numbers in English. Let your partner write them down and see if they are correct.

When we see the digit 0, we can say: zero, oh, nought, nil or nothing.

Amazing facts


First Day of School Rap I woke up this morning – washed my face, Packed my bag and my pencil case, Walked downstairs, said good morning to my family, Felt so good – I was smiling very happily. Grabbed some breakfast – life was so cool! “Bye everybody – see you after school!” Went out of the door and started to run. The first day of school is so much fun! I go to school for many hours a day. There’s time to learn and there’s time to play. At school I learn everything that I need. I learn how to write and I learn how to read. But to meet my friends is the best of all. Tom has new glasses – Pat has grown tall. It’s so exciting to meet everyone. The first day of school is so much fun!

What did you do before you went to school today? I washed my … I ate …


Wo rkb o o k p a g e 6


downstairs nedenunder grabbed tok there’s = there is det er glasses briller grown vokst exciting spennende

Before reading Read the last sentence. What do you think this text is about?

On the Way to School


sent sendte together sammen want vil teasing erting just bare sure sikker

Matt: Hello, Kevin! Hello, Tanya! Kevin: Good to see you, Matt! Tanya: Are you going to the school disco, Matt? Matt: Yes, I am. Fiona sent me a text and we are going together. Kevin: Wow, she is so cool! I want to go too. I like dancing. Tanya (singing): Matt and Fiona sitting in a tree … Matt: Stop teasing, Tanya! We are just friends. Tanya: Sure? Matt: We are just friends, and that’s that! After reading What did Matt, Tanya and Kevin talk about on their way to school? Talk about it! What are you going to do today? Today I am going to …

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Before reading Read these words: best, fans, sing, ref, stop, kick, win. What do they mean?

Match of the Day Here is Matt. He is a daydreamer. Today he is the best football player in the school.

Here are his fans. They sing a lot! Here is his team. They win a lot!

time to laugh Teacher: Name two days of the week that start with “t�. Pupil: Today and tomorrow.


The ref is here. The bell rings. The match kicks off. Matt kicks the ball. He gets the ball in the net. Yes! The fans sing, “Go, Matt!”

“Offside!” the ref says. “No way!” says Matt. “Sorry, Matt! You are right,” the ref says.

“Matt, Matt. Stop daydreaming and do your maths,” says the teacher.


After reading What is a daydreamer? Are you one?

daydreamer dagdrømmer ref = referee dommer kicks off sparkes i gang

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Before reading Look at the picture and the title. What do you think this text is about?

I Brought My Grandma’s Teeth to School I brought my grandma’s teeth to school to share for show-and-tell. Billy showed his sneakers. It was more like show-and-smell. Kevin brought a violin and showed he couldn’t play. Katie brought a snake to school – too bad it got away. Our class likes show-and-tell a lot, so we were sad to hear our teacher say that show-and-tell is cancelled till next year. Robert Pottle


Talk about it! Show and tell. Bring a toy to school. Keep it in a bag so no one can see it. Describe it. Can your friends guess what it is? 16

Wo rkb o o k p a g e 9

brought tok med teeth tenner share dele sneakers joggesko (amerikansk) smell lukt cancelled avlyst

Before reading What do you know about basketball? Make a mind map.

Philadelphia 76ers versus Chicago Bulls.

Basketball • Basketball was invented in 1891 in the USA. • There are five players on each team. • The players can only take one step when holding the ball. • You get two or three points when you throw the ball into the basket. • The basket is 10 feet off the ground (3.48 m). • Players are not allowed to hold, push or pull other players. • Basketball is played on a court. Glossary

Talk about it! a Which ball is the biggest, a handball or a basketball? b Which sport do you like? Find someone who likes basketball, volleyball, handball, football or climbing. Say: Do you like …

invented funnet opp basket kurv one foot 30,48 cm allowed tillatt push dytte pull dra court bane

Wor kbook pages 10, 11


0 6 321 970 4 85

ng Hi Matt! We are havi se pizza for dinner. Plea ions, buy flour, olive oil, on garlic, mushrooms, i, pineapple, pepperon e and cheese, tomato sauc um a red pepper. Love M

buy kjøpe flour mel garlic hvitløk mushrooms sopp pineapple ananas ingredients ingredienser trolley vogn busy travel crisps potetgull till kassaapparat looking forward to ser fram til only bare

Before reading Look at the picture. What would you like to buy in this shop?

At the Supermarket Matthew: Mum needs a lot of ingredients. I think I need a trolley. Mr Smith: Hello, Matt. So you are doing the shopping today. Matthew: Good afternoon, Mr Smith. Yes, my Mum is busy working, so she asked me to do the shopping. Matthew (to himself): It’s Saturday tomorrow. I think I will have a bag of crisps and a soft drink. At the till. Matthew: Hello, Mrs Phillips. How are you? Mrs Phillips: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you? Matthew: I’m fine. I’m looking forward to the school disco tonight. Is your son coming to the disco? Mrs Phillips: Yes, I think so. That will be £11.50, please. Matthew: Oops! I have only got £10. I will have to put something back, but what? Talk about it! a Matt only has £10. He has to put something back. What would you put back? b What is your favourite pizza topping? My favourite pizza topping is …

Make up a role-play about shopping at the supermarket. Use the picture and say: How much is the … and the …, please? Wor kbook pages 12, 13


Before reading How many days of the week can you find in this song?

Friday I’m in Love I don’t care if Monday’s blue Tuesday’s grey and Wednesday too Thursday I don’t care about you It’s Friday, I’m in love Monday you can fall apart Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart Oh, Thursday doesn’t even start It’s Friday I’m in love Saturday, wait And Sunday always comes too late But Friday, never hesitate … Music and lyrics: Robert Smith/Simon Gallup/ Boris Williams/Porl Thompson/Perry Bamonte



towel plug


in love forelsket don’t care = do not care bryr meg ikke fall apart falle sammen break my heart knuse hjertet mitt hesitate nøle

Talk about it! a Say the weekdays forwards and then backwards. b Which day do you like best? Why? I like … best because … c What do you think happened at the disco? d Did Matthew dance with Fiona? 20

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Language Work Verbs I like you. You like me. He likes Fiona. She likes Matt. It likes mice. We like them. You like them. They like us.

A verb tells us what you do or what happens: like, play, help, try, live.

This Is What Matt Does Every Day Matt combs his hair.

He brushes his teeth.

He washes his face.

BUS STOP Talk about it! a What else does Matt do every day? b What do you do every day? Say: I wake up. I ‌ Wo rkb o o k p a g e s0105 , 1 6


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