Building a better community together
Building a better community together
I am delighted to be Oswestry’s Mayor for the forthcoming year, a privilege few get to experience, and I have been looking forward to it for a long time. I follow Cllr Olly Rose who has represented the people of Oswestry with dignity and practicality, literally getting her hands dirty with Oswestry In Bloom and contributing enormously to the victory in the national awards last year – we won Gold!
My family moved to Oswestry when I was eight years old, and I have been a proud Oswestrian ever since. I love the town’s rich heritage, its position as a border town, the long tradition of its street and indoor markets, and the modern blend of Oswestry folk with our newer residents – from around the UK and well beyond – who have all enriched our local culture and community. This is another Oswestry trait: community. We care about each other.
Until recently, my wife and I ran Shlurp on Church Street, but I am now pursuing a new career in teaching because another of my passions is helping young people get the best start in life.
My hope for my Mayoral year is that I can contribute to the evolving community I will be representing, through championing and raising money for the many groups and individuals who volunteer so much time and energy to making life better for others. I want to promote Oswestry to the wider world as the amazing place we are lucky enough to call home and most of all, I hope to meet as many of you as possible along the way, so please say hello if you see me out and about.
july 2024
Congratulations to Mike for becoming the new Mayor. I feel sure he will have as interesting and enjoyable year as I have had!
I have been proud to champion volunteers and volunteering during my term, and to have celebrated them and their achievements at the end of my term. Whilst handing out trees in the market and attending events, I’ve met a lot of visitors and I’ve been surprised at the number who come to the town and universally they love it. They come for our events, they come because they think it’s pretty, they love Cae Glas Park, and they use our independent traders.
I therefore finish my year feeling optimistic about Oswestry’s future and proud of its achievements. We have great assets here, with the many people giving their time voluntarily to develop the community being perhaps the greatest asset.
Thank you so much to all the lovely people I’ve met.
The Oswestry High Street Heritage Action Zone scheme has helped revitalise our town’s bustling high street and historic character.
Over the last three years, we have seen a host of improvements and initiatives that make Oswestry an even better place to live, work, shop and visit.
• 11 new residential units created in empty upper floors
• 16 shopfronts repaired, revamped or reinstated
• 5 empty retail spaces brought back into use
• 4 historic alleyways spruced up
• 3 Love Oswestry Festivals and
• 1 summer of arts programme
These bring people together to celebrate our town’s history, heritage and culture
There have also been improvements on Church Street which have made a big difference, with Oswestry BID leading the way in this much-needed work.
Oswestry Town Council provided a significant amount of match funding towards this heritage-led regeneration scheme because a vibrant town centre is vital to the town and our community.
As well as these improvements, the Council also funds free bus travel in Oswestry on Saturdays, runs our vibrant markets, supports tourism, invests in floral displays and festive lights, hosts free events and safeguards the town’s heritage assets.
The Council is welcoming applications from businesses and start-ups for grants to bring empty retail premises back into use.Funding of up to £5,000 is up for grabs from our Breathing New Life into Empty Properties scheme for businesses looking to set up in town centre premises that have been vacant for more than six months.
Grants can be used to refurbish and fit out premises as well as decoration, signage and improving accessibility.
For more information email enquiries@oswestry-tc.gov.uk.
Our parks team and Oswestry In Bloom have been busy!
Having won Gold and Best Large Town in the Country at last year’s Britain in Bloom, we aren’t eligible under the rules of the competition to take part this year. But we haven’t let that stop us putting on a show! Oswestry in Bloom continues to delight. Summer displays are blooming across the town with beds, planters and hanging baskets all bursting with colour.
Cae Glas Park is the jewel in our glittering crown and a magnet for all!
New, fully accessible, energy-efficient toilets at English Walls have been officially opened. The upgraded facilities mean even more people can enjoy a day out in Oswestry.
There are four individual toilet cubicles and one accessible cubicle which each have baby changing provision and are STOMA friendly. These operate using a locked door system and the 20p payment can be made by either coin or contactless payment. The accessible cubicle also operates using a Radar key.
There is also a Changing Places facility for those who cannot use standard accessible toilets. This state-of-the-art facility is larger and fitted with a hoist, privacy screens, changing bench and has space for carers. For use of the facility, there is a telephone number to call which returns a code for entry.
The improved facilities are part of our commitment to being as accessible and inclusive as possible and to achieving our target of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
Brighten your day with a chat at our weekly Chatty Café at Hatters Café in Powis Market Hall.
Our Chatter & Natter tables offer a space where people can grab a cuppa and chat to each other which helps to lift your mood if you’re feeling lonely or in need of a boost. Stay for five minutes or longer if you are enjoying the company.
Lani from Visiting Angels supports the sessions welcoming newcomers and catching up with regulars.
Chatty Café has been such a hit, that we have introduced a Chatty Bench at Cae Glas Park. A colourful sign has been added to the Chatty Bench located on the path between the crazy golf and tennis courts. By sitting here, you will show you are happy to chat with whoever comes and sits next to you.
Last year, the Council bought Grade 1 listed Llwyd Mansion on the corner of Bailey Street and Cross Street bringing it into public ownership for the first time!
Dating back to the 15th Century, the aim is to conserve the mansion for future generations. It needs extensive restoration work that will involve specialist engineers, builders, carpenters and others.
We are pulling together a funding bid to the Heritage Lottery to support the conservation of this historic building in the heart of Oswestry.
It’s a big project that will take time. We will keep you posted on progress.
Head to Oswestry’s award-winning indoor market to discover fabulous produce, products, and services from 40+ traders – shop, eat and drink all under one roof.
Whether you are looking for baking supplies, arts and crafts supplies, haberdashery, vintage records, antiques, clothing, smoked meats, fresh fish, real ales, pet supplies, dress alterations, flowers, gifts, or a key cutter - you’ll be amazed at what’s on offer!
Browse the stalls, grab a cuppa and soak up the atmosphere as you watch the world go by.
As well as the indoor market, our bustling street market transforms Bailey Head every Wednesday and Saturday. As do our Artisan Market and Late Night Indoor Market with live music which run on the last Friday of every month.
From the everyday to the avantgarde, there’s always something happening at Oswestry markets!
Powis Indoor Market - Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Outdoor Street Market – Wednesday & Saturday
Artisan Market – last Friday of every month
Late Night Market with live music – last Friday of every month
6 July 11am-4pm
TNS in the Park, Cae Glas Park Join The New Saints for fun and games plus photos with the players
6 & 7 July 10am-4pm
Oswestry Food & Drink Festival Fabulous food & drink from award winning producers + live music + family entertainment and activities!
7 July 12-7pm
Reggae in the Park, Cae Glas Park Music DJ set from the bandstand
13 & 14 July
Panto in the Park, 2 performances each day at 2pm & 5pm, Cae Glas Park Attfield Theatre presents Cinderella
28 July 2-4pm
Bands in the Park, Saxophone Quartet, Cae Glas Park
4 August 2-4pm
Club Mambo, Cae Glas Park
17 & 18 August
Oswestry Balloon Carnival, Cae Glas Park A thrilling weekend filled with hot air balloons, entertainment, music, family fun and games + more! Donations to Nightingale House Hospice
25 August 12-5pm
Chill Out in the Park, Cae Glas Park An afternoon of laid back music
Since declaring a climate emergency in 2018, Oswestry Town Council has been busy looking at ways it can take action on reducing its carbon footprint and working with partners to make a difference too
Already we have:
• Planted more than 14,000 trees in Oswestry since 2021 –our aim is to plant 17,000 trees, one for every resident
• Reduced the number of annuals planted and stopped using glyphosates and peat
• Ensured that our electricity and gas come from certified green sources
• Started composting organic waste
• Introduced recycling in the park and the market
• Invested in environmental improvements in the toilets on English Walls
• Developed a biodiversity strategy and worked with local partners to improve green spaces
• Installed LED lights in the Guildhall
• Installed an additional EV charging point in Horsemarket Car Park
• Funded free loft insulation for residents.
There is much work still to be done and our big project for 2024/25 is to upgrade the streetlights we look after to LED lights that use less energy.
Would your community group or project benefit from extra funding?
Each year, Oswestry Town Council sets aside funding of up to £20,000 to support the work of community groups and organisations in Oswestry. Funding could go towards a range of ideas that benefit the people of Oswestry, such as environmental improvements, equipment, education or events that bring people together.
All applicants must be from a constituted organisation with a bank account in its own name.
More information and applications forms are available on our website. Visit www.oswestry-tc.gov.uk and enter ‘grants’ in the search bar.
Championing young people and providing services and activities for them remains a priority for the Council.
News that the Centre on Oak Street will transfer to Oswestry Town Council has been welcomed by many as it will secure its future as a community building and help us deliver our vision for a vibrant community hub.
Whilst it will take time for the transfer to be completed, we have committed to funding much-needed repairs to the building, which is likely to include a new roof – another big project for 2024.
In the meantime, we are:
• Funding the youth club running at the centre
• Funding the Time to Talk sessions at the Marches
• Part funding free holiday activities in Oswestry
• Supporting a targeted intervention programme to support young people at risk of being excluded from school
• Supporting and funding the town’s growing Youth Forum
• Facilitating partnership working through our Youth Partnership Panel.
If you are aged between 11 to 17 years and would like to use your voice to help shape the future of youth services in our town, join the Youth Forum. For more information email corriedavies@oswestry-tc.gov.uk.
We have received an award for good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement.
The award scheme report highlighted the high standards of our operation and in particular the incredible work we’re doing with youth provision and addressing social isolation. It also praised the “wonderful” Letters to Heaven post box in the cemetery.
We will continue to look at ways we can keep improving the services we provide for our community – our indoor and outdoor markets, Cae Glas Park, three car parks, the Guildhall, a cemetery, allotments, the town’s archive, events, floral displays and festive lights.
Oswestry is one of 10,000 local councils in England and Wales and one of 230 in Shropshire (including Telford and Wrekin), all with the same legal powers.
We can only do what legislation requires or permits us to do and whilst this can be frustrating for Councillors, confusing for the public and challenging for staff, we can still achieve many things for and with our community.
This means that we must work in partnership with others and find different ways to deliver our objectives and influence others. The challenging financial situation that Shropshire Council finds itself in highlights the pressures on local government making the need to work with communities even more important than ever before.
We believe 2023/2024 has been a successful one for Oswestry Town Council and the town, and we move forward to 2024/2025 well positioned to continue our good work.
The Council remains in good financial health and has utilised the Smithfield Capital Receipt to fund some significant projects this year, such as the refurbishment of the toilets on English Walls featured in this report.
There’s lots of confusion about what the different types of local councils do, and of the services they are responsible for. Below is a summary of the services provided by us and by Shropshire Council. To contact Shropshire Council about services that it is responsible for, including potholes, visit www.shropshire.gov.uk.
Oswestry is divided into 7 wards and has 18 Councillors elected to represent the residents in their wards. Councillors generally serve a term of four years; the next election is due in May 2025 for Oswestry Town Council and Shropshire Council.
Stephen Froggatt
Tel 07968 318406 stephenfroggatt@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
James Owen
Tel 07432 760168 jamesowen@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Deputy Mayor Rosie Radford
Tel 07561 546455
rosieradford@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Mayor Mike Isherwood
Tel 07584 655864, mike.isherwood@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Duncan Kerr
Tel 07522 116609 duncankerr@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Olly Rose
Tel 07977 602952 ollyrose@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Mark Jones
Tel 07967 387199 markjones@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Gemma Cassin
Tel 07592 798448 gemmacassin@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Les Maguire
Tel 07595 589429
lesmaguire@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Sam Chadwick
Tel 07545 559831
sam.chadwick@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Frank Davis
Tel 07889 055996 frankdavis@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
John Price
Tel 07763 432497
johnprice@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Sian Wadey
Tel 07835 537562
sianwadey@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Jay Moore
Tel 07977 921236
jaymoore@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Josh Cockburn Tel 07800 599003
joshcockburn@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Jonathan Upton Tel 07546 871840
jonathanupton@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
D Paul Milner
Tel 07581 223599
paulmilner@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Georgia Stackhouse
Tel 07398 440479
georgiastackhouse@ oswestry-tc.gov.uk
Get in touch If you have a community concern or question, please get in touch with your Ward Councillor. Details are also available by visiting www.oswestry-tc.gov.uk.
Oswestry Town Council meetings 2024/2025. Meetings are open to the public to attend in person or via Microsoft Teams. There is an opportunity to make a statement or ask a question at the start of meetings during the public participation session. Details of what is being discussed and background information can be found on our website.
June Wed 12 7.00 pm Council
Wed 19 7.00 pm Planning
July Wed 10 7.00 pm Council
Wed 17 7.00 pm Planning
August Wed 7
20 7.00 pm
11 7.00 pm Council
18 7.00 pm
12 7.00 pm Council Wed 26 7.00 pm Planning
We anticipate 2024/2025 to be another busy year with lots of exciting projects planned.
We will continue to look at ways we can keep improving the services we provide our community. Projects will include:
• Investments to the Indoor Market (including a new mural) and in the outdoor market
• Transfer of the Centre on Oak Street to the Town Council
• Progress on restoration and renovation of Llwyd Mansion
• New table tennis table in Cae Glas Park
• New bus shelters on Willow Street and Black Gate Street
• Possible expansion of the free Saturday bus travel scheme
• Planting more trees towards hitting our target of 17,000 trees in Oswestry.
We are striving to improve our communication with you to raise awareness of our work and how you can get involved. We have introduced a bi-monthly newsletter, improved our website and are more proactive with our communication. We facilitate regular community meetings which look at issues such as community safety and climate change, and host events to bring our community together. We also share news on our social channels. Follow us on Facebook @OswestryTownCouncil, X @OswestryTC, Instagram @oswestry_town_council.
We are always looking for interesting stories about things happening in Oswestry and the people who are making a difference in our community. If you have a story to share, we would love to hear from you. Email enquiries@oswestry-tc.gov.uk.
You can contact us via email, phone or in person. Guildhall opening times Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-4pm
Oswestry Town Council, The Guildhall, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 1PZ 01691 680222 enquiries@oswestry-tc.gov.uk
For more information, please visit: oswestry-tc.gov.uk @OswestryTC @OswestryTownCouncil @oswestry_town_council