Oswestry Life March 2023

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• Interiors & Home Lagom your life THE MOST WIDELY DISTRIBUTED FREE PUBLICATION IN OSWESTRY • Furnishings for good Go green with your decor www.oswestry.life ISSUE 71 MARCH 2023 ANNIVERSARY YEAR • Gardening Early Spring 2017-2023 • Local Heroes Winners announced
Open: Mon-Fri 7:00am-5:00pm, Sat 8:00am-12:00pm, Sun Closed *On Poly Bags only. Maesbury Road, Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 8HA T: 01691 670367 www.tgbuildersmerchants.co.uk
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Awards, so find out who our community champions are on page 12. One local is taking on the coveted London Marathon on page 37 and a new flat-pack storage business launches from page 44. Find our regular columnists throughout, bringing you tips and advice across health, finance and the IT side of life.

Don’t forget Sunday 19 March is Mother’s Day!

Oswestry Life

Delivered to 7,000 homes in and around Oswestry every month

7 Lower Brook Street, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2HG Telephone: 07986 293294

Joint Managing Directors David Lee-Birch david@oswestrylife.co.uk

Tracy Leonard tracy@oswestrylife.co.uk

Editor Victoria Jane McKenna victoria@oswestrylife.co.uk

Production Designer Aileen Selkirk aileen@oswestrylife.co.uk

Regular contributors Graham Mitchell, Dr Paul Middleton, Rebecca Evans, Stephanie Dhillon, Louise Idoux, Claire Arnold, Tali Larmour-Jones

Accounts and Distribution info@oswestrylife.co.uk

Advertising info@oswestrylife.co.uk

Contents Oswestry Life is published by DTS Media. The views expressed within this publication do not necessarily reflect those of DTS Media. The reproduction of any material in this magazine is forbidden without the written consent of the publisher. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, DTS Media can in no way accept liability for omissions or incorrect insertions or any consequences arising from use of this publication. © DTS Media Ltd. 2023 Printed by Pensord Press - When you have finished with this publication please recycle • Interiors & Home Lagom your life THE MOST WIDELY DISTRIBUTED FREE PUBLICATION IN OSWESTRY • Furnishings for good Go green with your decor www.oswestry.life ISSUE 71 MARCH 2023 YEAR • Gardening Early Spring • Local Heroes Winners announced to Oswestry
Welcome Victoria Jane McKenna EDITOR MARCH COVER Bee on Grape Hyacinth (Muscari) grahamsfmitchell PEFC/16-33-447 Local news 5 Whittington WI 8 Local Hero Awards 2023 12 Paws for Thought 16 Fashion - Mama Mia 18 Mayor’s Minutes 20 Food and Drink- recipes 22 In Focus with Graham Mitchell 26 Culture 28 Words’n’pics open Writers 30 Education 31 Fundraising 37 Health 38 Morris Storage 44 Home - Furnishings for good 48 Property Spotlight 50 Interiors - Minty Fresh 61 Gardening 66 Business 68 Puzzle page 74 Welcome to March! The results are in for the eagerly awaited Local Hero
4 | Oswestry life Oswestry Seed Potatoes £2.99 A BAG Range of STIHL products in store Mile End Business Park, Oswestry, SY10 8NN Telephone: 01691 671489 E: sales@morgansltd.com www.morgansltd.com Range of Dog Kennels IN STORE Get Your Machines Serviced In Store FULL RANGE OF HI-VIS WORKWEAR IN STORE NOW! BESPOKE GARDEN OFFICES DESIGN YOURS WITH THE TEAM Rock salt £6.30 INC VAT Grain-free dog food 2kg, 6kg and 12kg bags available we are stockists of

Derwen charity shop award

Estate Agents Win Again

Town and Country Estate Agents Oswestry have just won the British Property Award for Oswestry, for the third successive year. Their team performed outstandingly throughout the extensive judging period, which focused on customer service levels. Town and Country Estate Agents Oswestry have now been shortlisted for a number of national awards which will be announced shortly.

Derwen College charity shop, The Vintage Advantage, is celebrating winning a top national award at the Charity Retail Awards – the ‘Oscars’ of the charity shop world.

The Vintage Advantage charity shop, based at Derwen College’s main campus in Gobowen, won the Innovation Award at an awards ceremony at the Crowne Plaza in Birmingham. The college charity shop team were honoured to be shortlisted alongside high-profile national charities such as Oxfam, Scope, British Heart Foundation, Shelter and Barnardos.

The Vintage Advantage charity shop is Derwen Charity’s first charity shop and is part of the College’s ‘Marketplace’ which also welcomes

Memory care with Active Cogs

Active Cogs holds cognitive stimulation sessions for anyone concerned about their memory. There is no requirement to have a diagnosis of anything as memory can be affected by all sorts of things such as stress, social isolation, health conditions, anxiety, depression and getting older.

Research has shown that keeping mentally and physically active is vital for brain health. Active Cogs provides memory stimulating activities in a relaxed, fun and caring environment.

visitors to a garden centre and gift shop, café, restaurant, and hotel. Students learn real work-skills in a safe and supported environment, learning skills that have enabled many to progress to paid work, further training or meaningful voluntary work. The charity shop was opened in 2021 during the Covid pandemic, with the main aim of providing work experience for retail students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Since then, the shop has gone from strength to strength, smashing sales targets, being part of the community and providing valuable work placements for students and clients (the College’s long-term residents who have SEND).

• Are you living with or caring for someone experiencing the above?

• Are you concerned about your memory, maybe this affects your confidence to socialise?

• Have you or someone you care for recently been diagnosed with dementia and in the very early stages?

This relaxed, supportive, friendly group may be for you providing; cognitive stimulation activities, opportunities for keeping active, activities to promote wellbeing, support and information.

Sessions cost £5 and include refreshments. They are held every

The British Property Awards provide agents throughout the UK with an invaluable opportunity to compare the service that they provide against the service provided by their local, regional and national competition. Agents who go that extra mile and provide outstanding levels of customer service are rewarded with our accolade, which acts as a beacon to highlight these attributes to their local marketplace.

Lettings Manager, Devon Gregory said, “It is a great honour to have won this prestigious award for the third year in a row. I do not do this job for the reward or recognition, but it is wonderful to know that the work I do makes a difference and has been recognised as the best within our community. I look forward to many more years in this industry and helping more people.”

other Monday 1.30pm-3.30pm (dates on the website) at: Gatacre Pavilion, Gatacre Avenue, Oswestry, SY11 1DR

For further information visit www.connectforlife.co.uk, email connectforlife@hotmail.com or call 07582 207972.

Oswestry life | 5 Local news

Volunteer with your Friends at RJAH

The League of Friends, who manage the Voluntary Services at the Oswestry based hospital, is looking for people to join their volunteer family to support a wide variety of roles across the organisation.

With over 150 volunteers currently helping out, those who join will be working alongside a wonderful group of people who make a huge difference to patients, staff and relatives on a daily basis.

Heather Thomas-Bache, Head of Fundraising, Communications and Volunteers for the hospital Friends, said: “There is a broad array of roles available, from helping out in our retail outlets to providing support at fundraising events.

“Volunteers across the Trust are a major part of the fabric of RJAH and provide a vital service that is well appreciated by staff, patients and relatives alike.”

Beryl Angel has been a volunteer

at RJAH for over 13 years and is currently working on the Helpdesk and the recently re-established Shop Trolley service. She said, “Volunteering with the Friends is a profoundly satisfying experience.”

Melvin Dulak joined the Friends volunteer family in 2021 and works in the Coffee Shop, on the Helpdesk and as a Ward Friend on the Midland Centre for Spinal Injuries.

Melvin, who is a self-professed volunteering geek involved with multiple organisations, said, “Since volunteering with the Friends I have

found it to be a fantastic organisation who support and look after you – it feels as though you’re part of an extended family, as we are all like-minded people doing our best to ensure that patients and visitors receive the very best experience when visiting the hospital, which can be daunting.”

To see a full list of available roles and to register your interest please visit: www.friendsrjah.org. uk/volunteer. Alternatively you can call 01691 404401 or email heather. thomas-bache@nhs.net

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Mevlin Dulak & Beryl Angel, Friends Volunteers
Oswestry life | 7 EC Hollywell 27-41 Beatrice Street, Oswestry SY11 1q E Tel: 01691 653449 email: sales@echollywell.co.uk visit our website at www.echollywell.co.uk FREE dElivERy* HugE cHoicE oF soFas and cHaiRs availablE FR om stock Ec Holly WEll Est.1957 *Within 100 miles

Whittington WI makes a come back Community

These are very exciting times for the Whittington Women’s Institute! This year they were about to close after 101 years in the village. The remaining few were saddened by this, but it motivated them to rally together and amazingly they managed to save the WI by electing a new committee. They are Louise Idoux (President), Sophie Anderson (Secretary), Kathryn Greenwood (Treasurer), Julie Sheffield and Sara Hadfield. The new committee are lively and enthusiastic about women, local campaigns, learning new things and creating lasting and supportive friendships.

In days gone by, Whittington WI had an amazing membership of over 100 women and even had a youth group for teenagers. Times have changed now. In those days there were more housewives with time on their hands, fewer families had cars and there was more of a community feeling as a result. Nowadays, we all seem very busy and even overstretched, perhaps losing that feeling of community that we get from face-toface interaction. More and more we are realising how important human connection is.

The WI is an excellent resource to help support isolated or lonely women, learn new skills, make new friends and find support in our community. We meet once a month on the second Wednesday at 7pm in the Community Centre, where we have an update on local upcoming events, an interesting talk or demonstration and a lavish tea, provided by the members. There’s more; frequent outings, evenings out, clubs, classes, lunches are also organised as well as fun competitions, raffles, sales and swaps.

Everything is optional, so no pressure to join in. You don’t have to be an expert cook, baker, knitter or flower arranger either. We all have our own skills which is encouraged, not judged.

November’s meeting was the first with the new committee and there was a definite buzz in the room with laughter and excitement. The speaker was a florist who demonstrated how to make two Christmas wreaths and a

festive table decoration. These were then raffled and won by three very lucky ladies. December was the Christmas party where poems were read, pin the nose on the snowman, bird bingo and the name game were played. This was followed by a generous festive tea, mulled wine and teas. During December, a visit was organised to the Attfield theatre, a festive lunch was held and the ladies attended a lovely carol service in Gobowen. Members support each other and share lifts where necessary.

“During January we had an interesting talk about Muslim women and their culture with Alison Young and had a scarf swap on that day. What wasn’t swapped was donated to a charity - it’s a good way of having a sort out. It’s a different swap every month and December was decorations,” said Louise.

“If any women from the village or beyond would like to try the WI, you will be made to feel very welcome. All activities are optional, so no pressure to join in and no qualifications or skills necessary. Prospective members can attend up to three meetings to try it out and see if it suits. There are no entry qualifications either, just make friends and learn new things.

“Since joining in 2022, I have been very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoy it. There are fun things to try. I attended a one-day workshop on acrylic painting and loved it. It has helped to do something artistic, which I find therapeutic in a world where we are supposed to be achieving all the time. It takes the pressure right off for me. I have made new friends and enjoyed a lot of laughter. The age in our meeting is very mixed, we support each other and I have found the knowledge and experience from some of the older ones absolutely invaluable. Come and visit our friendly group, you might just love it!”

To find out more, visit via Facebook: Oswestry Women’s Institute

8 | Oswestry life
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Support your local independent businesses


Katie Millard

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Amber’s Cleaning Services

Domestic and Commercial Professional Cleaning Services with competitive rates. One off deep cleans/End of Tenancy cleans. Daily/Weekly/ Fortnightly clean. Offices and building sites

T: 07955 022129 E:amber123nicole@gmail.com

The Bee’s Knees

A shop buzzing with bee-utiful things. Women’s clothing, handbags, jewellery, seasonal gifts, quality preloved clothing, artwork from local artist. Pop in and treat yourself. 07870 280690

Clean & Gleam

Give your oven a little TLC with Clean & Gleam! Professional oven cleaning services covering Oswestry & surrounding areas. 07866 472083 / 07791 655559 www.facebook.com/cleanandgleamovens

Devilishly Delightful

Fresh, delicious, sweet and tasty homemade bakes and treats

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Dogz Dinnerz

Foods and supplies for all your pets at the best prices.

Oswestry Indoor Market Hall, Oswestry Tel: 07368 104980


Heatwave Hair & Beauty

All aspects of hairdressing services and beauty and holistic treatments in a friendly salon environment. Hair and beauty appointment offers a few days a week with our trainee 01691 659968

Herd Milk

Taste the difference! Delicious, whole milk and yoghurt, fresh from the cows in our grassfed herd. Bring a bottle or buy one from us.

Drenewydd Farm, Whittington Road, SY11 4NB


J&I Carpets

Over 30 rolls of carpet in stock! Many roll ends half price! Vinyls, LVT, Blinds and Curtains. A family business est. 1982. Victoria Road, Oswestry www.jandicarpets.co.uk 01691 656843

Micky Finn Quality Fish

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Nails & Lashes by Amy

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Home based salon in St Martins

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Nu U Beauty

Delay the signs of ageing. Specialist in CACI non-surgical face lift, Microdermabrasion & Collagen Lift. Over 20yrs beauty experience. Facials are my passion.

www.nuubeauty.com 07506 078265

Obertelli Play Therapy

Delivering therapy to children. Supervision and therapeutic consultation available. For a free initial discussion please contact: Gina Obertelli 07974 506910 Ginaobertelli@aol.com

Page Detailing

Local car detailing service offering a mobile service within a 25 mile radius of Oswestry. Electric and outside tap are needed for this service. Call 07701 382865

Park Gate Florist

A busy florist in the centre of Oswestry. Available for weddings, funerals. Bouquets and arrangements for any occasion 01691 679898

Email: parkgate35a@hotmail.co.uk

Pippo’s Bakery

Specialising in designing bespoke celebration cakes and cupcakes for your special occasion. Always unique, always yum! Contact us at pipposbakery@gmail.com or via Facebook. com/pipposbakery

Radiance Aesthetics

Performed by a qualified, practicing nurse, fully insured. I specialise in a variety of treatments aimed at improving the appearance of the skin. Check out my facebook page, DM or ring/txt 07599477838 to book your consultation or treatment .

Siop Cwlwm

“Y Gorau o’r Gororau”

Welsh Shop situated at 33 Bailey Street and online. Welsh books, cards, music, homeware & gifts Probably the only Welsh shop outside Wales! www.siopcwlwm.co.uk Tel: 01691 680401

Simla Tandoori Restaurant

Proudly serving the best Indian cuisine since 1976 to the local community 42, Beatrice St, Oswestry. 01691 659880


Sun City

Stand-ups, Lie-downs and Infrared Sunbeds. Open 7 days a week

A member of The Sunbed Association. Telephone 01691 661115


Theodore’s Box

We are a family run business passionate about finding the perfect gift for your needs. We have an ever expanding range of personalised products that cater for all special occasions


Time Invaders

Oswestry’s Comic Shop a treasure trove of comics, annuals, collectables and Warhammer stockists with American Coffee Cafe. All dog friendly & always a warm welcome. Tel 07946550916 www.timeinvaders.co.uk

10 | Oswestry life
★ Eat local ★ Spend
★ Shop local
local ★ Enjoy local

LocaL Hero awards

carer OF the Year

Sponsor: Bluebird Care

Winner: Oswestry St John Ambulance All Services Unit

The Oswestry Life Local Heroes Awards honour and celebrate the person or persons, who are and have been making significant contributions to our community, through their time, actions, talents and dedication. These awards are to celebrate the amazing things that local residents of all ages have done or are still doing to help make Oswestry a better and safer place to work and live.

The awards are to put the feel good factor back into Oswestry and show how as a local community we continue to support one another and rise up against challenges.

We would like to thank all the businesses that have kindly supported the magazine by sponsoring an award, therefore joining us in celebrating all the wonderful people, businesses and community groups that Oswestry has!

Special thanks also to The Flower Gallery and Niche Patisserie.

Outstanding achievement

Sponsor: Griffiths Hire Shops

Winner: Matt Walker

Nomination from Sandra Foskett

In June 2022, Matt Walker took a World Cup win in downhill mountain biking at Leeogang, Austria. His dedication to the sport is faultless with training every day throughout the winter to take part in each round of the World Cup. He then travels all over the World during the summer months.

Fundraiser OF the Year

Sponsor: Hadleigh Works Charity

Winner: William Worthing

Nomination from Samantha Chadwick

Otherwise known as Lenny, William has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for multiple local charities including Hope House. Many will recognise him dressed up as a Minion, but he also undertakes huge tasks such as his recent wing walk, in order to raise vital funds for charity.

Nomination from Brad Pritchard

The Oswestry unit provides a community first response team supporting West Midlands Ambulance Service on 999 calls, often arriving before the NHS crew and providing intermediate life support. It has a thriving cadet group, many of whom are inspired to take up healthcare professions and the unit’s first aid demonstrations teach basic life saving techniques to the public. The team are present at events, providing vital first aid and ambulance cover for local events such as the Lake Vyrnwy Half Marathon, Shrewsbury Flower Show and Daripack Mountain Bike challenge. All the volunteers from the youngest at 10 years old to the oldest at 74, are passionate about saving lives and supporting communities and give up so much of their spare time to serve others.

neighbOur OF the Year

Sponsor: Oswald’s Cars

Winner: Crafty Knitters

Nomination from Beth Evans

Local residents Angie and Barry Mills with ‘Crafty Knitters’ group, successfully fundraised for a new defibrillator for the local residents to be fitted on the lamp post at the end of Hampton Rise next to the footpath to High Fawr Avenue. The Henry Angell James Memorial Trust has kindly donated the defibrillator and the money raised by the Crafty Knitters and kind donations from the public will be spent on the installation and maintenance of it. We are sure you will agree that the team really deserve the neighbour of the year award for continuously supporting the people of Oswestry.

custOmer service award

Sponsor: Oswestry BID

Winner: Shaun Hill

Nomination from Kayla

Oswalds Cars always go above and beyond for their customers. One night, I didn’t finish work until 3am but they made sure they came and collected me, even though I’d only called them 10 minutes before, just so I wasn’t walking on my own.

12 | Oswestry life


Sponsor: Dre Accountants

Winner: Elaine Richardson

Nomination from Oswestry Life Magazine

Cancer nurse Elaine Richardson, works at The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, based in the Montgomery Unit. Elaine spends a lot of her personal time fundraising for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity which supports the patients on the unit. By fundraising for the charity, she also raises awareness which helps attract much needed donations.


Sponsor: Oswestry Town Council

Winner: Karen Curly Rogers

Nomination from Lisa Griffiths

Curly has spent her adult life teaching the children of Oswestry and surrounding areas how to swim. Her love for the job and character has meant thousands of children have trusted, enjoyed and learnt a key skill. Everyone in Oswestry knows Curly, and she surely deserves some recognition for her hard work.


Sponsor: Friends at the RJAH

Winner: Louise Harding

Nomination from Rachel Adams

Louise has been involved with girl guiding for many years, running the Oswestry Guide unit and was the District Commissioner for 7 years. During Covid, Louise kept the girls engaged through zoom meetings and when the Brownie leader retired, she took over, running the local Brownie unit to ensure the girls could continue. This December she is stepping down from the Guide unit to focus on Brownies. She gives up so much of her time and has helped so many girls to flourish. Louise truly deserves to be recognised as an awesome volunteer giving so much back to the community and encouraging girls to learn and grow in a fun environment. Many of the skills gained by the girls, help prepare them for their future. Thank you, Louise.


Sponsor: Tanat Valley & Light Railway

Winner: Joseph (Joey) Edwards

Nomination from Danielle Edwards

Young Joey is 4 years old and has had health problems since he was born, having been in and out of hospital. But he has never lost his smile – it’s so bright and he lifts everyone he meets. He knows going to the hospital normally means something bad, but he is so brave and wipes away his tears with a smile and says thank you to every health professional he meets. He has now expressed he wants to raise money for Birmingham Children’s Hospital to help other children and we have started that process with a musical show. There is no doubt in my mind that he really is an inspiration to everyone that meets him.


Sponsor: Oswestry Museum

Winner: Connect For Life Young Volunteers

Nomination from Alison

Connect For Life is privileged to have young people volunteering with them whilst also working/studying. They bring skills and talents to the team and wonderful caring attitudes and enthusiasm. Intergenerational interaction for people with dementia has proved to be so beneficial and adds something very special to the day support sessions. It gives the service users great pleasure and opportunities to connect with different ages and volunteers say they gain so much and love interacting with the group members.


Sponsor: Adrenaline Sporting Events

Winner: Julian Morgan-Ayres

Nomination from Steven Lewis

I don’t think there is anyone more deserving for this award than Julian. Just this year alone (in running) he has clocked up an almighty 4172.5km over 424 hours and 54 minutes. He successfully completed the Dragons Back Ultra in September and has also completed several marathons too. Julian is an inspiration, and as a new runner myself, makes me believe that anything is possible with determination, grit and a brilliant attitude to boot.


Sponsor: Oswestry Rotary Club

Winner: Theo Lewis-Prior

Nomination from Amy Pollard

Theo has gone above and beyond this past year to raise vital funds for another pupil at Woodside School. His absolute devotion and generosity have helped someone receive the treatment they desperately required. He is truly an inspiration to all generations.

Oswestry life | 13

Aico Strengthens Community Ties with OsNosh

Oswestry based Aico has provided continued support to OsNosh since 2020, in the form of funding educational programmes, weekly colleague volunteer days and fundraising. OsNosh and Aico are delivering their first working in partnership event of 2023, a Charity Dinner which will be held at The Townhouse Bar & Brasserie in Oswestry.

OsNosh is a Community Interest Company, whose partnership developed with Aico during the pandemic, particularly over the lockdowns, colleagues volunteered their time to deliver community meals to vulnerable, isolated people in and around Oswestry. Since then, Aico has continued to strengthen its partnership with OsNosh providing volunteering support and funding innovative educational projects.

In 2022, Aico provided the funding required for OsNosh to deliver a hands-on cookery programme to students from The Marches School in Oswestry.

Ben Wilson, one of the directors at OsNosh added, “Since starting our project teaching cookery skills to disengaged students for The Marches School, we have seen some incredible changes. We have seen young people come out of themselves, gaining confidence and self-esteem; we have seen students who are usually disruptive become focused and cautious.None of this would have been possible without Aico’s enduring funding, support and belief in the importance and value of this project, and of the students themselves. Likewise, none of this would have been possible without the dedication, compassion, and professionalism of Justine Holdsworth from The Marches School.”

Aico is looking forward to their next

working in partnership event with OsNosh, a Charity Dinner which will be held at The Townhouse Bar & Brasserie in Oswestry, on Monday 27 March 2023. This will be an opportunity for the local community and supporters of OsNosh to experience and enjoy a 3-course meal prepared, cooked and served by the students in a real award-winning restaurant.

OsNosh and Aico would like to thank The Townhouse and their team for supporting the event and offering their facilities to ensure The Charity Dinner is a great success. All funds raised will help OsNosh continue the great work they are doing to support our local community.

To find out more about OsNosh – osnosh.co.uk

14 | Oswestry life
Below: Martin Przewozny, Regional Specification Manager at Aico pictured with volunteers from OsNosh
Oswestry life | 15 Kitchens, Bedrooms, Home Office & Bathrooms www.coloursupplies.com Whittington Road, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 1HZ Tel: 01691 658444 Email: kitchens.oswestry@coloursupplies.com 0% finance we offer


Whether you are already a seasoned raw feeder or interested in switching your animals to a raw diet then we have everything you need and much more.

As well as our large range of top quality raw minces, chunks and bones we also supply air dried chews and natural treats as well as herbal supplements to complement a natural diet.


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Often referred to as Swimmer’s Tail, limber tail syndrome is when your pet’s tail won’t wag! Limber tail syndrome (acute caudal myopathy) is also known as cold water tail, limp tail, or broken wag. It is rare in cats, but a relatively common, temporary condition in working and sporting pets, and in young pets out for the first time from overuse of the tail muscles.


Studies suggest that limber tail is associated with muscle damage or inadequate blood supply to the muscles of the tail. Affected pets will appear with a limp tail after swimming or other strenuous activity in cold or wet weather or if they have been crated for long periods.

The drooping tail hanging down from the tail base or held horizontally for 8-10 cm and then dropping down within 24 hours of strenuous activity. The tail will remain in this position. The pet will appear uncomfortable or in pain. It may be reluctant to sit down and have some swelling at the base of the tail and the hair is often raised


Limber tail syndrome can be treated at home with rest and warm packs at the base of the tail to help relieve the discomfort.

Use of CHAMOMILE TEA, COMFREY and TURMERIC PASTE (dry, as a compress or diluted respectively) has anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties.

Gentle exercise/lead walks for a week.

If worried, ask your veterinarian. They may prescribe a mild painkiller or anti-inflammatory drug for your pet to aid recovery.

16 | Oswestry life Telephone: 01691 897 199 3D CHURCH STREET, OSWESTRY, SY11 2SU Book Appointments Register Your Pet Pet Health Plans Visit our Website themarkettownvet.co.uk .co.uk Paws fOr Thought ws
Rebecca Evans of Knowing NosesBotanical Self-healing for Animals
us on Facebook and instagram
Oswestry life | 17 Orders now being taken Ring Andrew on 07854 742729 Baskets available from mid May 20 PLANTS IN EVERY BASKET! 1 x Zonal Geranium 2 x Fuchsia 1 x Begonia 4 x Trailing Petunias 1 x Golden Helichrysum 2 x Trailing Nepeta 2 x Creeping Jenny 1 x Trailing White Lobelia 2 x Verbena 1 x Becopa 1 x Trailing Blue Lobelia 1 x Bidens 1 x Trailing Lilac Lobelia Also available from Stans Superstore, St. Martins’ INCLUDES FREE DELIVERY* RRP £42 Great value only£28 *within 10 miles of store 16” HANGING BASKETS Award winning SUPERSTORE OF ST MARTINS Brand Idea 2: Stans Superstore SUPERSTORE OF ST MARTINS

Mama Mia

It’s Mother’s Day this month, so it’s time to treat the mamas in the family. A well thought out, beautiful gift can make someone’s day and a new outfit or accessory is just lovely.

Fashion 18 | Oswestry life
Love & Roses High Neck Split Hem Jumper £38, www.next.co.uk

Rachel Jackson Mama Necklace £75, www.very.co.uk

ABOVE: Red Ditsy floral wide Leg Crop trousers £26.99, www.newlook.com

BELOw:wayfarer Sunglasses £16, www.accessorize.com

ABOVE: Denim Drawstring Long Sleeve Mini Shirt Dress £32.99, www.newlook.com

LE ft: Emelias trainer £80, www.dunelondon.com

ABOVE : Crochet Knit Crew Neck £25.99, www.newlook.com

BELO w : Blue Metallic tote Bag £65, www.scampanddude.com

Oswestry life | 19

The Mayor of Oswestry, Councillor Jay Moore

I’d like to take a moment to focus on the recipients of the Mayor’s Community Champions Award. I created this award at the start of my term and since then, we have recognised four Community Champions. It has truly been an honour to be able to do so.

Our inaugural champion, Mr Geoff Moore, was chosen for his exceptional contribution to youth work, developing drug and alcohol dependency programmes, helping the homeless and more. Sadly, Geoff passed away before receiving the award. But the contributions he made to our town and those who needed it most will stretch far into the future for generations to come.

Our second champions were chosen for their incredible fundraising efforts. Since 2014, Gary and Kelly Clarke have been running marathons, cycling from Lands End to John O’Groats and completing Sunrise to Sunset challenges. The couple are a fundraising powerhouse and have raised thousands of pounds for The Movement Centre and Hope House.

Third Champion, Lenny Worthing, started his charity work in 2000, raising funds in memory of his mother and daughter. He has since fundraised for Hope House, Severn Hospice, Blue Cross, Blood Bikes, Pilgrim Bandits and The Royal British Legion, raising over £20,000 along the way.

Our most recent Champions, Connect For Life, is a local volunteer charity, providing specialist day support for people living with dementia and undiagnosed memory loss.

The charity’s Coordinator, Alison Humphreys, founded Connect For Life in 2016 in response to a growing need for local quality care in Oswestry. They provide an incredible specialist day support service, aimed at increasing peoples’ self-esteem and sense of wellbeing.

From a single session and a team of three, they now boast an incredible 25 volunteers who provide two support sessions a week and additional cognitive stimulation sessions each month. The Connect For Life family truly are a team that optimises care and community.

On behalf of the Town Council, and the residents of Oswestry. Thank you all for making our town such a wonderful place to live.

20 | Oswestry life
Aesthetics, Beauty & Laser Hair Removal We ONLY do Natural Looking Results Tel: 07951 902146 Email: hello@aluminateclinic.com www.aluminateclinic.com Social: @aluminateclinic Private clinic based in Weston Rhyn Amanda is a Registered Nurse Prescriber Aesthetic Nurse of the Year, Finalist 2022 Anti-Wrinkle & Line Softening Treatments Facial Volume Restoration & Lip Fillers Laser Hair Removal, Thread Vein & Anti-ageing Treatments Skin Rejuvenation inc: Microneedling, Profhilo, Dermaplaning, Microdermabrasion & more Plus Body Contouring & Cellulite Treatments Save Face & Safety in Beauty Accredited Multi- Award Winning Clinic HAIRSTYLIST & COLOURIST HBA 2023 Finalist 18 years in the industry working for Toni and Guy Wella Master Colour Expert specialising in Balayage, Cutting and Hair Extensions Based in Hair & Beauty at No 6 in Whittington For all bookings and enquiries please call 07814 382594 hair by Becky hairbybecky_oswestry Need a lift to work? We accept early morning bookings
Mayor’s Minutes


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We will now be accepting bookings for up to 8 seats with our new driver starting in a Ford Minibus. We strive to o er the best service possible in Oswestry and this addition will increase our availability to larger groups or weddings wanting to get home!

The driver/vehicle will be available Thursday-Saturday evenings subject to availability.

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Oswestry life | 21

Mixed Berry Bake with Coconut Macadamia Crumble

Serves 4-6

Preparation time: 10minutes Cooking time: 25minutes

Ingred I ents

• 700g mixed fresh blueberries, strawberries and raspberries

• 100g caster sugar

• 2 tbsp cornflour

• 1 tsp vanilla paste

For the topping

• 150g plain flour

• 100g salted butter, cubed

• 50g desiccated coconut or large flakes

• 50g soft brown sugar

• A pinch of salt

• 50g macadamia nuts, roughly chopped

Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are a tasty way to get your five-a-day – and they make a wonderful addition to this scrumptious dessert sweet.


• Preheat the oven to 200°C / fan 180°C / gas mark 6.

• In a medium bowl, mix together the fruit with the sugar, cornflour and vanilla paste. Pour into a baking dish (approximately 20 x 30cm).

• For the topping, mix together the flour, butter, coconut, sugar and salt in a medium bowl. Use your fingertips to rub the butter into the dry ingredients until it has a rough gravel consistency. Mix in the chopped nuts, then scatter it over the fruit. Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes or until golden and bubbling.

22 | Oswestry life Food & Drink

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24 | Oswestry life The perfect venue for your special occasion
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English Dishes

Classical • Film • Song

15 International Musicians with Roderick Williams OBE Baritone

Whittington International Chamber Music Festival takes place each May and brings International musicians to Shropshire for 5 days of concerts. For programme and tickets visit the website


Wednesday 1st – Sunday 5th March

Oswestry Youth Music Festival

Day care for older people, providing a relaxed, friendly and welcoming environment for people who need support to remain independent.

Respite and support for those with caring responsibilities. Trained in Alzheimer’s and dementia care, our client centred approach blends stimulating activities with a qualified activity coordinator with the opportunity to share experiences and socialise. Our qualified and experienced staff are here to help.

Open Wednesday and Friday from 10am till 4pm

Over 300 talented young performers compete in this respected competition aimed at encouraging musical development. There are a huge number of classes using various instruments. The performances are free to watch and are held in local venues concluding with the Sunday final at Christchurch. For more details go to www.oswestry-tc.gov.uk

Friday 31st march

Artisan Market

A collection of quality local craft and food producers


WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Parking available adjacent to Powis Hall



Tel: 01691 680222



Oswestry life | 25
John The
Church Whittington,Oswestry,
SY11 4DF

Focus on… Industrial Heritage

through the lens of Graham Mitchell

We are lucky to have so much industrial heritage around Oswestry. Some sites have been taken over by nature and provide wonderful areas for walking, others provide glimpses of our historical past. But all are great photographic subjects.

26 | Oswestry life
Oswestry life | 27 We’re with you every step of the way PrePlanning Arrangements Private Chapel 24 hour service Grief Support Call: (01978) 784997 JONES FAMILY FUNERAL DIRECTORS We will beat any price O ering our professional services to the community of Oswestry and the surrounding area An inclusive, low level low impact class for seniors wanting to get moving and gain confidence, strength and mobility. Held in the private studio at Active8gym on Mile Oak Ind. Estate. TUESDAYS 10.30AM Call or message to book 07970 997092 www.holhealth.co.uk

Predestination (15)


ITV have recently relaunched their free catch-up service, it’s goodbye unloved and glitchy ITV Hub and hello smooth and sleek ITVX. Among a surprisingly varied film catalogue is this month’s recommendation, an overlooked US sci-fi thriller that demands an almost immediate second viewing, always a good sign.

Predestination starts with mysterious time travelling agent (Ethan Hawke) in mid 1970s New York foiling a bombing but sustaining serious injuries in the process. Someone unseen helps him grab a machine that jumps him forward in time to the 1990s to the HQ of the shadowy organisation he works for. His mission was to track down an unidentified terrorist known as the ‘Fizzle Bomber’, responsible for a campaign of bombings in the future. Following major reconstructive surgery, the agent is sent on a final mission to 1970 New York. Posing as a bartender he meets a writer, Jane (Played by Succession’s Sarah Snook in one of her first major roles) who tells him of the man who jilted her years ago, leaving her pregnant. The agent decides to help Jane by travelling back in time to change the course of her life, and so begins a series of twists, turns and reveals that will have you guessing and second guessing just how everything will come together in the end. When it does, in the very final seconds, you’ll feel like applauding. Predestination treats an essentially hokey concept with respect, takes it seriously and delivers a smart film that’s clever enough to keep you thinking but never so clever you feel left behind. With only three main actors for most of the film, it’s a tight little thriller grounded with great performances. Proving that sci-fi doesn’t have to be spaceships and lasers, Predestination will entertain thriller and mystery fans alike. Make a date for it in the future, or past, it’s up to you.

Jack The Ripper?

The true story of Jack the Ripper is well-known and happened during 1888, in London’s Whitechapel. Author Philip Jones, embraces the history of that story but his main character Inspector Doyle, travels back in time to 1888 from 2019 to clear his name, having been accused of being Jack the Ripper.

Time travel? Well, it works perfectly and the use of the Victorian language really carries you in to the atmosphere of poverty, crime and danger. Hopping between 2019 and 1888 and two different lives, the author manages to bring in Shrewsbury, which when you know it, brings even more excitement to the read.

Author Philip Jones is from Shrewsbury and so is Inspector Doyle’s 2019 family. Doyle’s inquisitive daughter from his modern-day life, finds objects that bring her father’s identity in to question. Can Doyle clear his name? Will Flora find out he is a time traveller? You’ll have to read it to find out!

In a Hush

Her steps were brush strokes on freshly fallen snow sweeping the canvas fingertips tinged with blue in the sharpness of air shaped peaks to a point beyond our horizons.


Olympic champion Dame Laura Kenny visits Oswestry

Last month Britain’s most decorated female Olympian, Dame Laura Kenny spoke to a packed audience at Oswestry School.

The event provided a unique opportunity to hear all about the Olympic Gold Medals and multiple World Championships achieved during such a glittering career.

The evening organised by local company, Adrenaline Sporting Events, was the latest evening bringing well known sporting personalities to the town. Alan Lewis, Founder/Owner of Adrenaline Sporting Events said. “An evening with Dame Laura Kenny didn’t disappoint! A truly inspiring evening delivered by our good friend Matt Ward. Special thanks to Oswestry School for hosting the event, Wenlock Spring Water and Arla for refreshments, and Helen from Lingen Davies Cancer Fund for attending and letting the audience know about the amazing services they provide in the area. It was great to see so many friends, sponsors and the local community enjoying themselves.”

Located at the back of Morda

Oswestry life | 29 FREE Admission
1st April 11am-2pm
PRE-SCHOOL Free Shows | Stalls | Attractions Fire Brigade | Bouncy Castle | Prize Raffle and so much more

Words’n’pics Open Writers (WOW)

Warm Spaces in Winter

As a writing group with the community at its heart, in January, WOW took on the countrywide initiative of ‘Warm Spaces’ to launch its new term. After all the disruption of the past three years, I wanted to start the New Year with a topic that unites communities, bringing people together and which several places and Churches in Oswestry and Borders are supporting, including WOW’S venue, of Albert Road Church.

WOW have in the past supported other community projects including The Wilfred Owen Festival 2018 with a display of fictional WW1 letters and Refugee Week in Ellesmere 2019 with an exhibition of poems, short stories and written accounts.

Over two sessions, I led the group with discussion and easy writing exercises, with prompts as to what ‘Warm Spaces’ means in the literal sense to ourselves and the wider public. How does it work in this current climate? Why is it needed?

We love discussion at WOW and this topic evoked memories and stories to share, from those of us who remember before central heating, with just a coal or electric two bar fire, with ice inside of the bedroom windows. How we are grateful for the warmth of our homes, but now worry about its cost and there are still families living in cold and unheated homes.

Having read quotes in newspaper reports, from people across the age ranges, attending different areas of ‘Warm Spaces’ and being appreciative for them; in not only providing warmth and food, but in socialising and making new friends; we did our own letter writing, such as expressing thanks or a letter to a friend and diary entries in ‘Dear Diary’ and the difference in the modern concept of a blog, for our younger members. Everyone went home brimming with ideas to write about.

Then we opened it up to a wider context to what does ‘Warm Space’ mean to you! Everyone was encouraged to take it anywhere! Some flew to warmer climes, others imagined hibernating and some felt their warm space was a safe place.

We took the ‘Warm Spaces’ theme into our newly launched WOW Craft sessions, creating Winter Collages (pictured right).

Every Shoe Needs a Handbag!

Following in the footsteps of our successful ‘Shoes’ workshop, at the end of last year, we are stepping into spring and accessorising with ‘Matching Handbags’ through March!

There will be The Lost Handbag – A Secret in an Old Handbag – What is in a Handbag? – Whose Handbag is this? – and Bring along a Handbag.

Come and join us, we’d love to meet you. WOW welcomes all writers and especially new writers, and anyone who wants to have a go. We meet fortnightly at Albert Road Church on 7 and 14 March at 13.00 – 15.00. Just £2.00 with tea and coffee. With an extra session on 14 March for ‘a charity shops wander’ for handbag inspiration, finishing with a cuppa and cake at Wilsons Bar. Meet on the Bailey Head at 13.00.

Our craft sessions are in Morrisons Community Room last Tuesday of the month (28 March) bring your own project to work or join in a group activity. £2.00 donation towards materials.

For more details and an informal chat, call Jan on 07702 165717 or email janhedger7@googlemail.com

30 | Oswestry life
Oswestry life | 31 Register now - www.moretonhall.org/prep-open-week 01691 773671 | admin@moretonhall.com Open Week Monday 6 - Friday 10 March Discover the Moreton Magic... Moreton Hall Prep Register now - www.moretonhall.org/prep-open-week Moreton Hall, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 3EW 01691 773671 | admin@moretonhall.com Girls & Boys | 6 months - 11 years Open Week Monday 6 - Friday 10 March Discover the Moreton Magic... Moreton Hall Prep Register now - www.moretonhall.org/prep-open-week Moreton Hall, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 3EW 01691 773671 | admin@moretonhall.com Girls & Boys | 6 months - 11 years
32 | Oswestry life Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation No.1156684 Buckley / Wrexham / Oswestry Enquiries: 01492 535184 www northwalesmusictuition co uk North Wales Music Tuition Centres Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation No.1156684 CHILDREN FROM FIVE / ADULTS WELCOME M OST INSTRUMENTS & VOICE 3 x FREE ‘Triple Try’ lessons w ith your ‘Trial ’ package! Open Space Studios First Floor, Oswestry Library, Arthur St, SY11 1JN Performing Arts School Learn to Sing, Dance & Act For Children aged 4-18 years Stagecoach builds confidence in every child forming Tel: 01743 540123 | Mobile: 07718892738 Web: stagecoach.co.uk/Oswestry

Wrekin features in Cricketer Top 100

A Shropshire school named one of the best in the UK for cricket regularly produces more than a dozen players competing at county level in the boys’ and girls’ teams.

Wrekin College was revealed in The Cricketer’s Schools Guide 2023 as one of the top 100 senior schools in a bumper 156-page supplement.

The successful roll call of schools – which features both state-funded and private establishments – was finalised after an exhaustive selection process that saw a huge number submit entries for inclusion in the guide.

Wrekin has an enviable reputation for producing top players while also boasting some of the best cricketing facilities in the county.

Director of Sport James Shaw said they were delighted to be included after they had stepped up efforts in recent years to play even more cricket and expand the school’s fixture calendar.

Last summer there were almost 100 fixtures in the diary across the year groups with some of the 1st XI players producing outstanding results.

“We also introduced some cricket to the Christmas term while throughout the lockdowns we set pupils challenges in batting, bowling, and fielding to ensure

continuity in standards as much as we could,” he said.

“This recognition of all those efforts and the hard work of pupils who commit to training and giving their all in fixtures is wonderful for the school.”

All entries for the top 100 list were judged against an extensive set of criteria, which included a compelling commitment to cricket in the curriculum, facilities, fixture programmes, and coaching.

Oswestry life | 33
Registered Charity No. 528417 WREKIN AT www.wrekincollege.com admissions@wrekincollege.com 01952 265603 Register your place today: SATURDAY 18TH MARCH OPEN DAY Enjoy a tour of our school, hear from staff, and pupils, and ask any questions you may have about the admissions process. Independent co-educational day and boarding school 11-18 Wellington, Shropshire TF1 3BH DISCOVER Registered Charity No: 528417
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Oswestry law firm helping to reduce the cost of divorce

The end of a marriage can both be heart-breaking and a reliefbut legal costs should not be a barrier to getting a divorce.

That’s the view of Lanyon Bowdler Solicitors in Oswestry who are offering clients legal support at its lowest-ever cost.

Since the introduction of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill last April, the legal process of applying for a divorce has been streamlined, and straightforward cases can be dealt with faster than ever before.

Sue Hodgson, head of the family team at Lanyon Bowdler, says the firm is passing on the benefit of the new accessible and simplified divorce process to its clients.

She said: “The introduction of no-fault divorce has been widely welcomed and means that an applicant can now simply file a document saying the marriage has broken down irretrievably, rather than having to make

Our People, Your Team

allegations of unreasonable behaviour or adultery.

“Couples can even file a joint application for divorce, which has never been permitted before. It’s a really positive development in moving away from the blame culture.

“This new process essentially means that getting a divorce approved is reasonably simple for straightforward cases, so we are making a conscious effort to pass that onto our clients.

“We are determined to make legal support affordable for people, especially in these difficult times, and I know from experience that people do worry about how much a divorce will cost.

“The end of a relationship is always tough, for a variety of reasons, and we always do everything we can to guide our clients through the process - keeping costs as low as possible.

“I would urge anyone looking for a divorce to get in touch for a friendly chat.”

For more details, call Lanyon Bowdler in Oswestry on 01691 652241 or visit the Lanyon Bowdler website at www.lblaw.co.uk

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34 | Oswestry life
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Dean is running for RJAH

On Sunday 23 April this year, Dean Hornsey is running in this year’s London Marathon and fundraising for The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital. The marathon is 26.2 miles of a mostly flat route through London and around some of the most famous landmarks. Thousands of spectators line the streets to cheer the participants, some providing dance and entertainment along the way!

This year is the first one to be held back in its traditional month of April, since 2019. Dean said, “This is an event which I have been lucky enough to gain a place for. Since watching my wife run the marathon a number of years ago, I have always wanted to step up to the challenge.”

Talking about why he is running for the hospital, Dean said, “I simply emailed the RJAH and asked if they had any spaces for this year’s Marathon and luckily, I was granted one!

“As we are all aware, the hospital is local to us and I’m sure most people have used the services of RJAH whether it’s for a sprained foot or for major surgery.  The hospital is world renowned for all the great work they do and this is why I am reaching out to our local community to help me raise some much-needed funds for them.”

Training for a marathon takes a lot of time and stamina, just to make sure the body is capable on event day and shouldn’t be underestimated. The aim is to avoid injury in the run up to the day, but really cover some distance during the training period, eventually tapering off towards marathon week.

The hospital is world renowned for all the great work they do and this is why I am reaching out to our local community to help me raise some much-needed funds for them.

“I would like to think my training is on track and progressing well. I work in the construction industry, so my weekdays are time-limited, however I run most weekday mornings at 5am and make sure I do a long run at the weekends,” Dean said.

Dean is looking to boost his fundraising pot for

the hospital in the final few weeks before the big day, with a target of £1,500 to meet for the place with RJAH. As well as sponsorship, Dean is also looking for individuals or local businesses who may have anything suitable they would like to donate as a raffle prize. Dean has already held one successful raffle, raising over £400 during Christmas at his local, the White Lion pub.

“My family and close friends have been a great support to me. Stans Supermarket have kindly sponsored me and I’m looking for more businesses to join them. I will be printing their company logos on my t-shirt which I will be running the marathon in.”

If you would like to support Dean, visit his Just Giving page: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ Dean-Hornsey1

If you are a business that can help Dean with sponsorship, please email deanhhornsey@gmail. com

Oswestry life | 37

HealtH & Wellbeing

Castor Oil’s Uses; Old and New

Castor oil, from the castor bean has had a chequered history and some bad press. It contains Ricin, a very toxic agent allegedly used by spies to finish off dangerous/unwanted characters with one drop of it injected into the skin. How terrifying! Further back, during Victorian times Castor oil was taken (by the pint) as a strong purgative to induce labour or bring about miscarriage. An unpleasant process I’m sure. For this reason, chemists have been very cautious of selling it over the counter to pregnant ladies for many years. Usually only available in tiny bottles.

Castor oil is rarely used internally these days but has some wonderful effects when safely used externally. When applied to warts, molluscum and verruca’s, it can be very effective to assist in their disappearance (much like the spies!). It’s amazing how quickly it can work. Just a small amount applied daily for up to two months. Similarly, in animals such as horses and cows with sarcoids, it can be used externally as it is a similar virus that causes it.

A castor oil pack; a flannel soaked in the oil and applied externally for 20 mins or so, can be kept in

the fridge and used over and over as the oil keeps for a long time. We herbalists suggest you apply this to whichever area needs it. For example; over the liver area for a liver detox, or over the lower abdominal area for shrinking fibroids. This is not an exact science, but well worth experimenting with.

Castor oil may be helpful on suspicious moles too (not the garden ones!). Although probably not well researched enough, it seems to shrink lumps and bumps on the body.

Finally, in the beauty industry it is thought to be good to grow eye lashes longer, if applied at night: who knows what more it can do for us!

A trusty remedy to revisit with modern uses. If in doubt, consult your herbalist!

Autumn Berries for Winter Wellness

38 | Oswestry life
Louise Idoux MSc. MNIMH Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, Oswestry Herbarium, tel 01691 656934
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We all have moles: not the furry kind that dig up your garden (although some of you will have those too!) but the ones that dot our bodies. Sometimes, just like the garden variety, these moles cause trouble. about 16,000 of us will get a cancerous mole, or melanoma, every year. thankfully the treatment has improved enormously since I qualified, but more than 2,000 people still die from this disease every year and it remains true that the earlier it is caught the better your chances of surviving.

So, what should you look out for? Crudely any change in a mole should raise your suspicions and remembering the ABCDE rule might also help: if a mole looks A-symmetrical it might be significant, particularly if it has an irregular B-order. If it is changing colour and has more than two C-olours (often two shades of brown or going red) or is now more than 6mm in D-iameter it needs looking at by a Doctor or Nurse. Finally, if it is E-nlarging or becoming E-levated it needs to be seen.

Most melanomas occur on the back in men and legs in women but any mole changing over a period of weeks or months is suspicious. The main cause is UVB –ultraviolet sun radiation – but they are more common in pale skinned, red or fair haired people, blue eyed patients, people who have had episodes of severe sunburn or a lot of sun exposure and those with immune system issues including diabetic patients. They are also more common in regular sun bed users and having a close family member with a melanoma increases your risk too.

So, I suggest you get acquainted with your moles, particularly as you get older, and make sure that you spot any changes early. Early melanoma has a 99% survival rate.

40 | Oswestry life health
“Be good to your skin –you are going to wear it for the rest of your life.”
Crudely any change in a mole should raise your suspicions and remembering the ABCDE rule might also help
Wax Service The cost for this procedure is
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Health Awareness Month

Here’s a couple of the awareness days happening this month that you could use as a focus for improving your health.

1 to 31 March - National Bed Month and 18 March World Sleep Day. Sleep is an essential for healthjust like exercising and eating well and yet many  of us don’t make it a priority.

Getting regular exercise... Check out Eastern Oswestry Community Centre for a variety of classes including hula hoop and mini trampolining, the leisure centre or Oswestry Tennis Club for sessions to get your heart racing info@oswestrytennisclub. co.uk or simply going out for a walk every day (preferably in the morning) ...can improve your sleep. Why not make the Trefonen Hill Walk 26-29 May a goal for training! Mindfulness, meditation and Yoga Nidra can all give you tools to help improve your sleep - contact Open Space for details of their regular classes 07754 492542.

1 March - World Book Day. Shropshire libraries can support your health in so many ways! From Storytime sessions for 0-5yr olds, Chess or Lego clubs, Writing as Therapy sessions, Knit & Natter and Happy Thursdays there are groups to support, stimulate and educate you whilst building social connection and reducing loneliness can boost your immune system.  shropshire.gov.uk/libraries/library-events.

8 March - World Kidney Day - Around 10% of people in the UK have Chronic Kidney Disease and many go unnoticed for some time. The golden rules for kidney health include keeping fit and being active - links above as per improving your sleep! Check your blood sugar and blood pressure regularly, this can be done at the doctors or at some pharmacies (Day Lewis has a Health Check Service in store). Don’t take over the counter anti-inflammatories / pain killers regularly as they can damage the kidney. There are many holistic therapists in town that can help reduce pain and always speak to your GP about pain medication if you feel you rely on painkillers to keep going.

Have a happy healthy month.

Oswestry life | 41
Claire a rnold The Meadows o s T eopaT h Clini C Healthy Focus
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C y b e r S e c u r i t y a n d A n t i - V i r u s S o l u t i o n s

B a c k u p S o l u t i o n s

M i c r o s o f t 3 6 5 / G o o g l e W o r k s p a c e

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W e b s i t e M a n a g e m e n t

H e l p a n d S u p p o r t

E n d p o i n t M a n a g e m e n t

S e c u r e D a t a E r a s u r e S e r v i c e s

B e s p o k e I T S u p p o r t a n d S e r v i c e s

B u s i n e s s I T C o n s u l t a n c y

N e t w o r k I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d C a b l i n g

W i - F i I n s t a l l a t i o n

F i n d o u t m o r e a n d b o o k a

f r e e 2 0 m i n u t e c o n s u l t a n c y

Don’t fall for a scam

If your computer goes wrong, don’t automatically throw it away – we can probably fix it. We had a computer arrive the other day that had overheated –the customer said it was smoking! He did the right thing and quickly turned it off at the main socket, then unplugged it. He was lucky and, not only did we manage to retrieve all his data, we were able to replace the power supply - and it’s working fine – so, before you give up on your computer – give us a call.

Current Scams

EE Scam phone calls

We had a phone call the other day: “Hi, this is EE, you’re eligible for a free upgrade on your phone.” They then asked for personal information that the real EE would have already had – like full name and birth date. I gave a false name and date of birth – so if EE ring again and ask for Rob Jones – I’ll know it’s a scam! If you want to check – or report the call – you can just type ‘EE Phone Number’ into the Google search bar and you will get the phone number for the real EE.

Scam phone calls

If you get a phone call and don’t recognise the number, don’t answer it – if it’s someone you know they will most likely leave a message and you can call them back – if you really want to know who called you – you can look it up on www.who-called.co.uk

Which? Warn of scam WhatsApp messages with job offers – if you reply to a message the scammer sends more information about the job then asks you to pay for things like security checks or work equipment – termed ‘advance fee fraud’.

Sign up for Which? Scam alerts: https://campaigns. which.co.uk/scam-alert-service/

Find details of recent scams here: www.actionfraud. police.uk and on our Facebook page: Rainford-it-stay safe online and on our website.

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42 | Oswestry life
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W E A R E S M A L L B U S I N E S S I T S E R V I C E S P E C I A L I S T S ! hello@8bits1byte co uk 01691 700 700 Unit 10A, Whittington Business Park, Oswestry, SY11 4ND Therapeutic & Relaxing Massages Thai Traditional Massage Deep Tissue Massage Swedish Massage Couples Massage Herbal Compress Hot Stone Reflexology Aromatherapy Foot Massage Indian Head Massage tel: 01691 655988 mob: 07483 333650 email: info@pintong.co.uk Open Monday to Sunday 10am to 9pm 29B Bailey Street, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 1PX
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Pin T

Flat Pack Storage – What are my options?

New business and Oswestry based, Morris Storage Solutions Ltd is the sister company of Morris Secure Storage. The newly launched business now brings flat pack portable spaces to you! Sometimes you might have belongings that you want to keep on your own premises - this is a perfect solution for that. We don’t always have enough space at home and whilst moving things around can be fun, it’s easy to come unstuck when you realise that you’re going to have to make a few more changes. Also, perfect to access quickly if you need to.

The range includes insulated and non-insulated units, chemical storage and garden rooms. Arriving flat pack is great if you have a home with access that wouldn’t allow an HGV - you won’t need it here.

Available to hire for a minimum of 4 weeks:

Insulated storage in sizes 2x3m and 2x4m

Non-insulated in sizes 2x2m, 2x3, 2x4, 2x6. Available in galvanised and green, other colours upon request.

What other types of storage can I have?

Garden rooms are becoming more popular now and are available as 4x2m and come with various doors (patio, bi-folding and sliding). These actually make a great garden office or hobby room if you want function, or maybe to just enjoy the peace and quiet of the garden. Bespoke designs are also available with options such as fitted kitchens.

Why would you need chemical storage?

This type of storage is ideal for farmers needing to store chemicals safely and meets current Health and Safety regulations.

If you’re a business…

If you need an insulated office for a site, you can choose from a range of modular offices which come flatpacked. If you outgrow the standard 4x2m, it’s easy to join another module on to the side and even toilets and shower units can be added.

Flat pack units can be purchased or rented, so if you would like extra storage at your property or business premises and don’t want to bring items to the Morris Storage indoor facility or if it’s full, the flat pack option is the way forward.

To see the units onsite, visit Morris Secure Storage on the Mile Oak Industrial Estate, Oswestry. Visit www.morrissecurestorage.co.uk, email info@morrissecurestorage.co.uk or call 01691 900 020.

44 | Oswestry life
Advertisement feature
Far left: Fully insulated storage unit Left and below: A general storage unit
Oswestry life | 45
46 | Oswestry life Extension Work Warmer Roofs Composite Doors UPVC Soffits & Facias Lock Repairs Kitchen Fitting & Building Maintenance ALL WORK GUARANTEED Tel: 01691 661311 Mob: 07815 753361 shauningram@hotmail.co.uk www.shelfbankwindows.co.uk FIND US ON GOOGLE FAMILY RUN BUSINESS ESTABLISHED SINCE 2001 Extension Warmer Composite UPVC Soffits Lock Kitchen Fitting & Tel: 01691 661311 Mob: 07815 753361 shauningram@hotmail.co.uk Hillside House, Monkmoor Road, Oswestry, Shropshire ESTABLISHED FAMILY RUN ALL WORK www.shelfbankwindows.co.uk FIND US ON GOOGLE SHELFBANK –Windows & Conservatories– -Windows & ConservatoriesSHELFBANK Hillside House, Monkmoor Road, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 2DA • GENERAL PLUMBING • GAS SAFE REGISTERED • LANDLORD CERTIFICATES • SERVICE & REPAIR • UNDERFLOOR HEATING • NATURAL GAS/LPG/OIL • BOILER/CENTRAL HEATING INSTALLATION • FIREPLACE INSTALLATION • BATHROOM INSTALLATION • RENEWABLES • NEW BUILD CONTRACTS Office: 01691 831529 E: info@pivotalplumbingandheating.co.uk W: www.pivotalplumbingandheating.co.uk WorcesterBosch AccreditedInstaller :offering guaranteesofupto10years CONTACT US NOW ON: OSWESTRY 01691 674126 beacongaragedoors.co.uk With professional installations, services and top quality customer care to homeowners throughout the region, we pride ourselves on the quality of our service and competitive prices. We are a family-owned business with over 20 years experience in the industry SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND REPAIR OF ALL TYPES OF GARAGE DOORS

SHELFBANK Conservatories–


Extension Work

Warmer Roofs

Composite doors

Soffits & Facias

Lock Repairs & Building Maintenance


Shropshire SY11 2DA

Oswestry life | 47

Furnishings for good

Can you go green when redecorating or buying new furnishings and accessories? Beautiful products, good vibes – it’s a win-win!

Natural, recycled, sustainable…

• Consider buying pieces made from recycled and/or upcycled materials, such as wine glasses, rugs or throws made from plastic (they feel as soft as wool) and furniture from reclaimed timber.

• Natural materials such as wool, linen, sisal, cork or timber are a sustainable choice and always make beautiful additions to a home.

• When buying new timber, check that it’s from a sustainable source. Ask your retailer or check for an identifying label.

• Question where items are made and how they’re transported –there’s obviously a larger carbon footprint when products are moved across the world. Buying things that are handmade locally can be a lovely treat.

• Opt for long-lasting quality if you can afford it. Although the initial cost is higher, if a piece is well-made it could last for generations.

• Buy water-based paints where possible – fewer harmful chemicals are not only kinder to the environment but also to the air quality in your home.

▲ Hand-poured with a natural, plant-based wax, this candle uses an organic cotton wick, is scented with essential and botanical oils, and comes in a reusable ceramic pot. Aromatherapy Restore scented candle, £48, greathousefarmstores. co.uk.

This console table has been constructed using light reclaimed wood and features two good-sized drawers to offer practical storage space. Chelwood console table, £455, modishliving.co.uk.

▲ Choose eco-friendly paint and wallpapers if you can. Pea Green 91, from £52 for 2.5l Absolute Matt Emulsion; Hencroft wallpaper in Pink Primula – National Trust Papers, £109 per roll, both littlegreene.com.

Multipurpose furnishings with a difference – these pieces are constructed with a recycled table top made from yogurt pots and children’s toys. Poppy side table/stool, £150, woodmancoteretro.com.

▼ Different from every angle, this light fitting is constructed from curves of sustainably sourced timber, fasted with two brass screws. Small SEYA pendant in ash, £215, tomraffield.com.

48 | Oswestry life
48 | Oswestry life

Finance available through Kanda from 11.9% APR

Kanda is a trading name of Kanda Products & Services Ltd, company registered in England and Wales (No.11220984) with registered office at Kanda Products & Services Ltd, 17 High Street, Forward House, Henley-In-Arden, Warwickshire, England, B95 5AA. Kanda Products & Services is authorised by the FCA. Registration number 920795

Oswestry life | 49 J&I Carpets PERSONAL AND FRIENDLY SERVICE Victoria Road, Oswestry (behind the Co-Op) e: jandicarpets@hotmail.co.uk w: www.jandicarpets.co.uk Tel: 01691 656843 OVER 30 ROLLS OF CARPET IN STOCK MANY ROLL ENDS HALF PRICE! VINYLS • LVT • BLINDS & CURTAINS 1982-2023 Finance Now Available CONTACT US 01691 650567 windows@malcolmlewis.co.uk

Cottage in Countryside


With no onward chain. Town and Country Oswestry offer this detached country cottage located in a popular village with two reception rooms, kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. The property has many original features including beams and open fireplaces along with modern kitchen, bathroom and UPVC double glazing. Located in Penybontfawr with its own Primary School, shop and public house.

Asking price £135,000. For viewings call Town & Country on 01691 679631 or email sales@townandcountryoswestry.com

Detached bungalow

Lower Minster, Oswestry

Being well located on the fringe of the town centre, on an established residential estate affording similar style dwellings, this detached bungalow offers an ideal opportunity to acquire a well-placed home. Benefitting from an attached external single garage, affording scope for workshop/office space, and a full width conservatory with views over the enclosed landscaped garden. Available with no onward chain and affording scope for some minor improvements, this property would provide an ideal retirement bungalow with easily maintained grounds. Town bus service passes close-by to the bungalow.

Asking Price £247,500. For viewings call Morris Marshall & Poole on 01691 679595 or email oswestry@morrismarshall.co.uk

Two bedroom family home

18 Guinevere Close, Oswestry

Offered for sale with no upward chain, a well presented and attractively appointed spacious two bedroom semi-detached family home, set with front and rear gardens in a private cul de sac position with views to the rear. The property has the added benefit of planning permission for a two storey side extension. The ground floor offers lounge, fitted kitchen and conservatory. To the first floor there are two bedrooms and family bathroom. The property has the fantastic benefit of rear garden and driveway parking.

OIRO £185,000. For viewings call Monks on 01691 674567 or email sales.oswestry@monks.co.uk

3 bedroom family home

Oaklands Road, Chirk Bank

Asuperbly presented 3-bedroom semi-detached property, close to the canal and the beautiful village of Chirk. The property boasts a stunning and contemporary open plan living/dining room and kitchen with a log burner, 3 bedrooms and bathroom. Externally the property benefits from a double garage, ample off-road parking and a good sized enclosed garden with a decking entertainment area and shed. Viewings are highly recommended to fully appreciate this beautiful home’s location, accommodation and position.

OIRO £269,950. For viewings call Woodheads on 01691 680044 or email sales@ woodheadsalesandlettings.com

50 | Oswestry life Property Spotlight 5 YEAR GUARANTEE Allumroll Garage Doors Contact us 01691 674222 07967 672053 sales@allumroll.com www.allumroll.com
4 Willow St, Oswestry, SY11 1AA Phone 01691 679 631 Email sales@townandcountryoswestry.com www.townandcountryestateagents.co.uk a little bird told me you’re looking for your perfect home this spring
Oswestry life | 53 ARE YOU READY FOR THE SPRING RUSH? Are you looking to sell? Are you looking to buy? Our professional team are here to help: Selling, buying, surveys, mortgages Contact our Sales team on 01691 679595
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Bringing people & property together
Contact us today to arrange a free market appraisal on: 01691 670320 oswestry@hallsgb.com Due to our recent selling success we urgently need more properties to sell Your house is in D eman D 56 | Oswestry life

TG Dream Kitchens & Bathrooms: Providing A Home Improvement Solution That Works

In today’s economic climate, many people are looking for ways to improve their living spaces without breaking the bank. Fortunately, TG Dream Kitchens & Bathrooms have come up with a solution that offers the best of both worlds. The company’s “Buy Now Pay Later” product has seen a real surge in popularity recently, and it’s easy to see why.

The Buy Now Pay Later product offers customers the opportunity to have a brand-new kitchen or bathroom without having to pay a penny for the first 12 months. All that is required is a small 10% deposit, making it a convenient and affordable option for those looking to update their homes.

TG Dream Kitchens & Bathrooms offer a wide range of products to choose from, including the latest in kitchen and bathroom design, technology, and finishes. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is evident in everything they do, and they have a proven track record of delivering high-quality products and services.

Nowhere is this more evident than at the TG Dream Kitchens & Bathrooms showroom in Oswestry which has just completed an ambitious revamp. The showroom

has been transformed and it now has 20 full-sized kitchens and bathroom displays inside the 220sq m stand-alone premises on the TG Builders’ Merchants site in Maesbury Road.

Jo Wale, Oswestry TG Dream Kitchens & Bathrooms Showroom Manager, said, “We’ve designed the

and realistic setting thanks to our generous new-look retail area.”

As well as the showroom changes, they have also created a new Tile Studio.

“There’s a wide range of slate, porcelain and ceramic tiles available to suit all tastes and budgets,” said Jo.

“We’re also offering wall coverings and flooring options and there’s a huge choice on display, with the studio already generating a great deal of customer interest as it’s so different and so much more expansive than anything our competitors have available.”

To help customers visualise their potential new kitchen more easily, Jo and the team have introduced a new free service using the very latest computer aided design software.

new Oswestry showroom to give customers the opportunity to explore a stunning array of layouts all in one place.

“They can also take a look at our expansive range of tiles, flooring and other accessories in a more relaxed

“We use the software to help both retail and trade customers plan their kitchen so they can explore different options before they decide on a purchase. Customers simply need to bring the dimensions of their room into us, and we can bring their ideas to life.”

The Oswestry showroom is staffed by three experienced local team members who can provide knowledgeable and effective advice as well as a warm welcome.

Oswestry life | 57
To help customers visualise their potential new kitchen more easily, Jo and the team have introduced a new free service using the very latest computer aided design software.
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52   | Oswestry life Viewings can be arranged by calling 01938 580768 People are welcome to turn up to look around without appointments website: www.m-d.co.uk email: info@m-d.co.uk Address: Tavern Park, Forden, Near Welshpool, SY21 8NN Web: www.m-d.co.uk Email: info@m-d.co.uk Address: Tavern Park, Forden, Near Welshpool SY21 8NN We sell park homes for the over 50s retired and semi retired Viewings can be arranged by calling 01938 580768 or 07773336633 People are welcome to turn up to look around without appointments Prices Start From Only £99,950 • Part exchange scheme available • All homes are brand new with a 10 year warranty • The park is a secure gated site with CCTV • We have 4 show homes available for viewing and ready for immediate occupation 58 | Oswestry life



Best company around for “Muck Aways”! Recently used The Muck Shifter to dig out footings, in a very tricky, and challenging, area of our property! All staff worked extremely hard, the work was completed to a very high standard, and our property was left tidy, and in good order! Would highly recommend Will and his team! Mrs Davies

Oswestry life | 59 Our market leading Guardian Warm Roof enables you to transform your conservatory into an all year round living space by completely replacing the old roof T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate | Chirk | Wrexham | LL14 5RL ✓ PAS:2016 Certified ✓ Ultion Cylinder fitted as standard ✓ Exceeds Building Regulations for thermal efficiency THERMSEAL WINDOWS Installers and suppliers of Solidor® composite doors thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate | Chirk | Wrexham | LL14 5RL ✓ Ultion Cylinder fitted as standard ✓ Exceeds Building Regulations for thermal efficiency THERMSEAL WINDOWS Installers and suppliers of Solidor® composite doors thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal windows.co.uk LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS A LOCAL FAMILY-RUN BUSINESS TEL: 016916674759 MOBILE: 07514 732585 thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate, Chirk, Wrexham LL14 5RL THERMSEAL WINDOWS thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate | Chirk Wrexham | LL14 5RL LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS THERMSEAL WINDOWS thermsealwindows@gmail.com www.thermseal-windows.co.uk T: 01691 674759 | M: 07514 732585 Unit 2 Canal Wood Ind. Estate | Chirk | Wrexham | LL14 5RL LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS • GUTTERING • BIFOLDING DOORS • CLADDING • RUBBER ROOFS • WINDOWS • DOORS • CONSERVATORIES • WARM ROOFS • FASCIA Mobile: 07583 732234 E: themuckshifter@outlook.com www.themuckshifter.com Transformative consultative competitive
Highly skilled local tradesman in Oswestry and surrounding area, with 15 years’ experience in heavy plant operation and muck aways. The Muckshifter believes in good old-fashioned valueshonesty, attention to detail, professionalism and delivering our client expectations. ARTIFICIAL
60 | Oswestry life www.rocheawnings.com Al-fresco Living Showroom Visit our extensive showroom and find your perfect awning or glass room - Everyone welcome! Unit 4 - 5 Artillery Business Park, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 4AD Call 01691 672 465 www.rocheawnings.com Al-fresco Living Showroom Visit our extensive showroom and find your perfect awning or glass room - Everyone welcome! Unit 4 - 5 Artillery Business Park, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 4AD Call 01691 672 465


Minty Fresh

Gone are the days of grey everything. In no time at all it is going to stand out as a dated look. But, if like so many people (coz let’s not lie, grey was once upon a time a fresh and very long-lasting trend) you embraced it and went all out in your homes, then injecting some minty freshness could be the perfect way to gradually update and banish the grey. Mint green brings a sophistication amongst a heavy dose of grey. It’s a perfect upscaling colour. Leading to pairings with other colours, and in time making the grey in your homes a neutral accent colour rather than the main act. Consider a statement piece like a sofa in a fresh spearmint colour, with soft furnishings; rugs, throws, curtains and accessories in varying minty hues and you are well on your way to an updated modern look.

▼ Velvet Mint and Cream Stripe Cushion £45 from Rose and Grey www.roseandgrey.co.uk Sage Taper Dinner Candle Set £10 rom Truffle Tablescapes  www.truffletablescapes.co.uk ▼ TLC Zoe Sofa - Silver Sage £2179 from The Lounge Co www.theloungeco.com Mint Lambswool Throw £79 from Country Mouse  www.countrymouse.co.uk

clO ckwise fr O m ab O ve: Pickett Bevelled Mint Tiles £34.95 from Walls and Floors  www.wallsandfloors.co.uk

Deco Martini Copper Patina Wallpaper £150 from Divine Savages www.divinesavages.com

Mint Organic Jute Placemat Set £49 from Braided Rug Company www.braided-rug.co.uk

Serenity in Mint Sorbet and Vintage Cream Wallpaper £60 from Lucie Annabel www.lucieannabel.com

Waterfall Orange and Chamomile Scented Candle £35 from Swoon Worthy Scents www.swoonworthyscents.com

Occasional Chair in Mint Choc Chip Clever Softie £1165 from Loaf www.loaf.com

62 | Oswestry life
Oswestry life | 63 Finance Now Available CoNtACt us 01691 650567 windows@malcolmlewis.co.uk Finance available through Kanda from 11.9% APR Kanda is a trading name of Kanda Products & Services Ltd, company registered in England and Wales (No.11220984) with registered office at Kanda Products & Services Ltd, 17 High Street, Forward House, Henley-In-Arden, Warwickshire, England, B95 5AA. Kanda Products & Services is authorised by the FCA. Registration number 920795
Oswestry life | 65

March in the garden

The daffodils are out, and it’s feeling warmer with the sun higher in the sky and longer daylight hours. Spring officially starts on the vernal equinox on 20 March, and the clocks go forward on 26 March. Spring may have sprung but we are not out of the woods yet. Gardeners need to keep an eye on the weather forecasts and put off jobs if the conditions aren’t right. We can still get very cold snaps for next couple of months.

It is a good time to mulch beds if the soil is damp. As well as keeping weeds down and adding nutrients, a dark coloured mulch will help to warm the soil up. Avoid spreading the mulch up around the stems of plants though.

Hopefully you’ll have a good display of spring bulbs, that you planted in autumn, coming into flower. When finished, dead head but leave the leaves despite being straggly. They will add reserves to the bulb for next year.

The weed battle is now on, so keep on top of the weeding. When weeding, use a hand-fork or if dry use a hoe. Avoid using a hoe when it is damp as weeds will tend to re-root. Inspect new growth on susceptible plant and remove any aphids as soon as possible.

Check your seed packets as you can now sow hardy

annuals such as poppies and nasturtiums, and broad beans and parsnips in the vegetable patch. You can also plant out hardy vegetable seedlings such as beetroot, peas, and lettuce. Make sure they are a good size first and cover with horticultural fleece.

Time also to put in your early potatoes such as “Swift” and “Rocket”, you’ll be able to harvest end of June. If you are stretched for space, half fill a 25mm pot with compost. Plant a seed potato and as the shoots grow keep covering with more compost. When the tubers are ready, just tip the pot out!

66 | Oswestry life
Transforming gardens for over 20 years FOR A PROFESSIONAL, QUALITY SERVICE. Based in Oswestry and covering the Shropshire area... after before before after
Golden daffodils

Lawns do wonders for our wellbeing. That’s why we’ve devised three programmes of year-round treatments to keep your grass a cut above.

From controlling weeds to bringing out the green, we’ll help you to look after the lawn that looks after you.

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Oswestry life | 67
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Agric ultu re & Estates Business Struc ture & Issue s



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with GHP Legal’s Victoria Wilson

In view of rising house prices, is there a way to get extra Inheritance Tax allowance?

Q: I was happy that my Will would be tax efficient for my family when I die, but with the massive rise in house values over the past couple of years I am wondering whether I need to reassess things. A friend of mine said he had heard there was a way to get an extra IHT allowance. What is the current threshold, and is there a way to get extra allowance?

A: Firstly, it worth saying that everyone should regularly reassess and, if necessary, update their Will, as changes in legislation and personal circumstances can affect your wishes and intentions.

The rise in property values is a big consideration at the moment. Due to this and a freeze on the IHT threshold, it is predicted that families are set to pay out record amounts in inheritance tax this year. Certainly, the Treasury took £5.3billion in death duties in the nine months from April to December 2022, up by £700million on the same period in 2021.

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Currently the first £325,000 of inheritance is tax free and IHT is payable at 40% on anything above that. As the threshold has not changed since 2009, the families of those people who have not reassessed their assets and the way they leave them in more recent times could be in for a nasty shock when they die.

Whilst the threshold has not changed, there have however been other changes to inheritance legislation, for example an additional IHT allowance of £175,000 when property is left to ‘direct descendants’ (children and grandchildren), and the transfer of unused nil rate band from one spouse to the other.

Fortunately, with some astute planning it is still possible to produce a Will that conforms to your wishes whilst also being tax efficient for your estate, so it is worth getting advice from an expert lawyer and updating your Will if you have not done so recently.

This question has been answered by Victoria Wilson, a Partner with GHP Legal.  If you would like to speak to someone about this or any other legal matter please visit our website www.ghplegal.com and use the contact us form, or call us on: Wrexham 01978 291456, Llangollen 01978 860313, Oswestry 01691 659194

68 | Oswestry life
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It’s always a good idea to make the most of your annual tax allowances - but this year, it’s even more important.

Following Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s last statement about his plans for the country’s finances, it seems there are reductions for various tax allowances planned in 2023/24.

So if you have savings sat in your current account, here are a few ways you could make them work harder for you before the end of the tax year on April 5th.

Top up your ISAs

If you have an ISA, check you’ve used all of your taxfree saving allowance. At the moment this stands at £20,000 per person for the tax year 2022/23. It’s a simple way to reduce your tax, and can be shared across both cash ISAs and stocks and shares ISAs.

Put more in your pension

You could receive tax relief by contributing to a pension – the annual allowance is up to £40,000, dependent on your income. It’s possible to carry forward unused allowances from the past three years as well, so well worth checking you’re utilising this.

Save for your children

For those with children, consider opening a Junior ISA (JISA). The annual allowance for a JISA this tax year is £9,000 and, as with an adult ISA, any gains on money made are free of UK income tax and capital gains tax.

Use your capital gains tax allowance

If you’re planning to sell any of your assets, now could be the time to do so. Currently the annual allowance for capital gains tax stands at £12,300 in 2022/23, but this is set to reduce to £6,000 next tax year, and £3,000 the tax year after.

Reduce your inheritance tax (IHT) bill

Think about making financial gifts to family and friends. Each year there is a £3,000 annual exemption allowance which can be used to help reduce your IHT. Check other exemptions, such as tax-free wedding gifts of up to £5,000 to your children, too.

For expert advice on your tax allowances, call Belgrave Wincham on 01691 886554.

Oswestry life | 69
OPEN 10am-2pm | Monday to Friday FIND US AT: 24 West View CHIRK Wrexham LL14 5HL 01691 774778 COMPLETE | PRINTING | SERVICE Compliment Slips | Appointment Cards Tickets | Posters | Leaflets | Booklets Price Lists | Postcards | Invitations NCR Books/Pads | Raffle Tickets Business Cards | Scan & Email Gift Vouchers | Photocopying Letterheads | PVC Banners Belgrave Wincham Limited is an appointed representative of ValidPath Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under FRN 197107. Belgrave Wicham Ltd registered in England and Wales number 12167416. CALL 01691 886554 CRAIG ROBERTS Oswestry-based independent financial adviser COULD YOU BE MISSING OUT ON TAX SAVINGS? As the tax year comes to a close on April 5, don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your tax relief allowances.
Where help is on hand locally Classifieds 70 | Oswestry life ACCOUNTANTS BUSINESS SERVICES DOG GROOMING BLINDS ELECTRICIANS FLOORING ANTIQUES/CLEARANCE ELECTRICIANS Unit 6, Maes y Clawdd Industrial Estate, Maesbury Road, Oswestry, SY10 8NN Office: 01691 681051 Steve: 07813 815333 Dan: 07976 526189 sales@pureelectrics.com www.pureelectrics.com • Periodic testing & inspection • Fuse board upgrades • Smoke alarms • Outside security lighting • Extensions & conversions • Kitchens & bathroom refurbishments • Free Quotations • Solar PV Installations • Battery Storage Systems • Electric Vehicle Charging Points YOUR LOCAL ELECTRICIANS e: matt@mattowenelectricalservices.co.uk @mattowenelectricalservices All electrical work covered (at no extra cost) by the ECA Guarantee of Work Scheme for up to six years and a limit of £50,000 Electrical certification in line with the current 18th edition wiring regulations BS7671 DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL • FAULT FINDING • NEST PRO INSTALLER: SMART THERMOSTATS, VIDEO DOORBELLS, SMOKE / CO ALARMS AND CCTV • HAVE A RENTAL PROPERTY?: WE CAN TAKE CARE OF THE NEW ELECTRICAL SAFETY REGULATIONS • GENERAL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS • TESTING, INSPECTION AND ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATION • ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CONDITION REPORTS (EICRS - ALSO KNOWN AS LANDLORD SAFETY CERTIFICATES) Tel: 07837 839698 Call: 07762 278533 jayne@daintypaws.info www.daintypaws.info MOBILE DOG GROOMING MOBILE DOG GROOMING antiques collectables and memorabilia We are a family run business which carefully sources and supplies antiques, memorabilia and sought a er collectables. We are currently looking for new stock! For a quotation or any further information on any of our services please give us a call on 07719 748913 or email collectables@btinternet.com www.clivescollectables.co.uk @collectables247 I / clivescollectablesw Domestic and Commercial • All Preparation Work Karndean Design Flooring • LVT All Vinyls • Safety Flooring • Coved and Capped • Carpets All Types of Wood Flooring and Restoration Work Ceramic Floor and Wall Tiles Showroon: 51 Castle Street, Oswestry. Shropshire SY11 1JZ Telephone: 01691 657505 • Mobile: 07870 890049 E: wendyhayward@hotmail.com • garryhayward@hotmail.com www.hayward ooring.co.uk Domestic and Commercial • All Preparation Work Karndean Design Flooring • LVT All Vinyls • Safety Flooring • Coved and Capped • Carpets All Types of Wood Flooring and Restoration Work Ceramic Floor and Wall Tiles Showroon: 51 Castle Street, Oswestry. Shropshire SY11 1JZ Telephone: 01691 657505 • Mobile: 07870 890049 E: wendyhayward@hotmail.com • garryhayward@hotmail.com www.hayward ooring.co.uk Domestic and Commercial All Preparation Work • Karndean Design Flooring • LVT • All Vinyls • Safety Flooring Coved and Capped • Carpets • All Types of Wood Flooring and Restoration Work Tel: 01691 657505 • Mobile: 07870 890049 E: wendyhayward@hotmail.com • garryhayward@icloud.com www.haywardflooring.co.uk 51 Castle Street, Oswestry. Shropshire SY11 1JZ Oswestry 01691 676 262 Buy 4 Vertical blinds/ Roller blinds Fitted from £199 Find us in Oswestry Indoor Market FREE QUOTES SENSIBLE PRICES
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Doors and Windows

1. In a 1980s TV show, who would start a chant of “there’s somebody at the door” whenever a visitor rang the doorbell of the Pink Windmill?

2. In the operation system Windows XP, what single word does “XP” stand for?

3. “She walked in through the out door” is a line from which 1980s hit single?

4. Church Window Cake has been used as an alternative name for what type of sponge cake?

5. Which of the following does the door of 10 Downing Street not have?... a) a letterbox; b) a keyhole; or c) a door knocker?



8. Emperor who fooled no-one, pal (8)

9. Punctual reminder (6)

10. Sees marble smashed, then put together again (10)

11. Participate in a game drama (4)

12. Drink found in Wales (3)

13. Rugged kind of resentment (6)

16. Catch fourth illness and sicken (4)

17. Forever, in every direction, we hear (6)

18. Time sounds like it belongs to us (4)

21. Primitive organism seen in botanical garden (4)

22. Code initially left a bit (6)

23. City captured by brigands (4)

24. Looked hard at a deeper crisis (6)

26. Knock Pat back (3)

27. Chinese gooseberry bird (4)

28. Beat harder when the nap has worn off (10)

31. Coins spin round a gambling place (6)

32. Second letter helps certain musicians (8)


1. Profession to rush in an uncontrolled way (6)

2. Plenty of sets offered at auction (4)

3. Harsh in treatment when cut to a point (6)

4. Rebuff the return of little cakes (4)

5. Paul to have a profound change (8)

6. Make amends for one step Mac took badly (10)

7. Talking about pink sage (8)

14. Tired mist turned into a skin problem (10)

15. Tree planted in Royal Derbyshire (5)

19. Earliest form of grain oil (8)

20. Rash troupe in revolution (8)

24. First penny increase to worship (6)

25. Scoundrel in time to make mistakes (6)

29. She’s a gem! (4)

30. Piece written about a lure (4)

6. In the original Band Aid version of Do They Know It’s Christmas, name either of the two singers who sing the line “There’s a world outside your window”.

7. In the lyrics of the song Living Next Door To Alice by Smokie, for how many years had the singer been “living next door to Alice”?

8. What two word phrase that means “blatant and unfair overcharging” is thought by many to have originated when King William III introduced an unpopular window tax?

9. In the opening line of the Bob Dylan song Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, what does the singer ask “Mama” to take from him?

10. What song with “window” in its title made Lita Roza the first British woman to top the UK singles chart?

QUIZ: 1. Rod Hull (on the TV show Emu’s World), 2. Experience, 3. Raspberry Beret (by Prince), 4. Battenberg cake, 5. b) a keyhole (it is only opened from the inside), 6. one from… Simon Le Bon and Sting, 7. 24, 8. Daylight robbery, 9. This badge (“Mama take this badge from me, I can’t use it anymore”), 10. How Much Is That Doggie in The Window?

25 Errata, 29 Ruby, 30 Bait.


74 | It’s beautiful
Across: 8 Napoleon, 9 Prompt, 10 Reassemble, 11 Play, 12 Ale, 13 Grudge, 16 Nail, 17 Always, 18 Hour, 21 Alga, 22 Morsel, 23 Riga, 24 Peered, 26 Tap, 27 Kiwi, 28 Threadbare, 31 Casino, 32 Bassists. Down: 1 Career, 2 Lots, 3 Severe, 4 Snub, 5
6 Compensate, 7 Speaking, 14 Dermatitis,
Belgrave Wincham Limited is an appointed representative of ValidPath Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under FRN 197107. Belgrave Wicham Ltd registered in England and Wales number 12167416. Craig can offer you expert advice on: • Pensions and Retirement • Savings and Investments • Mortgages and Life Insurance • Inheritance Tax Planning is it time to review your finances? Our award-winning team provides independent and tailored financial advice. Let us help you achieve your goals. Independent Advice | On the FCA register | Your Local Experts | No Obligation Consultations CRAIg
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