Is there medication to prevent HIV?
hurts when you pee or if you have
warts and/or sores on your genitals or mouth.
Yes! PrEP is Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (pro-fil-LACKS-sis) that is taken daily. It is 99%
HIV 101
effective against contracting
HIV is short for Human Immuno-
HIV and most people who take
deficiency (im-MYU-no de-FISH-
it do not suffer serious side
en-see) Virus. It describes a
disease where a virus suppresses
Should HIV+ people avoid
your immune system so that it
is more difficult to stay in good
health. The virus attacks the red blood cells and makes your body
There are medications that poz pregnant people can take to reduce their risks of
weaker when fighting off sickness.
transmission. There are real
If left untreated, it can lead to
life examples of HIV+ people
AIDS (Aquired Immunodeficiency
birthing HIV- babies.
Syndrome). Today, there is treatment
Can cis women become HIV+?
and care for those living with
HIV. We are now finding People living with HIV/AIDS (PHAs) are
Yes, any human exposed to HIV positive blood, semen, precum, vaginal fluids, anal fluids, and
living as long as people who are
breast/chestmilk can potentially
HIV negative. PHAs are having
become HIV positive.
biological children who are HIV negative, and have unprotected sex without transmitting HIV!
Undetectable = Untrasmissible (U=U)
and you are taking your medication,
means that if you are HIV positive
Can you get HIV from a bug bite?
you could lower the copies of the
No, it’s called HUMAN
virus in your blood enough so that
immunodeficiency virus. The
you cannot transmit HIV. When you
virus infects only humans, and
take your medication as directed,
is transmitted only among
you can get a blood test that shows
that you have an undetectable viral load. This does not mean that you
Which body fluids can transmit HIV?
are cured of HIV. This means that
Blood, semen, precum, vaginal
a poz person could not transmit
fluids, anal fuilds, and breast/
HIV if they had unprotected sex
chest milk. Saliva, tears, poop,
with an HIV- person. This is only
pee, and sweat are not fluids
applicable for sexual transmission
that can transmit the virus. HIV
and is not applicable for things like
does not spread from skin-to-
pregnancy, chest/breastfeeding, or
skin touching.
intravenous drug use.