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AFAA Executive Director


Executive Director of Asian Film Awards Academy



Memorable moments during her early days with the Academy

I left the investment banking field for Asian Film Awards Academy (AFAA) in 2015. This bold decision was coincided with my EMBA graduation, which has inspired me with continuous exploration and creation to approach life like filmmaking. Thankful that I met Dr. Wilfred WONG - a full of guts “Director” who hired a newcomer like me, guided me to explore new topics and creating new chapters for AFAA in order to bring new experiences to our audiences. No matter how good a “movie” is, the preparation work is always the key to success. My predecessors at AFAA have all made excellent contributions to build AFAA today, those are great examples for me to follow, to learn and to build on. In my four years with AFAA, the most unforgettable thing is overcoming doubts from others, strengthening the team, and working together to earn support from both the industry and sponsors.

The Significance of AFA to the Asian Cinema

AFAA is a non-profit organization founded by the three major film festivals in Asian – Busan, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Every year, representatives from the three festivals and other industry professionals select films that carry Asian visions and cultural significance. Through AFA, the lives of these films are extended and expanded to bring influences to and beyond Asian regions. Some outsiders wish to see more popular and commercial films selected by AFA, so as to draw more attention from the general public. However, it is AFA’s responsibility to display the visions of Asian filmmakers and the unique stories of Asian people portrayed through the lens, which may also attract attention from overseas markets.

Challenges and Expectations

AFA is relatively young compared to other existing film awards and it is fortunate to have a team of film lovers from diverse backgrounds. I believe most management behind similar events are facing the same challenges in balancing and incorporating advises from different parties. On this point, Mr. Roger GARCIA is a perfect role model, showing us how to work harmoniously as a close-knit team. In the future, we will strive to reach out to more people through more platforms and start a new chapter in Asian Cinema.


在機緣巧合下,於2015年,離開從事多年金融活動 管理,轉至亞洲電影大獎學院(下稱學院)。當時此 舉是大膽嘗試,但剛完成工商管理碩士課程,在思 維上有所啟發,清楚人生應如同電影一樣,需不斷 探索和創作。慶幸在我人生舞台上,遇上一位有膽 識的“導演”——王英偉先生。他起用了我這新人, 指導該如何不斷揣摩,尋找合適學院的題材,務求 如電影一般有所突破,給觀眾帶來嶄新體驗。當然 一部戲再好,也須前期功夫充足,而過去歷屆各方 的參與,就搭建了今天學院的初型,去讓我借鏡, 學習再努力。當中最難忘的經歷,是外間對我們能 力存疑,到底如何穩定團隊,一起共同策建。從大 家對學院的懷疑到後來的觀察,以至得到業界及 贊助商的支持。這一點一滴都存感恩。


正因學院是由亞洲三大影展(釜山國際電影節、香 港國際電影節及東京國際電影節)共同創辦的非 貿利機構。故此,我們每年都會邀請三大影展代表 人,及其他電影界專才,一同選出具有亞洲文化視 野和意義的電影,去延伸其電影生命力,產生對亞 洲以至世界的影響。有時候,外間會想學院早點接 軌到大同世界,希望能多選出一些通俗片,去吸引 公眾的眼球,但出席我們典禮的人仕,都是業界以 至國際上,甚有名望和權威的人仕。因此,我們更 深感有自當責任,在學院平台上,理應彰顯亞洲電 影人的視野和內涵,把有關亞洲人的故事及想法, 透過電影鏡頭,一一呈現出來,從中亦可吸引海外 市場的注意。


相比其他同類型典禮,亞洲電影大獎無疑是相對較 年輕。而我們學院內有一群,熱愛電影工作者,他們 有不同文化背景,對電影亦有相當認識和抱負。有 時候,如何在成長過程中,聽取八方聲音,融合整 理合適的意見,過濾一些雜音或糾正錯誤,便成了 大多管理層,或同類典禮皆有的情況。幸而,在這 方面上,有高思雅先生,給我們作好榜樣,學習如 何包容,聯系各方力量,持續做好每一點,多一點。 日後,我們會透過更多不同渠道,與大家接觸,為亞 洲電影帶出新的一頁,還望各界能多加關注。

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