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AFA13 Photographer
A F A 13 P h o t o g r a p h e r AFA13 攝影師
AFAA has invited Hong Kong-based photographer KAON as the official photographer of Jury President Joan CHEN, Youth Ambassador Fish LIEW, and the AFA Nomination Committee for AFA13 House Programme. Stars who have been photographed by KAON include CHOW Yun Fat, Tony LEUNG Chiu Wai, Andy LAU, Aaron KWOK, CHANG Chen, ZHANG Ziyi, Carina LAU, Michele REIS, SHU Qi, Kelly CHEN and Cherie CHUNG. KAON also does photography work for advertisements, magazines and album covers.
In 2001, KAON began his photography career as a freelance photographer's assistant. In 2008, he established his own studio, R Workshop.
When asked about unforgettable shooting experiences, KAON said, "I’ve had to chance to photograph some of my favourite actors, such as CHOW Yun Fat and Cherie CHUNG. Imagine your idols becoming your photography subject; it’s simply amazing. Another unforgettable experience was back in 2012, when I joined a four-day trip to Shandong Province as a volunteer photographer. It was done in a documentary style, meaning I got to photography people inside civilian homes and even an operation room during an eye surgery. This journey fulfilled a long-held ideal of mine: To spend money that I earned on people and things that I want to record.”
KAON suggests that aspiring photographers should work hard on mastering techniques and frequently upload their works on social media platforms. If the work is good, they will surely attract the attention and opportunities from the staff of magazines, advertising agencies and marketing departments of various brands.
陳嘉安(KAON)應邀為第13屆亞洲電影大獎頒獎 典禮場刊擔任攝影師,為評審主席陳沖、青年大使 廖子妤及提名委員會拍攝大會官方照片。他曾與多 位著名藝人合作,包括周潤發、梁朝偉、劉德華、郭 富城、張震、章子怡、劉嘉玲、李嘉欣、舒淇、陳慧琳 及鍾楚紅等。現時專為廣告、雜誌及唱片封面攝影。 2 0 0 1 年,K A O N 於 雜 誌 社 做 暑 期 實 習 生,後 來 轉 任 攝 影 助 手。他 於 2 0 0 8 年 創 立 自 己 的 工 作 室 RWo rkshop。 當被問及工作時有什難忘的經歷,KAON說:「可以 為一些自己喜歡的演員例如周潤發、鍾楚紅等拍 照。試想一下:當你的偶像變你的拍攝對象,真是 一種很奇妙的經驗。此外,2012年我隨奧比斯到山 東省作義務攝影,以紀實方式拍攝。我們不但走進 民居,更到手術室拍攝眼科手術的過程。我在那趟 旅程中實踐自己的理想:將賺到的錢用於我想拍 攝的題材上,藉此將有意義的人和事保留下來。」 K A O N 認 為,隨 著 互 聯 網 及 F a c e b o o k 與 I n s t a g r am等社交平台的普及,年輕人若想成為 攝影師,不但要在攝影上用功,也要經常將作品上 載到互聯網上公開展示,只要作品出色,定會受到 雜誌社、廣告公司、不同品牌的廣告市場部人員留 意,從而得到合作的機會。