CAACF May 2008 Newsletter

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中佛通訊 CAACF

716 E. Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32803

二○○八年五月號 MAY 2008

中佛州中美協會•印行 高寶來廣告公司•設計 Printed by CAACF Designed by Global Media LLC

A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

龍之傳奇雜技 表演最受歡迎

區議員Mildred Fernandez與前任會長周曼宜為醒獅點晴

【戊 子 鼠 年 迎 春 聚 餐】 Lunar New Year Dinner Celebration 2008


年一度的中佛州中美協會新 春晚宴,暨2008年度新會 長選舉與幹事選舉,於二月十日 下午4時在Altamonte Springs Crazy Buffet 盛大舉行。 去年首創“食得好過新年”在 Crazy Buffet創下了兩場接近750名 賓客之驕人紀錄,今年門票絕早 爆滿,是次活動籌備近半年。天 公造美風和日麗,沒有像往兩年般遇上寒冷 春節。經過往數年舉辦新春晚宴的經驗,深明僑胞除了希望欣賞 新春賀歲節目之餘,更希望於春節活動時吃得好及吃得舒適。 兩年前周曼宜會長提議另覓舉辦慶祝活動場地,終於獲得 Crazy Buffet答允協辦,提供3個小時來讓中美協會舉辦這個新春晚宴。 本年度晚宴只辦一場,接近400張門票一早便售清。下午2時 中美協會幹事委員已抵達現場著手佈置場地,4時表演正式開 始,1小時精彩的賀歲節目在停車場上演,特別邀請橙縣市議員 Mildred Fernandez與周曼宜會長進行醒獅點睛儀式,洪佛派洪 文飛師傅醒獅向來賓拜年,兩頭威猛活潑醒獅之演出逗得觀眾笑

 中佛州中美協會網址:

逐顏開。 精彩表演接續登場,分別有娥眉派功夫羅禮師傅率領華洋弟子 演出各類兵器拳術;龍之傳奇雜技梁月導師指導的中華學校體 操舞蹈班學員演出新排練的轉手帕體操雜技;歌唱班劉芳老師以 電子琴伴奏,四名小女生先後唱出兩曲,其中一首新年歌曲更以 標準國語唱出;民族舞陳向群老師與兩名小女生演出;龍之傳奇 雜技團為全日壓軸演出嘉賓,7名男隊員分別表演獨輪單車與武 術,婷婷與姍姍表演嘆為觀止的單手平衡雜技,三個高難度雜技 演出,贏得全場掌場如雷與讚嘆之聲不絕,小孩觀眾尤為高興。 表演完畢來賓接著井然有序進入Crazy Buffet用膳,豐富新鮮的 美食,壽司、北京填鴨、凍蟹腳…等,來賓都十分滿意。周曼宜 會長帶領財神派利是和幸運揮春給予耆老和兒童。來賓飽餐後查 看豐富獎品的抽獎結果,來賓皆盡興而返。 中佛州中美協會2008年度新會長選舉與幹事選舉結果由金文 德醫師當會長,兩名副會長分別為劉何美蓮及劉程驥獲委任,秘 書長江昭瑢,秘書梅燿庭,財務陳美滿。再加上歷任會長周曼宜 與魏安琪等擔當顧問,中佛州中美協會在未來的日子將會為中佛 州華裔僑胞提供更佳的服務。 Gary Lau

 中華學校網址:


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2008

CAACF Chinese New Year Dinner Celebration 2008 Chinese American Association of Central Florida (CAACF) celebrated the Chinese New Year with 350 Chinese school students, parents and friends at Crazy Buffet on Feb 10th. Performances included Hung Fut Pai’s Lion Dance, O-mei Wushu’s Martial Arts, Dragon Legend’s Acrobatics, and Chinese School Folk Dance, Choir and

Acrobatics. CAACF Board Members 2008-09 were elected as follows: Dr Gary King (President), Ms. Pauline Ho (Vice Presdent), Mr. Gary Lau (Vice President), Ms. Joanna Kiang (Secretary General), Mr. Victor Moy (Secretary) and Christine Chew (Treasurer). CAACF is a non-profit organization founded in 1969

Dr Gary King, the new elected CAACF President and Commissioner Mildred Fernandez Angie Chow, President of CAACF 2004-05

CAACF Board Directors

Kung Fu Demonstration from O-mei Wushu’s Martial Arts

Chinese School Acrobatics Danc e Team

Chinese Folk Dance Instructor Ms. Salinda Chen

中 •佛 •通 •訊

in Orlando. CAACF established The Chinese School ( and the Dancing Troupe in 1980. Their mission is to promote the Chinese education and preserve the Chinese culture. Every year, CAACF organizes the Chinese New Year celebration in Spring, Dragon Boat Festival in Summer and Moon Festival in Autumn. Gary Lau

Chinese School Children Choir

Sufi Luo Li, Menn-li Lin and Susan Hoeh received the Chinese School of CAACF service awards

ese Costume Students dancing in traditional Chin

Chinese School students singing in Mandarin


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2008

2008 Orlando Dragon Boat Festival 大 奧 蘭 多 端 午 龍 舟 合 家 歡 二 ○ ○ 八 和諧•團結合作•友誼第一,比賽第二

417 OIA



Moss Park

12901 Moss Park Rd Orlando, FL 32832

May 31th, 2008 (Saturday) • 10:00am 五月三十一日(星期六)•上午十時開始

Cost 門票:$10.00/Adult 成人- $7.00/Child 兒童(under 12) - $15.00/Adult 成人(非中美協會會員) Bring the family and enjoy games, prizes and food. Register early and you can join a Dragon Boat team for an exciting race on the lake with prizes! There is something for everyone and fun for all ages! 一個合家歡樂慶祝的傳統節日,請與家人齊來參與消暑遊戲, 同時可以參加組成龍舟隊,有機會親身體驗扒龍船的樂趣,和贏取獎牌與禮品。

For more information on team registration or to purchase tickets, please contact: 欲了解組龍舟隊詳情或購票請聯絡:

Gary King 金文德 407-672-1115 Agnes Chau 周曼宜 407-648-0880 Gary Lau 劉程驥 407-273-9913 Park fee 公園泊車收費:$1.00/person 每位 No Pets and Alcohol allowed in the park 寵物與酒不得進入公園內

Organized by 大會統籌:

Chinese American Association of Central Florida (CAACF) 中 佛 州 中 美 協 會 Sponsors 贊助:


中 •佛 •通 •訊


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2008

春風輕送風箏隨風飄揚 近千名風箏愛好者於2月24日上午參與由大 奧蘭多市文化事務署主辦的「第四屆大奧蘭多 市國際風箏節」,齊享各項風箏活動的樂趣。 早活動由10時開始,大批市民聞風而至,是次 風箏活動再次於東奧蘭多Jay Blanchard Park內 舉行。 Mildred Fernandez-Orange County Commissioner (橙縣市議員)11時蒞臨為大會致詞並 主持開幕,「第四屆大奧蘭多市國際風箏節」 正式開始,首先由中佛州中美協會安排的中國 醒獅表演,由洪文飛師傅領導的洪佛派醒獅演 出。金光耀眼的精靈醒獅在台上跳躍舞動,吸 引在場數百觀眾圍觀。

Mildred Fernandez與洪文飛師傅,比爾師傅,劉王麗紅合照

Mildred Fernandez 向來熱衷參與各個亞裔團 體活動,她蒞臨中美協會農曆新春晚宴後,她 誠邀中美協會安排具有中國特色之文化表演。 新任會長金文德誠邀洪文飛師傅仗義幫忙,洪 師傅貴為學習中國傳統國綷的美國人,二話不 說便答允這項推廣中華文化的有意義工作。 公園面積廣濶最適合放風箏此類活動,與會 者都自備形形色色的風箏。當天出席的大小朋 友都渡過一相當愉快的周日假期。 Gary Lau

中華學校感恩餐會 三月份最後的一個週末,中佛州中美協會、 奧蘭多中華學校在Phelps Park舉行聚餐活動, 活動當天天氣晴朗,接近五十多名中校師生和 家長們溫馨聯誼,分享美食。 校長俞孟貞主辦是次課餘活動,旨在聯系校 內各位老師,因為每星期的中華學校授課期間 緊迫,實無法讓所有的老師相互之間加深認識 和了解。 在這一個環境優美的公園享受一個和暖舒適 的假日旅行,事務主任何美蓮安排鳳城海鮮酒 家為大家帶來一頓豐富午膳,而家長會會長 馬思豐則為大家帶來全場飲料,當中還包括 Bubble Tea。大部份的老師都是與家屬同來, 小朋友們都盡情地在公園內耍樂。 中校師生和家長們分別提出觀點交流,同 時也討論如何讓在美國成長的孩子們學好中文 和增加學習中文的興趣。 中校校長余孟貞亦分享如何學好中文的訣 竅。她提醒家長們最好常用中文和孩子們溝 通,讓他們更多機會使用中文,促進孩子們中 文的文化涵養能力。

Gary Lau

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A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2008


2008-09 Chinese American Association of Central Florida Board of Directors 會長 President

副會長 Vice President

金文德 Gary King

劉何美蓮 Pauline Ho

金文德醫師在喬治亞州大學獲得脊椎神經骨 傷科博士學位。開設脊骨神經科痛症復康 中心近九年。多年積極參加為華人社區活 動,為華人服務。任職06-08年度中美協會 幹事。

劉何美蓮在香港、澳洲悉尼及奧蘭多從事專 業會計行業近廿年,曾於澳州教堂作義務工 作,積極參與及推動教會兒童教育。任職 06-08年度中美協會財務。

Dr. Gary King is the director of King Health Center in Winter Park. He has been in practice as a Chiropractor for 9 years. Dr. King has been actively involved in the Asian community for several years and served as a board member for the CAACF in 2006 and 2007.

Pauline Ho is a US CPA and UK CA. She has been in the accounting profession for almost 20 years. She has worked in a CPA firm and corporate accounting in Orlando. She is going to involve in executive search business and at the same time setting up her own consulting business. She is the Treasurer of CAACF for the past two years. She served in community through churches and other non-profit organizations in Orlando and Sydney.

秘書長 Secretary General

副會長 Vice President

劉程驥 Gary Lau

江昭瑢 Joanna Kiang

劉程驥畢業於香港大一設計學院,先後受 聘於香港電台美術部及多間4A廣告公司, 94年開創設計公司。99年移民佛州,05年 創立高寶來廣告公司並創辦《亞洲風行》英 文雜誌,並積極推廣奧蘭多華裔市場。

江昭瑢現任職於金鼎地產及貸款公司,從 事貸款業務。2006-2007擔任中文學校家長 會副會長。現任中文學校董事會董事及MetroWest小學童子軍財務。

Gary Lau earned his Graphic Designer Degree in Hong Kong First Institute of Art & Design. He worked at Radio Hong Kong Art Department and many other Advertising Companies in Hong Kong from 1986-1995. He opened his own Graphic Design company form 1995-1997. He is now the Creative Director of Global Media LLC and Asia Trend Magazine.

秘書 Secretary

Joanna Kiang is a Mortgage Broker at CINO International, Inc. She was Vice President of Chinese School PTA in 2006-2007. Currently she is a member of Chinese School Board and Treasurer for MetroWest Elementary Cub Scout.

財務 Treasurer

梅耀庭 Victor Moy

陳美滿 Christine Chew

梅耀庭畢業於德州大學公商管理系,現任職 Panda Express人力資源部經理。他熱心積 極參與華裔文化活動。

陳美滿會計師自1987年通過會計師檢定 考,開業至今近二十年,歷任2001年及 2002年中美協會財務,2003年及2006與 2007年副會長。

Victor Moy is currently a Human Resources Manager for Panda Express Restaurants in the Southeast region. A graduate of the University of Texas in San Antonio with a BA in Management, Victor has had a multitude of managerial experience within restaurant, retail, and non-profit organizations. Victor has a strong passion for helping others and has been actively involved in various cultural organizations.

Christine Chew has been a Certified Public Account since 1987. She has been providing accounting and related services to general public for almost twenty years. She has been the Vice President of Chinese American Association Of Central Florida in 2003, 2006, 2007 and Treasurer of CAACF in 2001 and 2002.

周曼宜 Agnes Chau

林曼麗 Menn-Li Lin

魏安琪 Angie Chow

榮譽顧問 Advisor/Past President

榮譽顧問 School Board Chair

舞蹈社社長 Director of Dancing Troupe

中佛州中美協會歡迎有興趣人士加入 中 •佛 •通 •訊


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2008

家長會春季活動日 PTA Annual Spring Fun

中華學校於4月5日下午在該校舉行了一年一度的家長會春 季活動日(PTA Annual Spring Fun Day)。八歲以下小朋友們 興致勃勃地參加了在學校餐廳舉行的湯匙高球接力、二人三 腳、搶椅子、踩氣球等比賽和遊戲,而大孩子們則在操場上 進行了投籃等活動。 參加湯匙高球接力的數十位小朋友們分成三隊,端平湯 匙,放上高爾夫球,爭先恐後地朝前走。雖然一不小心球就 會掉下來,他們還是很有耐心地撿起球來,繼續前進,在家 長老師的加油聲中,把球傳給下一位小朋友。二人三腳的遊 戲,讓小朋友們體會到夥伴之間合作的重要。音樂聲響起來 了,原來是搶椅子的遊戲開始了。最後,小朋友們綁上氣 球,你踩我擋,只聽劈裡啪啦,熱鬧非凡,氣氛達到了頂 點。操場上的活動,則因為天雨關係而提前結束了。活動日 結束時,每個同學都拿到了一個goodie bag。 感謝家長和老師的通力相助和積極參與,讓同學們在春天 來臨之際,玩得如此興高采烈。 Jeff Jessee

校 園 開 放 參 觀 日 Open House 中華學校於4月25日下午在該校舉行了開放參觀日。許多中外 有志學習中華文化的人士蒞臨參觀學校。中校校長余孟貞致詞歡 迎蒞臨賓客,並分享學習中文的樂趣,教務主任黃秀治接續採用 幻燈片向在場介紹中華學校各項班別課程,課餘活動,及每年的 特備節慶活動。 感謝各老師與家長會成員的通力協助,在學校禮堂安排幻燈片 播放及派發小食與飲品,讓參觀者賓至如歸。 Gary Lau

中 •佛 •通 •訊


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2008

有這麼出色的一間、地點又適中的這麼好中文學校,我們卻很晚 才有消息?

中佛州中華學校04-09-08 俞孟貞校長發布訊息

為了做一完整性的解說,以及讓更多有志學中文的朋友明了 學校的多元文化,所以學校於四月廿六日星期六對外舉行開放參 觀,當日來了很多已就讀本校的學生家長們,及對本校想進一步 認識與了解的朋友們。活動安排為參訪者自由到各個教室參觀, 也在805教室設有教務簡報說明會,校董會、 家長會、校長、教 務主任等相關人員皆在場接受有關問答。當日也是各班中文演講 比賽,整個校園開放參觀活動氣氛溫馨而且熱烈無比。

中佛州中華學校於1980年創校,草創之初,學生只有幾十 個,歷經各屆校長的努力推動校務,老師們的認真用心教學,及 學生家長會的熱心投入校園安全的維持,加上校際安排的各種歡 樂活動的運作,深得各方人士的信任和好評,因而學生人數不斷 增加。有的需開車往返四個小時以上的車程,家長亦不辭路遙、 不畏辛苦,每個星期六將孩子送到本校就讀。

中華學校2007-08春季班最後一天將於五月十七日圓滿結 束,當天同時舉辦結業典禮,並頒發俞母陳淑愈紀念獎學金、 SATII Chinese Subject Award、Senior Graduating Class Award應 屆畢業多項獎學金及學業優良獎、全勤獎、演講優勝和家長服務 獎等等,而2008-09新學年度秋季班將於八月二十三日下午二時 註冊並開學。

今年已進入第二十八個年頭的中文學校,在各位老師們的用 心策劃,及洞燭先機,掌握全球中文熱下,針對實際需要,除原 有注音符號繁體班以外,另外增開漢語拼音、簡體班、雙語班 和廣東中文、及各種課外、文化活動班等系列課程,因而使學校 課程更具完善且多元化,而滿足了多方面的需求,中外學生、不 論是大人或是小孩、人數也因而遽增,每個星期六,校園充滿各 種族裔,數百人聚集一堂,宛如是一個小小地球村。

感恩您對本校的長期的支持與愛護,也期待您的蒞臨參與。 若您對於此次開放參訪或其他事宜有任何問題,歡迎您致電 查 詢 、 也 請 多 多 指 教 。 校 長 俞 孟 貞 4 0 7 - 9 7 7 - 11 2 5 電郵:

中佛州中華學校校長 俞孟貞

目前本校設有25班成人及學童語文班,11班學童文化班, 三班大人: 英文會話、太極拳及瑜珈活動班,總共教職員有五十 多位、為佛州最大外語學校之一。直至今日,每日詢問有關課程 的電話和電子信不斷,甚至許多朋友會問:為什麼中佛州奧蘭多

學校網頁是 或 歡迎瀏覽,中文學校位於私立羅凜示大學Rollins College斜後方,校址是 冬園高中九年級中心: Winter Park High Ninth Grade Center 528 Huntington Avenue, Winter Park, FL 32789。 本校今年度最後一次活動,也就是一年一度的端午龍舟合家 歡將於五月三十一日在MOSS PARK舉行,請大家踴躍參加,再 一次感謝大家的參與,也祝福大家暑假愉快!

Dear Families and Friends of Chinese School of CAACF: The Chinese school held a public OPEN HOUSE on Saturday April 26th from 2 pm to 4:50pm. Many guests who were interested to gain a look at our school came to know our program better. New and old textbooks were on display at cafeteria. Ample time was provided for independent classroom visitation. All the guests were invited to gym for question and answer session with an impressive power point presented. Guests were encouraged to participate in the cultural class at 4pm to have real hands on the culture coming from ancient Chinese civilization. All guests were amazed by what we have to offer: a quality program at such an incredible low cost! That same day, the annual Chinese Speech contest was concurrently held at each participating class. While many of our students do not come from Chinese speaking backgrounds, it was incredibly hard for our visitors to discern because of the confident manners our students evoke during the oration. Many parents joined in the class either as panel of judges or as audience of supporters. Open House was such an exciting day with many current and prospective parents, students, young and old plus circle of friends and supporters taking part in the event. Chinese school is recognizing many teachers, parents and students at the closing ceremony which will be held on Saturday, May 17th at 3:00pm in the cafeteria. We will honor the Senior graduating class, Siok Lu Tan Memorial Scholarship winners, Outstanding Academic students, Speech Contest winners, Perfect attendance recipients, award of SATII: Subject test/Chinese and many other. Folk dance, Acrobats, Kung Fu, Chinese Poem and Song, Children Choir, Chinese Yoyo….all these enthralling performances by our students will grace the events too. After the commencement, the annual dragon boat race on the Dragon Boat Festival, held in remembrance of Chinese poet 屈原 Chu Yuan, will take place at

Moss Park on May 31st, the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Tickets are for sale at the cafeteria and details are in the enclosed flyer page. We hope to see many of you joining in this fun filled day! The first day of school for the 2008 Fall term is Saturday, August 23rd at 2:00pm. Some classes are very full, especially the young kids’ classes and the college aptitude test SAT I preparation course. We are encouraging students to enroll early. Our registration is always glad to take pre-registered at the cafeteria anytime beforehand. All classes are on first come, first served basis and due to space limitation, we are sorry we can’t take more than allowed. Please ENROLL NOW!! For more information, you can check us out at www.orlandochineseschool. org or at Chinese School has been going strong and even stronger due to the constant devotion of all teachers, parents, students, friends and supporters. I sincerely extend my deepest thanks to you for embracing Chinese and contributing to the success of the school. I know you will continue to support us and recommend our good school to your colleagues and neighbors. If I can answer any question, or if there is anything I can assist you through your Chinese path, please feel free to call me at 407 977 1125 or email me at You are always welcome to stop by school anytime, except summer and winter break when school system is closed. Enjoy the three months of long summer vacation. As a reminder, kindly mark your calendar for last day of school on May 17th, Dragon Boat Festival on May 31st, and the first day of school as well as registration on August 23rd. Have fun and take care.

Conchita Hsu 俞孟貞 Principal 中 •佛 •通 •訊


五月號•May 2008

A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

Bay Tree Dental Office



James Ho D.M.D. PA


蛀牙填補,根冠治療, 牙周病治療,自然色 固,定牙冠牙橋,部 份及全口活動假牙, 人工植牙,牙齒矯 正,成人及兒童牙科 接受保險

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趙趙忠 精通英語及廣東話

Contact Joanna Kiang at 407-354-3318 if you would like to sponsor the next newsletter in AUG 2008

中 •佛 •通 •訊

若有意贊助本通訊者,請聯絡江昭瑢 407-354-3318 查詢詳情


五月號•May 2008

A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

105 East SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Tel: (407) 706-1378, • Fax: (407) 706-1379


林 遵 瀛 牙醫師




404 N Perkins St. Leesburg, FL 34748 (Downtown Leesburg) 352-365-0018 Fax


$348 5110/5120







Workship Time : Sunday 11:00 a.m. Downey Memorial Church Family Life Center : 10201 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32817 Mailing address : P.O. Box 780211, Orlando FL 32878 Email :








Fees may vary due to complexity of the case. Discount plans & insurance do not apply. Discounts not valid with any other offer

Contact Joanna Kiang at 407-354-3318 if you would like to sponsor the next newsletter in AUG 2008 若有意贊助本通訊者,請聯絡江昭瑢 407-354-3318 查詢詳情

中 •佛 •通 •訊


五月號•May 2008

A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida


公司註冊 土地交易 商業買賣 房屋物業 合同租約 翻譯公證 商標註冊 商業轉讓 全面移民法律服務

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AndruEds Group, Inc. Real Estate

Commercial Residential


奧蘭多辦公室 服務全佛州

交通意外 滑倒跌傷 其他意外 工作受傷 索取賠償 協議離婚




安住房地產公司 Malee Chu

Te l : 407-898-1898 Lic. Broker Fax: 407-898-0898 1219 E. Colonial Dr., Orlando, FL 32803

陳叔民會計師 ●佛州註冊會計師●佛州會計師協會會員

公司設立 帳簿整理

投資分析 牌照申請

● ●

稅務處理 商務咨詢

Sheila S. Lang, CPA, PA 2114 Hillcrest St., Orlando, FL 32803 Tel: 407-896-1940

JIANN-JANG WU, B.M.D., M.S. Practice Limited to Endodontics


Dr Jiann-Jang Wu


201 N. Lakemont Ave. Suite 2400 Winter Park, FL 32792 Tel: 407-647-4773

Contact Joanna Kiang at 407-354-3318 if you would like to sponsor the next newsletter in AUG 2008 10 中 • 佛 • 通 • 訊

若有意贊助本通訊者,請聯絡江昭瑢 407-354-3318 查詢詳情


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2008

奧蘭多 劉廣然會計師 Rachel Siu, CPA



申報個人所得稅 及公司所得稅 投資分析 公司牌照申請 (407) 679-2433

專科 醫師

美國脊椎神經骨傷科 主治:

頸椎病•車禍受傷•手腳麻痺 腰痛, 坐骨神經痛•四肢痛症

Chinese School of CAACF The first day of school for the 2008 Fall term is Saturday, August 23rd at 2:00pm.

中佛州中華學校 2008-09新學年度秋季班 僅訂於八月二十三日下午二時註冊並開學

Dr. Gary King

*紐約STONY BROOK生物系 *喬治亞州LIFE大學脊骨神經科醫學博士 *七年以上臨床經驗

*脊椎調整 *針灸 *物理治療 *按摩 專 業 按 摩 師 配 合 治 療 電話: 407-672-1115 地址: 1355 Orange Ave, Ste #2 Winter Park, FL 32789 (位於 Orange Ave 和17-92交界, 鄰近中文學校)

Fairbanks Ave. Florida Hospital


5100 Old Howell Branch Road Winter Park, FL 32792


Mills Ave.

國語 粵語 台語 福州話 Siu & Zanowick, CPAs

痛症診療中心 527 Ave. ge


E. Colonial Dr. (SR 50)

Enroll now and become the member of Chinese American Association of Central Florida.

2008 MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT FORM 中 美 協 會 會 員 申 請 表 格

NAME IN CHINESE : _________________ NAME IN ENGLISH : __________________________________ Last First ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ CITY: _______________________________ ZIP CODE : _______________________ HOME PHONE: _______________________ CELL PHONE : ____________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________ Prefer to receive newsletter by post __ or by Email __ (make sure include your email) REMARKS

: ________________________________________

Please mail this form and a check of $20 (one year membership fees) to

CAACF 1355 Orange Ave, Ste #2 Winter Park, FL 32789

Membership card will be sent to you by mail 中 • 佛 • 通 • 訊 11


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2008

Chinese American Association of Central Florida 1355 Orange Ave, Ste #2 Winter Park, FL 32789


CAACF MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT 2008 2008 中美協會會員優惠計劃

Your valid CAACF membership card and ID must be present.


請出示中美協會有效會員卡及身份証明以享受各項優惠 • $20 per semester tuition discount at the Chinese School per student 享有中華學校每學期二十元學費減免 • China Garden 金漢海鮮酒家- 118 S Semoran Blvd, 407-671-2120 – 10% off all day including dine-in and take-out 九折優惠 (可用於堂食及外賣) • China Town Seafood & BBQ Restaurant 鳳城海鮮燒腊酒家 - 1103 N. Mills Ave. 407-896-9383 10% off all day including dine-in and take-out 九折優惠 (可用於堂食及外賣) • Elite Beauty Salon 依莉髮廊 - 2120 E Colonial Dr, 407-895-2989 – Special facial one time $55 (original price $75) 美容護理優惠價$55(原價$75)-只限一次 • Golden Lotus 金荷苑 - 8365 S John Young Parkway, 407-352-3832 – 10% off dinner only 九折優惠 (只適用於晚餐) • Nobility Skin Care 貴族美容纖體中心 - 5160 W. Colonial Dr., Orlando, (第一東方超市旁) 407-822-1020 – Buy 5 get one Free Facial 護膚美容療程, 買五送一 • Q-Cup 珍珠奶茶&臺灣小吃專賣店 - 5086 W Colonial Dr, 407-253-7013 – 10% off all day 九折優惠 • Qi Dragon Bakery 奇龍餅店 - 7400 Southland Blvd, 407-816-3663 – 10% off on Birthday Cake 購買生日蛋糕九折優惠 • Taste of Hong Kong 香江樓- 6540 Carrier Dr, 407-248-2863 – 10% off all day 九折優惠 • Teriyaki House 華園餐廳 - 5600 W. Colonial Dr., Ste 108, 321-281-8088 – 10% off all day 九折優惠

Contact Joanna Kiang at 407-354-3318 if you would like to offer any benefits to the CAACF members 商號若有意提供折扣優惠給予中佛州中美協會會員享用,請聯絡江昭瑢 407-354-3318 查詢詳情

12 中 • 佛 • 通 • 訊

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