CAACF 40 Years Anniversary & Chinese New Year Celebration

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Happy Lunar New Year & 40th Anniversary CAACF

CNL Center II 420 South Orange Avenue, Suite 500, Orlando, FL 32801 Main 407-802-1200, Fax 407-802-1250,




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親屬移民 居留延期 政治庇護 公民申請 LAW OFFICE OF AGNES CHAU, P. A. 電話:(407)648-0880 電話: (407) 648-0880 716 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 轉換身份 綠卡申請 傳真:(407)648-0380 4公路83B(舊41號)出口至50公路(Colonial Dr.) 精通國、粵、英語,專誠為您服務 傳真:(407) 648-0380 學生簽證 工作簽證(H,L,E類) 奧 蘭 多 辦 公 室 , 服 務 全 佛 州 往東走約1哩至716號。 國家利益豁免(NIW) 僱用律師是個重要決定,不能單憑廣告作準,在您決定之,前歡迎來電索取本所律師資格及經驗等資料。 傑出人才移民(EBI) CAACF 40 Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典 精通國、粵、英語 勞工技術移民 (PERM) th

N. Mills Ave


Summerkin Ave


電話:(407) 648-0880 傳真:(407) 648-0380 Orange Ave


E. Colonial Dr. HWY 50 精通國、粵、英語 專誠為您服務 亞洲

Exit 83B

杏 安 堂

716  周曼宜 律師樓

408 奧蘭多辦公室 服務全佛州


CAACF 40 Years Anniversary and Chinese New Year Celebration Program 6:00 pm


6:30 pm

Lion Dance Welcome and Introduction Greeting from Dr. Gary King, CAACF President Greeting from Past CAACF Presidents – Video Clip Award Presentation to Past CAACF Presidents Introduction of CAACF by Mr. Francisco Chea and Mr. Ruey-Yuan Han

7:00 pm

Start Dinner Performance by current CAACF board and families

(By: Gary King, Angie Chow, Agnes Chau, Gary Lau, Sean Chew, Hans and Frank Lau, Patrick and Corey Hsiao)

Introduction of Chinese School of CAACF by Mr. Ronald Ho and Mrs. Shiow Chih Hwang Award Presentation to Chinese School teachers Introduction of Chinese Dance Troupe of CAACF by Mrs. Martha Chang and Mrs. Angie Chow Performances by Chinese School

(By : David Pon, Ava, Xia Sha Roberton, Misha Fu, Chichi Cree Van, Elqine, Emily Whitt, Caitlen Anderson, Hannah Yared)

Performances by Chinese Dance Troupe

(By: Eva Hinkeldey, Natasha Lavendar, Elaine Lam and Celeste Hoeh)

8:00 pm

Auction and Raffles Performances by King Production Performances by Kristina Katchalov Award Presentation to Current Board of CAACF Election Results – introduction of New Board of CAACF

8: 30 pm

Aerial Silk Performance by Tiffany Tang Performances by Dragon Legend

8:45 pm

Raffles CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

Chinese American Association of Central Florida is a non-profit organization founded in 1969 in Orlando. CAACF established The Chinese School and The Dancing Troupe in 1980 to Promote the Chinese education and to preserve the Chinese culture. 中佛州中美協會為一非營利組織,於1969年在奧蘭多成立。 中美協會於1980年先後成立中華學校及舞蹈社, 以推廣中文教育 及宣揚中華文化為使命 List of Previous Presidents of CAACF 歷任中佛州中美協會會長 1969-71 Wing Chin 陳 榮 1974 Thick Yee 1976 Ted Hong 1978 T.C.Chang 1980 Ruey-Yuan Han 韓瑞元 1982 Ted Hong 1984 Chang Chien Lee 李長堅 1986 C.T.Hsu 徐祖慈 1989 Chung-Dau Mo 莫宗道 1991 Wendy Sun 劉文芳 1993 Ken Chen 陳錫卿 1995 J.J.Liou 劉俊傑 1997 Charles Lee 李慶三 1999 Gary Chen 陳國雄 2001 Jenn-Luen Chu 朱振倫 2003 Cheng-Min Liu 劉正民 2006-07 Agnes Chau 周曼宜

1972-73 Harry Tang 但功泓 1975 Frank Koo 顧家林 1977 Phillip Leung/Stella Chow 1979 Francisco Chea 1981 Thac Mac 莫托夫 1983 Tien Wei Chu 朱添偉 1985 Lee Chow 周 禮 1987-88 David Yih 葉惟瀚 1990 Bruce Chai 翟懷慈 1992 Rachel Siu 劉廣然 1994 William Huang 黃鴻樑 1996 Cheng-Min Liu 劉正民 1998 Sheila S. Lang 陳叔民 2000 Judy Nguyen 劉翠玉 2002 Agnes Chau 周曼宜 2004-05 Angie Chow 魏安琪 2008-09 Gary King 金文德

Past Principals of the Orlando Chinese School of CAACF 歷任中華學校校長 1980-1982 1984-1985 1986-1988 1990-1992 1994-1996 1998-1999 2001-2002 2003-2005 2009-

何榮作 劉小燕 李 瑋 黃圯萍 瞿季華 陳瑞弘 歐陽銳 趙韻聲 黃秀治

Ronald Ho Becky Han Wei Lee Elaine Chiu Caroline Chai Ruey Chen Ruey Ouyang Jessie Chen Shiow Chih Hwang

CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

1982-1984 1985-1986 1988-1990 1992-1994 1996-1998 1999-2001 2002-2003 2005-2009

林秀秀 潘雲凌 魏安琪 康立言 林國基 林季瑩 吳淑慧 俞孟貞

Issabella Gortilius Y. L. Shih Angie Chow L. Y. Pan Kurt Lin J. Y. Lin Susan Hoeh Conchita Hsu

CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

I regret that I am unable to be with you tonight to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Chinese American Association of Central Florida. I am so pleased that this organization has grown so large and has made an impact on the Central Florida community. In the early sixties, an unfortunate incident occurred with a Taiwanese sailor. This sailor, who spoke no English, jumped ship and was wandering around Lake County areas when he was picked up by the police. Due to unknown reasons, the sailor hung himself while in custody of the police before I or any other Chinese was able to assist him. It was this incident that led my wife, Margaret, and I to organize the first social gathering of the local Chinese. This first group meeting was held in 1969 at my home with only a handful of Chinese. This was the beginning of the Chinese American Association of Central Florida. There were three reasons for the local Chinese Americans to meet and organize themselves: 1) To provide assistance to all local Chinese Americans; 2) To promote a greater understanding in the Orlando community of the Chinese people and its culture; 3) To provide a means for the local Chinese Americans to socialize and to achieve common goals. Over the years, more Chinese have moved to Central Florida and the Asian population has grown. It was with the leadership of the many past presidents and their staff that as kept this organization growing and becoming a part of the Central Florida’s diverse population. I send my good wishes to all attending tonight and to the Chinese American Association of Central Florida, I wish continue success in all your endeavors to make an enormous impact on this community.

Wing Chin First President of CAACF in year 1969 很遺憾今晚無法在中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典上與大家相聚,看到協會不斷成長, 並在中佛州社團圈內已具影響力,真是備感欣慰。 在六十年代初期,曾有一位台灣水手發生了一起不幸事件。該水手不諳英語,跳船後 在Lake County附近徘徊時被警員帶回。在我和其他中國同胞向他伸出援手之前,他竟 在警方監管下自縊身亡。由於這起事件,內人Margaret和我決定把當地為數不多的中國 人組織起來舉辦一次聚會。第一次會議於1969年在舍下舉行,這就是中佛州中美協會 的源起。中國人組織集會的原因有三: 一. 對所有華裔美人提供協助; 二. 讓奧蘭多社區對中國人及其文化有更深的暸解; 三. 提供當地華人交流及實現共同理想的管道。 多年來,越來越多的華人遷至中佛州地區,亞裔人口也不斷成長。在歷屆會長及幹部 的領導下,中美協會已成為中佛州多元族群的一部份。 我謹向今晚蒞臨會場的所有來賓及中美協會致意,期望在大家不斷的努力下繼續創造成 功,給我們的社區帶來更大更好的影響。 中美協會第一屆會長 陳榮 一九六九年

CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

In the recent years, I have had the honor to serve the Chinese American Association of Central Florida (CAACF). I witnessed the growth of CAACF with great pleasure. Today, the Chinese School of CAACF has the most students in Central Florida. The dance group of CAACF has many stellar performances that are highly appreciated by various organizations. CAACF not only has close relationship with other Chinese American organizations, but also partners with other major American organizations in the United States. CAACF also has close contacts with the Chinese Consulate General, Taipei Economic and Culture Office, and the Mayor of City of Orlando. CAACF become the focus of attention because of your dedicated help and support. There is a saying in the United States that said,” United we stand, divided we fall.” To our Chinese people, we believe that “Unification is the power.” There is only one reason that CAACF is able to succeed in the past: that is the participation from everyone of you. With your continue support, CAACF will march into a new era!

Agnes Chau President of CAACF in year 2002, 2006-07 這些年來,我一直在中美協會服務,看著中美協會一直成長,真是感到很開心。今天,中美協會中 文學校學生 眾多、中美協會舞蹈社有著出色表現,她們的演出受到各團體重視。常常被其他社會團體 邀請在大型活動中表演,每次都得到很大的迴響。 我們中美協會和美國其他團體、其他華人團體之間又保持了良好互動,中美協會近幾年更不斷受到 美國有地位的個人同及團體邀請,我們與中國領事館、台北經濟文化辦事處、佛羅里達州議員、奧蘭 多市長都有良好的互動。中美協會這樣受到重視,完全是因為大家參和幹事們的無私付出。 美國人說” United We Stand, Divided We Fall “我們華人說”團結就是力量”。中美今日得到各團 體的重視,絕對只有一個原因,就是大家的踴躍參與! 希望大家今後都能夠繼續支持中美,令中美能 更成功的發展! 中美協會2002, 2006-07年會長 周曼宜

時值中美協會四十週年慶,可喜可賀。回想本人在1984年接任會長後,經過歷屆會長的努力及會員 們的合作,中美協會會務蒸蒸日上,成為中佛州極有成就的社團。希望未來在會長及會員的努力下, 更上一層樓。在此,謹祝大家虎年生風,身體健康,萬事如意。 中美協會1984年會長 李長堅

中美協會四十週年慶感言 很榮幸也很歡欣能來參加中美協會四十週年慶,記得2000年時,適值我會長任內,舉辦過三十週年 慶,記憶猶新;一轉眼,又是另一個十週年了。 在此,恭祝中美協會會務興隆,不斷成長,繼續舉辦五十週年慶,六十週年慶, . . .一百週年慶,一 直延續下去 . . . 。也藉這個機會祝大家新年快樂,身體健康,萬事如意。謝謝大家! 中美協會1999年會長 陳國雄 敬上 CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

中美協會與我 我與中美協會的因緣大概肇始於1994年。剛開始是為中美通訊寫新聞稿,偶而也寫寫無病呻吟和風 花雪月的文章,目的只是為了“補白"。當時我兼任邁阿密華僑新聞特約記者,經常是一稿兩投,反 正天下文章一大抄嘛,而且我又不支取潤笔費。奧蘭多早年沒有什麼中文刊物,竟然有些人喜歡我的 舞文弄墨,所以我名正言順升格為中美通訊主編,當時電腦中文打字不是很普遍,編輯常藉用剪貼功 夫,費時費力,幸好一個月一期倒也得心應手,忙得不亦樂乎,後來兼做“皮條客",幫會長拉廣告 客戶,有機會認識奧蘭多華人經營的大小公司行號,不打不相識,不少老闆被我騷擾了幾年,在此深 深致歉。 1997年我任副會長,當時會長劉正民兄執奧蘭多餐館業的牛耳,他非常有魄力和企業概念,他認為 中文學校應該有自己的校舍,才有利於中文教育的長程發展,但是建校是一個很重大的承諾,特別是 經濟上的負擔,絕不是收集學費所能承擔。經過一場激辯,所有Board Member全部投反對票,包括副 會長,我覺得很不好意思,副會長理應無條件支持會長的,劉會長氣得出走會場,也難怪他,他把學 校藍圖、募款方針和個人獻金支票都帶來董事會了。事隔多年,中文建校的功過得失無從評估,但是 我對劉會長本人的執著和企業精神,和他對鄉親熱誠奉獻的心意是非常感念的。這是我在副會長任內 一樁大事。 1998年我正式接任會長,經過歷任會長及幹事的苦心經營,中美協會已步入穩定期,我祇需要守 成和做一些小改善。第一,我試圖提升中美通訊的可讀性,我增加了一些勵志、常識及藝文小品,令 我很欣慰的是,碰面的會員有時候問我“下期中美通訊什麼時候出刊?"會員似乎對這份刊物有所期 待,讓我對中美通訊內容的加強,更加渾身解數,把個人的興趣及嗜好,推廣為別人的享受,人生一 樂也。其次是對廣告版面的更新,期使以新面貌來增強廣告效用,使廣告商不祇是領情,而且獲有實 際效益。第三是與中文學校校長配合,致力於中文教育的推廣,讓洋人知道我們的語文教學服務,現 在的中文學校蓬勃發展,歷屆校長及會長都盡心盡力作了一部份的貢獻,1998年的春節晚會很可能 是食客最多的一次(空前不是絕後),我們在Orlando Sentinel作了一個小廣告,引來一批洋人欲購票 進場,為了不使洋朋友失望,我們不停地從餐館補給飯菜,雖然累得當天晚上睡不著覺,很高興賓主 盡歡而散,也很驕傲這年是晚會盈餘較多的一年。這年聚會恰好恭逢Mel Martinez競選Orange County Chairman,他蒞臨大會作了簡短演講,Martinez旋即當選County Chairman,幾年後他又遞補 US Senate缺額,直到去年Martinez自動引退。綜觀十二年,中美協會的更新交替,Martinez的榮昇和退隱, 在在印證了長江後浪推前浪,一代新人換舊人,我有幸在這個世代交替中,見證了中美協會的成長和 歷史。 早年的中美協會,歸類為典型的學人學術團體,靠着微薄的會費和外僑中心的資助,它的經營真是 華路藍縷一步一腳印.後來它吸收了僑商,華商的會員,經濟的獨立才漸漸落實。所以中美協會在發 展的過程中大致是穩定持重的,當然也有偶然的脫序現象.我還依稀記得1999年有人對By Law的質 疑和隨之而起的選戰...也因為這樣的因緣際會,中美協會的By Law更加完整無瑕,就像民進黨在 臺灣政治上的脫線,但它無疑催生、孕育、落實了臺灣的民主體制。陣痛之後,必有慶生,我們很驕 傲中美協會不是一個乖乖牌墨守成規的社團,有挑戰才有進步,有昨天的種種,明天才會更好。 中美協會1997年會長 李慶三

CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

中佛州中美協會成立四十週年慶典感言 當初答應劉文芳接她的棒子做會長時,我並不知道上任沒兩個月,先生就腦中風,無法工作,有好 一段日子,我每天半夜會從睡中嚇醒。辦端午節活動時,財務長潘雲凌問我發生這等事故何以一聲不 响,但是,有她、有副會長王成章、林遵瀛及祕書長吳可可的通力合作,我們這一年算是盡心盡力, 沒讓會員們失望。 擅用電腦的王成章把會員通訊錄重新整理編排,輸入電腦,沿用至今,在科技才開始起飛的九二 年,算是創風氣之先。 八月中旬我們接待了來奇士美參加世界青少棒比賽一週的中華隊,見到十幾個充滿活力的大男孩, 大家覺得好親切,我們幹事們及我當時的年輕助理吳佳明每天去看他們比賽,帶他們去逛街,雖然沒 得到冠軍,還是辦了慶功宴,邁阿密辦事處處長也來參加。 值得一題的是其中一位球員成了我的乾兒子,回台灣和他見過好多次面,去年他結婚了,帶了太太 一起來見我,在我眼中,裕仁還是十七年前剛見到時那個憨憨厚厚的大男孩。 中秋節是協會第一次向陳錫卿借他的旅館場地用,後來除了中美協會,其他組職也紛紛效尤,這兒 要感謝他這麼多年來的付出。 新年晚會當天,見到一直未應允的會長候選人陳錫卿出現,才鬆口氣確定可以交棒了。而那晚親自 為大家執起久已未吹之笛子的陳建國,後來成了龍之傳奇的總裁了,在初次請他為亞裔傳承協會提供 特技表演後,多年來他為許多社團,包括扶輪社及最近為全美台美會計師協會在奧蘭多舉行的年會, 給予精彩演出,為華人社會服務,也讓華人以他夫婦倆為傲。 一直想提的是我一搬到奧蘭多就認得的周禮及魏安琪夫婦,這三十年來他倆前後都做過協會會長, 其他時間不是幫忙協會大小事,就是中文學校及舞蹈社,任勞任怨,幾十年如一日,我由衷的佩服他 們。 長江後浪推前浪,一代新人換舊人,我們大家都繼續往前走,走自己該走的路,庶幾當我們驀然回 首時,可微笑地說「我沒有白走這一遭」。 中美協會1992年會長 劉廣然, January 25, 2010 1992-08-08 中華隊青少棒隊到訪時的照片

1992-08-08 劉廣然與她的乾兒子合照

2008-09-29-01 劉廣然與她的乾兒子合照

CAACF 40 Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典 th

Gary Lau & Peter Lau


Lunar New Year Dinner Celebration 2006

Chinese New Year History

Year Celebration was born.

for dress or decorations.

The most celebrated event in Chinese Culture is Chinese New Year. Despite the joy and excitement, the day holds for millions of Chinese today, the celebration was actually born out of myth and fear. According to legend, a wild beast named Nien (also the word for year) would attack and kill villagers at the end of the year. The villagers believed that bright lights and loud noises could be used to scare of the beast. As time went on, the firecrackers used to “scare the beast” now signify prosperity and good fortune and the Chinese New

Another significant cultural symbol for Chinese New Year is the Red envelope. In Mandarin, they are called “hong bao” and they would be filled with money. These are handed out on Chinese New Year, Birthdays, Weddings, and other important dates and events. Hong baos are typically given to children or unmarried adults without jobs. If you are single but working and making money, you still have to give a hong bao to the younger generations. The Red color denotes fortune and happiness in Chinese Culture and is often a main color

To the Chinese, “food is heaven”, and Chinese New Year Dinner is the most important meal of the year. Many families will get together at relative’s homes or celebrate at a restaurant for this meal.

橙郡市議員Mildred Fernandez與榮譽顧問周曼宜為醒獅點晴

Chinese New Year begins based on the Chinese calendar that consists both the Gregorian and lunar-solar calendars systems. As the new moon changes from year to year, Chinese New Year can begin anytime between late January and mid-February.  By Bruce Wang

Lunar New Year Dinner Celebration 2007-09 The Chinese American Association of Central Florida Chinese Lunar New Year was celebrated with much enthusiasm from 2007 to 2009 at the Crazy Buffet - Asian Fusion Buffet. The “New Year Dinner Celebration” welcomed so many attendees from across Central Florida with performances including Dragon Legend’s Acrobatics, Lion Dance, Chinese School Students’ Kung Fu Demonstration, Chinese School Girls’ Acrobatic Dance, and capped with a Lucky Raffle drawing for all attendees. Gary Lau

10 CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

CAACF Dancing Trope performing Chinese Folk Dance and Acrobatics

【瘋 狂 迎 春 聚 餐】

Lunar New Year Dinner Celebration 2007-09

Dr Gary King, the CAACF President (08-09) and Commissioner Mildred Fernandez

Gary Lau


魏安琪(04-05會長), 扮演財神的林智, 劉正民(96, 03會長) 駐邁阿密台北經濟文化辦事處處長謝其旺伉儷, 龍之傳奇雜術學院演出團員, 及中華學校舞蹈組學員

中美協會自2007年開始連續三年的新春晚宴都選置於Altamonte Springs的Crazy Buffet盛大舉行。目的讓與會的僑胞們除了欣賞精 彩的賀歲節目以外,更可以吃得好及舒適。 07年更是史無前的分作四時半與七時半合 共上下兩場晚宴,中間時段供多個精彩表演 娛賓,當晚有近七百多名中外賓客與會。賓 客們都獲得Crazy Buffet優質的服務;還有豐 富新鮮的壽司、北京填鴨、凍蟹腳 …等,大 家都十分滿意 中美協會在過往十多年的新春晚會,都 為賓客安排精彩的賀歲節目,醒獅與武術示 範,中華學校舞蹈班組員演出體操式雜技及 自由體操;中華學校幼兒班賀歲唱遊。壓軸演

Sufi Luo Li, Menn-li Lin and Susan Hoeh received the Chinese School of CAACF service awards 奇士美華人協會2009會長湯賢美及幹事, 與金文德伉儷

出由龍之傳奇藝術學院雜技表演,贏得全場掌場如雷。 每年的會長會帶領扮演財神的家長會代表大派利是給予賓客小 孩與長者。晚宴抽獎環節,所送贈的包括有 由環球影城送出的全年免費入場門票、高爾 夫球場免費優惠券和多間餐館贈券等豐富獎 品。賓客們都滿載而歸。 曾經撥冗與會的貴賓包括駐邁阿密台北 經濟文化辦事處處長謝其旺伉儷, 橙郡市議 員Mildred Fernandez,AACC(美國亞裔商會) 2006-07會長Becky Szymanski及幹事委員, 奇士美華人協會2009會長湯賢美及一眾幹 事委員等。 CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典 11


2007年2月14日,中美協會榮幸主辦“中華文藝晚會”,國家一級京 劇藝術大師親臨中佛州演出。演出場地選址Winter Park High School - 9th Grade Center的大型學校會堂。佛僑胞有緣可以欣賞到國家級藝術家的高水 準演出,實在是榮幸。 司儀Helern以國語和劉翠玉以英語介紹每段演出京劇及演出者簡介。國 家一級大師房玉麟及于榮女士演出京劇節子戲《呂布試馬》、梅派名劇《 覇王別姬》及《雙蝶魂》,中華學校舞蹈班女學員榮幸粉墨登場客串同台 演出,年輕華裔學生有緣能國家級藝術大師同台演出,是畢生之榮幸。 其它精彩劇目包括由房玉麟,趙剛,趙彪和孫振國演出的兩頭精靈北獅 金光閃閃,為賀歲演出開場;著名京劇《三岔口》及 《猴戲》。而著名魔 術師楊新英女士則演出多個奇幻魔術,大人小孩子都看很高興。 中場休息時段,中華學校武術班同學演出,導師羅禮教導有方,學生拳 腳兵器舞得虎虎生猛。中華學校舞蹈班九女二男學員,演出由龍之傳奇導 師排練的疊羅漢與體操,搏取全場掌聲。

Beijing Opera Cultural Show Gary Lau in Winter Park More than 200 guests came to Winter Park 9th Grade Center for the Authentic Chinese Cultural Show, organized by the Chinese American Association of Central Florida on February 24, 2007. The performances included Northern Lion Dance, Magic Show and Jing Dance Opera. The Chinese School of CAACF dancing troop had the opportunity to perform with the team on stage.

國際風箏節 中美協會在2006及08年春季兩度獲邀出席由奧 蘭多市文化事務署及奧市橙郡第3區合辦的「奧蘭 多市國際風箏節」的特別表演嘉賓。 「2006年國際風箏節」舉行在東奧蘭多Jay Blanchard Park內,公園佔地甚廣。風箏節除了風 爭主題外,還提供不同各族裔的不同特色文化表 演,美食及各類健康教育,安全知識和商業推廣 的攤位提供市民參與。 中華學校舞蹈組學生演出轉碟

奧市橙郡第3區市議員Mildred Fernandez為大會 開幕致詞,中美協會會長周曼宜代表協會送贈專 程由中國訂製中國手繪飛龍風箏給市議 員,風箏延伸達廿多尺長,龍首製作唯 妙唯肖,龍身由近五十多片圓型組成, 片上繪有不同京劇面譜圖案,巧奪天 工,市議員接過手工精美的飛龍風箏後 笑逐顏開,並謂會好好珍藏。

International Kite Festival

中佛州中華學校舞蹈組同學演出富有 民族特色的中國轉碟雜技和彩帶舞。穿 上傳統中國服裝的二男和十二位少女同 學,成為全場的焦點所在。 公園面積廣濶,近百隻風箏與超巨型八爪魚和 大怪魚風箏齊在藍天之下飛舞,實屬難得一見之 場面。當天有到場的朋友們都渡過一個相當愉快 的周日假期。 2008年再次獲邀出席「奧蘭多市國際風箏節」 的特別表演嘉賓。中美協會安排洪佛派洪文飛師 傅領導的金光耀眼的精靈醒獅及武術示範演出傳 揚中華文化。

中美協會2006會長周曼宜代表協會致贈中國手繪飛龍 風箏給橙郡市議員Mildred Fernandez

中美協會2006-07副會長劉王麗紅, 洪佛派洪文飛師傅與徒弟們代表中 美協會義務為大會演出 中華文化南獅與武術, 與橙郡 市議員Mildred Fernandez合照

Gary Lau

12 CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

The International Kite Festival, sponsored by District 3 Commissioner Mildred Fernandez to promote multicultural unity was held at the Jay Blanchard Park in East Orlando every Spring. This event attracted more than 5,000 people every year. Besides kite demonstrations, there were performances by various cultural groups and a broad range of informational displays and booths. In 2006, Agnes Chau, on behalf of CAACF presented a hand-crafted dragon kite to Commissioner Fernandez. The dragon kite was specially ordered and custom made in China. It was over 20 feet long and made up of 50 delicate pieces of Chinese opera masks. It was a true treasure of Chinese craftmanship. The presentation was followed by performances from the Chinese School of Orlando. They executed a perfect choreographed acrobatic and ribbon dance. In 2008, CAACF was invited again. They sponsored a Lion Dance and Kung Fu performance by Hung Fut Hung Man Fei Martial Arts and Lion Dance Assoication.


C.T. HSU Dragon Boat team, 中美協會198

UCF Asian Student Dragon Boat team, 中佛州大學亞裔 學生龍舟隊

中美協會2005會長魏安琪與參與 活動的會員合照


《中佛州端午龍舟同樂日》 Vuong Nguyen, Mag Alex, Gary Lau, Peter Lau

Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival is another joyous and exciting holiday in Chinese culture and tradition. This is a very significant occasion in Chinese culture and a recognized national holiday. It falls on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month commonly referred to as Double Fifth Day. The story of the Dragon Boat festival typically revolves around the legend of Qu Yuan, a minister, famous poet, and man of the common people. Legend has it; Qu Yuan did much to fight against the corruption infesting the high court during the Warring State Period. His actions eventually led him to be removed from his duties as minister and exiled from the territory. During his travels, Qu Yuan had learned of his country capital Ying had fallen capture to the state of Qin. Overwhelmed by his depression, Qu Yuan threw himself in the Miluo River. As the villagers got word of Qu Yuan’s fate, they quickly rushed to save him. The villagers would desperately beat their drums and splash the water to scare away the fish from eating his body. They would throw Zong Zi, a sticky rice dish, into the river in attempt to distract the fish from eating Qu Yuan. Although Qu Yuan perished, we still to this day celebrate his sacrifice and his life by racing Dragon Boats as the villagers raced down the river to save Qu Yuan and share Zong Zi with friends and family. Zong Zi is typically prepared with glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves cooked by steam or boiled in water.

C.T. HSU Dragon Boat team, 中美協會1986會長徐祖慈的龍舟隊

美亞商會06-07會長 Becky Szymanski和 中華學校05-09校長 俞孟貞


06-07副會長劉王麗 紅與08-09副會長 劉程驥

 By Bruce Wang

CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典 13

佛州華人聯合會負責人吳國鏈龍舟賽事經驗豐富領軍取得冠軍 中美協會2000會長劉翠玉協助烹調端午粽子

中美協會2006-07會長周 曼宜代與女兒練習划槳

為龍舟活動特別設計 精製的獎牌

中美協會2008-09會長金文德與副會長何美蓮及劉程驥, 幹事梅耀庭, 06-07副會長劉王麗紅及義工們


Orlando Dragon Boat Festival Gary Lau brings families together

中美協會於2005-08連續四年的端午節前後舉辦了《中佛州端午節龍舟 同樂日》,佛州華人聯合會負責人吳國鏈親自專程遠道從邁阿密運送兩艘 長約48尺的龍舟前來,給予中佛州的中外僑胞一嚐划龍舟的滋味。 《龍舟同樂日》選址奧蘭多市Moss Park(摩西公園)內進行。摩西公園 鄰近Bee-line及SR 417高速公路,公園內環境優美,湖面積廣大濶,郊遊 設施齊備。活動得以成功舉行有賴第一東方超市、徐祖慈建築師事務所、 Esquire律師事所、佛州大眾報及亞洲風行雜誌聯合贊助;協辦機構有美國 亞裔商會、中佛州大學亞裔學生會、漢翔基金、奇士美華人協會、奧蘭多 專業人士協會及中佛州大學美國越南學生會等。 大會安排端午節特餐(包括秘製端午粽子、熱狗、巨型雞翼和西瓜)給 予所有來賓。吳國鏈及隨行教練即場指導賓客練習划龍舟,對於缺乏划龍 舟經驗的賓客,經指導速成技法,大家都划得似模似樣。 開始龍舟友誼賽,四組家庭龍舟隊相繼比賽,船上混合大人跟小孩,健 兒都穿上安全救生衣,湖邊救生員當值,歡欣氣氛溢滿湖上。合家歡時段 過後,再由四隊成人動健兒龍舟隊出場作賽。大家都旗鼓相當,比賽結果 很接近。最後頒贈獎牌給比賽勝出健兒。 全日活動在烈日和一片歡樂聲中結束,每年參與人數約四百人!中國人 都相信習俗“遊過龍舟水,身體會更健康”。 14 CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

On Saturday, May 31st, the Chinese American Association of Central Florida (CAACF) hosted its 4th annual Dragon Boat Festival at Moss Park in Orlando . The sponsors included Esquire Legal Group, C.T. HSU+ Associates, Panda Express, and First Oriental Supermarket. Families from all over Central Florida came to enjoy a day at the park with delicious food provided by Panda Express. The highlights of the event were the exciting Dragon Boat races on the lake with guests signing up and rowing with one of the eight teams for t-shirts, medals and bragging rights for next year’s festival! Esquire Legal Group and C.T. Hsu + Associates won the 1st and 2nd place of the adult teams and CAACF won the metal of the family team. The traditional rice dumplings Zong Zhi were also available to celebrate the tradition. The Dragon Boat races are held on or about the 5th day of the 5th month of the Chinese lunar calendar to commemorate a great Chinese Poet Qu Yuan who drowned. When people heard he had drowned, they raced their boats to the lake and threw Zong Zhi into the water to feed the fish and thus save his body. If you would like to participate in the future CAACF events, please visit for more details.

◄▼CAACF Dancing Troupe 中美協會中華 學校舞蹈社

Joe Wang, Mary Johnson, Agnes Chau, Mei Chen and emcee Cynthia Hsu 司儀徐美嬋與主辦單位的四位會長李素文、 王成章、周曼宜中美協會榮譽顧問)、湯賢美分別向觀眾賀節

Northern Lion Dance and


Acrobatics by Dragon Leg



2008-09 President Dr. Gary King & Joanna Kiang 中美協會08-09會長金文德與江昭瑢

Robert Chung and his sister performed Chinese Yo Yo’s 鐘博盈、鐘博婷兄妹演出 扯鈴雜技

Commissioner Tony Ortiz’s Sing along 市議員Tony Ortiz高歌一曲助興

慶端午 • 美食園遊會

John Chung, Peter Lau, Gary Lau

Advisor Agnes Chau



2009年端午節,中美協會聯合中佛州僑界組織:佛州華商總會、大奧 蘭多台灣商會、及奇士美華人協會合辦「中佛州慶祝端午節‧美食園遊 會」,選址佛州中華文化活動中心舉行,駐邁阿密台北經濟文化辦事處和 僑務委員會贊助。奧蘭多佛光山協會,奧蘭多慈濟基金等也來協助。活動 吸引了近500多人與會,場面十分熱鬧。

隨後其它表演節目移師到活動中心內廳進行。中華學校舞蹈組演出由梁月 老師指導的彩帶舞,及中美協會舞蹈社演出由魏安琪老師指導的鐵扇舞。 壓軸是由鐘博盈兄妹演出的扯鈴。其他三會都分別有精彩演出節目娛賓, 觀眾對所有演出都報以熱烈掌聲。抽獎活動中,有獎品亦有現金獎,獲獎 者都笑逐顏開。

各組織均派出代表協助會場佈置,世界日報記者陳文迪更義務協助佈 置室內場地。活動下午五時開始,購票的僑胞陸續前來,台灣與港式小 吃任由來賓品嚐,七時正表演時間正式開始。與會嘉賓包括經文處長 曹立傑、崔蕙蕙夫婦,僑務諮詢委員徐彩惠和先生,僑務委員廖柏虞夫 婦,北美洲台灣商會總會長楊喬生夫婦,僑務顧問廖唯志,中美協會會 長金文德醫師,龍之傳奇總裁陳建國等均與會;奧蘭多市議員Tony Ortiz 撥 冗 出 席 , 還 興 緻 勃 勃 大 唱 卡 拉 O K , 高 歌 一 曲 「 I t ’s I m p o s s i b l e 」娛賓。

今次奧蘭多僑胞眾會聯合主辦活動,期望日後能夠再接再厲,共同籌辦 更多活動,集中資源,將會使活動可以辦得更盛大,更成功,更感謝從邁 阿密專程參加今次的活動的貴賓,為奧蘭多的僑胞打氣,而各主辦單位, 義工人員的同心協力和參與,實在功不可沒。

戶外廣場由四個協會組成美食及端午文化、工藝攤位,中美協會與旗下 中華學校的食物有台灣的涼麵、港式咖哩魚蛋及波霸奶茶等。義工媽媽楊 素蓮,率其子女鐘博婷、鐘博盈兩位中華學校老師,在現場免費教學指導 青少年和小朋友扯鈴。 龍之傳奇藝術學院的北獅獻瑞拉開序幕,接續精彩雜技表演“力量”。

Summer Festival 2009

with Asian Food, Zongzi, Cultural Performances and Karaoke The first Central Florida Summer Festival 2009, organized by Florida Chinese Business Association, Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce Greater Orlando, Chinese American Association of Central Florida and Kissimmee American Chinese Center, attracted more than 600 attendees to celebrate the Duanwu Festival (also known as Double Fifth or Dragon Boat Festival) with food, zongzi, cultural performances and karaoke. CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典 15

◄▼CAACF Dancing Troupe 中美協會中華學校舞蹈社

第十五屆國際傳統文化紀念活動 中美協會中華學校舞蹈組曾獲邀參與由World Trade Center Orlando主辦 的15th Annual Celebration of International Heritages,該演出2007年5月位 於市中心City Hall大廳舉行,當天分別有來自多個國家等地不同的文化歌 舞表演娛賓,加上豐富的美食吸引數百來賓共慶國際傳承節,相當熱鬧。 活動由世界貿易中心協會奧蘭多聯絡處主辦,奧蘭多市議員Phil Dia-mond 為大會開幕致詞,並宣讀奧蘭多市政府頒發給主辦單位的國際節宣言。 中華學校在會場設有宣傳攤位,介紹中校課程,鼓勵不同族裔的民眾一 起來學中文。美亞商會的攤位,劉王麗紅等理事在攤位上宣傳和推介。 華裔藝術文化表演代表,有中佛州中華學校派出雜技班的學員亦在會中 表演雜技,演出叠羅漢體操,展示中華技藝。節目由龍之傳奇教練張杰指 導的武術造型,演出效果媲美專業,在快節奏的襯托下,小朋友身手不 凡,贏得在場人士熱烈的掌聲。 其餘的國家藝術文化舞蹈演出,分別有墨西哥、西班牙、愛爾蘭、海 地、加勒比海、非洲、印度、巴拿馬、希臘等族裔的民族舞蹈,美國爵士 舞,中東肚皮舞、拉丁舞蹈等,還有南美敲擊樂等節目相當豐富。近三小 時的節目,讓來賓盡享視覺與味覺的感受。

16 CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

Celebration of International Gary Lau Heritages

The Chinese Dance troupe of CAACF performed for the “15th Annual Celebration of International Heritages,” held at the Orlando City Hall on May 17, 2007. The event invited organization leaders, community members, as well as business owners and created an environment of cultural celebration and business networking. The event kicked off with a host of cultural performances, and followed with a raffle drawing for all attendees, and ethnic food samplings. Exhibits and cultural representations from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Middle East, North America, Central America, and South America decked the City Hall that evening, and together, made for an event to be remembered. The event was held in partnership with the Orlando World Trade Center.

◄▲CAACF Dancing Troupe 中美協會中華學校舞蹈社

(後排)中美協會2008-09會長金文德, 林曼麗, 陳美滿, 何美蓮, 2000年會長劉翠玉, 劉程驥 (前排)金美聲, 王麗君, 2006-07會長周曼宜, 曾惠玲, 劉王麗紅



Mid-Autumn Festival The full moon has held a special place in the hearts of Chinese. It is a traditional symbol for reunion, tuanyuan, as yuan means round. On the 15th day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar is the middle of autumn and the moon’s appearance is at its brightest and most beautiful throughout the year. This is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture and tradition second only to Chinese New Year. The Chinese people observe this national holiday and celebrate by bringing together the family to eat, drink, and be merry. Enjoying the moon is an ancient tradition in China dating nearly 1,400 years. The most popular food shared and enjoyed on this holiday is the Moon Cake. Moon Cakes are typically round, symbolizing the full moon of the mid-autumn festival. They are made with four egg yolks, symbolizing the four phases of the moon, and are sweet, filled with sweet bean or lotus seed paste.  By Bruce Wang


Gary Lau

活動熱鬧豐富節目中外僑胞同歡共慶佳節 每年的農曆八月十五前後,中美協會都會舉辦 中秋活動給予會員與中華學校的學生提供一個中 國傳統節慶活動。2006年中美協會舉辦了一個 別開生面的中秋嘉年華活動。嘉年華活動由四時 至七時於Winter Park Nine Grade Center校內進 行,中佛州大學(UCF)亞裔學生義工團協辦。

羅禮功夫班同學演出武術,舞蹈班的女同學體操 雜技表演。中佛州大學菲律賓裔同學會情商客串 表演菲律賓竹舞,更邀請在座的觀眾一嚐跳竹 舞。Winter Park消防局特別派出有雲梯設備的 消防車前來助陣,小朋友都高興地上前參觀和跟 消防員合照。

中秋嘉年華活動待中華學校學生放學後才舉 行,在籃球場內裝置的十多個大小不同種類的遊 戲攤位,讓勝出的小朋友獲取換物券,集齊一定 數量的換物券,便可往換領各種類的玩具與精 品。嘉年華並裝置兩組大型吹氣跳跳遊戲屋及障 礙賽隧道,小朋友都盡情飛奔狂跳。

接近三個小時的中秋嘉年華活動,大家都滿載 而歸,在一片歡樂氣氛之下結束。

家長們則選擇留在學校食堂享用各式應節美 食。多家中餐館贊助精美小食,家長會提供月 餅、小燈蘢和應節楊桃;台灣佛教慈濟基金會特 別精製數款素食作籌募義賣。 嘉年華的娛樂表演由各班級的老師帶領著學生 們演出朗誦中文詩詞、清唱中文歌曲、唱兒歌,

Mid Autumn Festival Celebration CAACF held its Mid Autumn Festival Celebration on September every year. This was an evening filled with games, food and entertainment. More than 300 students and parents of the Chinese School of CAACF attended the event. The purpose of the gathering was to encourage the new generation to keep the Chinese culture.

CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典 17

「愛心送暖迎中秋」慈善募款綜藝晚會 中佛州中美協會為中佛州僑胞帶來一個合家歡樂晚會

金文德會長頒發感謝狀給予龍之傳 奇藝術學院總裁湯賢美女士

Jeff Jessee, Mag Alex, Gary Lau


Emcee 大會司儀: Christopher Decarlo (左四)與Angie Chow (左六)與協會幹事和義工們合照

2008年512四川大地震發生,中美協會在同年9月舉辦了一個「愛心送暖 迎中秋」的慈善募款綜藝晚會,假座Winter Park High School - 9th Grade Center的大禮堂內舉行。約四百多名中外善長購票欣賞,特別貴賓有駐邁 阿密台北經濟文化辦事處處長謝其旺先生,奇士美華協會長黃美英,奇士 美中校董事長紀翠麗與校長鄭鴻鈞先生,Asian American Heritage Council(AAHC-亞裔傳承協會)會長Karen Nguyen,日本會會長Teri Mitchell,Winter Park Ninth Grade Centre校長Mr. David Stanley,Asian American Chamber of Commerce(AACC-奧蘭多美亞商會)幹事楊琇惠與劉王 麗紅等。 中華學校活動禮堂則舉辦了小型慶祝中秋活動,由中美協會眾幹事與中 華學校家長會成員同心協力,為各會員、學生與各家長們,提供月餅、楊 桃、精美小吃、及最受小朋友們歡迎的棉花糖。 晚會開場首先由日本太鼓打響頭炮,30名奧蘭多太鼓道場的鼓手整然有 序的列陣,為整晚節目打響頭炮。第二個表演是奧市華裔節慶活動難得一 見的蘇聯高空體操雜技“空中翩翩起舞”。其它的精彩表演包括:羅禮師 傅的峨眉武術示範;楊劍萍女士的琵琶獨奏繞樑三日;中華精英藝術團成 員滕國康的勁爆流行音樂,張雅君女士演出空竹/扯玲雜技,孟立波演出的 熊貓摔跤,引來小孩子們哄堂大笑。 全晚壓軸表演由龍之傳奇藝術學院擔綱,陳建國、湯賢美總裁率領旗下 身手不凡的年輕藝人前來表演,表節目包括嘆為觀止全新的雙人體操雜技 18 CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

項目,單手架上平衝及頂碗雜技,及活潑呼拉圈雜技等,現場觀眾掌聲如 雷與讚嘆之聲不絕。 「愛心送暖迎中秋」慈善綜藝晚會司儀由前中美協會會長魏安琪女士與 活躍於中佛州大學的華裔大學生Christopher Decarlo擔綱,Miss Florida Junior National Sweetheart-Elizabeth Tran(陳冠伊小姐)協助各抽獎環節。 「愛心送暖迎中秋」慈善綜藝晚會,同場加插抽獎的環節,抽獎券的收 入同時撥捐籌募之用。豐富的獎品有奧蘭多環球影城送出四張Universal Orlando(環球影城)價值$360的入場券,Sheraton Suite Orlando Airport( 機場喜來登酒店)一晚酒店連早餐,及Aliz International送出該公司生產之 名貴占士甸註冊品牌旅行李套裝,及其他精美旅行背包等獎品。 善長熱烈捐獻,單是該晚節目進行中便已籌募得1,300元,連同入場 門票之善款數目約3,000元。而中佛州中美協會與中華學校合共再捐出 4,000元,會長金文德醫生私人名義捐出500元。整個為期一月的籌募活 動,各界損助四川重建學校的善款為$16,012 「愛心送暖迎中秋」慈善募款綜藝晚會由中佛州中美協會主 辦,美國佛州福建同鄉會與Winter Park High School - 9th Grade Center協辦贊助。《亞洲風行雜誌》與《佛州大眾報》傳媒贊助。其餘贊 助商:第一東方超市、周曼宜律師事務所、鳳城海鮮酒家、金漢海鮮酒 家、中佛州中華學校家長會、中美協會幹事與義工們。還有感謝各位熱心 公益購票賞「愛心送暖迎中秋」慈善募款綜藝晚會的善長們。

Spreading Love at Mid-Autumn The CAACF held a special “Spreading Love at Mid-Autumn Festival” The Chinese American Association (CAACF) of Central Florida would in 2008 to raise funds for the Sichuan Earthquake victims. The event started like to express the sincere thanks to all the sponsors, performers, volunteers with the charity food sales of bourbon chicken, fried rice, and cotton candy. and more than 400 guests who provided the generous help and donations to Kids and parents were all rushing to the cafeteria after their Chinese classes the victims of the Sichuan Earthquake. They exceeded the fundraising goal in the Winter Park 9th grade center to share their love and to enjoy the deli- and raised more than $16,000 for the earthquake relief fund which has ascious food. sisted in the rebuilding efforts in China! More importantly, everyone left with Elizabeth Tran, the Miss Florida National Junior Sweetheart set up a table a meaningful feeling of helping someone in need during the Mid-Autumn for the “Love Letter Cares” handmade greeting cards creation. The participa- Festival. “Love Letter Cares” handmade tion was overwhelming as they all wanted to share their greeting cards created for the love and care to the less fortunate people. children in Sichuan Inside the auditorium, a slide shows of the earthquake news pictures started the show. Japaonese taiko Drums, Aerial silk, Chinese Musical, Martial Arts, Acrobats. The show was fabulous and definitely entertaining. Over fifty professionals performed at the show. They were all there performing not only with their skills, they were performing with their hearts. The hearts of sharing their talents with one main purpose of raising funds for the Sichuan Earthquake victims! Undoubtedly their hearts of love were spreading all over to the audiences. Additional Rosanna Tran Elizabeth Tran and her mother funds were collected through audiences’ generous donations and raffle ticket sales.

Chinese music by CAACF Chinese School students, Patrick Hsiao, Frank Lau and Hans Lau

Kung Fu Fan Dance by CAACF Dancing Troupe, Elaine Lam(left), Natasha Lavendar(front), and Celeste Hoeh (right) Palace Dance by CAACF Dancing Troupe, Celeste Hoeh and Natasha Lavendar

中華文化表演獻給 收養中國兒童家庭歡度新年春 中美協會和中華學校舞蹈組在2010年1月23晚,獲邀為一個海外中國兒 童收養組織主辦的農曆新年慶祝晚會中演出,晚會設宴於Winter Spring的 Metro Church內舉行,超過三十名中國兒童和收養她們的父母熱鬧地享受 著傳統中國餐宴來歡度中國新年。 中華學校舞蹈組總監吳淑慧帶領三位學員Elaine, Natasha, 及Celeste組獻上 的傳統華麗清宮舞和功夫扇舞。另外中華學校的三名男生劉博亨,蕭堯, 劉博豐以西洋樂器小提琴和中提琴來演奏一曲富有中國音樂色彩的電影主 題曲“菊花台”,三位小音樂家的演出加添這個晚會的農曆新春氣氛。 中華學校教育委員會會長周曼宜權充司儀一職,除了介紹每位演出者 外,同時以預早準備的錄影片段來為各位外籍賓客介紹一下不同的中國樂 器的特色,好像二胡跟小提琴及簫跟西洋笛子的近似之處。

Cultural performances for the Families with Children from China

The Chinese Dance troupe of CAACF and several students from our Chinese School performed for the Families with Adopted Children from China, Central Florida on 1/23/2010 during their Chinese New Year celebration at Metro Church , Winter Spring. Agnes Chau (the Chair of the Chinese School Board) introduced the tradition of Chinese New Year, followed by two performances of our Chinese Dance troupe by Celeste Hoeh, Natasha Lavendar and Elaine Lam. Then Hans Lau, Patrick Hsiao and Frank Lau, introduced the various Chinese musical instruments and played a Chinese song by violin and viola. The audiences were greatly entertained by their performances. CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典 19

The CAACF Dancing Troupe album 中美協會中華學校舞蹈社珍藏照片集 Photos provided by Angie Chow and Judy Nguyen 珍貴照片由魏安琪及劉翠玉提供


CAACF Dancing Troupe performed Xinjiang Dance at the Orlando Fashion Square Mall 中華學校舞蹈社在奧蘭多時裝廣場演出新疆民族舞

◄▲▼CAACF Dancing Troupe performed at the Asian Heritage Festival 1980, 1981 and 1982, Lake Eola, Orlando 中華學校舞蹈社為亞裔傳承 協會在1980, 1981及1982 在市中心依奧拿湖演出

CAACF Dancing Troupe performed at the MCO Grand Opening 1981 中華學校舞蹈社為亞裔傳承協會在1981為奧蘭多國際機場 開幕表演

Angie Chow was the Directors of the CAACF Dancing Troupe (1996-2001) Judy Nguyen was the Directors of the CAACF Dancing Troupe (2001-2004) 魏安琪曾任中美協會中華學校舞蹈社總監 (1996-2001) 劉翠玉曾任中美協會中華學校舞蹈社總監 (2001-2004)

20 CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

CAACF Chinese Folk Dance Class CAACF established The Dancing Troupe in 1980 to promote and preserve the Chinese culture. If your children would like to learn more about Chinese Folk Dance, please contact Angie Chow, director of CAACF Dancing Trope at 407-810-5140 or email her at

中佛州中美協會舞蹈社民族舞蹈班 中佛州中美協會舞蹈社成立於1980年,致力推廣中華文化。各位家長們,希望您們的子女學習 中國民族舞嗎?請聯絡舞蹈社導師魏安琪407-810-5140,或電郵

Palace Dance 清宮舞

Kung Fu Fan Dance 功夫扇舞

Past Directors of the Dancing Troupe of CAACF 歷任中美協會舞蹈社總監 1980-1982


Martha Chang



Ruey Han



Wendy Sun



Martha Chang



Angie Chow



Judy Nguyen



Kitty Byron



Angie Chow



Susan Hoeh CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典 21

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22 CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

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時尚亞洲潮流生活... 中佛州社區新聞... 商業, 健康, 文化... 過去未來盡掌握, 【亞洲風行雜誌】陪伴大家一起成長

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CAACF 40 years anniversary & New Year celebration Organizing committee


Gary King

Agnes Chau

Anne Tsoi

Ada Wong

Angie Chow

Gary Lau

Johnathan Lam

Stephen Lau

Pauline Ho

Christine Chew

Joanna Kiang

Echo King

Melinda Nguyen

Hans Lau

Shally Wong

Judy Nguyen

Nikki Bang

Mitchell Nguyen

Eppie Bang

Susan Hoeh

Sean Chew

Tiffany Tang

John Chung

Sandra Chen

Erin Hepler

Ashlyn Gaughan

Patrick Hsiao

Frank Lau

Volunteers from One Brick Orlando

Bruce Wang

Corey Hsiao Sponsors

Sheraton Suites Orlando Airport

Many thanks to our sponsors, organizing committee and volunteers Printed by CAACF Design by Global Media LLC 中佛州中美協會•印行 高寶來廣告公司•設計

Enroll now and become the member of Chinese American Association of Central Florida.

2010 MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT FORM 中 美 協 會 會 員 申 請 表 格

NAME IN CHINESE : _______________ NAME IN ENGLISH : _________________________________ Last First ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________ ZIP CODE : ____________ HOME PHONE: _____________________ CELL PHONE : ________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:__________________________________ REMARKS

: ____________________________________________________________________________

Please mail this form and a check of $30 (annual membership fee) to CAACF Membership card will be sent to you by mail 716 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CAACF newsletter would be available to read on line starting the year 2010. 中佛通訊將於2010年開始以網上版為會員提供最新會訊與中文學校資料,如有問題查詢,電郵 26 CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典

th nniversar y C AACF 0 Happy 4 A Congratulations! Patrick W. Domkowski MD, PhD, FACS General and Bariatric Surgery

705 Sebastian Blvd, Suite D • Sebastian FL 32958 Phone: 772.581.8003 • 321.369.9218 • Fax: 772.581.8005 • CAACF 40th Anniversary Ceremony (1969-2009) — 中佛州中美協會四十週年慶典 27


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30th Anniversary Celebration coming up on May 15th, 2010 Check our website for the details

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