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中佛通訊 CAACF

823 E. Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32803

二○○九年五月號 MAY 2009

中佛州中美協會•印行 高寶來廣告公司•設計 Printed by CAACF Designed by Global Media LLC

A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida Gary Lau

PTA president, Bob Lynch

Chinese Folk Dance by CAACF Chinese School Dancing Class performer: Valentina Jef f Jessee

CAACF Chinese School Acrobat Class: Eva, Natasha, Celeste, Elaine, Allison, Trudy Gary Lau

Jeff Jessee Jeff Jessee

【瑞牛迎喜新春聚餐會】 Lunar New Year Dinner Celebration 2009

Kung Fu Fan Dance by CAACF Dancing Troupe Performers are Eva, Jamie, Natasha, Celeste

自兩年前在Crazy Buffet開創了兩場接近750名賓客之驕人紀 錄之後,去年只辦一場也有近四百名賓客參與。今年門票與往年 同樣絕早爆滿。活動當日天清氣朗,一個充滿春節氣氛的週日。 經過往數年舉辦新春晚宴的經驗,深明僑胞除了希望欣賞新春賀 歲節目之餘,更希望於春節活動時吃得好及吃得舒適。

精彩表演接續登場,分別由中文學校的舞蹈班學員演出兩支 舞曲,Eav, Natasha, Jamie, Celeste四位女生演出功夫扇舞,由魏 安琪老師、劉翠玉指導。外籍小女生Valentina表演中國民族舞 Under the Sky,由陳向群老師指導。中文學校的雜技班學員 Eva, Natasha, Celeste, Elaine, Allison, Trudy則表演轉毯,表現出色,由 梁月老師指導。壓軸中國雜技節目由龍之傳奇藝術學院擔綱,潘 亮表演軟骨頂碗平衡雜技,王眉神奇呼拉圈,傅靜靜、趙雲涯、 劉凱利、安璐、李芸芸等演出嘆為觀止的疊羅漢平衡雜技,配以 武術造型,精湛的演出贏得熱烈掌聲。三個高難度雜技演出,贏 得全場掌場如雷與讚嘆之聲不絕,小孩觀眾尤為高興。

本年度晚宴只辦一場,接近400張門票一早便售清。下午2時 中美協會幹事委員已抵達現場著手佈置場地,4時表演正式開 始,近1小時精彩的賀歲節目在Crazy Buffet門外停車場上演,越 南裔醒獅團Vincent Nguyen’s Lion Dance Group帶來兩頭醒獅向來 賓拜年,活潑可愛兼威猛的醒獅之演出逗得觀眾笑逐顏開。

中美協會會長金文德在致詞中感謝各界和理事、會員們的支 持,讓該會會務順利推動,中文學校亦成長至兩百多名學生的規 模,他介紹幹部劉何美蓮、劉程驥、陳美滿、江昭容及梅耀庭 等,一起跟與會來賓拜年,祝福牛年吉利。同時間亦進行頒獎儀 式,表揚服務年資滿5年以上的老師彭聶萍、鐘博盈以及20年的

佛州中美協會每年一度舉辦為慶祝2009年農曆新年的「瑞 牛迎喜新春聚餐會」,於一月十八日在Altamonte Springs的 Crazy Buffet盛大舉行。

 中佛州中美協會網址:

 中華學校網址:

Gary Lau


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2009 Dragon Legend Professional Acrobat performance

CAACF Board of Directors 2008-9, (Lt to Rt) Christine Chew, Victor Moy, Gary King, Gary Lau, Pauline Ho and Joanna Kiang

Marvin Tsoi

Emcee, Victor Moy and Angie Chow

Kissimmee American Chinese Center president Mei Chen, Board of Directors Pei Da Yan, Janey Cheng, Connie Kai, together with CAACF Angie Chow, Gary King, and Echo King.

Gary Lau

Agnes Chau, Chair of Board of Directors of Chinese School presenting 5-year Service Award to Robert Chung

Gary Lau

教務主任兼老師黃秀治。 欣賞完各項表演和頒獎後,來賓們井然有序進入Crazy Buffet用膳,豐富新鮮的中日美食,壽司等數十款式,來賓都十分滿 意。金文德會長帶領扮演財神的林智派利是給予耆老和兒童。金 文德伉儷和前會長周曼宜等逐桌送贈象徵吉祥如意的橘子,祝賀 新年。來賓飽餐後查看豐富獎品的抽獎結果,來賓皆盡興而返。 中佛州中美協會2009年度會長仍由金文德醫師續任會長,兩 名副會長仍舊為劉何美蓮及劉程驥獲,秘書長江昭瑢,財務陳美 滿。而秘書梅燿庭則於三月搬離中佛州,暫時離開中美協會一段 時間。歷任會長周曼宜與魏安琪等繼續擔當顧問,中佛州中美協 會在未來的日子將會為中佛州華裔僑胞提供更佳的服務。

中 •佛 •通 •訊

Chinese American Association of Central Florida (CAACF) celebrated the Lunar New Year with close to 300 Chinese school students, parents and friends at VariAsian Crazy Buffet. Performances included Lion Dance by Vincent Nguyen’s Lion Dance Group, Kung Fu Fan Dance by CAACF Chinese School Dancing Troupe, Acrobatics by CAACF Chinese School Acrobatic Team, Chinese Folk Dance by CAACF Chinese School Dancing Class and 3 Professional Acrobatics Acts by Dragon Legend. Every year, CAACF organizes the Chinese New Year celebration in Spring, Dragon Boat (Duan Wu) Festival in Summer and Moon Festival in Autumn.


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2009

中 •佛 •通 •訊


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida


Jeff Jessee

Happy time of some of our beautiful teachers and diligent students at Easter Egg Hunt, Spring Fun, Speech award and lots more!


中 •佛 •通 •訊

Jeff Jessee

五月號•May 2009


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

中佛州中華學校校長 俞孟貞 各位敬愛的家長、老師、同學和朋友們: 大家好! 韶光荏苒,轉眼間這個學期的課程已接近尾聲。隨著學期的結束, 我也將卸下為期四年的校長職務。四月中旬,校董會通知我的任期在五 月即屆滿,原以為還有兩年的時間可以完成我在校長任內為學校規劃的 藍圖使命 ; 不過,我相信各位熱愛中華文化和華語教育的朋友們,一定 會繼續邁向文化與教育的傳播和耕耘。因此,我尊重校董會的決定,期 待和大家在不同的崗位上攜手,共同努力,完成願景,打入美國主流, 鋪造更美好中華教育的大前景! 懷著感恩和激動的心情,與您分享我在中文學校校長任內,最後一 次『校長的叮嚀』。感謝您們多年來的支持和鼓勵,何其有幸,能與諸 君共事,在這個教育和心靈的樂園裡成長。中佛州中文學校的成長和茁 壯,不是一蹴可就,都是靠大家努力得來的。目前我們提供繁體、簡 體、雙語、粵語多重選擇的語文班,並且還有多元有趣的文化班,只要 想學中文,不論是成人或學童、不論是哪種族裔,都可依個別需求,挑 選安排最合適的課程。 承蒙各位家長的熱心支持、各位老師的無私配合、各位同學的認真 學習,以及各界團體的大力贊助,中佛州中文學校才有今日斐然的成 績。尤其在過去的這四年間,學校在人數和財務都有極顯著的提升,我 們的中文學校贏得佛州第一中文學校的美譽和實績,是大家發揮愛心和 服務熱誠的最大獻禮。我謹代表中文學校,再一次向所有的朋友們獻上 祝福和感恩,感謝您!。

五月號•May 2009

在這個樂園裡成長,從帶著兩個兒子上學,當隨堂的保姆開始,接著擔 任一年家長會副會長、八年的中文教師、五年的校務董事和四年的校 長,這無數個星期六午后的歡樂時光,將成為我人生中最難忘和珍貴的 收藏。 我在海外出生和成長,也許是屬於根源的呼喚,從小對優美的中華 文化就有無限的嚮往和渴望,感謝我的父母親和家族親人的鼓勵與教 導,讓我能夠流利的應用中文,更深層的認識中華文化的美麗。懷著分 享的熱忱,能夠在佛州參與推廣華語教育,五千多個日子裡,一路走 來,無數的學習,無限的感恩和歡喜,我實在是很幸運!感謝你們給我 的每一個機會、支持、鼓勵與建議,我珍惜與你們相處的點滴,更享受 為你們服務的喜悅和樂趣。 中文學校的新任校長將由原教務主任黃秀治老師來接任,她已在中 文學校服務二十年,她將帶領團隊,繼續為推廣華語教育和薪傳中華文 化的使命努力。我會盡力做好校務的交接傳承,也願意不遺餘力地在華 語文教育工作上努力;在此,懇請大家持續推廣與學習華語的熱忱,在 目前美國和國際間掀起的華語學習熱潮中,更積極努力,一起將華語推 向國際舞台,不要間斷。我也衷心的祝福我們的中佛州中文學校規模能 擴大再擴大,校運昌隆蒸蒸日上。 結業典禮將於五月二十三日下午三點,在學校餐廳舉行,歡迎大家 踴躍參加。此外,下午五點在佛州中華文化中心,有端午美食園遊會, 也請大家共襄盛舉! 詳情可參閱本刊宣傳廣告或上網查詢。 最後,再次以我最誠摯的心,向您說一聲:我愛您! 請保持聯繫! 珍重再見!! 敬祝 暑假愉快! 後學

回憶過往,投身中佛州中文學校的志工服務行列,不知不覺地已渡 過了近十五載的喜樂寒暑。中文學校是我心靈的家鄉,多年來,歡喜的

俞孟貞 敬上 04-25-2009

Dear Parents, Students, Teachers, Friends and Supporters: It is with great emotion that I am writing my last message as principal of the Chinese School of CAACF. On April 11th, the Chinese School Board notified teachers and me that my term will end in May 2009. Although it was truly unexpected and with the understanding that the current School By-Laws do not limit the Principal’s term, with high respect, I accepted the Board’s decision. It is with mixed feelings I am bidding farewell! The Chinese School of CAACF is a place where I put my heart and soul, not just for four years as principal, but eight years as a language course instructor, one year as PTA Vice President, five years as a de facto member of the school board and one year as room mom. These past fourteen years have been a total joy, especially the last four years as I’ve experienced the tremendous growth of our school, both financially and population wise. I’ve been privileged to work with so many of you. I will truly miss the excitement that each Saturday brought, the eagerness that each student, parent and teacher had, and the exuberance of learning Chinese that everyone radiated. I am very grateful for the strong support and encouragement you have given to me. I thank each and every one of you for providing me this opportunity. I started volunteering to serve our Central Florida community about one and a half decades ago, but it seems like just yesterday. Over a four year period of leading the school to new heights; toiling ten thousand hours of administration; thousands of emails, phone calls – be it just a simple inquiry, or a curiosity about old Chinese script definition, or a mere plain translation from English to Chinese or vice versa; to arranging facilities, to good camaraderie and dazzling educational meetings with all ethnicities, young and old, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you while still balancing very well my work and family. Our natural bonding and joyous

moments as a team in successfully promoting diversity and education was such a blessing! We have shared such a precious time, such a happy experience and such a great story that everybody should take pride in! I really am appreciative for the privilege and the honor granted to me. Rest assured, you will be forever treasured dearly in my heart and my mind. My friends, academic administrator, Mrs Shiow Chih Hwang, will be the next principal. I am confident the school will continue to grow, develop, and thrive under her leadership. I extend my sincere congratulations and all my best wishes to her. I would like to see you continuing your good work. Chinese School is at its peak, in top shape and in good hands. My whole-hearted thanks to all of you again. All these past years, I have been a good role model ever since the very start and would like to end in the same manner. I continue to do well on my duties, and also thrive on providing a good, smooth transition for Chinese School. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of Chinese on this global stage. So please do keep learning and teaching Chinese! Have fun and keep in touch. I will see you all at the closing ceremony on May 23rd at 3pm in the cafeteria. There is also Duan Wu ( in Chinese 端午 ) Summer Festival the same day after school from 5 to 11 pm in the Florida Chinese Culture Center at 2250 Principal Row. For details of the festival, please check out www.orlandochinese. org or the ad insert here in this newsletter. Chinese version follows. I love you all. 我愛您! 請珍重 , 再見了! Best regards,

Conchita Hsu 俞孟貞 Principal

中 •佛 •通 •訊


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2009


The Chinese School of CAACF, Inc. 2009春季各班演講比賽優勝名單Speech winner 年 級 Grade

第 一 名 First Place

第 二 名 Second Place

第 三 名 Third Place

優 勝 者

Young Beginner Chinese

余仙娟Anna Coffman, Angela Shar, Alexis Dorman, 周耀Jeffrey Zhou, Trevor Weyman, Andy Shar, 6 outstanding participation! Thanks!

幼稚園注音/拼音班(甲) Zhuyin/Pinyin K-A

蔡凱心 Annie Tsai

蔣超華 Anthony Chung

一年級(甲) Grade 1-A

蔡凱文 Andrew Tsai

蕭銘 Corey Hsiao

一年級(乙) Grade 1-B

邱毅雯 Cortney Qiu

陶郁涵 Zephyr Tao

二年級(乙) Grade 2-B1

郭麗珊 Lisa Quach

周紫薇 Vivian Zhou

二年級(乙) Grade 2-B2

劉杰瑞 Jerry Liu

周樂樂 Erin Chou

三年級(甲) Grade 3-A

蕭堯 Patrick Hsiao

葉蒙恩 Zachary Ip

三年級(乙) Grade 3-B

陶映蘭 Alan Tao

四年級(乙) Grade 4-B

周陽 Johnathan Zhou

馬樂強 Ma, Andrew

五年級(乙) Grade 5-B

馬樂亦 Roy Ma

蔣逸君 Diana Jiang

六年級(甲) Grade 6-A

林義玲 Elaine Lam

黃國威 Alan Wong

八年級(甲) Grade 8-A

黃瑞華 Mary Hwang

何慧敏 Michelle Ho

Naomi Schettini

Hannah Beth Liu Snyder

雙語一 Bilingual-1A

劉仙莉 C.J. Daleiden

Natalie Longtin

Jason Griller

Brian Tang

Jeffery Tang

雙語二 Bilingual-2A

高玉陽Veronica Fortunato , 楊智宏Samuel Jacobson, First place for both students

雙語二 Bilingual-2B

雲瑜Clair Hoon, Valentina Gamero ,First place for both students

雙語三 Bilingual-3

柯皓傑 Vincent Kha

雙語四 Bilingual-4

林寶雲 Jennifer Lam

林海榮 Ryan Lam

綜合中文五 Integrated Chinese 5

賀崑 Ryan Hoeh

梁懿華 priscilla Liang

實用中文 Practical Chinese 1-B

Jeff Weyman

Luigi Frascarelli

張偉安Paul Jueng

潘明安 David Pon

實用中文 Practical Chinese 2 廣東班 Cantonese 3 Total

First place for both students

賀琳 Celeste Hoeh

Johan De Jesus 23




105 East SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Tel: (407) 706-1378, • Fax: (407) 706-1379

Contact Joanna Kiang at 407-354-3318 if you would like to sponsor the next newsletter in AUG 2009

中 •佛 •通 •訊

若有意贊助本通訊者,請聯絡江昭瑢 407-354-3318 查詢詳情


五月號•May 2009

A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

中佛州中華學校校董會會長 周曼宜 親愛的家長、老師、職員、同學及朋友們: 時間過得真快,一轉眼,俞孟貞校長的第二個任期即將於 2009年5月屆滿。 中華學校董事會,已依據中華學校章程聘任黃秀 治老師出任下屆校長,將於2009年5月上任,任期兩年。 俞孟貞校長自2005年5月接任校長以來, 在過去四年中,圓滿處 理日益繁重的校務,在她的領導下,中華學校不斷的成長發展,這 是大家有目共睹的,俞校長的領導能力則更是不容置疑。我們非常 感謝俞校長對中華學校校長一職的熱誠投入,再一次感謝她為中華 學校所作出的貢獻。 對於兩年一次的新任校長遴選,對我和董事會的全體董事來 說 ,都是一個困難的決定。不過作為中華學校董事會成員,我們也 瞭解到中華學校之所以能持續成長,薪火傳承是很重要的關鍵,因 此,在經過多方面深思熟慮之後,董事會最終決定聘任新任校長。

的支持,才能穩定成長,達到今天的規模。 過去多年,大家都看到 俞校長 在中國語文推廣方面的無比衝勁與熱誠。 因此,俞校長的校 長職務雖將卸下,並不意味她對中華學校的支持與熱誠也會隨之減 退。 中華學校董事會熱切期盼俞校長在卸任後,能繼續以她的專業 知識為中華學校服務。 在此,我們要為大家介紹中華學 校的新任校長黃秀治老師。大家對她 應該並不陌生,她在中華學校有16年 中文教學經驗,及四年教務主任行政 工作經驗。 她一直與學校老師及家 長在良好的互動下,同心協力支持中 華學校。黃秀治老師在接受董事會正 式聘任時,曾說:「當我作為一個支 持者時,我樂於配合; 當大家要我成 為一個領導者時,我則勇於承擔。」 董事會十分欣賞她對團隊精神的尊重 及配合承擔的美德。我們相信,在她 的領導及大家鼎力支持下,中華學校 必將在不久的將來,成功的邁向另一個新的里程碑。

在中華學校成立至今二十九年期間,多位卸任校長並沒有隨著卸下 校長職務而停止對中華學校的支持,他們在回到各自的領域後,仍 以不同的方式繼續支持學校。 一直以來,中華學校正因為 得到大家

周曼宜 中華學校董事會董事長

Dear Parents, Teachers, Students, Friends and Supporters: As you may all know the second two-year term of our principal, Conchita Hsu, is ending in May 2009. In accordance with the selection procedure of the By-law, the Board of the Chinese School of CAACF has appointed a new principal, Shiow Chih Hwang, for the upcoming term starting May 2009 to May 2011. It is a difficult moment for each of the Board members and me to recognize Conchita’s term is ending very soon. During the past four years, Conchita has been working diligently and tediously as the principal of the Chinese School. We all experienced the tremendous growth and expansion of the Chinese School under the leadership of Conchita. Conchita’s achievement and her passion were fully recognized. We are so thankful for Conchita’s full dedication to the Chinese School and her personal passion to be the principal of the Chinese School. However, as an organization, the Board understands the importance of continuing the success of the Chinese School and to develop new leaders to lead the School. Throughout the twenty-nine years of Chinese School, many past principals have continue to support the Chinese School in various capacity. It has been the Board’s wish that Conchita’s expertise could be shared among us and other volunteers so that the success of the Chinese School can be advanced to another level through mentoring, stewarding and promotion of the team spirit. With Conchita’s passion and love to promote Chinese language, even not as a principal, we believe Conchita will still continue to contribute in another capacity to the Chinese School and our community.

I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce our new principal for the upcoming term – Shiow Chih Hwang. As we all know, Shiow Chih has over twenty years of experience as a teacher in our Chinese School with four years experience as Academic Administrator. She has been working with teachers and parents for more than two decades in a supporting role to our Chinese School. The Board admires and appreciates the time and effort that Shiow Chih has contributed to the Chinese School. We want to share a quote from Shiow Chih when the Board appointed her as principal: “As a supportive role, I shall happily cooperate. If it is time for me to take a leadership role, I shall courageously take up my responsibility.” The Board believes with Shiow Chih’s well-proven dedication to the Chinese School, she will lead our Chinese School into a new era and continue to run the Chinese School successfully with your full support. Sincerely,

Agnes Chau

Chair of CAACF Chinese School Board

中 •佛 •通 •訊


五月號•May 2009

A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

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門 診


週一至週四:7:30AM - 4:30PM

電話: 407-322-1688 地址: Bay Tree Office Park Suite 110 430 Waymont Court Lake Mary, FL 32746

奧蘭多大型華人汽車外殼翻新噴漆公司 杜 邦 噴 漆 永 久 保 證 重 型 機 架 設 備 先 進 價 格 公 道 經 驗 豐 富 歡迎所有汽車保險 協助填寫索賠文件 任何交通事故車身受損 一通電話服務就到 特 價 租 車 每 天 只 需 需 需 需

趙趙忠 精通英語及廣東話

2501 S Volusia Ave, Suite 200 Orange City, FL 32763 Orange City: 386-774-6333 Ormond Beach: 386-615-4800 Port Orange: 386-898-0908

Contact Joanna Kiang at 407-354-3318 if you would like to sponsor the next newsletter in AUG 2009

中 •佛 •通 •訊

若有意贊助本通訊者,請聯絡江昭瑢 407-354-3318 查詢詳情


五月號•May 2009

A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida


林 遵 瀛 牙醫師




404 N Perkins St. Leesburg, FL 34748 (Downtown Leesburg) 352-365-0018 Fax


$348 5110/5120







Workship Time : Sunday 11:00 a.m. Downey Memorial Church Family Life Center : 10201 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32817 Mailing address : P.O. Box 780211, Orlando FL 32878 Email :








Fees may vary due to complexity of the case. Discount plans & insurance do not apply. Discounts not valid with any other offer

Contact Joanna Kiang at 407-354-3318 if you would like to sponsor the next newsletter in AUG 2009 若有意贊助本通訊者,請聯絡江昭瑢 407-354-3318 查詢詳情

中 •佛 •通 •訊



五月號•May 2009

A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

專科 醫師

美國脊椎神經骨傷科 主治:

頸椎病•車禍受傷•手腳麻痺 腰痛, 坐骨神經痛•四肢痛症

Dr. Gary King

*紐約STONY BROOK生物系 *喬治亞州LIFE大學脊骨神經科醫學博士 *七年以上臨床經驗

AndruEds Group, Inc. Real Estate

*脊椎調整 *針灸 *物理治療 *按摩

Commercial Residential

Fairbanks Ave. Florida Hospital

(位於 Orange Ave 和17-92交界, 鄰近中文學校)

Mills Ave.

電話: 407-672-1115 地址: 1355 Orange Ave, Ste #2 Winter Park, FL 32789


專 業 按 摩 師 配 合 治 療


痛症診療中心 527 Ave. ge


E. Colonial Dr. (SR 50)

Malee Chu

Te l : 407-898-1898 Lic. Broker Fax: 407-898-0898 1219 ColonialSt., Dr.,Orlando, Orlando, FL FL 32803 1625 E. Hillcrest

陳叔民會計師 ●佛州註冊會計師●佛州會計師協會會員 ●

公司註冊 土地交易 商業買賣 房屋物業 合同租約 翻譯公證 商標註冊 商業轉讓


電話:(407) 648-0880 傳真:(407) 648-0380

精通國、粵、英語 專誠為您服務

親屬移民 居留延期 政治庇護 公民申請 轉換身份 綠卡申請 學生簽證 工作簽證(H,L,E類) 國家利益豁免(NIW) 傑出人才移民(EBI) 勞工技術移民 (PERM) 其他事務

奧蘭多辦公室 服務全佛州

公司設立 帳簿整理


交通意外 滑倒跌傷 其他意外 工作受傷 索取賠償 協議離婚



投資分析 牌照申請

● ●

稅務處理 商務咨詢

Sheila S. Lang, CPA, PA 2114 Hillcrest St., Orlando, FL 32803 Tel: 407-896-1940

JIANN-JANG WU, B.M.D., M.S. Practice Limited to Endodontics


Dr Jiann-Jang Wu


201 N. Lakemont Ave. Suite 2400 Winter Park, FL 32792 Tel: 407-647-4773

Contact Joanna Kiang at 407-354-3318 if you would like to sponsor the next newsletter in AUG 2009 10 中 • 佛 • 通 • 訊

若有意贊助本通訊者,請聯絡江昭瑢 407-354-3318 查詢詳情


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2009

CAACF Chinese Folk Dance Class CAACF established The Dancing Troupe in 1980 to promote and preserve the Chinese culture. If your children would like to learn more about Chinese Folk Dance, please contact Angie Chow, director of CAACF Dancing Trope at 407-810-5140 or email her at

中佛州中美協會舞蹈社民族舞蹈班 中佛州中美協會舞蹈社成立於1980年,致力推廣中華文化。各位家長們,希望您們的子女學習中國民族舞嗎? 請聯絡舞蹈社導師魏安琪407-810-5140,或電郵

Palace Dance

Kung Fu Fan Danc

Enroll now and become the member of Chinese American Association of Central Florida.

2009 MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT FORM 中 美 協 會 會 員 申 請 表 格

NAME IN CHINESE : _________________ NAME IN ENGLISH : __________________________________ Last First ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ CITY: _______________________________ ZIP CODE : _______________________ HOME PHONE: _______________________ CELL PHONE : ____________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________ Prefer to receive newsletter by post __ or by Email __ (make sure include your email) REMARKS

: ________________________________________

Please mail this form and a check of $20 (one year membership fees) to

CAACF 823 E. Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32803

Membership card will be sent to you by mail 中 • 佛 • 通 • 訊 11


A Newsletter of Chinese American Association of Central Florida

五月號•May 2009

Chinese American Association of Central Florida 823 E. Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32803


CAACF MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT 2009 2009 中美協會會員優惠計劃

Your valid CAACF membership card and ID must be present.


請出示中美協會有效會員卡及身份証明以享受各項優惠 • $20 per semester tuition discount at the Chinese School per student 享有中華學校每學期二十元學費減免 • China Garden 金漢海鮮酒家- 118 S Semoran Blvd, 407-671-2120 – 10% off all day including dine-in and take-out 九折優惠 (可用於堂食及外賣) • China Town Seafood & BBQ Restaurant 鳳城海鮮燒腊酒家 - 1103 N. Mills Ave. 407-896-9383 10% off all day including dine-in and take-out 九折優惠 (可用於堂食及外賣) • Elite Beauty Salon 依莉髮廊 - 2120 E Colonial Dr, 407-895-2989 – Special facial one time $55 (original price $75) 美容護理優惠價$55(原價$75)-只限一次 • Golden Lotus 金荷苑 - 8365 S John Young Parkway, 407-352-3832 – 10% off dinner only 九折優惠 (只適用於晚餐) • Beauty World Skin Care 美的世界美容纖體中心 - 5160 W. Colonial Dr., Orlando, (第一東方超市旁) 407-822-1020 – Buy 5 get one Free Facial 護膚美容療程, 買五送一 • Qi Dragon Bakery 奇龍餅店 - 7400 Southland Blvd, 407-816-3663 – 10% off on Birthday Cake 購買生日蛋糕九折優惠 • Taste of Hong Kong 香江樓- 6540 Carrier Dr, 407-248-2863 – 10% off all day 九折優惠 • Teriyaki House 華園餐廳 - 5600 W. Colonial Dr., Ste 108, 321-281-8088 – 10% off all day 九折優惠

Contact Joanna Kiang at 407-354-3318 if you would like to offer any benefits to the CAACF members 商號若有意提供折扣優惠給予中佛州中美協會會員享用,請聯絡江昭瑢 407-354-3318 查詢詳情

12 中 • 佛 • 通 • 訊

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