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4 | April / May 2014
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CONTENTS On the Cover
Stacey Martino Meet Aspire expert relationship columnist and Love and Passion Coach Stacey Martino in this inspiring interview. Stacey helps people who feel stuck, frustrated and helpless with the challenges of intimate relationship. Through strategic private coaching, programs and events for her Relationship Transformation System™, individuals learn to use her proven strategies and tools to create an unshakable love and unleashed passion that lasts a lifetime. Cover Photo Credit: Lindsay Musser
APRIL | MAY 2014
Wisdom & Self-Growth 20 AUTHENTIC LIVING: A MOMENT BY MOMENT PRACTICE by Christy Whitman Authenticity is simply the experience of being connected to ourselves – to our feelings, thoughts and the subtle ways in which our energy shifts from moment to moment – while at the same time being connected with another. To live authentically is to experience a seamless flow between ourselves and those we are with; to allow another’s experience of the moment to enhance our own experience of it, and vice versa. | April / May 2014
24 9 AUTHENTIC CREATION TIPS FOR DIVINE FEMININE LEADERS by Lisa Michaels Uncovering the truth about creating your authentic dreams, desires, and purpose isn’t easy. Cultural training runs deep in the psyche. The programing to fit in, follow the crowd, and not make waves begins early with sit still, be quiet, don’t talk back, and stop dancing around. Slowly the impulse to express yourself gets drowned out and overtaken by “be nice, play safe, and follow the rules.” No wonder it takes time for women to take the lid off those old messages and start the deep inner digging to reveal their distinctive soul truth. Here are 9 authentic creation tips to support your journey to authentic living.
28 SIMPLY EMPOWERED... WHY DID I LET YOU DULL MY SHINE? by Crystal Andrus Leading women’s empowerment coach Crystal Andrus shares her intimate experience of how one woman’s judgment brought up layers of self-doubt and old selfsabotaging behaviors. Crystal shares her experience to remind women to never ‘dull their shine’ in order to be loved and accepted for who they are.
“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.” MAY SARTON
32 THE REAL SECRET TO THE EMPOWERED LIFE by Cathleen O’Connor The incredible power of choice lies within you, and it is choice that gives you the opportunity to create the empowered life, one that is a true reflection of the many aspects of who you are. As you make conscious choices you will find that life shifts around you. You move out of victimization and into self-actualization and when you take the time to discover what you truly need and want you can then create the rich and fulfilling life you deserve.
35 WHAT IS YOUR SOUL LANGUAGE? by Jennifer Urezzio For centuries, people have been searching to find out who they really are, why they are here, and what it all means. Soul Language gives us the insight and the tools to answer these questions in an accessible, relatable way. By understanding our Soul Languages, we can listen more closely to our inner wisdom, expand our awareness, and enjoy our lives. Jennifer, the creator of the Soul Language shares the three categories of Soul Language.
CONTENTS Health & Wellness 40 LIVING THE GODDESS LIFESTYLE: THE MODERN DAY GODDESS’ GUIDE TO A MAGICAL SPRINGTIME by Lisa Marie Rosati Life is magic. When you choose to look at life through a magical lens… life becomes a joyful, interesting and pleasure-filled adventure of EPIC proportions. There are quite a few ways to connect with the magic of life and in this empowering article manifestation expert Lisa Marie shares some tips including one of the easiest ways to get connected – aligning with the flow of nature.ain’t nobody’s business!
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” C.G. JUNG
As a woman you have a power no man will ever possess: the power to give life. Each time you bleed, this is your body’s way of clearing out the old to prepare to bring life again. Even if you have no desire to have children, your cycle is still an incredible gift meant to be honored. Learn to work with the ebb and flow of your hormones throughout your monthly cycle and as you do you’ll find yourself embracing it as the gift that it is.
46 EMPATHIC ILLNESS: DO YOU ABSORB OTHER PEOPLE’S SYMPTOMS? by Judith Orloff, M.D. As a woman you have a power no man will ever possess: the power to give life. Each time you bleed, this is your body’s way of clearing out the old to prepare to bring life again. Even if you have no desire to have children, your cycle is still an incredible gift meant to be honored. Learn to work with the ebb and flow of your hormones throughout your monthly cycle and as you do you’ll find yourself embracing it as the gift that it is. 50 THE WISE WOMAN WAY: LEADING AN AUTHENTIC LIFE by Susun S. Weed What is an authentic life? Wise Woman Susun Weed shares her insights on living authentically, changing the story we tell ourselves and lovingly walks you through a Shamanic Process to bring you closer to your authentic self.
CONTENTS 53 STOP AND APPRECIATE THE MOMENT by Dr. Cynthia Thaik When you step back and slow things down in your life, you are actually allowing your body to renew and regenerate itself. This allows your bodily systems to function better, aids in the elimination of harmful toxins, and conserves valuable energy that your body could be using to fight off internal and external pathogens. Renowned Harvardtrained cardiologist shares 5 tips to help you slow down and take care of your heart, body, mind and spirit.
“The authentic self is soul made visible.” SARAH BAN BREATHNACH
Relationships 58 INTERVIEW WITH LOVE AND PASSION COACH STACEY MARTINO by Linda Joy Aspire Magazine is honored to introduce you to Love and Passion Coach Stacey Martino, Aspire’s Expert Relationship Columnist. Stacey helps people who feel stuck, frustrated and helpless with the challenges of intimate relationship. Through strategic private coaching, programs and events for her Relationship Transformation System™, individuals learn to use her proven strategies and tools to create an unshakable love and unleashed passion that lasts a lifetime. Stacey firmly believes that it does NOT take two to tango, that one person can significantly shift the dynamics of the relationship. Trained and certified by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes, Stacey is a certified marriage educator and divorce preventionist.
64 TRANSFORMING YOUR RELATIONSHIP: LOVE IS NOT ALL THERE IS! by Stacey Martino Love and Passion Coach, Stacey Martino teaches us how to put an end to the false beliefs responsible for more broken hearts (and homes) than anything else. Learn why love and passion are not enough to sustain a magnificent relationship that lasts a lifetime. 70 CHOREOGRAPH YOUR SACRED LIFE by Shann Vander Leek In Choreograph Your Sacred Life, Transformation Goddess, Shann Vander Leek share how you can experience your life in a beauty way. Do want to consciously create your one precious life? This article will help you gain clarity and design the life of your dreams.
“Everything will line up perfectly when knowing and living the truth becomes more important than looking good.” ALAN COHEN
Career | Business 74 DOING BUSINESS LIKE A GODDESS: SETTING GOALS AND BOUNDARIES THAT HONOR YOUR FEMININE by Elizabeth Purvis As part of a special series over the last year, Elizabeth has been sharing her key concepts for doing business like a goddess. This is the sixth and final
key concept completing this powerful series. The sixth key focuses on setting goals and boundaries that honor your feminine and includes 5 power tips to set empowered, soulsupportive goals that pull you forward in life and in business.
78 MINDSET: THE INNER PROFIT GAME FOR BUSINESS SUCCESS by Jeanna Gabellini When it comes to profits, mindset always trumps strategy. When you practice cultivating an abundant mindset your profits will grow while your heart glows from the connection you feel to your team, clients and tribe. Abundance must be your internal vibration in order to produce it in your outer world. Master Business Coach Jeanna Gabellini shares empowering tips on how to shift your mindset from lack to abundance as well as some inspired action tips to manifest your revenue goals in the next two weeks.
82 EMBRACE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF IN LIFE AND BUSINESS by Maryellen De Vine Authenticity is so important if you are an entrepreneur. How will your perfect clients ever know that you are perfect for them if you water yourself down? Let them feel your true essence. That’s what they will be attracted to most. Yes, your expertise and services will be of value, but there are probably many others out there offering the same thing. However, only you do it the way you do; with your own spin on it; with your essence infused into it. Here are a few ways to bring authenticity into your business.
85 ALIGNING WITH UNIVERSAL LAWS FOR YOUR HIGHLY CONSCIOUS BUSINESS by Jennifer Longmore There is a divine energy that moves through you AND your business, and when you learn how to activate it, channel it, and accelerate it, particularly in your business, it will create results beyond your wildest imagination. Jennifer shares the Universal Laws including the Law of Abundance, Law of Action, Law of Manifestation and others and steps to align with each of these Universal Laws to achieve quantum leaps in your highly conscious business and experience success and prosperity beyond what you could have even imagined.
“Don’t think you’re on the right road just because it’s a well-beaten path.” UNKNOWN
89 INSPIRED TO WRITE? OPEN UP TO LIFE AND WRITING by Lisa Tener A powerful place to reconnect with your authentic self is through writing. National Book Coach Lisa Tener shares three different tools for discovering your voice as a writer and—in the process—getting in touch with your authentic self.
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14 | April / May 2014
Stacey Martino helps people who feel stuck, frustrated and helpless with the challenges of intimate relationship. Through strategic private coaching, programs and events for her Relationship Transformation System™, individuals learn to use her proven strategies and tools to create an unshakable love and unleashed passion that lasts a lifetime. Stacey firmly believes that it does NOT take two to tango, that one person can significantly shift the dynamics of the relationship. Trained and certified by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes, Stacey is a certified marriage educator and divorce preventionist. Click Here for Articles
Passionista Lisa Marie Rosati is an Inner Goddess Catalyst for women and the Creatrix of The Goddess Lifestyle Plan. Lisa mentors women on how become a Modern Day Goddess by consciously designing a luscious Goddess life, cultivating radiant health and creating a lucrative business using and directing their feminine fire.
Crystal Andrus is a leader in the field of selfdiscovery and personal transformation. From a tough beginning—she has risen to become a best-selling Hay House author, international speaker, women’s health advocate, spokesperson for Haylo Health, and Founder of The SWAT Institute. Crystal’s message is one of resilience, strength and inner power.
An award-winning authority on writing and publishing books, Lisa Tener guides you to joyfully express yourself in writing. She blogs for the Huffington Post, serves on the faculty of Harvard Medical School’s publishing course, and teaches her own Award Winning Book Writing Courses in person and by interactive teleseminar.
Transforming Your Relationship
Simply... Empowered!
Living the Goddess LifeStyleTM
Inspired to Write?
Elizabeth Purvis shows spirit-led, missiondriven women how to price, package and market their services so they create extraordinary income and impact. Known for blending heart-centered sales, Internet marketing, spiritual principles and Universal Law, Elizabeth delivers simple ways for her clients to double or triple revenues by creating multiple streams of income and enrolling ideal clients at higher fees.
Susun Weed is an internationally renowned herbalist, author, and director of the Wise Woman Center in New York. She is a revered voice of the Wise Woman Tradition, where women’s bodies and women’s emotions are valued. Susun is a founding grandmother of the herbal renaissance and the originator of the concept of complementary medicine.
Doing Business Like a Goddess
The Wise Woman Way
”Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” BRENÉ BROWN
Welcome to the April/May 2014 Authentic Living: The Path to Inner Freedom! The path of feminine liberation is a courageous journey adorned with a rich tapestry meaningful experiences. Heart-centered women are learning to let go of what no longer serves them while learning how to fully receive their inner freedom. When we listen to the still small voice within us, we can experience the joy of living an authentic life. I believe we all yearn to live authentically, without masks and labels, and be loved and accepted for the truth of who we are. Throughout this wisdom-filled issue you’ll discover the tips, tools and resources to support you in embracing your authentic self. As contributor Christy Whitman shares in her empowering article Authentic Living: A Moment by Moment Practice, “Authenticity is
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simply the experience of being connected to ourselves – to our feelings, thoughts and the subtle ways in which our energy shifts from moment to moment – while at the same time being connected with another.”
Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and enjoy the powerful articles, empowering wisdom and supportive resources offered by our expert columnist and featured guest contributors.
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LINDA JOY Publisher & Editor-In-Chief |
Here’s What I’m Reading Right Now...
The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse: A Breakthrough Program for Connecting with Your Soul’s Deepest Purpose By Debbie Ford I was called to pull out one of my all-time favorite books by the late Debbie Ford and am so happy I followed my intuition. Just as our bodies need to experience physical cleansings in order to run at optimal health and energy so do our spiritual and emotional centers. Love it!
“As you become more aligned
with the truth of who you are, the question of liking yourself goes away. It is a natural state of being .”
Rachel Archelaus
The Law of Attraction:
Read Online!
ncy BY MARGARET PAUL, PH.D. e u q e r F t u o b A ’s It
Many of us have heard of the Law of Attraction – that like attracts like. However, many are confused about what this really means.
In my experience, like attracts like means that like frequency attracts like frequency. My high frequency attracts the things I want and my low frequency attracts the things I don’t want. The question then becomes, what raises or lowers frequency? Here are four tips to raise your
tive Posi ing k Thin
Read the full article online.
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INSPIRED LIVING GIVEAWAY: RESOURCES FOR MASTERING THE ART OF LIVING || DETAILS! 100+ Free Transformational Gifts BE LOVED FOR YOUR MOST AUTHENTIC SELF || DETAILS! Free call with Publisher Linda Joy & Special Guest Stacey Martino
“What I am is good enough – if I would only be it openly.” – CARL ROGERS
hen Linda invited me to contribute to this month’s issue on Authentic Living, I was instantly reminded of the above quote, given to us by the late humanistic psychologist, Carl Rogers. To me, these words embody the very essence of what it means to live authentically. Authenticity is simply the experience of being connected to ourselves – to our feelings, thoughts and the subtle ways in which our energy shifts from moment to moment – while at the same time being connected with another. To live authentically is to experience a seamless flow between ourselves and those we are with; to allow another’s experience of the moment to enhance our own experience of it, and vice versa. Authenticity is the basis of connectedness and intimacy, and is a prerequisite to getting into the vibration of “flow” that we feel in those experiences and relationships in our lives that are truly exceptional and evolutionary.
20 | April / May 2014
Now, are there times when having the ability to “step out” of ourselves is necessary in order to empathize with and attend to someone in need? Yes, of course. If you’ve ever been a caretaker of another person – an aging parent or a young child, for example – you understand that this is, at times, the most compassionate and appropriate action we can take. The problem arises when we devote more of our emotional, physical, intuitive, or creative energy to another than we devote to ourselves, because that’s the point at which we begin to compromise our own authentic needs for the sake of someone else’s. And the moment we allow someone else’s happiness to dictate when it is and is not okay to be authentically ourselves, this slippery slope gets even more slippery. Of course, we don’t “learn” the art of compromising our authenticity in the same way we learn arithmetic. No one sits us down one day
and says, “Listen. You need to make yourself invisible when Daddy gets home, or he will get angry and none of us will feel safe.” It’s unlikely that anyone told us in so many words, “Hey. You are not allowed to be the one who shines, because in this family, your sister (or brother) is the shiny one.” And yet, messages like these still come through loud and clear, and we absorb them all the same. When these kind of conditions on our authenticity, formed in childhood, go unidentified and unchallenged, we drag them into virtually relationship in our adult lives. We learn to subjugate our needs for the needs of others. We become people pleasers. We repeatedly find ourselves feeling like a victim. There are countless ways to relinquish our authenticity, but the path to reclaiming it begins with a single realization: We are all born with the intrinsic right to be completely and authentically ourselves, without pretense or
There are countless ways to relinquish our authenticity, but the path to reclaiming it begins with a single realization: We are all born with the intrinsic right to be completely and authentically ourselves, without pretense or posturing – and we alone have the power to grant or to deny ourselves this fundamental right.
In theory at least, authenticity seems like something that should come about as easily and naturally as breathing – and it does, to some extent, when we’re young. In fact, if you ever want to see a shining example of what it is to be fully and authentically connected in the moment, just watch a young child at play. Unless the child is insecurely attached to one or both parents, what you’ll see is a human being engaged with Life without barriers, limitations or emotional walls diminishing the fullness of his or her experience. But at some point in our development, as our awareness expands to include not only our own experience but also that of the significant others in our lives, we learn a skill that can be beneficial in the short term, but highly detrimental if it becomes a habit: We learn to disconnect from our own experience of what’s happening inside of us in order to connect with and meet the needs of those around us.
posturing – and we alone have the power to grant or to deny ourselves this fundamental right. To permit ourselves to be authentically who and how we are is to place ourselves in the driver’s seat of our own experience. It is to have the awareness and the willingness
“To permit ourselves to be authentically who and how we are is to place ourselves in the driver’s seat of our own experience.” to listen to ourselves, to renegotiate relationships and situations that no longer serve us, and to become willing to ask for what we want and need in each changing situation. Authentic Living is a momentby-moment practice. It’s learning to listen to that “still small voice within,” and to pay attention to the subtle energies of ease or tension; of excitement or apprehension that arise in response to each evolving area of our lives. It’s learning first how to distinguish our inner “YESes” and inner “NOs,” and then expressing those preferences responsibly and clearly. On a very practical level, authenticity is having the courage to say, “You know, it feels like that is going to be too much for me tonight” – and to negotiate until we find an option that feels better and more nurturing. It’s to redirect our focus, so that instead of considering first what we think will make others happy and bending ourselves to comply with that, to look first inside ourselves, to see what feels good for
22 | April / May 2014
us. Authenticity is more than just the key to our own happiness and high-self esteem; it’s also the doorway for true connectedness and intimacy with another. I think of Authentic Living as a kind of internal allegiance we pledge to our inner being, which we commit to upholding regardless of what’s going on in our outer world. It’s a pledge to remain anchored in our own bodies, in our own energy field, and in our own source of wellbeing. For me, daily meditation is the key to living authentically, because it takes me beyond the superficial thoughts and judgments generated in the mind and into a direct feeling experience of what is actually happening within me. For some women, getting out into the quiet of nature may be the key that helps them get connected and stay connected when life gets busy or chaotic. Whatever the key is for you, the best news of all is that you don’t need to search for it anywhere except within yourself. The door to your authentic self doesn’t open from the outside in, Read but from the inside out. Online! Christy Whitman – A New York Times Bestselling Author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How To Be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want!), CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching AcademyTM, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program, and creator of the Enlightened Kid Program. Christy’s life-changing message reaches over 100,000 people a month and she has been seen on The Today Show, The Morning Show and The Marilyn Dennis Show in Canada. She has been quoted in Seventeen, Woman’s World, Woman’s Day, Teen Vogue, People Magazine, Hollywood Life, and Knot Magazine. As a certified Law of Attraction coach, her work has been promoted by and featured with best-selling authors like Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff,. She currently lives in Montreal with her husband, Frederic, and their two boys, Alexander and Maxim. Meet her at and