SNEAK PEEK - Aspire Magazine June/July 2013

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4 | June / July 2013

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6 | June / July 2013

Wisdom & Self-Growth


CONTENTS On the Cover

Elizabeth Purvis Elizabeth shows spirit-led, mission-driven women how to price, package and market their services so they create extraordinary income and impact. Aspire welcomes Elizabeth and her new column “Doing Business like a Goddess” to our family of Expert Columnists.


JUNE | JULY 2013 LIVING A BLISSFUL LIFE Wisdom & Self-Growth 16 Living the Big Stuff: An Essential “lifeline” mantra by Kristine Carlson The power of mantra (The repetition of “instrument of thought”, speech, sacred text, a prayer or song of praise.) in combination with meditation can help you through difficult life transitions. Repeating “The Mantra” during times of resistance to change penetrates the unconscious and calls spirit into action and grace to heal. Kristine shares the five-step S.T.A.R.R. mantra: “I surrender, trust, accept, release and receive.” | June / July 2013

18 Simply... empowered! Transcendent beauty by Crystal Andrus You see, transcendent beauty is a state of being. It can’t be bought or bottled, found or lost—it simply is. It has no real definition, for it’s in everything and everyone. Just as the butterfly emerges from her cocoon, isn’t it time we all wake up and realize we must stop trying to be beautiful— and instead, decide that we are! 23 trust the process by Shann Vander Leek In Trust the Process, Transformation Goddess, Shann Vander Leek guides you to loosen the reigns of control your life. Shann invites you to set an intention and then trust the process of your personal unfolding.

CONTENTS 26 defining your brand of authenticity by Morgan McKean In our fast-pace, mediarich society, discovering who we really are, and how to live authentically isn’t always easy. From the time we wake-up and connect to the world through our media, someone is trying to tell us who we need to be and what we need to buy, wear, and eat to be hot, hip, or trendy. 30 colorscope: living a blissful life by Elizabeth Harper Colorscope is a unique system designed to stimulate your intuitive skills. By choosing the color you are most drawn to you actively access the wisdom of your subconscious and the voice of your soul.

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” JOSEPH CAMPBELL

Health & Wellness 33 living the goddess lifestyle: embracing a VITALicious life by Lisa Marie Rosati Health and Wellness Expert columnist Lisa Marie shares the four most common energy leaks for women and how to take empowered and aligned action to plug them up. You deserve to live a life of radiant energy and health.

39 Get Off the Hormonal RollercoasterNaturally! by Alisa Vitti When your hormones are in balance, everything about you, from the inside out, is functioning and looking its best. Integrative Nutritionist and author of WomanCode, Alisa Vitti shares nine nurturing food and lifestyle changes that can improve fertility, supercharge your sex drive and rebalance your hormones for easier periods.

36 The Wise Woman Way: Living a Blissful Life by Susan Weed The path to a blissful life is the path of least resistance. The way of bliss is the easy way. A life of bliss flows from a mindset that enjoys the journey. The chaotic, unpredictable, amazing, journey that life offers.


CONTENTS Relationships 44 comfort food by Cheryl Hunter Of all of the relationships in a person’s life, a relationship between a grandmother and granddaughter can be one of the most special. In this touching story, the author shares her heart-touching memories of her grandmother. May it remind you of your own grandmother, and inspire you about creating a magical relationship with grandchildren of your own. Thank heaven for grandmothers!

Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real. DEEPAK CHOPRA

51 the 7 doorways to love by Marci Shimoff Contrary to what greeting cards tell us, love isn’t just flowers, hearts, and a warm, fuzzy feeling; it’s actually a field of energy that we can tap into on many different levels— physical, emotional, and spiritual. This love energy is what makes life truly joyful and juicy. Learn the seven doorways that you can tap into your body’s built-in energy systems to amp up your life.

47 10 tips for soul to soul parenting by Annie Burnside Is your mindset having a serious impact on your love life? The only way more love, intimacy and romance can come into your life is to make room for it.

10 | June / July 2013

Career | Business 54 Doing business like a goddess: give yourself permission to be successful by Elizabeth Purvis Elizabeth joins Aspire as an Expert Columnist and her column Doing Business like a Goddess will share the key concepts that every feminine conscious entrepreneur must know and embrace in order to succeed in today’s new feminine business landscape. 57 inspired to write? Blissful writing, blissful living by Lisa Tener If you love to write, you know that writing in that place of flow can be ecstatic. When the words just keep coming, you are

CONTENTS in another realm—full of both magic and mystery—whether you’re writing a journal uggle side of str er h ot e th On e lose ometimes w lies bliss. S ome at and bec th of t gh si , the struggle in ed h es m so en for e the bliss we can’t se us. the life of

JUNE | JULY 2013 LIVING A BLISSFUL LIFE and business bigpicture vision become overwhelmed or feel energetically locked-down and unable to make strategically intuitive choices. Here are some steps to help you make strategically intuitive choices about where to put your focus and energy to bring your big-picture creation vision into being.

entry, a straightforward how-to book or a blog post. At other times you may struggle to write and feel disconnected. Would you like to get back to your writing bliss? Here are two writing prompts to help you access it. 60 how to choose your big-picture priority to focus your creation energy by Lisa Michaels For many creatives when it comes to manifesting their life



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KRISTINE CARLSON Living the Big Stuff TM

Crystal Andrus is a leader in the field of self-discovery and personal transformation. From a tough beginning—she has risen to become a best-selling Hay House author, international speaker, women’s health advocate, spokesperson for Haylo Health, and Founder of The SWAT Institute. Crystal’s message is one of resilience, strength and inner power.

An unyielding believer of Living the Big StuffTM and not sweating the small stuff in order to experience true happiness in life, as a bestselling author and inspirational speaker Kristine Carlson continues to expand on the phenomenal success of her late husband, Dr. Richard Carlson, beloved author of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series.


ELIZABETH PURVIS Doing Business Like a Goddess

Elizabeth Harper is an internationally acclaimed teacher, intuitive, healer, and the author of the award winning book Wishing: How to Fulfill Your Hearts Desires. Elizabeth is on the faculty at the highly acclaimed Omega Institute in Rhineback, NY and is invited to speak around the world.

Elizabeth Purvis shows spirit-led, missiondriven women how to price, package and market their services so they create extraordinary income and impact. Known for blending heart-centered sales, Internet marketing, spiritual principles and Universal Law, Elizabeth delivers simple ways for her clients to double or triple revenues by creating multiple streams of income and enrolling ideal clients at higher fees.

LISA MARIE ROSATI Living the Goddess LifeStyleTM

LISA TENER Inspired to Write?

Passionista Lisa Marie Rosati is an Inner Goddess Catalyst for women and the Creatrix of The Goddess Lifestyle Plan. Lisa mentors women on how become a Modern Day Goddess by consciously designing a luscious Goddess life, cultivating radiant health and creating a lucrative business using and directing their feminine fire.

SUSUN WEED The Wise Woman Way

An award-winning authority on writing and publishing books, Lisa Tener guides you to joyfully express yourself in writing. She blogs for the Huffington Post, serves on the faculty of Harvard Medical School’s publishing course, and teaches her own Award Winning Book Writing Courses in person and by interactive teleseminar.

Susun Weed is an internationally renowned herbalist, author, and director of the Wise Woman Center in New York. She is a revered voice of the Wise Woman Tradition, where women’s bodies and women’s emotions are valued. Susun is a founding grandmother of the herbal renaissance and the originator of the concept of complementary medicine.

12 | June / July 2013

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