Sneak Peek - Aspire Oct/Nov 2013 - Honoring Your Inner Voice

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The Truth Of Who You Are


Your Soul’s Purpose


Christy Whitman

Leonie Dawson

Christine Kloser

Laura Hollick

Michelle Phillips

Lisa Marie Rosati

Inna Segal

Margaret Paul

Lone March

Jodi Chapman

Tess Marshall

Jill Hope

Unconditionally, Including Yourself

THRIVE In Your Mission FULFILL Your Deepest Desires CONNECT

With Your Passion And Purpose

CREATE The Life You Envision HEAL Your Story ALIGN With Universal Energy HONOR Your Body ACCEPT Your Brilliance EXPERIENCE

Enhanced Relationships

TRUST Your Inner Wisdom



Karen Russo

Kim Sarrasin

Shiloh Sophia McLoud

Elizabeth Purvis

Kristine Carlson

Ann Webb


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6 | October / November 2013


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CONTENTS On the Cover

OCTOBER | NOVEMBER 2013 HONORING YOUR INNER VOICE Wisdom & Self-Growth 18 13 Things fearless people do differently by Tess Marshall No matter where you are in your life, you can act your way out of a fearful situation. You can thrive. If being bold and courageous is something that interests you, here’s 13 things fearless people do differently.

Lisa Marie Rosati Meet Passionista and Inner Goddess Catalyst Lisa Marie Rosati in an intimate interview. Lisa is the founder and Visionary Creatrix of The Goddess Lifestyle Plan and Sugar Free Goddess and coauthor of the international best-selling book – “Embracing Your Authentic Self.”


22 Change your beliefs - change your reality by Christy Whitman We create from our beliefs – whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Through our beliefs we broadcast a pathway of energy toward one of an infinite number of possible futures. When we shift an internal belief, we shift more than just our mental state. We create a shift in consciousness, | October / November 2013

in energy, and in the reality that in every moment we are in the process of creating. 26 Living the big stuff™: hearing the Language of your heart by Kristine Carlson Amidst change and transition our mind can become cluttered with fear and worry about what is ahead. A worried mind will never bring our best solution to the table and certainly not one worth paying attention to. In fact, until you can quiet your mind, you will not be able to hear the wisdom and true intelligence of your heart. Kristine shares three ways to clear the pathway from your heart to your head.


30 take that risk sometimes the grass is greener over there by Krisit Blicharski We’ve been conditioned to feel we’re wrong or misguided when we dare to think the grass is greener over there, but the truth is, sometimes it IS! There are no mistakes in taking risks. There are only opportunities for growth and learning. If your inner-voice has been telling you it’s time for a change, to pursue that dream, to leave that relationship, to move on from that energydraining job, move to that new beautiful place… do it!

“Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life.” Paulo coelho

34 give it up by Shannon Kaiser If we spend our time worrying about every outcome, life cannot flow or happen to us. When we seek to control, grasp, and manipulate situations, we essentially hide from our true purpose and connection to ourselves. If our desire in life is to play and relax into fun, then we must learn to let go and embrace every change. The universe wants to give us all the things we desire but we need to do our part and let go. 38 how to tame your monkey mind by Shann Vander Leek In How to Tame Your Monkey Mind, Transformation Goddess, Shann Vander Leek shares four steps to silence your inner critic. Shann will show you how you can become the mistress of your inner voice and quiet your monkey mind.

42 simply... empowered! trust is the seat of the soul by Crystal Andrus No matter what you’ve gone through in your life—and no matter how painful it was—you can make the choice to align your personality with your soul and become. You can surrender and let the Universe shower its love upon you! It begins by taming fear, for once you begin to silence the sound of your ego, you’ll begin to hear your true voice . . . that of your higher self. It’s then that you must believe and truly trust in yourself, for when you do, you’ll be able to start opening up and letting others see you for who you really are.


CONTENTS 46 awaken the goddess within: 7 tips to honoring your inner wisdom by Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D., HHC We all receive intuitive nudging from the Universe through gentle prods, guidance, and life crises, but many of us bury our truth until we are hit with the Cosmic 2x4. Psychology Professor and Holistic Health Counselor Mary E. Pritchard shares the soul awakening that shook her to her core and woke her up to her truth.

“Intuition is a sense of knowing how to act spontaneously, without needing to know why.” sylvia clare

being with an incredible power within you. The same power that puts leaves on trees and the sun in the sky. Your mind is connected to the Universal mind that contains all the answers you seek. Your current reality is clouded over by emotional debris from your life experiences but you can move through it.

50 discover the life recovery formula™: self care + self worth + happiness = recovery by Mal Duane Do you sometimes wake up frozen with a fear of being grossly inadequate or asking yourself why am I so unhappy? Well the reality is you were born a perfect divine

12 | October / November 2013

56 colorscope by Elizabeth Harper Colorscope is a unique system designed to stimulate your intuitive skills. By choosing the color you are most drawn to you actively access the wisdom of your subconscious and the voice of your soul.

CONTENTS Health & Wellness

60 interview with inner goddess catalyst lisa marie rosati by Linda Joy Meet Passionista and Inner Goddess Catalyst Lisa Marie Rosati in an intimate interview. Lisa is the founder and Visionary Creatrix of The Goddess Lifestyle Plan and Sugar Free Goddess and co-author of the international best-selling

“When you expand your awareness, seemingly random events will be seen to fit into a larger purpose..” Deepak chopra

book – “Embracing Your Authentic Self.” Lisa passionately mentors women around the world on how to become a Modern Day Goddess by consciously designing how to get their health back, balance their feminine and masculine energies, ignite the fire within their souls and live a luscious goddess life filled with passion, radiant health, entrepreneurial success and prosperity. 66 Living the goddess lifestyle: a modern day goddess must! by Lisa Marie Rosati A Modern Day Goddess is nice to herself because her soul resides there. When you begin a practice of honoring your soul, you begin to get to know who you are as a Modern Day Goddess. You begin to feed the parts of yourself calling out for nourishment and find

yourself turning inward for the answers you yearn for instead of searching for outside validation. Inner Goddess Catalyst Lisa Marie shares ten of her favorite ways to nourish herself. 64 The Wise Woman Way: the wise healer within by Susan Weed Are you in touch with your Wise Healer Within? Would you like to be? Anyone can do it. Everyone has a Wise Healer Within. Some people call this entity “intuition,” or “body wisdom,” or even “my higher power.” Susun walks you through a Shamanic Journey within to empower you to tune into your Wise Healer Within.


CONTENTS Relationships 70 live, love and laugh after loss by Christina Rasmussen Everyone who has gone

through a profound loss has the ability to shift his or her approach to life in such a way that a new life is possible. Discovering and building your own new life is up to you. It is never too late . . . or too soon. And you are never too old. Put aside any beliefs you may hold about grief and living life after loss. You can live as you grieve, and you can move forward when you’re scared and shift when you want to stay the same. Be compassionate and gentle with yourself, embrace the


“Built into you is an internal guidance system that shows you the way home. All you need to do is heed the voice.” Neale Donald Walsch

truth of where you are, and take time to reflect on both your grief thoughts and life thoughts. When you realize that grief can mean two worlds co-existing—the old and the new—you will start seeing the life that is standing right in front of you. 70 magnificent love affairs are created - not found by Stacey Martino Most of us come with a preconceived notion that we are going to FALL in love and then stay in love. The truth is lasting love is created day by day and like any other part of our lives, it takes work and a powerful set of tools to create magnificence. Being in love, staying in love, going deeper into love, cultivating a heightened passion, living a life of magnificence – none of that will happen TO you. You must create a sacred space in your relationship to create it! | October / November 2013

73 three simple steps to building confidence in your child by Jill Hope Confidence is such an essential quality in living a happy, successful life. Confident people are more likely to ask for what they want, and tend to do it in a way that gets a positive response. By providing your child with choices, helping her speak in a manner that cultivates a sense of responsibility over her feelings, and encouraging her to do the things she is more than capable of doing for herself, you will gradually give your child experiences that will lead to greater self-confidence.

CONTENTS Career | Business 80 Growing your business with heart centered social media by Stacey Hoffer Weckstein Heart-centered social media is rooted in the feminine conscious business principle of collaboration. It overflows with gratitude, generosity, active listening, and authenticity. It creates opportunities to build deep connections + powerful relationships with ideal clients around the world by honoring the inner soul of your business and bringing that spirit into your social media marketing. It honors your heart, allows you

“If prayer is you talking to God, then intuition is God talking to you.” Dr. Wayne Dyer

to be authentically seen, and embraces the law of attraction to connect you with your ideal clients and to find win-win partners for your business. 80 Doing business like a goddess: Let go to grow! by Elizabeth Purvis In the third excerpt of Elizabeth’s column series she shares the third concept of doing business like a Goddess which is you must let go to grow. If you find yourself in any version of “stuck” – be it with something you’re manifesting, something you want to shift, an old trigger that comes up again and again, or not getting the results you want in your business – there is SOMETHING you’re holding onto. Elizabeth shares some simple yet powerful strategies to let go of what is no longer working.

Pa ssio n Ac + C tio ons n ist + A Ad ent b ap ilit t = y t o Re sul ts

86 the role of passion in your business by Sandra Martini Let me assure you that I believe passion is important in anything we do — from running our business to nurturing our relationships and raising our children. Everywhere we turn, we’re told “do what you love and the money will follow” or “follow your passion”. However, from a business perspective, passion, no matter how ardent, without the business and marketing practices to back it up, will, sadly, make your business yet another failed statistic. It’s avoidable. The choice is yours.


CONTENTS 90 inspired to write? saying “yes” to your inner voice: mary pritchard’s remarkable journey with her muse by Lisa Tener Dr. Mary Pritchard spent 9 months researching her book when her inner voice told her, “You’re writing the wrong book!” Yikes. Here’s how she rebounded from the surprising revelation and went on to attract interest from four agents.

n’t be This ca have right. I e sted nin not wa of my months ding a life buil for the m r o f t pla ook! wrong b

“Truth is not something outside to be discovered, it is something inside to be realized.” Osho

80 the introverts guide to succeeding in business (+Life!) by Leonie Dawson In this delightful and insightful article, visionary business leader, author and mentor Leonie Dawson shares seven empowering tips for introverts to succeed in business. From building on your successes to trusting your gut + going big in your own glorious, wild, wacky, introverted, weird way, Leonie’s openness will inspire you to stay true to your own self and your own spirit as you build a successful business.



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16 | October / November 2013


KRISTINE CARLSON Living the Big Stuff TM

Crystal Andrus is a leader in the field of self-discovery and personal transformation. From a tough beginning—she has risen to become a best-selling Hay House author, international speaker, women’s health advocate, spokesperson for Haylo Health, and Founder of The SWAT Institute. Crystal’s message is one of resilience, strength and inner power.

An unyielding believer of Living the Big StuffTM and not sweating the small stuff in order to experience true happiness in life, as a bestselling author and inspirational speaker Kristine Carlson continues to expand on the phenomenal success of her late husband, Dr. Richard Carlson, beloved author of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series.


ELIZABETH PURVIS Doing Business Like a Goddess

Elizabeth Harper is an internationally acclaimed teacher, intuitive, healer, and the author of the award winning book Wishing: How to Fulfill Your Hearts Desires. Elizabeth is on the faculty at the highly acclaimed Omega Institute in Rhineback, NY and is invited to speak around the world.

Elizabeth Purvis shows spirit-led, missiondriven women how to price, package and market their services so they create extraordinary income and impact. Known for blending heart-centered sales, Internet marketing, spiritual principles and Universal Law, Elizabeth delivers simple ways for her clients to double or triple revenues by creating multiple streams of income and enrolling ideal clients at higher fees.

LISA MARIE ROSATI Living the Goddess LifeStyleTM

LISA TENER Inspired to Write?

Passionista Lisa Marie Rosati is an Inner Goddess Catalyst for women and the Creatrix of The Goddess Lifestyle Plan. Lisa mentors women on how become a Modern Day Goddess by consciously designing a luscious Goddess life, cultivating radiant health and creating a lucrative business using and directing their feminine fire.

An award-winning authority on writing and publishing books, Lisa Tener guides you to joyfully express yourself in writing. She blogs for the Huffington Post, serves on the faculty of Harvard Medical School’s publishing course, and teaches her own Award Winning Book Writing Courses in person and by interactive teleseminar.

SUSUN WEED The Wise Woman Way

Susun Weed is an internationally renowned herbalist, author, and director of the Wise Woman Center in New York. She is a revered voice of the Wise Woman Tradition, where women’s bodies and women’s emotions are valued. Susun is a founding grandmother of the herbal renaissance and the originator of the concept of complementary medicine.



christina rasmussen

mal duane

Christy Whitman

Mary E. Pritchard, Ph.D.. HHC sandra martini

stacey hoffer weckstein

stacey martino




Jill hope

Kristi blicharski

leonie dawson

shann vander leek

shannon kaiser

tess marshall




”Once a woman becomes aware of forces that influence her, she gains the power that knowledge provides.”” jean shinoda bolen

Welcome to the October/November 2013 “Honoring Your Inner Voice” issue! Each of us has access to the wisest counsel of all – that still, small voice within all of us that feels authentic, powerful and true. When you learn to listen to and honor your inner wisdom you expand the field of possibility, increases synchronicities and strengthen your faith and belief in yourself. You’ll also notice greater bursts of creativity, improved physical wellbeing, and a heart filled with joy. In an intimate interview with Inner Goddess Catalyst Lisa Marie Rosati, (cover) Lisa shares a beautiful quote “If your soul is tugging at you to step up…, I urge you to listen. The world needs you to honor and OWN your energetic space” and shares what it means to own her truth. Along with Lisa’s in-depth interview, you’ll discover nuggets of wisdom, hope and inspiration throughout the Honoring Your Inner Voice issue of Aspire. From Christy Whitman’s Change Your Beliefs- Change Your Reality to The Introverts Guide to Succeeding in Business and Life by Leonie Dawson you’ll find empowering articles to support and inspire you on your journey of self-empowerment and self-love.

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LINDA JOY Publisher & Editor-In-Chief |

Here’s What I’m Reading Right Now...


Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential By Caroline Myss I first read Sacred Contracts well over ten years ago and recently, after the book kept coming up in many conversations, I decided to follow Universe’s nudge to read it again. It’s a must read for those with the desire to discover and fulfill your divine potential.

20 | October / November 2013


bigger than negativity and fear. Tap into it, master it and you’ll make the right decisions for yourself and your life.”

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Access the Feminine Power

of Intuition

“The intuitive power within you is

Lisa Marie Rosati

by lisa michaels

Learning to listen to the wisdom and guidance in Nature can increase your intuitive awareness and insights to direct you in every area of life. Opening to the wisdom of the natural elements offers a unique opportunity to access the feminine power of intuition. When you connect with nature and respect and honor its presence in your life, you increase your ability to open and expand the field of possibility. Nature offers us direct access to the wisdom of the elemental archetypes of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit.


Physical Realm

Emotional Realm


l Live & Virtua




Mental Realm FIRE:

Action Realm


Flows Through & Connects All Elements

Inspired Living Secrets: Season 3 || DETAILS! 24 Visionary Women – Thousands in Free Gifts – Free Access International Association of Conscious and Creative Writers || DETAILS! Publisher Linda Joy interviewed on Authenticity & Collaboration

13 Things Fearless People

Do Differently F By tess marshall

earless people succeed because they think, speak and act differently than those who stay stuck and make excuses.

People ask me all the time how I became bold and courageous. There are a couple of reasons. I was one of 10 children; number six from the top. As a young child, I learned to speak up and take action in order to get my needs met. By the time I was 22 years old, I was married and already a mom with four daughters. I traded my freedom for a ton of responsibility, without thinking much about it. I grew up


very quickly. It took a lot of guts, courage and determination. Today, I have a wonderful family and a massive amount of experience with living fearlessly. No matter where you are in your life, you can act your way out of a fearful situation. You can thrive. If being bold and courageous is something that interests you, here’s what fearless people do differently. | October / November 2013


Don’t hide how you feel. Don’t pretend. Be who you are. Face and embrace your fear. Let your uniqueness shine. Being real is very attractive.


Learn from failure. When you mess up, learn from your mistake and try again. There is no reason to be ashamed, embarrassed or fearful. Failure builds character. It creates epic tales of grand adventure. Failure leads to freedom. Fail your way to success. The sooner the better.


Challenge convention.


Speak up. Don’t be afraid to be heard. State your opinion. Take a stand. Let others know who you are and what you’re all about. You count. You matter. Fearless people know that!


Take action. The wisdom and knowledge you have won’t count for much until you put it into action. Don’t read another book. Embrace fear. Act. Don’t go to another conference. Act. Put your dream on your daily to-do-list.


Do what it takes.

Don’t be afraid to go against the grain. Leo Babauta of Zen Habits, told me a few years ago that his plan is to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. He recently lowered the price of his Sea Change Program from $26 to $10 a month.

Take risks. Do the things you’re afraid to do. Dare. Go after what you want. Don’t spend your time over-thinking or over-analyzing. Don’t hold back; ask for support. Bet on yourself.



Connect with others. Really connect. Get away from your electronics and connect face-to-face. Check in with people. Listen for what others need;

Ask for help. Ask someone to mentor you. Ask for direction. Ask for what you want, when you want it. Most people love to help others.


Wisdom & Self-Growth

Be authentic, scared and vulnerable.

meet those needs. Go the extra mile without expecting a thing in return.

If the answer is “no”, ask someone else. Fearless people are good at asking for and receiving help. Fearful people stop after one rejection.


Learn to trust yourself. Keep the commitments you make to yourself and others. Do what you say you’re going to do. Write down your promises so you don’t forget them. Follow through. When you can trust yourself, you’re more likely to trust others.


Learn new skills. Learn to enjoy challenges. When I wanted to be a better parent, I took parenting classes. When I decided to be a professional speaker, I joined Toastmasters. Currently, I’m taking a class called “Leveraging Up”. It will take me to the next level both personally and professionally.


Expect the best. Expect to succeed. Believe it will happen. Create a mental movie with an amazing ending. What if you believed the best is yet to come? How would you feel and what would you do today?


Don’t give up Try again. Brainstorm solutions. Do something different. Look for the lesson. Look at the problem from a different perspective. Take a break and begin again. Go beyond the fear of not succeeding. Never give up. Never. Read Online!

Tess Marshall, M.A. - A fear-shattering, risk taker, author, and courage coach with a master’s degree in counseling psychology. You’ll find her books and new e-Course, “30 Days of Bold” at her blog The Bold Life.


Shrink your fear. Take your power back. Stand tall. Look fear in the eye. Mentally see it get smaller and smaller. See yourself get taller and taller. Hold your head up high, pull your shoulders back and act confident. Soon you’ll feel that way too!

24 | October / November 2013

re our soul’s “Our dreams a eposts on directional guid They don’t where to head. r how. Neither dictate when o should we.” Chan Dr. Alice

Wisdom & Self-Growth

Change Your


Change Your

Reality by Christy Whitman


he difference between getting what we want and spending years complaining about the fact that we don’t yet have it often boils down to one fundamental question: Will we get into action toward the outcome we desire, or will we be held back by our limiting beliefs about why we can’t achieve it or don’t deserve it? As a Law of Attraction coach who has worked for over a decade helping people realize goals in all aspects of their lives, I have come to understand the primary mechanism

that determines whether we take the path of action or the path of resignation. That mechanism is our beliefs. When we believe that our actions will lead to success; we take them – usually without hesitation and with great excitement. But if we have even a sneaking suspicion that our actions will lead to failure, we are likely to remain stuck. Our core beliefs – about ourselves, about other people, and about the world itself – may be invisible to the eye, but they color our perception of everything

we see. For example, if we have a core belief that we are inadequate or that resources around us are scarce, this belief will filter the infinite number of experiences that could unfold at virtually every moment and bring to our awareness only those that confirm what we already believe to be true. Instead of seeing evidence of abundance around us – abundance of love, of laughter, of creativity, of energy – our beliefs will magnetize to us evidence of lack. The scariest thing about our core beliefs is that most of the time they


than the one that is currently showing up, we can be sure that the unwanted circumstance is an outer reflection of an inner belief we are holding about ourselves. How do I know this? Limiting beliefs about ourselves – such as Because there is no end to the amount of “I am unlovable,” “I am unworthy,” or “No love, of prosperity, of joy, happiness, laughter one understands me” can almost always or abundance in the universe in which we live. be traced to things we experienced early in The only factor that our lives that we determines how lacked the maturity much or how little to understand. If of these things we permit these Friends are familiar; they’ve we experience beliefs to remain is how much we unexamined by heard all our stories and, allow ourselves to our wiser adult receive. Negative minds, decadesfor the most part at least, beliefs are like a old conclusions dam in the river. will continue they accept our beliefs. To increase the to inform our flow we don’t present-moment Friends commiserate, need to add more perceptions – and whereas a coach challenges water; we need the 5-year-old only to remove the who interpreted our thinking and questions log. This is where Dad’s lack of a coach can be attentiveness to our previously unchecked of tremendous mean that she value in helping us was unworthy assumptions. achieve our goals. of attention will continue to run the Talking with a show of our lives coach is radically from behind the different than talking with a friend. Friends are scenes. There is a bit of similarity between familiar; they’ve heard all our stories and, for the disempowering beliefs we hold about the most part at least, they accept our ourselves and the moss that grows on the beliefs. Friends commiserate, underside of a rock. They gain strength whereas a coach challenges in the darkness, in the privacy of our own our thinking and questions unexpressed thoughts. But the moment we our previously unchecked expose those outdated thoughts to the sun assumptions. A coach and examine them in the light of day, they holds us accountable to lose the grip they once had on our emotions the outer experiences and therefore our actions – freeing us to take we are committed to more evolved and more inspired actions. creating by helping us dismantle the internal Any time we are living some aspect of our beliefs that are blocking us lives in a way that is unfulfilling; when there is from experiencing it. someplace where we desire a different result operate on auto-pilot, without our conscious awareness.

26 | October / November 2013

1 2 3

The next time you are feeling any type of negative emotion (frustration, sadness, resignation, etc.) in relation to something you want to create, close your eyes and tune into your internal dialog, as this will lead you to the underlying belief that directly opposes the goal you are trying to achieve. When you hear the underlying belief, write it down. Read this statement to yourself out loud, and feel the energy of it as you do. What emotions are triggered as you think this thought? For example, I recently caught myself in the midst of a belief that “Life is hard.” As I repeated these words to myself, I could feel the heaviness of it, felt like my creativity was being smothered in a blanket of apathy. Now, having identified the thoughts and feelings associated with this disempowering belief, consciously search your mind and heart for a thought that feels better – even slightly better. Often, the fastest way to do this is to simply recall a time in your life when you had evidence to the contrary. My “Life is hard” belief I challenged by deliberately recalling the sensation of falling in love, of things working out just right, of having a great day or effortlessly coming across something I had been looking for. Almost instantly I felt a sense of lightness and relief.


Once you are anchored in a higher feeling place, re-examine the old belief from this new perspective, and allow yourself to edit it in whatever way you choose. Going back to the previous example, I rewrote “Life is hard” to “Life is a gift.” From there, ask yourself what one action you could take that would be a living demonstration and proof of your now more evolved belief. This will become your new point of attraction.

We create from our beliefs – whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Through our beliefs we broadcast a pathway of energy toward one of an infinite number of possible futures. When we shift an internal belief, we shift more than just our mental state. We create a shift in consciousness, in energy, and in the reality that in every moment we are in the process of creating.

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Christy Whitman - A New York Times Bestselling Author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How To Be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want!), CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching AcademyTM, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program, and creator of the Enlightened Kid Program. Christy’s life-changing message reaches over 100,000 people a month and she has been seen on The Today Show, The Morning Show and The Marilyn Dennis Show in Canada. She has been quoted in Seventeen, Woman’s World, Woman’s Day, Teen Vogue, People Magazine, Hollywood Life, and Knot Magazine. As a certified Law of Attraction coach, her work has been promoted by and featured with best-selling authors like Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff,. She currently lives in Montreal with her husband, Frederic, and their two boys, Alexander and Maxim. Meet her at and


Wisdom & Self-Growth

While I am a huge believer in the value of coaching (I’ve been coached by a number of extraordinary individuals and have not been without one for the last fifteen years), it’s also true that with a little practice and selfawareness, we can learn to coach ourselves. Here is a simple process to identify and shift a limiting belief:


Big Stuff !


Hearing the

LANGUAGE of your

Heart By kristine carlson


midst change and transition our mind can become cluttered with fear and worry about what is ahead. We are not accustomed to living comfortably with the unknown. A worried mind will never bring our best solution to the table and certainly not one worth paying attention to. In fact, until you can quiet your mind, you will not be able to hear the wisdom and true intelligence of your heart. If there is one thing I am certain of it’s that our mind can be like a runaway train without a conductor taking us to places we would

28 | October / November 2013

rather not go. Rather than be a receptor and transmitter for our instincts and intuitive knowing to flow through us, the hardware of our computer main frame (the mind) that is meant to translate the information of our software (the heart), our thinking habits can muddle and confuse us especially when it comes to matters of the heart. When you are concerned with figuring out your life plan, a solution to a problem, or you want to know your passion, the heart language which is far more subtle, can become drowned out by the brass band that plays in the mind. Until the frenetic activity of our busy, worrying mind is quelled, we cannot hear the whisper of the heart that says, “I know what’s right for you.” It takes practice to get back to the stillness that allows the heart to be heard. Often buried under a mountain of expectation, fear and outdated beliefs, our heart intelligence yearns to be heard but the flow of communication from heart to mind is cut off. The heart intelligence is like a soft whisper of intuition whereas the mind plays

so loudly that it overpowers this quiet voice of reason. There are three ways that I have identified for myself that clear the pathway from my heart to my head. This allows me to receive the clear direction and intelligence of my knowing heart that speaks to me through my instincts and intuition.

1 Feel to Heal: Give yourself permission to feel your life fully and completely. Your feelings are trying to tell you something. We live in a culture that does not encourage us to feel but instead to numb out to our feelings. Our feelings are our best navigational tool to direct us and even tell us how our thoughts may be getting in the way of allowing us to be truly free and happy. I encourage people to express their emotions so that they can empty out what’s there and be filled with new ones like joy and bliss. In my experience of moving through grief, my connection to my heart felt free and easy after I let go and cried, screamed, danced or laughed hysterically. My body would tell me what I needed, and any expression of my emotions liberated me. As I expressed and emptied, I would be filled with peace and stillness…as Rumi said, “In the stillness is the voice you long to hear.”

2 Practice Peace: Peace is cultivated from inside. We must tend to our inner sense of equanimity like the stirring of slow burning embers of a fire. I recommend an early morning inspirational ritual. How you start your day,


Wisdom & Self-Growth

Often buried under a mountain of expectation, fear and outdated beliefs, our heart intelligence yearns to be heard but the flow of communication from heart to mind is cut off.

is how you live your day. Breathe deeply. Live inspired first thing in the morning. Find that sanctuary inside and visit it often and even amidst chaos a you will find PEACE. Breathe. In this still place, the brass band is quieted, and your heart is playing your song like a finely tuned symphony.

3 Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff If you are focused on the small stuff of life (the minor annoyances and pettiness of small circumstances that happen each day) then chances are, you are all but missing the big stuff life has to offer you in joy and gratitude. If what you’re dealing with is a real problem then it will remain so for a long time, and those that matter in the long term must be taken slowly—step by step. Most things will dissolve quickly if you don’t turn mole hills into mountains. Here’s a great metaphor: If you place a red dot on a blank page making the dot represent the one thing that went wrong in your day or something someone said that bothered you, and you are focused purely on that dot all day long and into the night and perhaps the next day, well, life is actually happening in the white space of the page. The red dot, in perspective, should just be one annoying moment of your life that you let go of not the thing that has 100% of your attention. To refocus your attention, ask yourself the question: Will this matter a year from now? If the answer is no, then you are dealing with small stuff. Keeping life in perspective helps establish a stronger connection to the heart.


As you feel to heal, practice the art of inner peace and learn to let go of what doesn’t serve you any longer, and you stop sweating the small stuff, you will be better able to tame the monkey mind and tune into your heart language and true intelligence with a flow of communication that comes through your inner wisdom and voice. When you are caught up in your head, you can’t hear your heart. Remember that your heart holds the key to unlocking and opening the door to your next new beginning and transition. All you have to do is learn to listen.

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Kristine Carlson – An unyielding believer of Living the Big StuffTM and not sweating the small stuff in order to experience true happiness in life, as a bestselling author and inspirational speaker Kristine Carlson continues to expand on the phenomenal success of her late husband, Dr. Richard Carlson, beloved author of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series. Learn more at and be sure to download your Free Mom’s C.P.R. Kit at | October / November 2013

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