ASPM July 2009

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From the Rector — July 2009 July gives time for a church community to unwind and reflect. What’s been happening in the year since last Advent? The festival cycles centred on Christmas and Easter are over; the children and youth programmes are almost through, the last of the all-age Parish Communions until Harvest has taken place. What have been highlights for you? What developments in your own life and in our life as a church community have you been pleased to see? And, also, what do you feel could have happened, or still might happen, but has not yet? If you have the chance of a quiet siesta in the sunshine this month, would you give some of your thoughts and reflections, and then your prayers, to those questions? At the same time, July is also a month when we start thinking about the next cycle of events and programmes in the church/school year ahead from September; because if we don’t plan in July there’s no-one around in August to organise with before Sepember starts again. But simply to crash on from one round of activity to the next without pausing for breath, or stopping for reflection, is not helpful. This is a theme of our Bishop of Reading’s recent little book “Hit the Ground Kneeling: seeing leadership differently”. Common views of leadership tell us we need to hit the ground running, but +Stephen reminds us that contemplation and reflection are a better place to start. So, as a church, let’s use some time in July to contemplate on where we’ve been in the last year to date and reflect on how we feel about things; and what we yearn to see in the coming year. I’m writing this the day after a very long meeting of the PCC Standing Committee last night. There was a good reason why the meeting was long however. We put the agenda on hold and had open discussion together for an hour. We were discussing how those with responsibilities in our church need to spend time talking through things in an unstructured way. We need conversations where dreams can be shared; yet unformed ideas mooted; when important thoughts and plans, often nebulous at first, come to the surface, and the group works together to sculpt them into a more solid form. Too often we fall into the trap of being agenda-driven and solution-focused. Of course there are times and places for sticking to agendas and getting to deliverable solutions; but not to the exclusion of any time for reflection on the


past and exploration together of the ways forward. In this spirit I’m hoping this month to have some “less agenda-driven” conversations. For example, I’d like to gather the Vision lead enablers with clergy and churchwardens; to talk through where we’ve travelled this year, and where we’ve yet to go in the year ahead, as a church which has been given a Vision for what God wants us to be and to do. Of course, promising ideas which emerge in open discussions need to feed into structured debate and decision for all to consider, and if agreed, to be translated into action. But there is a need for contemplation and exploration before we rush on to the next year’s events. Michael Johnson There is an exciting development to report about Michael Johnson’s work. The Fresh Expressions of Church youth community “StageFright” has grown and is set to grow further from September such that it requires virtually all of his working time; instead of the 50% it was initially first allocated. Whilst Michael will maintain his relationship with All Saints as his base church, he will cease to be a regular member of the All Saints clergy team so that he can focus fully on “StageFright”. We can be delighted as a parish that we have enabled this development so that this project which Michael has nurtured may be given its full opportunity to flourish. In the light of this change, Bishop Stephen and the Archdeaconry Pastoral Committee have approved the appointment of a new associate stipendiary priest to All Saints, restoring our complement of stipendiary clergy working in the parish to two full-time priests (Rector plus associate). So there are discussions needed too about the role and profile of a new associate priest for the parish. For 2010 we may look forward to a clergy team at full strength with four licensed clergy, myself; a new full-time associate priest; Colin James; and Helen Charlton; partnering in strategic leadership with a dedicated team of churchwardens and a committed Church Council, and collaborating in ministry together with all our engaged group leaders, all of us being challenged and encouraged by our Vision enablers to fulfill the Vision we have been given as a parish!


CLERGY and OFFICERS Rector Assistant Curate Community Priest (Youth) Honorary Assistant Curate Church Wardens

The Revd. David Hodgson 979 2999 Vacant The Revd Michael Johnson 979 0098 The Revd. Colin James 978 1515 Jo Robinson 978 9730 John Smith 979 0948 Margaret Raggett 962 9378 Director of Music David Rance 947 6734 Head Server Chris Gillham 978 3948 Deputy Head Server Ruth Smith 978 7065 Tower Foreman John Harrison 978 5520 PCC Secretary Vacant: Could you be of help? Deputy PCC Secretary John Smith 979 0948 PCC Treasurer Stephen Smith 979 4407 Deputy PCC Treasurer John Alp 979 2797 PCC Treasurer’s Team Margaret Hawkins 962 9792 Dickon Snell 978 1044 Gift Aid Co-ordinator Peter Whittaker 978 6225 Honorary Verger Vacant Electoral Roll Officer Joyce Baldry 978 8506 Stewardship Recorder Jim Creech 377 4194 Flower Guild Chairman Pam Gilbey 978 5694 Children & Youth Co-ordinator Margaret Raggett 962 9378 Parish Secretary Jo Asplin 979 2797 Clergy days off: David Hodgson Thursday Colin James Thurs/Fri Michael Johnson Saturday The Parish Office (0118 979 2797), in the Cornerstone, can be contacted about church related issues (Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals). It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.15 am to 1.00 pm and for urgent matters or by telephone on Monday and Thursday from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. e-mail: The Parish Office, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE All Saints website: The Cornerstone : For room bookings and general enquiries please phone 0118 979 7778. Monica Martin, Administrator, is in the office: Monday 2-5pm, Tuesday 12.15-4.30pm, Wednesday 2-5.30pm, Thursday 1.45 - 6.00pm. e-mail:


WORSHIP Services at All Saints' Church embrace a wide range of formats. An outline is given below but for details and information about occasional services, see the weekly leaflet.

SUNDAY SERVICES 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m.

11.15 am. 11.15am

Holy Communion. A said service with a brief address using the traditional language version of the Common Worship Order One Eucharist Parish Communion. The service is sung, with hymns, and follows Common Worship Order One Eucharist. Children are catered for in the Crèche and Junior Church. The last Sunday in the month is Parish Communion for the Whole Church and often includes Parade, children are present throughout, and contribute to the worship. Prayer for Healing with Laying on of Hands is offered regularly at certain Parish Communion services (see diary). Coffee is served after the service and this is the weekly 'social gathering' of the Congregation. Please come and meet us there if you are a visitor to the church or would like to get to know us better.

(1st Sunday) No Service (2nd Sunday) Holy Communion. A said service using the Book of Common Prayer.


(3rd Sunday) No Service Occasionally Baptisms will take place during this time


(Some 4th Sundays) Matins using the Book of Common Prayer, usually sung and including a sermon.

6.30 pm.

(1st - 3rd Sundays) Evensong using the Book of Common Prayer with sermon. Choral Evensong is sung usually on the first Sunday of each month (An alternative form of worship on 4th & 5th Sundays ; and Services of Healing)


WEEKDAY SERVICES Morning and Evening Prayer are said, using Common Worship Daily Prayer, at 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. each day from Monday to Saturday. All may, and are encouraged, to attend. These services may be led by a Priest or members of the Laity. Holy Communion is celebrated as follows: Monday Tuesday

9.30 am. 9.30 am.

Wednesday 10.00 am.

(Common Worship Order One) (Common Worship Order One with short address, followed by coffee) (Simple form of Common Worship Order One and short address (particularly for parents and child minders of babies and pre-school children)

Friday in various Residential Homes Major festivals are also marked by additional celebrations of Holy Communion. Please see diary, or for whole year’s dates, see leaflet “Days to Remember at All Saints”.

HOME COMMUNION. If anyone knows of a housebound parishioner, either temporarily or long term, who would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office (979 2797).

CONFIRMATION, WELCOME OR GROWTH GROUPS. Anyone interested in confirmation, a refresher course, or learning about the Christian faith is invited to join one of the Eureka! groups or a confirmation course - contact Barbara Smith on 979 4407. BAPTISMS are usually conducted at a special afternoon service on the last Sunday of each month; or occasionally in Sunday morning services if requested. Baptisms can be booked via the Parish Office (979 2797). WEDDING BOOKINGS. Clergy are available in the Cornerstone on Monday from 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm and on Saturday from 10.30 am 11.30 am on an appointment basis. Please book via the Parish O f f i c e on 979 2797 TRANSPORT. Pat Forsyth (979 7023) or Sue Farrington (978 2371).


Join the All Saints Editorial Team


The Parish Magazine is looking to expand its Editorial Team. If you have an interest in helping to produce this magazine on a monthly basis, and a working knowledge of Microsoft Office and/or Publisher, we would welcome your support! Assistance in compiling and layout of the magazine is of primary need at this time. Typically, these duties require one day’s attention each month, with compiling duties to be shared amongst the future team on a monthly rotation. Contact David Hodgson or Andrew McKenna for more information.

MAGAZINE INFORMATION Please leave items for publication in the Magazine tray in the Parish Office or email directly to the editor on or before the Copy Date please. Contributions can be typed, handwritten, or e-mailed. All Saints PCC Wokingham, is a Registered Charity, Nbr. 1127585


Andrew McKenna (977 3812) Email:


Sheila Longley

(978 4193)


Andrew McKenna (977 3812)


Sheila Longley & team

(978 4193)

Copy Date for Mar:

July 12th 2009


July 24th 2009



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Flower Guild Our next Guild meeting is not until September 2nd but on the evening of Thursday August 13th we will be in church for a Wedding Workshop. Julia Hodgson will be getting married on the Saturday and she would like lots of flowers and so there should be a wide variety of pedestals to arrange together with pew ends and perhaps other things as well. I am compiling a list of the names of people who will be available to help and would be grateful if you could contact me as soon as possible if you would like to be included. It should be a fun evening; unfortunately these opportunities come along very rarely now. Just a little housekeeping as I don’t manage to see you all very often. Kate has asked that you contact her if you plan to donate your flowers so that she can run through the various claim form options with you, especially if you are able to gift aid as this can be quite beneficial for us. When arranging a pedestal in the porch in addition to putting the screen in place to protect the pillar we have been asked to stand the arrangement on a round plastic tray to avoid water spillage (use either green or black). Pam

Flowers in church during July July 5 12 19 26

Mrs S Newman Mrs T Freeston Mrs H Matthews Mrs M Whitaker

Mrs J Mitchell Mrs G Jones Miss E Mellor Mrs L Draper


For information contact: Pam Gilbey (978 5694) Margaret Whitaker (978 2307) or Kate Thomas (989 4190)



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Mothers’ Union This month we are hosting the deanery summer meeting in The Cornerstone. This is an opportunity to meet other members and find out what the Mothers Union is doing locally and beyond. Our next branch meeting will be to complete the compilation of our recipe and handy tips book for young people leaving home. It is not too late to contribute an easy, nutritious recipe suitable for new undergraduates with limited funds to any branch member. For more information on any MU matters or for a lift to meetings, please call Valerie (978 7363) or Mary (978 2678).

Dates for your Diary

Wed 8th July


Diocesan Summer Meeting – Wesley Memorial Hall, Oxford

Tues 14th July

9.30am 8.00pm

Corporate Communion Branch meeting

Tues 21st July

7 for 7.30 Deanery Summer Meeting in The Cornerstone.



Chairs in the Lady Chapel As part of our knowledge building process, the Rector and PCC have approved replacing the pews in the Lady Chapel for a 6 weeks period only, from the 20th July to the 31st August, with chairs. The Building Strategy Group has been considering how we could address the issue of flexibility within our church, such that we would encourage greater use of the building for different formats of worship and also for other activities. We are aware that some other churches have replaced pews with chairs for a variety of reasons, including flexibility. The group felt that it would be beneficial if we at All Saints also tried out chairs as an alternative to our traditional pews, just in the Lady Chapel, to see if they could provide greater flexibility, encourage different forms of worship as well as allow the traditional services to continue, and increase usage of this lovely peaceful space in our church. We could not think of any way of gaining this information first hand, other than by having a go. Our original plan was to ‘borrow’ some wooden chairs for several months, possibly as long as half a year, however, sadly, this has not proved possible. We have however been fortunate to have been loaned 25 comfortable conference style chairs from Sindlesham Court Conference Centre during their quiet period. I am indebted to Sue James for sorting out the inevitable paper work that even this limited and time controlled change generated, and to John Smith for resolving the other key question of where to safely store the pews during the test. The group is very keen to get feed back from members of the congregation, and most importantly users of the Lady Chapel about their experience of having chairs rather than pews. The chairs are not of a style that would be considered suitable for use in a church. Hence it is just the idea which we need your feed back on. Please drop me a note via the parish office with your thoughts about how the test met our objectives above, after the test is over in September. Robert Newman Chairman of the Building Strategy Group The work of the Building Strategy Group was extensively reported on in the 2008 APCM booklet.






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In order for the things to run smoothly both during the services and behind the scene we rely on volunteers. The following are calls to help in areas we are missing vital people that make All Saints something we are all proud of . Could you be one of these missing pieces? Each role will come with training and support. PCC Minutes Secretary Could you spare the time to attend the PCC meetings ten times a year to take and type minutes of the discussions? The meetings are normally in the evening on the first Wednesday of each month except for April and August. If you can offer to help please contact either the Churchwardens or the Rector. Have you a talent for attracting new advertisers for our Parish Magazine? AND/OR Have you a skill, which can be used to follow up payment of bills from Advertisers in our Parish Magazine? Even a small amount of your time would make a big difference to our Editor & the Magazine! If you could help, please contact our Editor, Andrew McKenna, for more information (0118 978 3812). Partnerships “Enabler� It is one of the goals of the Parish Vision to promote Partnerships by making connections and working with others. Please contact Selina Wilkins (9786380) or Anne King (9783357) for more information about how to join the team that is working to help All Saints achieve this goal. Help Wanted! The Baptism Group runs a monthly Information evening for Baptism families and acts as Sidespeople at Baptism Services. This is a very rewarding, interesting and worthwhile role in outreach without being too onerous. We are a small group who run this on a rota system and are looking to expand. We welcome all offers. It would be particularly good to recruit some more male members! Could this be for you? If so contact Maggie Holden on 01189627206 or at Service leaflets We are looking for a small team of about 4 people who would be willing to take overall responsibility for photocopying and collating service booklets, once our Parish Secretary has produced them.


Generally, your assistance is required approximately five times a year for an hour or so each time. If you think you can spare a little time, please contact Sue James ( Events Organiser We are also looking for a person, or persons, to take over the overall responsibility after a church booking has been made, primarily for concerts and school visits. This person would liaise with the group concerned, with key holders in the church, ensuring someone is available to give access to the building for locking it up and generally assessing their requirements, ensuring requirements are met. For more details contact Sue James ( or via the parish office

St Swithun’s Day Quiz St Swithun’s day is July 15,and tradition says that if it rains that day, it will rain for 40 days thereafter. So here’s a quiz where all the questions have connections with ”rain” (answers on next pg.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Who played the autistic Raymond in,”Rain Man”? The rainbow appears in which Biblical story? Which 2 English counties have a town called Rainham? Which pop star,who died in an air crash in 19 wrote,”Raining in my heart”? The Rainhill Trials,1829,compared which forms of transport? “Raindrops keep falling on my head” was written for which 1969 film? Which member of the royal family had a stepmother called Raine? TV programme,”Rainbow” featured Zippy,Bungle and George with their human friend called…? Which hymn features the lines,”The breezes and the sunshine,And soft refreshing rain”? Which nursery rhyme character,” went to Gloucester in a shower of rain?”


CHRISTIAN AID WEEK UPDATE The following is an excerpt from a letter from Catherine Loy who is the Volunteer Development Officer at the Oxford Unit of Christian Aid Thank you for all your hard work over Christian Aid Week – I hope that it was an enjoyable and successful time for you and for your committee! The Week always brings home to us in the Christian Aid offices just how vital the assistance of all of our organisers, committee members and collectors is. Many, many vulnerable communities around the world would go without assistance if it were not for your efforts. With many thanks and all good wishes, The total for the House-to House collection in Wokingham should reach around £11,000 and £296 for the lunch. Many thanks to all who helped to make Christian Aid week a success. Valerie Kemp St. Swithun’s Quiz Answers (from pg 15) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Dustin Hoffman The flood/Noah and the Ark Kent, Essex Buddy Holly Steam engines “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” Princess Diana Geoffrey We plough the fields and scatter Dr Foster


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Recognising the work of volunteers On Sunday 7th June, at the end of National Volunteers’ Week, we heard from some of the All Saints’ volunteers about the things they do. As well as explaining here who told us what, there is a directory so that you can contact the presenters direct if you would like to do something to help. If you don’t know what you want to do, but you know you would like to volunteer to support the community, please contact the local volunteer bureau on 0118 977 0749, or talk to Anne King (9783357). For information about volunteering at All Saints, please contact Chris Westgate (9771041). In our service on 7th June, Pat Forsyth talked about working in the Berkshire costume service where she helps sew the costumes for adjustment or repair and at the Oxfam shop. We could of course have asked many people to talk about working in a charity shop, and if any of you who do would like to put together a piece for this magazine we would love to hear from you. Esme Few read us a very moving letter from one of the pupils with whom she has been reading at All Saints’ Primary School. If you can help at All Saints’ School please either talk direct to the head or to Paul Wilkins who, as he explained last Sunday is one of the foundation governors at the school. Peter Fellows is just about to leave school; he started volunteering several years ago. He was involved with the Millennium volunteers (now known as vinspired) and has since worked with the Friday Drop In, Stage Fright and for short spells as a teaching assistant. Chris Frame also works for Stage Fright and has done a range of different volunteer jobs. He told us how much more he had learnt about his own faith through helping others. Rachel Knowles is a guide leader, and has loved everything about guiding were since she herself was a Brownie. It is she said, just fun. This was echoed bv Graham Gilbey who told us that he really enjoyed working in the churchyard.


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Flowers For All Occasions FULLER’S 6 Denmark Street, Wokingham 978 7183 THE CHIMNEY SWEEP - EXPERIENCED AND CLEAN Contact Mr. M. Blair 0118 934 2799 Member of the National Association of Chimney Sweeps

Don’t forget to let our advertiser’s know you saw their ad in the All Saints Parish Magazine!


We were reminded by Avril Nightingale that volunteering is just as important as work. She was chair of the Berkshire Counselling Service when it moved to The Cornerstone, and is still involved with them, but she is also a lady Rotarian, and THE All Saints trustee on the Wokingham United Charities trust, which amongst other things runs the accommodation at Westende. Undoubtedly volunteering is fun, and most of the volunteers who spoke to us last week also explained that it was very rewarding, so thank you to all those people who volunteer to help in our community and to all the others of you who work as volunteers but escaped our request to take part in the service! Anne King (9783357) and Selina Wilkins ( 9786380) A sample of contact numbers for volunteering – Mostly connected with the people who are spoke are given below All Saints Primary

Head teacher - Mrs T. Norman 0118 9787173. Paul Wilkins - 0118

Berkshire Costume Service

Hazel Gillingwater, 0118 973 4796.

Berkshire Counselling Centre

0118 978 7879

Churchyard Working Group

John Smith 0118 9790948

Friday Drop In

Lorraine Hodgson 0118 979 299

Girl Guides

Rotary/ Inner Wheel

Rachel Knowles 0118 9794736 To join them, please just walk in to the shop in Peach Street and fill in the form! Avril Nightingale 0118 9787021

Stage Fright

Chris Frame 9

The Cornerstone

Dickon Snell 0118 9781044


See, or talk to Peter Fellows (01189019330) Avril Nightingale – 0118 9787021


Wokingham United Charities



MUSIC LIST - July 2009 Sunday

Trinity 4 - 5th July



Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Setting





Holy is the true light - W H Harris

Final Voluntary

Humoresque (L'Organo Primitivo) - Pietro Yon


Choral Evensong


Holy is the true light - W H Harris




63 & 64


Murrill in E


Hymns Music Final Voluntary

Exsultate Deo - Palestrina Toccata in D minor "Dorian" (BWV 538) - J S Bach


Trinity 5 - 12th July


Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Setting




Father eternal - Richard Shephard

Final Voluntary

Prelude & Fugue in C minor (BWV 549) - J S Bach


Sung Evensong: Ferial Responses (McKie Amen)





Hymns Music

O Lord, increase our faith - Loosemore

Final Voluntary

Short Prelude & Fugue in B flat (BWV 560) - J S Bach


Trinity 6 - 19th July


Eucharist (Healing): Archer - St. Mark's Setting






The Lord's my shepherd - Archer

Final Voluntary

Carillon (24 pièces en style libre) - Vierne



MUSIC LIST - July 2009 Service

Choral Matins



The Call - Richard Lloyd







67 & 70


Festival Te Deum - Ralph Vaughan Williams Jubilate in C - Benjamin Britten

Hymns Music

Sing unto the Lord - Tye

Final Voluntary

Scherzo - Eugène Gigout


Said Evensong with Piano


Choral Evensong at St Andrew's Church, Sonning


Cantate Domino - Pitoni


Responses Psalm



Stanford in C

Hymns Music

Evening Hymn - Balfour-Gardiner

Final Voluntary


Trinity 7 - 26th July


Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Setting




Broken for me - Lunt, arr. David Rance

Final Voluntary

A Trumpet Voluntary - John Stanley


Evening Prayer



27th July to 2nd August Choir at Derby Cathedral


Parish Diary for July 2009


Monday to Saturday

Trinity 4





Holy Communion




Parish Communion




**No Service




Choral Evensong

10 Fr


08.15 pm Serendipity

08.00 pm Julian Group

11 Sa 12

Trinity 5

13 Mo


Holy Communion

14 Tu


Parish Communion

15 We


Holy Communion (BCP)

16 Th


Evensong (Sung)

17 Fr

Mother's Union


18 Sa 19

Trinity 6

20 Mo


Holy Communion

21 Tu

08.15 pm Serendipity


Parish Communion (Laying on Hands)

22 We

All Saints Fellowship



Choral Matins

23 Th

Healing Prayer Group



Evensong (Said)

24 Fr 25 Sa


Trinity 7

27 Mo


Holy Communion

28 Tu


Parish Communion

29 We


**No Service

30 Th

3 / 4.30pm

Holy Baptism

31 Fr


Evening Prayer




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Blyth House, 105 London Road, Wokingham Tel: (0118) 978 4040 Eldon House, 36 Eldon Road, Reading Tel: (0118) 957 3650 Ellen Lodge, 157 Binfield Road, Bracknell Tel: (01344) 303707 Grave Tending Service GOLDEN CHARTER Funeral Pre-payment Plans 25

HARVEST FESTIVAL FLOWERS The time is fast approaching when harvest will again be here. Each year we make small flower arrangements and distribute them to the local care homes, elderly members of the congregation, the sick and housebound, home communicants and those bereaved during the past year. Each year our request for help is so generously responded to by many of you. Thank you. I hope this year is no exception. DONATIONS REQUIRED This year we need to replenish our financial resources, to ensure Harvest Flowers can be bought. Please look out for the forthcoming retiring collection and give what you can. Any monies over and above requirements will be kept in a fund for harvest flowers in subsequent years. We are in need of small, round, clear plastic containers of the sort used by the supermarkets to put fresh olives in. They must have no writing on please. If you have any, please save them. These can be donated to Evelyn Goddard or me, nearer the time. Or perhaps you can provide some greenery or berries from your garden (for small arrangements) on the morning of Saturday 26th September? Just bring them to church on the day. ASSISTANCE REQUIRED Making the Arrangements We are also looking for assistance on Saturday morning, the 26th September to make small flower arrangements. You do not even need to be a flower arranger and children (7 year olds+) are welcome to get involved too, though we do ask that you accompany the younger ones especially. All flowers will be provided but greenery and berries suitable for small arrangements would be greatly appreciated. If you could also bring a pair of secateurs / scissors with which you can cut the greenery, it would also help. We usually spend a pleasant morning in the corner of the church, whilst the flower arrangers work their magic on larger


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Overgrown areas tamed Beds and borders enhanced and maintained One project or seasonal service Graves tidied, flowers for anniversaries etc. Competitive rates

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arrangements in the church. You are welcome to pop in for half an hour or as long as you like! Distributing the Arrangements After the Harvest Festival, we are very much in need of firm offers of help from volunteers from 9am on Monday 28th September, who can assist in distributing the flowers to a number of addresses in the local neighbourhood. Please notify me in advance and meet at the Vestry door at church. We aim for each person to deliver no more than about 6 or 8 arrangements in a similar locality and close to where you live (maps will be provided if necessary). Obviously, the more volunteers we have, the fewer deliveries per person! We usually have approximately 60 to deliver in total and they are all with small cards. All that needs to be said is “With compliments from All Saints Church, Wokingham� or you are welcome to let them know they are in our thoughts and prayers. They can be left on the doorstep if no-one is in. It is not an onerous task and often a delight to receive some of the responses first hand. Please don’t be shy about coming forward! It helps if you have the use of a car but even the delivery of one or two can make a big difference. Finally, I wish to say a big thank you to all those who assist in any way with these things, whether it be once in a while or consistently each year; whether it be spiritual support through prayer or physical support over the harvest festival weekend, it really helps to make a difference to those who most need our assistance and care. With gratitude, Sue James.


Group Prayer Focus Our Group has been chosen to be this month’s subject for prayer support, the third in the series which commenced with the Vestry Guild. So I thought it would be appropriate to give an account of how and when the Group was formed, what targets we set ourselves and how the Group, and the Healing Ministry at All Saints, has developed since then. In October 1987 All Saints experienced a two weeks visit from a group of Franciscans, and one of the comments they made on the parish, in their report on the visit, was that we lacked an effective healing ministry. It was three years later that the PCC agreed that a group should be formed to investigate, and to make recommendations, as to how an effective ministry of healing could be developed at All Saints. This saw the beginning of the Healing Prayer Group as it is today. Our first task was to agree what we understood by the Church’s Ministry of Healing We agreed that we saw the object of the Healing Ministry was to “Bring about a state of peace in circumstances of dis-ease of body mind and spirit through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We decided that the best way of making our activities known was by means of a regular article in the parish magazine in attempting to provide:an understanding of what is meant by the Healing Ministry of the Church( it is not only about “miraculous healing”); information as to the means by which the Ministry is put into effect: a channel through which healing needs may be made known and prayer activity initiated; and to provide information about healing activities within the parish and elsewhere.


We published our first article in October 1990 and have continued to do so in every magazine since then. We were also committed to suggesting forms of healing service that would be appropriate for our congregation. After some experimentation, and in consultation with our clergy we have arrived at the two forms of service we now use namely, the offering of the laying on of hands or anointing after receiving communion at the Parish Communion, and on alternate months, an evening service devoted entirely to the healing ministry including the laying on of hands or anointing. Anointing is now only available if previously requested.. We meet once a month when we discuss administrative matters and events coming in the future, and most importantly to update the information we have on those who have asked for our prayer support. We confirm that all information given is treated in the strictest confidence. We then have a period of intercession for all those for whom we are praying. We are committed to including all, or some, of those on our list in our daily prayer routine. Our need for prayer support comes under the following headings:we feel that there is a need for making prayer support available outside our regular services of healing. This will require much thought and prayer and the requirement for suitable people outside our Group to help provide this service, opportunities to share our experiences with similar groups in the community, opportunities to obtain spiritual refreshment and prayer support for each other, in quiet circumstances such as retreats. Jack Hayley Members of the group are Gill Allen, Maggie Bateman, Jack Hayley, Mary Hughes, Ann Penn, Joan Watts and Karen Wellman. Please let us know of any need of healing prayer support. Confidentiality is assured. The laying on of hands will be made available at the Parish Communion on Sunday 19th July. The next Healing service will be held on Sunday 30th August at 6.30 pm.



CONTACTS Diana Clifford 9792614


Adults £6.50

Children (up to 11yrs) £3.25

TICKETS Available from Sunday 30th August LAST BOOKING DATE Tuesday 29th Sept. IT WILL BE GOOD – FAR TOO GOOD TO MISS

Did you know? One quarter of our Sunday congregation for the 9:30 service is under 16 years of age?


All Saints’ Fellowship Contact for Fellowship is Diana Clifford 979 2614 and everybody is welcome to our meetings (£1.50 for visitors) in the Cornerstone De Vitre Room at 7.45pm for 7.55pm on the third Wednesday in the month. WED.15th JULY Come and join us for 'A Strawberry & Cream Evening' and a chat about this and that. If you have something of interest please bring it – be it poetry, story, newspaper cutting, photo, picture, ornament, bric-a-brac etc. HAPPY SUMMER then back to

Dates for your Diary

WED.16th SEPT The Swinging Sixties. Slides and commentary with Fellowship's friend Mr. Tony King. WED.21st SEPT Don't miss this chance. 'Everything you wanted to know about fish and chicken but were afraid to ask' with Mr. Quentin Clark (senior buyer for Waitrose)

Filming at All Saints! Would you like to appear? We are producing a DVD for use at information evenings for Baptism families. We are planning to film on Sunday September 20th 2009 after the 9.30 am service. We need as many of you as possible to stay after the service to be the congregation, in other words, be yourselves! Coffee and biscuits will be provided. More information will be available nearer the time but please put this date in your diary! Maggie Holden, Baptism Group Coordinator


Report on the Third Leadership Forum The leadership Forum is a strategic gathering of all church group leaders, meeting two or three times a year to support and affirm groups and their leaders; and to discuss together subjects and plans affecting the whole church and how the church expresses its Vision and achieves its current strategic goals. We were privileged to use Finchampstead Church Rooms for our third Forum and in this lovely location, the sun shone upon us! We gathered together on Saturday, 13th June, some of us ending the day by having a picnic lunch (joined by some younger members of our congregation) and a walk. Our theme for the day was ‘Christian Leadership’. We started the day in prayer and were then sent on a hunt! Do you know anyone who has a hippo in their toilet – or do you know someone who knows what a chasuble is? We had twelve challenges in all and had to find twelve different people! Of course when members of All Saints get talking it is difficult to quieten them down again! We were then asked to respond to the question, “What is leadership?” Words like empowering, inspiration, co-ordination, managing risk, energising were among the responses. We then had to answer the question, “What is Christian Leadership?” A few of the responses were: love, ethical values, example of Jesus, shared discipleship, faith-driven and rooted in the gospels. Of course many of the answers to both questions apply to Christians in leadership roles. Through small-group Bible studies we looked at Jesus’ Leadership Style.


I shall give just one response from each of the five groups here. His was a charismatic leadership inspiring confidence in His followers; He started where people are; His was a servant approach – people followed Him because he served; He chose as His disciples ordinary people not perfect people; He always took time to pray. After a coffee break, when many of us gathered outside in the sunshine, we were treated to a short talk by Helen Charlton about her three years of training for the Ministry. Helen will be ordained as a Deacon in October and we look forward to her ministering amongst us for the next three years. She said Leadership was not studied as a topic on the course as they had all held positions of leadership…or else they wouldn’t be there! But of course it underpinned all that they did. She covered fifteen areas of training, which included missions and pastoral practice (often linked), church history, other faiths and preaching/learning styles. She stressed the importance of prayer…..and of meeting together with other trainees in the bar! David summarised Helen’s talk by saying that the most important things you get from working as a group on the course are prayer, understanding and communication. Helen left us with two questions to consider:

1. 2.

How far do we see ourselves as sustainers of the LIFE of the congregation? Are our own groups glimpses of heaven?

We followed this by looking at our own styles of leadership and deciding whether our main style of leadership was pioneering, strategic, management/administration, team leadership or encouraging leadership. Each style of leadership is needed in church communities and all are equally valued. In our last session David gave us a summary of the first two chapters (‘What is Christian Leadership?’ and ‘The Leadership Challenge’) of the book “Growing Leaders” by James Lawrence and then showed us part of a DVD giving details of a course we could adapt for our church called “Growing Leaders for Growing Churches”, produced by CPAS. Only a small proportion of the population of our country attend a church today. If our church is to survive and reach out to the next generation, we need to


grow more leaders in order to grow a healthy church. God must be at the centre of all we do. We must encourage new leaders and ensure that we allow time for skills to develop. The course suggests meeting once a month for a year, but this can be spread out over a longer period. We have over 60 people in leadership positions in our church, but many of us need to feel affirmed in our roles, to play to our strengths and to work at our weaknesses. There are many others who could take on leadership roles and might like to join a training course. Are you a leader already, or would you like to be in the future? Would you be interested in participating in a leadership course? Barbara Smith (979 4407)


PCC Notes from the 3rd June meeting This was a very hot and busy meeting, full of important news. Consequently, here are just the best juicy bits! We were informed of some long awaited good news about the repair to the church floor. The contract was being signed on the day of the meeting. The start date is set for 6th July 2009 with a finish date of 14th August 2009 but it is expected to be completed before this. Better still, the loss adjusters for the lighting company who caused the damage, have agreed to pay the bill. With regard to All Saints Primary School, we confirmed the purchase of Bibles could go ahead as leaving presents to each of the Year 6 pupils at the end of term. We approved a proposal to change the Bell Ringer’s Wedding Fees as follows: £150 for a standard Wedding (Unchanged) £230 for a Quarter Peal rung immediately after the wedding (New) £35 for a Quarter Peal rung on some other convenient occasion (New) We discussed a very interesting and thought provoking paper regarding our world mission giving, which we have now agreed to just call ‘charity’. We have therefore agreed to have a Charity Team, a Charity CoCoordinator and a Charity Selection Process. We are still maintaining to give at least 10% of our income to charities, including CMS, USPG, Christian Aid and The Children’s Society but now also to allow open meetings or groups within the Church, to decide the other charities we are to support each year. This will be your chance, as a group or individual, to champion a charity and persuade everyone it is a charity to support, then to vote accordingly for your preferred four! We will also be reviewing our relationships with our traditionally supported charities, CMS and USPG, over the next twelve months. Last but not least, a very exciting and new change to pastoral care and Fresh Expressions in Wokingham has meant a wonderful opportunity has


A Charity Needs You!


All Saints regularly supports USPG and CMS, the two main Anglican Misssion Societies. We would also like, in 2010, to support additional charities suggested by members of the congregation. Have you a charity dear to your heart that you think the church could support? If so, please let me know. We shall arrange – in the Autumn- a voting system, to choose a number of charities for part of the church giving in 2010. The following charities have so far been nominated. In some cases through regular appeal letters. Selection of the charities really does require someone to champion it, so please let me know if you would be happy to do this!




Judy Coughlan


Robert Newman

Cruse Bereavement Care

Sara Richards

Miriam Dean Fund

Jo Robinson

Church Housing Trust


Wells for India


Bible Society




Mike Moulds, 0118 961 9097


opened up to benefit All Saints Church, St Paul’s Church and Wokingham schools. The Rt. Revd Stephen Cottrell (Bishop of Reading), Father John Connell (St Paul’s Church), Revd Canon David Hodgson and Revd Michael Johnson have been in discussions regarding the post vacated by Revd Ken Flood. Ken was working with Michael on Fresh Expressions and consequently there is an impact on Michael, Fresh Expressions (Including Stage-Fright) and our two churches. Stage-Fright is taking up much more of Revd Michael Johnson’s time, especially now the Diocese has decided to extend Stage-Fright into After School Clubs in 5 Primary Schools in the Wokingham area. The Bishop now supports Michael in a full-time role with Stage-Fright but still licensed to us, so we will still see him on Sundays and celebrating Communion services with us from time to time. This will mean St. Pauls will look for a training curate, rather than a full time associate priest, probably for next year. They have expressed this is what they would like. The full Associate Priest vacancy would then be filled at All Saints Church, at no extra cost to ourselves. This is fantastic news because it means the burden on our current Clergy is lightened and Michael is liberated to grow the fantastic achievements he has made with Stage-Fright to date. We all congratulate Michael on his fantastic work and thank him for all he has done. May the work go on to even bigger and better things! All of the above still needs to be ratified by the Deanery Pastoral Committee and the Archdeaconry Pastoral Committee, both of which we understand are likely to be very supportive. Sue James, PCC member This article is the opinion of the writer and not an official record of the meeting, which can be found in the published minutes.


Wokingham District Cancer Care Trust The WDCCT is a registered charity operating locally in the Wokingham district to support people living with cancer and other life threatening diseases. The Trust was founded in 1991 and operates a Cancer Care day centre, Macmillan House, in Wokingham Hospital. The object of the Trust, is the “relief of suffering and the improvement of the conditions of life of persons with cancer, or other life threatening illnesses, who are resident in the Wokingham District�. The Trust is run by a board of Trustees, with representatives from the local area and health care professionals, who are responsible for the constitutional policy and the day-to-day running of the Trust. All Saints is well represented by Maggie Holden and Judith Scott who serve as Trustees with Martin Haslam as Chair of the Board of Trustees. One person in three is likely to experience cancer in some form during their lifetime and patients will have needs arising from the effects of the illness. While cancer does not necessarily cause suffering when it does the anguish and distress of the illness will usually be shared by family and close friends. Both individuals who are ill and those close to them will have needs and requirements arising from the effects of the illness. Although other life threatening illnesses, such as motor neurone disease and Huntington’s disease, are less common than cancer they can lead to similar kinds of suffering and distress. These illnesses may cause not only physical, mental or emotional suffering but also frequently lead to social isolation and financial hardship. Much can be done to prevent or relieve the suffering associated with these illnesses. The responsibility for treatment and continuing care rests with the National Health Service. However, the care provided by the health services and local authorities can be supplemented by other organisations. This is where the Trust comes in. The Trust is able to provide financial help to support, amongst other things, the care of patients in the community (for example by providing funds for extra nursing care), to assist with the purchase of special equipment and aids needed, to assist with the payment of essential domestic bills where necessary. We are able to supplement the services


provided by the NHS, making it possible for patients to receive therapies that otherwise may not be possible. These are largely provided through the day care centre at Wokingham Hospital where the Trust also provides transport for the people attending. Dedicated volunteers play a vital role in the running of the day care centre by acting as drivers and supporting the patients in a variety of ways. They also help out at Fundraising events. The team of fundraising volunteers is usually drawn from this pool. So how is the Trust Funded? There is no paid fundraiser. The fundraising team organise events throughout the year such as the Summer Fair and Christmas Fair, Nearly New Sales, a Street Collection, a Quiz Night and a Christmas Concert at Wokingham Theatre. WDCCT also receives donations and legacies from friends and families of those who have benefited from the care given at the day care centre. WDCCT has strong links with the Duchess of Kent House Charity. This is a hospice based in Reading which serves both the Wokingham and Reading area. Patients in Wokingham are able to be accommodated in the residential wing of the Duchess of Kent House when required. WDCCT is currently working with the Duchess of Kent House Charity to launch a Charitable Lottery as an additional way of raising funds, mostly for the hospice. The launch is planned for this summer so watch out for the posters and leaflets. The WDCCT website is in the process of being updated, with a lot of help from Daniel Hadden, and should go live shortly. If you,or someone you know, is suffering from cancer or a similar life threatening illness and you would like to know if we can help you to meet a particular need, or if you might like to get involved or support the Trust in some way you can visit the web-site , telephone on 0118 949 5030 or e-mail Maggie Holden This article continues our series about the other activities in Wokingham that members of All Saints support - all helping us reach our Developing Partnerships goal ‘to become a truly integral part of the wider community’.


What is a Volunteer As Sunday 7 June was Celebrating Volunteers Week it got me to think about what was the meaning of the word. So out came the Great book of many words: the Readers Digest Universal Dictionary. And on finding the word ‘Volunteer’, it became clear the word could be used in many ways. Volunteer: a person who performs or give his services of his own free will. A person who renders aid, performs a service, or assumes an obligation voluntarily. A person who holds property under a deed made without requiring anything in return. Enlisted or serving as a volunteer. Growing from self sown or accidentally dropped seed. Said of a plant or crop. To give or offer to give, by one’s own initiative. To enter into or offer to enter into any undertaking of One’s own free will. Now a question? Did Jesus Volunteer Himself for the love of You & Me? Are you a volunteer doing the task you want to do, and do you do it as a volunteer to the best of you ability? Are you willing to ask for help. from other volunteers? I feel I am a volunteer. Jesus did ask his volunteers to follow him, and to go out and spread The Good News the disciples did the work as a Volunteer. I did, of my own free will, volunteer for the all the tasks I do, can you become a good volunteer? Joyce Baldry


Whatever happened to the Community Directory? You may remember that last autumn we introduced the idea of a church database and a community directory. Letters went out with the stewardship renewal packs. And I expect you are puzzled at the subsequent silence since then. A few facts first. We sent out 475 letters and got 266 back. Unfortunately there was a bit of a last-minute mix-up so some households got split up into separate letters, and some of those separate letters didn't go out, but this still gives you a good idea of numbers. The 475 letters represented around 740 people; the letters back represent about 415 people. Then the software package that we are using needed quite a bit of configuration to make it suitable for us. This obviously had to wait while the church end-of-year accounts took precedence! We also wanted to make sure that the set-up on the parish office's computer was as secure as we could make it - this is confidential data after all. Anyway the system is now ready and secure and ready to go. Just for interest here are a few more facts. Of the 415 people who've responded, 171 have email addresses which is quite a strong email presence amongst us. 56 have declared their mobile numbers, but one can understand that not everyone wants to disclose that. And we have 63 names of under-18s. There are still a lot of people who have not responded. 209 households. And many of these are folks that we recognise and that we see week in, week out in church. If you want to remind yourself whether you've responded just ask me; I have a list that I carry around. Anyway, we want to have one final effort to gather a few more names and then we will have to delete all the non-respondents from the database. If


we don't have your permission we can't keep your name. And that would be sad because the idea of the database is to help the clergy and other church leaders to know their parishioners. Back to the original question. The Community Directory is a subset of the full database; it's an "added extra". People have to volunteer to be in it. If we published it today it would have 198 names on it, so about half the respondents want to be in the directory. It is coming, and it will appear just as soon as we have finished this last round of chasing up. And when it arrives, I'm sure those who are participating will find it really useful. Please just be patient for a bit longer. Steve Smith

During the next few weeks you will notice that slightly larger, blue gift aid envelopes will appear in the pew holders. These have been changed because the information that had to be put on the envelope was increasing, hence the larger envelope, and the company that produces them did not have green, so we have chosen blue instead! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued use of the gift aid envelopes and to remind people to put their name and address on the envelope, as without this information we cannot reclaim the gift aid. Jo Robinson Stewardship Chairman


Baptisms 17 May

Oliver Thomas Christopher Hotten

31 May

Charlie Stuart Allvan Amelia Streich Holly Brenda Powell Oliver Zachary Player Grace Isla Joyce Jouanides Elizabeth May Adlard

Burial of Ashes 24 May

Ellen Florence Barnes

Age 95

At Easthampstead Park Crematorium 20 May

Wendy Flint

Age 51

Number of Sundays 4 Sundays 738 Week days 331 (inc. 196 at Ascension Confirmation)


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