From the Rector — October 2009 This year is the fourth year at All Saints that we have observed the season of “Creationtime” during autumn. It is a time to focus our worship on the wonder and beauty of the natural world God gives us; and to be challenged about the impact of our lifestyle. In all the rush of daily life at home or at work, especially now schools and colleges have re-opened, it’s too easy to forget to stop and look, feel and smell, the natural world around us, the soil, the birds, the plants and trees, clouds, wind, rain, sun and moon. The idea of Creationtime is being taken up by more and more churches and actively encouraged by our bishops. Clergy even had a leaflet about it in our payslips from the Church Commissioners! This year we are using a theme suggested by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, which is “Hope for Creation”. We are getting conflicting messages about the future of creation from the pundits. At one extreme there are the harbingers of doom who paint an extreme scenario of a blighted future with mass extinctions and the ultimate collapse of human civilisation. At the other end, there is the business as usual approach; bolstered by the tiny minority of scientists who deny that human industry is having any significant impact on the ecosystem. Actually both these extreme positions are ways of putting head in sand like the proverbial ostrich. They get you off the hook of doing anything about it. Whether you think nature as we have known it is doomed anyway, or you think there is no real problem; either way, there’s no basis for hope, no incentive to act. But a Christian approach is to lift our heads up and look around. We need truthfully to recognise the condition of the earth now, which is seriously concerning; and acknowledge the reality of the situation facing humanity. And we are courageous enough to do this because we have hope for
creation. God and the Spirit within us give us hope that there is a way forward; but we need to act upon it; and to pray for it with all our hearts. Christian believing has for centuries been sadly misrepresented, even by churches, as being mostly about personal acceptance of a set of doctrines. But the biblical understanding of belief is mostly about who we follow; what we hope for; what kind of community and world we work to build; what direction we turn our lives in. Do we believe that there is hope for a sustainable and humane future; for our families; our communities and our world together and that this could happen without destroying nature or dehumanising billions of the poor? Christian belief involves saying yes – we do believe that - yes we have that hope and want to share it with others. We believe this because of what God has done and shown us already in the life and teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And if we have this hope; are we ready to work for it? Some of the thoughts here have been inspired by my recent reading of a book by Brian McClaren titled: Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises and A Revolution of Hope. This book applies the good news of Jesus to a world in need, passionately addressing the dysfunctions that have overtaken our world.
David Hodgson Due to unforeseen circumstances, both “From the Rector” and the Prayer Page are being adapted from their 2008 versions.
JOAN JOHNSON David and Sally would like to thank everybody from the parish and the town for all the support, help and messages they received. Thank you also to all those who attended their mother Joan's funeral.
CLERGY and OFFICERS Rector Assistant Curate Community Priest (Youth) Honorary Assistant Curate Church Wardens
The Revd. David Hodgson 979 2999 Vacant The Revd Michael Johnson 979 0098 The Revd. Colin James 978 1515 Jo Robinson 978 9730 John Smith 979 0948 Margaret Raggett 962 9378 Director of Music David Rance 947 6734 Head Server Chris Gillham 978 3948 Deputy Head Server Ruth Smith 978 7065 Tower Foreman John Harrison 978 5520 PCC Secretary Vacant: Could you be of help? Deputy PCC Secretary John Smith 979 0948 PCC Treasurer Stephen Smith 979 4407 Deputy PCC Treasurer John Alp 979 2797 PCC Treasurer’s Team Margaret Hawkins 962 9792 Dickon Snell 978 1044 Gift Aid Co-ordinator Peter Whittaker 978 6225 Honorary Verger Vacant Electoral Roll Officer Joyce Baldry 978 8506 Stewardship Recorder Jim Creech 377 4194 Flower Guild Chairman Pam Gilbey 978 5694 Children & Youth Co-ordinator Margaret Raggett 962 9378 Parish Secretary Jo Asplin 979 2797 Clergy days off: David Hodgson Thursday Colin James Thurs/Fri Michael Johnson Saturday The Parish Office (0118 979 2797), in the Cornerstone, can be contacted about church related issues (Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals). It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.15 am to 1.00 pm and for urgent matters or by telephone on Monday and Thursday from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. e-mail: The Parish Office, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE All Saints website: The Cornerstone : For room bookings and general enquiries please phone 0118 979 7778. Monica Martin, Administrator, is in the office: Monday 2-5pm, Tuesday 12.15-4.30pm, Wednesday 2-5.30pm, Thursday 1.45 - 6.00pm. e-mail:
WORSHIP Services at All Saints' Church embrace a wide range of formats. An outline is given below but for details and information about occasional services, see the weekly leaflet.
SUNDAY SERVICES 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m.
Holy Communion. A said service with a brief address using the traditional language version of the Common Worship Order One Eucharist Parish Communion. The service is sung, with hymns, and follows Common Worship Order One Eucharist. Children are catered for in the Crèche and Junior Church. The last Sunday in the month is Parish Communion for the Whole Church and often includes Parade, children are present throughout, and contribute to the worship. Prayer for Healing with Laying on of Hands is offered regularly at certain Parish Communion services (see diary). Coffee is served after the service and this is the weekly 'social gathering' of the Congregation. Please come and meet us there if you are a visitor to the church or would like to get to know us better.
11.15 am. 11.15am
(1st Sunday) No Service (2nd Sunday)
(3rd Sunday) No Service
(Some 4th Sundays)
6.30 pm.
Holy Communion. A said service using the Book of Common Prayer. Occasionally Baptisms will take place during this time
Matins using the Book of Common Prayer, usually sung and including a sermon.
(1st - 3rd Sundays) Evensong using the Book of Common Prayer with sermon. Choral Evensong is sung usually on the first Sunday of each month (An alternative form of worship on 4th & 5th Sundays ; and Services of Healing)
WEEKDAY SERVICES Morning and Evening Prayer are said, using Common Worship Daily Prayer, at 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. each day from Monday to Saturday. All may, and are encouraged, to attend. These services may be led by a Priest or members of the Laity. Holy Communion is celebrated as follows: Monday Tuesday
9.30 am. 9.30 am.
Wednesday 10.00 am.
(Common Worship Order One) (Common Worship Order One with short address, followed by coffee) (Simple form of Common Worship Order One and short address (particularly for parents and child minders of babies and pre-school children)
Friday in various Residential Homes Major festivals are also marked by additional celebrations of Holy Communion. Please see diary, or for whole year’s dates, see leaflet “Days to Remember at All Saints”.
HOME COMMUNION. If anyone knows of a housebound parishioner,
either temporarily or long term, who would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office (979 2797).
Anyone interested in confirmation, a refresher course, or learning about the Christian faith is invited to join one of the Eureka! groups or a confirmation course - contact Barbara Smith on 979 4407. BAPTISMS are usually conducted at a special afternoon service on the last Sunday of each month; or occasionally in Sunday morning services if requested. Baptisms can be booked via the Parish Office (979 2797). WEDDING BOOKINGS. Clergy are available in the Cornerstone on Monday from 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm and on Saturday from 10.30 am 11.30 am on an appointment basis. Please book via the Parish O f f i c e on 979 2797 TRANSPORT. Pat Forsyth (979 7023) or Sue Farrington (978 2371).
Join the All Saints Editorial Team
The Parish Magazine is looking to expand its Editorial Team. If you have an interest in helping to produce this magazine on a monthly basis, and a working knowledge of Microsoft Office and/or Publisher, we would welcome your support! Assistance in compiling and layout of the magazine is of primary need at this time. Typically, these duties require one day’s attention each month, with compiling duties to be shared amongst the future team on a monthly rotation. Contact David Hodgson or Andrew McKenna for more information.
MAGAZINE INFORMATION Please leave items for publication in the Magazine tray in the Parish Office or email directly to the editor on or before the Copy Date please. Contributions can be typed, handwritten, or e-mailed. All Saints PCC Wokingham, is a Registered Charity, Nbr. 1127585
Andrew McKenna (977 3812) Email:
Sheila Longley
(978 4193)
Andrew McKenna (977 3812)
Sheila Longley & team
(978 4193)
Copy Date for Nov:
Oct. 11th 2009
Oct. 23th 2009
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Flower Guild There is still time to collect and dry seed heads, grasses, acorns, beech husks & cones, etc., from gardens and hedgerows. Leaves and petals can also be dried and pressed between the pages of an old telephone directory. Find an old picture frame, line it with a piece of card, possibly covered with a plain coloured cloth as a background on to which a picture or design, using some of your finds, can be glued! Half term will soon be upon us so both the youngsters and grown ups might like to collect, do and glue a picture. This would be a change from watching the T.V. and, perhaps with a little added sparkle and gilding, be a Christmas present for someone special!
Dates for your Diary
Advent preparations in Church will be on Thursday Nov. 26th from 7.30p.m. Our next Guild Meeting is on Thursday Dec. 4th at 8 p.m. in the Cornerstone and more details of the theme will follow in the weekly sheet. Flowers in church during October Oct. 4 Mrs. L. Taylor Mrs. H. Matthews Mrs. J. Mitchell LT 11 Mrs. S. Boylan Mrs. L. Hodgson 18 Mrs. E. Draper Mrs. J. Mellor 25 Mrs. S. Anderson Mrs. J. Atkins Mrs. J. Jones PG
For information contact Pam Gilbey (9785694) Kate Thomas (9894190) or Margaret Whitaker (9782307)
6 different wines will be described, • 6 wines will be tasted Cheese & biscuits available for • “freshening” the palate A short wine themed quiz at the end
Host : David Grandorge Former Wine Buyer for Waitrose, International Wine Judge and a Master of Wine
Mothers’ Union Our branch is delighted to have produced what we hope will be just the first of many editions of our cookbook. ‘Rookies Recipes’ will be a gift from All Saints Mothers’ Union to the young people in our Church leaving home for the first time for university or otherwise. Copies are also available for sale to anyone who would like one for themselves or as a gift to a young person they know. We would like to say a big thank you everybody in the parish who contributed to this book to ensure it contains tried and tested recipes and tips. This month, our branch meeting will be an illustrated talk by Katherine Huggett on her recent World Challenge trip to Kenya. The meeting is open to everyone (all ages and both sexes), so if you or a family member are considering going on a World Challenge or if you would just like to learn a little more about Kenya, do come along to hear of Katherine’s experiences leading this recent Challenge. Following the talk at the deanery meeting which we hosted last July, there is a Sunrise Walk on Sunday 11th October in aid of Thames Hospice Care. There are 2 routes, 6.5 or 13 miles around Windsor including Windsor Great Park as the sun rises. Further details are available at or from Mary. For those of you with access to the internet, The Mothers Union website ( is a good source of information on our work worldwide. There is always an excellent selection of prayers and resources which are kept up to date and relevant. Request: Please may we have small, empty baked bean (or similar) tins. We are intending to make the individual Christmas cakes again this year, but we need the small tins to bake them. Please give the tins to Valerie or any MU member.
For more information on any MU matters or for a lift to meetings, please call Valerie (978 7363) or Mary (978 2678).
Dates for your Diary
Tues 13th Oct
9.30am 8.15pm
Corporate Communion Branch meeting – Katherine Huggett on her World Challenge trip to Kenya.
OCTOBER QUIZ October 18 is St Luke’s Day. All the answers are names of people who had the same profession as Luke (see Colossians 4,14 if you are not sure) 1. 2. 3. 4.
The first James Bond film,1962 Created,”The Cat in the Hat” The first criminal caught by wireless communication? Russian novel by Pasternak, filmed with Omar Sharif in title role 5. Alter ego of Edward Hyde 6. He talked to the animals 7. His first incarnation was William Hartnell 8. Sidekick of Sherlock Holmes 9. Creator of first English dictionary 10. Performed the first human heart transplant Answers on page 30
Volunteer Centre Wokingham has been delivering volunteering services (volunteering) in the Wokingham area for over 30 years. We refer hundreds of volunteers each year to a wide range of voluntary and community organisations around the district and beyond.
Everyone can get involved in volunteering – from young people to senior citizens; from people in unskilled jobs to professional people; from the highly paid to the newly or long-term unemployed; from the able-bodied to people with ill-health or disabilities. Everyone has something to offer and we have over 150 organisations who have registered very different volunteer roles with us. Choose from helping with children to the elderly, learning or physical disabilities, the arts and culture, environment groups, emergency response and search and rescue, sports and outdoor activities, animals – the list is (almost) endless! So why volunteer? You might want to: - Gain new skills that could improve your employment prospects - Make a positive change in your life, building self esteem and confidence - Test the waters before making a career change or after some years out of the job market - Make new friends and contacts - Feel part of a group - Have the chance to help out a charity that is particularly close to your heart - Give something back to the local community and make a real difference - Help those less fortunate and improve their quality of life - And, last but not least, have fun! As well as providing information to local people about volunteering in Wokingham Borough, we have links with regional, national and even international organisations. We run special events to promote volunteering and attend community events such as the Wokingham May Fayre. We also run special projects, currently including Supported Volunteering and Employer Supported Volunteering. Supported Volunteering is a new project aimed at adults who want to volunteer but require additional support as a result of their ill-health (mental or physical), or learning or other disability. We identify and
maintain carefully researched volunteering placements and tailor our support to the needs of the individual. This ensures that they feel comfortable and confident in their role, building their self esteem and helping them to re-engage with the employment process and work towards financial independence. The project co-ordinator also maintains close contact with charities offering placements and offers training to new charities to help them feel confident about getting involved with the project. We have worked with 65 clients in the first year, helping a significant number to find long term volunteering roles or formal training. Employer Supported Volunteering is aimed at supporting local companies and businesses to encourage their staff to get involved in volunteering. Groups of employees spend a day at a local charity or community project and help out with gardening, painting or basic DIY. Since this project began, we have already arranged a several successful placements for companies based in Wokingham Borough. One extremely rewarding project took place in April of this year. Nearly 40 employees from Microsoft, based at Thames Valley Business Park, spent the day at a special housing unit for homeless young people, renovating the inside and outside space. It was an extremely positive experience for all involved. Not only did the charity gain a great deal but the employees had the chance to help the local community and work as a team in a different environment for the day. With the current economic situation, it is of course, invaluable for staff to keep focussed and motivated. The Volunteer Centre also runs two community schemes, the Wokingham Community Transport Scheme and Wokingham Town Mobility. The Community Transport Scheme helps those residents of Wokingham District who are unable to use public transport or cannot drive themselves for whatever reason. This low-cost service takes clients to medical and dental appointments around the district and beyond. Occasionally drivers are available for local shopping and other trips. Our volunteer drivers stay with the client for the duration of their appointment, acting as a companion. This personal service is a lifeline for elderly and vulnerable residents, who may have no one else to depend upon. We strive continually to turn no-one away who needs help – but this means that we need, equally continually, to recruit new volunteer drivers! If you are interested in helping in this very worthwhile and
Enjoy an extra hour sleeping the night of Saturday 24th October (having remembered to put your clock back one hour) then wake up Sunday 25th October for 8.00am service knowing that following the service a continental breakfasts awaits you in the Cornerstone (you may prefer to come before 9.30 am service). Everybody very welcome – just come along – no need to book. We look forward to seeing you and if you have any queries please contact Diana Clifford 9792614.
Wokingham Volunteer Centre operates a low cost transport scheme to enable those who cannot use public transport get to their hospital/doctor appointments Due to the increase in demand for our help we have recently had to let some of our clients down. We desperately need more drivers (we naturally pay for your petrol). We would love to be able to expand the driving scheme to enable us to take people shopping or for a short outing to say a garden centre. However, to operate this service we do need the help of more drivers. If you can spare just a couple of hours a week to help with this scheme, or with any other opportunities available throughout the district we would like to
hear from you. For more information please contact us on 0118 977 0749 15
appreciated role, please contact us. Our volunteers join a happy band with regular social events arranged throughout the year. Wokingham Town Mobility aims to help anybody with walking difficulties to get around Wokingham Town Centre with ease. Members of the scheme, which operates on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, pay a small annual membership. Scheme members simply then book a scooter, which is delivered to them either at an agreed location in the Town Centre or to their home if it is nearby. When they have finished, we will collect the vehicle at an agreed time and place. Anyone interested in joining the scheme receives a visit from the Mobility manager and instruction in the use of the scooters. Nervous users can even be accompanied on their first trip out! Volunteers are also welcome to help with the running of this scheme. Volunteer Centre Wokingham is based at 10 Denton Road, Wokingham, RG40 2DX, between Curves gym and the fire station. For more information on volunteering, please contact Christine or Helena. For queries regarding Employer Supported Volunteering, call Helena. You can reach us both on 0118 977 0749 or email For the Supported Volunteering project, call Sue on 0118 977 0749 or email . For enquiries about the Wokingham Town Mobility Scheme, please call Tracey on 0118 977 0332 or 0798 427 7749 or . For the Community Transport Scheme whether to volunteer as a driver or to arrange transport to get to a medical appointment (or shopping) please call initially 977 0749. Also check out our website, or the national volunteering website . We look forward to meeting you!
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Flowers For All Occasions FULLER’S 6 Denmark Street, Wokingham 978 7183 THE CHIMNEY SWEEP - EXPERIENCED AND CLEAN Contact Mr. M. Blair 0118 934 2799 Member of the National Association of Chimney Sweeps
Don’t forget to let our advertisers know you saw their ad in the All Saints Parish Magazine!
Thames Hospicecare Santa Dash Sunday 29th November Swinley Forest, The Look Out, Bracknell. This fun event is a great way to get the festive season off to a roaring start. Join 100s of Santa look-a-likes as they run around a 5km route raising much needed funds for Thames Hospicecare. Registration is just £15 to cover admin cost and also includes: a Santa Suit to run in and keep, a goody bag full of exciting goodies, and a special THc Santa medal to record your success ⇒
⇒ ⇒
Anybody over the age of 14 is welcome, under 16s need a parent or guardian with them, so please sign up quick so we can get the Santa pack off to you and you can start your fundraising. You will be amazed just how easy that can be. We will give you loads of ideas. Registration closes on 31st October 2009, or earlier if all the places are taken. For more details contact the Santa Dash hotline on 01753 848963 or register online at Charity Registration number 1108298
MUSIC LIST - October 2009 Sunday
Trinity 17 - St Francis - 4th October
Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Setting
My eyes for beauty pine - Howells
Final Voluntary
Prelude & Fugue in E minor "Little" (BWV 533) - J S Bach
Service 16.00
Choral Eucharist at St Paul's Wokingham for Revd Prof Tony Kemp
Setting Music
** Details to follow **
Choral Evensong
Holy is the true light - Harris
Morley Fauxbourdon Setting
Hymns Music
My eyes for beauty pine - Howells
Final Voluntary
Prelude & Fugue (Op 18) - CĂŠsar Franck
Trinity 18 - Stewardship - 11th October
Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Setting
The Call - Richard Lloyd
Final Voluntary
Sung Evensong: Ferial Responses (McKie Amen)
127 & 128
Hymns Music
Listen sweet dove - Grayston Ives
Final Voluntary
MUSIC LIST - October 2009
Trinity 19 - St Luke - 18th October
Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Setting
91 vv9 - 16
Jesus, priceless treasure - J S Bach
Final Voluntary
March: Crown Imperial - William Walton
Said Evensong with Piano
Trinity 20 - Bible Sunday - 25th October
Whole Church Communion
Hymns Music
Teach me, O Lord - Attwood
Final Voluntary
Tuba Tune - C S Lang
Evening Healing Service
Fourth before Advent - All Saints - 1st November
Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Setting
Choral Evensong
Hymns Music Final Voluntary
Service Introit Responses Psalm Canticles Hymns Music Final Voluntary
PARISH DIARY - October 2009 Monday to Saturday
Sunday 4
St. Francis
Holy Communion
Tu 08.15 pm Serendipity
Parish Communion
**No Service
Th 08.00 pm Julian Group
Choral Evensong
Stewardship Sunday
Holy Communion
Tu Mothers' Union
Parish Communion
Holy Communion (BCP)
Sung Evensong
St. Luke
Holy Communion
Tu 08.15 pm Serendipity
Parish Communion
We All Saints Fellowship
**No Service
Th Healing Prayer Group
Said Evensong
Bible Sunday
Holy Communion
Communion for the Whole Church
**No Service
Holy Baptism
Healing Service
Forthcoming Events Creationtime continues through to Bible Sunday 25 October School Half Term begins 26 October
FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MONUMENTAL MASONS Serving the Community for 180 Years 24 HOURS ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE Grave Tending Service
Blyth House, 105 London Road, Wokingham Tel: (0118) 978 4040 Eldon House, 36 Eldon Road, Reading Tel: (0118) 957 3650 Ellen Lodge, 157 Binfield Road, Bracknell Tel: (01344) 303707 Grave Tending Service GOLDEN CHARTER Funeral Pre-payment Plans 23
As we are in the middle of the seven Sundays between Pentecost and Advent which we devote to meditation and prayer on all aspects of creation, we thought it appropriate to express a view of creation with healing in mind. When we meditate on the subject of creation, our first thoughts are on that of how and why our universe was created. In spite of the efforts of our scientists and astronomers to come to an understanding of its extent and its origin, I believe that these things are beyond our comprehension and we will not know the answers during our transient passage of time on this earth. But in order to make sense and purpose of our lives in the environment in which we live, we have to believe that there must be some omnipotent force behind it all. Although we, as Christians, cannot say we know that it is God who is the creator, we do have a faith which, as revealed by our Lord Jesus Christ, enables us in the words of the Nicene Creed to say that “We believe in one God, the Father, the almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all that is, seen and unseen”. This leads us to marvel how God decided that, of all the myriads of stars and planets in the universe, he would choose this little speck we call Earth to bring about such a marvellous creation. It is difficult to comprehend that it has taken millions of years for the Earth to evolve into what we know it to be now, with all its wonders and complexity. How often do we fail to marvel and show our appreciation of the wonders God has provided! One of God’s last works, in the Bible’s description of the creation, was to create humankind in his own image, and he ordered that they should have dominion over all living creatures. What an awesome thought this is that we are made in his image and that we are made responsible as stewards of his creation. But our thoughts and meditations are not only
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about the beginnings of creation but they are also concerned with the continuation of the creative process of living and dying, of building and destroying, of loving and of hating, and of suffering and of healing. It is at this our Creation time that we give thanks to God for all the blessings of his creation and to take stock of how successful we have been, or of our failure, in carrying out the responsibilities of stewardship of all creation that God has laid upon us, and to pray for his forgiveness where we have failed. We consider how we have failed in our relationships with one another through prejudice, through selfishness and lack of tolerance, and not obeying Jesus’ command to,” love one another as God loves us”. On an international basis we remember the hatred that does exist between nations and those of different religious faiths which have resulted in conflict and violence. We pray for forgiveness for the way we have squandered the Earth’s resources in our desire for the good things in life and for failing to protect our atmosphere from pollution by the excessive use of fuels which are causing global warming and which threaten the flooding of parts of the world which are low lying. We pray also for the way animals given to our care are ill-treated. We will consider the extent to which we have supported the Church both financially and in the use of our time and talents. We will give thanks to God for his healing ministry and for the skilful ministry of doctors, surgeons and nursing staff, and for the medicines and drugs that are available. Jack Hayley Members of the group are Gill Allen, Maggie Bateman, Jack Hayley, Mary Hughes, Ann Penn, Joan Thomason, Joan Watts and Karen Wellman. Please let us know of any need of healing prayer support. Confidentiality is assured. The next Healing service will be held on Sunday 25th October at 6.30 pm. The Laying on of Hands will be made available at the Parish Communion on Sunday 15th November.
Wokingham Borough Council Falls Advisory Service Did you have a trip this summer? Not the exotic holiday type, but the impromptu, unplanned slip type of trip? You are not alone – we all fall from time to time BUT did you know that many falls can be prevented?! Taking action early on can make a big difference to maintaining health and well being. Have a think about the following – maybe you can improve your chances of staying on your feet. Keep Active – The best thing you can do is to keep active. Strength and balance exercises can be really helpful. Why not try T’ai Chi? Wokingham Borough Council offers a range of exercise opportunities. Have a word with the Sports Development Unit for more details on 0118 974 6265. Keep an eye on your health and take notice when things don’t feel right. Your GP needs to know if you have had a fall or if you are having problems such as dizzy spells. If you take medicines, ask your doctor or pharmacist for a review to ensure that you are taking the right dose at the right time. Walk Tall – posture is very important for good balance. If you use a walking aid, make sure it is the right height for you. Good footwear makes a big difference too - backless shoes and sloppy slippers are best avoided. Look after your feet and they’ll look after you! Be sure to get any problems looked at – don’t put up with painful feet. Eyes – have your vision checked regularly. Changes to eyesight can be gradual so don’t wait until you misjudge a step! Eat well and drink plenty of water. Keep safe at home - you know where the hazards are in your home but a visiting friend may not. Remove rugs if they constantly ride up or curl at
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the corners. Fit a rail for the stairs. Make sure wires don’t trail. Long clothes such as dressing gowns can trip you up when going up the stairs. And most of all – don’t rush. Most falls are caused by a combination of reasons and rushing is often the “last straw”. Hazel Berry and Karen Arding, Occupational Therapists from Wokingham Borough Council’s Falls Advisory Service can offer you a falls and home safety assessment. Contact them on 0118 974 6863. They will be talking to a combined meeting of All Saints Mothers’ Union and All Saints Fellowship on 18th November 2009 8 p.m. at The Cornerstone. (see pg. 33 for more information)
October Quiz Answers From pg. 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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80 Aldershot Road Church Crookham Hampshire GU52 8LE
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All Saints’ Fellowship Remembering Joan The passing of Joan Johnson has been a very sad time for Fellowship. Until the past couple of years ago she was at every meeting and was still attending when well enough to do so. No matter what the subject at the meeting Joan was always interested and remembered to ask about talks etc. which she had missed. When we moved to Wokingham thirty years ago Joan and Peter both spoke to me when I went to All Saints Church (with three children in tow) for the first time. I remember Peter made me laugh and Joan was so helpful and friendly about groups she thought I might be interested in. They soon became my friends as indeed they were to countless others and it was only a few years previous to our first meeting that they had been Mayor & Mayoress of Wokingham. Fellowship members say good bye to Joan taking comfort in knowing that she is now with Peter. Our kindest thoughts go to David and Sally. Diana Clifford CAKES SUNDAY 11th OCT. We will be selling home-made cakes in the Cornerstone following the 9.30am service for Feed The Dates for Children, which working with Barbara Hayley and her your band of knitters, is our charity for this year. On this occasion we will have for sale a small amount of bric Diary – a –brac, a bit like a White Elephant Stall but no elephants or items of wardrobe dimensions! Please support Feed The Children. Thank you. WED.21st OCT. You know that feeling in the supermarket when you would like to ask something but feel uncomfortable about doing so well here is your chance. Come along to Fellowship. Quentin Clark is a Senior Buyer at Waitrose for poultry, fish and eggs and will be telling us about his work and may well be able to answer your questions.
WED.18th NOV. We are delighted that we will be joining with Mother’s Union for this meeting. Karen Arding an Occupational Therapist from Wokingham Community Care Services will be giving a presentation about safety in the home. (see article pg. 28 for more) WED. 16th DEC. ‘Being a Santa’. Derek Parkes will be telling us about his time spent in Lapland. Fellowship meets in the Cornerstone De Vitre Room at 7.45pm for 7.55pm and the charge to visitors is £1.50 which includes coffee. Contact for Fellowship Diana Clifford 9792614.
CONTACTS Diana Clifford 9792614
Adults £6.50
Children (up to 11yrs) £3.25
Update from Yeldall Manor - Autumn 2009 It was a real pleasure to be able to welcome so many ex-residents, friends and visitors to Yeldall Manor and to spend time catching up with at least some of them during our Open Day back in July. The Celebration was, as ever, the highlight of the afternoon; a time to give thanks to God for all of His provision, and His work in changing lives as shown in the testimonies of former residents. Events such as this are such an encouragement as we see how God works in men's lives to change them into the men that He has created them to be. “I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13 It is so good to see living examples of how God takes men who were without hope, and brings transformation and healing. Despite low numbers, we are thankful that God continues to bless His work here. We are aware of Him sustaining us and preparing us to be ready, when the economic tide turns, to be a beacon of His hope in the residential rehabilitation sector. In mid September, a group of staff and residents will be taking a holiday to the Brecon Beacons, funded by money raised in sponsorship by former residents. For many, this provides a rare opportunity for a holiday in an environment where they are challenged physically and emotionally. There will also be a chance to enjoy the beauty and wildness of God’s creation and we pray that many are touched by this experience. “The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 We continue to be blessed by those ex-residents who are continuing in sobriety and meeting the challenges of their new lives. Clive, who left the programme in April 2008, became a Christian whilst here and is now part of a local church community. Recently, the uncertainty of finding suitable work has proven difficult for Clive and, knowing that he could easily become anxious and introspective, he holds on to his relationship with God and with other ex-residents. “It’s so easy to become isolated, but you have to follow Yeldall’s advice and keep in touch with each other. People like Tim, Chris and Clayton, who I was on the Programme
with, are vital for both friendship and support. We have a fortnightly support group for ex-residents, which meets at Greyfriars Church. We lean on each other and it is important to everyone.” We are pleased to confirm that Clive has now found part-time employment as an Alcohol Worker; his endurance has borne fruit. “Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.” Psalm 27:14 For anyone who would like to come and visit us and get a feel for what goes on at Yeldall Manor, we are having a Celebration Service on Friday 2nd October at 7.30pm lasting until around 9pm. The service will be a time of praise, prayer and testimony with tea and coffee available afterwards. Everyone is welcome and we would love to see you there. For more information, contact Sue Hedger or Fiona Carney on 0118 940 1093 /
SINGING IS GOOD FOR YOU SO COME AND SING! "Binfield Singers” is a small choir who sing a mixture of well known songs, carols and classical music. We do not hold auditions, but if you enjoy singing you will find a warm welcome with us. We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 to 9.00 pm. in Murdoch Hall, Newbold College, Binfield. We sing 2 main concerts a year, normally in December and May. If you enjoy singing come and join us for a practice; then you can decide if you want to continue.
Contact our Conductor Michael Hawkins on 01344 411681 or our Secretary Jan Vigar on 01344 411267
News of the Choir During the last week of July All Saints’ Choir had one of our most successful cathedral weeks singing the services at Derby Cathedral. It is always rewarding to sing in a large building with a beautiful acoustic. Somehow the sound seems to get amplified and blended and the result is always better than the sum of the parts. Of course the quality has to be there in the first place and we had words of praise for our sound from all, including the Precentor and the Master of the Music, Peter Gould. The Precentor was so enthusiastic that he wanted to book us again for next year! The younger members, the trebles, were singled out for particular praise as their pure tones set the quality for the sound of the complete choir. We know that we are very lucky to have such a group of dedicated youngsters in our choir when very few church choirs are able to attract young people. But this achievement comes at a price. The beautiful sound of a treble does not happen overnight. It takes years of regular practice and our trebles give up a considerable amount of their time to developing their voices, their knowledge of sacred music and the liturgy, as well as the teachings of the Bible. It is hard work and requires a real commitment but the rewards are great. We are always looking to recruit new trebles (other voices are also welcome, of course) and any boy or girl from the age of eight is welcome to apply. Because it is demanding work we don’t advise application from younger children. But to ease the very youngest children into the routine of the choir we are happy to have a somewhat lower rate of attendance for up to a year. David Rance
ALL SAINTS CHURCH SOCIAL COMMITTEE We need a ‘Helper’s List’ to enable us to cope with the various events throughout each year. With your name on the HELP! list you would be contacted from time to time to help on a particular occasion. If not convenient for you then we will be in touch again for the next event. We need both men and women. Gentlemen please join this list! Geoff Davies has been the only male committee member for a long time so, have a word with Geoff – he will assure you that it does not mean baking dozens of cakes! There will be no committee duties, no meetings to attend and you will not receive any Minutes – so no pressure! We really do need HELP! DIARY HARVEST SUPPER CHILDRENS’ ACTIVITY TABLE
SATURDAY 3rd OCT. 7.00pm for 7.30pm Supper & entertainment in Cornerstone SUNDAY 18th OCT. Cornerstone after 9.30am service. See Sunday leaflet for further dates SUNDAY 29th NOV. Cornerstone after 9.30am service
BEREAVEMENT SERVICE SUNDAY 15th NOV. We offer a quiet cup of tea in the Church following the 3.00pm Service CHRISTINGLE MULLED WINE & MINCE PIES
SUNDAY 13th DEC. Tea in Cornerstone After 3.00pm service SUNDAY 20th DEC. In the Cornerstone After both 9.30am and 11.15am services
Letters to the Magazine I have been away from All Saints for all of August and attended Parish Eucharist on the first Sunday in September – Creation Sunday. What on earth is going on! Has mass hysteria broken out? I was greeted by a bevy of helpful people moving me reverentially towards a polished table upon which I initially thought to be a recently discovered holy relic only to be offered the use of a plastic bottle, containing not the clippings of a saints’ toenails but some kind of antibacterial cream, which I assume is being sponsored by one of the country’s leading pharmaceutical companies, whose interests include profit and the invention of different viruses, bacteria, illnesses and sundry syndromes which, amazingly, they just happen to have a potion to assist in the easing thereof! Having politely, I hope, resisted partaking of the said cream, I was then greeted at the Peace by an alarmed sister at my outstretched hand thereby rendering me a first graphic experience of what it must have been like for the New Testament lepers, as well as current sufferers! Fortunately other nearby brothers and sisters did not shrink from my offer of a “naked” handshake although I was aware of much Ghandi-like greetings going on around me and the thought struck me that perhaps this had been adopted by the citizens of Wokingham in my absence. However later in the day the behaviour of staff at Waitrose reassured me that this phenomenon was clearly localised to All Saints Church building. When I arrived at the altar I became aware of similar barrier / distancing behaviour with the bread being dipped in the wine before being offered to me. I was surprised that priests and assistants were not gloved up and masked by this time, fully believing that some Old Testament plague had been visited upon the congregation in my absence for some heinous crime of which I was so far unaware and that it was being contained in the chalice which was being held firmly away from me! Upon seeking some explanation for this behaviour I learned that the Church has been gripped by fear of the common or garden flu virus and
that the Health & Safety Executive of one of the myriad Synodical subcommittees had offered guidelines which were to be followed if the Church was not to leave itself exposed to the possibility of being sued for assisting in the spread of what I had assumed to be a regularly occurring event in the natural world. Apart from the climate of paranoia however I was happy to have returned to All Saints and experienced yet another inspiring sermon by David to greet the period of Creation time. If you didn’t hear it request that David publish it. Not to be missed. David Chapman
Baptisms 26 July
12 July 30 Aug
Campbell Robertson Charlotte Kathleen Rose Paxton Hollie Katie Susan Player Naomi Kathleen Sutton Mariah-Jane Clarke Angerline-Marie Clarke Michael-Brian Clarke Cliffie-James Clarke (at Ludgrove School Chapel) Thomas Anthony Davis Hugo William Jones Luke Aaron Whiteside Charlotte Anne Daley Alexander James Daley Thomas Edward Daley Jacob Mears Eve Mears Sophie Louise Drake Isaac Alphonsus Marrison Emmy Marie Brown Tillie Emma Howkins (Continued next pg.)
Marriages 11 July 8 Aug 9 Aug 15 Aug 5 Sept 5 Sept
Mark Andrew Kelly with Jaroslava Fourova Toby David Gray with Katie Elizabeth Preston Carlos Alberto Pullen Ferreira with Meraewin May Clarke Matthew Gourdin Smith with Julia Clare Hodgson Lawrence John Merrick with Karen Janet Trevithick Nicholas John Smith with Marie Elisabeth Palmer
Burial 17 July
Susan Patricia Hopkins
Burial of Ashes 10 Aug 11 Aug 18 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 4 Sept
Margaret Daisy May (Peggy) Gore Age 94 Emily May Barber Age 81 Joan Barbara Johnson Age 86 Marjorie Hudson Age 94 Sheila Rosemary Strudley Age 68 Mary Morris Age 91
Age 53
Funeral in Church followed by Cremation 17 Aug Joan Barbara Johnson 18 Aug Bessy Armitage
Age 86 Age 91
At Easthampstead Park Crematorium 14 July Barry Tanner 20 Aug Mary Morris
Age 76 Age 91
At Reading Crematorium 25 Aug Muriel Edna Fisher
Age 92
Number of Sundays Sundays Week days
9 1329 326
All Saints’ Church has a team of visitors, one of whom could phone and/or visit you. Contact the Team Co-ordinator via the Parish Office (979 2797)
Tony Roberts DECORATOR
Interior and Exterior painting and decorating including Wallpapering, Wall Tiling, Kitchens and Bathrooms Tel: 0118 377 4050 for quotation or brochure or E-mail: MINIMUM MESS
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