Club Sports Illustrated No. 118

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care. engage. transform.


IN THIS ISSUE 04 05 08 09 01


Club Sports Illustrated Edition 118 / / November 8th 2019 Designed by: Ashley Sessoms, UREC Graduate Assistant Articles by: Club Sports Team Officers

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EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Caroline Holland - Nathan Kanning - Alison Looney - Griffin Mercer - Maya Townsend -

UREC PRO STAFF Joe Carter, Director - Erin Sanders, Assistant Director for Sports and Activities - Turner Goa, Coordinator for Sports and Activities - Colin Wrba, Coordinator for Sports and Activities -

Contact UREC 828-262-2100




Alison Looney, Club Sports Executive Officer Hello All! We had another

changed to looking at the

Club Sports. They have come

successful council meeting

manual to see if there are any

up with two so far: Chipotle

on Wednesday, November 6,

changes that can be made

fundraiser on November 12th

2019. This meeting marked our

to policies either out of date

from 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm and

6th meeting of the semester

or that need to be updated.

a Comeback Shack fundraiser

with only one more meeting

Their end goal is to create

on February 20th all day. They

left. Thank you to everyone

a manual that will help the

have also planned a formal for

who attended with great

program run as smoothly as

April 18th in Legends for all of

participation and feedback

possible. Safety is working

Club Sports members. Unity

during our committee break

on creating a hotel list for

would like to remind everyone

outs. We had many updates of

teams when they travel that

to keep updating “This Week

teams and committees during

will include safe and secure

in Club Sports.” They are also

this meeting that made us

hotels to stay at. They are

introducing the idea of a point

excited to have a successful

also working on adding Red

system for going to other

wrap up of this semester and a

Flag training to the manual.

teams sporting events. We are

rewarding Spring semester.

Publicity introduced a t-shirt

so excited about what each

design contest that will be

committee is working on and

Each committee, Retention,

taking place between now and

cannot wait to see where they

Safety, Publicity, Fundraising

November 19th at 12:00 pm.

go next.

and Unity got together

Council will be voting on the

tonight and progressed ideas

designs at the next meeting,

If you would like to stay up to

on each of their individual

November 20th. A google

date with all things Club Sports,

projects as well as revisited

form will be sent out soon

you can link to our Google

their committee charters

welcoming anyone to submit

Calendar via clubsports@

and timelines. Retention has

a design. Fundraising has

changed what their committee

been hard at work organizing

will be focusing on. They have

food fundraising nights for


WHAT IF THERE’S Emily Urish, Secretary

In my last article, I discussed the drylands our team participates in during the offseason. I pointed out that most of the activities we do are not directly related to skiing, and that is true unless you look at each movement is a certain way. The Trikke is more of a simulation, but it can come close to actually feeling like you’re skiing. Skiing, as a sport, is pretty tricky and there are all different factors that lead to either triumph or failure. To succeed, a person must have a certain amount of coordination and balance. Alpine skiing is going down a slope at high speed and making quick turns. Especially in racing, the goal is to go through the course correctly as fast as possible.


Going at a high-speed, skiing is even more difficult, especially when making sharp turns. A skier must have strength, balance, and coordination. Balance is a person’s ability to stay in control of their body. Having balance and coordination is crucial as a skier must be in control of their movements, both fighting gravity, and the slippery slope. Off season activities are very important as a skier needs to stay in shape, maintain strength and flexibility. Other sports and activities, while they don’t seem to be directly related to skiing, do have influences on the body. Sports that utilize the whole body are the best for skiers because they use similar

muscles. For example, soccer needs a certain amount of foot coordination and strength and hiking has a similar movement to skiing, especially when walking on a steeper slope. Almost every activity, if thought of in the correct way, can be beneficial to skiing. These activities will help an athlete have better balance and coordination, and thus will help them to be a better skier. It will also help the athlete to stay in shape and always be ready for ski season!


photo credit: ty humphries


MEET TH photo credit: crosby reed

photo credit: sarah khlasset


photo credit: dana dewey

HE COACHES Kelly McFeeley, Club Sports Representative

The Appalachian Equestrian team is extremely lucky to be instructed by three fantastic coaches and ride at their respective barns. Get to know the coaches behind each discipline team who do so much to help ensure everyone succeeds in every way possible! Crosby Reed is the coach for the Appalachian State IHSA Western team. She has been a riding instructor for almost ten years, having began in 2010, and has been coaching Appalachian for five years. Growing up on her family farm, Reed has spent her entire life riding. Both her grandparents and parents were invested in the equine community, and due to her mother working as a therapeutic riding instructor, a passion for horses grew within her daughter. Initially beginning her career of competing through Saddlebred showing, Reed later moved on to showing in hunters & jumpers, as well as western pleasure. In college she played on her school’s polo team and then eventually began combined driving which remains her favorite discipline. Reed owns Mimosa Hills Farms in

Morganton, NC where she runs the facility with her partner they and live with their son. Dana Dewey is the coach for the Appalachian State IDA Dressage team. She has been a riding instructor for over forty years and has coached the IDA team for ten. In her life, Dewey lives by the mantra, “God gave us horses to make us better people.” She puts this into practice through her teachings as the owner of Foothills Equestrian Center in Taylorsville, NC. Dewey first began riding at six years old, and at nine got her first horse. Since then she has always owned horses. Aside from the gift of horses in her life, the biggest influence in her career has been Sally Swift, the founder of Centered Riding. Throughout her life, Dewey has participated in a variety of equestrian disciplines such as thoroughbred racing, barrel racing, western horsemanship & pleasure, and show hunters. Dressage will always be special to her because it combines many concepts of other equestrian areas with horse welfare prioritized.

Sarah Klasset is the coach for the Appalachian State IHSA Hunt Seat team. Klasset has been a riding instructor since 2001 and has coached the Appalachian ISHA team since 2008. Horses have always been a part of her life, having grown up riding with her mother since the age of five. Klasset got her first pony at six before she began riding at Foothills Equestrian Center. Her main background was in hunt seat growing up, but Klasset also dabbled in cross country and jumpers. Nowadays, she mainly does dressage with her own horse. When she was younger, Klasset didn’t think she would become a riding instructor but after competing in IHSA for UNCG in college, she began teaching and never stopped. Recently Klasset opened her own riding facility, Walnut Creek Farms, which she runs with her husband and they live with their two daughters. These ladies are amazing for everything they do for all their riders. The Equestrian team is so fortunate to work with such talent and look forward to many more years together!


FENCING Keegan Mele, Secretary The Fencing Team has been going strong this October, and is looking forward to another great month in November. The team has been hard at work training and preparing for our own home tournament on November 16th, and the Midsouth tournament on November 23rd. The team is incredibly excited to be hosting a home tournament in the Quinn Recreation Center on November 16th. We’ll be there most of the day, and all are welcome to come watch as long as they have a valid student ID or driver’s license. Later this month we will be attending a tournament at Midsouth on November 23rd. Overall the team has been doing incredibly well, and continually makes great progress in


practice. As the semester has gone on, we’ve focused on more complex and challenging drills, footwork, and endurance. The team’s new members are doing phenomenally, and have proved incredibly adept at learning new skills and improving old ones. Going into the winter months the team will continue to practice complex drills and prepare for our future tournaments.


photo credit: ian lilliston

photo credit: samantha pawlovich photo credit: nicholas bayne


photo credit: whitney williams



Charlotte Murphy and Ashley Dupalevich, Club Sports Representative and Member

This past Rucktoberfest was one for the books! The team put to use all their hard work and it showed in all of our games. This past weekend was a wonderful learning experience for every member of the team, especially since the games were not matrix matches. In total, five teams showed out to this year’s tournament. Those teams included College of Charleston, UNCC, UNCW, UNCG, and Appalachian State. All of the teams put in a valiant effort throughout the Rucktoberfest tournament, but the overall winner for the tournament was College of Charleston coming out undefeated and unscored upon. The teams gathered, socialized, made new friends, and learned a few new skills throughout the whole weekend. We were

also very lucky to have had the opportunity to buy rugby gear from local vendors as well as socialize with the volunteer EMT workers. All of the tournaments success was due to the dedication that the executive board displayed, the captains, and the support from the Appalachian community. Without the community pulling together we would not have been able to find a field location or been able to ensure everyone’s safety by having volunteer athletic trainers and EMT people.

the games and make the brackets. If you would like to contact our team for sponsorships, fundraisers, or more information follow our Instagram @aho_wrfc or check out our website at on the club sports webpage!

In the end, every member on the executive board, especially our President Katie Sorrell, pulled together to help ensure that the tournament went over smoothly. The team was also very grateful for the volunteer EMS workers, as well as the Serr’s who did a wonderful job helping to officiate


STARTING SUCCESS Aidan Todd, Secretary

This week I’m Mixing it up a bit! With the team in what we consider the bye week of our fall semester there is not much to report about. So, I decided to start interviewing players on the team and writing down their responses so I can share their stories with you the reader. I hope these “Player Profiles” as I call them, will allow you guys to learn a little about the different people that makes up our team. So, without further ado here is the first addition of the Nomads Player Profiles. Name: Daniel Johnson School Year: Junior Years Alive: 21 Position: Defensive Cutter Athlete you want to dunk on: Meta World Peace AKA Ron Artest


What is your Favorite Moment as a Nomad? “It was my freshman year fall semester, and we were playing UNCW on their home Turf. I was guarding a slow thrower so I was behind the play. While locked on to a thrower I heard the sidelines

yell “UPPPPPP” I turned around to see the frisbee siting high in the air halfway down the field from me. Determined to be a straight baller I sprinted down the field towards it. As I approached the disc a mob of bodies surrounded me making it hard for me to make a clean path to the disc. As the disc dropped lower and lower I knew it was my time to make a play. With all my might I jumped above everyone grabbing the disc and providing a momentum shift for the team. As I landed I saw the upper classmen on the side line shaking their heads in approval”.

photo credit: time louie

photo credit: sam cheatham

What got you into the wonderful sport of ultimate frisbee? “Well on a late winter day at the young ripe age of 12 years old my number one home slice asked

me if I wanted to come play ultimate frisbee with him and his dad. My Homies dad was a baller and had been playing the sport for a long time so naturally he played as well. At first, I was on the fence about playing but after a little bit of persuasion I decided to give it a shot. We played at a park near my house in Chapel Hill and although I was the worst out there I instantly fell in love with the sport. Along side my best friend we played Ultimate all though out middle school and through high school. When I decided to come to App I decided I wanted to continue to play the sport I love and joined to App State Affiliated Frisbee Team Named Alien Nomads”.


photo credit: kelly sommeric h

photo credit: erin edwards




TOURNAMENT Alli Lobach, Secretary On October 26th, the Appalachian State Women’s Club Volleyball program hosted our annual tournament at the SRC gym. Fifteen teams came from universities across the state came to participate. All of the App State teams played as well, which was a great opportunity for teams to be able to cheer on each other. Play started off in full swing bright and early in the morning and remained very competitive throughout the day. Three of the six App teams made it into bracket play. The Red Team made it to the semifinals and then were defeated by NC State. NC State went on to beat UNCW-1 in three sets to win the tournament. Overall, everything went well and it was a successful

day of great volleyball. A huge thank you to all the families, friends and fans who came out to support Women’s Club Volleyball! The Mountaineers will be back in action this coming weekend at UNC-Greensboro and the next at USC to finish out this season of volleyball.




HOW TO SUBMIT 1. WRITE YOUR ARTICLE • Articles should be: • 1-1.5 pages long • Double spaced • 12 pt. font • Word doc file •Articles should include • Title • Authors name • Author’s position on team •Generic prompts may include: • What are you most looking forward to this season? • What made you want to join your team? • Does your team have a rival? How did that originate? • Whats your favorite memory of being on your team? • How have you seen your team grow since you joined? • Where would you like to see your team in a year? • Check spelling and grammar before submiting the article • Save article as SPORT_DATE.doc 2. CHOOSE YOUR PHOTOS • Submit 2-5 photos that relate to your article • Photos must have Photographer name Associated • Photos MUST be high resolution • DO NOT put the photos in the word document 3. SUBMIT YOUR ARTICLE • Articles are due the Tuesday before the Illustrated is published • Submisson by App Sync Form • Direct any questions, comments, & concerns to


OFFICER HOURS Caroline N. Holland Club Sports Executive Officer Archery, Cycling, Rugby - M, Tennis, Ultimate - W 828-551-2846 / Weekly Office hours for Fall semester: T: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm W: 4:15 pm - 5:00 pm F: 9:30 am - 11:30 pm Alison R. Looney Club Sport Executive Officer Climbing, Softball, Ultimate - M, Volleyball - W Weekly Office Hours for Fall semester: M: 10:15 am - 11:30 am R: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm F: 10:15 am - 11:30 am Griffin S. Mercer Club Sports Executive Officer Baseball, Basketball - W, Rugby - W, Swim Weekly Office Hours for Fall semester: M: 10:00 am - 12:00 PM W: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Nathan H. Kanning Club Sports Executive Officer Alpine Ski, Fencing, Lacrosse - W, Snowboard, Soccer - M Weekly Office Hours for Fall semester: M: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm W: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Maya J. Townsend Equestrian, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse - M, Soccer - W, Volleyball - M Weekly Office Hours for Fall semester: M: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm W: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm









Contact UREC 828-262-2100

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