As You [7]

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ÆÝãå » As ë ¹áõ you

N7/ 2013

N 7 / 2013


ÆÝãå»ë ¹áõ As you

ù³Õ³ù³óÇ³Ï³Ý Ñ³ë³ñ³ÏáõÃÛáõÝ

civil society

4 8



12 16

Ù³ñ¹áõ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñ

human rights


ë»é³Ï³Ý ³éáÕçáõÃÛáõÝ

sexual health


ëáóÇ³É³Ï³Ý ³ñ¹³ñáõÃÛáõÝ

social justice

30 35



40 46







³Ýó³Í ÙÇçáó³éáõÙÝ»ñ

past events

64 66 68

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Dear reader, "As you!" e-magazine is already two years old. With two-year experience and greater responsibility, we present you our traditional articles on human rights, sexuality, gender, sexual health, civil society and about people who could bring the change to our society. "As you!" celebrates its anniversary with a novelty: hereinafter "Social Justice" rubric will headline unjust social phenomena and suggest possible solutions to them. Faithfully to our vision of being change and guided by famous politician Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo said: "I want justice to be so pervasive that it will be taken for granted, just as injustice is taken for granted today." With love, "As you!" e-magazine

ù³Õ³ù³óÇ³Ï³Ý Ñ³ë³ñ³ÏáõÃÛáõÝ civil society

§êáóÇáëÏáå¦ ëáóÇ³É³Ï³Ý Ñ»ï³½áïáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇ ¨ ËáñÑñ¹³ïíáõÃÛ³Ý Ï»ÝïñáÝ "Socioscope" social research and consultancy center

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“Socioscope” Societal Research and Consultancy Center was founded in 2008 by a group of young social scientists. The aim of the organization is to promote the establishment of a solid human rights and democracy system in Armenia. To achieve the goal “Socioscope” organization carries out its activities through three main directions. First is the implementation of surveys and researches in human rights, democracy, social movements and the related spheres. The next direction is closely linked to the previous one as the organization raises awareness in community level as well. “Socioscope” not only disseminate research results, presenting the current situation, but also consult donor and non-governmental organizations, public agencies and other stakeholders offering possibly effective means for the reality improvement. In the framework of the third major direction,

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evaluation researches are carried out with aim to strengthen and improve various development programs. “Socioscope” is member in “The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders” and the “Human Rights House” in national level. In general, “Socioscope” has a wide cooperation scope. For example, in cooperation with the famous “Open Society Foundations - Armenia” a photojournalistic research was conducted in Qajaran town, Qajarants village and “Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine” CJSC: irresponsible activities of the latter and government inactions once again pointed out the low level of human rights protection and social justice in Armenia. One more collaborative initiative: exhibition titled “Human Rights in Camera” was implemented in the Lovers’ park with support of USA

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Embassy in Armenia- to the organizers’ joy and surprise some part of more than hundred photos, reflecting human rights, were sent from the different regions of Armenia. Currently, the center is cooperating with the “London School of Economics and Political Science”. This collaboration gives an opportunity to deepen academic orientation of researches. Civic movement researches are also ongoing. There are very interesting results from the environmental civic initiative research conducted with the “Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation” support. The studies have shown that public awareness, legal consciousness and public participation are very low.

Most people are indifferent to social problems. The reason for apathy is not only lack of knowledge, but also lack of willingness to be

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informed and involved. “Socioscope” has come to the conclusion that society has lack of faith to itself, the government, the civil society and its various initiatives. Obviously, this entire results from the more serious problem- a person’s lack to know his/her human rights. “Socioscope” experts are sure that society will get rid of these problems only with help of knowledge and after self-confidence and faith recovery. However, according to them, current methods of knowledge dissemination are somehow ineffective. They offer a solution: to make “victims” of human rights violations a part to these rights struggle movements-that is to make them an acting subject from the stable object. If not that “victim”, than who else can inject faith and confidence to the civil society activities and belief in the success and truth of his struggle to a victim like him. Mariam Gevorgyan can be an excellent example of the above mentioned. “Who else could more acceptably and persuasive “force” and “convince” women to protect their rights and fight for them,-mentioned “Socioscope” specialist Evelina Gyulkhandanyan and added,every human-being needs just an honest drive and will to make a better change”.

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Mane Poghosyan Maria Abrahamyan


ù³Õ³ù³óÇ³Ï³Ý Ñ³ë³ñ³ÏáõÃÛáõÝ civil society

§´»ñ¹Ç ϳݳÝó é»ëáõñë Ï»Ýïñáݦ ÑÇÙݳ¹ñ³Ù "Berd Women’s Resource Center" foundation

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Only 9 km away from Armenian-Azerbaijani northern border, women of Berd town create hand-made, eco-friendly teddy bears that are already known overseas as well, with the brand “Berd” which have become not only the symbol of Berd in a short period of time, but also are the main source of income for many women and their families living in Berd. The author of this initiative is the “Berd Women’s Resource Center” Foundation. It is a young organization, founded in February 2011. The purpose of the organization is to support women of Berd in areas such as employment, education, protection of rights, health, etc. In line with its aim, the beneficiaries of the organization mostly are unemployed women of the area which have problems with issues like employment, self-realization and integration.

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The amplification of women’s cooperative networks, advocacy for various groups of women, training sessions on gender equality leadership and other themes are some of central activities of the Foundation. Foundation is well known for its “Berd Bears” project which aims at promoting business among the women of Berd; addressing unemployment of women is the crucial purpose of the foundation. Jinishian Memorial Foundation supported the project, and once the project had enough resources, it started to sustain itself independently. The project kicked off in 2011. The mission was to unite 30 unemployed women who would have the skill of knitting. They had gone through training sessions and brought to life teddy bears of Berd. By the support and advice of Honorary Consul of Finland and Norway in Armenia Timothy Straight, teddy bears created by a German nun Hannah, were sold all over the world, through the official web site (, social media and the cooperative network. The market got bigger through the on-line platform “Kickstarter”, by engulfing North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Only through internet, thanks to “Kickstarter”, there were 200 of these bears sold.


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The director of the Foundation Anahit Badalyan says: “It was Anahit Galstyan, our friend from London, who has greatly contributed to the process of selling the handmade bears. One of her freshest initiatives was to make an exhibit of photographies of Niko Nasibyan, with the help of Armenian showbiz representatives and presenting Berd Bears.” Anyway, this is only the beginning of the glorious victory march. Two years ago the couple of teddy bears, together with a crow, a butterfly and a bee from Berd, have become heroes in a film on environmental issues which was screened in ReAnimania International Animation Film Festival. According to the scenario, it all happens in Berd, where the already-known heroes are addressing children, calling upon keeping the environment clean. As of now, only the first episode is out. There is this ambition of shooting the second part of the movie and of screening it through TV channels, but there is

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some need of financial support and sponsors for that. The year of 2013, too, has started as a year of accomplishments: the Foundation has published “We Are” regional magazine (menkenk. which focuses on women and their issues, thoughts, success stories and solutions to the problems. And mind you, troubles of women are numerous in Berd; it is a residence contiguous to Azerbaijan, there also are problems with stereotyping, mentality and current social and economical situation. The troubles brought forth by post-Soviet crisis, conflict and present problems seem to be entirely affecting the race of women. None of the previously active factories (like those that would produce mild, wine and preserves, carpets, relays, diamonds etc) has been reestablished, and the employers of these factories, majority of whom were women, are left unemployed. Add to that the responsibility of feeding the families and chores caused by the fact that men have emigrated. Plus, of course, there are problems that have become classic in our society like girls not getting any university degree, they aren’t allowed to work after the marriage, they can’t move out and live separately. There are other limitations as well that control the desires and rights of women. Some options to solve the abovementioned problems, according to the foundation, are addressing unemployment, advocacy for equal rights for women, support to active and initiative-taking women, raising awareness on women’s rights, promoting networking, as well as advocating for state sponsorship. Foundation is trying to do make those visions come to life as much as it can.

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Maria Abrahamyan


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Discrimination is often defined as biased or different behavior toward a person or a group based on certain real or perceived characteristics such as age, religion, sexuality, sex, gender, ethnicity, etc. It is usually used legally or within a legal discourse that seeks to correct the differential behavior toward a group. This legal form of struggle works to correct usually negative, but sometimes even preferential, behavior through passing legislation, pressing legal charges or pointing out how the law is unjust. However, for many years now, the idea of discrimination as a viable platform to make social change has been criticized by feminist theorists and many others. In this article I will be discussing double discrimination and how it allows us to see how discrimination, which applies to one case or one act or to a defined group, is not always able to show what I will be calling systematic social inequality. Double discrimination is when a person or a group is targeted for more than one form of discrimination. An example of this in Armenia would be a lesbian woman who would be vulnerable to oppression as a woman and as a lesbian. While women in Armenia have all kinds of difficulties – pressure to get married, pressure from husbands, sometimes strictness from parents that shelters them more than their brothers,

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discrimination in finding jobs because of the assumption that once they get married or have children they will quit, etc. – being lesbian has its own difficulties as well. However, when the person is not just a woman, but also a lesbian, she may face double discriminations, sometimes in very complicated ways where separating which “characteristic” was discriminated against is hard to tell. Was it because of her being a woman or was it because of her being a lesbian? The case of the firebombing of DIY is an example of this. But here, of course, there were many other issues involved – Tsomak Oga was also an activist, punk musician, etc. Legal American scholar Kimberly Crenshaw has created a term for this process. She calls it intersectionality. Intersectionality is when various aspects of identity intersect into one person’s life and experience. These aspects cannot be separated and create oppressions that are difficult to define clearly as either the cause of this or that characteristic. Another important thing to note here is that not all women are within the same relation to power. In other words, not all women are affected by the government, economic and social institutions (like the family) and are not treated the same. The example I brought up above – about lesbian women – for example, shows us that not all women in Armenia have the same experience. When a woman is categorized as part of another social group, like homosexuals, she is treated differently in many respects. Tsomak Oga’s case is an extreme version of this. Experiences of all women can never be lumped together as one experience. Each woman, because of her ethnicity, class, educational background, marital status, sexual orientation, etc. – is marked


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differently. We cannot talk about all women as if they all experience the world the same – or as if the world treats them all the same. Double discrimination, which we can think of as intersectionality – the way various oppressions intersect to create one very complex system of oppression – is an important tool to think about these complex relations among social characteristics and their relation to oppression or social inequality. However, intersectionality shows that the concept of discrimination is flawed: oppression or injustice is not easy to point out 0directly with one case or with one characteristic that has been targeted. There are many forms of oppression in Armenian society that cannot be thought through the framework of discrimination. Discrimination is generally focused on a case through which one can say, “I was discriminated against because I am...” Here, one can point to a particular case and the reason for the case taking place – both of which are clear and singular. In this framework how are we to understand the complicated questions of the oppression of women in Armenia? For example, how can we think about the question of why there are so few women representatives in the National Assembly? It is not against the law for women to run

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for office and it is not even discouraged. Actually, there are quota laws that encourage women to run for political office. So, why are there still so few women in politics? Here, the concept of systematic social inequality becomes very important to locate the various and complex system of reasoning for why women are not going into political office. Systematic social inequality takes into consideration ideological and social pressures where the idea that a person is less capable, not worthy or any other social behavior that is attributed to a characteristic – like “woman” – is internalized. Therefore, women in Armenia will often (but not always) claim that politics is for men and women are not made for it. This should and indeed is regarded as systematic oppression. However, the framework of discrimination cannot see it as unjust because it is not about a particular case. Rather, the issue of women not desiring to go into politics is a systemic problem – a problem in which women face all kinds of ideological pressures and in order to desire or believe that they are capable they must work against all of these. To summarize, double discrimination and intersectionality are very important tools in critical thought. They make it possible to see the roots of social inequality and also allow us to reveal the systems that keep oppressive mechanisms in place. Discrimination is still a very important strategic framework to battle certain cases. However, in order to not lose sight of the bigger struggle against social inequalities – we must look towards all of those other forms of oppression that are hidden and therefore have easier, and deeper, control over our lives.

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Tamar Shirinyan


·»Ý¹»ñ gender

ü»ÙÇÝǽÙ. å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝÇó Çñ³Ï³ÝáõÃÛáõÝ Feminism: from history to reality

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American feminist, journalist, and activist Gloria Steinem said, “In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she’s a feminist or a masochist.” So, what does it really mean to be a feminist? For the first time in history this term was used in France and the Netherlands in 1872, then in

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Great Britain in the 1890s and the United States in 1910. Feminism itself is as a combination of political, economic, and social equality of the sexes, and an organized activity for women’s rights and shared interests. There are five types of feminism: liberal, radical, marxist and socialist, as well as cultural and eco-feminism. Feminist movement is divided into three waves; the first wave (19th to early 20th centuries) dealt with suffrage, working conditions, and educational rights for women. Prominent feminists were Mary Wollstonecraft, Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone, etc. It is considered that first wave ended when the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was adopted granting women electoral rights. Despite first wave, the second wave (1960s-1980s) focused on the de facto inequalities: the inequality of laws and the role of women in a society. The third wave of feminism (early 1990’s-present) has appeared in response to the failure of the second wave initiatives and movements. Famous feminists of this period were Judith Butler, Martha Davis, Betty Dodson, etc. Some men and even women mistook feminism for something terrible by creating wrong conjectures, myths about it such as all feminists are lesbians and hate men, women can’t be feminine and feminists at the same time or feminists don’t believe in marriage etc. However in feminist movement men also had a vital role. The majority of pro-feminist authors were from France, among them Denis Diderot, Paul Henri d’Holbach and Charles Louis de Montesquieu. John Stuart Mill, who is considered the father of feminism, was among the earliest pro-feminists and in his article “The Subjection of Women” tried to prove that the legal subordination of women is not just and it should find a solution for absolute equality. Moving from the history of feminism to Armenian reality, we should consider that in fact


·»Ý¹»ñ gender

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we have never formed feminist movement in our country. Instead we have individuals who raised women’s issues during their lifetime and some modern feminists who are running NGOs that deal with women’s rights and gender issues. Armenian women of the XXth cen-

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tury started to speak about issues of gender equality and women rights. Among those worth mention Siran Zarafian who was a proponent of women’s empowerment and education, Arlene Avakian, one of the founders of Women’s Studies Program in the Massachusetts University, Srpuhi Dussap (Vahanian), who was the first Armenian feminist novelist. Nowadays women deal with various violations to their rights, such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, gender inequality etc. Feminist civic activists joined forces in order to solve these problems and break existing stereotypes. Today’s feminist group success example is the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Women, which was created by 7 local NGOs. The goal of the coalition is to raise awareness on violence against women, change existing mentality concerning domestic violence, provide defense and support to female victims of abuse. The activities of Coalition now vary from organization of different meetings, events, trainings devoted to domestic violence and women rights issues. One of the current urgent issues for women rights protection is the draft law on domestic violence proposed by the Women’s Rights Center NGO and submitted to the Armenian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The Coalition repeatedly tried to pressure the authorities to adopt the law, but the National Assembly rejected the adoption of law, and currently NGO activists circulate the petition on passing the law as domestic violence is not an issue specifically for women but has a national importance. We hope that in the nearest future we will see the adoption and effective implementation of law against domestic violence as the maintenance of rule of law due to deductive work of Armenian feminists. Lilit Sargsyan


Ù³ñ¹áõ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñ human rights

Êïñ³Ï³ÝáõÃÛáõÝ ¨ ûñ»Ýù Discrimination and law

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Prohibition of discrimination is one of basic and integral principles, without which it is impossible to imagine realisation of rights and freedoms equally in any democratic society. The principle of prohibition of discrimination is reflected differently in almost all international legal documents. Since 1948 it has been determined that all people are born free and equal, with their dignity and rights, and these rights and freedoms must be realised without any discrimination based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other convictions, national or social origin, estate, class or any other status. Moreover, this is officially attached in almost all international treaties which have been ratified and approved also by the Republic of Armenia. Apart from that, there also are international legal acts completely dedicated to the principle of prohibition of discrimination and right to be free from discrimination. For example the

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Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) (Republic of Armenia joined in Sep 13, 1993) struggles against the expressions of discrimination against women and equally recognise the realisation of human rights and basic freedoms for women and men alike, and “Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination” (Republic of Armenia joined on Jun 23, 1993) bans discrimination based on race, colour, national or ethnic origin, etc The notion of “discrimination” has been defined in a number of international legal acts, and international bodies have further interpreted it. Yet the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) definition and interpretation of “discrimination” notion is significant in the landmark case Nachova and others v. Bulgaria.

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Discrimination is distinction, exception, restriction or preference that has the effect to put a person carrying certain characteristic in a less favourable position.


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Although in international practice different forms of discrimination are classified differently, nevertheless, direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, incitement to discriminate, discrimination based on presumption and hate speech are considered the elemental forms of discrimination. In a number of cases, expressions of a discriminatory approach can be regarded as “affirmative action” or positive discrimination, that is to say, special actions aimed at elimination of inequality between less protected individual/ individuals or groups and the rest of society, by allowing to realise their rights and basic freedoms on the basis of equality. The struggle against discrimination is problematic in our country, too. Absence of necessary conditions to move freely for people with disabilities, unreasonable age restrictions for employment, hate speech and calls for violence in mass media against various religious organisations, forcing the relative of a person living with HIV to leave the hospital, the refusal to provide

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medical services to a homosexual person who has been stabbed, and another similar and different cases are classic patterns in our society. Despite the fact that the ban on discrimination is reflected in the Constitution of RA and other legal acts, this approach is partial and there are spheres where the right of an individual to be free from discrimination is not secured. Apart from that, there are loopholes in national legislation that do not allow one to address the most basic and yet crucial problems a propos discrimination; in particular, no legal act has yet defined the term discrimination, its forms of expression, the notion of hate speech victims of which are minorities of our society. Legal consequences, as well, are not clarified. As of now, the Human Rights Defender’s Office and a number of NGOs are drafting an anti-discriminatory law, which can solve these and other serious problems.

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Lusine Ghazaryan


ë»é³Ï³Ý ³éáÕçáõÃÛáõÝ sexual health

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Sexually transmissible infections (STIs) are as ancient as sexual relations. Nowadays there are various contradictory articles and materials on STIs which can confuse the reader. That is why we decided to have a short interview with venereologist Hovhannes Hovhannisyan from “Dermatology and STI MSC” of the RA Ministry of Health. The interview is introduced below. - Let us talk a little about the history of occurrence of sexually transmissible infections. - STIs are one of the oldest diseases. All STIs which were few and were not differentiated were called “French disease” for a long time. Then starting from the 1990s the term “venereal disease” was used. It encompassed 5 types of diseases. Nowadays about 20 diseases, including genital itch, pediculosis and a number of fungus diseases, are considered STIs. - Has the number of patients with STIs changed in Armenia in the recent years? What brings about that change? - Recently cases of gonorrhea and syphilis have quite decreased whereas cases of ureaplasma and genital warts have increased. We have started recording viral STIs rather often – hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV disease. Sexual herpes is also widely spread. As regards

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the increase of cases discovered in the recent years, their reason can be the increase in people’s awareness level, the improvement and increase of methods and testing centers, etc. The number of patients might be the same but there are more people applying for testing and receiving treatment. - Could you please mention the STIs which are more widely spread in Armenia? What are the main ways of transmitting these infections? - There are more cases of condyloma and fungus disease discovered among women in Armenia. ureaplasma is discovered among men quite frequently. These are not classic STIs. Weak immunity, wrong care of sexual hygiene, irregular sexual life, etc. can contribute to the development of these STIs. Chlamydia is one of the most widely spread classic STIs. Chlamydia does not have symptoms. It does not disturb patients and the majority of patients discover that they have chlamydia during a random medical examination. - As a specialist working in the sphere of venereology tell us please which groups are more vulnerable to STIs and why? - All those people who can have unprotected


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sexual intercourse. Certainly we can single out prostitutes, those using their services, MSM (men having sexual contacts with men), and injecting drug users as more vulnerable groups. - The Internet is full of various records stating that “having sexual intercourse in the juvenile age, even till 24 years, makes people more vulnerable to STIs.” What is your opinionera on this issue? - The matter is not the age but rather the intellectual level, knowledge and responsibility. No need to stick to a certain age. For instance, if you are 14, have certain knowledge, are responsible for your partner’s and your health, feel free to have intercourse. Certainly teenagers often have random and unprotected sexual contacts for self-assertion or for boasting among friends which contributes to catching an STI, i.e. young people mostly ignore very significant aspects. For this reason young people are more vulnerable.

"We are not engines to start, work, have contact, be turned off, the fuel is over and that’s it." Of greater importance are knowledge and responsibility for your partner’s and your own health.

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- People of which age group and gender apply to you more for STI testing? - In my own practice 20-25-year-old young people apply. Men apply more as applying to a venereologist is not so compromising for them. But women - especially of that age - mostly apply only in case of very grave problems as premarital sexual life is supposed. - How frequently should one be tested for STIs? - One should be tested after each unprotected sexual intercourse. You know, there is a group of people who are examined on a regular basis – once per 3 or per 6 weeks - and they are sure that they have no problem. We have had a case when a 17-18-year-old boy had the first sexual experience in life and was infected with HIV. I.e. there is no precondition for getting infected; unprotected sexual contact is more than enough.

Any unprotected intercourse should be assessed as perilous and risky for catching an STI. Of course, loyal and tested partners’ relations form an exception.

- What consequences can the complications of not treating STIs have? - Any illness which is complicated has consequences. An STI itself is a serious problem both at the current moment and later on. Reproductive health problems (impotence, sterility, etc.) may occur if patients are not treated.


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For instance, there might be life threatening problems in case syphilis is not treated. It is highly important to remember and stress that the presence of STIs in the organism increase the probability of sexual transmission of HIV. - What are the main reasons which make people abstain from STI testing? - First of all, people do not assess and realize

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the risk of having an STI. I often hear “I’m having sex with a person who would hardly have an STI,” or for instance “That woman was married. So she couldn’t have an STI.” Secondly, there are people who apply only when the situation is out of control. People often do not apply to the doctor even when they have complaints. Thirdly, people are timid particularly in small towns where everybody knows each other. Next, there is the financial side. Medical examinations are rather expensive. And at last, the conditions and attitude of the medical personnel matter. We try to solve that problem to a certain extent. We contribute to testing by creating favorable conditions through our courteous attitude. - What message would you address to our readers? - Avoid unprotected sex! The most significant principles are “ abstention, loyalty and condom use.” Abstention - if a given sexual intercourse can be perilous for you be strong enough to avoid it. Loyalty - if you want to have sexual intercourse, have it with a loyal partner. If the above-mentioned terms are impossible for you, use condoms at least. Artush Rushanyan

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Þåñïí³Í µ³é»ñ, Çñ³Ï³Ý ѻ勉ÝùÝ»ñ Thrown words, real consequences

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Bulling is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children and youth that involves a real or perceived power imbalance and has the potential to be repeated over time. The specialists identify the following types of bullying: Physical: hitting, spitting, pushing, taking or breaking someone’s things, making mean or rude gestures is hurting a person’s body or possessions; Verbal: teasing, threatening, name-calling, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, threatening to cause harm; Psychological / Social: excluding someone out of the group on purpose, spreading rumors, intimidating, embarrassing someone in public; Sexual: touching, assault, exhibitionism, etc; Cyberbullying: sending or posting text messages, threats, indecent photos or hurtful material through internet or other forms of technology. Bullying is common, but it should not be viewed as a normal part of child growth. It can affect everyone and may lead to serious, lasting problems (including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide) that may persist into adulthood. That’s why it is important to address such behavior in complex – family, school and

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community efforts and investigate it from both people who bullies, who is bullied and bystanders’ perspectives. Children who are bullied are more likely perceived as: • different from their peers, such as being overweight or underweight, wearing glasses or different clothing, being new to a school, or being unable to afford what is considered “cool”,

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• weak or unable to defend themselves, • depressed, anxious, or have low self esteem, • less popular than others and have few friends, • LBGT youth, people living with disabilities, and socially isolated youth. However, even if a child has these risk factors, it doesn’t mean that they will be bullied. This risk can be increased further when these kids are not supported by parents, peers, and schools.


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Children who are bullied are more likely to experts point out a few simple steps that parents and other adults can use to prevent and stove off this phenomenon. 1. Be attentive to children – warning signs of bullying are those: • unexplainable injuries, • lost or destroyed possessions, • frequent faking illness /headache, stomach ache, etc, • loss of interest in schoolwork, in activities they used to enjoy, decreased academic achievement, • offishness, avoidance of social situations, • feelings of helplessness or decreased self esteem, talking about suicide. Specialists are convinced that children really do look to parents for advice and help on tough decisions. 2. Sometimes spending 15 minutes a day on a routine talk may change things: Ask such questions as: Did any good thing happen in the school? What about a bad one? How it looks like your lunch time? How is on the way to school? What are you doing then? Answers to such questions may help you find out about kid out of home life. 3. Speak about bullying straight and clear. Ask what is bullying for them, what do they think about bullies, who, why and whom people bully, have they witnessed bullying, how they felt, what they will do, if and etc. These questions don’t have true or false answers, but the honest answer may give a parent real perceptions about bullying risk. Afterwards, explain them what bullying is, how it may express, and how to stand up to it safely or report when you are a witness. Watch some videos on bullying issues and

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discuss them. 4. Give tips how to resist it: • Laugh it off - this is best working variant if joking is easy for you. • Look at the bullying person and tell to stop in a calm, clear voice. • If speaking up seems too hard or not safe, walk away and stay away. • Never fight back. Find an adult to stop the bullying on the spot. The following tips may help you to stay safe in the future, too. • Talk to a trustful adult trust. Never keep your feelings inside. Adults can help to stop it, while telling someone can help you feel less alone. • Stay away from places where bullying happens. • Stay near adults and other children. • Most bullying happens when adults aren’t around. 5. Be active in child school life: Attend to school events, establish contacts with teachers, classmates parents, etcsimple ways that parents can use to assure


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kids that they are not alone in addressing any problems arise. Studies showed that children are not eager to talk about bullying especially with adults because of some reasons. Kids may not want adults to know what is being said about them, whether true or false. They may also fear that adults will judge them or punish them for being weak. Bullying can make a child feel helpless- no one cares or could understand them. While some of them may want to handle it on their own to feel in control again. So in order to help them, avoid such mistakes: • Suspending or expelling students who bully does not reduce bullying behavior. • Conflict resolution and peer mediation don’t work for bullying. Bullying is not a conflict between people of equal power who share equal blame. Facing those who have bullied may further upset kids who have been bullied. • Group treatment for students who bully doesn’t work. Group members tend to reinforce bullying behavior in each other. • Never tell the child to ignore bullying. • Do not blame the child for being bullied: no one deserves to be bullied. • Never advice a child to physically fight back against the bully. • Parents should resist the urge to contact the other parents involved. It may make matters worse. School or other officials can act as mediators between parents . Maria Abrahamyan Used source:

ÆëÏ ÇÝãá±õ »Ý »ñ»Ë³Ý»ñÁ ë³¹ñáõÙ Why do children bully?

ºñµ»ÙÝ »ñ»Ë³Ý»ñÁ ͳÕñáõͳݳÏÇ »Ý »ÝóñÏáõÙ ³ÛÉáó, áñå»ë½Ç ãï³ñµ»ñí»Ý ÙÛáõëÝ»ñÇó ¨ ÉÇÝ»Ý ÁݹáõÝ»ÉÇ ÁÝÏ»ñÝ»ñÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ, »ñµ»ÙÝ ¿É ¹³ ³ÝáõÙ »Ý, áñáíÑ»ï¨ ËݹÇñÝ»ñ »Ý áõÝ»Ý (ËݹÇñÝ»ñ ï³ÝÁ, í³ï í»ñ³µ»ñÙáõÝù ³ÛÉáó ÏáÕÙÇó, ëÃñ»ë), ÇÝãå»ë ݳ¨ Ñݳñ³íáñ ¿` Çñ»Ýù ¿É »Ý »ÝóñÏí»É Ýë»Ù³óÙ³Ý: ÜÙ³Ý ³ÝѳïÝ»ñÁ ϳñáÕ »Ý ÉÇÝ»É Ïéí³ñ³ñ, ã³ñ³ß³Ñ»É ³ÉÏáÑáÉ, ÃÙñ³¹»Õ»ñ, ËݹÇñÝ»ñ áõÝ»Ý³É ¹åñáóÇ ïÝûñÇÝáõÃÛ³Ý, áõëáõóã³Ï³Ý ϳ½ÙÇ Ñ»ï, ÇÝãå»ë ݳ¨ ϳñáÕ »Ý í³ï í»ñ³µ»ñí»É Çñ»Ýó »ñ»Ë³Ý»ñÇÝ, ½áõ·ÁÝÏ»ñÝ»ñÇÝ, µéÝáõÃÛáõÝ ¹ñë¨áñ»É áõ óáõó³µ»ñ»É ³ÛÉ éÇëϳÛÇÝ í³ñù³·ÇÍ Ñ³ëáõÝ ï³ñÇùáõÙ: ºÃ» Ó»ñ ßñç³å³ïáõÙ áñ¨¿ »ñ»Ë³ ËÇëï ³·ñ»ëÇí ¿, ã³÷³½³Ýó ß³ï ¿ Ùñó³Ïóáõ٠ϳ٠³Ýѳݷëï³ÝáõÙ Çñ ѳٵ³íÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ, å³ï³ë˳ݳïáõ ã¿ Çñ ³ñ³ùÝ»ñÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ,³ÝѳÛï å³ï׳éÝ»áí ³í»Éáñ¹ ·áõÙ³ñ ϳ٠Çñ»ñ ¿ áõÝ»ÝáõÙ, ³å³ å»ïù ¿ ѳٳå³ï³ëË³Ý ù³ÛÉ»ñ Ó»éݳñÏ»É` ͳÕñáõͳݳÏÁ ϳë»óÝ»Éáõ ϳ٠ϳÝ˳ñ·»É»Éáõ ѳٳñ: 1. ´³ó³Ñ³Ûï»ù, û áñÝ ¿ ÝÙ³Ý í»ñ³µ»ñÙáõÝùÇ å³ï׳éÁ: ºÃ» Ýñ³Ýù áõÕÕ³ÏÇ áõ½áõÙ »Ý óáõó³¹ñ»É Çñ»Ýó áõݳÏáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ ϳ٠¹³éÝ³É ËÙµÇ Ù³ë, ³å³ ëåáñïÝ áõ ³ÛÉ Ë³Õ»ñÁ ϳñáÕ »Ý

Sometimes children bully to fit in, other times kids act out because something else — issues at home, abuse, stress — is going on in their lives, or they also may have been bullied. Such individuals may get into fights, abuse alcohol and other drugs, get sent to the principal’s office or to detention frequently, be abusive toward their children, romantic partners as adults, as well as engage in violent and other risky behaviors into adulthood.


ÉáõÍ»É ÝÙ³Ý ËݹÇñÁ: ºÃ» ËݹÇñÁ Ñá·»µ³Ý³Ï³Ý ¿` Ù³ëݳíáñ ËݹÇñÝ»ñ, í³ï í»ñ³µ»ñÙáõÝùÇ ½áÑ, ³å³ Ù³ëݳ·»ïÁ (Ñá·»µ³ÝÁ ϳ٠ëáóÇ³É³Ï³Ý ³ß˳ïáÕÁ) å»ïù ¿ ³ß˳ïÇ Ýñ³Ýó Ñ»ï: 2. Ðëï³Ï óáõÛó ïí»ù ë³¹ñáÕÇÝ, áñ ÝÙ³Ý í³ñù³·ÇÍÁ ëË³É ¿, íݳëáõÙ ¿ ³ÛÉáó ¨ ãÇ Ñ³Ý¹áõñÅíÇ: ²å³ û·ï³·áñÍ»ù ѻ勉ÝùÝ»ñÁ ëáíáñ»óÝ»Éáõ ѳٳñ: ÜÙ³Ý í»ñ³µ»ñÙáõÝù óáõó³¹ñáÕ »ñ»Ë³Ý ÇÝùÁ ϳñáÕ ¿ é»ý»ñ³ï ·ñ»É, ùÝݳñÏáõ٠ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñå»É Ù³ñ¹áõ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñÇ, ѳݹáõñÅáճϳÝáõÃÛ³Ý, ÁÝÏ»ñáõÃÛ³Ý, ³ñųݳå³ïíáõÃÛáõÝÁ Ýë»Ù³óÝáÕ í³ñù³·ÍÇ ¨ ³ÛÉ Ã»Ù³Ý»ñÇ Ù³ëÇÝ: 3. ¸åñáó³Ï³Ý í³ñù³Ï³ÝáÝ: ´³óÇ í»ñáÝßÛ³ÉÇó ¹åñáóÝ»ñÁ å»ïù ¿ ѳëï³ï»Ý í³ñù³Ï³ÝáÝ, ë³ÑÙ³Ý»Ý ³Ûë »ñ¨áõÛÃÁ ϳñ·³íáñáÕ å³ï³ë˳ݳïáõ Ù³ñÙÇÝ,áõëáõóÇãÝ»ñÇ Ñ»ï ¹³ëÁÝóóÝ»ñ ³ÝóϳóÝ»Ý, Ý»ñ³é»Ý ³ñųݳå³ïíáõÃÛ³Ý Ýë»Ù³óáõÙÁ ϳÝ˳ñ·»ÉáÕ ÝÛáõûñ ¹³ë³í³Ý¹íáÕ ³é³ñϳݻñÇ »õ ¹åñáóÇ ·áñÍáõÝ»áõÃÛ³Ý Ù»ç: г۳ëï³ÝáõÙ, ó³íáù, ãϳ Ýë»Ù³óáõÙÁ ѳëó»³·ñáÕ áã Çñ³í³Ï³Ý ¹³ßï, áã é³½Ù³í³ñáõÃÛáõÝ, ¨ áã ¿É ×ß·ñÇï å³ïÏ»ñ³óáõÙÝ»ñ: ²í»ÉÇÝ, Çñ³íÇ׳ÏÝ ³é³í»É Ëݹñ³Ñ³ñáõÛó »Ý ¹³ñÓÝáõ٠ѳÛÏ³Ï³Ý Ùï³Í»É³Ï»ñåÁ, ³ÝѳݹáõñÅáճϳÝáõÃÛáõÝÁ ³Ù»ÝÇ Ñ³Ý¹»å, ÇÝã ¹áõñë ¿ ë³ÑÙ³Ýí³Í §³í³Ý¹³Ï³Ý ϳÝáÝÝ»ñÇó¦, §³½·³ÛݳϳÝáõÃÛ³Ý ³é³ëå»ÉÝ»ñÁ¦, Çñ³½»Ïí³ÍáõÃÛ³Ý, Çñ³í³·Çï³ÏóáõÃÛ³Ý ó³Íñ ٳϳñ¹³ÏÁ, ѳë³ñ³ÏáõÃÛáõÝáõÙ ÷áËѳñ·³ÝùÇ µ³ó³Ï³ÛáõÃÛáõÝÁ ¨ ³ÛÉÝ: Êáõë³÷»Éáí ó³Ýϳó³Í ³Ýѳï³Ï³Ý Ùáï»óáõÙÇó` г۳ëï³ÝÛ³Ý Çñ³íÇ׳ÏÁ Ý»ñϳ۳óÝ»Ýù Çñ³Ï³Ý Ù³ñ¹Ï³Ýó å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇó ѳïí³ÍÝ»ñáí (³Ýíï³Ý·áõÃÛ³Ý Ýϳï³éáõÙÝ»ñÇó »ÉÝ»Éáí`³ÝáõÝÝ»ñÁ ÷á÷áËí³Í »Ý):


If you noticed one of the following signs in a child around - is increasingly aggressive, competitive and worry about his / her behavior too much, don’t accept responsibility for his / her actions, have unexplained extra money or new belongings and etc, when you should take appropriate steps to prevent and stop bullying. 1. Find out what is the reason for bullying. If they just want to show off and fit in- then participation in sport or other activities may solve such problem. If the problem is mental - private problems, bullying experience etc, then the specialist (a psychologist, a social worker etc.) should work with them. 2. Point out the bully that their behavior is wrong and harmful for others and such behavior won’t be tolerate then use consequences to teach. A bully may write a paper, make a presentation, discussion about human rights, tolerance, friendship, bullying and etc. 3. School code of conduct. Besides above mentioned schools should establish a code of conduct, a bullying reporting system, train teachers, set a bullying prevention material into the curriculum and school activities. Unfortunately, there is no legal framework, no policy and even any perceptions to address bullying in Armenia. While the situation even worse than can be expected, because in addition to abovementioned reasons here comes Armenian mentality, intolerance to everything beyond established “traditional rules”, “nationality myths”, low level of awareness and legal consciousness, lack of respect in the society. To avoid any personal attitude- the situation in Armenia is presented by scripts of real people interviews (all names are changed for security purposes).

As a girl I was different from others in the class, and everyone hated me for that. I was always active: I was painting, singing, writing poems… in short, my teachers liked me a lot and praised me every time. After all, it was probably was due to envy, they started me suppress emotionally, make fun, bait, offend, call me names and call those words instead of my name. It all caused me big pain. Eventually, it all was turned to physical pressure.

~ Mary, 22 ºë, áñå»ë ³é³ÝÓݳóáÕ ³ÕçÇÏ, ³ÙµáÕç ¹³ë³ñ³ÝÇ ³ãùÇ ·ñáÕÝ ¿Ç: ØÇßï ³ÏïÇí ¿Ç, ÝϳñáõÙ ¿Ç, »ñ·áõÙ ¿Ç, µ³Ý³ëï»ÕÍáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñ ¿Ç ·ñáõÙ, ÙÇ Ëáëùáí ¹³ë³ïáõÝ»ñë ÇÝÓ ß³ï ¿ÇÝ ëÇñáõÙ ¨ ³Ù»Ý ³Ý·³Ù ·áíáõÙ ¿ÇÝ: Æ í»ñçá ¹³ »ñ¨Ç û å³Ûٳݳíáñí³Í ¿ñ ݳ˳ÝÓáí` ÇÝÓ ëÏë»óÇÝ Ñá·»å»ë ×Ýß»É, ͳÕñ»É, Ó»éù ³éÝ»É, íÇñ³íáñ»É, ³ÝáõÝÝ»ñ ÏåóÝ»É áõ ¹ñ³Ýóáí Ïáã»É ÇÝÓ ÇÙ ³Ýí³Ý ÷á˳ñ»Ý: ²Û¹ ³Ù»ÝÁ ÇÝÓ ³Ý³ë»ÉÇ ó³í ¿ñ å³ï׳éáõÙ: Æ í»ñçá ¹³ í»ñ³Íí»ó ýǽÇÏ³Ï³Ý µéÝáõÃÛ³Ý: ~ سñÇ, 22 ï.

In the period of maturity, my voice was not as harsh as other boys and they stared joking at me for that reason. Some guys would make fun at me and say: “hey chicka, would you give me your phone number?” which was usually told to girls.

~ Armen, 18

гëáõݳóÙ³Ý ßñç³ÝÝ ¿ñ ëÏëí»É, ÇÙ Ó³ÛÝÁ ß³ï Ïáßï ã¿ñ ÙÛáõë ïճݻñÇ ÝÙ³Ý: ØÇ ù³ÝÇ ïÕ³ Ó»éù ³éÝ»Éáõ ѳٳñ ³ëáõÙ ¿ÇÝ. §Ñ»é³Ëáëǹ ѳٳñÁ Ïï³±ë, ùáõñá¦, áñ ëáíáñ³µ³ñ ³ÕçÇÏÝ»ñÇó ¿ÇÝ áõ½áõÙ:

~ ²ñÙ»Ý, 18ï.

ØÇ ûñ ¹åñáó ¿Ç ·ÝáõÙ, ÙÇ ËáõÙµ ïճݻñ ¿ÇÝ §å彳ͦ: ºñµ Ýϳï»óÇÝ, áñ »ë ·³ÉÇë »Ù, Ù»ÏÁ ·áé³ó. §·³ÉÇë ³¦ áõ Ãù»óÇÝ ÇÙ ³éç¨` Ñ»Ýó ³ÛÝ ×³Ý³å³ñÑÇÝ, áñáí »ë ù³ÛÉáõÙ ¿Ç:

Another day I was going to school, a group of guys were “squatting” on the way. When they noticed I was coming, one of them shouted: “he’s coming” and they spat on my way.

~ Davit, 21

~ ¸³íÇÃ, 21ï.

²ß˳ïáõÙ ¿Ç ³ãùÇ ãÁÝÏÝ»É` ³ë»Ýù ¹³ë³ÙÇçáóÝ»ñ ã¿Ç ³ÝáõÙ, ¹³ë»ñÁ ã¿Ç å³ï³ë˳ÝáõÙ Ï³Ù ß³ï ³ÏïÇí ã¿Ç ÙÛáõëÝ»ñÇ ÝÙ³Ý, áñ ß³ï ãͳÕñ»Ý:

~ ÐáõݳÝ, 23 ï.

I was trying to become invisiblelike I didn’t go out during class breaks, quite class participation, or I wasn’t as active as others, to avoid bullying.

~ Hunan, 23


ÐÇßáõÙ »Ù, áñ »ë ¹åñáóÇó ¹áõñë ¿Ç ·³ÉÇë, ³ÕçÇÏÝ»ñÝ ³ëáõÙ ¿ÇÝ §÷áñÁ ¹áõñë »Ï³í »ñ»Ë»ù, Ñ»ë³ ÇÝùÝ ¿É ¹áõñë Ï·³ ¹åñáóÇó¦ áõ ·áéáõÙ ¿ÇÝ, Ñ»ï¨Çóë ù³ñ»ñ ¿ÇÝ ·óáõÙ, ßáÏáɳ¹ ¿ÇÝ ·óáõÙ, ³ëáõÙ §³é Ï»ñ, ã³Õá¦: àõ ¹³ ³Ñ³·ÇÝ ÏáÙåÉ»ùëÝ»ñÇ å³ï×³é ¹³ñÓ³í: ²ÛÝù³Ý ³Û¹å»ë ³ë»óÇÝ, áñ ëÏë»óÇ ÁݹѳÝñ³å»ë ѳó ãáõï»É áõ Ùáïë ³Ýáñ»ùëdz ½³ñ·³ó³í: ¸ñ³ ³ñ¹ÛáõÝùáõÙ Ó»éù µ»ñ»óÇ µ³½Ù³ÃÇí ³éáÕç³Ï³Ý ËݹÇñÝ»ñ, áñáÝóÇó ÙÇ Ù³ëÁ ÙÇÝã ³ÛÅÙ ¿É áõÝ»Ù:

When I was going out of school, girls were saying “hey guys, the belly already passed, he would go out of school soon. They were screaming and throwing stones after me, throwing chocolates to me and saying “hey, fatty, eat”. And it became a reason for many complexes. They said such things to me so often that I quit eating at all- I were in the stage of anorexia. As a result, it caused me many health problems, some of which I still have.

~ Mher, 18

~ ØÑ»ñ, 18ï.

2011-2012ÃÃ. »ë ëáíáñáõÙ ¿Ç ºäÐ-áõÙ: ØÇ ûñ` ¹³ë³Å³ÙÇÝ, ¹³ë³ËáëÁ ëÏë»ó Ëáë»É ÝáõÛݳë»é³Ï³ÝáõÃÛáõÝÇó: ø³ÝÇ áñ ÙÇ³Ï ³ñ³Ï³Ý ë»éÇ Ý»ñϳ۳óáõóÇã, áí ѳݹ»ë »Ï³í ÝáõÛݳë»é³Ï³ÝÝ»ñÇÝ ¨ ÝáõÛݳë»é³Ï³ÝÝ»ñÇ Çñ³íáõÝùÝ»ñÇÝ ÏáÕÙ »ë ¿Ç, ³Û¹ ûñí³ÝÇó »ë ëÏë»óÇ ³í»ÉÇ ß³ï ËݹÇñÝ»ñ áõÝ»Ý³É Ñ³Ù³Éë³ñ³ÝáõÙ. ݳ ÇÝÓ ëïÇåáõÙ ¿ñ, áñ Ù»Ý³Ï Ýëï»Ç, ³ÝÁÝ¹Ñ³ï ³ÝóÝáõÙ ¿ñ ÏáÕùáíë, ùÙÍÇÍ³Õ ¿ñ ï³ÉÇë, ³ñѳٳñÑ³Ï³Ý Ó¨áí ݳÛáõÙ:àõ ÇÙ ÏáõñëáõÙ ëáíáñáÕ µáÉáñ 70 áõë³ÝáÕÝ»ñÝ ¿É ¿ÇÝ ¹³ ÝϳïáõÙ áõ ·Çï»ÇÝ å³ï׳éÁ ÇÝãÝ ¿:

~ ²ñÙ³Ý, 22 ï.

ÂíáõÙ ¿` ëñ³Ýù áõÕÕ³ÏÇ Ã»Ã¨ Ù³ÝÏ³Ï³Ý Ï³ï³ÏÝ»ñ »Ý, áñ ϳñáÕ »Ý å³ï³Ñ»É µáÉáñÇ Ñ»ï: ê³Ï³ÛÝ »ñµ ³Û¹ ³Ù»ÝÁ Çñ³ñ »ë ·áõÙ³ñáõÙ, Ýáñ ³ñ¹»Ý ÁݹѳÝáõñ å³ïÏ»ñÁ ³í»ÉÇ Í³Ýñ ÏÃí³:

~ γñ»Ý, 19ï


I was studying at YSU in 2011-2012. One day the lecturer started to talk about homosexuality during the class time. His primary stance was that homosexuality is against our nation and something needs to be done with them from the day they’re born. Because the only male representative, who spoke in favor of homosexual people and for their rights was me, I got more problems after that in the university… he made me to sit alone, he was always grinning when passing by and glanced at me disdainfully. And the other 70 students in my class also noticed it and they did know the reason.

~ Arman, 22

These seem to be just childish jokes that can happen to everyone. However, when you summarize it all, the general overview seems more serious.

~ Karen, 19

²é³çÇÝ ³Ý·³Ù ëÇñ³Ñ³ñí»É »Ù ¹åñáó³Ñ³ë³Ï ï³ñÇùáõÙ: ²ÛÝáõÑ»ï áñáß»óÇ ë»ñ Ëáëïáí³Ý»É ³Û¹ ïÕ³ÛÇÝ: ÆëÏ Ý³ ·Ý³ó, ³Û¹ ³Ù»ÝÁ å³ïÙ»ó Çñ ¨ ÇÙ ÁÝÏ»ñÝ»ñÇÝ` µ³í³Ï³ÝÇÝ í³ï É»ÏëÇÏáÝáí: ²Û¹ ûñí³ÝÇó ÇÙ Ñ»ï ã¿ñ ß÷íáõÙ Ù»ñ ·ÛáõÕÇ ¨ áã ÙÇ »ñ»Ë³: Ø»Ï áõëáõóãáõÑÇ ¿É ϳñ, áñ ·Çï»ñ áõ ÇÝÓ ³Ù»Ý³ó³ÍñÝ ¿ñ ·Ý³Ñ³ïáõÙ, ãÝ³Û³Í ÙÇßï å³ïñ³ëï ¿Ç ÉÇÝáõÙ ¹³ë»ñÇÝ: ØÇ Ï»ñå ³í³ñï»óÇ ¹åñáóÁ, Ñ»ïá ÁݹáõÝí»óÇ Ñ³Ù³Éë³ñ³Ý, áõ ÝáõÛÝÁ ÏñÏÝí»ó: ¶Ý³óÇ Ð³Û³ëï³ÝÇó: ØÇ ù³ÝÇ ï³ñÇ Ñ»ïá í»ñ³¹³ñÓ³ г۳ëï³Ý: ÐÇÙ³ ³ñ¹»Ý ³ß˳ïáõÙ »Ù ¨ µ³í³Ï³ÝÇÝ Ñ³çáÕí³Í Íñ³·ñ³íáñáÕ »Ù:

~ ²ñï³Ï, 30 ï.

²Û¹ ³Ù»ÝÇ í»ñçÁ ¹ñ»óÇ »ë` ³ÝÓ³Ùµ: ÆÝÓ áõÅ ¿ñ ï³ÉÇë å³åÇÏë, ݳ ÙÇßï ³ëáõÙ ¿ñ áñ »ë ß³ï µ³ÝÇ »Ù ѳëÝ»Éáõ áõ ÙÕÓ³í³ÝçÇ å»ë »Ù ÑÇß»Éáõ ³Û¹ ¹»åù»ñÁ, ¨ ݳ ×Çßï ¿ñ, »ë ³ÛÝù³Ý áõÅ»Õ ¿Ç ,áñ ѳÕóѳñ»óÇ ½áÑÇ ÇÙ íÇ׳ÏÁ,ÇÝùë ÇÝÓ ³Ûɨë ã¿Ç ËÕ×áõÙ:

~ ²Ý³ÑÇï, 21ï.

I was a school-age boy when fell in love for the first time. Then I decided to tell that boy about my feelings. He told it to his and my friends with a very bad wording. After that no child talks to me in the village. One teacher knew about that as well and always assessed me lower, although I was always ready for classes. Somehow I graduated from the school and entered to the University- the same staff repeated again. I left Armenia for a couple of years, studied abroad and came back. Now I become a succeed programmer.

~ Artak, 30

I personally put the end of this entire staff by myself. My grandfather was giving me strength; he always said that I will be successful and that I will remember those cases as a nightmare. And he was right. I was so strong to overcome my position as a victim; I didn’t feel sorry for myself anymore.

~ Anahit, 21 سñdz ²µñ³Ñ³ÙÛ³Ý

Maria Abrahamyan


Ùß³ÏáõÛà culture

§öáùñ¦ ϳݳÝó Ù»Í ëËñ³ÝùÝ»ñÁ Big deeds of "small" women


²ß˳ñÑáõÙ ³Ýѳí³ë³ñáõÃÛ³Ý, ³Ý³ñ¹³ñáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ ³ï»ÉáõÃÛ³Ý Ù³ëÇÝ ß³ï å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñ ϳÝ: Î³Ý Ý³¨ å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñ ³ÛÝ Ù³ëÇÝ, û ÇÝãå»ë »Ý Ù³ñ¹ÇÏ í»ñ³Ï³Ý·Ýáõ٠ϳ٠ë»ñÙ³ÝáõÙ ³ñ¹³ñáõÃÛáõÝ, ѳí³ë³ñáõÃÛáõÝ áõ ë»ñ: γݳÛù ÙÇ ÑëÏ³Û³Ï³Ý ëáóÇ³É³Ï³Ý ËáõÙµ »Ý, áíù»ñ ½áÑ »Ý ¹³ñÓ»É áõ ¹»é¨ë ¹³éÝáõÙ ³Ý³ñ¹³ñáõÃÛ³ÝÁ, ˳ñ³ÝÇÝ, Çé³óÇáÝ³É í³ËÇÝ ¨ ϳñÍñ³ïÇå»ñÇÝ: ÆÝ㨿, ×Ýßí³ÍÝ»ñÁ »ñµ»ÙÝ ß³ï ëï»Õͳ·áñÍ »Ý ÉÇÝáõÙ ¨ ϳñáÕ »Ý µ³ó³Ñ³Ûï»É ϳ٠Íñ³·ñ»É ѳÝ׳ñ»Õ ϳ٠Ñáõë³Ñ³ï ÉáõÍáõÙÝ»ñ ï³ñ³µÝáõÛà ËݹÇñÝ»ñÇ ¨ ͳÝñ Çñ³íÇ׳ÏÝ»ñÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ: ²ÛÅÙ Ù»Ýù å³ïñ³ëïíáõÙ »Ýù µ³ó³Ñ³Ûï»É ÙÇ ù³ÝÇ å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝ ³ÛÝ Ù³ëÇÝ, û ÇÝãå»ë »Ý ×Ýßí³Í ¨ Éé»óí³Í ϳݳÛù ϳñáÕ³ó»É ÇÝùݳå³ßïå³Ýí»É ¨ å³ßïå³Ý»É áõñÇßÝ»ñÇÝ, »ñµ»ÙÝ` ÉÇÝ»Éáí Ù»Ý-ٻݳÏ:

World has many stories about inequality, injustice, hatred. It also has stories about how people would restore or seed justice, equality and love. Women were and still are one huge social group that fall victim to injustice, stigma, irrational fear and stereotypes. Yet the oppressed sometimes can be very bright, intelligent and can unearth or design brilliant or desperate solutions to various problems and grave situations. We now are about to discover a few stories of how oppressed and shadowed companies of women could stand for themselves and for others, sometimes single-handedly.

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Khanem Ketenjian (Armenuhi)

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Khanem was a Women’s Unit Commander. She led a unit of women fighters in defence of Urfa in 1915. It was clear that Armenian population of Urfa was to be exterminated just like it was happening in other geographical areas, and the inhabitants decided to fight for their lives, until the end. She is personally credited with killing over twenty Turkish gendarmes before falling herself. Khanum Ketenjian had thirty young women in her contingent. Her squad was successful in destroying a Turkish guardhouse of importance to the enemy. Turks were very upset and angry about the incident. Their anger had no bounds

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especially on hearing from the escaped officer that a company of women worked the destruction. Turkish and Kurdish soldiers wanted to take those girls alive. With heavy losses but big numbers, they gradually took some streets of the town. Five girls got captured having no way to leave the trapped streets. The Turkish Captain recognised Khanem. He also heard the name of her father. He tried to convert girls, trying to prove them to marry Turks and ‘live happy days’. Khanem said it would be a disgrace to them. The wild nature of Turkish and Kurdish soldiers stirred up. They shouted and gesticulated. They threatened violence. “Deliver them to our hands…” Captain then gone wild himself. He slapped Khanem boasting: “You giaour (infidel) slut! You consider it a dishonour to marry me, do you? Wait a minute. I will teach you! …” When they wanted to tear Khanem’s clothes, she asked to untie her hands to make it herself. They freed her arms. Bill Millhome describes what follows in his blog: “She began to unfasten the buttons of her jacket with both hands. The Captain was leering with lustful eyes. She lifted the corner of her waistcoat and suddenly drawing a small revolver, emptied its contents into the Captain’s head, heart and stomach, in rapid succession. He fell dead. Afterwards, bewildered soldiers killed all the five girls at once.


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“The mob was wonderstruck, looking on the tragedy with gaping mouths. They never expected such courage, such heroism from a persecuted and downtrodden race of women.”

Esther Once Esther’s uncle Mordecai refused to bow to one Persian prince and he intended to kill Mordecai and all Jews of Persian Empire for that. Esther, one of king’s numerous wives and an orphan raised by her uncle, went to the king, although that could cost her her life. She, at the end, told the king that this prince was intending to kill her uncle who once saved king’s life. Esther also came out to king Xerxes as Jew herself. As a result, that prince himself was executed by the order of the king. Jews of Persia were also given the right to protect themselves and keep arms after that. Thus, a single Jewish woman who was incarcerated in king’s harem among numerous other women, saved the lives of many individuals. Her story is the basis for the celebration of Purim in Jewish tradition, to commemorate the deliverance.

Queen Blanche Queen Blanche, wife of Louis VIII, lived in 13th century France and saw how priests would persecute an entire population, incarcerating towns with their citizens and spreading famine and death around. She, worried about the things she’d witnessed, wanted to set these people free. Priests didn’t tolerate the interference of the civil power, and claimed the prisoners were their subjects and no one else had any authority over those humans. Queen Blanche’s last resort was the usage of force which was abused by priests. She approached one prison gates with her

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guards and ordered gates be opened. The soldiers were hesitant and she was the first to strike with a stick. After a short while, the gates were destroyed. Miserable, faces disfigured and garments tattered, the crowd came forth casting themselves at the feet of the queen. They asked her protection as this action could cost them dear. She seized the revenues of churches and monasteries of the area, and even obliged the priests to pay the inhabitants a yearly stipend so that they could survive and exist.

Erato She was the last representative of Artashesyan (Artaxide) dynasty of Armenia and one of rare female figures in Armenian history who were both de jure and de facto rulers. We have coins with Erato’s depictions with both Tigranes IV and Tigranes V. A speculation has that Erato herself was an ambitious and independent ruler who desired to rule and govern the country, and her marriage was nothing but a way of making her more dependent and to restrain her, which would also allow to obviate the possible fight for the throne. Queen Erato of Armenian, Greek and Persian origins was the only queen who ruled for three times, being dethroned and then restoring her rule a few times in a row. Living in exile for a while, she was appointed a queen again by a group of Armenian noblemen who weren’t happy with the Roman henchman Tigranes V. She started ruling together with Tigranes and thus clashes and civil war were prevented. We even have silver coins with Tigranes on one side and Erato on the other one, with an inscription that says “Erato Queen of Armenians”. In the year 12 C.E. she was dethroned with her brother, and we don’t know much of her life and death afterwards. She is one of the most prominent women of


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pre-Christian Armenia.

Telesilla, the Saviour of the City of Argos Telesilla, a lyric poetess of Argos, tells us of her country through her poetry. Yet she, brave and active, did more than that! Argos had lost six thousand men, best of its soldiers. It was about to be taken by the enemy, Lacedaemonians. What she did was to gather and unite women she’d find appropriate and fit. She gave them arms which she secured from temples and houses of the citizens of the city, and… they repulsed the enemy which was afraid of being reproached no matter the outcome of the attack were to be. These female warriors, some of whom fell during the contest, were honoured well. A statue, erected in gratitude to Telesilla, found its place in the temple of Venus.

When you are in a deadlock: Cloelia Romans have just signed a peace treaty with Etrurians. To make the peace lasting, they offer their daughters to the king. Noble virgins, offspring of the noble, are sent to the king. Cloelia is one of them and she is sure it is better to risk their lives than their virginity among these barbaric tribes. All the virgins decide to flee, hearkening unto Cloelia. They reach Rome safely with the guidance of Cloelia. Albeit their parents were happy to see them and admired their stance and odissey, they, being genuinely severe Romans, sent the virgins back to the king. King so admired the brave girls that he offered the virgins their freedom. Moreover, Cloelia is offered a horse (which would be offered to the bravest warriors) and is allowed to set some other prisoners free. She chooses children.

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Rome greeted the virgins with great joy. A statue on horseback was afterwards erected in a public market-place to commemorate the virtue and boldness of Cloelia and the generosity of Porsenna.

Zapel Zapel was made heir to the crown by the will of her father. She was only seven years old when she was forced into marriage. Second time she was married to a ruler called Hethum, again against her will. For some time, the say, she would withstand her husband, but she eventually had to put up with it. Zabel founds a hospital in the capital of Cilicia, Sis, where everyone could get treatment for free. She sponsored artists and scientists (e.g. Mkhitar Heratsi, Toros Roslin, Vardan Aygektsi, Sargis Pitsak), and the latter were able to work in Sis. Together with her husband, she reconstructed Andul monastery and turned it into a bungalow. Just like Erato, Zapel was the last representative of her dynasty. Despite the forced marriages and submission, Zapel was able to contribute to the social and cultural development of the state. Sevak Kirakosyan used sources: cu31924031475001#page/n205/mode/1up Armenia#Political_Exile:_2_BC_-_6 khanem-ketenjian-armenuhi-armenian.html http://armenianwomen.wordpress. com/2012/03/19/khanem-ketenjian-armenuhi-1915/


DJ Vakcina

Ùß³ÏáõÛà culture

Éáõë³ÝϳñÁ` ØÇù³Û»É ä»ïñáëÛ³ÝÇ photo by Miqayel Petrosyan

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Arusik Mkrtchyan - more popular as DJ Vakcina - is one of the most famous, most stylish and bravest woman DJ in Armenia. In cooperation with world famous DJs, she organized massive club and open-air events both in Armenia and abroad. But apart from her main activities she is also engaged in active public life. She launched the campaigns "No Drugs, No Cigarettes" in cooperation with "The Laboratory" in 2009 and in December of the same year - the campaign "No AIDS". DJ Vakcina is a regional representative of the group "Red Ribbon", and in 2011 Advocacy Group on AIDS gave her the award of HIV/AIDS advocate 2011 as a cultural figure concerned aboutproblem. She has been engaged in encouraging blood donation to support people sick with leukemia in recent years. She is also implementing charity projects aimed at solving orphanage children’s and cancer patients’ problems.


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- In what conditions and atmosphere did you develop as an individual? - My family had a tremendous role in my development. As my father is a biologist (physicist, astronomer, and philosopher) and my mother is an artist I grew up in a quite liberal and civil environment. But my childhood passed during the hard years of cold and darkness as a result of which my struggling soul was fortified. It might be the synthesis of those contradictions that formed my slightly categorical but complementary worldview. - How and why DJ Vakcina? Let’s talk about the choice of your path and difficulties in realization. - The choice of DJism happened to be very crucial. At the age of 12-13 I prowled into a club with friends for the first time. At the sight of the DJ playing the music I instantly fell in love with that job. My first debut took place when I was 16. But I have performed as DJ Vakcina since 2006 when I was presenting my author program “Club Time” – one of the top radio programs. I digged out the term “vaccine” from my English dictionary of biology. I saw it and immediately realized that it was the best variant to me as I vaccinate good music against blue mood.

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- What’s the difference between DJ Vakcina and Arusik Mkrtchyan? - There are no ideological and radical differences between my two types. Arusik is simply milder, familial, is fond of self-education. Whereas DJ Vakcina who takes about 85 % of my time is more aggressive in the positive sense, cheerful; that’s my main type. - Being a prominent woman in a sphere which is regarded as “masculine” in our country, have you ever come across discriminatory attitude?

Éáõë³ÝϳñÁ | photo by “Diadoro”

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- Initially it was very hard for me as many of the men working in this sphere are ready to extinguish, stifle, criticize and compromise you at any suitable moment. They think that if you are a woman you are weak and will give up easier. Initially I spent all my energy struggling against them. But then I realized that it’s just a standstill. You should pay no attention to them and engage in self-improvement. You know, people don’t like the strong, yet they respect and accept me. - How do you imagine the characters of a “woman” and an “Armenian woman”? Are they different characters to you? - To my mind the basic difference between these two characters is rights protection level. Unlike the western women, the Armenian one is an opressed character, is afraid to express her views, should always be obeying, cannot self-realize, is restricted in her decisions and receives discriminatory treatment. But this doesn’t refer to everybody as lots of women struggle for their rights nowadays and the situation changes to the better. For instance, I don’t expect wonders, I cultivate my happiness myself. - Who or what do you think is the reason for discriminatory attitude towards women? - I think the reason is crusted norms and stereotypical patriarchal approaches. Certainly this issue exists not only in our country. In many countries men mostly misappreciate women, treat them as inferior creatures. Of course, each one has their own role but there should be mutual respect. - Due to you what is missing in our society? What would you change and what would you add? - Respect and tolerance especially towards people with disabilities, people living with HIV, sexual minorities and other vulnerable groups is missing. I would definitely add these. I would

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eliminate indifference, evil, mockery and selfishness. Speaking about public topics I can’t help touching upon your civil activities and your cooperation with the civil society, including UNAIDS and PINK Armenia. Tell a bit about that cooperation. Was it successfull? -The first NGO I cooperated with was PINK Armenia. I am very happy for that as a new ? will continue the way you start it. I have learned from PINK that cooperation and unity provide more opportunities for raising social problems; this is not 1+1=2, this is 1+1=3; 4 and more. 2 years ago we jointly organized the event “No AIDS” and in 2012 with the support of PINK Armenia we held a party dedicated to the World AIDS Day in “Kami” club. I would definitely regard our cooperation as positive and fertile. I think that it will continue. It was through PINK that I got into contact with the regional group of UNAIDS in 2011. I was elected as the regional representative of the


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group “Red Ribbon” and took part in the events held in Kiev where Armenia was the most active and the most creative participant. Inspired by all this, I returned and together with UNAIDS and 19 celebrities organized the photo competition “AIDS is each and every one’s problem.” I think such steps impact young people and are efficient. Yet this approach alone is not sufficient as we don’t have state support over this issue.

- Back to women; to your mind, what is happiness through a woman’s eyes? - For me, happiness is absolute for a woman when she has the opportunity for self-realization, when she is free in her decisions and in the expression of her feelings, when she is treated as an equal. - Do you have any final wish or advice to women?

- I wish each woman to find her own formula of happiness, apply that formula in life and achieve absolute harmony. Kamo Davtyan

Éáõë³ÝϳñÁ | photo by “Negative Studio”

á·»ßÝãáõÙ inspiration

êáݳ ʳã³ïñÛ³Ý Sona Khachatryan

2012Ã-Ç ¹»Ïï»Ùµ»ñÇ 1-ÇÝ` ÒƲÐ-Ç ¹»Ù å³Ûù³ñÇ Ñ³Ù³ß˳ñѳÛÇÝ ûñÁ, ÒƲÐ-Ç ¹»Ù å³Ûù³ñáõÙ Çñ»Ýó ³Ý·Ý³Ñ³ï»ÉÇ Ý»ñ¹ñáõÙÝ áõÝ»óáÕ ¨ ØƲì-áí ³åñáÕ Ù³ñ¹Ï³Ýó ÏÛ³ÝùÇ áñ³ÏÇ µ³ñÓñ³óÙ³Ý Ñ³Ù³ñ ³ÝÓÝáõñ³ó ³ß˳ïáÕ ³ÝÓ³Ýó` §ÒƲÐ-Ç ËݹñÇ ç³ï³·áíáõÃÛ³Ý ËáõÙµÁ¦ ßÝáñѳϳɳ·ñ»ñ ѳÝÓÝ»ó: Üñ³Ýó ß³ñùáõÙ ¿ñ ݳ¨ §ä»ñÇݳïáÉá·Ç³ÛÇ, Ù³Ýϳµ³ñÓáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ ·ÇÝ»ÏáÉá·Ç³ÛÇ ÇÝëïÇïáõïǦ Ù³Ýϳµ³ñÓáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ ÑÕÇáõÃÛ³Ý µ³ñÓñ éÇëÏÇ µ³Å³ÝÙáõÝùÇ í³ñÇã ê. ¶. ʳã³ïñÛ³ÝÁ, ϳ٠áõÕÕ³ÏÇ É³í³ï»ëáõÃÛáõÝ, åñáý»ëÇáݳÉǽ٠áõ íëï³ÑáõÃÛáõÝ ×³é³·áÕ êáݳ ¶áõñ·»ÝáíݳÝ: îÇÏÇÝ


On 1st December, 2012, World AIDS day, “AIDS Advocacy group” gave appreciation certificates to the people who have invaluable contribution to fight AIDS, and work selflessly to raise the life quality of individuals who live with HIV. Among them was also the head of the “Obstetrics and and a Group of Pregnant with High Risk” department in the “Perinatology, Obstetrics, and Gynecology Institute”, S.G. Khachatryan, or simply the virtue of optimism, professionalism and chandelier of trust Sona Gurgenovna, who helps pregnant women living with HIV, deliver healthy, HIV-negative babies. She is completely sure that future medicine is

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going to be far better and particularly AIDS will be curable. I share her faith. - Tell us a little about yourself as an individual and a physician. -I was born in mathematicians’ family. Only my uncle was a doctor. I chose my profession on my own, but it influenced my family members’ profession choice. As a child I always dreamt of becoming a doctor so I dedicate a whole conscious life to it, sometimes sacrificing my health and personal life. Despite, I loved and still love my profession with all its extremes: sleepless nights, non-normalized working schedule and sense of guilt for not providing enough time and attention before the family. - Often your colleagues refuse to help the childbirth of mothers who live with HIV. What is the reason? - Does this kind of professionals exist? (Edt: she is surprised). Who said that HIV is more dangerous than hepatitis? For me more dangerous is a patient with unknown status. Physician is a professional who has to work in cholera epidemic environment, with swine flu, with patients whose disease can be transmitted through air: such diseases are more dangerous by their prevalence, transmission, etc… A professional does not have the right to refuse, ignore or differentiate between patients. Unfortunately this speaks of the society’s low quality. I never wish to describe my society especially the physicians like that. It is painful to realize that in my society especially the physicians can be described like that. - How come you’ve decided to work in the sphere of HIV prevention? - The cooperation started from a very simple call: my colleague, classmate and an old friend Samvel Grigoryan –director of National Center


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for AIDS Prevention of RA Ministry of Health, called and told me that there was a problem with obstetrics of HIV-positive patients. I simply asked for sufficient time to get prepared.

I studied international experience, investigated in the internet and counseled with epidemiological service center, with which we have ongoing cooperation until this day. They are a big support to medicine. In 2003 for the first time I operated a surgery for a HIV-positive pregnant, and thank God, so far, according to Center statistics all of the infants were born healthy, without HIV. - How long is it that you work in this sphere?

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Has the number of HIV –positive women who want to get pregnant increased recently? -I can assure that through the raise of awareness in the society the number of these patients has increased. And it is also important to indicate the AIDS Prevention Center effective efforts with detection, and further provision of professional supervision, psychological and medical care, expensive medications, free syrups and infant nutrition as breast milk alternatives. - Regarding to various subjective and objective factors, our society has formed biased, even not a positive opinion about HIV-positive people. What problems and obstacles did you face during your career? - Our society has this notion: I am not aware so I am not infected. There is a problem with persuasion of patient to take a test. The law has not foreseen obligatory examination, so the doctor’s attitude towards the patient, their professionalism and effort is essential here. Most women find out about their status when they are 3 month pregnant and they fall into depression fearing for their family and society reaction and their child’s future. Another issue is also the society’s opinion and attitude. HIV has more of bad reputation among infections, because of its STI fact, otherwise hepatitis are far more dangerous. - You’ve accomplished visible changes for the society being at such a young age. What is the secret of your success? - An unwritten law exists that suggests treating all patients as they are potentially HIV-positive. There is no difference among them: the patient herself should choose her doctor not vice versa. Confidentiality has also a vital importance; that woman should not stand out from the society and rest of patients. I always tell my staff: keep


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tongues under teeth, wear gloves and be protected; the rest is not your business. But generally I love my profession very much and professionally I like women. There are also some essential features for an obstetric-gynecologist; she has to be kind, emotional and vigilant. She should have a rational sense of time and should lack indifference. - And in the end, your message and advice to the society and women living with HIV. - It would have been great if before state registration of marriage the law obliged HIV testing, like in many countries. Let your partner know about your status and then choose you, and avoid becoming a victim. I want to address our youth to know STIs, get protection and stay distant from unknown relations. My next request is for pregnant women: not be afraid and remember that there is always a doctor who will help to give a birth to their babies. En masse I am convinced that the future of medicine is going to be far better. I always encourage my patients not to be afraid, to fight and have faith. You don’t know how science will develop. I bring repeatedly syphilis as an example. For a long time it was considered as a fatal disease, but very coincidently the cure was found. And maybe the cure of HIV is already found.

Colleague about Sona Khachatryan

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Anna Avetisyan “Real World, Real People” NGO

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- I can talk about her constantly, non-stop and always positive. This is not only me who share this idea, but numerous mothers who live with HIV. She does not put a difference between

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her patients. She stands for an attentive and caring mother and parent, than as for a professional. Not only she does her duty but she lives with her each patient life-story for nine months continuously. I will tell you about an incident that happened recently. A woman, who in her forties and was pregnant for the first time, found out about her status and decided to abort her child. With this despondent situation we went for a consultation with Sona Gurgenovna. What can I say? She will deliver the baby in one month. She inspires hope and motivates women. Each time we go to meet her, we say to ourselves- we are meeting our hope. I want her to stay as the way she is; positive, fundamental and humane. I really want her to be infinitely happy, healthy and present among us.

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Maria Abrahamyan

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Travelling to Armenia as an anthropologist from the U.S. studying sexuality and kinship, especially having followed up on the DIY firebombing and the attack on the Public Information and Need of Knowledge (PINK) and Women’s Resource Center’s (WRC) Diversity March, I was prepared to hear many stories about how “gay people are ruining Armenia and the Armenian family”. However, as always, I found that the way people discuss family and the way LGBT are represented in general, was not what I was expecting at all. We have heard many stories in the Armenian media about the perversion of this country by European ideas like sexual liberation and homosexuality. I find it quite interesting that stories about Armenian culture being ruined by new ideas enter the media so easily – on talk shows, in newspapers, Internet etc. This seems quite contrary to what I have found in my research in Yerevan. Just to be clear, I am not saying that LGBTI people in Armenia are treated very well, or that being LGBTI is very easy. However, the idea that homosexuality travels from

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Europe or the United States into Armenia or that it is destroying Armenian culture are not beliefs held by most of the people among whom I have conducted research. In fact, most people I have interviewed and conducted participant observation with do discuss the family and its destruction – but that destruction is usually ascribed to the government’s corruption, oligarchy, unemployment and the difficulties of Armenians to live in Armenia today. So, the idea that Armenian families are being ruined by European ideas about sexuality is a myth that is told by many nationalists and picked up by the media. Another myth is that there is a pure Armenian family to be ruined in the first place. Armenian families are very diverse. Some have sons and daughters; some have only sons, some only daughters. Some have no children at all. Some people are not married. Some people are divorced. And many peoples’ families live in other countries. There are homes in which husband and wife work; there are homes in which only the wife works; there are homes in which only the husband works. There are also homes in which no one works. There are families that are made up of sisters, families that are made up of brothers, families that are made up of neighbors sharing their lives together, and families of same-sex partners. There is not one kind of family in Armenia and whatever there is here is likely to change through time – as have the ones living here now changed through time. As a researcher I am well aware that what people tell you is also indicative of what they are not telling you. Very few of those I interviewed have mentioned homosexuality. However, this does not mean that people are unaware of homosexuality or


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LGBT identity in Armenia or do not think about these issues. In discussing homosexuality in Armenia with an interlocutor, I was told that while most people are aware of homosexuality and understand that it exists in Armenia, they do not openly discuss it. During a discussion at home, for example, my interlocutor mentioned “sexual minorities” and his father responded: “What sexual minorities? They’re not a minority. They are everywhere in the National Assembly and the Ministries.” This seems to be a common notion of sexual practices in Armenia. Homosexuality, thus, remains within what anthropologists call subtext, a circling around or hinting at through various codes and signs but never directly mentioning the thing itself. And when it is alluded to, homosexuality is not usually seen as an outside force entering Armenia. Rather, it is often acknowledged as something that exists here and has for quite some time. Sexuality in general, however, is quite often discussed. However, having sex before marriage, women being aware of sexual life or experiencing desire, are not seen as coming from European values. They are generally discussed as the times changing and becoming “modern.” And change does not always mean the destruction of the Armenian family. One woman told me “People are becoming more open now and girls are more knowledgeable about sexuality before they are married. This is not always a bad thing. It is only bad when they are treated badly by their parentsin-law because they are not virgins.” This kind of statement was quite common in my interviews. The red apple tradition is often still practiced, but in many cases (not all) it seems to have been removed from the issue of virginity. Of course, there are

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some people who have told me that it is a disgrace for women to have sexual experiences before marriage. Many people also seem sympathetic to girls who could have been raped before marriage and say that this would not be her fault. I am not claiming that most Armenians fully embrace any form of sexual liberation, but my point here is that the idea that sexuality is something brought in from Europe or the United States is a myth. As someone who travels from the supposed site where homosexuality and sexual liberation are imported, I see many problems with this myth. Armenia is much more dynamic than the media representations of it seem. We must ask then, what is the media’s – or perhaps media’s owners’ – investment in making the country seem like a flat, sexless plane that needs the West to bring in sexuality? While mainstream media in Armenia would like to see an opposition between the “pure family” and “sexuality,” as a researcher I know this is impossible. Reproduction and kinship are based on sexuality. And changes in sexual practices do not necessarily destroy the family. Tamar Shirinyan


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Me and you can change our tomorrow

In the framework of “March 8th Every Day: from March 8 to April 7” campaign the “Women’s Resource Center” NGO organized a number of interesting outdoor activities, movie screenings, meetings, conferences dedicated to Women’s Month. The aim of activities was to reveal and point out the existing problems of women, as well as rebel against unjustified “must not”s defined by the society.

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Thus, the events start was launched by Performance March from Av. Isahakyan statute on March 8. It was accompanied with the performance illustrating “loaded women routine: shopping-housekeeping, and public attitude to it” at Ch. Aznavour square, and “Women liberation” action at Republic square. “Conquering the Night” action was another exciting event. On March 11, since 21:00 only women participants marched to fight the night and their fears in Luna Park, Vernisazh adjacent areas, underground passage-ways and other places of Yerevan communities where women are usually afraid to walk alone at night. “By Choice or Chance” film screening, “Human Rights Challenges” discussion, “The Institute of Marriage within Armenian Society” conference and “Occupy First Place” action compete the event list. The latter was an action in public transport: whole day long women take first seat of public transport, next to the driver, by that “breaking” another “must not” .

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Art for women’s empowerment

In the framework of the annual event “Art for Women’s Empowerment” “Women’s Resource Center “ NGO in collaboration with “THE SCreENERY” initiated a photo exhibition and a unique poetry night at Owl’s cafe. The event took place on April 7, on Motherhood and Beauty Day, and summarized “March 8th Every Day” women’s month campaign. Exhibition was titled “For what you are fighting for?”

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Photo authors where WRC activists and persons, who joined the initiative from all around the world. They express women inspiration messages and concerns about women role and place in our society, as well as discrimination against them. Along with the photo exhibition, “open mic” initiative was organized, where attendees present their oeuvres-pieces of poetry, prose, song, dance etc.

³Ýó³Í ÙÇçáó³éáõÙÝ»ñ past events

ÈéáõÃÛ³Ý ûñ 2013

Day of Silence 2013

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Bullying, degrading treatment and violence in educational institutions of Armenia

On April 19, on the occasion of “Day of Silence” “Public Information and Need of Knowledge” NGO held a press conference on bullying, degrading treatment and violence in RA educational institutions. The project coordinator of the organization, social worker Nvard Margaryan mentioned: “In various countries of the world, starting from 1996, the third Friday of April is celebrated as The Day of Silence. The main purpose of The Day of Silence is to focus public attention on discrimination and degrading treatment against LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) people and other social groups throughout educational institutions. Moreover, this day is meant to eliminate and prevent such phenomena in an effort to establish safer educational institutions for everyone, regardless of students’ sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnic origins, religion, appearance, social and other personal characteristics”. Then she presented cases, personal stories, which were collected during daily work time by the organization’s staff. In the opinion of psychologist-therapist Narine Hovakimyan: “there is a stereotype

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that only people, who have significant differences compared to general society can be subjected to bullying and become victims of violence. But anyone can be bullied; no one is safe from becoming a victim of provocations”. The psychologist of “Women’s Resource Center” Elvira Meliksetyan added on how to overcome degrading treatment. “First of all we must remember that everyone has the right to be respected in milieu, a right of fair treatment, a right to feel safe. A child can ask for help from a trusted adult, it is necessary to make children understand, that it is not a shame to ask for help, to try to make things clear about the “problem” with aggressor. Sometimes indifference is the most powerful weapon”. In the end speakers added, that on April 19 they will keep silence for those, who don’t have the opportunity to speak up about the manifestations of discrimination against them.


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ºñ»Ë³Ý»ñÇ å³ßïå³ÝáõÃÛ³Ý Children protection

0800 61 111

γݳÝó Ýϳïٳٵ µéÝáõÃÛ³Ý Violence against women

08000 11 00 Âñ³ýÇÏÇÝ·Ç ½áÑ»ñÇ ³ç³ÏóáõÃÛ³Ý For the victims of trafficking

0800 50 558 0800 80 801

ÀÝï³Ý»Ï³Ý µéÝáõÃÛ³Ý Domestic violence

0800 80 850 010 542 828 ¶³í³é / Gavar 0264 26 919 ì³Ý³Óáñ / Vanadzor 0322 25 088 Æç¨³Ý / Ijevan 0263 40 114 γå³Ý / Kapan 0285 23 140

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Maria Abrahamyan Nvard Margaryan Lilit Sargsyan Sevak Kirakosyan Tamar Shirinian Armenuhi Ananyan Anna Gogchyan

Ñ»é./tel. +374 60 377277 email:

Lusine Ghazaryan Kamo Davtyan Mane Poghosyan Mamikon Hovsepyan Artush Rushanyan Varduhi Melkonyan Ejmin Shahbazyan

²åñÇÉ, 2013Ã. April, 2013

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