ECN October 2022

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GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOUR WITH ESP’S NEW CCTV RANGE SPECIAL FEATURE: EV CHARGING SPECIAL FEATURE: UPS, POWER & ENERGY SPECIAL FEATURE: HVAC VOLUME 42 NO. 10 • OCTOBER 2022 ELECTRICALCONTRACTINGNEWS.COM 41 6456 uickwire The faster way to connect downlights. Turn to page 12 for the full story. For All Your Electrical Essentials 0121 711 1990 f 0121 711 1344 e Connect with us: OUT NOW FEATURING OVER 4500+ ESSENTIAL PRODUCTS
For All Your Electrical Essentials t 0121 711 1990 f 0121 711 1344 e OUT NOW Connect with us: FEATURING OVER 4500+ ESSENTIAL PRODUCTS



Industr y News


Cover Story

Glorious technicolour with ESP’s

14 Contract News

WB Power delivers complete solution for the NHS; Transport for London banks on Ellis Patents’ cable hangers; Skanska completes innovative Bristol office; and more

18 Training

Leading the way in electric vehicle charging installation training; Bumper apprenticeships for electricity industry

20 Project Focus

Schneider Electric supports the University of Birmingham to future-proof smart campus

22 Advertisement Feature

Scolmore’s Click Mode – quality, white accessories you can rely on

26 Key Issue



Advertisement Feature

Heatstore’s dynamic Intelirad

EV Charging

42 The evolving EV market; now and the future

44 The road to smart homes starts with smart EV charging

46 The transition to EVs: are Britain’s grids ready for an all-electric future?

48 Barnet Council opts for pioneering flat-and-flush technology

50 Mer and Joju help Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council expand EV charging

52 YouGov survey reveals significant shift to out-of-home EV charging

54 Electric vehicles – how quickly is the world changing?


56 Condensation: a real and present danger, not a damp squib

58 Solving the space conundrum

60 Greater control is the only way to reduce energy spend

62 Taking control of rising energy bills

UPS, Power & Energy

64 Case study: Proximity Data Centres

66 Complete residential solar offers route through the energy crisis and beyond

70 PDU’S can reduce energy consumption in data centres

Advertisement Feature

The truth is out there

73 Company Showcase

Sponsored content from across the sector

October 2022 | 3@ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine 4 Editorial Amendment 2 is here 6
launches Leading the Charge series; Time and money stop tradespeople from pursuing further training; 30% of electricians encounter asbestos every week; and more 12
new CCTV range
Building a successful electrical company 30 Advertisement
Circuit protection FBA design service 33 Interview Carly wills talks to Kevin Brannigan, Marketing Manager at Makita UK about his 30 year career at the company and Makita’s aim to enable a truly cordless job site 36 Advertisement
ETHOS 8600 Electric Vehicle Charge Point Test Adaptor launched 38 Advertisement Feature ESP – travelling light 40 Competition Win a pair of LED Energy Saving PIR Floodlights, courtesy of Timeguard! 63
energy efficient electric radiator 68


Hello and welcome to the October issue of ECN.

Amendment 2 of BS 7671:2018, the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations, came into effect on 27 September, following its introduction in March.

Some significant changes have been introduced, designed to improve safety and advance the industry. These include a new chapter changing the scope of the regulations to include prosumer’s low voltage electrical installations, along with the requirement to protect final circuits supplying socket outlets with a rated current not exceeding 32A, using arc fault detection devices (AFDDs) in high rise buildings, houses of multiple occupancy, student accommodation and care homes.

Although many businesses will have been getting ahead of the curve and implementing changes over the past few months, NICEIC has designed an expansive support package to help the industry navigate the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

This includes a range of expert-led training courses covering everything electrical contractors need to know and a wide range of publications and guides.

The organisation is also offering a new and improved streamlined suite of Electrical Forms. Available in physical format via the NICEIC web shop and in digital form via NICEIC Online and the NICEIC Cert mobile app, these forms are updated in line with Amendment 2 and are available now.

Finally, businesses certified by NICEIC can also make use of the organisation’s technical helpline and a bank of free and exclusive CPD Certified materials, including webinars and technical reference documents.

NICEIC is urging electrical contractors to make use of these resources.

Features included in this month’s issue include EV Charging, HVAC, and UPS, Power & Energy. We also bring you the latest Industry and Contract News, along with our monthly Interview, Training and Project Focus features. And don’t forget to enter this month’s Competition to win a pair of LED Energy Saving PIR Floodlights!

I hope you enjoy the issue – see you next month!

November Issue


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ECN charity of choice Published monthly by All Things Media Ltd., Suite 14, 6-8 Revenge Road, Lordswood, Kent ME5 8UD. Tel: 01634 673163 Fax: 01634 673173 NEXT TIME…
Editorial deadline: 20 October Advertising deadline: 27 October Fire, Safety & Security Smart Lighting & Lighting Control Software & Apps @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine AMENDMENT 2



Electrical experts Darren Staniforth and Dave Austin are back – with a brand new series of TechTalks covering:

The proposed changes to the IET’s CoP for EV Charging Equipment installations

„ Section 712 “Solar Photovoltaic [PV]

Power Supply Systems”

„ Requirements of BS 7430 code of practice for protective earthing of electrical installations

The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989

PME installations

EICR coding

Technical Q&A with the IET

CPD certificate, on the day deals, TechCards, Prize Draws and more…

PLUS: FREE to attend, FREE parking and FREE breakfast roll



The UK Electricity Products Supply Chain Council launched on 7 September. Led by BEAMA, with membership from across the energy and contracting sector and support from the government, this is an unprecedented platform for the supply chain of electrical equipment for the electricity transmission and distribution networks, and end-use energy products market.

Never has it been more urgent to ensure the resilience of the UK energy sector, and with manufacturing capacity for key products set to increase tenfold to meet demands for net zero delivery, we need collaboration and engagement with the new leadership in government to open pipelines of investment to secure the timely and cost-effective supply of equipment into the market.

Manufacturers of energy technologies are facing mounting geopolitical pressures on the supply of raw materials and componentry for the delivery of complex energy technologies essential to our net zero transition and for a move away from imported energy. There has been a global shift in demand and supply of key technologies and associated materials that ensure the security of our energy industry. The council will help tackle the immediate pressures on the supply of equipment, while looking to the future and how to ensure the longer-term investment needs of the supply chain.

With this comes great opportunity, and BEAMA members (manufacturers of energy technologies) say the level of investment needed is achievable, bringing opportunity to re-shore parts of the industry to the UK and create new trading relationships.

The newly formed council is an example of collaboration at its best and the UK energy and contracting sector coming together with government to alleviate pressures on the market.


ECA has launched Leading the Charge, a digital series produced by Content with Purpose (CWP), exploring the electrotechnical sector’s pivotal role in realising the UK’s net zero ambitions.

The series of films, podcasts and articles highlights some of the most powerful net zero stories from across the sector, with support and input from industry heavyweights, including National Grid, Western Power, Megger, Actemium, Imtech and many more.

Industry leaders including ECA CEO Steve Bratt, BSRIA CEO Julia Evans, Electrical Safety First CEO Lesley Rudd and many others share their insights and advice to electrotechnical professionals who want to seize the opportunities presented by the transition to cleaner, more sustainable electricity.

Featuring interviews, podcasts, films, articles and a feature-length documentary, Leading the Charge will shine a light on the electrotechnical community and tell the stories of the organisations and professionals powering the transition to net zero.

The digital series will explore progress in areas such as renewables, energy storage, retrofitting, automation, electrical safety, policy and training. It provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and best practice, while raising awareness and inspiring the next generation.



Almost half (45%) of UK tradespeople want to do additional training but are unable to do so because of barriers like time and finances.

In line with the Festival of Learning that took place in September, an awareness event designed to celebrate lifelong learning, IronmongeryDirect surveyed trade workers from across the nation to reveal the appetite for professional development.

Half (50%) say that they enjoy learning new things, but one in eight (12%) have reached a stage where they rarely do so anymore.

This is largely due to the obstacles preventing them from pursuing further training, and the most cited barrier is a lack of awareness. Almost one in seven (13%) tradespeople say that they wouldn’t know where to look for development opportunities.

The money and time (both 12%) required for training courses is also discouraging, and sadly, so too is social pressure. One in 12 (8%) say that they don’t ask for more training as they worry what other people would think of them for making such a request.

Such barriers are significant, as less than a fifth (17%) of tradespeople say that their initial training was enough to set them up fully for their career, highlighting the importance of continuous learning.

The trades most and least likely to face barriers to further training are:

• Building surveyor (48%)

• Carpenter (46%)

• Plumber (42%)

• Roofer (40%)

• Bricklayer (36%)

• Scaffolder (33%)

• Window fabricator (33%)

• Painter decorator (32%)

• Plasterer (31%)

• Electrician (30%)

• Builder (28%)

• Landscaper (27%)

• Joiner (13%)

Worryingly, despite being the most eager to learn new things, young tradespeople are the most likely to face barriers. Gen Z (18-24s) and Millennial (25-34s) workers are the keenest to continue developing, but are the worst affected by each of the main obstacles, with time (21%) being the primary issue.


One of the biggest barriers to investment sited by BEAMA is the availability of people and skills. Manufacturers and raw material suppliers need confidence in future orders and the UK market trajectory to invest in manufacturing capacity, people and places. BEAMA,
6 | October 2022 @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine INDUSTRY NEWS


For Mesothelioma Awareness Day (26 September), an event aiming to bring more attention to the dangers of asbestos, ElectricalDirect surveyed trade workers from across the nation to see how often they encounter it, and the impact this has on their health.

The study found that 78% of electricians have come across asbestos – the fibre-like material once used for insulation – in their working lives. This has serious consequences, with 41% having had symptoms of an asbestos-related disease or knowing a colleague who has.

Tradespeople are amongst the most at-risk workers of asbestos-related diseases, and, across all industries, the majority are exposed to the potentially lethal material on a regular basis. Three in five (60%) find it every year, over a third (35%) say every month, and one in 12 (8%) come face to face with asbestos every day.

Tragically, one in 20 (5%) know someone who has died of such a condition, and every week 20 tradespeople deaths are attributed to asbestos.

Some trades are more likely to be exposed than others, and so should be particularly cautious.

It’s important that tradespeople know the warning signs of the diseases and consult a doctor straight away if any appear. Dr Rhianna McClymont, Lead GP at Livi, the digital healthcare provider, says that asbestosis causes a range of symptoms, including a persistent cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, pain in the chest or shoulder, tiredness, and swollen or ‘clubbed’ fingertips.



Help is at hand for electricians facing turbulent fuel costs thanks to a unique app from fuelGenie, which can be used to pre-plan journeys and find the best value fuel along the way.

The fuelGenie Petrol Station Finder app lists prices for every Tesco, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s fuel station across the UK, based on the most recent purchases by fuelGenie customers at each location.

Electricians can use this information to plan journeys and ensure the most cost-effective sites are used when vehicles are running low.

Alternatively, a driver can simply enter his or her location then find the best value fuel station nearby.

The app has been designed for use on both Apple and Android smartphones and PCs.



Skills for Security is continuing its national expansion by opening a major new training centre in North London.

Based in Watford, the new flagship training centre will be used to deliver both apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship training to the fire and security sectors. The opening of the training centre in the North London region is the latest in Skills for Security’s expansion programme to deliver high quality apprenticeships and training, after its recent launch of a training centre in Glasgow.

The centre which has 4000sq ft of classrooms and workshop space is kitted out with the latest products and technologies to give apprentices the best start to their working lives. The workshops were designed to create a realistic working environment for the engineers of tomorrow.

David Scott, Managing Director, Skills for Security, says: “The opening of our latest centre in North London is a significant milestone for us. We are expanding nationwide to train apprentices from all areas of the country and meet the demand for developing the next generation of fire and security engineers.”

“It is vital that we plug the skills shortage in our industry by investing in work-based training and development which will help businesses to grow and help the industry keep up with technological change. Increasing our centres and accessibility to deliver this training is a huge positive.”

Skills for Security,


Eight college students from under-represented groups have improved their career prospects thanks to a work experience programme by UK Power Networks

The firm that keeps the lights on across London, South East and East of England has helped to boost the skills of students through its new two-week summer Powering Potential programme. Students were based across the company’s offices in Borehamwood, Croydon, Bidder Street, Crawley and Colchester.

One objective of the programme with STEM Learning was to research a 20-page report about how UK Power Networks responded to the unprecedented February storms and prepare a poster. Over the course of the two weeks the students met with employees from key business areas to find out how teams respond to a significant weather event including customer services, finance and innovation. Alongside this, students were able to visit field staff at work and participate in employability workshops.

Liz Nash, Workforce Development and Partnership Lead, comments: “Two pillars of our company’s vision are to be a respected and trusted corporate citizen, and an employer of choice. A big part of those aspirations is to ensure that we are an accessible, inclusive employer and support the communities we serve.

“We aim to level the playing field for all, irrespective of where people are born. UK Power Networks’ aim is to support under-represented groups, with a particular focus on more rural communities that often get overlooked.”

UK Power Networks,

8 | October 2022 @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine INDUSTRY NEWS
Tel 01924 227941 Email Find your branch YOUR ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, SERVICE & SOLUTIONS With our 24/7 TRADE WEBSITE, the INDUSTRIAL CATALOGUE, the YESSS BOOK, the EV & ENERGY BROCHURE and an industry leading CUSTOMER APP We’ve got all the tools for the job ONLINE or OFFLINE MUCH MORE THAN JUST AN ELECTRICAL WHOLESALER INDUSTRIAL SERVICES AND SUPPORT Complete Lighting Designs Complete Emergency Lighting Designs Lighting Surveys • Lighting Energy Calculations Return on Investment Reports Virtual Renderings of your Lighting Projects Working with all leading manufacturers FREE DESIGN SERVICE Electric Vehicle Charging and Energy Solutions YESSS, we have the UK’s widest choice of charge points and local installers. We can provide you FREE advice and full support from initial enquiry to installation of a variety of domestic and commercial EV charging solutions. CCTV, Intruder, Fire, Access Control and Nurse Call FREE Surveys and Designs available We can provide a range of services from product recommendations to a full site design for any job from small domestic systems to large commercial sites. Industrial Electronic Repairs • Motor & Rewinds Special Panel Builds • Industrial Calibrations Special Transformer Builds • Energy Saving Surveys

Preparing for retirement can be challenging, and it can be difficult to know where to start. Research by IronmongeryDirect found that one in eight (13%) tradespeople approaching retirement age (55-64) don’t have any financial preparations for retirement.

IronmongeryDirect partnered with Fabian Taylor, Senior Associate and Chartered Financial Planner in Nelsons’ wealth management team, and George Stainton, Senior Wealth Manager at Hoxton Capital Management, to reveal helpful tips for electricians on how to prepare for retirement.

While it’s recommended to begin planning for retirement as soon as possible, IronmongeryDirect’s research found that more than one in 10 (13%) tradespeople approaching retirement age don’t have a financial plan in place. Thankfully, it’s never too late to make a start.

While it’s true that you can start saving at any point during your career, it’s sensible to begin putting aside money for retirement as early as possible. Many young people have the advantage of being able to use workplace pension schemes, but for those who opt out, are ineligible, or are


As over two-thirds of female employees feel they deserve more recognition, how can more be done in the electrical industry to meet female employees’ recognition needs?

According to a recent study, female employees are suffering from a ‘praise penalty’ at work. Female employees are 34% more likely than their male counterparts to experience mental health issues, such as stress or burnout, due to not having their efforts at work sufficiently acknowledged. Some 71% of female workers feel underappreciated.

The Employee Recognition Survey – conducted by virtual team building and virtual escape room specialist Wildgoose – surveyed employees from 133 different UK companies. It asked them whether they receive enough praise and appreciation in the workplace, how they would react to a lack of recognition and how companies could better meet their ‘recognition needs’.

Just 1% of UK skilled trade professionals are female according to the ONS. Despite this imbalance, societal pushes to address it are gradually taking effect – a report by GoCompare found there has been a 366% increase in the number of females enrolling in trade-focused apprenticeships over the last five years.

However, employers must focus on retention as much as recruitment, with almost half (47%) of construction workers citing the male-dominated culture as a reason why so many women leave the industry. For the female employees already in skilled trade professions and with a new wave of female talent entering, it’s vital for companies to ensure their approach to employee recognition includes all members of the workforce.

Data from the Employee Recognition Survey emphasises the importance of regular meetings and one-to-one time for female employees: 57% want private recognition through regular, in-person meetings with their managers. 54% would like respect from colleagues, alongside regular feedback. Female employees value these things more than receiving a higher salary than the industry standard – which was cited by 43% of female respondents. Wildgoose,


Toolstation has launched its latest catalogue in stores and online, offering a wide array of new products, brands, and offers at amazing value, aiming to help customers save money on trade-quality products during a challenging period of rising costs.

Online, on the app and in store, Toolstation will be supporting customers by showcasing its Everyday Great Value range, which launched in August. The range aims to highlight the best value products currently on the market across various trade and DIY sectors, from plumbing fittings, electrical accessories, painting and decorating products, construction gear and more, making sure no customer is left behind.

planning on saving additional funds, starting early has major benefits.

For tradespeople who work on an employed basis, they should look to enrol in their workplace pension scheme, if they have not already. This means that they will be saving throughout their career, with additional top-ups from their employer, and while tradies should still aim to set up a private pension, a workplace scheme provides a safety net in the meantime.

Those working on a self-employed basis, unfortunately, do not have the same auto-enrolment to a workplace pension scheme that employed people do, so therefore it’s important that you make your own preparations and plan ahead for your retirement.

Regardless of your age, it’s always best to prepare for retirement in advance. By ensuring that you’re making the most of workplace pensions where available, as well as saving privately, you can place yourself in the best position to enjoy retirement in comfort.


The value range will play an important role over autumn and winter, as customers face a challenging few months of rising costs, including energy prices. As the preparation for colder days and darker evenings begins, the catalogue intends to help Toolstation customers find the necessary products to help cut down energy costs.



Carl Kammerling International, the home of C.K Tools, has announced Paul Pugh as its new Head of Marketing. Paul comes with a wealth of UK and international experience, including 23 years in the power tools sector and as a partner in an electrical contracting business.

ESP has welcomed Stuart Finlayson to the team as the new Area Sales Manager covering Scotland. Stuart joins ESP with more than 11 years of sales experience, having worked with a number of leading brands, including Jaguar, Land Rover and DFS. He will be bringing his knowledge and sales expertise to his new position.

10 | October 2022 @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine INDUSTRY NEWS
FOCUS ON SECURITY Scan here for more information and a chance to win a FREE Facina CCTV system worth £245.94 including VAT High definition CCTV products packed with features, our experts can provide full system specifications including free CCTV designs, all backed up by our experienced technical team 24/7 FULL COLOUR CAMERAS 4K ULTRA HD CCTV ANALOGUE CCTV WIRELESS CCTV 5MP HD CCTV


ESP continually invests in its CCTV range to enhance the products, harness the latest technologies and broaden the offer to satisfy many project sizes and requirements. The latest development of the category sees the launch of a brand new 24/7 Colour IP CCTV range, which will take ESP’s CCTV offer to another level.

When it comes to CCTV security, colour-related information can play a vital role in identifying the detail of activities, particularly in the hours of darkness.

Conventional cameras with infrared lighting will only provide black and white images for night-time monitoring. This can result in people or vehicles, for example, appearing blurred and blending into the background, making it difficult to discern crucial elements. ESP’s new 24/7 colour CCTV range will provide sharp detail, in colour, day or night.

The new 24/7 Colour IP POE CCTV range is designed to offer superior, reliable and straightforward installation solutions for a range of applications, from domestic through to larger and more complex commercial projects. The range will sit alongside ESP’s established CCTV offer, which comprises the HDView IP PoE 5MP range, designed for larger and more complex commercial projects, and the Rekor IP PoE 2MP range, which is tailored for the domestic market.

ESP has produced a new brochure showcasing the new 24/7 colour CCTV range

There are 18 individual products that make up the new 24/7 Colour CCTV range. This includes 12 cameras offering 2MP, 5MP and 8MP resolutions and each one is available in a choice of dome or bullet camera designs and in a white or grey finish. There are six different NVRs available, including a four channel NVR in the Rekor IP collection. The HDView IP PoE range consists of 8MP NVRs with a broad range of channel options available – 4, 8, 12, 16, 32 and 64-channels. There is also a number of two and four camera kits available in the Rekor IP 24/7 range, with a choice of dome or bullet camera design options and a white or grey finish.

Lights, camera, action

The main features in the new range are in the cameras themselves, due to the ‘24/7’ colour function. The cameras use low light image sensors, which are able to use background light to produce a colour image in reduced light environments. This means that individuals and vehicles, for example, can be identified more clearly at night or where light settings are low. If the background light is insufficient for the low light image sensors to produce a colour image, the white LEDs on the cameras have the facility to activate by virtual line crossing and permitter intrusion set by the user.

The main features in the new range are in the cameras themselves, due to the ‘24/7’ colour function

All cameras have an IP67 rating for external use. They are equipped with infrared LEDs which are the default mode when the white LEDs are not in activation mode. This ensures that the white LEDs are not on constantly, which will be unwanted by the majority of users. The cameras also include a discreet microphone and speaker for two-way audio function which is controlled via the app – ESP IP PRO.

By offering a selection of 2MP, 5MP and 8MP cameras each in a choice of dome and bullet designs and in a white or grey colour finish, ESP believes this comprehensive offer will have appeal across a broad range of installation sizes and requirements.

Action replay

The main feature of the NVRs in the new 24/7 Colour CCTV systems is that they offer 8MP recording. In other words, they offer support for high resolution cameras in record, playback and live view modes. With a choice of 4-64 Channel NVRs available, ESP is providing a breadth of NVR capability to support a range of applications from small to large.

Other features and benefits include:

• 250m PoE function: PoE models provide greater flexibility to the installer by supporting cameras up to 250m,

resulting in the need for fewer additional power supplies and PoE switches required for large cable runs.

• Pre-installed Surveillance Hard Drive: ESP pre-installs purpose-built surveillance hard drives. Unlike standard PC hard drives, surveillance drives are designed to operate and handle data recording continuously.

• Intelligent record options such as line crossing and perimeter detection: This offers a flexible choice on what triggers the system to record, resulting in more critical recordings and reduced wasted recorded footage.

There are eight Rekor IP 24/7 kits providing all the 24/7 Colour features in a convenient kit form. There is a four-channel two camera kit version available, as well as a four camera option. Both are offered in a choice of dome or bullet camera design and in a white or grey finish. The kits come with cable supplied and a pre-installed surveillance hard drive.

All cameras and NVRs in ESP’s extensive 24/7 CCTV range are 100% NDAA Compliant.

ESP has produced a new brochure showcasing the new 24/7 colour CCTV range and this can be downloaded from the ESP website.


12 | October 2022 @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine COVER STORY


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Signify has been appointed by Frasers Group to design and supply the lighting for all 69 Everlast Gyms across the UK.

Designing the gyms with LED lighting dramatically cuts energy consumption by about 80% when compared to the traditional technologies that were deployed earlier. Added controls will help manage and reduce energy consumption by creating and managing uniform light schedules for all 69 gyms from a single dashboard, reducing operational costs, ensuring compliance, and efficiently planning maintenance.

Everlast gyms at Denton, Shirebrook and Preston have already been upgraded and offer members a variety of different environments – or ‘innovative zones’ – to train in, creating unique gym experiences. Contemporary luminaries from the Modular range distribute a soft yet functional light that is designed for hospitality venues, public, retail and other large spaces. These lights use minimalist design principles that add to the visual appeal of the space. To compliment this, the Keyline range, from the Philips portfolio, creates chevrons, lines and squares in the ceiling, directing members to the different zones and identifying the individual areas.

As part of the redesign, the Interact connected lighting system provides centralised lighting control for all the gyms. Agreed scenes and schedules ensure a consistent look and feel, as well as providing increased visibility, flexibility, and control of the lights. The cloud-based


platform collects data from all light points via a connected lighting infrastructure and is displayed on a centralised dashboard. This enables better comparison, monitoring and management of lighting across multiple locations for improved efficiency

The gyms also feature tailor-made pendant and projector lights, which are 3D printed luminaires designed and developed to suit the exact needs of each individual location.



TRILUX has impressed rauch Möbelwerke, Europe’s largest bedroom furniture manufacturer, with its high quality and energy efficient lighting and tailor-made financing service for its headquarters in Freudenberg, Germany.

As a full-service provider, the lighting expert retrofitted the entire site with innovative LED solutions. In close collaboration with rauch, TRILUX developed a customised financing concept. After the retrofit, the energy costs for lighting will fall by approximately €74,000 per month, and CO2 emissions will reduce by 2,200 tons per year.

Finding the right lighting solution for the five production halls was challenging. These house vast hall aisles in which huge machines, called ‘all-rounders’, perform all the woodworking, such as sawing, milling, drilling, and gluing, creating significant air pollution.

The perfect luminaire for these demanding environments is TRILUX’s E-Line NEXT LED. Lighting technology and protection class of the highly versatile light strip are precisely adapted to any application.

To maximise efficiency and transparency, the continuous rows are networked with TRILUX’s LiveLink Premium lighting management system and combined with sensors for presence and daylight detection. This enables the luminaires to be monitored online via a cloud interface and the TRILUX Monitoring Services.

Creavo LED recessed ceiling luminaires and the Finea LED light channel have been used in the office and administration areas. Looking outside the facility, in the delivery zone, rauch relies on the Jovie LED post-top luminaire. In the covered loading zones, powerful Mirona Fit LED high-bay luminaires provide excellent, energy efficient light and greater safety.


Power generation provider, WB Power Services (WBPS), has completed a multimillion-pound project for a hospital located in the South West of England.

Working with a third-party building services contractor, WBPS was asked to scope, design, install and commission a critical power solution with the objective of providing valuable back up power for the hospital if a power failure occurred.

The project requirements called on WBPS to devise bespoke strategies to enable the project to complete on time whilst delivering a range of services. The installed solution comprised of incumbent equipment removal, civil works and the installation of two 1650kVA Kohler-SDMO generating sets in an existing plant room. These were installed along with accompanying ancillary equipment such as fuel management solutions, plant room attenuation equipment, exhaust systems and full commissioning/testing.

WBPS Managing Director, Andy Wilmott comments: “There were several pieces of the jigsaw to complete with this huge project, with each element dependent on the success of the other.

“The project team overcame huge challenges with issues around space and access, but by implementing a bespoke solution, which included the removal of the old generators, we were able to meet the exact requirements of this project, delivering a complete solution on time and on budget.”

Andy concludes: “This huge project has literally made the difference between life and death for patients using this hospital. The work that went into this project will secure the power of the whole site using best in class generators and technical expertise from the WBPS team.”

WB Power Services,

14 | October 2022 @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine CONTRACT NEWS
SHOP THE RANGE ON THE APP, ONLINE & INSTORE Prices valid until 4pm on 30/10/2022. Subject to availability. Prices include VAT at 20% (unless stated otherwise and subject to change in taxation). Prices are correct at time of print. Delivery charges and restrictions may apply – see Screwfix Sprint is available through the Screwfix app, subject to availability from participating stores. See for T&Cs, delivery charges and restrictions. See for standard T&Cs. SCREWFIX SPRINT 60 MINUTE DELIVERY Exclusively on our app, available from selected stores. 13A 2-GANG SP SWITCHED SOCKET + 3.1A 2-OUTLET TYPE A USB CHARGER WHITE CODE: 6764R 16-MODULE 10-WAY POPULATED DUAL RCD CONSUMER UNIT CODE: 466PX IP66 13A 2-GANG DP WEATHERPROOF SWITCHED SOCKET CODE: 67928 £ 11.82 Was £13.99 SAVE 15% £ 73. 99 Was £77.99 SAVE 5% £ 9. 99 Was £12.49 SAVE 20% SAVE UP TO 20% ON SELECTED ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING SAVE UP TO 20%


Transport for London (TfL) has installed Ellis Patents’ innovative Pegasus cable hangers in its £500 million Bank Station Capacity Upgrade project.

Specified through the North Yorkshire manufacturer’s UK distributor, ETS Cable Components, the hangers were chosen because their modular design meant they could be manufactured to the project’s very specific requirements.

Noman Shabir, Ellis Patents’ National Sales Manager, says: “TfL wanted hangers that could be supplied to meet a variety of radii because of the changing curvature of the operating tunnels running in and out of Bank Station. In addition, they needed a product that featured pre-drilled holes so that they could accept cable cleats for signal cables.”

“Traditional cable hanging systems wouldn’t have coped with these requirements on the basis that they come in set sizes and configurations. Our thinking when we designed Pegasus was that no two rail projects are ever the same and, as such, project-by-project flexibility was vital.”

Pegasus was designed and developed completely in-house by Ellis Patents. Featuring an aluminium spine

that can support any number and configuration of polymer cable hangers, the modular cable hanging system is not only more adaptable than similar products, it’s also stronger and lighter; making it quick and easy to install.

Ellis Patents’ Pegasus cable hangers use LUL approved materials, which are suitable for installation underground


Building services and engineering consultant, FHP, has celebrated the completion of a key phase of a £150 million residential development in London with a ‘topping out’ ceremony.

The move sees the end of work on Phase III of the Hallsville Quarter in Canning Town, which is a mixed residential development consisting of 620 units across four blocks and varying in storey heights from nine to 14 floor levels.

Part of a wider £3.7bn urban regeneration programme, the Hallsville Quarter is a new £600m town centre for Canning Town, being created in conjunction with Linkcity, Newham London Borough Council and other project partners.

Completion of Phase III will also deliver a range of new healthcare facilities and provide 378m2 of new offices, over 1,500m2 of leisure and community space, 259 car parking spaces and extra public spaces and landscaped gardens.

FHP has provided a comprehensive range of mechanical, electrical design and plumbing (MEP) 3D Revit services for RIBA Stages 2-6 of the scheme.

Heating and domestic hot water for the building will be provided from the already completed first phase of the development, through an intermediate plate heat exchanger sub-station located in the building’s basement to serve all blocks.

As the project was designed in 3D Revit, FHP was able to provide construction setting out information early in the design and build process with the knowledge that all imbedded services and recessed outlets were in the correct position at the time of the concrete pour.


and within tunnels, as well as UV stabilised materials for installations above ground and trackside.

The Bank Station Capacity Upgrade project is due to be complete and fully operational in the autumn.

Ellis Patents,


Skanska has completed One Portwall Square, a healthy and sustainable new workspace in the heart of Bristol.

The building, which provides more than 33,000ft2 of Category A commercial office space, is located in the heart of Bristol’s prime commercial zone, close to Temple Meads Station. It is being handed over to Nord, ready for the first tenants to move in.

The space is built to a BREEAM Excellent and Energy Performance Certificate A rating, Wired Score Platinum – recognising the building’s excellent digital connectivity.

A range of construction innovations have contributed to its healthy, energy efficient credentials including:

• Concrete core cooling – using chilled water pipes embedded in the concrete slabs to cool internal spaces

• A mixed mode ventilation system – intelligently monitoring external conditions to enable use of natural ventilation wherever possible to save energy from mechanical ventilation

• A high-performance building fabric and its connection to the Bristol Heat Network also supports reduced energy demands

Charlie Norris, Operations Director at Skanska, says: “Since beginning work on the building in 2020, the workspace landscape has evolved as tenants’ priorities have changed with new working patterns and COVID-19 safety concerns. What I’m most proud of is that the building more than fulfils occupiers’ needs in the post pandemic environment, providing flexible spaces, plus light, airy and intuitive spaces for tenants, while offering carbon-smart building infrastructure that reduces long-term running costs.” Skanska,

16 | October 2022 @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine CONTRACT NEWS Tel: 0161 762 9333 THE PROFESSIONALS’ CHOICE 18th Edition Amendment 2 Compliant Solutions NX3-MS-SPDNX3-MS SerieS NB3Le-AFD NB4Le-AFD AFDD RCBO NU6-ii-G/F 3PNNU6-ii-G/F 1PN SPD NB3LeG-40 RCBO MAIN SWITCH & SPD CONSUMER UNITS


Develop Training is continuing to raise awareness of the need for qualified electric vehicle (EV) charging installers in order to tackle the UK’s demand for EV charging infrastructure.

EVs are a significant part of the growing necessity for greener technologies, and with the UK ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles from 2030, electric vehicles, and the technologies required to charge them, will be essential for day-to-day transport. Develop Training now offers the resources needed for upskilling practicing electricians, providing the training that will allow them to competently carry out the EV charging installation process.

The comprehensive course developed by the learning provider is the Level 3 Award in Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Electric Vehicle Charging Installation. This City & Guilds accredited two-day course enables practising electricians to qualify as EV charging equipment installers, and covers legislation, design, selection and commissioning of the final installation.

Stuart Gilby, Operational Training Manager at Develop Training, says: “Here at Develop Training, we recognise that EV charging installation is a skill that is rapidly becoming a priority within the construction industry as part of the push towards a net zero future.

“The benefits of qualifying as an installer, for both the workforce and the employer, cannot be downplayed. For the learner, there is the chance to gain vital skills and knowledge, which will allow them to safely install EV charging points in line with current industry guidelines. In supporting their workers to undertake the training, employers will be able to gain a share of a rapidly growing market, future-proofing both theirs and their employees’ earning potential.”

Develop Training,


UK Power Networks plans to recruit a bumper intake of 50 apprentices in 2023 to support the country’s transition to net zero.

Apprentices who join the company will be trained in traditional skills that maintain, repair and build electricity networks which help deliver power to 8.4 million homes and businesses across the East of England, London and the South East. Their work will also help communities use local electricity networks to run low carbon technologies, including electric vehicles and heat pumps.

The company is currently training 32 new craft apprentices in Level 3 Apprenticeship Standards and 21 new higher apprentices (engineers) in Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship Standards. In the last 10 years, 333 apprentices have been trained by the electricity firm.

Charlie Aston, Engineering Trainee Manager at UK Power Networks, says: “We are excited to recruit the new intake of 50 apprentices. The success of our previous cohorts really demonstrates the business benefits of providing apprenticeships and I’m sure our next group will bring skills, enthusiasm, and bags of potential to become fantastic assets for our business as we keep the power flowing for customers and play our part in helping to widen the age profile of our industry to build for the future.”

The two-year programme gives apprentices the opportunity to become a qualified and competent craftsperson in one of three trades: cable jointer, overhead linesperson and electrical fitter. The practical skills are taught at the company’s training centres in Suffolk and Kent, coupled with on-the-job training with experienced field staff, putting new skills into practice under supervision.

The company welcomed 14 new craft apprentices in September as part of its 2022 intake and applications for the next 50 will open soon. UK Power Networks,

18 | October 2022 @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine TRAINING
Metrel UK Ltd. Unit 16, 1st Qtr Business Park Blenheim Road Epsom Surrey KT19 9QN Phone: 01924 245000 E-mail: Web: Twitter-@MetrelUkLtd Facebook - @MetrelUk Instagram- metrelukltd Maybe we can help you WORK SMARTER not harder. The new Ring Continuity Adapter A 2214 from Metrel will speed up your measurement of r1, rn, r2 and R1 + RN, R1 + R2 by automating the process. • Line, neutral and PE resistance all measured at a single press of a button • Automatic calculation of (r1+rn)/4 and (r1+r2)/4 for easy results evaluation • Connect once, no need to change leads until all continuity tests are complete • Accuracy, with the easy-null capability for all test lead components • Speeds up ring final circuit testing Find out how we can help, call us TODAY on 01924 245000 or mail: for more information. Get more from your tester


Schneider Electric has been selected by the University of Birmingham to support the development of its Smart Campus. The suite of digitally enabled, user-centric and sustainable tools and services will be delivered with the implementation of a range of smart, IoT technologies and analytics tools.

As the original ‘red brick university’, the University opened its new, state-of-the-art School of Engineering in 2021.

A showcase for Smart Campus excellence, the University chose Schneider Electric to aid proactive facilities management and help achieve its net zero targets. With the introduction of its suite of cloud-based, intelligent technologies, the School of Engineering seeks to provide a blueprint for the university’s ongoing programme of digital transformation.

Commenting on the collaboration, Dan Holmes, Senior Project Manager, University of Birmingham says, “Schneider worked with the University to enhance the smart functionality of the new building by ensuring the most current technology was specified and installed at the time of construction with little or no impact of CAPEX costs. This has resulted in a state-of-the-art building, which meets both the university’s current and future smart campus aspirations.”

Data-driven smart strategy enables proactive energy management

Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure Building Advisor provides constant monitoring of the building management system to proactively address inefficiencies, quickly identify faults, and take preventative action. Monitoring over 200 building assets across more than 1,200 connected points, Schneider Electric’s Building Advisor dashboard enables the university to quickly analyse building performance across comfort, energy, and maintenance metrics.

Schneider Electric’s Building Advisor dashboard enables the university to quickly analyse building performance

This enables a proactive, data-led approach to facilities management.

The university also benefits from a dedicated team of Schneider Electric experts who remotely monitor, troubleshoot, and analyse connected assets. 24/7 Remote Monitoring Services maximise uptime, improve maintenance and reduce energy usage and costs.

Sustainable efficiency meets enhanced experiences

With sustainability at the core of the university’s Smart Campus, Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure Asset Advisor evaluates live data across its electrical infrastructure and applies advanced analytics to identify opportunities for increased performance and reliability. At the same time, Power Monitoring Expert delivers energy usage and power quality insights which the university can use to make informed decisions that improve performance and drive sustainability.

air quality, CO2 emissions, and ambient factors to drive automated room control. With dynamic monitoring of user needs, alongside end-to-end cyber-secure systems, students, staff, and visitors enjoy the wide range of smart building benefits.

Future-proof energy management

Finally, a range of data gathered from the building is now available to engineering students. EcoStruxure enables them to access real-time data to study building management and sustainable solutions, becoming a key part of teaching and learning.

With dynamic monitoring of user needs, students, staff and visitors enjoy a wide range of smart building benefits

By incorporating the latest digital technologies, such as NFC (Near Field Communication), the School of Engineering now enjoys improved power uptime, continuity, and energy efficiency. Integrating smart sensors connected to Schneider Electric’s suite of tools also allows the university to monitor occupancy,

“The University of Birmingham provides a fantastic opportunity to showcase how cutting-edge technology and intelligent infrastructure can deliver world-class building performance and heightened user experiences, all while driving decarbonisation,” says Kas Mohammed, VP Digital Energy at Schneider Electric. “The School of Engineering is the ideal setting to create a roadmap to sustainability that can be replicated across the University’s estate, while also giving the next generation of engineers the experiences, insight and tools they need to develop sustainability strategies for the future.”

Schneider Electric,

20 | October 2022 @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine PROJECT FOCUS
Available in all 390 CEF stores Choose from over 100 Milwaukee products – NEW IN-STORE RANGE


There has never been a wider choice of styles and finishes in wiring accessories available, giving end users the opportunity to reflect the latest trends for interior design in the switches and sockets that they choose. Scolmore supplies one of the most comprehensive wiring accessories collections currently available on the market. There is something to suit all levels of budget, style requirements and finishes – from the Essentials basic range through to the Deco Plus premium, decorative metal collection. For Scolmore, however, it is the Click Mode range of white wiring accessories that remains the company’s best-selling wiring accessories collection to date.

Flexible choice

When selecting wiring accessories installers have often had to compromise their schemes as they have been unable to identify a suitably modular solution to satisfy their ideas. Mode accessories have been providing that flexibility, with a comprehensive selection of products ranging from the humble light switch and socket outlet through to more specialised products dealing with the very latest developments in telephone and satellite products.

Investment and innovation

Scolmore continues to invest to ensure that its wiring accessory products offer enhanced hygiene properties

The Mode range was conceived and developed as a high quality, flexible and modern solution for virtually any domestic wiring requirement. The smooth, contemporary lines of the Mode accessory plate will fit easily into traditional and contemporary designs alike and the modular design allows installers unprecedented flexibility in creating dedicated wiring solutions to deal with specific wiring needs.

Scolmore has continued to invest in this range since it was originally launched, introducing products in visually contrasting versions to meet with Part M regulations, adding the award-winning Mode locating plug socket soon after. This was followed by USB sockets available in one- and two-gang, and single and twin USB options, with integrated Type A and Type C charging ports on the same socket, added most recently. The latest development to the Mode range saw the launch of lounge combination plates, giving the installer the flexibility to configure any combination of audio, video, data and media connection on one plate as required.

Advanced hygiene properties

Scolmore continues to invest to ensure that its wiring accessory products offer enhanced hygiene properties. Mode, Mode Part M and Polar plates have recently undergone further independent testing and have achieved a 99.98% kill off rate against Influenza A (H1N1) after a 24-hour period. This latest testing further boosts the range’s hygiene credentials. Independent testing previously undertaken has also shown the products to have anti-viral properties against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses. After a contact period of four hours, all tested plates were shown to have a 99.9% kill off rate against enveloped viruses and a 92% kill off rate against non-enveloped viruses. This anti-viral testing is in addition to the anti-bacterial testing already carried out. Mode, Mode Part M and Polar ranges are all manufactured using Urea Formaldehyde, which has similar inherent properties to antimicrobial additives that inhibit the growth of infectious diseases. When independently tested, all products achieved a 99.99% kill off rate across all four types of the strains of bacteria – MRSA, E-Coli, Salmonella and Klebsiella Pneumonia.

Quality assured

The standard used to qualify Scolmore’s products is ISO 22196. The standard ISO 22916 test method is designed to test the ability of plastics and other similar materials to kill or prevent the growth of microorganisms, over a 24-hour period of contact. ISO 22196 is one of the most commonly requested antimicrobial surface test methods for evaluating the antimicrobial activity of antibacterial treated plastic products.

Contractors will have the additional reassurance that all Scolmore BS1363 products – in particular socket outlets –are third party approved and bear the BSI Kitemark logo. The company has held this certification for over 25 years – a clear demonstration of the company’s commitment to adhering to the highest standards of quality and safety of the products it supplies to the professional electrical market.

Products from the Mode range have been specified and installed across a huge range of applications including schools, hospitals, care homes, hotels, offices and leisure complexes.


The Mode range was conceived and developed as a high quality, flexible and modern solution for virtually any domestic wiring requirement

The Click Mode range of white wiring accessories remains the company’s best-selling wiring accessories collection

With a myriad of styles and finishes available for wiring accessories, Katie Plumstead, Scolmore’s Group Marketing Manager, looks at what makes simple, white accessories the bread and butter for the electrical contractor.
22 | October 2022 ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine


Amendment 2 now mandates the use of AFDDs for High Risk Residential Buildings (6 Stories+), HMO, Purpose Built Student Accommodation & Care homes.


3 Year Warranty

Elucian AFDD’s are available in B and C curves. They range from 6A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 32A and a 40A devices.

Contains inbuilt self-test function which operates initially on first power up and less than once every hour to ensure the device is fully operational.

Neutral Out Tails

Elucian AFDD’s provide a 450mm Neutral Tail as standard. The AFDD’s are also single width (18mm).

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There is no doubt that successful electrical contracting businesses are built upon technical skill, experience, knowledge and a commitment to quality and customer service. But developing good administration habits and skills will also undoubtedly act as a catalyst for business growth.

Lose the paper

Despite the digital revolution of the past 30 years, most tradespeople – over 75% in most markets, according to internal market research commissioned by Fergus – are still using manual, often paper-based systems and processes to manage their businesses. This can ultimately lead to poor cash flow, lower profits and significant stress on the business owner.

The trades have effectively been left behind and ignored by the software industry, predominantly because the average size of trades businesses was considered too small to matter. This reliance on paper-based systems and other processes, such as email, which aren’t joined up, leads to inefficiencies. It’s all too easy for things to slip through the cracks, whether it be late payments or invoices, and that makes running a business laborious and stressful. Job management software is one solution and the best ones allow you to integrate all aspects of your business, granting you complete oversight from start to finish.

Get the basics right

Always know your day-to-day costs and what you need to cover equipment hire and wages. You should always have the minimum your business needs in your account and never go below this. Keep a close eye on your accounts and payments in and out. Know when a customer has failed to pay an invoice, when you’re due to pay a supplier, or when a late payment needs chasing. Spend some time every day on your accounts and file receipts and invoices as soon as you get them. It saves time later when you need to file your tax returns.

Control your overheads

Controlling your overheads helps eliminate waste. Fergus, for instance, integrates all aspects of your business and gives you a powerful, and easy to read, visual overview of your business in its entirety.

You can see the status of a job, from quote to completion which gives you the power to plan ahead. Then you can employ sub-contractors when you need them and hire equipment only when necessary. You can assign staff to jobs in seconds by just dragging and dropping them onto it; they’ll automatically receive a notification through the app, and there’s no need to phone or meet with them.

You can build bespoke quotes in minutes, adjusting pricing or mark-ups on materials, or offer discounts where necessary; create digital job cards which can be seen anywhere and by anyone on your team, by just logging into the app; fill out templated gas and electricity certificates; log hazards and on-site incidents; and record sign offs, all within the app.

Tackle problems fast

Problems can arise on any job and, if not dealt with quickly, they can escalate. This can then delay completion and eat into your bottom line. So, it’s important to spot them as soon as they happen and deal with them.

Chase late payments

Get in the habit of issuing clear and easy-to-understand invoices as soon as a job is done. Fergus simplifies this task. By logging your costs, the materials you purchase for a job, and tracking the time you and your employees spend on it, the app has all the information it needs to feed into the invoice for you at the end. You can follow up late payment with automatic SMS messages.

Cultivate a reputation for efficient reliability

With the tips outlined above, you’ll be able to run your business more efficiently and more profitably. You’ll be happier, able to achieve a good work/life balance, and have more time to do the things you enjoy. Your customers will be happier too and will see that yours is a business they can rely on. A satisfied customer will likely recommend you and your business can grow.

Case study

Before launching in the UK, Fergus started life in New Zealand and quickly expanded successfully into Australia, helping many electricians down under to grow their business and get a better work/life balance. One user, Anthony Lack, took the reins of his family’s 48-year-old electrical business from his father and managed to double the number of employees, and get close to doubling revenue, in a few short years.

His first step was sitting down and chatting with everyone in the team to find out what they loved, and what frustrated them about working at E J Lack Electrical.

His team felt they were doing a great job on site and at keeping their customers up to date. What wasn’t working was the paperwork. Anthony knew even the most user-friendly paper-based system wasn’t the best way to run a business and took on Fergus. Since then, Anthony estimates the amount of time he and his staff spend on data entry has shrunk by 30-50%. The amount of physical paper lying around the office, such as invoices and delivery notes, is also down by at least 95%.

He says Fergus has given him the time to work on building the business rather than being bogged down in paperwork.


James Chillman, UK Country Manager for Fergus, examines how electricians can adopt some key successful habits that encourage business growth.
A satisfied customer will likely recommend you and your business can grow
Fergus integrates all aspects of your business and gives you a powerful overview of your business in its entirety
26 | October 2022 @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine KEY ISSUE


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The IET Academy provides Net Zero courses in the following disciplines: Find more at:

Academy *Statistics taken from the ‘IET skills for net zero and a green recovery 2020 survey’. See the for details. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is registered as a Charity in England and Wales (No. 211014) and Scotland (No. SC038698). The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2AY, United Kingdom.
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The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is registered as a Charity in England and Wales (No. 211014) and Scotland (No. SC038698).

The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2AY, United Kingdom.

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Ensure you stay up to

IET Wiring Regulations


to BS 7671:2018+A2:2022

Be among the first to learn about the significant changes in this amendment, such as:

Arc Fault Detection Devices (AFDDs)

Fire safety design in buildings and protected escape routes

Provision of overvoltage protection

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The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is registered as a Charity in England and Wales (No. 211014) and Scotland (No. SC038698).

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The Contactum design service for circuit protection allows you to create a bespoke design for factory assembled units to be supplied for your project.

If your project requires a fully customised solution or specific outgoing devices pre-fitted then this service will be of benefit. It enables a highly reduced labour time on site while also ensuring continuity across your project.

In a few easy steps, Contactum’s team can help you to design and build the best, compliant configuration to suit your project. Using standard and non-standard Contactum devices and accessories, the company can supply your units fully assembled.

All you need to do is contact the dedicated contractor sales team via the email address at the end of this article.

Discuss the requirement, agree a design configuration, and confirm the quantities*. Contactum can then provide a unique quotation for your exact requirements.

Once agreed and an order is placed via one of the company’s selected distributor partners, Contactum will assemble and dispatch your boards ready for installation.

The design service is perfect for all project applications, and the company works closely with M&E consultants, electrical contractors, and housing developers for peace of mind, guaranteed compliance and continuity across the project.

Benefits include:

• Dedicated contractor sales team

• Fast turnaround time from enquiry to delivery

• Faster installation time

• Reduced labour costs

• Reduced waste from packaging

• No loose product on site

• Boards correctly configured

• Available for all circuit protection ranges

Call Contactum’s Customer Service Team on 0208 208 7419 or email the Contractor’s Sales Team at for more information.


*Minimum order quantities apply

ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine

Introducing Three Phase range of Defender B Boards, complementing our Defender 1.0 & 2.0 Consumer Units.

Introducing Three Phase range of Defender B Boards, complementing our Defender 1.0 & 2.0 Consumer Units.

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Introducing Three Phase range of Defender B Boards, complementing our Defender 1.0 & 2.0 Consumer Units.

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CW: Tell us about yourself and how you got into the sector

KB: I have always been interested in tools and trade and I was able to secure a role at a pneumatic tool company early on in my career. Here, I gained a good knowledge of tools for construction and hire and when an area sales manager role at Makita UK came up in 1992, I seized the opportunity.

Thirty years on and I still enjoy the industry and everything about tools and the Makita brand. I have been able to progress with several sales roles and my most recent position, as UK marketing manager.

CW: For those who may not know, can you give us an overview of the work that Makita does?

KB: Makita was founded in Japan over 100 years ago and is best known as being a global manufacturer of professional power tools for the construction sector. We are proud to be among the industry leaders when it comes to designing and producing tools that professionals in every sector can rely on. Scan any job site or tradesperson’s toolbox and it is very likely that you will see a flash of the teal blue colour that our tools are known for.

This year, we are celebrating 50 years of Makita’s presence in the UK and, in that time, we have released hundreds of new products with a focus on developing battery and tool technology to achieve a truly cordless job site. Notably, we introduced our LXT range in 2005 – the first lithium-ion battery platform for power tools and an industry first, which now has over 280 products in its range. In 2020, we launched the 40VMax XGT collection which is our most powerful range of cordless tools to date. With over 70 models across construction power tools and garden machinery now available in the XGT platform, these products are suitable for high-demand construction and outdoor applications.

CW: Tell us about your current role – what are you responsible for and what does the normal working day consist of?

KB: As marketing manager at Makita, it is my job to create awareness about our huge portfolio of products for professional tradespeople. This works in conjunction with the product roadmap and launches that are delivered as a result of our research and development team, as we

Carly Wills talks to Kevin Brannigan, Marketing Manager at Makita UK about his 30 year career at the company and Makita’s aim to enable a truly cordless job site.
October 2022 | 33@ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine INTERVIEW


constantly refine and extend our range. For Makita to provide solutions that meet the needs of the trade, it is important to understand market requirements and developments. As such, my team works closely with the UK sales managers, dealers and our end users to gain valuable insight, which we feed back to product development and use to form our marketing and sales strategies.

CW: What are the best things about your role? What are the most challenging?

KB: There is a reason I have been with Makita for almost 30 years! I enjoy working for a leading manufacturer of power tools that continually develops and introduces new products and technologies. It has offered me a place to learn and grow and every new launch and innovation has made life interesting throughout the years.

The success of our business and market leading position means that the challenge is for all parts of the company to maintain that spot and stay ahead of the competition. With more product development and an exciting roadmap ahead, it is a challenge we are looking forward to!

CW: How has COVID-19 affected the industry?

KB: The hurdles the industry has faced with supply chain demand, reduced availability of materials and labour have been a challenge for everyone across every sector and we have not been immune. We have, however, been able to draw upon our global network and implement stock contingency plans to mitigate many of the issues surrounding the supply chain.

A further impact has been a reduction in traditional face-to-face contact, and many are still cautious of larger gatherings as a result of the lockdown measures. We have adapted to this and implemented new ways of working with dealers and end-user customers to maintain those important relationships. For example, we introduced our ‘Book a Demo Experience’ where customers could trial and evaluate new products in a COVID-19 safe setting at our Factory Services Centres (FSCs) or at a place of their preference.

CW: Aside from COVID-19, what have been the biggest changes across the industry in recent times? What will be the biggest changes in the future?

KB: Reducing emissions and impact on the environment is currently, and will continue to be, a key driver for change. In line with this, Makita made the decision to cease manufacturing petrol engine products from January 2022. The continued development of new cordless products to replace petrol engine and electric counterparts is a key focus for us and we expect more and more tradespeople to adopt this more sustainable technology.

CW: What’s next for you and for Makita?

KB: As mentioned, we are constantly refining our battery and charging technologies, to support greener and cleaner products for the industry, as well as to provide the performance and power that tradespeople need. As such, we will further expand our newer XGT range of 40VMax and 80VMax machines which are ideal for professionals working on high demand applications, and we will continue to develop our long established LXT platform of 18V and 36V cordless.

Our aim is to enable a truly cordless job site, and the possibilities of interchangeable battery systems continues to expand. It’s not all about tools – we recently launched a cordless battery powered kettle for example, as well as a range of DAB radios, work lights, heated jackets and fans. It’s an impressive line-up, which just gets better each year!

CW: What do you think are the most exciting products or technologies coming to the market?

KB: By investing into a proven cordless platform, professionals are open to a huge range of possibilities to expand and modify their kit to best suit their needs. Simply swapping a battery between tools enables users to work more efficiently from anywhere, without the risk of trailing cables. With over 280 products in

our LXT platform alone, users can enjoy more flexibility to tackle every eventuality on site.

We refine our range with launches almost every month, so there will always be something to excite the trade. For example, we recently launched our first cordless heat gun, in response to user demand. Powered by our 18V LXT battery, it’s a really useful addition to assist with heat shrinking, bending pipes and paint stripping.

CW: What are your interests away from work?

KB: I enjoy following a variety of sports, with football being my main interest and, as a lifelong Newcastle supporter, I’m looking forward to future seasons after several years of suffering! My youngest son is now playing under 15’s football, so my weekends are spent supporting him and his football team. Other interests are listening to and collecting music, as well as going to watch live bands. However, with most of my time taken up with family, football and work, I don’t have as much time as I would like for my music appreciation.

Makita has released hundreds of new products with a focus on developing battery and tool technology
Makita’s head office in Milton Keynes
Makita is constantly refining its battery and charging technologies
34 | October 2022 @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine
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EV charge point installations are a huge market and growing. According to the latest figures from industry expert, Zap Map (, there were 33,281 charging points across 20,336 locations as of 31 July 2022. Between 2020 and the end of 2021, close to 7,500 charge points were added to the UK network, which is a growth of 36%.

Every charge point is an installation that requires testing to BS7671, 18th Edition of the wiring regulations.

The new ETHOS 8600 is an adaptor that is an essential part of your kit in the testing of EV charge points.

It is a compact, simple to use adapter designed to perform all the functions required by the electrical contractor to fully test Mode 3 AC Electric Vehicle Charge Points.

Specifically designed to comply with UK,

The 8600 can be used on all single and three phase electric vehicle charge points with appropriate connectors

The ETHOS 8600 is a compact, simple to use adapter

used on all single and three phase electric vehicle charge points with appropriate connectors. They are designed to test the function and safety of a charging point. The adapters allow you to conduct tests using appropriate single or multifunction test instruments on EV charging points in accordance with IEC/EN 61851-1 and IEC/HD 60364-7-722.

Charging points should be tested as part of the initial installation and repeated periodically.

The ETHOS 8600 is supplied with a fixed Type 2 connector. Also supplied is a Type 2 to Type 1 adaptor, so it will be suitable for all types of charge point.

The 8600 performs a pre-test safety check by indicating if there is excessive voltage on the PE conductor, ensuring safe working practice.

Functions of the ETHOS 8600 include:

Push Button for PE Pre-Test

Push button for CP Error ‘E’ simulation

Push button for PE Error

(Earth Fault) simulation

Rotary switch providing PP state simulation

Rotary switch providing CP state simulation

ype 2 charging plug for charging points with panel mounted socket outlets or fixed cable with vehicle connector

ype 1 charging adaptor for charging points with fixed cable and vehicle connector

Carry case

AT II 300V rating


ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine
The new ETHOS 8600 Electric Vehicle Charge Point Test Adaptor is a universal adaptor that can be used with any 18th Edition multifunction tester on the market.
Because Quality Matters Stainless Steel Cable Management Systems


Blue Bay Travel has over 100 industry awards to its name. Launched in 2003, the business has grown significantly in recent years, and its stylish offices in Trentham, Staffordshire, now houses a team of 120 staff.

During a programme to upgrade the head office premises – which comprises a total of four individual office buildings – the installation of a range of Duceri emergency lighting products from leading industry supplier, ESP, was undertaken.

Martyn Walley, Managing Director of electrical contracting firm, Hide, had overall responsibility for the project and worked closely with ESP’s design and technical teams to come up with a suitable emergency lighting scheme. Although

a manual test system was originally considered, it was agreed that a self-test system would be more suitable, to avoid any impact on the day-to-day operational requirements of the offices. Self-test emergency light fittings offer numerous benefits over standard fittings by reducing the costs and time associated with manual testing and inspection.

The decision was made to install new circuits for the emergency lighting system installation so as not to disturb the existing installation and create disruption for the staff. The emergency lighting system was installed through all four of the office blocks utilised by Blue Bay Travel, with a range of products selected for their suitability.

The Duceri 9W LED IP65 Non-Maintained 3hr Self-Test Emergency Twin Spot was selected for the general office. For the main door to the buildings, the Duceri 3W LED IP65 Non-Maintained 3hr Self-Test Emergency Bulkhead was installed, while for the rest room facilities, the Duceri 3W LED 3hr Self-Test Emergency Open Lens Downlight was selected.

Self-test solutions

duration performance can be a very labour intensive and therefore expensive task. However, with the latest improvements in technology, routine testing can be simple, automatic and therefore much less expensive. It is now possible for building owners to take advantage of emergency lighting equipment that ‘self-tests’ in accordance with the relevant standards.

Self-test units use an accurate internal clock programmed to interrupt the permanent mains supply at set intervals, initiating emergency lighting tests. Short duration weekly and monthly tests and annual full duration tests are automatically activated with the results shown via an LED indicator on the light. The responsible person only needs to check the indicator and it means that only lights with reported faults will need to be attended to by maintenance personnel.

ESP’s Duceri Self-Test range has been tested and complies with all the very latest standards. The fittings are easy to install –without any need for key switches or data cables – and offer convenience and reduced maintenance time and costs.

The emergency lighting system was installed through all four of the office blocks utilised by Blue Bay Travel

All emergency lighting installations must have routine tests carried out, with each system luminaire the subject of daily, monthly and annual testing. These tests should all be documented with the results including maintenance and rectification results all held on file.

Whilst the testing of emergency lighting does not take much effort and isn’t difficult, manually inspecting every single lighting luminaire for lamp starting, operation and

Blue Bay Travel is a long-haul specialist tour operator offering holidays to the Indian Ocean (the Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Réunion, Sri Lanka), Caribbean (Barbados, St. Lucia, Antigua, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos), Far East and India (Thailand, Goa, Indonesia), Middle East and Africa (United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Oman, Turkey, Cape Verde) and the Americas (USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama).


ESP’s Duceri Emergency Lighting range provided the solution to the recent upgrade for an award-winning UK tour operator.
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Win a pair of the most compact LED lighting systems and see for yourself!

ompact, controllable, complete systems – outdoor lighting doesn’t get any more convenient than this.

Timeguard has upgraded the popular LED100/200 series of LED Energy Saving PIR Floodlights for the coming season with even more benefits and features. Opal diffusers ensure even light distribution, which is brighter at lower wattage (8.5W per floodlight vs. 10W on previous models) for even better energy efficiency.

With Timeguard’s Fast-Fix pin connection for quick installation, the new LED100/200E range is a quality choice for new and existing installations. They are available with single or twin floodlights and in black or white to suit any décor. A slave terminal and parallel switching facility means these powerful devices can be the control hub of a larger lighting system.

August Competition

Closing date


Personal Details Name Company Name Address ................................................................................Postcode Tel Mobile E-mail..................................................................................................................................... The answers to October’s competition are: 1. 2. 3. To enter, please complete the form below and post to: ECN Competition, All Things Media Ltd, Suite 14, 6-8 Revenge Road, Lordswood, Kent, ME5 8UD. Alternatively, you can email your answers and contact details to:
entries must be returned by 30 September 2022. The editor’s decision is final. For the full terms and conditions, visit competition-terms. The name of the winner will be published in the December issue of ECN. *Prize not exchangeable.
The winners of the August competition – five C.K Tools wire stripper and crimper bundles – were Mark Mytton, Steve Hewish, Ron Hayden, John Harmon and Jose Borrajo. Contact Preferences YES, I would like to receive the ECN newsletter YES, I would like to subscribe to ECN magazine YES, I would like to share my data with Timeguard Signature Date 1. Timeguard’s compact LEDs are offered with: a) Single flood lights b) Twin floodlights c) Your choice 2. The lights come in: a) Black b) White c) Your choice 3. On site PIR lighting control can be extended by: a) Using the integral slave terminal provided b) Using the parallel switching facility c) Your choice For your chance to win a pair of LED Energy Saving PIR Floodlights, simply answer the following questions correctly: To register to receive your copy of ECN each month, visit C
Power EVs with the PME fault detection on single and three-phase connection supported by
October 2022 | 41
@ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine

At the time of writing, according to SMMT (Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders), a total of 312,517 electrified vehicles were registered so far in 2022, and of those, 137,498 were pure-electric vehicles – an almost 50% increase in registrations compared to the same period last year. Whilst the overall vehicle market has experienced a decline due to supply chain challenges as well as the rising costs of living, the EV industry continues to go from strength to strength, with more and more drivers opting to electrify.

Reasons for this include the increasing number of EV models now available to the driver; confidence in vehicle driving range; short-term and long-term cost savings and a genuine interest and attraction towards the driving experience an EV presents. Although the plug-in vehicle grant came to a close this year, drivers are still making the switch as they see both immediate and future benefits to adopting an electric vehicle.

But, despite the growth in the market, Sevadis says it is under no illusion that the road to net zero is going to be a breeze. A study conducted by Ofgem presented that over 38% of participants in the study were unlikely to purchase an electric vehicle in the next five years, with 36% of those participants stating the reason for this is the lack of EV charging infrastructure near their homes.

Powering the future with investment

As part of the UK government’s £1.6bn commitment to the roll-out of a nationwide EV charging infrastructure, OZEV (Office for Zero Emissions Vehicles) has this year introduced a diverse range of grant funding incentives for various sectors, encouraging the installation of EV charging points amongst businesses, homes, public settings and the streets. The grant funding incentives now available are an extension of grants that were implemented in earlier years, meaning that more and more

locations can now benefit from cost savings towards the purchase and installation of their EV charging points. SMEs, small accommodation providers, workplaces, multi-unit properties and more can now install EV charging points at their locations at the fraction of the price; an initiative that is welcome, particularly in this current economic climate.

For installers, the implementation and extension of further grant funded models provides great opportunity – for both novice and experienced EV charging point installers. As businesses seek to deploy EV charging infrastructures as part of their net zero and environmental social responsibility strategies, the requirement for competent EV charging point installers increases, leaving significant scope for local and national installers. Becoming an OZEV approved installer is therefore a ‘must’ for installers who are seeking to deliver EV charging point installations as a service to their current or future customers. Whilst being an OZEV approved installer provides the access to install a wide range of EV charging

Craig Slater, Managing Director of Sevadis, one of the fastest growing EV charging solutions providers, discusses the evolving electric vehicle market and what that means for electrical installers and contractors in the immediate, near and far future.
42 | October 2022 SPECIAL FEATURE EV CHARGING @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine
THE EVOLVING EV MARKET; NOW AND THE FUTURE “Evolution of the EV industry still remains at its infancy” Power EVs with the MaxiCharger 3.7 kW - 22 kW OZEV approved PME fault detection incorporated SLM and DLB options Call 0330 058 7144 or visit for more details

points on the market, becoming an OZEV approved installer also shows that installers are well-equipped to carry out such installations, thus generating trust amongst their current and future clients.

The continued investment into the deployment of EV charging infrastructure is undoubtedly creating an appetite and genuine desire for businesses to offer EV charging to their staff and visitors – now is the perfect time for installers to begin their journey into an electrifying future.

Scope for commercial projects

It goes without saying that ‘electrification’ is no longer a temporary buzzword – the term is very much a reality for thousands of businesses across the UK. With the Climate Group’s EV100 committing to electrifying their fleets to make electric transport the new normal by 2030, the deployment of EV charging infrastructures for businesses and organisations is inevitably one of the hottest topics in the boardrooms.

Businesses and organisations, including local authorities across the nation are looking at ways to accommodate the EV charging requirements of their employees who are making the switch, but to also accommodate the needs of their visitors and customers. Despite existing OZEV grant funding incentives providing cost savings to businesses, a level of investment from their pockets exists, and with most businesses, recouping the costs is integral to their future EV charging plans. With this in mind, providing the facilities to recharge at public locations presents an opportunity for both the business and the installer.

Whilst businesses can offer the facilities to recharge at a price for EV drivers, installers are now able to monetise from these transactions with the ability to offer their own smart back-office management system via the likes of industry-leading EV charging software solutions providers, Monta and Fuuse.

With the ability to offer EV charging point installations, as well as a smart back-office management system to commercial clients, installers can essentially provide commercial clients with an all-round turnkey EV charging solution. What’s also worth noting is that most commercial clients opt for maintenance packages, again, adding to the all-round turnkey EV charging solution.

Whether the client requires electric vehicle charging solutions for their electric fleet, or for their customers to generate additional business revenue, the commercial landscape is only expanding with businesses seeking to deliver their net zero goals.

Education to enhance and empower

Evolution of the EV industry still remains at its infancy – consumer requirements change and with this comes the progression and development of new technologies. In an ever-evolving industry, education plays a pivotal role in enhancing the knowledge of installers as well as empowering them to deliver quality, future-proofed solutions to their clientele. With more and more educational and training centres offering specific accredited EV charging point installation training, installers are able to experience hands-on installation processes and procedures, further strengthening their practical knowledge, in turn creating the confidence for installation projects in the future. For example, training centres such as Universal Skills provide installers with the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of both domestic and commercial EV charging point installations, whilst gaining a qualification to certify their competence.

Another example, further education provider, Walsall College, is conducting a series of seminars with its electrical installation students to educate them on the wider industry, including legislations, the EV outlook, incentives and installations.

Whilst education providers do have a part to play in enhancing the knowledge of electricians on the fundamental installation requirements of an EV charging point, as electric vehicle charging solutions providers, it is also our responsibility to provide industry and technical knowledge. Education is power, therefore educating installers on key matters around EV charging; the technical know-how and the overall EV charging market is just as much important than the installations as this not only provides installers with context, but the confidence to generate further business.

The future is electric

2022 is coming to a close, but for the EV/EV charging industry, this year has been a significant period for developments in the industry. It seems that many businesses, as well as drivers have experienced a paradigm shift in the understanding of how electrification can provide both short-term and long-term benefits. As a result, this progressive way of thinking has created ample opportunities for installers as the demand and requirement for EV charging infrastructures has experienced a surge. For installers, the momentum continues as the UK steers towards the road to net zero.

The narrative presents that the ‘future is electric,’ however, we are seeing electrification happen now. Roads are filled with vehicles with green number plates; drivers are making the switch for both business and pleasure; businesses are going green for the future of more sustainable operations; vehicle manufacturers are launching a diverse range of electrified models; and the EV charging industry continues to deliver modern solutions for seamless charging.

The future is indeed electric, but the future is also prosperous for installers and contractors alike as they play a fundamental role in the electrification of the nation.


Installers can essentially provide commercial clients with an all-round turnkey EV charging solution

Now is the perfect time for installers to begin their journey into an electrifying future
October 2022 | 43 SPECIAL FEATUREEV CHARGING @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine
Power EVs with the MaxiCharger Call 0330 058 7144 or visit


New government legislation states that new EV charging points in all domestic and work properties must have smart functionality to reduce pressure on the grid, and use renewable sources where possible. Add this to every new build needing a charging point included as standard, and that’s hundreds of thousands of smart charging stations on the horizon.

With transport responsible for the largest percentage of emissions in the UK, and homes due to overtake this in the next 10 years, revolutionising sectoral relationships with energy is both the greatest challenge and opportunity in the journey to net zero. To meet sustainability targets, homes of the future are needed now, and smart EV chargers are just one step on this journey.

The growing demand for sustainable methods of transport and legal requirements to install support infrastructure have pushed consumers and building managers towards smarter, safer, and more sustainable charging solutions, but this is just the beginning.

The government demands smart technology

The UK government has a target to cut emissions by 78% by 2035 compared with 1990 levels, before moving towards net zero by 2050. The path to net zero is paved with smart technology, and mandates from the government show full support for this new wave of digitalisation and connectivity.

The first step was electrification in the home, with legislation passed for no more gas boilers by 2025 in favour of electric heat pumps. This, coupled with a shift from gas to electric cookers and the boom in EVs, has made homes more reliant on their electricity supply than ever before, creating challenges to ensure that supply can meet demand.

Now, the move to smarter technologies to support net zero goals looks set to

continue, with the new requirement for smart EV charging points. The government and industry are recognising the importance of weaving smart technologies into power management. Modernising electrical infrastructure, making the switch to renewables, and reducing pressure on the grid are the focus to accelerate the push to net zero.

Smart doesn’t always mean expensive

New mandates and government grants are a great push for people to move to smarter, more sustainable solutions, however they are often considered a more expensive option which may be out of reach. For instance, the benefits of electric vehicles are irrefutable, but many may be concerned that already soaring energy bills will become unmanageable.

The value of smart technology to reduce household spending on energy have never been more apparent in the current economic climate. We must enable fairly priced and more energy efficient charging that delivers better energy management for homeowners.

Typically, these sustainable homes deliver a 30% reduction in energy usage where investment in smart technologies

Smart energy solutions and

charging create

long term cost

can load balance energy and store power generated at peak times. Drop energy use by 30% and you knock 30% off your energy bill and 30% off your carbon footprint. In new homes this will become standard, with smart energy solutions and EV charging required to create opportunities for long term cost savings.

EV infrastructure must keep pace

Following the boom in the electrification of homes, the next area for improvement should be preparing for the rapid rollout of EVs. The infrastructure required to power this new fleet of vehicles must be a priority, not only for new builds but for retrofits of older properties. By 2030, there will be over 169 million EVs on UK roads and we must be able to provide sufficient smart infrastructure to make the transition from petrol to electric sustainable.

Smart EV charging stations are safer, more sustainable, reliable, and flexible for different user needs. They pull power from renewable sources and use battery storage to capture energy at peak times, ready for use as and when required. This technology creates an interconnected eMobility network, facilitating remote monitoring for easy commissioning, operation, and maintenance through the charger’s lifecycle. For multi-tenancy residential buildings, smart EV charging allows for accurate and fairer cost allocation, so residents only pay for what they use.

The government making it necessary to have smart functionality built into EV charging points is just the start of the smart home journey. Smart solutions and connected systems throughout the home are vital to make a sustainable and electrical future a reality. If future legislation follows suit to make all parts of the home smarter and more sustainable, net zero targets will become even more attainable, and individuals will feel empowered to change the way they produce, manage, and consume energy.

44 | October 2022 SPECIAL FEATURE EV CHARGING @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine
Schneider Electric, It is no longer enough to simply have an EV charger installed on your home – it must be smart, writes Nico Van Der Merwe, Vice President of Home & Distribution UK at Schneider Electric THE ROAD TO SMART HOMES
opportunities for
savings Power EVs with the MaxiCharger 3.7 kW - 22 kW OZEV approved PME fault detection incorporated SLM and DLB options Call 0330 058 7144 or visit for more details


Since the ban on sales of new petrol and diesel vehicles was brought forward to 2030, sales of electric vehicles (EVs) have soared. Globally, we’ve seen EVs triple their market share from two years prior. And in the UK, there’s been double-digit year-on-year growth of sales of EVs in every month of 2022. To put these kinds of figures into context, one in every eight new cars that have joined our roads since May is electric, writes Kevin Welstead, EV Sector Director at SSE Energy Solutions

The electrification of transport is a key component of the UK’s net zero strategy, with the movement of passengers and goods responsible for 27% of all greenhouse gas emissions. As the UK seeks to further break down barriers to EV ownership, the expansion of charging infrastructure is a crucial first hurdle that must be overcome. To do so, we need to better understand the impact EVs and infrastructure have on our power grid and energy supply.

Increasing electrical demand

According to the National Grid, if everyone in the UK got up and decided to drive an EV tomorrow, power demand would increase by 10%. On the face of it, this might not sound like a huge leap. However, roughly speaking, this increase would represent the equivalent annual electricity consumption of Scotland and Wales combined.

It’s estimated that by 2040 the UK’s power demand will more than double –expanding by an additional 100TWh. If we’re to meet this additional demand and ensure the grid is prepared to meet the needs of fully-electrified transport, there are important challenges we need to address. Most obvious is increasing the proportions of our power supply that come from renewable sources and ensuring our grid has the necessary capacity to carry it.

Large-scale wind, solar and offshore energy projects currently in development across the UK, including SSE’s 3.6GW Dogger Bank Wind Farm, are playing an integral role in achieving this. Huge strides are also being made in distributed energy resource management software (DERMS) – sophisticated technology which helps to maximise existing grid capacity to support the efficient connection of new green assets to our electricity network.

As we meticulously plan the building and connection of new energy assets needed to achieve net zero, we must also give equal attention to how we make access to the power they generate convenient and simple for a range of purposes – especially EV charging.

EV batteries feeding back to the grid

EV batteries can be a key resource for a balanced grid. New Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology allows power to move back and forth using bi-directional charging. By recharging when demand is low and putting energy into the grid when it is high, V2G helps to manage the peaks and troughs, balance the network and make it more efficient. SSE has implemented V2G in its large-scale ‘Bus2Grid’ project, which has seen 28 e-buses in London equipped with this technology.

Broadening V2G capabilities could be a game changer for grid capacity concerns. For instance, if the entire London bus fleet of around 9,000 vehicles were to be converted with V2G technology, the recouped energy could power up to 150,000 homes.

On-site charging

Away from public transport, up to 49% of non-EV drivers surveyed reported parking at a workplace or place of education at least once a week. As these drivers reported parking at these locations for a long time, having on-site charging facilities could be an effective and convenient solution for many.

It’s essential that new, local construction projects are designed from the ground up – and existing ones retrofitted – to include the necessary grid capabilities to support EV charging.

A recent UK Government research

The widespread adoption of electric vehicles is an exciting prospect and an essential step towards net zero

report suggested charging at workplaces, places of education and destinations such as supermarkets or retail parks are appealing for most current EV drivers without off-street parking, as well as non-EV drivers with compatible routines.

Working in partnership

To make this happen, power suppliers, developers and charging hub operators must work collaboratively to identify the best locations to site charge hubs that suit drivers’ needs. These partnerships will also need to include due consideration regarding local grid capacity and any potential constraints, or even opportunities, that may exist. This type of joint coordination is essential if we’re to accelerate the expansion of the UK’s charging network and infrastructure.

Underlining this approach, SSE Energy Solutions has plans to build 300 EV charging hubs powered by traceable, renewable energy across the UK by 2027 and is engaged with a range of private and public sector partners.

The widespread adoption of electric vehicles is an exciting prospect and an essential step towards net zero. Readying the grid for the evolving needs of EVs provides huge opportunities for public-private collaboration as well as new and emerging technologies – all of which fundamentally make it easier for people to transition to EV ownership.

Partnerships are set to play a pivotal role at the core of this transition; accelerating the design and construction of reliable, convenient charge hubs and helping to ensure that the grid is not only up to the task for today’s needs but future-proofed for the journey ahead.

SSE Energy Solutions,

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Power EVs with the MaxiCharger Call 0330 058 7144 or visit
Di-LOG Test Equipment Unit 28, Wheel Forge Way, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1EH | Email: | | NEW EV Multifunction Tester Full EV Auto RCD Sequence Type AC, A, B & Selective RCDs 6mA RDC-DD for EV Testing Variable RCD Test Rmax and Zmax Feature Intelligent Auto Sensing High Current 2 & 3 Wire Loop Test New Colour Changing RGB Display Selectable 15/200mA Continuity Test Remote Test Probe Full UKAS Calibration Certificate EV £699.00 DL9130EV launch offer + VAT List price £1499.00 +VAT Made in the UK £325.00 DLEV1 launch offer + VAT List price £599.00 +VAT £999.00 DL9130EVKIT launch offer Universal to all MFTs CP state & PP state Type 1 & Type 2 Leads Included PE Pre-test CP Error “E” PE Error Protective Carry Case Kit contents: DL9130EV DLEV1



Motorists in one of London’s biggest boroughs are set to benefit from a multi-million pound investment in on-street, residential, electric vehicle (EV) charging spaces.

Barnet will see the installation of over 500 charging points, designed to be flat-and-flush with the pavement, that will enable residents without driveways to charge their EVs easily and locally, and embrace a move towards cleaner transport.

Barnet Council has awarded a contract to Trojan Energy to deliver the £4.65 million project, £3.5 million of which was secured in government grant funding, to boost the number of EV charging points in the borough.

The funding is one of the largest amounts provided through the On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme, open to local authorities in the UK.

Trojan Energy’s unique, on-street EV charging points will be located across 34 of Barnet’s streets, and will be operational in phases between November 2022 and March 2023.

The flat-and-flush charging point design leaves the pavement entirely clear of clutter and fully accessible to other pavement users when not in use. Customers use a lance which they keep in their possession to connect their vehicle to the charging point at the roadside. These points are linked via underground cables to cabinets, located discreetly up to 100m away, which send power to 15 charging units at any one time.

In just under a year, the company has developed a new version of its charging technology that further reduces its impact on the streetscape, indicating the fast-paced advancements of technology in this field and the company’s ambition to make

The project addresses the current limitations on residential EV charging and meets Trojan Energy’s mission to democratise EV charging

EV charging accessible to the 10 million motorists that park on the street in the UK.

Trojan Energy will also deploy its DEICER system within the project. This innovative system allows Barnet EV drivers to obtain real-time charge point availability updates via their mobile phone, either by app or text.

The project addresses the current limitations on residential EV charging and meets Trojan Energy’s mission to democratise EV charging, giving more motorists the opportunity to operate electric vehicles.

Barnet Council Environment and Climate Change Committee Chair, Cllr Alan Schneiderman, says: “Our scheme to install hundreds more EV charging points is part of our wider sustainability programme to transform Barnet into a net zero borough. Supporting electric vehicles will not only help us ensure the air we breathe in Barnet is cleaner, it will also take us the next step closer to becoming a sustainable borough.”

Ian Mackenzie, CEO of Trojan Energy, says: “We are delighted to be awarded this contract by Barnet. Trojan Energy’s mission has always been to ensure everyone benefits from the energy transition. We know that people are four times more likely to own an electric vehicle if they have a driveway but, by rolling out Trojan Energy’s

on-street charging points, we are making owning an EV increasingly accessible to the millions of motorists that park on-street without cluttering our streets with permanent charging posts.

“This is Trojan Energy’s largest contract to date and it puts us firmly in a position to lead the widespread roll-out of clutter free on-street EV charging to urban areas. Our charging points will provide EV charging for 100s of Barnet’s EV drivers and will enable thousands more to make the switch. This keeps us on track to deliver on our ambitious target to deploy several thousand Trojan Charging Points over the next two to three years.”

Decarbonisation Minister, Trudy Harrison, says: “Our On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme is supporting councils like Barnet up and down the country to install more than 12,000 charging points. By making these more accessible to residents, particularly those without a driveway, we can help more and more people make the switch to electric vehicles.

“This plan to install over 500 innovative charging points will help residents make the switch, supporting cleaner air and our journey to net zero.”

Trojan Energy,

48 | October 2022 SPECIAL FEATURE EV CHARGING @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine
Power EVs with the MaxiCharger 3.7 kW - 22 kW OZEV approved PME fault detection incorporated SLM and DLB options Call 0330 058 7144 or visit for more details

Take our online course on installation requirements for EV charging

Coming soon:

Witty Electric Vehicle Charging

Witty is the proven EV charging station, adapted specifically for today’s modern UK homes.


Compliant with the latest regulations, offering smart protection for cyber & data security, grid stability and supplier interoperability.


Protection from electric shock delivered by open-circuit protective earth and neutral detection device so no earth rod is required.


Access control prevents unauthorised charging, with a variety of mounting options available.


Robust for the worst conditions and impact resistance class IK10 enclosure, the device offers a working temperature range of -25c to 50c.


Charge point operator, Mer, and installer, Joju Charging, are supporting Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council’s sustainability goals with the roll out of EV charging infrastructure.

Sustainable transport forms a key part of the Council’s Climate and Ecological Emergency it declared in 2019.

Amongst the pledges was the re-examination of the taxi licensing criteria so that it prompts an uptake of electric/hydrogen vehicles, the exploration of the introduction of electric/hydrogen buses, and the consideration of the installation of electric vehicle charge points across the conurbation. To meet its sustainability goals in the transport field, an increase in EV charging infrastructure is needed.

Mer has initially installed 12 rapid chargers across the area as part of an upgrade and replacement programme on historic infrastructure, the majority of which was achieved in 2021. The expansion of BCP’s infrastructure is now continuing with phase two of the project, as Mer continues to partner with Joju Charging.

Carried out through Hampshire County Council’s Central Southern Region Framework (CSR), the expansion of BCP’s infrastructure has been almost four years in the making. Phase two involves the installation of fast and rapid public chargers at car parks across the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole region.

Over 130 new chargers are to be installed across 34 Council-owned car parks. Four sites have been designated for rapid hub installations of eight 50kW-150kW rapid chargers, including Hawkwood Road and the Pavilion car parks in Bournemouth, Bank Close in Christchurch, and Seldown in Poole. Mer’s rapid hub chargers will dynamically balance the power available across charging vehicles. This means that if fewer than eight cars are charging, then each vehicle can charge at a higher power, making charging more efficient for residents and visitors.

The 50kW rapid chargers enable drivers to charge their EVs to 80% in approximately 40 minutes, whilst the 22kW fast chargers offer a steady charge over a

longer timeframe, making them suited to locations where drivers are staying for an extended period of time.

Karl Anders, Managing Director at Mer UK, says, “Working with a major Unitary Authority like BCP Council, that is prioritising the planet by tackling climate change and driving EV adoption for residents, is an encouraging step forward to meeting the government’s 2030 targets.”

With Joju Charging, Mer is deploying more and more chargers across the South Coast of England, and this project is in addition to those in the neighbouring councils of Dorset (50 chargers), New Forest (20 chargers), and the Isle of Wight (28 chargers).

Joe Michaels, Founder and Commercial Director at Joju Charging says, “It’s fantastic to be continuing our work with BCP Council as we design, deliver, and install EV charging infrastructure to help meet the Council’s sustainability goals, alongside charge point operator and funding partner, Mer.”


Supported by the legacy of Statkraft, a leading generator of renewable energy in Europe, Mer provides chargers that are powered by 100% renewable, zero carbon energy. As a result, the roll out of the infrastructure supports the Council’s wider goals surrounding energy, including its aim to procure all Council electricity from renewable, zero carbon sources.

Councillor Mike Greene, BCP Council’s portfolio holder for transport and sustainability says, “The proposed infrastructure ensures the transition to electric transportation amongst our local residents is more accessible. Now with additional infrastructure to the existing chargers at supermarkets and hotels, residents and visitors can feel confident that EV driving is an achievable and attractive prospect.”

As usage increases, phase two will involve the expansion of the infrastructure in the current car parks, in addition to the development of on-street charging.


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130 new chargers are to be installed across 34 Council-owned carparks Power EVs with the MaxiCharger Call 0330 058 7144 or visit

The survey, conducted by YouGov on behalf of CTEK, reveals that only 56% of EV owners are now charging at home (down from 78% in 2021), with 20% charging at shopping centres, 20% at work, 11% at hotels and 8% at restaurants. 17% are charging at petrol stations, but only 7% give this as their preferred place to charge, and 12% actually say that not having to visit petrol stations is their favourite thing about EV ownership!

Figures from Zap Map show that the number of public charge points has risen by 34% since last year and, encouragingly, the YouGov survey reveals that availability of public charging is now far less of a concern for EV owners, with only 8% giving lack of local charging facilities as their biggest frustration, compared with 30% in 2021.

However, almost three quarters (71%) of UK motorists still feel that more charging infrastructure is needed to meet growing demand for EV charging and, although this has reduced slightly from 78% in 2021, remains the highest level in Europe.

The importance of out-of-home charging is further evidenced by 44% of UK motorists saying that availability of public charging makes them more likely to buy an EV. In addition, half (50%) of drivers say they’re more likely to buy an EV if they have charging facilities at work, and this rises to 81% amongst former EV owners.

Reliability of out-of-home charging remains an issue with 9% of UK EV owners, 7% are frustrated by complexity of payment and 59% feel that lack of EV roaming, which would allow drivers to access different providers’ chargers and networks, is a major frustration. This is an even greater issue in Germany and France, where 67% and 62% of drivers respectively are frustrated by lack of EV roaming. It is less of an issue in the Netherlands and Scandinavia, where EV roaming is better established.

Cecilia Routledge, Global Director, Energy and Facilities for CTEK, says: “It is extremely encouraging to see that the availability of public and destination charging facilities is starting to step up to meet the growing demand for

out-of-home charging, as this is a vital factor in the overall acceptance and take up of electric motoring.

“However, reliability of out-of-home charging remains an issue, and this is an aspect that needs additional focus, along with steps to reduce the complexity of payment and industry-wide commitment to rolling out EV roaming, which would give EV drivers better access to charging stations, in the same way that mobile phone users can simply access different networks as they travel around the globe.”

With the escalating cost of living and rising fuel prices, it’s hardly surprising that financial considerations are becoming increasingly important for all motorists. A quarter (25%) of current EV owners now give lower running costs as their favourite thing about EV ownership, ahead of 21% citing environmental benefits. However, UK EV owners remain the most environmentally conscious in Europe, with 33% giving concern for the environment as the main reason for purchasing an EV, compared with an average of 23% in the rest of Europe, where lower running costs are the main reason for purchase.

For non-EV owners, lower running costs have become more important than access to charge points, and the purchase price of EVs remains the biggest barrier for motorists considering the switch. In addition, 64% of drivers feel that government subsidies are essential to encourage more people to buy EVs – this being the highest level in Europe.

The survey also highlighted a need for clear, consistent information about EVs and EV charging, to help drivers cut through the mountains of, sometimes conflicting, information that’s out there. 30% of drivers said they were confused by all the information available on EVs, 45% said they wouldn’t know where to go to find out about EVs, and 17% of drivers said that knowing more about EVs and how they work would encourage them to purchase one.

“Half of drivers say they’re more likely to buy an EV if they have charging facilities at work”
52 | October 2022 SPECIAL FEATURE EV CHARGING @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine
YouGov, A recent YouGov survey reveals a significant shift towards out-of-home EV (electric vehicle) charging, as public and destination charging facilities start to step up to meet growing demand. YOUGOV SURVEY REVEALS SIGNIFICANT SHIFT TO OUT-OF-HOME EV CHARGING The number of public charge points has risen by 34% since last year
Power EVs with the MaxiCharger 3.7 kW - 22 kW OZEV approved PME fault detection incorporated SLM and DLB options Call 0330 058 7144 or visit for more details

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The IET Academy is the IET’s dedicated e-learning platform

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To help understand the extent of the current opportunity and its future growth potential, let’s take a look at the current state of the UK’s electric vehicle market.

According to ZapMap, which tracks the cumulative number of electric vehicles on UK roads, there are now over 530,000 battery-electric cars, plus a further 405,000 plug-in hybrids. That’s almost one million plug-in cars in the UK.

It’s a big change from 2016, which saw just over 30,000 electric vehicles registered, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). Every year since 2010 the annual increases in electric models have gone up.

The switch to electric vehicles has been driven by government policy which will outlaw the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030, with hybrids being phased out by 2035. Sales of other new vehicles like vans, trucks and buses will continue a little longer, but even new diesel lorries will be banned in the UK by 2040 at the latest.

All this has more and more consumers thinking about making the switch to electric vehicles.

The Eco Experts’ National Home Energy Survey showed that 17% of UK residents plan to buy an EV within the next 12 months, and a further 69% say they’d purchase an EV if money were no object.

By 2030 it’s anticipated that the UK EV market will grow to 10 million vehicles and require 2.3 million charging points in homes, workplaces and public locations[1]

So yes, electric vehicles are here to stay, and we will see more and more of them on UK roads in the next 10 years.

In 2011, around 55,000 electric vehicles (EVs) were sold globally. Ten years later, that figure had grown close to seven million vehicles.

Countries that have adopted electric vehicles most quickly are concentrated in the northern hemisphere and Europe.

Car-loving USA may have lagged behind other developed countries in adopting

electric vehicles, but President Joe Biden has set an ambitious goal for half of new car sales to be electric, fuel cell or hybrid electric vehicles by 2030, so expect to start to see big changes across the pond.

Number of electric vehicles per 1,000 residents in 2020:

• Norway – 81.0

• Iceland – 36.8

• Sweden – 20.6

• Netherlands – 10.7

• Germany – 8.5

• United Kingdom – 6

• France – 6.5

• United States – 5.2

Norway: Norwegians have adopted electric vehicles rapidly, thanks to their car tax system which makes EV models cheaper to buy compared to a similar petrol model. France: The French government introduced a number of incentives and policies to drive the growth of the electric vehicle market.

Germany: Germany announced plans to invest €3.5 billion to develop its EV public charge point infrastructure.

United Kingdom: While large investment in infrastructure, particularly public charging has been announced, the UK remains behind other European countries when it comes to the number of public charge points available.

The factor that’s most often cited as holding up electric vehicle ownership here in the UK is range anxiety.

With petrol and diesel cars offering 400-500 miles on one tank, electric vehicles can’t quite match that range, yet. But as most journeys are far shorter, having a decent electric vehicle charging infrastructure in place will go a long way to combat this anxiety.

It’s estimated that around 2.3 million more electric vehicle charging points will need to be installed throughout the UK by the time the sale of new petrol and diesel cars is banned.

The switch to electric vehicles has been driven by government policy which will outlaw the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030

Recently the UK government confirmed that all new homes and workplaces built in England from 2022 will need to have EV charging points as standard. The new regulations will apply to residential housing, office blocks and retail sites, and to renovations where there are 10 or more parking spaces.

Electrical wholesaler CEF recognises that EV charging is an opportunity for its customers to grow their own businesses.

It has invested in tools to provide expertise, advice and a complete range of EV charging products and accessories to help electricians and contractors get up to speed with everything they need to know about EV including:

• EV training for all CEF in-store employees

• Installation training opportunities for customers bookable in store

• EV Trade Days for customers

• accessible advice and information on all things EV charging related

• Wide range of charge point brands and accessories available to complete an EV installation.


[1] uploads/2020/12/The-UKs-transition-t o-electric-vehicles.pdf

Building on its reputation of offering friendly and knowledgeable advice and service, CEF is committed to helping electricians and electrical contractors plug into the business opportunities offered by the growing market in installing electric vehicle charge points in homes, workspaces and public places all over the UK.
54 | October 2022 SPECIAL FEATURE EV CHARGING @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine Power EVs with the MaxiCharger Call 0330 058 7144 or visit

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Condensation forms when the humidity level in the indoor air reaches saturation point and that air comes into contact with a cold surface, turning into liquid water. These cold surfaces are most commonly windows, but can also include ceilings, walls, window-sills and the corners of a room that have an external wall, writes Paul Williams, Domus Ventilation Product Manager.

hilst condensation can form throughout the year, it’s the winter months that present the greatest challenge. As temperatures drop, residents turn their heating systems on and naturally close windows to prevent that heat from escaping. This also prevents the moisture from escaping, increasing humidity levels and the risk of condensation.

The colder the surface, the more likely condensation is to form, especially during the night when the heating goes off, the temperature drops and the air can no longer contain the moisture and finds all the cold spots to condense.

Surface condensation is caused by the high humidity linked to everyday home activities such as cooking, bathing, washing and drying clothes, and even just breathing.

Kitchens and bathrooms are usually the most affected areas as moisture levels are typically highest, but condensation can occur in other areas as well, especially colder rooms.

WCondensation also has consequences for the property. Mould and dampness can lead to musty smells, staining, peeling wallpaper, cracked wall surfaces, plaster degradation, warped window frames and even structural damage over time, all of which comes at a cost to repair.

The English Housing Survey Headline Report 2020-21 stated that in 2020* 2% of homes had problems with condensation and mould. When you consider there are an estimated 24 million households in England, that 2% equates to 480,000 homes suffering from serious condensation and mould.

The problem is most prevalent in private rented dwellings where 6% had some type of damp problem, followed by 4% of social rented dwellings and 2% of owner-occupied dwellings.

The good news is that all damp related problems in housing have been on a downward trajectory from the 1960s. The bad news is that condensation and mould reduction has stalled, with only a slight reduction in figures over the past decade.

So, what can we do to reduce condensation in our homes?

For existing properties, the most cost-effective options are bathroom and kitchen intermittent extraction fans or single flow, continuous running decentralised mechanical ventilation fans. Positive Input Ventilation (PIV) units can also be used, which gently pressurise a dwelling to expel stale and humid air through natural ventilation points.

For new builds, the options are more widespread and ultimately more effective. In addition to intermittently operating extraction fans, Mechanical Extract Ventilation (MEV) units and Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) can be deployed.

MEV units provide constant low level ventilation by extracting waste, damp air from a dwelling through a system of ducting. These are best suited to apartments and small to medium sized houses.

It’s time to stop laying the blame at the door of the resident and start making our homes more condensation proof

Condensation isn’t just a nuisance.

Excess condensation left within a property can lead to the formation of damp patches then mould growth, resulting in potential health impacts.

Over the years, the onus has been very much placed on residents to make lifestyle changes. These have included drying clothes outside when possible or using a tumble dryer, covering pans when cooking, shutting the bathroom door when showering or bathing, and ensuring extraction fans are switched on.

However, for many low income households that are struggling to adequately heat their homes, and therefore have a higher level of condensation, these measures are not always economically viable.

Furthermore, recent research has verified that construction and external factors play more of a role in the development of these issues than residents’ behaviour – damp and mould are directly linked to badly insulated and poorly ventilated houses.

So, it’s time to stop laying the blame at the door of the resident and start making our homes more condensation proof.

If we improve the ventilation in a home, we lower the humidity. Circulating the air and extracting excess humid air outdoors can be accomplished through a number of different ventilation solutions, depending on the budget available, the nature of the property and the seriousness of the issue.

MVHR systems go one step further by combining extraction with supply. The extracted air is passed across a high efficiency heat exchanger located inside the MVHR unit, to remove and transfer the otherwise wasted heat. The exhaust air is then expelled into the atmosphere. At the same time, fresh filtered supply air is drawn across the opposite side of the heat exchanger and pre-warmed before being distributed through ceiling mounted grilles to habitable rooms.

The new MVHR units on the market are highly energy efficient, with models available with integral humidity sensors. By accurately measuring air humidity, the extract speed automatically changes from background to boost as the level of humidity increases, thereby providing optimal ventilation performance.

These mechanical systems provide a long term and cost-effective solution rather than short term problem ‘hiders’ such as dehumidifiers.

The issue of condensation in our homes remains and is not improving fast enough. Expecting people to change their lifestyle to prevent excess condensation is not realistic, nor will it reduce condensation to comfortable levels. Building adequate ventilation into our homes is by far the more realistic and long-term solution.

Domus Ventilation, * Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 figures are estimated based on 2018 and 2019 figures.

56 | October 2022 SPECIAL FEATURE HVAC @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine


Heating is undoubtedly a hot topic. For electrical contractors, it is also one that is becoming increasingly important as homeowners, landlords, tenants, developers and specifiers look to move away from traditional fossil fuel systems and towards super-efficient electric alternatives.

The challenge of fitting the UK’s homes with low carbon systems is a key focus of several recent government policies, including the Net Zero Strategy and Heat and Buildings Strategy.

For the new build market, the Future Homes Standard, which is set to come into force in 2025, is designed to ensure all new homes produce 75-80% less carbon emissions than homes delivered under current regulations.

For existing properties, initiatives such as the Boiler Upgrade Scheme have been launched to tempt homeowners away from fossil fuel heating to air source heat pumps, although this scheme has been criticised for only providing grants for 30,000 heat pumps a year over three years – well short of the government target of installing 600,000 per year.

However, there is one issue that doesn’t get a huge amount of attention when it comes to decarbonising the UK’s varied housing stock – space.

There are millions of properties, including accommodation blocks, terraces and smaller houses, where installing a large low carbon heating system just isn’t feasible. This means they are often relying on less efficient systems to heat their properties.

This poses a unique challenge for contractors and every party involved – how can these new or existing homes be heated in a cost-effective way that meets decarbonisation objectives and government regulations?

While there is no one-size fits all solution, the answer is to look at a wider, more innovative range of heating options that can help these millions of ‘missing properties’ decarbonise and achieve a low carbon transition that is accessible for all.

Reducing cost and carbon with electric heating

The good news is net zero homes – including those for smaller properties – are being trialled across the UK. Some include the installation of Ambion’s Low Carbon Heat Panels, to assess how they perform when compared to conventional heating systems.

This technology has a unique control system which uses dynamic pulsing –rather than a ‘zoning’ on/off approach used by other systems – to dramatically reduce energy usage and maintain a room’s temperature within 0.1°C of its target, 24 hours a day.

Discreet infrared heat panels are then used because building materials absorb and store infrared, releasing it between pulses, making it the perfect partner for the pulsing approach.

The results of using dynamic pulsing plus the infrared panels are significant –users can expect to use 63% less electricity when compared to conventional systems, which also equates to a 63% reduction in carbon emissions.

The system also reduces the unit cost of electricity because it works best across 24 hours. This flat demand profile – there are no morning or evening energy spikes in usage – means that if a homeowner is on a flexi tariff, the system can achieve around a 25% saving in the unit cost of their energy.

Easy to install

For installers, the units are compact and easy to install, whether they’re being retrofitted into an existing building, installed within a new build, or even used in modular properties. This is because they simply need wiring into the mains rather than plumbing in, as there is no central boiler, external unit, or water-based delivery system.

Therefore, for electrical contractors, demonstrating expertise in installing the latest low carbon electric heating systems could be a key differentiator when it comes to winning contracts. As such, Ambion is working in partnership with a number of electrical contractors to train them on installing its system.

A future-proof solution

Whichever way you look at it, the future of heating is electric – Ambion says it is the only sensible choice for the low carbon transition. However, when it comes to properties with limited space, the options currently being championed at government-level simply aren’t feasible.

Therefore, it is important that a range of technologies are considered for these ‘missing’ properties to ensure they can feel the benefits of low carbon heating in the most cost-effective way possible. And electrical contractors will play a key role in this process.

Ambion Heating,

Oliver Baker, CEO of Ambion Heating, writes on how to sustainably heat the millions of ‘missing’ smaller properties.
The challenge of fitting the UK’s homes with low carbon systems is a key focus of several recent government policies
58 | October 2022 SPECIAL FEATURE HVAC @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine
DANLERS Limited, DANLERS Business Centre, Vincients Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 6NQ, UK T: +44 (0)1249 443377 E: New Smart ISI range ♦ PIR occupancy switches with built-in photocells ♦ Free-to-download DANLERS iOS and Android app ♦ Simple and easy-to-use ♦ Programmable setback light levels and fade rates ♦ Upgradeable for extra features such as group control and asset tracking DANLERS Lighting Controls This NEW DANLERS range of smart sensors is quick to set up, with DANLERS own easy-to-use APP (Android & iOS). Security options are available, to avoid unauthorised changes to settings. It has switching and dimming compatibilities for DALI and 0-10V. Upgradeable via over-the-air updates with additional licences and extra features. Ideal for energy-saving automatic lighting control. DANLERS View the range


Stating that prices will remain above £100/MWh annually, which is double the five-year pre 2021 historic average, alarm bells are sounding for organisations that have an obligation to provide comfortable environments in multi-occupancy housing, such as student accommodation.

The almost unique situation that exists in most student dwellings is that the room occupant does not directly foot the bill for the energy they consume. The all-inclusive room fee is a very attractive offer for students as it

helps them to confidently budget their monthly accommodation outgoings. But for providers of rooms, the sudden increase in energy costs has put a severe dent in their cash flow.

The report predicts that, although the recent surge in prices will subside, they will remain at an all-time high up to 2030 and beyond, with the winter of 2025 being especially significant with £150/MWh being a real possibility because of a drop in power production due to nuclear power station closures and the delays in the commissioning of Hinkley Point C.

Shopping around for cheaper energy is futile as all energy providers are facing the same issues.

So, what are the options for those who simply must reduce spend?

In the case of student accommodation, the only logical solution is to control energy consumption at the point of use. It is human nature to consume more of what is considered free!

All energy managers will have anecdotes of finding thermostats in rooms that have been turned up to maximum and left there. The method of control is the window, which is opened when the room is too hot and then closed to stem the flow of heat outside – until it is too warm again!

Controls on heaters go some way to regulating energy use, with timers,

A recent report by Cornwall Insight, one of the top management consultancies in the energy, utilities, and environmental sector, says that energy buyers have many more years of rocketing fuel prices to come.
“Sector specific intelligent thermostats are a cost-effective way to automatically supervise energy use”
60 | October 2022 @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine

programmes, and restrictions on maximum outputs etc. but most of these are manufactured for the domestic market where a homeowner is responsible for paying the bills and therefore does not try to ‘cheat the system’. Also, their manufacture is often not robust enough in these circumstances.

In a commercial application the integrated ‘locked’ control is easily ‘un-locked’ by resourceful students. They simply hold a button for a few seconds and then, to quote Pink Floyd, ‘Set the controls for the heart of the sun!’


A local control system designed and manufactured specifically for the student market is a cost-effective way to manage energy use in these circumstances.

But what criteria should those looking for such a device use to make the right choice?

• Robust design and build quality will keep the devices safe and reliable in more challenging environments.

• A manufacturer’s long history of working in this sector with acute understanding for the requirements of both students and energy managers.

• A dedicated programming handset ensures the timings and temperatures cannot be tampered with.

• Expeditious installation must be high on the list.

• Essentially – a system that is easy to manage and operate.

What is termed the ‘three-stage student profile’, as the name suggests, has three settings: Setback – the default temperature; Boost – for when more heat is required; and Frost mode, which is a minimum temperature input that safeguards the fabric of the room.

Times are assigned to these settings so that energy is not wasted – the setback temperature is typically timed for 12 hours, after which the control turns heat input down to avoid damp or frost damage.

The room occupant is in complete control and if more heat is required, they simply press the boost button which increases heat input for the pre-determined time, after which the control unit returns to the Setback mode.

If the room is vacated during a Boost period, a PIR senses the room is empty and, again, reverts to Setback. Likewise, if windows are opened, energy input to the heater is reduced by a programmed percentage.

In the current crisis, these sector specific intelligent thermostats are a cost-effective way to automatically supervise energy use. By constantly seeking ways to reduce energy input, a system like this provides control that saves hard cash in real terms.

Also, ironically in these extraordinary times of high energy costs, by acting quickly, payback on investment will be substantially shorter than usual.

Prefect Controls,

Our heating controls are always striving to use less energy, while keeping rooms at a comfortable temperature.

Allowing heat boost, but reverting to setback temperatures after pre-set times and reducing heat input when rooms are empty or if windows are open, are just some of the ways that Irus and ecostat2 typically save 30%-40% on energy costs.

Visit our website to find out more about how we cleverly, but simply, control energy use.

Central control Local control
October 2022 | 61
HVAC 1997 - 2022


The government recently announced a limit on energy bill rises for all households for two years, as the new prime minister tries to stem the energy bills crisis and prevent widespread hardship. A typical household energy bill will be capped at £2,500 annually until 2024. Businesses will also get help, with prices capped for six months, a shorter period of protection than many had hoped for. The help will be for everyone in England, Scotland and Wales with equivalent assistance for Northern Ireland.

The energy price cap – the highest amount suppliers are allowed to charge households for every unit of energy they use – had been due to rise to £3,549 for a typical household from October. To limit the amount customers’ bills go up by, the unit price will be capped, although household energy bills will vary according to how much gas and electricity they use.

Despite the government’s announcement and intervention, there are concerns that the measures are not targeted enough, with no additional support for the most vulnerable. As a result, millions are still expected to be in fuel poverty this winter.

Understanding heating controls

TPI control

Modern controls are designed to allow you get the best energy efficiency possible from the heating system

Householders are continuing to look at ways to reduce their energy consumption to help combat rising bills. Understanding how their heating system is performing and how they can make small changes to improve its efficiency is one consideration. Research shows that few people really understand their heating controls and many simply just don’t use them. This is where installers, supported by manufacturers and wholesalers, can play a part in advising and educating consumers on the best products for their circumstances and how to use them.

Modern controls are designed to allow you get the best energy efficiency possible from the heating system. Look out for those with TPI (Time Proportional and Integral) control – a feature in room thermostats that ensures the boiler fires for the shortest possible time in order to reach and maintain a room at the comfort level selected and thus optimise heating efficiency.

Tamper protected thermostat

With a tamper-proof thermostat the ‘temperature set’ dial is hidden away, and the set temperature can be maintained without interference. This is particularly advantageous for landlords or where the thermostat is installed in public areas. If a thermostat is set unnecessarily high, this will lead to uncomfortable temperatures and higher than necessary bills.

Programmable thermostat

A programmable thermostat gives the user an option to schedule at what time and day a call for heat can be made, thus reducing the possibility of wasting energy when the property is empty. This is advantageous when the occupants are at work, and therefore do not have to remember to switch the heating on or off manually. A programmable thermostat ensures that the heating is not activated longer than required.

The evolution of smart technology continues to play a key role in energy efficiency

Immersion heater control

For some systems, immersion heaters are used. A metal element heats up a water cylinder and it can take between one to two hours to produce hot water. An immersion heater is manually switched by the user, which means there is the risk that they will not remember to turn it off. Timer controlled solutions can ensure that the immersion heater is switched off after a set duration. In addition, programmable timer controllers can be used to schedule exactly when the immersion heater is switched on, automatically ensuring hot water is available when required.

Smart controls

The evolution of smart technology continues to play a key role in energy efficiency. It provides homeowners with a real opportunity to make conscious decisions about how they heat their homes and what effect this can have on their energy bills. A smart thermostat is something that installers can easily add to their customers’ home heating, allowing householders to control and monitor the room temperature and thermostat activity from anywhere in the world, via an app on a smart phone or tablet.

Long term solutions

Speaking just before the cap on energy bills was announced, the chief executive of the Energy Saving Trust, said: “Households across the UK face a dire winter – and the UK government’s response needs to match the scale of the emergency. While rapid action to support the most vulnerable is critical, we also need robust measures to ensure this does not happen again. Forecasts suggest that price hikes may continue beyond 2023, so as well as shorter-term help with bills, this long-term problem requires long-term solutions that deal with the underlying issues.”


Katie Plumstead, Group Marketing Manager with Scolmore Group company, ESP, takes a look at the recent government announcement to help stem the energy bills crisis and its implication for householders.
62 | October 2022 SPECIAL FEATURE HVAC @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine


The Intelirad energy efficient electric radiator features dynamic efficiency plus technology.

Within the modern busy lifestyle, Intelirad does the thinking for the end-user, learning about their environment and lifestyle to then maintain comfortable living temperatures and optimise efficient energy usage.

Intelirad has a unique self-learning, delayed start function which learns the thermal profile of a room or office. Continuously monitoring the room temperature, it uses algorithms to constantly calculate when it should start or stop to warm the room for the desired temperature and duration. This radiator is intelligent enough to only use the energy required.

Measuring the heat-up and cool-down times of the room in relation to the external temperature, the radiator will calculate what time it needs to start heating in order to reach the user-defined target temperature at the specified time.

If an external window or door is accidentally left open, Intelirad will detect the sudden change in temperature and instantly scale back the output to 50%, rather than continue to provide 100% output. Once the window or door has been closed, the radiator will return to normal operation equally swiftly.

It’s a one-person job to fit the Heatstore Intelirad, thanks to the included wall template allowing swift and accurate positioning. Plus, this optimised and efficient radiator is proportionately smaller per kW and lighter than most other radiators in its class.

Intelirad has 10-year aluminum body warranty and an industry leading three-year on-site service warranty, meaning that if in the unlikely event of a fault, Heatstore engineers will attend the customer’s property and repair or replace the Intelirad, saving the contractor valuable time and money.

As part of Heatstore’s commitment to electrical contractors, developers, heating consultants and social housing organisations, Heatstore offers a free of charge heating design service.

The Heatstore heating design service can be tailored to your specific and individual requirements. The Heatstore design team consider several factors, such as building construction, walls, windows, doors, roof and floor types, and building U Values, to provide different heating


options, running costs or any SAP/EPC requirements. Each Heatstore heating design will be completed by one of the experienced design team. Once complete, a design pack will be provided detailing the design requirement, listing the number and size of heaters required for each individual room and an overall design summary.

If a customer has plans and scaled drawings available, the Heatstore design team will create a design solution using the latest CAD software. The software generates a 3D visual solution and provides the total quantity and sizes of heaters required for the development.

Once the design team has completed a scheme, the team are so confident with their results that they offer the Heatstore Design Service Guarantee. If for any reason the property does not achieve and hold the designed and specified room temperature after installation, Heatstore will offer additional free of charge heaters to ensure the correct results at no extra charge to the customer.

Heatstore says that it is passionate about providing the best innovative, energy efficient electric heating solutions available in the UK. The company prides itself on offering its customers the highest quality products, supported by the best after-sales support within the electric heating marketplace.

This year is Heatstore’s 60th anniversary year, cementing its well-earned reputation for providing quality electric heating products with outstanding service and support.


Designed and developed by a team of engineers and developers in the UK, Intelirad incorporates the most advanced technologies to give you maximum control over your heating, whether for home or office.
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With mainstream adoption of 5G on the near horizon, and new advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning already a key business initiative for companies operating across the globe, data and the speed in which it can be accessed will be increasingly crucial to shaping the future of these technologies. Through its proposed network of 20 regional data centre locations located closer to where businesses operate, Proximity will be able to reach 95% of the UK population.

Recently, Kohler Uninterruptible Power (KUP) was identified by Proximity Operations Director, Charles Galtrey, for a replacement UPS system at its Wakefield data centre. The existing UPS needed to be replaced due to its age, ongoing maintenance requirements, costs and efficiency, with another important factor being the increasing demand for colocation at the site, and the requirement to be able to increase the capacity in stages.

As well as its experience in managing projects of this type, the contract was awarded to KUP based on its considered recommendation, which identified the best scalable solution for Wakefield Proximity Data Centre’s requirements, not simply replicating what was previously installed. The recommended replacement UPS was identified as the PowerWAVE 9250DPA.

KUP installed four frames with five 50kW modules paralleled – the UPS is currently supporting 200kW with an expansion capability of 550kW N+1 with additional breakers for a further 300kW. The scalability of the solution was incredibly important as the business infrastructure is expected to grow over the next few years, allowing Proximity to increase the UPS capacity as the business grows within the Data Hall.

To meet the rapidly expanding need for edge colocation space, the data centre service has been designed to offer colocation contracting for a range of Proximity clients, whether they use public cloud and CDNs, are looking for a multi-site rollout, regional business, or are a government organisation requiring regular local access to critical IT infrastructure.

cost of ownership. Thanks to three-level interleaved technology, the PowerWAVE 9250DPA achieves an efficiency of over 97% in a wide operating range, when the load is between 25% and 75% of nominal capacity.

The contract was awarded to

According to KUP, the PowerWAVE 9250DPA boasts not only the lowest cost of ownership in its class, but also delivers energy efficiency in true online mode, across a broad spectrum of loads. The high-level efficiency is said to provide top-of-the-market performance and can reduce operational costs and help to minimise environmental impact.

Maintaining 100% uptime requires comprehensive UPS systems to ensure that a loss of mains power to the Data Hall doesn’t bring extensive financial penalties or loss of power to Proximity internal monitoring systems and operations desk. A power loss would not only impact internal infrastructure and monitoring, but also Proximity customers.

The superior level of UPS module efficiency reduces energy losses that create pure costs as direct electricity spend and costs for cooling, achieving low

“Running costs have decreased with a potential saving of £10,500 per year from the UPS and a further savings on cooling of approximately £2,500 per year”

The impact of the Wakefield installation has been significant – the running costs have decreased in line with the client’s expectation, with a potential saving of £10,500 per year from the UPS and a further saving on cooling of approximately £2,500 per year. The increased efficiency will have a knock-on effect to reduce energy consumption and therefore the data centre’s carbon emissions; a part of its ISO 14001 commitment to reduce power consumption.

Following the Wakefield project, KUP fulfilled Proximity Data Centres’ invitation to upgrade another UPS installation at its Chester data centre site. Specifically, the requirement was to replace a UPS system and aging batteries within the Mechanical Plant at Chester Gates. The new system comprised one Kohler PowerWAVE 9250DPA system containing three 50kVA power modules and a common 80kW battery with 43 minutes autonomy. This included two strings of new batteries which were installed into the existing rack.

The upgrade brought several benefits. The risk of the legacy UPS failing was removed, while H&S issues relating to the battery were mitigated. Cooling requirements for the room were reduced, which contributed to an 11kW energy saving, equating to 96,360kW/h/year at 13.5p/kW/h; a cost saving of approximately £13k/year.

Charles Galtrey, Operations Director of Proximity Data Centres, comments: “In today’s hyperconnected world, customers are demanding services faster than ever before. Therefore, businesses need to have access to their data as quickly and seamlessly as possible. Our network of data centres empowers our customers to keep up with these rising demands, equipping them with the tools they need to embrace changes in today’s digital-first era. Being able to support our customers and the growth of our business with the right infrastructure within our data centres is critical. At both our Wakefield and Chester data centres, KUP has helped us to safeguard our power protection infrastructure for the future.”

Kohler Uninterruptible Power,

64 | October 2022 SPECIAL FEATURE UPS, POWER & ENERGY @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine
KUP based on its considered recommendation

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We’ve received best-in-class customer satisfaction scores via Satmetrix ® and consistently high employee engagement scores via GLINT®. So, you can be sure that you’ll be properly looked after by Kohler professionals who really care about getting it right. Ask us for a no-nonsense quote backed with deep technical knowledge and a genuine desire to help. Call 01256 386700, or visit Kohler PowerWAVE 9250DPA. Independently certified as the most efficient UPS in its class today. NICE and Satmetrix are trademarks or registered trademarks of NICE Ltd. GLINT is a registered trademark of LinkedIn Corporation.


In the last couple of years, the world has gone through enormous change. Currently ongoing is the war in Ukraine, the fallout from the impact of Brexit, and of course, the pandemic, though hopefully this is winding to a close. All of these factors have impacted energy prices, leaving the UK facing an unprecedented energy crisis.

In October this year, the energy price cap will increase again, meaning traditional money-saving methods may still not be enough to make ends meet. With this in mind, more people are seeing the potential that residential solar systems can hold. A well thought out photovoltaic (PV) system, with adequate PV panels, the right inverter, and energy storage capability, could reduce a household’s electricity bill by as much as 98%.

The price of traditional power

Previously, the price cap had increased by 54% and UK homeowners who still rely on grid power are about to take another financial hit. The upcoming increase is predicted to be a 65% jump, bringing the average residential electricity bill to around £1,600 per year.

cost of £10,000 for the installation of panels, a hybrid inverter and battery on a four-bed house. Homeowners are starting to view solar as not just possible, but necessary and even inevitable, should the current direction of energy prices continue in the long term.

A complete residential solar solution is the most effective way a household can escape the spiralling cost of grid power

The shortest payback period

A well thought out PV system could reduce a household’s electricity bill by 98%

As the cost of energy increases, the once commonly held idea of residential solar being something of a luxury is no longer true. The technology involved in residential solar has become better and come down in price. When considered alongside the spiralling cost of grid electricity, the payback period of a residential solar system has lowered from somewhere around 20 years to just six. This is based on an estimated total

The rise of hybrids

One of the ways that solar has become more accessible to homeowners is the introduction of the aforementioned hybrid inverters. When PV panels are used with a traditional string inverter, power can be sent straight to the devices and appliances that need it. Any power left over can go back to the grid. A hybrid inverter can do this too, but it also has the ability to accept a battery. With hybrids, the battery does not need to be installed at the same time as the inverter. This means a household can begin taking advantage of solar savings with a reduced up-front cost. A battery can then be added later to maximise the system’s financial efficiency.

These inverters can open up the residential solar market and change the game for installers. As hybrids become more commonplace, installers must have the knowledge needed to discuss their advantages with potential customers.

Residential solar is a profitable market and consumers need experts they can turn to for consultation on specialist residential solar products, like hybrids.

Installers can be ready for the increased demand for residential solar power by partnering with a reliable supplier of solar solutions. This will make a broad range of products for any residential system accessible, as well as training and after-sales support. As electric vehicles (EVs) are rising in popularity and with the new Electric Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021, installers should prepare for EV charger installations. By partnering with a single supplier, installers can be certain of avoiding compatibility problems.

Soon, many UK households will have electricity bills of £1,600 per year, and many may end up paying even more. The six-year payback period on a residential solar system is shorter than it has ever been. As energy prices may well rise again, that payback period is likely to get even shorter.

A complete residential solar solution is the most effective way a household can escape the spiralling cost of grid power. Installers have an opportunity to be a vital part in a customer’s move away from expensive traditional grid-supplied electricity to harvesting, storing and using their own solar energy.


With energy prices scheduled to increase further, greater numbers of homeowners are giving serious consideration to residential solar power. Theodorik Leao, Technical Sales Manager at GoodWe, offers his thoughts on the energy crisis and the recent developments in solar technology that means homeowners can take up a solar system without the drawback of long payback times – presenting a potential opportunity for electrical contractors.
66 | October 2022 SPECIAL FEATURE UPS, POWER & ENERGY @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine
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Knowledge is king. Therefore, as a buyer, the more information you can obtain, the better position you are in to make an informed decision for your organisation.

Question if you should be working directly with a manufacturer, a reseller or an approved partner.

As a manufacturer, Centiel works with clients to provide detailed information to help them with decision making. The brand is all about Swiss quality – the company invests heavily in research and development (R&D) to deliver the highest calibre UPS systems. All of Centiel’s products are independently verified to meet the latest IEC international standards, and the company can provide proof of the availability and efficiency of its true modular UPS CumulusPower and standalone UPS PremiumTower.

Manufacturing lead times can vary, whether its the production of new systems or for spare parts. It’s important to understand where your products are coming from and how readily available they are. Ask if they are stocked in or outside of the UK.

It is also important to make sure that you have the full support of the manufacturer throughout the life cycle of any product that you purchase. Manufacturers are obliged to support systems for a minimum of 10 years after the last product has rolled off the production line. Asking the right questions means no nasty surprises later on!

The performance specification of the UPS system itself should form the basis of your questions too. Efficiency is used in the marketing of UPS systems throughout the industry. It is common to see systems advertised to have ‘high levels of efficiency’. However, is this only in certain circumstances or at a particular load profile? This information should be displayed clearly in the technical specifications provided by the manufacturer and can easily be compared to other products on the market.

When it comes to comparing competitive offers, always check the differences within the specifications. If one solution appears to be far more cost-effective than another there is probably a good reason: for example, have they provided the same level of availability?

For example: Centiel’s CumulusPower is the latest in true modular UPS technology and has been designed with distributed decision-making control logic. This also

means that no single module takes control of the decisions for the whole system. Instead, a distributed decision-making consensus takes place eliminating the logic’s single point of failure. As a result, CumulusPower offers 99.9999999% (nine, nines) availability, reducing downtime to only 3.5 milliseconds per year and Centiel says it can prove it!

Buying a UPS is more than simply selecting a product from a reputable manufacturer. It’s about working with a brand that will support you for the duration of the product’s life, from installation to lifecycle replacement. Who are the people behind the implementation of the solution? They are key to the success of the installation. Do they have the right experience? Are they simply interested in just selling a product or are they a committed team that will solve your challenges and deliver a futureproofed solution?

Centiel says that it always ‘does the right thing’ for its clients to ensure they have the absolute best solution to suit their needs. The company’s policy is to only recommend and provide the products, components and services that its clients need, preferring to nurture long term relationships as trusted advisors. This ethos runs throughout the whole business, from R&D, sales to operations to engineers and, as a result, Centiel is trusted to deliver optimal UPS systems to clients globally.

Before any installation is complete, you also need to question who will provide ongoing support for the UPS? Preventative maintenance carried out by qualified and experienced engineers is essential. They will understand the technology and have the right firmware updates. Using anyone else will compromise the system and invalidate warranties.

All the information is available. The truth is out there!

Inviting manufacturers to share knowledge, technical information, resources, ideas and come up with workable options will contribute to the success of the installation. Centiel provides world-class UPS systems supported by professional, knowledgeable people. The company’s experienced, trusted team is always available to discuss and help evaluate the best approach, so organisations can understand and compare systems using validated data for informed decision making. Hunting down the truth is the best way to protect the critical power to your organisation for the long term.


How do you make the right choice when selecting a UPS? It’s a question that can only be answered with more questions! You will need to become an investigator, uncovering the truth through research into manufacturers, products and the people who deliver and maintain those products to succeed, writes Louis McGarry, Sales and Marketing Director, Centiel UK.
Centiel says that it always ‘does the right thing’ for its clients
It is important to make sure that you have the full support of the manufacturer throughout the life cycle of any product that you purchase
68 | October 2022 ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE @ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine

Delivering essential power protection in even the most unstable power conditions, Schneider Electric’s Easy UPS series provides consistent and reliable connectivity at the most critical moments. It’s easy to install, easy to connect, easy to use and easy to service.

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For most companies, reducing energy consumption across their business is an ongoing imperative. The arguments for doing so are overwhelming, whether in connection with lowering the organisation’s carbon footprint or reducing overheads. Nowhere is this truer than in the data centre sector. Indeed, research suggests that energy efficiency ranks alongside a stable supply of electricity (24/7) as the most important issue for data centre operators, writes Andrew Wreford, IT Technical Manager at Rittal

This is certainly driving the growth in more energy efficient data centres, although it’s also true to say that in recent years IT capacities have risen sharply and this has driven energy requirements upwards. The industry has responded by reinventing IT cooling with the development of in-line cooling and aisle containment systems that thereby reduce energy consumption.

There is another factor that can influence energy efficiency, and that is the internal power distribution system, which can be optimised via the Power Distribution Unit (PDU).

Selecting a suitable PDU is based around the following five principles:

Choosing the correct PDU

When selecting the PDU you should consider:

• The overall current consumption required from the PDU, which is the aggregated power consumption of all the IT devices that are connected to the PDU, measured in amps, e.g. three, 16 or 32 amps. You need to match the PDU to the nearest rating.

IT capacities have risen sharply, and this has driven energy requirements upwards


• The use of single or three phase power This also depends on the total demand of the IT devices. You may need a three phase PDU where demand exceeds 8kW per rack.

• The number of sockets. This is dependent on the number of devices you are using. The socket type is typically determined by the device that is using that socket. Those in common use internationally are C13 outlets rated to 10A or C19 outlets rated to 16A, or a mixture of both.

• The advantages offered by intelligent PDUs. More advanced features, such as remote monitoring and the ability to switch off sockets remotely, can improve your control of your power consumption and improve resilience.

Efficiency rating

In order to lower power consumption, you need to monitor your usage – if you can’t measure it then you can’t improve it. This can be achieved at the incomer of the PDU to check the total power being drawn from the whole PDU. Alternatively, you can focus on an individual device’s demands from a socket. Of the two options, the second probably offers greater granularity, but first check how accurate your meter is – they can range from 1% to 5%.

PDU electronics consume power at levels which can be significant – especially in a large-scale data centre, and this can range from as little as 6W to 60W. If intelligent PDUs are installed in a 200-rack data centre using dual PDUs in the rack, then the power consumption could be as little as 2.4kW or as much as 24kW.

The switching function allows users to shut down individual sockets remotely and ‘hard boot’ any device that is connected to it. It is worth investigating what type of switch device (or relay) the PDU uses – the choice is either monostable or bi-stable. Monostable needs a permanent supply of power to change state and stay there. Bringing it back means removing the

power. Bi-stable needs to be pulsed with electricity to change state and pulsed again to come back. Bi-stable therefore uses less power than monostable and this can be significant when you consider the aggregate consumption across a lot of sockets.


Bi-stable relays typically have a higher Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) than the lower-cost monostable option – in excess of 80,000 hours. Bear in mind that most PDUs operate at the back of the rack where ambient temperatures can exceed 40°C, which, unsurprisingly, can shorten the lifespan of the conventional relay.

Metering enables users to check how close the system may be getting to the tripping points of the circuit breakers, particularly if warning alarms are also enabled. This allows the prevention of unnecessary down time.

Ease of integration (mechanically and through software)

Larger PDUs are placed in the back of racks, but they should not extend into the 19in space to avoid conflicting with 19in mountable equipment. You can mount PDU positions to sit in parallel with the 19in angles and this should be possible even in 600-wide racks if the PDU profile is slim enough.

Most intelligent PDUs use SNMP protocol to communicate, so simple integration into a DCIM or NMS is easily achieved.

Future proofing

Future capacity is not easy to predict, but it’s sensible for users to provide additional sockets within the PDU, and also to ensure that there is spare capacity from the PDU incoming feed.

For those users operating in a fast-changing environment, it is also worth considering modular PDUs that allow for

Future capacity is not easy to predict, but it’s sensible for users to provide additional sockets within the PDU


additional sockets if required. These are slightly more expensive, but they offer greater flexibility, allowing changes to be made to the socket configuration without taking down the IT system.


The selection of the PDU is a critical part of ensuring that not only the IT is powered, but also providing an optimised and scalable power distribution for future IT demands.


SPECIAL FEATUREUPS, Demand-based power distribution THE LATEST PDU GENERATION ◾Compact design - two PDU’s can be fitted in a 600mm wide rack ◾Can be installed at any height in the zero-U-space or on the enclosure frame ◾Energy efficient internal electronics have minimal power consumption ◾PDU controller module and overvoltage protection may be replaced even while operational ◾Configure your individual solution online via the Rittal Configuration System ◾PDU designed to have a long mean-time between failure (MTBF)


ESP has invested significantly in its growing CCTV portfolio and has just announced the launch of a brand new 24/7 Colour IP CCTV range, which will take its CCTV offer to another level.

When it comes to CCTV security, colour-related information can play a vital role in identifying the detail of activities, particularly in the hours of darkness. Conventional cameras with infrared lighting will only provide black and white images for night-time monitoring. ESP’s new 24/7 colour CCTV range will provide sharp detail, in colour, day or night.

The range is designed to offer superior, reliable and straightforward installation solutions for a range of applications from domestic through to larger and more complex commercial projects. The range will sit alongside ESP’s established CCTV offer, which comprises the HDView IP PoE 5MP range, designed for larger and more complex commercial projects, and the Rekor IP PoE 2MP range, which is tailored for the domestic market.



National Ventilation has announced that is has been shortlisted in the H&V New Awards 2022. The landmark Golden Hinde project, which benefits from a ventilation system designed and supplied by National Ventilation, has been named as a finalist in the HVAC Project of the Year (under £0.5 million) category.

National Ventilation designed and supplied a ventilation system for the Golden Hinde, a full-size reconstruction of the English galleon captained by Sir Francis Drake on his circumnavigation of the globe between 1577-1580. The ship is undergoing a major refit utilising traditional materials and methods, and modern ventilation was installed to control humidity levels and provide a safe, healthy environment for the visiting public.

With the ventilation design, National Ventilation specified heat recovery ventilation. However, due to space restrictions it was necessary to specify two Monsoon HRU/ECO150EC mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) units. Two inline heaters were also part of the specification, with National Ventilation supplying one heater for each MVHR unit, to provide comfort heating for visitors to the ship.

National Ventilation,


The DST-Mini XT is Lindy’s feature-packed mini docking station. Housed in robust aluminium, this compact dock has been designed for those who need greater additional connectivity, in a portable form factor.

The DST-Mini XT can support a single extended display at 4K@30Hz through the HDMI or DisplayPort connections. Dual display setups are also possible with crisp Full HD 1080p. This makes this dock the perfect solution for any creative, data analyst or intense spreadsheet worker.

This docking station can unlock a world of connectivity for your device. It delivers DisplayPort, HDMI, Gigabit Ethernet, SD Card Slot, USB-C, SuperSpeed USB Type A ports (5Gbps) and a combined 3.5mm headphone jack. To deliver as much added functionality as possible, the right USB Type A port has both SuperSpeed data transfer and Battery Charging 1.2, meaning you can charge connected mobile devices.

Thanks to the USB-C PD 3.0, by connecting a USB-C charger to the DST-Mini XT you can expect up to 100W fast charging as well as bidirectional charging to any peripheral connected to the right USB-A port. With Battery Charging 1.2, this port delivers 5V and up to 1.5A for faster charging. Simply connect one USB-C cable and be confident that your laptop and connected devices will be fully charged and ready to go.

This docking station does not require any driver installation. This allows for seamless large-scale implementation and a hassle-free experience. Simply plug and play.



An extended range of sustainable and functional high visibility working clothes for light to night, dawn to dusk.

As workplace visibility decreases and the potential for accidents increase, Snickers Workwear high visibility garments work hard to protect your wellbeing and safety on site.

The extensive range of jackets, trousers, shorts, toolvests, shirts and fleeces all work together to satisfy the requirements of Class 1, 2 and 3 protection levels.

These outstanding products combine Snickers’ unrivalled hallmarks for protective wear with the requirements of the EN 20471 standard for high visibility warning clothes.

With advanced designs and sustainable SORONA fabrics, all these working clothes have durable, colour-fast protection, retaining shape and comfort throughout the life of the garments. Added to which, all Snickers hi-vis garments can be custom profiled to ensure ‘stand out’ coverage for your corporate brand.

Snickers Workwear,


Makita has launched its largest capacity battery to date, with an impressive 288Wh of energy. The 8.0Ah BL4080F offers the longest runtime for its XGT products, meaning less downtime and improved productivity. Especially useful when used on higher drain XGT machines, this new battery pushes performance even harder.

The 40VMax XGT BL4080F 8.0Ah battery has been designed to be both robust and highly intelligent. Equipped with 20 cells, it has a higher power output that enables Makita’s XGT tools to be pushed even harder and perform heavy duty, continuous operation over extended periods.

Thanks to its heavy-duty and durable outer and cell casing, this product has a significantly improved impact resistance. The BL4080F is also IPX4 rated with a water and dust-resistant triple layer structure and an enhanced terminal structure to handle any job site condition.

The battery has been designed with Makita’s digital communication function between the tool, battery and charger to optimise the charging process, reduce charge times and protect the battery from damage. Makita,

October 2022 | 73
@ElecConNews /electricalcontractingnews @ecn_magazine


Scolmore has launched a range of new ClickSmart+ Smart Socket Kits.

The scheduling feature available allows devices to be turned on or off at certain times to suit.

Available in Scolmore’s popular Mode white finish, the range comprises a 13A 2 Gang Smart Socket Kit, a 13A Plug-in Wi-Fi Smart Socket Kit, and the Aquip66 13A 2 Gang Outdoor Smart Socket Kit.

13A 2 Gang Smart Socket Kit – this includes a ClickSmart+ Hub and four 2 Gang Smart Sockets. The Click Smart+ Hub utilises Zigbee technology and communicates with the individual sockets through a mesh network.

13A Plug-in Wi-Fi Smart Socket Kit – this includes four 13A Plug-In Wi-Fi Smart Sockets. These smart sockets are simply plugged into a standard socket and connected to the Wi-Fi to offer connectivity to a range of appliances.

Aquip66 13A 2 Gang Outdoor Smart Socket Kit – this includes a Smart Hub, one Mode 13A 2 Gang Zigbee Smart Socket and a 2 Gang Waterproof Enclosure. This kit allows the connectivity of devices such as outdoor lighting and outdoor features. Scolmore,


Vent-Axia has announced that two of its products have been shortlisted in the H&V News Awards 2022. The Vent-Axia Lo-Carbon Multivent MEV range, made with recycled plastic, and the Lo-Carbon NBR dMEV C have both been shortlisted in the Domestic Ventilation Product of the Year category.

The award-winning Lo-Carbon Multivent mechanical extract ventilation (MEV) range offers a total of nine units. Designed to provide a simple and effective solution to help housebuilders meet the Future Homes Standard, the Multivent MEV range provides the ideal solution for new build residential projects, helping housebuilders meet DER requirements through market-leading energy efficiency and improving indoor air quality (IAQ) for homeowners. Now, on top of this, the move to recycled plastic further improves the environmental credentials of the product for housebuilders and homeowners.

The new Multivent MEV units are now available in black, rather than white, as they are made from black recycled ABS.



A range of Metal Cable Cleats have been added to Unicrimp ’s growing Q-Fire portfolio of fire-rated cable accessory products.

The Metal Cable Cleats meet BS 7671 (18th Edition) requirements and are designed to prevent cables from premature collapse during a fire and, in doing so, keep emergency services and the public safe.

The 18th Edition wiring regulations stipulate that cable support systems must be constructed with materials that will withstand premature collapse caused by direct exposure to heat. There are no applications excluded – trunking, conduit and cabling fixed to surfaces of the building or attached to cable support systems must all have fire-resistant supports in place.

Unicrimp’s fire-rated black Metal Cable Cleats are available in 14 different size options suitable for cable sizes from 5mm up to 50mm. The key feature of the product is an oval fixing hole which allows for cable diameter tolerances. To install the metal cable cleat, the electrician just needs to bend the cleat around the cable and fix in place to the designated wall.



Meridian already has a substantial range of LED Emergency Lighting, from Twin Spots and Exit Boxes to Bulkheads, Downlights and Ceiling Panel Lights. Now comes an equally extensive range of LED Self-Test Emergency Fittings – all CE and UKCA approved and RoHS compliant.

First is an IP65 rated 3w Self-Test Bulkhead, delivering 150 lumens and 6000k daylight output with a 120° beam angle. 3w IP20 Exit Panels are next, with a similar beam angle and daylight delivery via 80 lumens.

Moving on, there are Self-Test Emergency Spotlights for high and low bay use. Both are ceiling mounted with a 148° beam angle – a 6w, IP20 High Bay Round spotlight and a 3w IP65 Low Bay Square option. They deliver 5000k cool white output via 450 and 240 lumens respectively.

Finally, there are four further IP20 Self-Test Spotlights. Three 3w fittings are specifically for open areas, corridors or articulated use whilst the fourth is a 1w all-in-one compact fitting with twin lenses.

CED Electrical,


The latest enhancement to the Lewden range, PRO, offers a stylish, ergonomic, and non-obtrusive consumer unit design, with either Round or Square Knockouts, paired with a comprehensive range of circuit protection devices and accessories to meet the needs of every installation.

Type 2 Surge Protection now comes pre-installed and wired for convenience and to reduce installation time on-site. Lewden,


Among the latest additions to Ovia’s growing premium lighting portfolio is Inceptor Duo – a sleek up and down dimmable linear luminaire.

Inceptor Duo offers installers and their clients a complete custom dual lighting solution and is perfect for accentuating design features both high and low. It is available in two lengths – 1200mm and 1500mm –and two wattages – 42W and 56W. There are three colour options to cover all décor requirements –black, grey and white.

The luminaire features a dual CTA switch – off, cool white, warm white and day light and the up and down lights can be controlled separately. Inceptor Duo is dimmable and emergency versions are available.

The full range can be seen in the new Ovia Issue 4 catalogue which can be downloaded from the Ovia website.


74 | October 2022
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