The development of the Technical Theatre, and EI Live! in general mirrors just how important the sharing of knowledge is for our market.
Industry-leading key speakers are lined up to present their sessions in the Technical Theatre, and in this preview you will find theatre highlights to give you a taste of what the programme will be covering. Snap One will be hosting the Technical Theatre as headline theatre sponsor, which will be brimming with vital learning opportunities for visitors. The best thing about the smart home industry is almost the most challenging - there are always new products, people and technology transforming the sector.
Of course, I have to mention the Essential Install magazine Company T-Shirt Competition, with prizes courtesy of competition sponsor, SONOS, together with the main huge prize to the winner. The winner will be announced on the show floor during the eventwatch out for the time this will take place. ACCOMMODATION If you’re looking for accommodation, visit the EI Live! website accommodation page, where you can choose and book your hotel. As ever, I welcome any feedback, comments or suggestions for the show. This is your industry and your opportunity to make it a truly tailored trip. Be sure to get in touch on the day and say hello. I look forward to seeing you all at Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre on the 14-15 September.
The Smart Building Awards are a major part of EI Live! and will be presented at a gala dinner on the evening of 14 September - the first day of the show - and will reward the best and brightest in the AV and home automation industry.
This year’s EI Live! show will be the most important event in the UK’s AV and home automation calendar and features the biggest floorplan that EI Live! has ever presented -which is why we have produced this show preview to help you effectively plan your time at the show. Those integrators seeking the latest products for their next project will welcome exclusive deals that will be available at this show, with over 500 brands on show. See what features and highlights you can expect this year and remind yourself of what a great show 2021 was!
David Kitchener Event Director


Wednesday 14th September 9.30 – 17.00 Thursday 15th September 9.30 – 16.00 HOW TO GET TO THE SHOW BY ROAD Should you decide to travel by car, Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre is located just off the A325, accessible from the M3 (J4) and A31. Please follow signs for event car parking.
Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre is within easy reach of four stations- Farnborough Main, Farnborough North, North Camp and FarnboroughAldershot.
Aldershotwebsite.isserved by South West Trains and offers direct services to London Waterloo and Guildford. The station is a ten-minute taxi ride from the venue. Further information about the facilities at the station is available on the National Rail Allwebsite.stations are wheelchair accessible.
Farnborough North and North Camp are served by First Great Western and located within a 10-minute taxi ride from the venue. Further information about the facilities at these stations is available on the National Rail
Parking at Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre is free and we have space for up to 3,500 cars. For SatNav directions please use the postcode GU14 6AZ which will take you to the Queen’s Roundabout. From here follow signs for event car parking.
Farnborough International exhibition and conference centre Etps Rd, Farnborough GU14 6FD
Main is served by South West Trains and sits on a mainline to London Waterloo. With up to six trains per hour and journey times as fast as 34 minutes, getting to Farnborough by train is a very fast and easy option. Farnborough Main station is 1.5 miles from the venue and just 5 minutes by taxi. Further information about the facilities at the station is available on the National Rail website.
ACCOMMODATION You can book your hotel through the EI Live! web site at BY REGISTER FREE AT EILIVESHOW.COM
PARKING Parking is FREE to all visitors and exhibitors, with over 3500 parking spaces available.
SEE YOU AT THE SHOW This year the show will welcome many companies making their first appearance such as AV Intelligence, AVM Ltd, CUK Group, Light Walls, DTECH (UK), Flexson & Sound Xtra, JBL, Loewe technology, Steinway Lyndorf, Mode Lighting, Niko Home Controls, Nice UK, OSD Audio, Qmotion Shades UK, Seada Technology Ltd and simPRO Software Ltd. With a broad selection of supplier’s, innovators, distributors, and manufacturers bringing the latest products, services, and technology solutions to the show EI Live! is the perfect platform to re-engage with existing contacts and connect with new suppliers who can help your business thrive. GETTING IN TOUCH EVENT DIRECTOR David Kitchener, SALES DIRECTOR Ian Kitchener, GROUP AD MANAGER Claire Talty, STUDIO MANAGER Mark Weller, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Daniel Sait, EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Beatrice Lee, ACCOUNTS EIsusan@allthingsmedialtd.comLive!broughttoyoubyAllThings Media Ltd Suite 14, 6-8 Revenge Road, Lordswood, Chatham, Kent ME5 8UD T: +44 (0)1634 673163 F: +44 (0)1634 673173 SPONSORED BY REGISTER FREE AT EILIVESHOW.COM EI LIVE! SHOW PREVIEW 5
A-Z LIST OF EXHIBITORS 6 6 6 6 Indigo Distribution 16 36 6 9 6 9 OneAV 15 54 6 6 6 6 11HDANYWHERE36336 10DbM1833 3 6 9 6 6 6 6 Rako Controls 23 36 336 Netvio 34 18 3 31Blake3UK96 3 6 SystemsCinemaBuild28 27 3 3 54CEDIA9 6 JBL6640 36 3 6 Webro3 45 18 9 10 9 Invision10 53 90 3 6 3 Gallo Acoustics 64 18 3 6 Mode Lighting 36 18 3 6 3 75 18 3 TechnologiesDisplay6 / Light Walls 18 18 6 3 FS Cables 60 18 6 3 Sanus 21 18 6 3Alltrade 61 18 3 61TechnologiesAmina3183 63VelodyneRedline18 65GroupTDI318 Grax458 12 3 27ElementOne 9 3 3 25Faradite 9 3 326OutClass93 635IMP3183 338CAI 9 3 343DTECH9 3 6 Penn Elcom 55 18 3 56Tenways39 357DistributionAnatech6 18 3 6 362Visualization18 18 2222AWE Village 70 3 6 3SteinwayLyngdorf 30 18 332Loewe39 13 6 13 6 Aquavision 74 78 3 3TechnologyJanus209 359DistributionPMC515 4 5 4 63DistributionConnected20 64RedlineTotem18 5 22 Sy Electronics 65 10 66 6Pulse Cinemas 46 36 3 342D-Tools9 3 69Specifi318 3 4 3 59aSONOS12 ENTRANCEVISITORS Aico / Home Link 99 Aldous Systems 119 Alltrade Aeral & Satelite 61 Amina 1 Anatech 57 Antiference 116 Aquavision 74 All-Rack 95 AV Intelligence 83 AVM Ltd 104 Avoke Ltd 85 AWE Europe Ltd 70 Blake UK 31 Blustream Ltd 88 Cablenet 135 CAI 38 CAVD 112 CEDIA 54 Cinema Build Systems 28 DistributionConnected 63 CUK Group 130 Light Walls 18 DbM 10 DTECH (UK) 43 D-tools Inc 42 ELAN (Blustream) 88 Element One screens 27 Epson 70 Flexson & Sound Xtra 82 Faradite 25 FS Cables 60 Gallo Acoustics 64 Grax Ltd 58 JBL 40 HD Anywhere 11 Hidden Wires 121 Hisense 114 IMP 35 Indigo Distribution 16 Invision 53 SPONSORED BY REGISTER FREE AT EILIVESHOW.COM EI LIVE! SHOW PREVIEW 6
6 OSD33Audio10518 242412 CATERING AREA 288 4 6 4 6 84TechnologySeadaLtd24 6 6 6Karma6 AV 102 36 6 6 6 6 AICO 99 36 3 2 97Kordz 6 3 80RDI2.57.5 18Village 396 6 11 6 11 Nice UK Ltd 89 66 2 3 Avoke856 2.5 3EI Tee 81competitionshirt7.53 3All-Rack6 95 18 3 Flexson6 82SoundXtra& 18 6 7 6 7 Snap One / Control 4 111 4212 10 12 10 TECHNICAL THEATRE 110 120 6 8 6Niko Home Control 108 48 3 6 TV Shield 90 18 6 3 3116Antiference 18 3 6 3CUK Group 130 18 6 6 6 6 126SAVANT366 6 6 6 RGB Comms 122 36 6 6 6 6 132 36 3 135Cablenet39 3 6 3LILINUK138 18 3 1363 9 6 3 3 140 18 6 9 6 9Hisense 114LimitedUK54 2121Hidden3Wires63 2 Sensible Heat 120 6 3 7 3 7 112CAVD21 3 3 3 131 9 3 6 3142QMotion 18 4 94WEQUOTE12 3 6L-Acoustics Creations 98 18 2 988Blustream2183 86Velbus.eu623 TogetherforCinema876 4 6 4Aldous Systems 119 24 4 2AV 83Intelligence8 3 82aStarscape6 18 483bsimPRO416 3 6104MaterialVisualAudio318 RESERVED SOLD Issue Number: Issue Date: 10418Aug 2022 Janus Technolgy Ltd 20 Karma AV 102 Kordz 97 L-Acoustics Creations 98 LILIN UK 138 Loewe Technology UK Ltd 32 Steinway Lyngdorf UK 30 86 Mode Lighting Ltd 36 Niko Home Control 108 Netvio 34 Nice UK 89 OSD Audio 105 OneAV Ltd 15 OutClass 26 Penn Elcom 55 PMC Ltd 59 Pulse Cinemas 46 Qmotion Shades UK 142 Rako Controls Ltd 23 RDI 80 Redline 3 & 4 RGB Communications Ltd 122126& Sanus 21 SAVANT 126 Seada Technology Ltd 84 Sensible Heat 120 simPRO Software Ltd 83b Snap One/Control4 111 SONOS 59a Specifi 9 Starscape Star Ceilings Ltd 82a SY Electronics Ltd 65 TDI 5 Tenways Engineering Services Ltd 56 Together for Cinema 87 TV Shield 90 Visualization 62 & 63 Webro Cables & Connectors 45 WeQuote 94 SPONSORED BY REGISTER FREE AT EILIVESHOW.COM EI LIVE! SHOW PREVIEW 7
TECHNICAL THEATRE TIME SESSION DURATION 10.00 – 11.15 CERTIFIED HDBASET INSTALLER EXPERT TRAINING Aiden Jones – Blustream 1hr 15mins 11.30 – 11.50 WHAT’SREFERENCE?THAT,EXACTLY? Peter Aylett – CEDIA 20mins 12.05 – 12.25 DANTE & AES67 – THE FUTURE OF AUDIO DISTRIBUTION? Barry Sheldrick – DbM 20mins 12.40 – 13.00 NETWORKING FOR THE MODERN DAY SMART HOME Nicholas Bovill – Snap One 20mins 13.15 – 13.35 CI-FI – WHYMATTERSPERFORMANCE Andy Oattes – Fine Sounds UK 20mins 13.50 – 14.10 HOW SMART TECHNOLOGY CAN DRIVE HEALTHY AND GREEN LIVING Jason Girardier – Snap One 20mins 14.25 – 14.45 RECURRING MONTHLY REVENUE Ricky Campitelli – simPRO 20mins 15.00 – 15.20 KNX CENTRAL TO NEW REGULATIONSBUILDING Paul Foulkes – KNX UK 20mins 15.35 – 15.55 TBC Visualization 20mins WEDNESDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER SPONSORED BY REGISTER FREE AT EILIVESHOW.COM EI LIVE! SHOW PREVIEW 8
TIME SESSION DURATION 10.00 – 10.20 HOME TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION – COMPETENCE, BUILDING SAFETY AND RAISING THE BAR Andy Reakes – Electrotechnical Certification Scheme (ECS) 20mins 10.35 – 10.55 CI-FI – WHYMATTERSPERFORMANCE Andy Oattes – Fine Sounds UK 20mins 11.10 – 11.30 NETWORKING FOR THE MODERN DAY SMART HOME Nicholas Bovill – Snap One 20mins 11.45 – 12.05 SOCIAL MEDIA MADE SIMPLE Charlotte Oakman – Visualization 20mins 12.20 – 12.40 CYBER-ATTACKS ON SMART BUILDING CONTROL SYSTEMS Iain Gordon – KNX UK 20mins 12.55 – 13.15 HOW SMART TECHNOLOGY CAN DRIVE HEALTHY AND GREEN LIVING Jason Girardier – Snap One 20mins 13.30 – 13.50 TBC Visualization 20mins THURSDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER ALL OUR TECHNICAL THEATRE SESSIONS ARE FREE, SO BE SURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE. THE EI LIVE! TECHNICAL THEATRE 2022 The EI Live! Technical Theatre offers key learning experiences, presented by expert speakers from inside the smart home and luxury AV industry and from related fields. We offer a wide choice of learning experiences that you can take away with you and apply directly into your business. The sessions are FREE, and you can register for as many sessions as you wish, there is no limit. SPONSORED BY REGISTER FREE AT EILIVESHOW.COM EI LIVE! SHOW PREVIEW 9
Also on display will be Rako’s Modular keypads. Capable of accommodating up to 12 push buttons in a variety of lighting, shading and audio control configurations, the Modular range offers unrivalled customisation and a premium finish to suit varying application requirements. FREE
AICO Headline sponsors for this year, Aico will be showcasing the latest innovations and technology in home life safety. The team on Stand 99 will enable installers to learn more about the Ei1000G Gateway, HomeLINK Environmental Sensors, Dashboard and Resident App, with live demonstrations for delegates visiting the stand. Be sure to check them out.
The App can control all Rako systems, both wired and wireless, allowing easy hand-held control of lighting, curtains and blinds. Connecting via a Hub, the App allows programming and storing of new scene levels and offers colour wheel control for RGB and RGBW fittings.
Check out some of the highlights that can be witnessed at EI Live! 2022 as the UK’s smart home and luxury AV show returns with its biggest event ever! Look out for more exhibitor previews on
RAKO Rako, Britain’s smart lighting controls manufacturer, will be showcasing the capabilities of its refreshed App on Stand 23.
The refresh now allows users to control colour temperature and light intensity with a touch slider. This means clients can adjust the lighting to suit their needs for a particular task or set scenes to link the lighting with their individual circadian rhythms.
New Triad PDX Architectural speakers will make their show debut, providing high-quality audio performance and simple, efficient installation using PushLock technology. New to the Episode range will be a new Mini 5.1 Amplifier, 2.1 Active Soundbar/Sub and the Mega sub-woofer range.
OSD AUDIO The successful OSD Audio brand is officially launching into the UK at EI Live! 2022. American Audio Co (Stand 105) is proud to be the full line, master distributor for OSD Audio in the UK and Europe. Known throughout the USA for cost-effective, high-quality speakers, streamers, amps and garden speaker systems – OSD Audio is a strong partner for the CI trade. There are some unique products to tempt installers - ACE & Black Series Angled In-Ceilings with the whole speaker set angled at 15°, perfect for Atmos Duties, or Discreet In-Ceiling LCR and the SuperShallow 6.5in at just over 50mm ElectronicsDeep.-Bang of Buck eight, 12 & 16 Multi Channel CI Amps starting at under £600 and a unique four in one Streamer with Spotify & Tidal compatibility and RS232 control.
Garden Speakers Systems with Bluetooth On-Wall Patio Speakers and an 8in Sub & 4 x 3in Sats kit costing under £450 trade. Coupled with all the traditional outdoor options. American Audio Co has almost 60 years of combined experience, the small team behind American Audio Co have worked for manufacturers, retailers, installers & distributors.
SNAP ONE Snap One will unveil a host of innovations across its product ecosystem (Stand 111). Anchored over its two platforms, Control4 Smart Home OS 3 and OvrC Remote Management, the raft of new products encompasses leading brands in lighting, speakers, amplifiers, multi-room audio, surveillance, power and surge management, film screens, racks, mounts, cables, connectors and wiring. Visitors will see how Control4 Smart Home OS 3 and OvrC Remote Management provide a strong base for Snap One Partners to build high quality, end-to-end smart home projects. Control4 Smart Home OS 3 is the operating system that unifies hundreds of connected devices within the home into one intuitive, user-friendly experience. Snap One will demonstrate how recent platform improvements can deliver more personalised experiences for customers with features and functions that define the next generation of control. OvrC is the company’s free cloud-based remote management platform. Fully supporting Snap One’s networking brands, Araknis and Pakedge, OvrC’s recently enriched feature-set makes the ecosystem better, faster, and more reliable. Now, every Control4 OS3 system can be remotely managed using OvrC, without the need for any additional hardware. Visitors can discover how they can create colour pre-sets that customers can personalise and include lighting colour as a key element of lighting scenes and programming. In Control4 OS 3 new capabilities include a native lighting colour wheel UI for fast and intuitive control of tuneable white and colour lighting.

The team will be displaying products from partners Ineva Design. Come and experience luxury custom cinema seating which is hand-built in Holland and comes with a delivery and installation service that’s ‘second to none’, says the company.
Also on display will be an array of multi-room acoustic solutions by Mikodam, a selection of highly desirable 3D panels that can elevate not only the appearance of any room but the audio experience too. Mikodam’s sales support and rendering services make it easy to specify panel combinations for any room in the house.
Taking the completist approach to cinema sound design, Ascendo Immersive Audio’s (AIA) line-up of highly advanced DSP-controlled active speakers and passive designs (with matching outboard DSP amplifiers) build into versatile state-of-the-art cinema systems, reproducing audio signals in absolute time coherence across a wide frequency response and with excellent dynamic range, regardless of system configuration and room acoustics. And for a world with fewer wires, System Audio’s slender ‘Legend Silverback’ line of active speakers feature driverdedicated amplification/processing and the latest wireless connectivity via the WiSA-enabled ‘Stereo Hub’ (a 24/192 capable control centre for wired and wireless sources) and 7.2 channel ‘Surround Hub’. SA’s easy-to-install wireless on-walls will take all the hard work out of discreet, full-range system design and installation.
On the video design side, Karma-AV can offer the HDR muscles of JVC’s DILA projector line together with Cinema Build Systems’ innovative Ultimate Screens range of advanced 4K-ready, acoustically transparent screens, which install easily in four simple steps.
Nick Fichte, Global Business Director at L-Acoustics Creations, says, “Our Tahiti system features the Syva colinear source, replicating line array technology with dedicated Syva Sub low frequency reinforcement, offering breath-taking dynamics and 140-degree sound field to create an incredibly wide sweet spot in the room. The system was conceived to recreate the full scale, dynamics and power of music, delivering infralow frequencies and unsurpassed intelligibility at high SPL. Listening to Tahiti brings all the visceral and emotional impact of live music to recorded media, which is something we hope our neighbouring exhibitors will grow to appreciate.”
L-Acoustics Creations have opted to share Fiji this year in a 5.1 configuration, small enough to disappear in any room yet capable of covering a listening area of 20 m2. The system is ideal for customers demanding the biggest sound without the aesthetic issues of largeInfinityspeakers.–Cyberhomes: Witness the evolution of Starscape (image courtesy of Cyberhomes
CAVD Custom AV Distribution (CAVD) are very much looking forward to exhibiting and meeting many familiar, and new faces at Farnborough. This year the distributor will be sporting its largest ever stand with a focus on design and services.
KARMA-AV Karma-AV (Stand 102) is delighted that EI Live! will be the stage for the UK launch of Perlisten’s S7i and S7ic in-walls, the world’s first THX Certified Dominus architectural designs. At just under a metre in length and only 4in deep, its four-way aluminium cabinets house the advanced technologies that have propelled the brand’s Hi-Fi speakers to global recognition, producing the high output levels and dynamic range needed for large-scale home cinema deployments. Also on display are the latest EISA award-winning SVS subs, Revel architectural, System Audio’s WISA enabled on-walls, Cornered Audio, JVC’s DILA projectors, and Ascendo’s room-correcting cinema Integratorssystems.canrely on the multi-award-winning prowess of SVS’ new SB1000 Pro and SB3000 Micro subwoofers, crowned by EISA as the best home theatre and compact bass engines available, capping an unprecedented five-year run of success.
Jamie Pullen, Wayne Hyde, and Nadine Dolente look forward to welcoming you to Stand 112 and discussing how they can support you on all residential AV projects.
STARSCAPE Starscape (Stand 82a) celebrates 10 years of the Infinity system and it’s never been better! The principles of Infinity are straightforward – an easy-to-price, simple-to-fit, modular star ceiling that enhances any room. As the product has developed, custom designed components have replaced the original off-the-shelf parts, maintaining Infinity’s reputation for high quality and ease of installation. Additional visual effects such constellations or shooting stars are now available, along with a range of fabrics to accommodate both the aesthetic and acoustic requirements of the end user.
Starscape’s display will feature an Infinity array centrepiece along with a small test area, enabling visitors to get a handson experience of the product. Two members of the team; Martin and Lauren, will be available both days to answer questions, and there are also a limited number of spots during the event for pre-booked 1-to-1 consultations.
L-Acoustics Creations (Stand 98) will demonstrate the compact Fiji 5.1 system for smaller rooms and the Tahiti indoor/outdoor system in 2.1 configuration.

simPRO simPRO (Stand 83b) will be offering its unique take on field service management software, designed to help streamline business processes and ultimately increase profit and simPROproductivity.isa leading job management software solution for service, project and maintenance contractors. Connect the office to the field, deliver exceptional customer service and gain invaluable business insights with automated processes, streamlined workflows and in-depth business reporting. simPRO offers a range of features for comprehensive scheduling, estimating and invoicing; real-time office-to-field connectivity, streamlined inventory management; supplier catalogue and pricing from a single system; integrations with industry-leading accounting packages and 70+ reports for accurate business insights. From initial customer contact to final invoicing, simPRO powers businesses around the globe, with solutions for every field service workflow.
CAI The CAI (Stand 38) was formed in 1978 to represent and establish standards in the rapidly growing TV signal reception industry. Although the technologies that members work with have developed beyond anyone’s expectations since the organisation was formed, the core strengths remain the same. CAI set industry standards and vet applications to join. Consumers who use a CAI member can be confident that the member they choose will have the skills and expertise necessary to complete their work to the expected standard. The CAI represent businesses of all sizes from sole traders to multinationals, who specialise in many different areas of the industry. The organisation will have Peter Sealey, Chairman and Senior Executive of the CAI, along with Kevin Dawson CAI’s Assessment and Technical Executive, on hand to discuss CAI membership/training and all things CAI related.
The TV Shield (Stand 90) has been created to be suitable for both indoor and outdoor TV protection, offering a uniquely designed, universal and secure TV enclosure, suitable for almost any kind of flat screen television. The specially designed casing offers an affordable alternative to dedicated exterior TVs, allowing installers to deliver, protect and secure most televisions in almost any environment.
SY Electronics will continue to develop new and exciting products that appeal to AV System Integrators and AV System Designers. SY are well known for reliable yet affordable AV solutions, that can simplify the installation experience. Serving the residential, commercial, education, hospitality and corporate AV sectors, many products have additional features and functions. Visit Stand 65 to find out more as the company will premiere a new range of products and will be showcasing the latest 18G devices, including the advanced ‘Xcalibur’ range, alongside the ‘Slim 70 Pro’ HDBaseT Extender, SY Controller keypads, video switchers, matrices and signal management tools.
The TV Shield’s casing can be easily opened to give optimum viewing and its creators say the end-user gets peace of mind because the casing itself is shatterproof, dust-proof and Forweather-proof.greatersecurity the Display Shield offers a secure bolt down screen to protect the TV and display units that require a higher level of security, whilst still offering all the benefits of the TV shield. With thermostatically controlled fans and heaters available, installers can also protect the equipment in almost any environment. The engineering and design of the products ensures that all movable parts, or those that are exposed to a moveable part, have a water-resistant seal. Of course, this will prevent water ingress or egress from the unit, but it also prevents other elements from passing through such as dirt, dust, snow or rain.
The products are a good fit for delivering results in the growing exterior AV sector in domestic and commercial settings and also suited to commercial reception areas or information hubs. The TV Shield is the weatherproof, secure and robust protective outdoor TV enclosure and digital signage cabinet, and the Display Shield is an affordable indoor and outdoor digital display enclosure that offers protection for digital signage, displays or TVs.
The Antiference (Stand 116) team are excited to showcase new products and developments at this year’s show. New for this year are additions to the Clear Flow wireless network range, including trade/multi packs of three access points of the everpopular Air 3 & Air 13 products. This reduces the packaging to a single box and these access points are supplied without the power injector or cables as these extras are often not required on larger systems where the devices are being fed from a Clear Switch PoE Ethernet switch.
In addition, the company has the WAP G, the in-wall dual band access point with dual Gb Ethernet ports. The WAP G has a total of 1200Mbps of internal data speed allowing around 120+ concurrent users and a more powerful Wi-Fi signal strength than the other WAP’s in the range. Fitted with dual Gb Ethernet ports, this AP is ideal for super-fast broadband Clearsystems.Flow will also soon feature the Aero 12, an outdoor dual band Gb access point for outdoor Wi-Fi systems. This exciting new product brings a welcome solution to applications such as pub gardens or large outside spaces where the indoor Wi-Fi network cannot reach to. Other developments for 2022 include two new HDMI over CAT6 splitters. In 2021, the V3 four port splitter over CAT6 with autoscaling was launched and this year sees the additions of the two port and eight port models. All models are ‘full fat’ 4K 18Gbps, PoC, HDMI loop out, EDID management, IR control and feature an auto-scaling feature allowing the installation of a combination of 4K and 1080p screens to be connected to a 4K source. The system reads the EDID in the screen and scales where required, an ideal solution where there is a mix of different screens installed.
Enhancements to SI include Quantity-based Quoting, ideal for large-scale security and structured cabling projects, improving application performance while allowing salespeople to develop a scope and budget in a fraction of time. Also included are Tracknicity and TRXio integrations which help integrators manage their inventory, which at the same time ensures that inventory items, whether pulled from stock or order for a project, are efficiently, seamlessly, and accurately tracked from proposal through being purchased, received, staged, picked, delivered, installed, and serviced. Steinway Lyngdorf will showcase CI friendly AV
D-Tools’ cloud-based platform, D-Tools Cloud, will be officially available for the UK market for the very first time, in partnership with Pulse Cinemas. Customers attest that D-Tools Cloud delivers on the promise to reduce their proposal backlog by expediting the generation and throughput of proposals, allowing them to close business faster and focus on the next opportunity. The platform’s interactive, multimedia proposals and browser-based visual quoting create a collaborative experience with clients, leading to prompt e-sign approval and deposit and higher close rates.
Steinway Lyngdorf (Stand 30) will be talking to dealers about the company’s range of CI friendly products, whilst Lyngdorf Audio will be showing discreet sub/sat packages and its range of electronics and speakers. Steinway Lyngdorf will be showing a range of products so installers can see the lengths the company goes to in the building process, from the finish of each speaker to the maker’s own unique processors and power amp setups for each system. The company will also be revealing details about its new showroom.
D-TOOLS D-Tools (Stand 42), provider of core business management software that improves financial results for thousands of system integrators worldwide, officially launches its cloudbased platform to the UK market and introduces new capabilities for System Integrator Software at EI Live!
In addition, D-Tools Cloud’s post-sales capabilities, such as scheduling, project planning, task management, and time tracking, help integrators ensure that jobs are delivered on time and on budget. D-Tools will also showcase several recent enhancements to its on-premises software solution, System Integrator version 18. Geared to meet the unique needs of electronic systems contractors, new capabilities help companies save time, gain deeper insight into project processes, and improve operating efficiency throughout their business.

Invision: Invision is celebrating its 20th birthday at EI Live!
Business Development Director, Jonathan Regalado-Hawkey, says, “By having a ‘no compression’ approach, you’re less likely to run into edge cases with a particular resolution not being supported – after all, it is ‘bit perfect’ and what goes in, goes out. A perfect example of this is that with HDBaseT 3 we are now able to support DolbyVision at 4K at 60Hz, something that wasn’t possible with previous versions of HDBaseT.”
NETVIO Netvio (Stand 34), a signal management AV brand founded by Derek Hulbert, will be showcasing its abilities. Netvio 360 version alerts allow installers to always be up to date with the latest features of Netvio with in-app alerts for new software versions with one click download and installation. Installers can also utilise the online driver database for Go App drivers which are automatically downloaded and added to the local storage for offline use. Not all devices are connected to a Netvio matrix or AVoverIP Encoder, for example in a home cinema when source are connected directly to an AVR. Now, these devices can be switched to via the powerful new Yamaha AVR driver. With support for complex matrix to matrix routing all handled effortlessly. Other brand abilities include watching Netvio JP4 streams full screen with audio on any iOS or Android device at the press of a button. Enjoy any source anywhere over Wi-Fi, with amazing picture quality and stereo sound, all from the Netvio Go app.
Mark Taylor, commercial director at Invision, says, “This year is an exciting one for us and we want to celebrate with our customers and manufacturers at EI Live! in September. Over the two-day event we’ll be showcasing exciting technology from some of our manufacturer partners with more announcements to come.” Pulse-Eight’s neo:X3, which uses HDBaseT3 technology, the latest evolution of HDBaseT, will be on show. neo:X3’s biggest feature is that there is no compression used when distributing video content. This means uncompressed 4K at 60Hz 4:4:4 up to 100m over a CAT6A cable supporting all resolutions up to 600MHz across the HDMI 2 and HDMI 2.1 standards.
BLAKE UK Blake UK (Stand 31) has been making products that connect customers to content for over 50 years. The company’s success is built on a commitment to innovation, high-quality and customer service. The Blake and PROception brands are now the first choice for many professional installers, and the maker offers an extensive range of almost 1000 products for TV, Wi-Fi and CCTV.
For the latest advances in the world of Wi-Fi check out the PROception range, including a new Wi-Fi six ceiling access point, or for 5G learn about the high-performance 5G panel that enables users to receive consistent internet even in rural areas.
Also new, the CAT4 router, compatible with any 2G/3G/4G network and HDMI V2.1 and fibre cables that can carry signals up to 100m. The KVM extender, which enables view and control your CCTV from multiple displays is also new. Receive 10% off any products presented at the show on the day!
AVOKE Trade distributor, Avoke (Stand 85) will be showcasing Trend Networks and Elipson two channel audio. Get your hands on the Trend Networks SignalTEK 10G and go through your testing requirements with Trend’s UK Sales Director. Understand the differences between the models and which unit best serves your needs. Elipson have been producing exceptional Hi-Fi for almost 90 years; Avoke will be showing these multi-room audio solutions as well as their high powered pre and power amplification. Avoke’s in-house Hi-Fi expert will be on hand to answer any set up queries.
NICE Global smart home player Nice (Stand 89) will deliver a major presence at the event underlining its various platforms. Imagine connected systems, controlled by a single device and allowing users to manage all the activities of a building’s automation through a simple and intuitive application, programming scenarios and fully customised behaviours: it’s the future, it’s Nice.
This year Blake is launching a host of great new releases that have been designed with the installer in mind.
INVISION Fresh off the back of the Invision House Party celebrations, Invision is pleased to announce that it will be bringing its 20th Anniversary party to EI Live! On Stand 53, Invision will be showcasing brands from its Committed to Custom line up including Origin Acoustics, RTI, SurgeX and Trinnov - as well as celebrating with customers and manufacturers who have helped the company reach this significant milestone. Committed to Custom is Invision’s promise to drive positive change within the custom install market, looking at improving training and education, offering innovative, class-leading products, and providing high-quality support for integrators.

Nice says its system is flexible and integrable; the ideal solution for anyone wanting to design the system step by step, according to available resources and the needs of the moment. The products form an ecosystem in which all devices communicate with each other, and which can also integrate other-brand devices.
QMotion UK, specialists in motorised window treatments, will be promoting a series of integration, installation and design innovations (Stand 142). These will include the company’s latest integrations with KNX, Loxone, Crestron Home and Rako lighting control, a new blind concealment box solution, a Designer Series of Decorative Brackets and Endcaps and the latest high quality fabric collection.
Nice technology is wireless, modern and safe, says the company. It allows the non-invasive addition of new devices, without the need for renovation or building work. There are numerous ready-to-use products, and the ecosystem can be configured easily via the Yubii App.
With the Yubii App, the customer can stay in touch with their home, manage it and control it from anywhere in the world. Data is transmitted via an encrypted communication system, guaranteeing the highest possible level of protection.
FARADITE EI Live! is always a huge show for Faradite and the company will be showing a number of new products. Notably, the Sensor Wall Mount accessory is a beautiful, solid aluminium wall mounting accessory for the Motion Sensor 360 - IP67 - Black, which allows integrators to elegantly mount the company’s sensors on the wall. Ideal for gardens when mounted on walls, garden structures, outhouses, fencing, and anywhere else that robust, discreet motion sensing is required. These units will be on display so installers can see how beautiful and rugged they are.
Visitors can find out more about the recently launched driver for Crestron Home from Ultamation. This new driver can be configured within minutes to give users control of blinds, curtains and groups through their mobile and touch panels controls on the Crestron Home system. Visitors can also learn how QMotion QiS Cat 6 wired Roller Systems can now be integrated into KNX via RS485 and see how QMotion’s partnership with Rako provides a seamless experience when specifying and installing lighting and wireless blind control on a Forproject.aclean, contemporary interior finish, QMotion will also show its new blind concealment solution. High quality extruded aluminium boxes will be available to conceal the automated QMotion blind to ensure only the fabric is visible when the blind is fully lowered. Integrators can also view the latest fabric collection for QMotion blinds and find out about the company’s free fabric sampling service, allowing them to see and test fabric colour, textile and shading quality for clients.
New for 2022 is the Digital Rotary Controller which takes a traditional rotary control format and applies it in an intelligent form for multi-position dimming, individual channel or scene control or colour adjustment. Ideal for applications where traditionally styled control is required with more advanced capabilities.
One of Nice’s main goals is to take care of the environment so the systems are designed to be increasingly sustainable. For example, sensor-based lighting can save up to 60% of energy (Von Neida, Manicria, and Tweed 2001), whereas a combined motion and daylight sensor can save up to 73% (Nagy, Yong, and Schlueter 2016). Nice’s motion sensor, on the other hand, combines both functions, so as to offer a sustainable solution both for the environment, but also for the wallet.
A key product is the Yubii Home, a smart gateway manages and communicates with all smart devices - receives data from sensors, processes them and gives an output to perform appropriate actions. Yubii Home works with Nice, FIBARO and elero technologies.
Faradite will also be showing for the first time the brand new Motion Sensor 360 Pinhole - Volt Free. This new sensor provides installers with one of the most discreet custom install solutions the market has ever seen. Rear mounted and ultra-discreet, with a visible front of just 15mm in diameter, this sensor allows custom installers to deliver precise motion based automation like never before. The Pinhole sensor has been developed for bespoke automation requirements and is designed to be installed in wall panelling, joinery, staircases, furniture and wall plates. The metal unit features a threaded barrel and two discs. The upper disc has strong 3M adhesive to stick to the rear of the installation surface at the set material depth and the second disc is then tightened to this to securely lock the sensor in place. It is available with both a black sensor and a white sensor, designed to cater for both light and dark installation surfaces. With the Motion Sensor 360 PinholeVolt Free integrators can create beautiful automation and deliver the ‘wow’ factor. Also on show, everyone’s long-time favourite products, the Motion Sensor 360 – Volt Free and the Motion Sensor 360 IP67– Volt Free. The Faradite team will be on hand to answer questions and introduce the new products to visitors on Stand Faradite:25.Small but beautifully formed from Faradite
MODE LIGHTING Exhibiting at EI Live! for the first time in the company’s own right, Mode Lighting (Stand 36) will be showcasing its range of lighting control solutions focusing on the eDIN+ range of modular components which enable any size of a project to be created from standard modules, all designed and manufactured by the company’s own team in Hertfordshire, UK.
EI Live! will also see Mode preview a range of retrofit devices to compliment the eDIN+ systems and demonstrations of integration with third party systems to provide the power and flexibility of Mode Lighting systems, with alternative controls to give the integrator and end client greater choice.
The eDIN+ range is continually expanding and now includes a range of keypad styles, from the iCON and EVO-Ellipse designs which can be tailored to suit various manufacturers accessories to the European box-friendly Geneva plates and touch sensitive Coolbrium plates along with interfaces for traditional switch integration.