News4U December 2021

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TWOPINE Local electronic artist preps Cold Moon EP, strives for sweet yet glitched-out organic sound

The sound of TwoPine grew from several distinct influences. File cites beat-based music by artists such as Flying Lotus and Tycho as a primary source of inspiration but in particular, the album 22, A Million by indie folk band Bon Iver. "That had come out and it was heavily electronicallyinduced and that's what really launched the effort of TwoPine," File notes. "I wanted to make electronic music [like these artists] but with that organic sound skewed and chopped-up and glitched-out." To achieve what he was hearing in his head, File began acquiring various pieces of equipment, including a MPC (music workstation) and two Korg synthesizers discovered while cleaning out his great-

While most artists yearn for the spotlight, Evansville's Tayler

great uncle's house. Plus, a buddy kindly donated a reverb

File is happy to exist in the shadows, quietly producing

effects pedal which proved to be a hugely important

some of the tri-state's best electronic music - primarily

addition to his arsenal. File then spent hours scavenging

ambient creations that

online electronic forums

truly soothe the soul,

and watching YouTube



videos to figure out how




to bring his musical vision

the constant white noise


to life, duly pouring all

of daily life in the 21st

that education into the

century. The irony here

aforementioned Fall EP -

is that File used to play

but he really hit the mark

guitar in various high

on last October's follow-



up, Gratitude, and its

But feeling a bit boxed

two expertly-constructed

in, he started exploring



and "BeGrateful." The





side and eventually his



mastery shows just what




electronics blossomed into a solo project dubbed TwoPine,

a quick-study File is, while the latter's gorgeously serene

a moniker based partially on a famous quote by Scottish-

piano refrain recalls Brian Eno's ambient classic Music for

born naturalist/writer John Muir ("Between every two pines


is a doorway to a new world") and the simple fact that there are two pine trees outside File's window at home. It's an

Though it can take File up to two years to perfect his pieces,

apt name that perfectly captures the tranquil atmosphere

he's already set to release another EP on December 18.

of instrumental tracks like "Timberly" and "Dusk" from

Titled Cold Moon (referencing the name of the full moon

2020's Fall EP - a promising debut that laid the blueprint

this month), this 3-song collection features his most dance-

for future releases. "I was still trying to figure things out,"

oriented track to date. "And then I might just do an acoustic

File explains. "But I knew that this is what I wanted to sound

track after that," File says. "I still want things to sound kind of


sweet and daytime-ish - and definitely organic electronic, if that makes sense."

TwoPine recordings are available on Bandcamp and all major streaming platforms.

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