News4U March 2022

Page 38


MISERY COLLECTIVE ORCHESTRA Beauty and power: High-concept music project marries dark folk vibe with doomcore


ason Breeze doesn't mind being

Currently, that agenda is centered around

later by Vykanthrope featuring former

referred to as a diva - something

a high-concept music project dubbed

Hum drummer, the late Bryan St. Pere.

he's heard from time to time in his

Misery Collective Orchestra. But first, let's

Two years later Breeze was raging in

dealings with fellow tri-state musicians

jump back to the beginning of Breeze's

Running With Tarantulas before forming

through the years. In fact, the self-

journey to this point - to 2008 when

his longest running project to date, Crows

proclaimed "Doom Lord Scene Wizard"

he joined his first punk band, Creepy

of Odin, in 2015 with drummer Sterling

embraces it. "To me, the definition of a

Geezers, and took over Punk Rock Night

Millay. Despite their minimal presentation

diva is driven, goal-oriented and focused,"

at the now-defunct Lanhuck's Tavern in

- just two guys on a stage - the volume

he explains. And that certainly describes

Evansville. Eventually, Breeze moved camp

and brutality of the music always pinned

Breeze, who, despite getting a late start

to Hammerheads downtown and started

everyone to the back wall. "Me and

playing and performing music - he didn't

anew musically with the Steve Albini-

Sterling played 10 shows a year for seven

pick up a guitar until age 30 - has gone all-

influenced METHMOUTH, a noise-punk

years, I think," Breeze notes, "but he's got a

in over the last two decades, becoming a

outfit that thrived on being abrasive. He

lot going on, a job and a child. His interest

prominent force locally via his involvement

then lightened up a bit, venturing into

would ebb and flow so I started writing

in various heavy bands and knack for

pop-punk with Gorilla Monsoon and also

"The Sun The Sea The Mountain The Cave"

booking well-attended punk and metal

formed 138!!! The Misfits Tribute in 2010

and started Misery Collective Orchestra."

shows at area venues. If he's rubbed a few

which packed out neighborhood bars like

people the wrong way with his intensity,

Bullock's, breaking attendance records.

that's just part of the job, so to speak.

Initially, this 40-minute opus which brings together Breeze's increasing interest in the

Because at the end of the day, nothing's

But it was 2011 when Breeze's crushingly

dark folk music of Townes Van Zandt and

going to keep Breeze from ticking all the

heavy musical vision really started to

his absolute devotion to avant-garde metal

boxes on his ambitious musical agenda.

coalesce. He joined his first doom band,

band Neurosis, was meant to be a stand-

Witchdagger, which was followed a year

alone project - like an opera. But slowly it

36 | MARCH 2022

• www.evansvillemediagroup.comPhoto: Tricia Cundiff

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