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Anal Sex
with sexual intercourse is vaginismus, which is tensing of the pelvic floor muscles so that penetration cannot occur. Men can have erectile dysfunction. We will talk more about the different sexual problems in a later chapter.
Sexual intercourse plays a big role in bonding between a man and a woman. As we have discussed, intercourse can be for relational, reproductive, or recreational purposes. In humans, it isn’t known when a woman is ovulating so protection against pregnancy has to occur if this is not desired. Couples who do not have a good experience with intercourse have a greater chance of becoming divorced or separated. Infidelity also plays a role in relationship dissolution.
While intercourse is primarily for reproduction from a physiological standpoint, there are a great many moral and ethical issues associated with the legal system and religion in a given culture. There are different practices that are considered acceptable or taboo in the various cultures. We will talk about rape and sexual assault in another chapter but this is defined as sexual intercourse without the person’s consent. Most countries have an age of consent when sex can be consented to but this varies in different cultures. In most societies, incest is criminalized behavior.
In most cultures, intercourse is necessary for the consummation of a marriage. Failure to do this is grounds for annulment in some places. Other cultures consider intercourse to be a marital right, mainly referring to the husband’s marital right to have intercourse. Until recently, it was considered impossible for a husband to rape his wife because of marital exemption. Adultery or engaging in intercourse with someone other than the spouse is considered a criminal offense in some parts of the world, while sex between unmarried persons is also considered illegal in some places.
Anal intercourse involves the insertion of the erect penis into the anus and rectum. Fingering and sex toys can be used for this practice and one can also do anilingus or pegging, which involves a strap-on dildo. Sometimes, anal intercourse is used to define penile to anal penetration and anal sex to include any other type of anal sex behavior in a couple situation.
Anal sex is often associated with homosexual male sex but men and women do this too and not all gay men engage in anal sex. Lesbians an also engage in anal sex because the anus is highly innervated and sex involving the anus can lead to an orgasm in men because of prostate stimulation. Some people, on the other hand, find anal sex extremely painful. STDs can be passed through anal sex, particularly because the anus is not lubricated as is the case with the vagina.
Anal sex can be pleasurable for both men and women because of the sensitivity of this area and the high concentration of nerve endings. The outer anus is more sensitive than the inner anus. Both the anus and rectum can expand when necessary. Anal sex is less frequent than other sexual behaviors. There are people who engage in anal sex using anal beads, dildoes, butt plugs, or fingering of the anus. Fisting involves inserting the entire hand into the anus but this is the least practiced of all anal activities.
The male receptive partner has the added stimulation of the prostate gland, which can lead to an orgasm. Men sometimes say the orgasm is deeper and more intense with prostatic stimulation. In women, the deeper structures of the clitoris can be stimulated, leading to sexual pleasure and sometimes an orgasm but this would be rare. A major goal of painless anal intercourse is to use a personal lubricant so as not to tear the tissues.
Men receive greater pleasure inserting the penis into the anus of a female rather than the vagina because the muscles of the anus are tighter. It is also felt to enhance the male dominant role in sex, which makes it more sexually pleasurable for the man. Women differ in their desirability over having anal versus vaginal sex; there is a great deal of personal preference. It is sometimes used by a male-female couple to prevent pregnancy or during menstruation. It is also said to lead to technical virginity so the woman doesn’t tear her hymen.
Most anal intercourse is associated with male to male sex, even though many gay couples do not have anal sexual intercourse. The insertive male member is called a top, while the recipient male member is called a bottom. Some men are versatile and do either practice. It is a natural expression of intimacy between two men in a homosexual
relationship. About 46 percent of gay men prefer to be tops and 43 percent of gay men prefer to be bottoms. About 75 percent of gay men have had anal sex at some point.
Female to male anal sex is done through fingering the man’s anus, prostatic massage, anilingus, sex toys, or a strap-on dildo, which is referred to as pegging. This practice is not well-accepted by the male member who see it as a feminine act. Nevertheless, the actual incidence of this behavior is not completely known but is believed to be about 7 percent of men.
Lesbians can also engage in anal sex of all forms. There is less information on this type of behavior mostly because lesbian sexual practices are not well studied. It is believed to be more common among younger lesbians.
Anal sex is somewhat more risky than vaginal sex. There is an increased risk of generalized bacterial infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and anal trauma. Condoms and lubricant can decrease the risk of all of these problems. Condom breakage or coming off is more likely with anal sex than with vaginal sex. Receptive anal sex carries a high risk of HIV disease and is the highest risk of sexually contracting the disease.
Pain experienced during receptive anal sex is called ano-dyspareunia. It affects about 60 percent of gay and bisexual men, affecting about 25 percent of gay men all of the time. Some men cannot engage in receptive anal sex at all because of this. Most of the time, the pain is psychological, particularly if measures are taken to reduce the incidence of pain. Anal sex will increase the risk of a man who receives it of developing antisperm antibodies, which might affect fertility.
Other problems with anal sex is the exacerbation or formation of hemorrhoids, or an anal fissure. Perforation of the colon can occur. Fisting, in particular, can be linked to tearing of the anus and rectal trauma. Anal cancer can be gotten from an HPV infection of the anus during anal sex.