with sexual intercourse is vaginismus, which is tensing of the pelvic floor muscles so that penetration cannot occur. Men can have erectile dysfunction. We will talk more about the different sexual problems in a later chapter. Sexual intercourse plays a big role in bonding between a man and a woman. As we have discussed, intercourse can be for relational, reproductive, or recreational purposes. In humans, it isn’t known when a woman is ovulating so protection against pregnancy has to occur if this is not desired. Couples who do not have a good experience with intercourse have a greater chance of becoming divorced or separated. Infidelity also plays a role in relationship dissolution. While intercourse is primarily for reproduction from a physiological standpoint, there are a great many moral and ethical issues associated with the legal system and religion in a given culture. There are different practices that are considered acceptable or taboo in the various cultures. We will talk about rape and sexual assault in another chapter but this is defined as sexual intercourse without the person’s consent. Most countries have an age of consent when sex can be consented to but this varies in different cultures. In most societies, incest is criminalized behavior. In most cultures, intercourse is necessary for the consummation of a marriage. Failure to do this is grounds for annulment in some places. Other cultures consider intercourse to be a marital right, mainly referring to the husband’s marital right to have intercourse. Until recently, it was considered impossible for a husband to rape his wife because of marital exemption. Adultery or engaging in intercourse with someone other than the spouse is considered a criminal offense in some parts of the world, while sex between unmarried persons is also considered illegal in some places.
ANAL SEX Anal intercourse involves the insertion of the erect penis into the anus and rectum. Fingering and sex toys can be used for this practice and one can also do anilingus or pegging, which involves a strap-on dildo. Sometimes, anal intercourse is used to define penile to anal penetration and anal sex to include any other type of anal sex behavior in a couple situation.