BIM/Technical Consultants Role
by: Gareth Spencer
Industry Insights of a Consultant
f you read through my article in last month’s AUGIWorld you would have read about how things have changed over this year. This month I would like to elaborate on this from a BIM/ Technical Consultants role and how things have changed with software such as Autodesk Revit.
have become more diverse due to industry standards, processes, technology, moving to digital ways of working and everyone needing to work collaboratively.
A BIM/Technical Consultant role can mean many things to different organizations, but for me it has become a role which I undertake everyday working for an Autodesk Reseller here in the UK. It must be a very diverse role because of the nature of how our industry is today. This said many of our roles across the industry
Let’s go back to 2007 before I was a BIM Consultant and I had just started working at a large multi-discipline engineering company as a Senior Structural Technician here in the United Kingdom and was introduced to Autodesk Revit for the first time. Back then, we were starting to move into a modeling approach to design instead of 2D
Why don’t you think back to when you first started out in your role and how much has it changed for you. I hope, which is for the better.
December 2020