Tech Manager
by: Mark Kiker
Customer Satisfaction
sk someone what good customer service is and you will get a wide swath of definitions including many things that make for a satisfied customer. Good customer service equals customer satisfaction. The lists would vary based on subject of the service, but most would include some of the same things that everyone expects to get out of assistance efforts. Rather than try to define exactly what good customer service might be needed to get to customer satisfaction, I want to focus on getting you to think about bad customer service and when you might not be providing what is needed for your “customers” to be satisfied. But first, who is my customer? I like to tell people that everyone is my customer. Everyone who uses technology is my customer. Every person at my firm. From the top to the bottom. From the CEO to the new hire straight out of school. From the Project Manager to the person picking up the design 30 AUGIWORLD Magazine | May 2022
prints. From the Architect to the builder. From the Designer to the manufacturer. They are all my customers at some level. Everyone uses technology and I can help them all. They all deserve my best and I should be delivering that, every day. So, if everyone is my customer, who defines customer satisfaction? They all do. Each one individually has a definition of satisfaction. And my goal should be to get as close to delivering on that expectation as I can. Some expectations are too lofty and might need some adjustment, but most people have a reasonable expectation of service and technology dependability. They just want things to work and keep working. They just want you and the tools to do what you and the tools are supposed to do. They want technology to be an enabler and not an annoyance. They want you to be there when they need you, keep things running, fix them when they fail or give them a workaround. Sounds so easy – right?