Site Scan
by: Shawn Herring
SiteScan from ESRI S
ite Scan is cloud-based drone mapping software that provides a comprehensive, end-to-end drone mapping solution. It includes flight planning and fleet management tools that help an AEC project team save time and keep drone operations running smoothly. It lets you securely process drone imagery in a cloud environment to create high-quality 2D and 3D imagery product. In addition, it provides analysis and measurement tools that streamline AEC workflows like surveys and inspections. You can easily share drone datasets and information products across the project team for improved communication and collaboration. I’ve been using SiteScan since the early days of 3DRobotics (3DR) and with 500+ flights per year the last few years, there is no way we could have pulled off that type of workload without the ease of use and advanced tools that SiteScan has to offer. Below are some of the brief highlights of SiteScan.
AUGIWORLD Magazine | July 2022
PLAN YOUR FLIGHT No, you can’t just show up to a site, drone a drone, and expect to take a nap while the drone magically does your job for you...yet! There are many things to do prior to flying the drone. Gain FAA approval if needed, set ground control points (GCP), “prepare” the site by calling in Blue Stakes (811, Julie, etc.), paint some stuff, plan which flight pattern you’ll use, etc., etc., etc. And each site has its own challenges that need addressed. With SiteScan, you can increase efficiency by creating and sharing advanced 3D flight plans with your pilots, prior to leaving the office. Overlay 2D and 3D data from ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, PDF and more for enhanced flight safety and data quality.