Also in this issue:
It’s the time of the year that motivation needs to really kick in. For me I need motivation to make it to mid-March, which is when I’ll be able to drive again and hopefully be pain-free after my rotator cuff surgery. What is your motivation right now? I know we all have trials we have to work through and motivation is a key part in doing that.
Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts”.
Our issue this month focuses on tips & tricks, and I’d like to issue you all a challenge. Take 15 minutes and write down a tip/trick to share with your co-workers and encourage your co-workers to do the same. This could be done in an online SharePoint or Google Doc. These tips could be software related, workflow related or a business process. Then schedule a 30-minute meeting to review everyone’s tips.
I hope you enjoy the articles this month and all my best wishes for all of you!
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AUGIWORLD (San Francisco, Calif.)
ISSN 2163-7547
Since its inception, AUGI has prided itself on providing informative content to the global CAD user network. Along the way, AUGI contributors have shared hundreds, if not thousands, of tips and tricks. Countless production hours have been saved by implementing those tips. I joined AUGI back in 2009 and I have benefited massively from those tips and tricks.
The Bricsys staff has assembled a distinct list of tips and tricks for the latest version of BricsCAD® V23. BricsCAD® allows designers, innovators, and engineers to build better by delivering more AIassisted productivity tools, and powerful capabilities in 2D/3D modeling. Whether you are new to CAD or a savvy veteran, we should have a little something for everyone.
Connect – Are you ready to eliminate the need for repetitive extending and tedious trimming of erroneous linework? “Connect” does not change the underlying geometric definition of the input curve elements, it only changes the start and/ or endpoints to make them connected. Connect coplanar 2D lines, arcs, and/or polylines. When possible, the now connected input curves are joined into a polyline. “Connect” finds and closes the gaps between the selected entities based on the distribution of gap sizes (see differences between (1) and (2) and the corresponding results). Entities whose extensions do not intersect are ignored. (See Fig. 1)
Torient – I will say I am heavily biased with the next tip and trick. “Torient” is an Express Tools favorite of mine. It rotates text, Mtext, attribute definitions and block attribute entities for readability or a new orientation. Unlike rotate, where you need to pick the correct insertion point for the entity to rotate correctly, with “Torient” the overall object location is not changed. Bonus Tip: Express Tools for BricsCAD ® is fully integrated into BricsCAD ® V23. No additional download is required.
When it comes to settings or options, users generally fall into one of two categories. Those who explore the settings or options, and those who avoid them at all costs. Whatever side of the fence you fall on, the BricsCAD ® “SettingsSearch” has it covered. It can be accessed via the command line or within the Settings dialog box.
(See Fig. 2)
Oops – Have you ever erased an object, intentionally or by mistake, only to realize later that you do need it? I know I have. What are my options? Undo? And lose everything I just worked on? I could try to hunt down a temporary save file and hope that I can recover it. Better yet, I can run “Oops”. “Oops” restores the last erased entity, including those erased by the Block command. Common aliases are undelete and unerase.
Optimize – “Optimize” corrects inaccuracies in the drawing for 2D entities or 3D entities. Instead of visually scanning the entire drawing for incorrect linework, allow “Optimize” to make those corrections efficiently. “Optimize” corrects your drawing issues by automatically finding and healing inconsistencies such as gaps and misalignments which may otherwise be difficult to see, improving drawing accuracy and giving you a cleaner, more efficient result.
Commonly referred to as the Settings Search Bar, it is the most efficient way to traverse the BricsCAD ® settings. Any word specified by the user is searched in the settings. The search word will be matched to the Category Title, Variable titles, names, and values, or variable help text. The program displays the Settings dialog box and goes to the first entry that matches the search word.
Use the Find Previous and Find Next arrow keys located on the right-hand side of the settings search to quickly hop from one identified match to the next. Bonus Tip: If the background of the Settings Search Bar changes to the color orange, the search word has been misspelled. (See Fig. 3)
The Interface Settings dialog is a new V23 feature. Sometimes the Settings dialog can be a bit overwhelming, so BricsCAD® provides a “quick access” of sorts. It can be found at the top of the selected workspace in the Access toolbar. “Interface Settings” will be in blue letters. (See Fig. 4) The “Interface Settings” provides the option to control the layouts, quickly switch color themes, how/where panels are organized, and control the Status Bar, Command Line, and Menu Bar visibility. For more specific customizations, select Customize Workspace.
The “Quad” - BricsCAD’s unique Quad Cursor Menu is a “head-up” command palette that predicts the command usage and offers one-click access to the command you’ll likely need next. Powered by machine learning, the “Quad” predicts the commands you will need, based on the unique way you use BricsCAD®. It is an alternative to the command line or toolbars, offering a rich set of tools while requiring fewer clicks, and increasing focus without cluttering the screen with loads of grip-glyphs. The “Quad” adjusts its content, depending on what you are or are not highlighting, and what you may have selected in the current workspace. also adapts to the type of entities that have been selected. For example, by selecting two surfaces, you will be provided with different tool options in the “Quad” than selecting a solid and a surface. The “Quad” can also be
activated in no selection mode. (See Fig. 5)
MoveGuided/CopyGuided – Copies/moves 3D Solids, Block references, or a set of faces from one location to another, using reference faces of the user’s choice. Intuitively, trimming and extending linework automatically reduces the need to fix existing moved/adjusted linework. MoveGuided/ CopyGuided aligns moved/copied entities to relevant geometry-using automatically generated guide curves. Explicitly select entities to use as guide curves or let BricsCAD® determine them based on the drawing elements in your selection. Bonus Tip: MoveGuided/CopyGuided also work on simple 2D geometry.
Blockify – Collaborating with other firms and agencies, I would often receive drawings that were completely exploded, yet massive changes were needed. Now, save numerous production hours, and convert repeated geometry to Block Definitions. “Blockify automatically creates a block definition and replaces all matching sets of entities with block references throughout your entire drawing. Also, significantly reduce DWG file size by using “Blockify” to find repetitive geometry and convert it into block references.
Undoent – “Undoent” reverses editing changes made to individual entities. This command acts like the undo command but is specific to each entity. While the command might look unorthodox, the next trick is better than the command. Use the History property in the Properties panel to undo changes you made on a single entity. Do this without undoing any of the changes you made to the rest of the drawing. No longer will you need to undo all your work with Ctrl+Z. (See Fig. 6) Notice there have been 8 changes to this polyline. While hovering over each undo step, the drawing display will temporarily revert, displaying that specific change revision so there is no guessing game when selecting the undo entity. When an entity is connected to other ones, such as an edge connected to a face, BricsCAD ® asks if the other entities should be reverted.
Do you have BricsCAD® tips and tricks to share? The BricsCAD® community is rapidly growing and we’d like you to be a part of our “Build Better” family. Visit the BricsCAD Forums and our Bricsys Blogs for more BricsCAD® Tips and Tricks. The Bricsys Official Youtube hosts hundreds of hours of your favorite tips, tricks, and workflows, including much of what was featured today.
Explore more of Bricsys BricsCAD® by downloading the free, 30-day trial at Our latest release brings improvements to the tools and features you love as well as new functionality and UI that will supercharge your productivity.
Mr. Craig Swearingen is a Global Implementation Specialist and Consultant with Bricsys BricsCAD®, providing migration and implementation guidance, management strategies, and technical assistance to companies who desire a compatible alternative CAD software solution. Craig is a longtime AUGI member (2009), a Certified Autodesk AutoCad Professional, and enjoys networking with other CAD users on social media. Win or lose, Craig is an avid fan of the University of Purdue Boilermakers. #BoilerUp
In every area, digitization of processes and procedures is now an integral part of daily work at all levels. Virtually every day we witness the emergence of new software and tools, many of which quickly become essential for companies that decide to adopt them.
In this scenario of continuous search for innovation more and more importance is being given to the BIM/BI combination, particularly, but not only, in the construction industry. There is a strong focus today on these types of solutions, and companies are increasingly aware of the importance of having them available and integrating them into their working processes.
BIM has become central to the totality of the design, construction, and maintenance processes of every modern project, and of great importance is the ability to make the most of the data it contains. Business intelligence comes to our aid. Having tools to easily analyze the data contained in BIM files can make a difference in work processes, especially but not only in terms of cost and time savings.
In this article we will describe a software that has been conceived and developed from the ground up to meet this need: Vcad.
Vcad was first released in April 2020 and is developed by Blogic s.r.l., a software development company based in Rome Italy, and it’s currently being used 62 countries around the world by companies working in eight different business sectors.
Vcad is a simple to use solution that aims to connect the worlds of BIM and BI. It does so by making BIM data more accessible to professional figures that don’t usually manage BIM as well as offer companies an easy way to enhance their business intelligence with BIM.
There are two main aspects of the Vcad solution that make this all possible: automatic data extraction and model rendering.
Vcad automatically extracts all data contained in BIM models (e.g., a list of all objects and spaces in the model, all properties and attributes defined, and the relationships between everything), this data is then structured in standardized datasets, which are easy to connect to other data sources and to use in BI reports.
Vcad offers an interactive rendering of the BIM model that can be navigated and connected with the extracted data for simple selections and object highlighting, but it can also be further configured to offer more advanced tools like object theming, and tooltip and icon rendering. These features make the Vcad viewer a great tool for understanding and communicating complex data.
The first implementation of Vcad allowed the use of BIM models and data in Power BI reports, Power BI is one of the leading business intelligence tools and is developed by Microsoft.
With its ease of use and great connectivity features, Power BI was a natural pick for the Vcad development team, but now, having addressed the market’s needs and proven the usefulness of this kind of solution, Blogic is working on developing an integration with Tableau (another top player in the Business Intelligence space), then and integration with Salesforce (leading CRM software on the market), and finally will be offering a more general-purpose version designed to be easily integrated in any thirdparty system.
Vcad grew out of a need that until recently was not being met: Blogic developed a complex architecture that bridges the gap between BIM management software and BI tools, allowing its users to create in seconds fully functional reports, that contain all the data coming from the BIM files and an interactive model rendering connected to the extracted data.
In addition, external data sources can be added to the reports and connected to the report. That allows the user to represent KPIs from any business area inside of the model itself. Such as material costs, construction progress, IoT data from sensors, and so on.
With a simple setup and access to the model data, the reporting possibilities are really only tied to specific business needs and one’s imagination.
We can safely say that Vcad finds its greatest use in companies dealing with design, architecture and construction and that it can be exploited in every work process, from design to maintenance. The business professionals that can most benefit
from the functionality that Vcad offers are therefore all those figures who work daily with BIM files: BIM managers, BIM specialists and BIM coordinators.
This broadens the usefulness of this solution to all those companies that are not involved in design or construction but still use BIM methodology in their work processes. For this reason, Vcad easily finds application in a variety of work areas: retail, oil and gas, software development, real estate, environmental services, government agencies, and even integrated as a viewer and data extractor into existing systems.
Thanks to its flexibility, there are many different applications of Vcad, which are often identified and proposed by the professional figures using the tool rather than the development team. Here are some of them:
• 4D REPORTING. Monitoring the progress of the construction phases of a project. Combining work completion data with model elements and perhaps even using colors
to visually highlight different statuses. This type of report can be easily shared between planners and on-site workers to give essential information and keep management up to date with the progress.
• 5D REPORTING. 5D Vcad reports link cost and estimation processes directly to 3D models; by incorporating cost estimation, the design phase of a building and subsequent phases can be accelerated and optimized to gain insight into the economic aspects.
• QUANTITIES. Vcad makes it easy to extract quantities from BIM files. Areas, surfaces, perimeters, heights, can all be aggregated by floor or searched by individual room. Such a report is very useful in facility management scenarios.
• MAINTENANCE. Follow scheduled and predictive maintenance. Review equipment for which maintenance is planned and link model elements to data from the field. With the use of colors and alerts, the report is even more intuitive and visually immediate to consult.
• SPACE MANAGEMENT. Thanks to Vcad, it is possible to use both BIM files and CAD files to create a report that ties the spaces in a building to their use, occupancy, or any other external data, perhaps combining this data with quantities for space management purposes.
• CLASH DETECTION. In the implementation phase of a BIM model, it is necessary to work to avoid errors and clashes as much as possible. Vcad allows the creation reports for clash analysis by combining the clash detection functionality of Navisworks with Power BI. The user will then be able to review clash data (e.g., assignment, status, date of detection, etc.) directly in the report.
• DIGITAL TWIN SCENARIOS. Vcad is particularly well suited for use in Digital Twin environments, precisely because of its ability to connect external data with model elements. Digital Twin reports allow the user to review complex IoT data directly in the model rather than have to scroll though infinite datapoint lists.
The versatility of the solution enables the review of both historical and near-real-time IoT data.
This type of flexible architecture that leverages industry-standard tools enables end users to create the best solution to meet their specific needs, improve interoperability, and obtain better insights.
In addition, with the direct visual data-model connection, decisions can be made quickly and shared externally, allowing other project participants to plan their work accordingly. This is the vision of Vcad, to increase accessibility to data leveraging a growing list of technologies.
As of today, leveraging the Autodesk Forge Viewer, Vcad offers support for some of the most popular BIM file formats, including IFC, Revit, Navisworks, DGW as well as OBJs and STLs. However, following user suggestions, the Vcad team is always adding to the list of supported formats, and has planned to add two new formats during the 2023 development cycle.
All versions of Vcad can be tested free of charge for a specified period having access to all the tool’s features and with any of the supported file formats.
For more information about Vcad just write to or visit the portal
In future editions of AUGIWorld magazine we will publish a series of articles where we will go into more detail about some of the use cases described in this article. We will talk about how to create these kinds of reports and how easy and especially fast it is to achieve similar results using Vcad.
Francesco Necciari has worked at Blogic for about 16 years as a software developer and consultant. He currently occupies the role of Account Manager and oversees the development of Vcad. He is also responsible for technical support and training of Blogic solutions for clients.
Back in December of 2016, I wrote an article called Becoming Resilient. I talked about getting through the tough spots. Landing on your feet. Knocked down but not out. Surviving a crisis and getting stronger because of it. Tech Managers must be resilient. It is the ability to bounce back after difficult experiences. Picking yourself up and moving on after a setback.
The partner to being resilient is being tenacious. Tenacity may even alleviate the need for resiliency.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary online defines it to be, “…persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired.” They go on to say, “For the more than 400 years that tenacious has been a part of the English language, it has adhered closely to its Latin antecedent: tenax, an adjective meaning “tending to hold fast.”
While it is often shown with a synonym of persistence, it is not the same. Persistence means to continue to do something over and over until it works. Persistently hammering a nail will eventually drive it all the way in. Repeating the same action to achieve the results. While this is sometimes needed, if the process is flawed or ineffectual, sticking with it won’t get you very far.
I get a lot of emails that are unsolicited from tech companies offering services. You might get
these also. They provide a little blurb about their company and suggest that we meet. Then a week later, they reply to their own email and ask what time is best. Then the next week they actually send me a calendar invite. Then they come back and tell me that they are ready to give up if I don’t respond. Then they email me again and say, “last chance”. None of this works. It just annoys me. I do not respond to unsolicited emails. I read the first one in case it is something that might be of interest, but ignore the rest. The emails are persistent, but ineffective.
Tenacious people stick with it, but it includes adjusting based on past attempts. Tenacious people have a purpose and a plan. They proceed, attempt, adjust, try again, move in another direction if needed, but always strive for the goal. I get the feeling that the emailing vendors never change their strategy. I just keep getting emails.
A great example of a tenacious person was Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England during WWII. On June 4, 1940, after crushing defeats and a retreat to the beaches of Dunkirk, with a last-ditch evacuation of troops across the English Channel thus saving 338,000 British and 26,000 French soldiers to fight again, he addressed The House of Commons. Here is a portion of what he said:
“The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each
other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength. Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…”
Here are some tips for becoming tenacious when you are challenged by tough times, hard problems and technology breakdowns.
Have the Right Goals – Tenaciously striving for the wrong target would be frustrating. I have written about many ways to define what you are seeking. Get it right. Don’t start your efforts until you are positive that the goal is a worthy one. When you set that goal, stick with it. Don’t change at the first breath of resistance.
Play a Long Game – Don’t let something defeat you. When I hit a setback, I remember that I play the long game. I tell that to people when I start a project or a negotiation. There may be setbacks and defeats along the way, but I play the long game. This means that I do not give up when I do not achieve what I set out for the first time, or on my planned timeline, or get everything I ask for. I just keep going. It may take longer or more effort, but I will get there. Bit by bit it will all fall into place. Little by little I will gain ground. Inch by inch, everything is a cinch (corny quote of the day).
It Ain’t Over, Till It’s Over - I am writing this during the NFL playoff season. In football, it often comes down to the last few minutes or seconds of the game. The game is not over until time runs out. So many last-minute field goals make a winner. You have seen many late game offensive charges decide the outcome. Or maybe a fumble or interception changes everything. Don’t get discouraged. So many times, I have come back to things that were not working the day before and tried another method of fixing it, and it worked. “Try, Try again” (another corny quote, but it is applicable).
Am I Done Yet? - This comes from my home life, when I have a chore that is not going the way that I hoped it would. It is taking longer, or needs more
work, or does not seem to be coming together the way I planned. Along comes someone asking about progress. In my frustration (which is okay to feel), I ask them “Am I done yet?” Meaning I have not given up. I have not put away the tools yet. The chore is still not done, I know it. I am still working on it. I may need to go to Home Depot… again. I will not let it get the best of me. (I also know when to call in a professional because it has gotten the best of me – lol)
Don’t Become Stubborn – sometimes you fail and that is when resilience kicks in. Sometimes, you just have to give up. Don’t become so focused on your specific goal, that nothing less than 100% success will satisfy you. You tend to become stubborn when that happens. It’s okay to have someone else help. It is okay to not get everything you expected. It is okay to modify your goal because it is just taking too long to get finished. It is okay to call it “done” somewhere between “good enough” and “perfect”. As part of your planning and goal setting you should define “done”. If you don’t it may lead to frustration and stubbornness.
Tenacity stays focused on the goal and makes progress while changing methods along the way. Resilience keeps you moving after a setback. Blending the two together makes you an unstoppable force when you meet immovable objects.
Mark Kiker has more than 30 years of hands-on experience with technology. He is fully versed in every area of management from deployment planning, installation, and configuration to training and strategic planning. A former AUGI Board member, President and Executive Director, he is an internationally known speaker and writer, having written for AUGI World since 2015. Mark is currently serving as Chief Technology Officer for SIATech, a nonprofit public charter high school focused on dropout recovery. He maintains two web sites, www. and
Ever wondered what it would be like to be mentored one-on-one by a senior engineer that’s using SOLIDWORKS to successfully deliver solutions to industry clients?
My name is Rafael Testai, and in this video series Mechanisms & Mentorship, we’ll take a look behind the scenes to see how a hand-picked engineer has designed one of their mechanisms in granular detail. We’ll “open the hood” to analyze their CAD design and thought process behind the solution. I’ll ask them questions about the project, roadblocks, challenges, specific insights they learned, and how they’re using SOLIDWORKS to solve real world problems.
You’ll learn a mixture of soft skills and hard skills. This series is perfect for viewers who are already proficient in SOLIDWORKS (CSWA, CSWP, CSWE) and want to take the next step in their careers.
In this episode of Mechanisms & Mentorship, I’ll interview Directory of Business Development and Mechanical Engineer, Aaron Robison from in Arizona. We’ll focus on the project he’s currently developing called “The Threaded Insert Installer.” Stay tuned if you’ve struggled melting threaded inserts into 3D printed parts, this solution is for you.
Aaron has 20+ years of experience in diverse industries across all phases of R&D and roles such as NPD technical project manager, start-up cofounder, and engineer. He has a sound business and technical acumen to build teams and momentum to solve complex problems. Aaron excels at growing people, product and machine design, materials research, and manufacturing processes. Six of the ten products he’s developed have been or will be commercialized and all of them have produced invaluable learning.
1. What is the Threaded Insert Installer (TII)? (Min 1:12)
The TII is used to put brass or metal inserts that have threads in them into a thermoplastic part, usually 3D printed or injection molded. The TII is similar to a heated harbor press. The benefit that it provides is that the metal insert is installed perfectly perpendicularly to the surface of the part. You can read more about the TII at product/threaded-insert-installer/.
2. What Problem Does the TII Solve? (Min 1:55)
In this section, Robison shows us a detailed explanation of how the TII can make our lives easier.
3. How to Install an Insert using the TII? (Min 4:45)
How to install an insert using the TII.
Robinson will walk us through the iterations of the TII. The first version had a liner rail and no handle. Image below.
you. I would encourage you to follow me on Linkedin so that we can stay in touch, and you can be notified when more articles like this one get published. I lead with value and my writing style is direct and to the point.
Any recommendations on who you think I should interview next? Feel free to reach out to me on Linkedin or Instagram. I read all correspondence.
Instagram: testai/
Engineers translate vague requests into quantifiable amounts that can be tested for.
To learn more about Aaron Robison, visit his LinkedIn.
If you read until the very end, I greatly appreciate
SolidWorks Influencer. FOLLOW to watch exclusive videos I create that quickly teach you the inner working mechanism of interesting products l Mechanical Product Designer LinkedIn/ Instagram/TikTok/Podcast/ More articles: https://linktr. ee/testai
DWG was invented in the late 1970s (for the Interact CAD program) and was only later licensed by Autodesk as the file format used in AutoCAD. In the 1990s, Graebert became the first company to release a workalike alternative for 2D/3D CAD with DWG support and an API for developers (FelixCAD), before leading many innovations in DWG for mobile and cloud.
Today, millions of professionals use DWG CAD software. If you are reading this, you are probably one of them, and you realize that these drawings are more than files. They contain your projects and your intellectual property — but they also play another crucial role. They are central to your business because they enable collaboration beyond your design team to bring your projects to life and maintain them afterward.
In other words, enabling, and potentially extending, the access to technical information in DWG format
is essential. But if you have been using AutoCAD in the past decade, you have successively experienced the end of perpetual licenses, the end of multiuser network licenses, and little innovation for increasingly high prices. Your colleagues working with Revit have already signed multiple open letters protesting the situation, yet Autodesk continues to make choices that irritate its users.
You deserve better than that. You also deserve better than a future where Autodesk would like to lock up your projects on its servers (via Autodesk Vault, BIM 360, or Autodesk Forma). Besides a better price, and choice between term, perpetual, and network licenses … you deserve innovation.
Graebert’s ARES CAD software represents the second-largest installed base for CAD in DWG after
AutoCAD, and is also the market leader for cloudbased technologies.
The many companies using ARES include Hyundai, LG, Samsung, and three of the top five construction groups in Japan.
The ARES technology is also widely used as a CAD platform by many industry-leading developers, such as Dassault Systèmes (DraftSight is powered by ARES) and PTC Onshape (Onshape Drawings is based on ARES Kudo).
ARES Commander offers a full-featured replacement for 2D/3D CAD in DWG on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Customers have their choice of multiple licensing options, from subscriptions (term licenses) to perpetual to network.
The user interface is optimized to enable an easy transition from AutoCAD or other CAD applications, including familiar keyboard commands and shortcuts.
And even though the options are greater, costs are lower:
You can have nearly 9 years of ARES for the price of 1 year of AutoCAD.
These are things you can see for yourself with our free trial.
But there is a better story than that … the story of what truly collaborative CAD makes possible.
ARES is the third generation of Graebert’s CAD software. After successively releasing FelixCAD (1994) and PowerCAD (2004), Graebert introduced the all-new ARES Commander in 2010. The motivation to rewrite the program entirely was to develop
a modern CAD solution that would be platform independent.
That goal was achieved, so the same core CAD features can be used on any operating system. From its very first version, ARES Commander was available for Windows, Mac, and Linux computers — and all with the same license. Most importantly, this technological advantage enabled Graebert to use the CAD features from ARES Commander to build ARES Touch (for Android and iOS) and ARES Kudo (for use in Internet browsers).
This explains why ARES Touch and ARES Kudo are the only Mobile CAD and Online CAD solutions on the market that provide a full set of 2D CAD features for DWG.
The ARES Trinity of CAD software is, however, more than a suite of three products bundled in the same license. It is a fully integrated ecosystem, leveraging the best of what each platform has to offer to extend collaboration within and beyond your design team.
• Work on your desktop computers and mobile workstations with an AutoCAD-workalike user interface, and enjoy advanced 2D and 3D CAD features.
• Keep the flexibility to decide when to use DWG files synchronized with the cloud, and when to work with local files.
• Employ modern collaboration tools to significantly improve teamwork among all team members, both inside and outside your company.
Video: ARES Trinity collaboration features in ARES Commander, https://www. list=PLStPIOsWm9vFPS7VOf1WQ4qvY db_k18hQ&index=3
v=Jbh1KXWBKlU&list=PLStPIOsWm9vFPS7VOf1WQ 4qvYdb_k18hQ&index=4
• Work from home or on the go, directly in your Internet browser.
• Gain remote access to your company’s DWG files — securely.
• Enable modern collaboration tools and synchronize files across all your users and all their devices.
Video: Online CAD in DWG - ARES Kudo user working remotely,
• View and annotate drawings on Android and iOS, with tools tailored to smaller screens.
• Ensure technical workers get live updates.
• Get instant feedback from the field with voice recordings, text, and photos that convey rich information quickly.
Video: Mobile CAD in DWG: Technical worker on site at work with ARES Touch, EgzQQTc&list=PLStPIOsWm9vFPS7VOf1WQ4qvY db_k18hQ&index=5
Centralizing files in a cloud environment can enhance agility and improve collaboration. With ARES Commander, you keep the flexibility to work with local files (just as you did before) or to use files
in the cloud — or both — according to what makes sense for your projects.
Instead of trying to lock your files into a vendorcontrolled cloud, Graebert built the ARES Trinity in such a way that it can be a hub, connecting a large variety of leading solutions.
The ARES Trinity is closely integrated with the APIs of all major cloud-based storage services, including such popular options as Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, and Dropbox, as well as specialized services like Microsoft OneDrive for Business and Microsoft SharePoint.
Onshape and Trimble Connect users can also connect their solutions with ARES CAD software to create and modify DWG files stored on these servers with the rest of their projects.
Last but not least, ARES offers integration with private servers and private clouds. With the WebDAV protocol, you can connect to a private server. Alternatively, the integrations with Nextcloud and AWS enable any organization to create its own private cloud.
1. Embrace modern collaboration tools without disruption
With ARES Commander, CAD users can instantly switch over and keep working in an AutoCAD-
workalike environment, with no time wasted on extensive training and no compromises in 2D/3D CAD features. After a smooth and seamless transition, users immediately start seeing the benefits of the Trinity collaboration features.
2. Synchronize files across all users and all types of devices
The native integration with all your favorite cloud storage services, directly inside each of the ARES CAD software applications, ensures continuity of work across all your devices.
You can start working at the office, then continue your project anywhere else: at your client’s office, at home, or on the go. Your CAD license and your DWG files follow you on any device, anywhere.
Most importantly, the drawings are also synchronized among all users. Users working remotely, in home offices, or in the field get live updates of the drawings whenever another user saves a modification.
3. Enable secure remote access to your drawings
Each user is authenticated with a login and password. Company administrators can decide which cloud storage providers are authorized within their organization.
Each user is granted access for viewing or editing based on the permissions defined in the cloud
storage. You can see at any time who has access to each file, and grant or revoke rights as needed.
The version history shows who modified the drawing, and when. You can also compare successive versions to highlight the changes with colors.
If required, you can revert the changes, and even promote an older version to make it the current version.
While working in ARES Commander, ARES Kudo, or ARES Touch, users can discuss the project with comments and markups that can be linked to selections of entities.
Such discussion threads appear in a palette and enable collaboration in context, without modifying the project.
They ensure an agile collaboration environment, even when users are working remotely or in the field.
By extension, these features enable a better workflow between the users creating the drawings, and the users in the field relying on such drawings to execute their work.
Some of these collaboration features include:
• Comments with the option to zoom to the selection to respond or answer, before eventually marking it as resolved.
• Picture Markup to insert one or multiple images stored on your device, or to take a photo on the spot (e.g., with your smartphone).
• Voice Markup to comment by recording your voice.
• Stamps to insert ready-made texts such as “To be reviewed” or “Validated” — or create your own.
• Email notifications provide timely updates about your project so you can react promptly.
<< See examples of markups in an email notification
5. Easily collect feedback and validation with free online viewing and commenting
Invite all your colleagues, customers, and other collaborators to view and comment on your drawings — for free! Thanks to view-only links, which always reflect the current state of your project, your collaborators will have immediate access, without purchasing or installing any software.
With the view-only links that you create, your contacts can not only view the drawing online, but can also use the Trinity collaboration features to add comments or markups, enabling the design team to see their feedback in real time.
Company administrators can configure or restrict how their users can use view-only links:
• Enable / disable the option to create view-only links
• Enable / disable the option to let viewers save a PDF version
• Restrict the duration of view-only links to ensure they automatically expire.
For greater security, ARES users can also choose a specific expiry date and/or define a password for each view-only link.
Video: Enable free viewing and commenting with view-only links, qsdtf6moFh0&list=PLStPIOsWm9vFPS7VOf1WQ4qv Ydb_k18hQ&index=6
Autodesk decided to retire the multi-user subscriptions of AutoCAD, with a trade-in deal offering two nameduser seats for each floating license. This ratio does not accurately reflect the fact that most customers actually had four to ten users working with each floating license. As a result, AutoCAD users have faced reduced choices and dramatically increased costs.
By contrast, Graebert continues to offer users a choice between:
• Term licenses (aka subscriptions) for 1 or 3 years.
• Perpetual licenses with or without Trinity.
Network licenses for 1 year or perpetual use.
After workplaces were drastically reshaped by COVID-19, many professionals are still working from home, either entirely or for a few days per week. The third edition of McKinsey’s American Opportunity Survey concluded in 2022 that 87% of the respondents who have the chance to work flexibly take it.
This new reality is a challenge for organizations using network licenses, because such licenses typically require that all the users be connected to the same local PC network — which implies they work at the office.
While Graebert continues to support this traditional model of network licenses, it is also introducing a modern alternative: the Flex Cloud license. The advantage is that Flex Cloud licenses are shared via the Internet, rather than shared over a local network.
• A Flex Cloud license is a Trinity license (it includes ARES Commander + ARES Kudo + ARES Touch) shared within a group of users
(there is a minimum of 3 licenses, which can be shared by an unlimited number of users).
• The number of simultaneous users is limited to the number of licenses purchased.
• The licenses are in the cloud. Unlike with a Flex Network license, the users no longer have to be working on the same local network, so they can be anywhere: in shared or home offices, or even in different countries
… the options are limitless.
Cédric Desbordes is Graebert’s Business Development & Marketing Director and has been working in the CAD industry for more than 20 years, with experience in many international markets from Europe to the Americas and Asia. In his present role, he is supporting the digital transformation of Graebert’s customers with cloud and mobile technologies.
Prior to joining Graebert in 2013, Mr. Desbordes cofounded a CAD software company in France and served as Chairman of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium.
The theme of this month’s issue is tips and tricks. Here at Inside Track, we endeavour to find you the best tips and tricks in the Autodesk App Store EVERY month. As a seasoned AutoCAD user of over thirtyfour years (yep, you read that right – thirty-four), I decided to find you the best FREE AutoCAD apps this month, as every app is typically created around a tip or a trick, right? The incredible developers in the App Store are the masters of tips and tricks, creating apps that will help all of you. I hope that at least one of these AutoCAD apps will help you along the way!
The Autodesk App Store is full of useful apps for all Autodesk applications, not just the ones mentioned here, so make sure you search the store, as I’m sure you will find many apps that will help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to using and building standards for your workflows.
So, on that note, here are this month’s opportunities to advance your skills, processes, and workflows with the most current industry-related software and hardware updates available. en/Detail/Index?id=3563402343 067399513&appLang=en&os=W in32_64
Autodesk AutoCAD
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD MEP
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk® Civil 3D®
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
OBJ2DWG is a freeware LISP application that imports simple .OBJ files into Autodesk® AutoCAD®. Imported OBJ meshes are represented as PolyFace meshes. You can import OBJ files up to 32767 vertices which is the limitation of the PolyFace object.
Sometimes that .OBJ file needs to be brought into a .DWG file. Here’s the free app to do it. en/Detail/Index?id=8126638791 983384707&appLang=en&os=W in32_64
Autodesk AutoCAD
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 201
Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD MEP
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk® Civil 3D®
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Converts hundreds of international and historical physical measurement units, not only from the CAD area - length, area, volume, time, mass, density, speed, pressure, force, moment, power, flux, numbers, luminous intensity, electric charge, etc.
New historical units recently added - French, German, British, Greek, Asian.
There’s ALWAYS a need to convert units. This is a great app to help you do this. en/Detail/Index?id=7641170284
89085520&appLang=en&os=W in32_64
Autodesk AutoCAD
Version: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical
Version: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture
Version: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD MEP
Version: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk® Civil 3D®
Version: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D
Version: 2020, 2019, 2018
CAD Monkey is a program created by an Architect and a Programmer. Together, these partners created the program with one goal: giving time back to the design professional to focus on their trade. CAD Monkey is not here to replace the creative function of Architects, Engineers or Designers. It’s your time and fee, so spend it where you want! CAD Monkey automates creating External References (or XREFs) and linking multiple drawings, saving you time to do what you care about. CAD Monkey Lite will set up your Model Space and Paper Space external references.
CAD Monkey Lite introduces “File Trees”; a new way to save different file structures to better serve the diverse types of projects you work on. If you’re an architect who does small test fits, square footage calcs, stacking diagrams, interior renovations, and new base building construction, you’ll be able to save up to 6 different File Trees saving time no matter how big or small the job. Each File Tree will create up to twelve model space files linked together however you see fit, and then you can create up to twelve paper space files to complete your drawings. Once you’ve completed the
Configuration and built your File Trees, enter the project number, pick the File Tree and title block for this project, and we will create all the drawings and XREF them together. Within seconds you’ll have a project-specific set of CAD documents created so you can get to work.
We start by asking you a few simple questions about what you want your file structure to look like, and you can choose to have standard Autodesk® AutoCAD® templates or your firm’s specific templates.
If you’re using AutoCAD 2018 or 2019, then all your XREFs are set up as Relative Path references, meaning you can move all your files to a project-specific folder and not have to worry about the files disconnecting. If you’re still using Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2017, then check out CAD Monkey Lite (Legacy).
XREFs are always fun. It’s always good to make sure you have them under control! en/Detail/Index?id=6420373725
165012225&appLang=en&os=W in32_64
Autodesk AutoCAD
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture
Version: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
The Grid Line add-in draws a grid line with automatic labelling. This add-in allows you to specify line extension length, label text, label frame and label text size. For changing default parameters, follow command line keywords. It has options for labelling at the start, end or both ends of the grid line, extension length, label frame, and text size.
I have lost count of the number of grid lines I have had to draw over the years. EXACTLY what you need, right?
If you have some news to share with us for future issues, please let us know. Likewise, if you are a user of a featured product or news item and would like to write a review, we want to know. Drop me a line at: shaun. We’d love to hear from you!
AUGIWORLD brings you recent developments in Autodesk and related software items