Australia China Business Review Issue 02 November 2017

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2017年十一月 。 第2期

First mover Tianqi capitalising on lithium surge Page 6 先驱者

天齐锂业得益于锂业大潮 第6页

Adventure-bound Western Australian focus on independent travellers Page 10 户外探险之旅

自由行游客在西澳备受青睐 第10页

New gas age

China’s energy policies a boon for LNG exporters



Race to plate Internationals line up to fill Chinese seafood menus Page 26 珍馐之争

全球食材商竞相丰富 中国人的食谱 第26页

Yongfeng Lu Chief Australian representative China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Photo: Philip Gostelow 吕永丰 澳大利亚首席代表 中国海洋石油总公司 照片:Philip Gostelow


Congratulations to Australia China Business Review 中国驻珀斯总领事雷克中 Chinese Consul-General Lei Kezhong ON behalf of the Chinese Consulate General in Perth, I would like to extend my congratulations to Australia China Business Review on the publication of its first issue. At the end of this year, we will celebrate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia. Looking back, thanks to friendly political relations and high-level, complementary economic links between Australia and China, bilateral economic cooperation and trade have made great progress. Trade has jumped from $US86 million at the establishment of relations, to $US100 billion in 2016. Economic and trade cooperation in China and Australia has become a safety net, and promoted a comprehensive, strategic partnership. Western Australia, with its vast energy resources, has become the bridgehead of China’s and Australia’s economic and trade cooperation, accounting for half of the investments and trade between the two countries. In recent years, it has been pleasing to see an increasing number of Chinese investors in Australia, no matter whether it is in the Kimberley, the Pilbara, or the Wheatbelt. Looking to the future, I hope the two countries will increase their cooperation in the fields of agriculture, infrastructure, tourism, education and scientific research. This will bring great benefits to the people. Australia China Business Review is a new, vigorous media platform. I sincerely hope Australia China Business Review can help Chinese and Australian industries deepen mutual understanding, enhance friendship and trust through genuine and objective business reports, and build a bridge for information exchange to enhance economic and trade cooperation.



值此《澳中商讯》创刊之际,我谨代表中国驻 珀斯总领事馆致以热烈的祝贺! 今年年底,我们将迎来中国与澳大利亚建交 45周年。回顾过去,得益于中澳两国间良好 的政治关系和经济的高度互补性,双边经贸 合作取得了长足发展。两国贸易额从建交 之初的0.86亿美元跃升至2016年的1000多 亿美元,增长约1200倍。经贸合作日益成为 中澳两国全面战略伙伴关系的压舱石和推 进器。

西澳州凭借丰富的能矿资源成为中澳经贸 合作的桥头堡,占据了两国投资贸易往来的 半壁江山。我很高兴地看到,近年来无论是 在北部的金伯利,中部的皮尔巴拉还是南部 的小麦带,都有越来越多的中国投资者的身 影和足迹。展望未来,我希望双方在巩固传 统能矿合作的同时,在农业、基础设施、旅 游、教育、科研等广泛领域进一步拓展互利 合作,造福两国人民。

《澳中商讯》是一个崭新的,富有朝气的新 型媒体平台。我衷心希望《澳中商讯》能够通 过真实、客观的商业报道帮助中澳产业界加 深相互了解,增进友谊和互信,为促进中澳 经贸合作搭建一座资讯交流的桥梁。



contents 目录

Property | 地产

20 Perth apartments firming for offshore investors


Technology | 科技

24 Crossing the great digital divide

14 From the editor’s desk | 主编的话 4

WA switched on to China’s clean power 西澳州接轨中国清洁能源

上下同欲者胜 风雨共舟者兴

News | 新闻

34 Bankwest aims services at Asian migrants 西澳银行为亚裔客户量身打造全程服务

42 Alibaba, Ctrip in premier’s focus


Tianqi capitalising on lithium surge 锂矿大潮的弄潮儿-天齐锂业

Tourism | 旅游

10 WA poised to capture more adventurous Chinese tourists


Agribusiness | 农商

14 Gas producers to cash in on CNOOC’s long game

Resources | 能源

26 Filling China’s live seafood menu

Cover story | 封面故事


西澳州长访华 阿里巴巴与携程网备受关注


Education | 教育

30 Visa changes switch off international students


Opinion | 教育

36 Feng Shui, in harmony with success?


38 WA’s success lies in technology, innovation

西澳若想功成名遂 技术与创新举足轻重

40 Xi Jinping unveils China’s new leadership team


2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017


Publisher DDK IN THE ZONE PTY LTD trading as Australia China Business Review Editor in chief Dan Wilkie

主编: 丹•威尔基


from the

Managing director Ken Meng

董事总经理: 孟敬亭

E: Graphic design GRAFFIK Printing Daniels Printing Craftsmen AUSTRALIA CHINA BUSINESS REVIEW 澳中商讯

PH: (08) 6216 9899 Postal Address Unit 2c, 330 Churchill Avenue Subiaco, Western Australia 6008

Disclaimer While all care has been taken to ensure the information included in this publication is accurate and has come from sources deemed to be reliable, Australia China Business Review takes no responsibility, unless expressly indicated, for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of opinions, statements and comments does not constitute endorsement by Australia China Business Review. Content within this publication is protected by Australian copyright law and may not be reproduced without express written permission by Australia China Business Review. 免责声明: Australia China Business Review已经采取所有措施来确保本刊 物所包含的信息是准确的,而且是来自 确认可靠的消息来源,除非明确指出,对 于任何不准确的信息Australia China Business Review 不负任何责任。刊物 中意见、声明和评论不代表 Australia China Business Review 立场。 本刊 物的内容受澳大利亚版权法保护,未经 Australia China Business Review 的书面许可,不得转载 4


DAN WILKIE | 丹·威尔基


WA switched CHINA’s clean energy policy looms as the next major opportunity to expand and deepen the country’s economic relationship with Australia – particularly in the rapidly growing liquefied natural gas and lithium sectors. For the better part of three decades, Western Australia’s economic prosperity has been tied to China’s growth. China’s rapid industrialisation and rampant need for steelmaking products helped create WA’s largest export industry – iron ore. And while it was Japan that initially helped form WA’s burgeoning LNG export industry, it is China that has the potential to take it to another level. As part of a broader effort to reduce reliance on coal, China is looking to LNG to satisfy its energy needs, with imports surging as a result, at a time when the world’s biggest producers are ramping up to capacity at three new gas operations off the WA coast. Whether WA-based operators can position themselves to fulfil that demand is the question, with cheap shale gas emerging out of the United States, and Qatar looking likely to ramp up production. But with collaboration with China National Offshore Oil Corporation a feature of the WA LNG market for the past two decades, the state is again in the box seat. Chinese collaboration is also becoming the driving force behind one of WA’s hottest new industry sectors – lithium.



editor’s desk 主编的话


on to China’s clean power Global demand for lithium, one of the principal ingredients in manufacturing the batteries that power computers, smartphones and electric cars, is skyrocketing. Lithium has a big part to play in the renewable energy space, with applications in wind turbines, solar panels, power generation and storage. The other key plank of China’s clean energy policy is renewables, as it seeks to become a leader in the green power space. WA is already considered to be at the forefront of lithium mining, with the world’s highest-grade deposit being mined in the South West, and countless other deposits being discovered around the state. WA deposits are also considered to be lower cost and quicker to develop than deposits found in South America, again placing the state at a significant advantage to capitalise on global demand. And with further collaboration with Chinese companies, Tianqi Lithium being the leader, there is significant upside potential for WA. However, there is a risk rapid development in the sector could flood the market, largely because lithium deposits are not in short supply around the world, but processing capacity is. With most of the world’s lithium processing capacity in China, it will be the early movers with deals in place that are most well placed to benefit.

中国大力发展清洁能源,为中澳两国扩大和 深化经济交流带来了又一契机——尤其是 在迅速发展的液化天然气产业和锂产业等 领域。

锂矿在可再生能源领域中地位突出,广泛应 用于风力发电机、太阳能电池板、发电和蓄 电等行业。

随着中国快速发展的工业化和对钢铁产品 的迫切需求,铁矿石出口迅速成为西澳州最 大的出口产业。

西澳州目前在锂矿开发方面走在世界前列。 其西南矿区的品位之高举世无双,并且全州 各地已发现的锂矿不计其数。

西澳州的经济繁荣与中国发展息息相关,中 国成就了西澳州黄金三十年。

中国正在努力成为绿色能源领域的领导者, 其清洁能源政策的另一个重点就是可再生 能源。

尽管日本最早投资西澳州的液化天然气出 口产业,但中国极有可能后来居上。

西澳州的锂矿开发相较南美成本更低,速度 更快,使得西澳州在全球市场上一马当先。

中国正努力减少对煤炭的依赖,并寻求以液 化天然气作为替代能源,以满足其对能源的 需求。随着中国不断扩大进口量,世界天然 气巨头也开始加速提升西澳州沿海三个新 天然气运营厂的产能。

然而,目前存在的问题是:首先,西澳州的运 营商是否有能力满足这一需求不得而知;其 次,廉价的页岩气已在美国以外的其他地区 得以勘探开发;而且,卡塔尔也很可能要大 规模提高天然气产量。

随着西澳州与中国企业的合作不断深化,天 齐锂业作为中国锂产业的龙头企业,在西澳 州的发展有着巨大的上升空间。 然而,锂产业的快速发展有可能冲击市场价 格,主要因为世界各地的锂储备并不短缺, 只是加工能力相对不足。 当前全球大部分锂加工企业都位于中国,那 些已有大批订单在手的佼佼者将处于最有 利的竞争位置。

但西澳州的优势在于过去二十年中,西澳州 液化天然气市场一直保持与中国海洋石油 总公司的积极合作。 这一合作也极大地推动了“锂产业”这一西 澳州最热新兴产业的发展。

锂是电脑、智能手机和电动汽车中电池的主 要成分,因此在全球市场中炙手可热。

2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017




Tianqi capitalising on lithium surge 丹·威尔基 : Dan Wilkie

IN 2012, China’s Ministry of Science and Technology set an ambitious target – 5 million cars on Chinese roads to be powered by ‘new energy’ by 2020. The announcement was well received by lithium producers around the globe, already cashing in on rapidly increasing demand for the material as lithium-based batteries have become a ubiquitous aspect of life, powering personal electronics from smartphones to tablets to laptop computers and even electric bicycles. Adding to the increased demand from electric car manufacturers are rapid advancements in large-scale energy storage technology, pioneered by Elon Musk’s Tesla, which is building a 100-megawatt lithium ion battery that will act as a back-up for South Australia’s renewables-powered energy grid. The surging need for lithium is clear validation of the vision shown by Tianqi Lithium chairman Jiang Weiping, who saw value in the 6


world’s lightest metal when few others did 25 years ago. In 1992, Tianqi Lithium Corporation began constructing its first lithium carbonate plant in Shehong, Sichuan Province, at a time when lithium miners collectively battled to find takers for the mineral, the industrial applications of which were not yet well understood. Fast forward to 2017, and the lithium sector is one of the hottest areas of international mining. Research by international consultancy firm Roskill shows that around 200,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate concentrate (LCE) was consumed worldwide in 2016. Surging demand from the uptake of electric vehicles and the increased production of lithium-ion batteries is expected to increase that consumption to at least 600,000 tonnes of LCE by 2025. However, capitalising on the rapidly increasing demand is not a simple proposition. While there is no shortage of lithium deposits around the world, or in Western

HIGH GRADE The Greenbushes operation in the South West is the world’s best lithium deposit. Photo: Tianqi Australia 卓越品质 位于西澳西南地区的格林布什矿 藏(Greenbushes)拥有世界上品质最好的 锂矿资源。 照片:天齐澳洲 2012年中国国家科学技术部制定了一个雄 心勃勃的目标,希望在2020年中国新能源汽 车的保有量能够达到500万辆。 该计划一经公布,全球锂产品生产商好评不 断。而在此之前锂电池广泛应用于人们生活 的各个方面,从智能手机到平板电脑再到笔 记本电脑,甚至电动自行车,都由锂电池提 供动力。因此,锂产品的需求突飞猛涨,生产 商也获利匪浅。

随着电动汽车生产商的需求日益提高,大规 模能源存储技术也日新月异。目前,在伊隆· 马斯克(Elon Musk)领导下的特斯拉公司 (Tesla)一马当先,正在制造100兆瓦级的 锂离子电池,用于南澳可再生能源网的备用 系统。

锂产品的需求量不断攀升,无疑证实了天齐 锂业董事长蒋卫平先生的高瞻远瞩。早在25 年前,蒋卫平先生就已经从锂这一世界上最 轻的金属中看到了其宝贵价值,正可谓是时 代的先锋。

1992年,天齐锂业公司在中国四川的射洪破 土动工,开启了第一个碳酸锂工程。当时人

能源 Australia, there is a shortfall in processing capacity. Lithium is present in several different minerals, but there are only two types of mineralisation currently considered suitable for commercial extraction. Extraction from pegmatites, the mineralisation most commonly found in WA, takes around three years to produce battery-grade lithium from the ore that is mined, known in the industry as spodumene. To extract from brine deposits, commonly found in Chile and Argentina, it takes around seven years to produce lithium suitable to be made into batteries. Roskill estimates that 785,000 tonnes of LCE will be needed each year by 2025, amounting to a 26,000-tonne shortfall from anticipated supply. That shortfall has led Tianqi to invest heavily in WA, with a $400 million lithium hydroxide plant under construction in Kwinana, and plans to invest another $300 million into that facility to double its capacity have already been formalised before the first stage of building is completed. Once the second stage is completed, the Kwinana plant will be the world’s largest lithium processing operation, with an annual capacity of around 48,000 tonnes of lithium hydroxide, equivalent to around 40,000 tonnes of LCE. Tianqi is also planning to build two additional plants in China of similar size to the Kwinana facility, as it seeks to solidify itself as a global leader in lithium processing. The construction of the Kwinana plant follows Tianqi’s 2012 takeover of Talison Lithium, a deal worth $815 million. Talison, now a 51:49 joint venture between Tianqi and US-based chemical conglomerate Albemarle, is the operator of the world’s biggest and highest-grade lithium mine, located about 250 kilometres south of Perth. The Greenbushes mine currently produces around 80,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate annually, while Tianqi and Albemarle plan to double that capacity by 2019. In Perth recently to present at the Sino-Australia Economic and Trade Forum, hosted by the University of Western Australia, Mr Jiang said Tianqi’s latest spending was the culmination of 20 years of investment in WA. “The facilities in Australia we are now constructing will be our flagship facilities, and will also be a strong demonstration to the world that we are going to build our competitiveness and bill ourselves as an international leader in the new energy and new materials industry going forward,” Mr Jiang said via his interpreter, Tianqi president Vivian Wu. “Tianqi Lithium’s future supply will be fully secured, and WA’s lithium will be provided to international new energy markets, especially the electric vehicle industry.” Tianqi Australia general manager Phil Thick told Australia China Business Review the deci-

们尚未了解锂矿的工业应用方式,因此锂矿 工人往往需要竭力争取锂矿的购买商。

时光飞逝,今年锂行业已经成为国际矿业中 炙手可热的领域。

国际咨询公司罗斯基尔(Roskill)的研究表 明,2016年全球锂碳酸精矿(LCE)的消耗量 约为20万吨。 随着电动汽车的需求量和锂离子电池的产 量日增月益,2025年锂碳酸精矿的消耗量至 少将达到60万吨。 然而面对日益增长的需求,如何物尽其用却 并非易事。 如今全球乃至西澳的锂矿储备量都十分丰 富,但是加工能力却尚有欠缺。

锂存在于若干种不同的矿石之中,但目前仅 有两种矿化方法适用于锂的商业化提取。

在西澳最为常见的是结晶花岗岩,业内人士 称这种矿石为锂辉矿石。从锂辉矿石中提取 锂,制成锂电池大约要花费三年的时间。 智利和阿根廷最常见的类型是卤水矿。从卤 水矿中提取出适用于锂电池的锂则需要约 七年之久。

据罗斯基尔公司估计,在2025年之前,每年 锂碳酸精矿的需求量将达到78.5万吨,与预 期供应量相比,将造成2.6万吨的短缺。 这种预期的短缺情况使得天齐锂业在西澳 大规模投资。其中一座价值4亿澳元的氢氧 化锂工厂正在奎纳纳工业园区实施修建。在 一期工程完成之前,天齐公司又正式通过提 案,追加3亿澳元投资,使产量翻番。 二期项目完成后,奎纳纳工厂将成为全球最 大的锂产品加工商,年产量高达4.8万吨氢 氧化锂,相当于4万吨锂碳酸精矿。 同时天齐锂业计划在中国建设两座与奎纳 纳工厂同等级别的工厂,以巩固其在锂行业 的全球领先地位。

2012年天齐锂业以8.15亿澳元的价格收购 泰利森锂业(Talison Lithium),随即开始 建设奎纳纳工厂。


VISIONARY Jiang Weiping was a lithium believer before many others. Photo: Tianqi Australia 愿景 锂业先锋蒋卫平先生慧眼识锂,冠绝一 时。 照片:天齐澳洲 泰利森锂业位于珀斯以南250公里处, 目前由天齐锂业和美国雅保化学公司 (Albemarle)以51%和49%的股份共同持 股,经营着世界上最大且最优质的锂矿。

格林布什矿藏目前的锂辉矿石年产量约为8 万吨。天齐锂业和雅保公司计划在2019年前 实现产量翻番。 近日西澳大学在珀斯举办中澳校际经贸论 坛,在该论坛上,蒋先生表示天齐锂业最近 一次投资的金额相当于西澳20年的投资总 额。

“我们目前在澳大利亚的工厂建设项目将 成为我们的旗舰项目,也将成为我们向世界 展示竞争力的平台,更将成为我们在新能源 和新材料行业领先全球的标志。”天齐锂业 总经理吴薇女士为蒋先生翻译道。 “将来天齐锂业会充分保障其供应量。西澳 的锂资源将销往国际新能源市场,尤其是电 动汽车行业。”

天齐澳洲的总经理菲尔·西克(Phil Thick) 告诉澳中商讯(ACBR),选择在西澳而不是 中国进行投资,给公司带来了诸多运营优 势。这是其他竞争者无法企及的。 西克先生指出,第一个优势就是工厂毗邻格 林布什矿藏。

“现在我们需要将锂辉石精矿运往中国。但 是工厂建成之后,我们只需要将矿石运往奎 纳纳,将其转化成氢氧化锂并装袋,最后在 弗里曼特尔港(Fremantle)通过集装箱运 输给最终客户。”他说。 “这将节约大量成本。”

另一个优势则在于我们提供了一个除中国 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017


RESOURCES | 能源 VALUE Workers inspect spodumenebearing rocks at the Greenbushes mine. Photo: Tianqi Australia 价值 工人们在格林布什矿勘察锂辉矿石。 照片:天齐澳洲

sion to invest in WA, rather than China, gave the company several operational advantages over its competitors. The first advantage, Mr Thick said, was the proximity of the plant to the Greenbushes mine. “Instead of shipping spodumene concentrate to China as we currently do, we’ll truck it to Kwinana and convert it into lithium hydroxide, then bag and containerise it and ship it from Fremantle to the end customer,” he said. “That’s a significant saving from that perspective.” Another advantage, according to Mr Thick, was to provide a source of battery-grade lithium originating outside of China. “Certainly, the big customers like Tesla, Panasonic, LG, and the car manufacturers are all very keen to get some diversified supply sources,” Mr Thick said. “Building in WA and exporting out of Australia, versus being totally reliant on getting product from China, is seen by them as an advantage. “And we think that building in this sort of environment, to Australian standards, will guarantee that we will get the highest-quality lithium available in the world, and that’s really important to customers. “Quality is becoming a key driver for success, particularly in the development of lithium batteries.” Tianqi is not the only China-based lithium processer seeking to shore up its supply by investing in WA mining operations. In 2015, Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Company, which was established in 2000, acquired a 43.1 per cent stake in Neometals’ Mt Marion lithium project near Kalgoorlie-Boulder. The deal also included an offtake arrangement, with Ganfeng taking 100 per cent of the lithium concentrate produced at the mine for processing in China. In 2016-17, 116,298 tonnes of lithium concentrate was shipped to China under 8


the arrangement, according to Neometals’ annual report. Last year, Ganfeng added to its WA investments with another offtake agreement, this time a 10-year deal with Pilbara Minerals. The deal, which is subject to two separate five-year extensions, will see Ganfeng take 160,000tpa of chemical-grade spodumene concentrate from Pilbara Minerals, underpinning the development of the Pilgangoora lithium operation. Pilbara Minerals’ Pilgangoora has also attracted the attention of China’s General Lithium Corporation, which is listed on Beijing’s National Equities Exchange and Quotations. In July last year, General Lithium signed a deal to take 140,000tpa from the Pilgangoora operation, representing 40 per cent of the mine’s output. Another of China’s leading battery producers, Shaanxi J&R Optimum Energy Co, has a 19.9 per cent stake in Altura Minerals, which is commissioning a lithium operation in the Pilbara, also called Pilgangoora. Altura also has an agreement in place to supply a minimum of 100,000tpa of spodumene concentrate to Chinese downstream processing group Lionergy. WA-based Galaxy Resources is another with significant offtake arrangements with Chinese buyers, with its first shipment of 10,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate sent to Lianyungang Port in Jiangsu Province in January this year. Since 2016, Galaxy has inked deals covering around 120,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate with Chinese customers. Despite the increasing and intensifying competition, Mr Thick said Tianqi was well placed, based on its status as one of the industry’s first movers. “There are companies talking about building the same sort of plant that we’re building in Kwinana, and they don’t have any experience in that area,” Mr Thick said,

“We think that they are all underestimating how difficult this is, even the plant that we’re building with all of our experience will have an extended ramp-up. “Our experience says that you don’t switch it on and on day one it produces 100 per cent, there is a lot of tweaking and de-bottlenecking required to reach your optimum, and that can take 12 to 18 months. “For people who have never done it before, it’s a pretty challenging process.” The other crucial differentiating factor for Tianqi, Mr Thick said, was its commitment to WA. Instead of simply investing in mines, or signing an offtake arrangement, Tianqi established a WA subsidiary late last year to develop the Kwinana plant. Tianqi Australia has a 100 per cent Australian workforce, while its commitment to the state was underlined by its recent commitment to provide $5 million in funding for the new WA Museum, currently under construction at Perth Cultural Centre. The funding will allow the museum to host travelling exhibitions of Chinese culture over the next 10 years. Mr Thick said Tianqi Australia’s aim was to be seen as part of the WA community, in part to try to break down the often-xenophobic reactions to Chinese investment in Australian assets. “We are trying to break down the paradigm that’s obviously there and that perception, and even when we announced that we were going to build this plant and invest $400 million into WA, we got some of that reaction, of people saying ‘the Chinese are taking over another asset in Australia’,” Mr Thick said. “They don’t understand that it’s the exact opposite of that, it’s actually $400 million being invested here and creating jobs for local people, not the other way around. “We really want to be seen as a contributor and part of this community, and not an outsider, I think that’s really important.”



之外的电池级锂资源的来源,西克先生信心 满满地表示。

“毋庸置疑,像特斯拉(Tesla),松下 (Panasonic),LG,以及其他汽车制造商 这样的大客户都非常希望有供应商能够更 加多元化一些。”西克先生表示。

“在他们看来,在西澳生产并从澳大利亚出 口本身就是一种优势,否则客户只能完全依 赖于中国的产品了。” “我们认为在这样的环境下生产符合澳大 利亚标准的产品,可以保证我们的锂产品是 世界范围内品质最佳的。这一点对客户而言 是至关重要的。” “品质上佳乃是成功的关键,锂电池行业的 发展亦是如此。”

除了天齐锂业,其他的中资锂业公司也在西 澳矿业进行投资以确保产品供应量。

2015年,成立于2000年的江西赣锋锂业公司 (Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Company) 认购了Neometals公司Mt Marion项目 43.1%的股份。该项目位于邻近卡尔古利-博 尔德(Kalgoorlie-Boulder)的地区。

PROGRESS Jiang Weiping visits Tianqi’s under-construction Kwinana facility. Photo: Tianqi Australia

另外赣锋锂业还签订了一份承销协议,承销 Mt Marion项目所产的全部锂辉石精矿,运 往中国进行加工。

进展 蒋卫平先生参观天齐旗下位于奎纳纳 (Kwinana)的在建工厂。 照片:天齐澳洲

去年,赣锋锂业再次在西澳进行投资,与 Pilbara矿业公司签署了十年的承购协议。

尽管竞争日渐激烈,西克先生表示天齐锂业 早年的高明远识成就了其目前在行业内一 马当先的情境。

据Neometals的年度报告显示,2016年至 2017年,在该协议框架下运往中国的锂辉石 精矿多达11.6298万吨。 该协议分为一期和二期项目,协议期分别 为五年。协议期间赣锋锂业每年将从皮尔 巴拉矿业公司(Pilbara Minerals)购买 16万吨化学品级的锂辉石精矿,从而支持 Pilgangoora锂资源项目的发展。

Pilbara矿业公司的Pilgangoora项目还 受到了中国容汇锂业(General Lithium Corporation)的关注。容汇锂业是北京 全国中小企业股份转让系统(National Equities Exchange and Quotations) 上的注册公司。

去年六月容汇锂业签订协议,承诺每年从 Pilgangoora项目购买14万吨锂辉石精矿, 达到其产量的40%。

陕西坚瑞沃能公司(Shaanxi J&R Optimum Energy Co)也是一家中国 领先的电池制造商。该公司拥有沃特玛矿 业公司(Altura Minerals)19.9%的股 份。Altura矿业公司目前正在皮尔巴拉地区 (Pilbara)试运行Pilgangoora锂项目,该 项目与Pilbara公司的锂资源项目同名。 Altura公司同时也与一家中国下游加工集 团Lionergy公司签订了承销协议。协议规 定Lionergy每年需购买至少10万吨锂辉石 精矿。

“有些公司夸夸而谈,说他们也要建造一座 像奎纳纳一样的工厂。但这些都是纸上谈 兵”Thick先生说道。

“他们都低估了这件事情的难度。哪怕像我 们这样有丰富经验的公司,在建造奎纳纳工 厂时也还是会遇到种种难题。”

“这可不像打开开关那么容易。不可能从第 一天开始就有100%的产出。在达到最优化 之前,可能要花12到18个月的时间来进行调 整,消除瓶颈。这可都是我们身体力行后的 经验之谈啊。” “这个整体过程对于那些初入江湖的人来 说,的确是前所未有的挑战。”

另一个让天齐锂业与众不同的关键因素就 是其对西澳的承诺。西克先生说道。

天齐锂业所做的不只是投资矿业和签订承 购协议那么简单。去年年底,天齐锂业在西 澳成立了一家子公司,专门来发展奎纳纳工 厂项目。 天齐澳洲百分之百雇用澳洲劳动力,并于近

西澳银河资源公司(Galaxy Resources)同 样也与中国买家签订了承销协议,并于今年 一月首次销售1万吨锂辉石精矿,运往中国 江苏省连云港。

日承诺向西澳博物馆(WA Museum)新馆 提供500万澳元的资金支持。位于珀斯文化 中心(Perth Cultural Centre)的新馆目前 正在建设当中。天齐澳洲这一举措也加强了 对西澳州的承诺。 这笔资金将支持博物馆在接下来十年内进 行中国文化的巡回展览。

西克先生提到,天齐澳洲致力于成为西澳社 会的一份子,期望能在某种程度上消除当地 人对中国的排外心理。这一心理往往是由中 国在澳洲资本市场的投资引起的。

“我们想要打破这种认知模式。当我们宣布 投资4亿澳元在西澳建厂时,一部分人仍然 认为‘中国人开始入侵澳大利亚另一个资本 市场了’。”西克先生深表无奈。 “事实其实恰恰相反。4亿澳元的投资给当 地人创造了无数就业机会。但他们却不明白 这些。” “我们希望当地人能接受我们,真切看到我 们为西澳社会做出的贡献,把我们当做这个 社会的一份子,而不是局外人。这点真的至 关重要。”

Quality is becoming a key driver for success, particularly in the development of lithium batteries – Phil Thick

2016年以来,银河资源公司对中国客户销售 的锂辉石精矿约有12万吨。

品质上佳乃是成功的关键,锂电池行业的发展更是如此 ——菲尔·西克(Phil Thick) 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017


TOURISM | 旅游 MISSING LINK China Southern Airlines has increased the frequency of its Perth-Guangzhou route, to five flights per week. Photo: Perth Airport 新推进 中国南方航空已增加珀斯-广州 往返航班,截止到目前为止,每周共有五 班往返航班。照片来源:珀斯机场


WA poised to capture more adventurous Chinese tourists 丹·威尔基 : Dan Wilkie

WESTERN Australia’s top tourism agency is looking to capture more market share for the state by focusing on the changing behaviour of Chinese tourists, who are increasingly seeking unique adventures and experiences instead of travelling in large organised groups. Historically, most Chinese travellers to Australia have preferred to come in organised tour groups, predominantly to cities on the east coast. But with the growing wealth and changing demographics of China’s middle class, the behaviour of Chinese tourists is steadily changing. Departures from China exceeded 135 million in 2016, according to Hong Kong-based CLSA, and are expected to reach 200 million by 2020. A recent report by LEK Consulting, commissioned by the Australia China Business Council, showed the number of Chinese travellers to Australia had grown by 13.7 per cent each year since 2005, with forecasts showing 3 million Chinese tourists would visit the country in 2026. 10


The report said in 2005 just 48 per cent of Chinese visitors to Australia were classed as free independent travellers – the tourism industry term for those who seek their own experiences and adventures while on holiday. In 2016, the report said the number of Chinese free independent travellers had grown to 55 per cent of the 1.2 million Chinese visitors to Australia last year. However, in WA the proportion of independent travellers is much greater, with Tourism Western Australia’s research showing 93 per cent of Chinese visitors to the state in 2015-16 chose to go their own way. Tourism Western Australia chairman Nathan Harding said the changing behaviour of Chinese travellers was shaping up as a clear opportunity for WA. “The transformation from being a groupbased traveller to a much more adventurous traveller, and wanting to see things and wanting to get out on their own is happening really fast,” Mr Harding told Australia China Business Review. “That really benefits Western Australia, because visiting WA is not like going to another city that’s a lot like most cities.

“A lot of people that are coming to Western Australia have probably been to Australia before, so they’ve probably seen a couple of our big cities and they know that they are like most other big cities, especially if you’ve travelled to Europe. “When you come here there is something a little bit different. “A lot of what is appealing here is the clean open skies, the nature, and particularly for Perth, we have got this quite unique combination of urban and nature in pretty much the same place. “Then when you bring into that the Swan Valley and the Pinnacles, you bring in a range of activities like food and wine experiences that are really appealing, particularly to a wealthy younger market.” Mr Harding said Chinese travellers to WA were becoming more adventurous quicker than expected, with Chinese visitors increasingly heading to more remote locations of the state. “There are a couple of great examples of places that have really attracted Chinese visitors, which is the two pink lakes, one near Esperance and one near Geraldton,” Mr Harding said.





Qingdao Xi’an Nanjing




Changsha Kunming






Australian City

Inbound passenger movements (2016)

Total passenger movements (2016)

















* Adelaide-Guangzhou flights commenced Dec 2016. Source: Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development “They are in relatively remote locations and I’d dare say that there are probably a lot of people in Perth that haven’t been to see the lakes. “All of a sudden, these pink lakes are getting quite a following in China, largely through social media. “It’s not tens of thousands of visitors, but it’s independent travellers finding their way to quite remote parts of the state, that if you go back a few years, wouldn’t have been expected at all.” Mr Harding said Tourism WA would continue to implement strategies aimed at increasing the number of Chinese visitors to WA by showcasing the state’s varied and unique experiences on platforms familiar to Chinese tourists. He said Tourism WA’s targets were ambitious – more than 100,000 Chinese visitors by 2020, around double the amount currently arriving – while the initiatives would be aimed at young independent travellers. Last year, Tourism WA launched its first specific television advertisements for Chinese audiences, as part of the agency’s ‘Just another day in WA’ campaign. “We’ve also been active in bringing bloggers

西澳大利亚州顶级旅行社在积极拓展其在该 州的市场份额,探索中国游客的旅游行为变 化,总结出中国游客逐渐倾向于个性式、体验 式、探险式旅游,而不再是大规模组团游览。 历年来,多数来澳大利亚旅游的中国游客都 喜欢组团,而首选参观的则是东海岸各大 都市。

但是随着中国的中产阶级结构变化和财富积 累,中国游客的旅游行为也随之发生改变。 据香港里昂证券统计,2016年中国出境游超 过1.35亿人次,并预计截至2020年将达到2 亿人次。 受澳中商会委托,由艾意凯咨询公司出具的 最新报告显示,自2005年起中国赴澳游客人 数每年增长13.7%,并预计2026年达到300 万人次。

报告称,在2005年中国赴澳游客中仅48%属 于“自由行”游客——这个旅游术语指的是 在旅行中自助游览和探险的游客。 该报告于2016年称,去年中国赴澳游客有 120万人次,其中自由行游客的比例已上涨 至55%。


极高,据西澳州旅游局调查显示,在20152016年度赴该州的中国游客中,93%选择自 助式旅游。 西澳大利亚州旅游局主席内森·哈丁称,中 国游客旅游行为的变化为西澳州带来了全 新的机遇。

哈丁主席对澳中商讯称: “组团旅游的形式 正在向探险式自助旅游转变,更多人想自 己出去走走看看,并且这种趋势发展得越来 越快。”

“这对西澳大利亚州来说绝对是个好消息, 因为西澳州不同于其他多数城市,来这里旅 游绝不是千篇一律的。”

“很多来西澳大利亚州旅游的人都曾到过 澳大利亚其他地方,他们已经领略了澳大利 亚都市的风光,也知道它们与其他都市大同 小异,尤其类似欧洲风格。” “当您来到这里,会发现这里自成一格。”

“这里洁净开阔的天空和自然风光都引人 入胜,尤其在珀斯,城市和自然融为一体,青 山绿水,白草红叶黄花,真是此景只应天上 有,岂知身在妙高峰。” “进入天鹅谷和尖峰石阵后,会有一系列特 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017


TOURISM | 旅游 across, because that works very well, particularly in the Chinese market,” Mr Harding said. “We have done that a number of times, and had some good success with that, and really helped drive the awareness.” Tourism WA has also tapped into e-commerce giant Alibaba Group’s tourism portal, Fliggy, in collaboration with China Southern Airlines. Fliggy is growing rapidly in popularity, becoming the travel app of choice for more than 200 million Chinese travellers. The world’s largest luxury hotel chain, Marriott International, has also taken notice, signing a joint venture in August to market directly to Alibaba’s customer base, estimated to be more than 500 million across all its networks. Australia’s national airline Qantas announced in August customers would be able to book flights on Fliggy, while the establishment of a joint marketing campaign to tap into Alibaba’s 500 million-plus users was also being explored. Tourism WA’s Fliggy campaign enables travellers not only to book their flights to WA and their hotels, but also to sign up for a range of adventure tours and experiences. The campaign is targeted at travellers aged between 25 and 45. There are around 30 WAbased tours, hotels or experiences bookable on the Fliggy platform. “Another part of the strategy for us is around the industry here and making sure that the industry is ready to support Chinese travellers,” Mr Harding said. “Even though there is a proportion of visitors that are very happy to go out and just experience the real Australia, it is still really important for hotels to be what we call China ready.” Notwithstanding the opportunities available for WA with respect to Chinese travellers, a significant barrier to growing visitation in the state is airline capacity. In October, China Southern Airlines increased its direct services between Perth and Guangzhou, taking the number of weekly flights to five, while also providing new Airbus A33B aircraft to operate the route. The upgrade means an additional 43,888 passengers can travel between the two cities each year. However, China Southern is the only airline currently offering direct flights from Perth to China, having begun operating that route in 2011. Cathay Pacific runs daily flights between Hong Kong from Perth, and also has plans to upgrade its aircraft, with Airbus A350s slated to operate the route in coming months, a move which would add more than 17,000 seats per year. By comparison, there are 13 Chinese cities serviced by direct flights from Sydney, and nine in Melbourne, not including Hong Kong. Bringing WA more in line with those states is a top priority for Perth Airport chief executive Kevin Brown. Mr Brown said discussions with China 12


Eastern Airlines were ongoing regarding the establishment of a Perth-Shanghai route, however, there was no timetable for those negotiations to be finalised, nor any indication of when flights would start. “Direct connectivity to China with frequency and capacity is the bulk of our priority list and, having a range of airlines that cover major hubs and secondary cities, is certainly a key priority for ourselves and something we are investing in and we’ll continue to invest in,” Mr Brown told Australia China Business Review. The potential addition of a Perth-Shanghai route would not only benefit inbound and outbound tourists, but would also have significant flow-on effects to other parts of the economy. “Cargo is a really important element,” Mr Brown said. “Our research shows that a new route of a daily wide-body international flight generates around $70 million per annum, per flight, and generates over 60 new jobs. “It’s an investment that has many benefits in terms of what it brings to the region, because it’s a fantastic stimulus for the economy, and gives the people of WA the opportunity to visit another part of the world and another hub to connect to.” Mr Brown said Perth Airport would continue to play a key role in bringing together relevant stakeholders to strengthen the business case for airlines and continue to fill not only the seats on China-bound aircraft, but also its cargo holds. Second-tier cities, such as Chengdu, Hangzhou or Zhejiang, are also key areas of interest for Perth Airport, as further connections would increase the desire for travel, and create better awareness of WA. Mr Brown said part of the awareness challenge was the need to refresh WA’s branding as a destination to reflect the fact that the state was a unique tourism proposition, and highly differentiated from other cities in Australia.

“We’ve had China Eastern Airlines down to visit us, and those visits have truly highlighted the fact that the narrative for WA needs to be refreshed,” he said. “People still think of the Perth of old, but it’s a modern city that’s well connected with fantastic food and wine, and a lot of produce that’s grown in the region you can actually eat in the restaurants. “You’ve got a city with a fantastic national park in it, you’ve got vineyards on the doorstep in the Swan Valley and in a few hours you are down to Margaret River. “There is a lot that this state has to offer, there really is the whole of Australia in one state, and we might not be the first port of call for Chinese visitors, but for those travellers who have been to Australia before, to come and sample something that’s new and unspoiled, WA has got a lot to offer in that field.” Like Tourism Western Australia, Mr Brown said Perth Airport was evaluating how it could use social media to attract Chinese visitors. Mr Brown said Perth Airport was in the early stages of developing a presence on one of China’s largest video streaming sites, YouKu Toudou, which is owned by Alibaba and has an estimated 500 million monthly users. “It’s actually a very crowded market, every country in the world is trying to attract the outbound Chinese market,” Mr Brown said. “We need to have that visualisation to show people the great things we have to offer. “We are that undiscovered part of Australia, and Chinese people often want to get away from busy, they want to enjoy the fresh air and the blue skies and experience everything we have to offer without having to queue. “That’s what we have to capitalise on, the free independent traveller that’s had their first Australian experience in a group setting, but now they want to come out and explore on their own, go out and see things for the first time, things that the masses haven’t seen.”



UNIQUE Monkey Mia near Exmouth gives travellers an up-close experience with nature. Photo: Tourism Western Australia 特色 埃克斯茅斯镇附近的Monkey Mia

可以让游客深度体验大自然。照片来源: 西澳大利亚州旅游局 世界顶级豪华酒店连锁万豪国际也发出公 告,与阿里巴巴在八月成立合资公司,直接 面向其超过5亿人的用户群。

澳大利亚国家航空公司(“澳航”)于八月宣 布,其用户可通过飞猪旅行预订航班,这一 联营行为也意味着将有机会深度挖掘阿里 巴巴的5亿用户群。

西澳州旅游局与飞猪旅行的联营行为,便于 游客提前预订赴西澳州的航班和酒店,更 有助于他们选择参加各类探险式、体验式 旅游。 别的活动迎接着您,例如品美酒尝美食,让 人意犹未尽,尤其对富裕的年轻阶层来说它 太具有吸引力了。” 哈丁称,来西澳州旅游的中国游客的探险精 神之强让人惊讶,他们已逐步深入到西澳的 偏远区域。 哈丁说: “中国游客偏爱的旅游胜地中有两 个独特的粉红湖,一个临近埃斯佩兰斯,另 一个临近杰拉尔顿。”

“它们所处的位置非常偏远,我敢说很多珀 斯当地人可能都未曾前往一见。” “仿佛一夜之间,这两座粉红湖在中国备受 追捧,成为新晋网红。”

“没有成千上万的游客组团前往,更多的是 这些自由行游客独立设计路线,只身前往探 索那些偏远地区。要是往前推几年,这是很 难想象的事情。” 哈丁称,西澳州旅游局会持续奉行拓展中国 客源的战略,用心在西澳州打造众多符合中 国游客品味的独特旅游平台。 哈丁称,西澳州旅游局制订了雄心勃勃的目 标——截至2020年吸引中国游客人数较现 在翻一番,即超过10万人次,而其中的重要 举措便是吸引年轻的自由行游客。 去年,西澳州旅游局策划了第一部面向中国 观众的电视专题广告,作为旅游局“西澳就 是这么非同寻常”活动的重要组成部分。 哈丁说: “我们也在积极吸引博主大V,因为 发现他们的影响力巨大,在中国市场尤其 明显。”

“我们对此经验丰富且颇有收获,这切实提 高了我们的关注度。”

西澳州旅游局还接入了电商巨头阿里巴巴集 团旗下的旅游门户网站“飞猪旅行(Fliggy)” ,并且与中国南方航空公司展开合作。 飞猪旅行近年来发展迅速,已成为2亿中国 游客的首选旅行类APP。

该行为面向25至45岁之间的游客群体,目前 在飞猪旅行网络平台上已有约30项西澳州 旅行线路、酒店安排或体验活动提供预订。

哈丁说: “这一战略对我们的另一层意义在于 围绕旅游业开展建设,确保满足中国游客。”

“尽管相当比例的游客想在游览中体验原 汁原味的澳洲风情,但是我们的酒店仍然要 充分做好准备,满足中国游客的各项要求。” 尽管西澳州在吸引中国游客方面机遇连连, 但在面对日益增长的旅游需求时,却有一道 鸿沟限制,那就是航运承载能力。 今年十月,中国南方航空公司增加了珀斯至 广州的直航次数,每周航班数增至五次,并 在该航线中采用了新型空客A33B客机。 这一改进措施意味着每年来往两座城市之 间的旅客人数将增加43,888人。

然而,中国南航自2011年至今,仍是目前唯 一提供珀斯至中国直航服务的航空公司。

国泰航空公司提供香港至珀斯的每日往返 航班,并计划升级客机型号,预计未来数月 将在该航线中采用空客A350s客机。这一举 措将每年增加17000余个座位数。 相比之下,不含香港,有13个中国城市可直 飞悉尼,而墨尔本也有9个。

增加西澳州航班线路,追平上述各州,已成为 珀斯机场首席执行官凯文·布朗的头等任务。 布朗称,与中国东方航空公司就开辟珀斯-上 海航线的事宜正在洽谈,但目前尚未形成谈 判时间表,也无迹象表明何时启动航线。 布朗对澳中商讯说: “提供频率高、承载强的 直飞中国服务是我们任务的重中之重,与中 国主要中心城市和二线城市之间建立起一 系列航线是我们的核心目标,我们将在此方 面继续加大投资力度。” 增设珀斯-上海航线的计划不仅惠及来往的 游客,更会对经济发展的其他方面产生衍生 效应。 布朗说: “ 货运也是其中的重要方面。”

“据研究显示,国际航班增设新航线,采用 宽体客机每日运营,每航班年营业额约7千 万美元,并产生60多个新就业岗位。”

“这项投资会惠及该区域的方方面面,它能 够极大地促进经济发展,方便西澳人民走向 世界,前往相连的另一座中心城市。” 布朗称,珀斯机场将联合相关利益各方,继 续发挥重要作用,强化各航空公司的服务, 持续提升飞往中国的客机以及货机的运载 情况。

成都、杭州及郑州等新一线城市同样是珀斯 机场的重点关注区域,与它们加强联系有助 于提高旅游热度,提升西澳州的关注度。 布朗称,西澳州的关注度还受到旅游品牌的 影响,西澳州需要把自己重新打造成独一无 二的旅游胜地,这里和澳大利亚其他州的风 格完全不同。 他说: “我们已邀请中国东方航空公司多次 造访我们,这些交流使我们更加明确了如何 重塑关于西澳州的宣传内容。”

“很多人仍以老眼光看珀斯,但其实它已是 一个现代化都市,盛产美食好酒,游客可以 在各个餐馆享受到本地特产。”

“城市之中建有宏伟壮观的国家公园,附近 的天鹅谷则是重要的葡萄园基地,而著名的 玛格利特河也只有几个小时路程即可到达。” “西澳州特色众多,可谓集全澳大利亚风格 于一州。它也许不是澳大利亚中第一个如此 热情欢迎中国游客的州,但对于曾到过澳大 利亚其他地方的游客来说,这里原生态的风 景仍然新颖独特,值得亲身体验,而且应有 尽有的风光让您目流连忘返。” 布朗称,珀斯机场和西澳大利亚州旅游局一 样,也在评估如何利用社交媒体来吸引更多 中国游客。

布朗称,珀斯机场目前已在中国最大的直播 网站“优酷土豆网(YouKu Tudou)”上尝试 推出宣传。该网站隶属阿里巴巴旗下,每月 用户超过5亿人。 布朗说: “中国的市场规模非常大,世界上的 每个国家都在努力争取中国的海外市场。”

“我们要形象地展示出我们的江山如此多 娇。”

“我们是澳洲未完全开发的处女地。中国游 客希望远离喧嚣,享受清新的空气和蓝天,无 需拥挤地排队即可体验到我们的别样天地。” “我们必须把握好这一点,尤其是对那些曾 来澳大利亚跟团旅游过的游客们,他们现在 更希望自由行,初次体验这些新鲜事物,同 时领略跟团很难接触到的大好风光。” 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017



上下同欲者胜 风雨共舟者兴

Gas producers to cash in on CNOOC’s long game 丹·威尔基 : Dan Wilkie

FIFTEEN years ago, a 25-year agreement between the operators of what was then Western Australia’s only operating liquefied natural gas development and China National Offshore Oil Corporation was hailed as one of the most significant deals in the state’s economic history. When the agreement was signed, gas had been exported from the North West Shelf, a mighty $34 billion joint venture between the world’s largest oil and gas conglomerates, for 13 years, but only to customers in Japan and Korea. 14


WA’s LNG export industry was worth around $4 billion in 2002, with North West Shelf joint venture partners Woodside Energy, BP, BHP Billiton, Shell, Mimi and Chevron the exclusive exporters of WA gas. It took another four years before the first cargo of North West Shelf gas reached CNOOC’s Guangdong LNG receiving terminal, the first of more than 500 shipments that have been made under the arrangement. But according to CNOOC’s chief Australian representative, Yongfeng Lu, the deal which facilitated the first importation of gas

to China from any country in the world had a much longer gestation. Mr Lu said the arrangement had its genesis in the late 1970s, when China embarked on a comprehensive set of reforms introduced to rapidly grow the country’s economic capacity. “Since reform policies were introduced in 1978, we have seen very fast growth, and petroleum, diesel and gas, have been the engine for growth and the development of the economy,” Mr Lu told Australia China Business Review. “In China, before 1978, domestic supplies were sufficient.



LONG LIFE Drilling platforms at the North West Shelf have been extracting gas for more than 33 years. Photo: CNOOC 磐石之固 西北大陆架(North West Shelf)的生产平台已经运作长达33年以 上。照片:中国海洋石油总公司

DELIVERY More than 500 shipments have been made to China from the North West Shelf. Photo: CNOOC 资源运输 超过500艘货船从西北大陆架航 向中国。照片:中国海洋石油总公司 15年前,西澳唯一的液化天然气项目运营商 与中国海洋石油总公司(China National Offshore Oil Corporation)牵头的合营 公司签订了一份为期25年的协议。该协议被 誉为西澳经济史上最重要的协议之一。 西北大陆架天然气项目(North West Shelf)价值340亿澳元,由全球显赫的石油 和天然气企业联合经营。签署该协议之前, 西北大陆架项目已经投产13年,但只销往日 本和韩国等国。

2002年西澳液化天然气出口产业的总价值 约为40亿澳元左右。西北大陆架项目的合作 伙伴是西澳液化天然气的独家出口商项目 股东,包括伍德赛德能源公司(Woodside Energy),英国石油公司(BP),必和必拓公 司(BHP Billiton),壳牌公司(Shell),日本 澳大利亚液化天然气公司(Mimi),以及雪 弗龙公司(Chevron)。

“Since the 1978 reforms, demand has grown, and policies encouraged companies to not only employ resources in China, but also to take advantage of employment of overseas resources as well.” China is now the largest energy producer in the world, however, Mr Lu said the country’s domestic gas operations were not able to supply enough gas to keep up with demand. Last year, domestic gas production in China was 150 billion cubic metres, well short of the 224 billion cubic metres of gas consumed

历时四年后,西北大陆架首批液化天然气抵 达包括中国海洋石油总公司参与的合营公 司—位于中国广东的大鹏液化天然气接收 终端;迄今该协议框架下累计超过500艘货 船的液化天然气交付广东大鹏,为中国广东 的发展保障了清洁的能源供应,大大降低了 广东地区的CO2的排放。 但是中国海洋石油总公司澳大利亚区代表 吕永丰先生透露,实际上这份开启了中国进 口液化天然气序幕的协议经历了更加漫长 的孕育过程。

吕先生表示,早在70年代后期中国就已经开 始构思液化天然气项目。当时中国的全面改 革方兴未艾,致力于增强国家的经济能力。

“自1978年改革开放政策实施以来,我们的 经济飞速增长。而石油,柴油,和天然气正是 经济发展和增长的动力来源。”吕先生向澳 中商讯(ACBR)表示。 “1978年之前,中国的国内油气产量完全可 以实现自给自足。”

“但自从1978年实施改革政策之后,需求 与日俱增。与此同时国家政策也鼓励企业不 仅要充分利用国内资源,更要对海外资源物 尽其用。” 尽管如今的中国依然位居全球最大的能源 生产国之列,但其国内的油气产量不能满足 与日俱增的能源需求,对此吕先生坦言。

根据美国政府报道,去年中国国内的天然气 产量约为1500亿立方米,但实际消费量却达 到2240亿立方米。 保障经济发展所需的能源供应是包括中国 海洋石油总公司在内的众多能源企业的重 要机遇和难得的市场空间。中国海洋石油总 公司是一家国有企业,成立于1982年,负责 对外合作开发中国海上的油气资源。

过去几十年里,中国海洋石油总公司发展迅 速,其国内业务和海外业务持续增长,迄今, 业务范围覆盖超过40个国家和地区。 中国海洋石油总公司不仅是一家油气勘探开 发公司,其业务范围还包括工程技术服务,加 工和制造,炼制和销售,以及发电工程等。 吕先生提到,中国海洋石油总公司与西北大 陆架合营项目的合作一方面为公司与项目 合营企业未来的合作打下了基础,另一方面 也是澳大利亚液化天然气产业与中国市场 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017


COVER STORY | 封面故事 UPSIDE Yongfeng Lu says there are considerable benefits in China-Australia cooperation. Photo: Philip Gostelow 前程似锦 吕永丰先生表示中澳通力合作 事半功倍。照片:菲利普·葛斯特罗(Philip Gostelow)

in the country, according to data from the US government. Bridging that shortfall is the key function of CNOOC, a state-owned-enterprise, which was initially established in 1982 to develop oil and gas resources in the east and south China seas. Over the past decade, CNOOC has been steadily growing its international operations, and now operates in more than 40 countries. And it doesn’t just import or explore for gas – CNOOC also provides engineering and technical services, fabrication and manufacturing, refining and marketing and power generation. Mr Lu said CNOOC’s introduction into the North West Shelf joint venture was a key turning point in it finding future agreements with the project’s participants, but also for the development of Australia’s LNG industry. “It was really an outstanding deal, the transaction that was done,” Mr Lu said. “It got bipartisan support, people could see a lot of value, and not purely in terms of the value of the transaction, it was also the opening of a new area for Australian LNG. “It could be considered the second largest economic event (in WA history), similar to when iron ore projects in the Pilbara region started exporting to China. “The relationship between Australia and China has benefited from our ongoing participation in the project, the business and economic relationship between the two countries is growing fast and becoming bigger every day. “Our project has played a role in bringing the countries together as well.” Since landing in Australia, CNOOC has invested more than $US8 billion into operations not only in WA, but also in Queensland. “Following our investment in the North 16


West Shelf, we then looked at other opportunities,” Mr Lu said. “The oil and gas business is a long-term business, we are not taking a short-term viewpoint. “Not only is it just taking gas from Australia to China, we have also committed to find more oil and gas here. “We have been involved in a few exploration acreages, in the Carnarvon Basin, in the Bonaparte Basin, and the Browse Basin. “We took advantage of our experience here, our knowledge came from our involvement in the North West Shelf. “That gave us the confidence to do more business here in oil and gas exploration and production.” CNOOC’s largest investment, however, was with BG Gas in Queensland. In 2009, CNOOC signed a deal to buy 3.6 million tonnes of gas each year for 20 years, from Australia’s first producing coal seam gas project, BG’s Curtis LNG operation. While terms of the deal were never officially disclosed, analysts described it as Australia’s largest ever trade deal, estimating it to be worth between $60 billion and $70 billion. However, there is potential for that to be surpassed, with industry forecasts predicting China’s demand for LNG is set to skyrocket. China’s commitment to phase out coal as the primary source of its energy production, known as its clean energy policy, is looming as a boon for the LNG industry, particularly in Australia. The Chinese government’s 13th Five-Year Plan, covering 2016 to 2020, included a commitment to increase the proportion of natural gas in the country’s energy consumption mix to 10 per cent, from around 6 per cent currently.

As a result, gas is China’s fastest-growing fuel source, with LNG imports increasing 39 per cent year on year in the first four months of 2017. Those imports are forecast to increase from 27 million tonnes in 2016, to 45 million tonnes in 2019, according to the federal Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. And with four producing LNG operations in the north of WA, and another project – Shell’s ground-breaking Prelude floating LNG – due to start producing early next year, the upside is significant for the state. In 2016-17, WA increased the volume of its total LNG sales by 37 per cent, to 28.7 million tonnes, with those sales valued at 12.7 billion. Australia is poised to become the world’s largest exporter of LNG by next year, with around 88 million tonnes to be exported from the country. WA’s share of those exports is expected to be around 50mtpa, as projects such as Chevron’s Gorgon and Wheatstone, as well as Woodside’s Pluto, ramp up, according to the latest data available from the WA Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation. Thanks to WA’s domestic gas reservation policy, LNG projects off the state’s coast won’t be subject to further export restrictions, placing producers at a distinct advantage to east coast counterparts, coming under increasing scrutiny as supply falls short to eastern states markets. Mr Lu said that while WA gas fields often had high costs of development, there were several other operational advantages for Chinese companies participating in Australian projects. “Cost is one parameter that you go through in your evaluation process,” Mr Lu said. “We were offered conditions from other



STARTING UP Former prime minister John Howard and premier Wen Jiabao ratify CNOOC’s North West Shelf agreement. 发轫之始 澳大利亚前总理约翰·霍华德 (John Howard)与中国时任总理温家宝 见证西澳西北大陆架项目向中国广东大鹏 交付首船液化天然气。

的首次链接,为其后来的发展开辟了无限的 机遇。

“交易的顺利完成无疑惠及双方。”吕先生 欣然而言。

“该协议获得了双方的鼎力支持。其价值不 仅仅在于具体交易带来的经济利益,更重要 的是开启了中澳两国在液化天然气领域合 作的新篇章。” “这几乎可以称为西澳史上的第二大经济 事件,足以与皮尔巴拉(Pilbara)铁矿项目 开始向中国出口相提并论。”

“我们持续参与项目发展也对中澳关系大 有裨益。如今两国之间的商业及经济关系迅 速发展,日益增强。” “我们的项目使得两国更加紧密地联系起 来 。”

“自登陆投资澳大利亚以来,中国海洋石油 总公司在西澳和昆士兰的累计投资金额高 达80多亿美元。”

“随着对西北大陆架项目的投资成功进行, 我们开始寻求其他机会。”吕先生说道。 “石油和天然气领域是长期的商业项目,我 们当然不能鼠目寸光。”

“我们公司不只是将澳大利亚的液化天然 气销往中国,同时我们也致力于在澳洲进行 勘探开发投资,力求发现更多的石油和天然 气储量,实现可持续性发展。” “我们参与了一些区域的开采工作, 比如卡那封盆地(Carnarvon Basin), ( Bonaparte Basin),以及布劳斯盆地 (Browse Basin)。”

“西北大陆架项目的经历为我们提供了长 足的知识与经验。” “让我们能信心十足地在石油和天然气的


中国海油石油总公司最早来到西澳投资,迄 今业务从西发展到东,目前最大的一笔投资 是在昆士兰州的柯蒂斯LNG项目。

2009年中国海洋石油总公司与英国天然气 集团达成为期20年的协议。中国海洋石油总 公司每年将从英国天然气集团的柯蒂斯液 化天然气(Curtis LNG)项目购买360万吨 天然气。柯蒂斯项目是澳大利亚首个开始生 产的煤层气项目。 尽管官方并未发表协议的具体内容,分析家 们仍认为这是澳大利亚最大的商业交易。据 估计,此次签署的交易金额可能达到600亿 到700亿澳元之间。 但是据行业预测,中国对液化天然气的需求 将突飞猛涨,而未来的交易金额也有望打破 这一记录。 在清洁能源政策的约束下,中国承诺逐步停 止使用煤作为能源生产的主要来源。这对液 化天然气产业,尤其是澳洲的液化天然气产 业无疑是一大福音。 中国政府的“十三五”规划(2016年至2020 年)承诺,将天然气在能源消费中的比重从 目前的6%左右提高到10%。

因此天然气是中国增长最快的燃料能源。今 年前四个月中国的液化天然气进口量同比 增长了39%。

据联邦工业、创新和科学部(Department of Industry, Innovation and Science) 预测,2019年中国的液化天然气进口量将从 2016年的2700万吨增加到4500万吨。 目前西澳北边共有四个生产中的液化天然 气项目,并且壳牌公司开拓性的Prelude浮 式液化天然气项目也预计在明年年初开始 生产。西澳正可谓前程似锦。

2016至2017年度,西澳液化天然气的总销 量增长了37%,达到了2870万吨,销售额高 达127亿澳元。

澳大利亚信誓旦旦,要在明年成为世界上最 大的液化天然气出口国。据估计,明年的液 化天然气出口总量将达到8800万吨左右。

根据西澳就业、旅游、科学和创新部 (Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation)的最 新数据统计,雪弗龙(Chevron)的 高庚项目(Gorgon)和惠特斯通项 目(Wheatstone),以及伍德赛德 (Woodside)的冥王星项目(Pluto)产能 将有所提升,因此西澳的出口量预计将达到 5000万吨左右。 西澳的民用天然气预留政策使得其海上液 化天然气项目不必受制于进一步的出口限 制。而东部的生产商由于本地市场供不应 求,受到的监督日趋严格。相较之下西澳的 生产商具有得天独厚的优势。

吕先生表示,尽管西澳的液化天然气田开发 成本不低,但中国公司参与澳大利亚项目仍 有诸多运营优势。

“成本无疑是评估过程中的一个重要参 数。”吕先生说道。

“其他公司给出提案中也有一些条款优于 澳大利亚提出的条款。但我们是基于提案的 方方面面来做出最终决定的。这其中包括了 项目所在的国家和地理位置,以及最重要的 储量基础。”

“除了储量基础,以及现有产能和供应能力 方面的优势,其他方面的因素也在考量范围 内。例如,东道国的政治风险,财政制度,,两 国之间的相互理解和关系,以及项目合作方 相互之间的了解等。” “澳大利亚向中国发展液化天然气项目具 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017



companies that were better than what was offered in Australia, but our conclusion was based on all of the aspects of the offer, including where the project was located, the country, the geographical matters and the most important parameter, the reserve base. “Apart from the advantage in terms of reserve base or in terms of existing production and supply capacity, other elements like sovereignty, the fiscal regime, political stability and understanding and relationships between two countries, and people understanding each other come into play. “Australia is a firm foundation for growing the LNG business in China.” CNOOC’s commitment to becoming a significant player in Australia’s LNG industry has also paved the way for other Australian businesses to expand through Chinese cooperation, and has also helped to dispel some myths about Chinese investment, according to Mr Lu. “For Chinese companies, we didn’t come here and take away oil resources, that is not fact,” he said. “We come here and invest, and we contribute tax revenue; just in the case of CNOOC at the North West Shelf, we’ve contributed more than $700 million in royalties, GST and income tax. “We are also working together with people in the community; we would like to emphasise that is our philosophy and our vision.



“Wherever we operate, we work together in strict compliance with the customs of the local community and also take great consideration of local people’s interests to create more harmonious relationships with the community, local governments and the local environment. “It’s a real win-win approach.” One Perth-based company benefiting from that win-win approach is Sino Gas & Energy, which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and is advancing plans to develop assets in China’s Ordos Basin, the country’s largest gas producing area. Under Chinese government regulations, foreign companies seeking to develop gas assets must partner with a state-owned enterprise. In October 2013, Sino Gas & Energy signed a production sharing contract with China United Coalbed Methane, a subsidiary of CNOOC which began exploring for coal seam gas deposits in 2012. The agreement gave China United the rights to 30 per cent of production at Sino Gas & Energy’s Linxing PSC, which was identified as a strategic project under the latest FiveYear Plan. Late last month Sino Gas & Energy announced it had submitted its overall development plan to China United for approval, a significant regulatory milestone on its planned pathway of becoming a major low-cost gas producer in China by 2020.

Sino Gas & Energy is targeting production of between 350 million and 550 million standard cubic feet of gas per day by 2022, with the development plan to be funded by existing cash and a new $US100 million debt facility with Macquarie Bank. More deals like Sino Gas & Energy’s arrangement are expected to emerge in coming years, particularly after President Xi Jinping vowed to open China’s economy further to the world on the first day of the 19th Communist Party Congress. Mr Lu said Chinese state-owned-enterprises and large conglomerates saw Australia as a very important area for business. “We also think the dynamics could be enlarged in the cooperation area, tangibly and intangibly,” Mr Lu said. “It’s happening now – lots of large Australian companies together with many Chinese companies are doing business in joint ventures outside Australia, in the Asia Pacific, in India and in Africa. “Many Chinese companies here are also expanding, even beyond Australia’s borders, based on Australian cooperation. “That is their business model and could create a winning situation, coupled with the two sides’ advantages. “By coupling management experience, manufacturing capacity, market knowledge and penetration, your position could be made even better.”



MILESTONE Luminaries gathered in China to celebrate CNOOC’s Guangdong LNG project startup. Photo: CNOOC 里程碑 业界泰斗齐聚中国,庆贺中国首个液 化天然气接收站项目起航。照片:中国海洋 石油总公司


吕先生提到,中国海洋石油总公司在澳大利 亚液化天然气产业中已纵深参与,澳洲也成 为中国海油海外业务的第三大投资地。这无 疑为澳大利亚其他企业提供了机会,能够通 过与中国的合作拓展业务,消减人们对中国 投资的一些成见。

“中国公司绝不是将澳大利亚的石油资源据 为己有的。那么想是不对的。”吕先生解释道。

“ 我们在澳大利亚投资,一方面致力公司业 务的发展,同时也在为所在国创造价值,缴 纳税收,以西北大陆架项目的投资为例,迄 今为止我们缴纳的使用费、消费税、以及收 入税累计可达7亿多澳元 。”

“ 我们还与当地的人们齐心协力,共同工 作。这是我们公司的理念,也是我们的愿景。” “无论我们在哪里运营项目,严格遵从当地 习俗,重视当地人的利益,与当地社会、政府 和环境建立和谐相处的关系一直是我们不 变的准则。” “这是一种真正的双赢途径。”

据本刊公开获悉,总部位于珀斯的中澳煤层 气能源公司就从这种双赢途径中获益匪浅。 中澳煤层气能源公司是一家在澳大利亚证 券交易所上市的公司。该公司目前正在推进 在中国鄂尔多斯盆地的资产开发计划。鄂尔 多斯盆地是中国最大的天然气生产区。

司,该公司从2012年开始进行煤层气矿藏的 勘探工作。 根据协议,中联煤层气公司将获得中澳煤层 气能源公司临兴项目30%的产量。临兴项目 被列为中国“十三五”规划中的优先发展战 略项目。 上个月中澳煤层气能源公司宣布,已向中联 煤层气公司提交总体开发方案,等待批准审 核。中澳煤层气能源公司计划在2020年前 成为中国主要的低成本天然气生产商。总体 开发方案的提出成为了该计划的关键性里 程碑。

中澳煤层气能源公司计划到2022年实现天 然气产量达到每天3.5亿至5.5亿立方英尺( 约990万立方米至1600万立方米)。除了现有 资金流,中澳煤层气能源公司还与麦格理银 行(Macquarie Bank)签订了一份1亿美元 的债务融资合同,用于总体开发方案的推进。 在第十九届全国代表大会开幕当天,习近平 主席郑重宣布将对世界进一步开放中国经 济。因此未来几年此类资源协议必然会如雨 后春笋,日益增加。 吕先生表示,中国的国有企业和大型企业都 将澳大利亚看作是重要的商业投资区域。

TEAMWORK Sino Gas & Energy’s Linxing coal seam gas project is being developed in collaboration with a CNOOC subsidiary. Photo: Sino Gas & Energy 团队合作 中澳煤层气能源公司(Sino Gas & Energy’s Linxing)与中国海洋石油总 公司的子公司合作开展临兴煤层气项目。照 片:中澳煤层气能源公司 “我们认为无论是在有形资产领域还是无 形资产领域,合作力度都仍有提升空间。”吕 先生满怀期待。 “这一切正在发生。许多大型澳大利亚企业 和中国企业在亚太地区,印度甚至非洲共同 经营合资企业。” “很多中国企业通过与澳大利亚的合作拓 展业务,业务范围甚至不再限于澳大利亚 境内。”

“这正是他们的商业模式。这种模式与双方 的优势结合,让企业真正立于不败之地 。”

“将管理经验,制造能力,市场知识,以及市 场渗透结合起来,公司的地位将百尺竿头更 进一步。”

Australia is a firm foundation for growing the LNG business in China – Yongfeng Lu

根据中国政府的规定,外资企业必须与中国 国有企业合作才能进行天然气资产的开发 项目。

澳大利亚奠定了向中国发展液化天然气业务坚实的 基础。——吕永丰

2013年10月,中澳煤层气能源公司与中 联煤层气公司(China United Coalbed Methane)签署了生产分成合同。中联煤层 气公司是中国海洋石油总公司的一家子公

2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017




Perth apartments firming for offshore investors 本刊记者 : Staff reporter

APARTMENTS in Perth have the potential to become attractive options for Chinese investors as markets overheat in Sydney and Melbourne, but difficulties around obtaining development finance could stifle buying opportunities. Property players across the city have predicted the next 12 months will be much improved in Perth’s apartments sector. For the better part of the past two years, developers have battled to achieve the necessary presales to obtain finance and start construction in Perth, holding up project launches and slowing the rollout of stock to the market. But Chinese investment analyst David Chin, managing director of Basis Point, recently told a forum in Perth hosted by HLB Mann Judd and Clayton Utz, that the overwhelming sentiment was that the worst was over for the Western Australian economy, which was beginning to emerge from its post-mining boom malaise. 20


Mr Chin said Perth was beginning to establish several advantages over Sydney and Melbourne in its apartments market, not the least of which was price. “In terms of off-the-plan apartments and housing, the price is about nearly half of what the equivalent is in Sydney and Melbourne,” Mr Chin said. “In light of China’s capital controls, it’s realistic for people to invest in $500,000 properties, or $300,000 to $400,000 properties in Perth. “Whereas in Sydney, the price point is a little bit too high.” That price advantage is beginning to translate into buying interest, according to Urbis director of economics David Cresp. Mr Cresp told Australia China Business Review preliminary sales data for Urbis’ next instalment of its Apartments Essentials report remained patchy, but indicated increased interest in some areas of Perth. “Certainly, some people have been going pretty well,” Mr Cresp said.

悉尼和墨尔本的房地产市场过热,或使珀斯 公寓成为中国投资者的新偏好。然而,这一 绝佳的购买契机可能会因为难以获得开发 资金而严重受阻。

珀斯地产的业内人士纷纷预测,在接下来的 12个月里,珀斯的公寓市场将大有改观。 在过去两年的大部分时间中,开发商竭力达 成预售来回笼资金,以持续开展珀斯的建 设项目。因此也减缓了项目启动和产品推出 时间。

近日,HLB Mann Judd会计师事务所和奇 里顿尤治律师事务所(Clayton Utz)在珀 斯举办论坛。在该论坛上,基点公司(Basis Point)董事总经理,中国投资分析师大卫·秦 (David Chin)表示,现在普遍的观点是, 西澳经济已经度过了难关,开始逐渐摆脱后 矿业繁荣期的经济不景气。 秦先生指出,相较于悉尼和墨尔本的公寓市 场,珀斯已经具备诸多优势。其中,最重要的 无疑是价格因素。




CONFIDENCE 3 Oceans Property plans to start work on Iconic Scarborough as soon as it receives approval. 志在必得 一经批准,三洋地产公司 (3 Oceans Property)将积极开展其规划 的Iconic Scarborough项目。

“Blackburne had a huge success at Claremont and I’m hearing that they’re going reasonably well with their new Ascot one as well. “Edge Visionary Living’s Botanical in Subiaco is close to construction as well, so there are some out there that are doing well. “Of course, there are others that are struggling and are finding it hard to find buyers, so it’s patchy, but we’re starting to see signs of early shoots. “We certainly think that next year is going to be the start of the recovery in the established residential market, and once that recovery picks up a little bit more and the availability of recently completed apartments starts to reduce, we’ll see a bit more of a sustained recovery in the apartment market.” Mr Cresp said Perth apartment developers had a distinct advantage over their eastern states counterparts, in that there was no foreign investment stamp duty payable on new properties. “The foreign investment stamp duty interstate is certainly causing a slowdown in foreign buyers,” he said. “In Perth they haven’t been a significant part of the market and in a soft market we certainly didn’t need an additional reason to scare off the small number of foreign buyers.” A recovering market in 2018 is also the view of Sunlong Corporation chairman Mark Sun, who has been involved in Perth’s development industry for more than two decades. Mr Sun said all indications were that the Perth market was at the bottom of the cycle after a prolonged downturn. “I have witnessed over 20 years of the cycle in WA, and it’s consistently been seven years of growth followed by seven years of decline,” he said. “But now, in WA the market has been down for nearly nine years. “From my experience, every time Sydney and Melbourne markets come down, the Western Australian market starts rising. “Now Sydney and Melbourne are slowing down, so next year in WA the market will be very good “I think it’s very close to going up, now we’re at the bottom, which is a very good time for investment and buying.” The prospect the Perth residential market


“受到中国资本管制政策的影响,对于买家 而言,在珀斯房产市场投资50万澳元,或30 至40万澳元左右是较为切实可行的。” “相比而言,悉尼的房产价格实在是太高 了。”

COMPETITIVE Price is emerging as a motivating factor for investment into Perth apartments. Photo: Philip Gostelow 竞争力 合理的价格定位才能吸引投资注入 珀斯公寓市场。照片:菲利普·葛斯特罗

雅邦公司(Urbis)的经济事务主管大卫·克 里斯普(David Cresp)认为,价格优势已经 开始成功引起买家的购买兴趣。 克里斯普先生对澳中商讯(ACBR)表 示,Urbis下一期《公寓要点报告》显示的初 步销售数据仍然不尽人意。但同时报告也表 明,人们在珀斯某些地区的购房热情不断 高涨。

“毫无疑问,前段时间很多人春风得意,”克 里斯普先生说。 “比如Blackburne公司在Claremont 区的项目就大获成功。而且我听说他们在 Ascot区的新项目也开展得相当顺利。”

“另外,Edge Visionary Living公司在 Subiaco区的Botanical项目也即将开工。 这些项目进展的都如履平地。” “当然不可否认的是,还有一些项目正处于 水深火热之中,它们很难找到买家,销售数 据也不尽人意。但是,我们还是开始看到了 经济复苏的希望。”

“我们坚信二手房市场将在明年开始恢复。 当这一恢复过程逐渐加快,等到新建公寓 的供应量开始减少时,公寓市场就会持续 复苏。”

克里斯普先生指出,相较于东部的公寓开发 商,珀斯的开发商有一个非常明显的优势, 那就是新住房无需缴纳海外投资印花税。

“东部的海外投资印花税无疑使得海外买 家迟疑不定。”他说。

“珀斯市场的海外买家并不多。正因为如 此,这样一个疲软的市场更不能让印花税吓 走寥寥无几的海外买家。” Sunlong公司的董事长马克·孙(Mark Sun)在珀斯的开发行业有着二十多年的从 业经历。他也认为,2018年珀斯将会迎来市 场的复苏期。

孙先生说,所有迹象都表明,珀斯市场已经 经历了漫长的低迷期,处于循环的最底端。

“二十多年来,西澳经济一直处于这样一种 循环过程。正常在经历了七年的衰退期之后 就会迎来七年的发展期。”他说道。 “而现在西澳市场持续下滑已经长达近九 年了。”

“从我的经验来判断,一旦悉尼和墨尔本的 市场下滑,西澳的市场就会开始回升。” “如今悉尼和墨尔本发展减缓,因此,明年 西澳市场将会表现抢眼。”

“我认为西澳市场即将回升,而投资和买入 的最佳时机就是当前的低谷期。” 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017



EQUITY Nicheliving’s Paul Bitdorf (left) and Ronnie Elhaj will continue to source development capital from China. 股本 来自珀斯开发集团Nicheliving(Paul Bitdorf)和罗尼·哈吉(Ronnie Elhaj)将 源源不断地从中国引进开发资金。

is at the bottom has also influenced the timing of the launch of local development group Nicheliving’s $12 million float on the Australian Securities Exchange. In early October, Nicheliving announced a plan to obtain the necessary capital to power its next phase of growth by listing on the ASX, tapping investors for between $5 million and $12 million, priced at 50 cents per share. Nicheliving chairman Paul Bitdorf said the money raised through the IPO would be funnelled into land acquisitions, as the company sought to bolster its $400 million-plus development portfolio. Mr Bitdorf told Australia China Business Review Nicheliving had historically sourced its acquisitions and development capital from external sources, with more than 50 per cent coming from China. He said the IPO would give Nicheliving an eighth income stream, enabling it to place more capital into development projects. However, Mr Bitdorf said the funds from the IPO would not change the company’s focus on obtaining Chinese capital. “The IPO capital will not be enough to take us to the next level,” Mr Bitdorf said. “We are looking to China as a supplier of capital in the future, not only for Nicheliving 22


as a publicly listed company but also for future developments. “We are very open to talk to any Chinese businesses or investors who are looking at Perth; we have experience to deal with Chinese business, we understand the sensitivities, and we would be very happy to talk to anyone interested in Perth’s property market.” Mr Bitdorf said the biggest challenge for Nicheliving, particularly when dealing with potential Chinese investors, was the fact that Perth was still relatively unknown, especially compared with the east coast cities. “There are a lot of businesses who would love to do business in Australia, but a lot of them don’t know of the existence of Perth,” Mr Bitdorf said. “When I tell them that I’m from Australia, they always ask if I’m from Sydney or Melbourne. “To bring the focus of Chinese businesses to the west coast is probably the biggest challenge. “We strongly believe that we are overlooked by a lot of people because purely in Chinese business minds, we are insignificant. “Sydney and Melbourne are significant to the Chinese, who do business on a bigger scale, but there are a lot of opportunities in Perth, from small to large scale.”

However, Mr Cresp warned that emerging opportunities for investment in Perth property could be tripped up by restrictions on development finance. In February, WA’s largest property lender, Bankwest, stopped approving property investment loans for new customers, while also tightening borrowing terms for overseas customers. Other banks have blacklisted postcodes around Perth, one of the latest being Citibank, which released a list of locations in August where it would impose tighter lending criteria. Areas in Perth where buyers need deposits of up to 35 per cent to purchase an apartment with finance from Citibank include the CBD, East Perth, West Perth, Subiaco, Maylands, Burswood and Belmont. “Banks have got a harsh view generally,” Mr Cresp said. “For developers, they’re wanting 120 per cent debt coverage, and if you can meet all their terms and come up with 120 per cent debt coverage then their debt is covered out of pre-commitments. “Then they’ve got other criteria that you can’t have more than 10 or 15 per cent of those being offshore buyers and you’ve got to have full deposits and they’ll be pretty choosy about what they’ll accept as being a presale.” However, Mr Cresp said an important new development in Perth’s apartments sector was the arrival of large foreign development groups with big balance sheets. One of those, Singapore’s Fragrance Group, began construction on its $200 million NV Apartments project on Murray Street earlier this year, which comprises a 33-storey residential tower and a 27-storey hotel. Australia China Business Review understands that the level of presales achieved at NV would not satisfy a local bank’s lending criteria, however, the financial clout of one of Singapore’s largest development groups ensured the project would go ahead. China-backed group 3 Oceans Property is displaying similar confidence, with plans in place to begin construction on its $400 million Iconic Scarborough development before the end of the year, pending approval by the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority. No sales campaign has been launched to date for 3 Oceans’ Scarborough project, which includes a 43-storey residential tower and a 161-room, four-star hotel. “We’re seeing some true offshore developers come in and say ‘we’ve got large amounts of equity and we don’t need a lot of pre-sales, we’re just going to do it’,” Mr Cresp said. “Others are starting to look at Perth and saying ‘now is actually a good time to be looking at Perth, we’re a cyclical player and we’ve got some faith that if we can back the right development we think it will be ok’.”



另一方面,由于预计珀斯住房市场处于低谷 期,当地的开发集团Nicheliving在澳大利 亚证券交易所的首次公开募股时间也受到 了影响。这次的公开募股预计融资1200万 澳元。

十月初,Nicheliving 宣布在澳大利亚证券 交易所上市。希望以每股50分澳元的价格融 资500万到1200万澳元,以用于公司下一阶 段的发展。

In light of China’s capital controls, it’s realistic for people to invest in $500,000 properties, or $300,000 to $400,000 properties in Perth – David Chin

Nicheliving的董事长保罗·毕道弗(Paul Bitdorf)表示,首次公开募股获得的资金将 用于土地收购,从而支持其总值超过4亿澳 元的开发项目。

毕道弗先生告诉澳中商讯,Nicheliving一 直以来用于收购和开发的资金都是外部资 金,其中,超过50%来自中国。 他说,首次公开募股将为Nicheliving带来 第八种收益流,也使得公司能在开发项目上 投入更多的资金。

受到中国资本管制政策的 影响,对于买家而言,在珀 斯房产市场投资50万澳 元,或30至40万澳元左右 是较为切实可行的 —— 大卫·秦

但是毕道弗先生表示,这次募股的资金状况 并不影响公司的战略重点-中国资本引流。

“首次公开募股筹集的资金并不足以让我们 的发展更上一层楼。”毕道弗先生说道。 “我们期望将来中国成为资本的提供者,这 并不仅仅是为了我们Nicheliving上市公 司,更是为了锦绣前程。”

“我们期望与对珀斯颇有兴趣的中国商家或 投资者坦诚交流;我们拥有与中国商界交往 的丰富经验,了解中国的敏感话题;我们更 是十分乐意与对珀斯房产市场感兴趣的朋 友共筑美好。” 毕道弗先生指出,珀斯的知名度问题是 Nicheliving面临的最大挑战,尤其是相较 于东部的沿海城市而言。这一问题在与中国 投资者交流时尤为显著。

“很多企业家都十分乐意在澳大利亚做生 意,但是绝大多数却并不知道珀斯的存在。” 毕道弗先生深表无奈。 “只要我告诉他们我来自澳大利亚,他们总 是会问我是悉尼还是墨尔本。” “就目前而言,我们面临的最大挑战或许是 怎样将中国企业家的关注点从东边转到西 海岸来。”

“其实我们都明白,很多中国企业家之所以 忽略我们,就是因为他们认为我们这儿无关 紧要。”

“悉尼和墨尔本对那些坐拥大型企业的企业 家们乃是战略要地,但其实,无论您企业规 模大小,都能在珀斯发现无限商机。” 但是克里斯普先生也提醒到,开发资金方面 的限制或有可能阻碍珀斯房产市场新兴的 投资机遇。 今年二月份,西澳最大的房地产贷款商 Bankwest不再向新客户批准房产投资贷 款。同时也收紧了海外客户的贷款条约。

其他银行也将珀斯周边地区列入黑名单。其 中最新动向是,花旗银行(Citibank)在今年

八月份发布了一份地区名单,宣布将收紧这 些地区的贷款标准。

若买家有意从Citibank贷款在珀斯某些 地区购买公寓,所需的保证金高达35% 。这些地区包括市中心区域(CBD),东 珀斯区(East Perth),西珀斯区(West Perth),苏比亚科区(Subiaco),梅兰德区 (Maylands),贝斯伍德区(Burswood)以 及贝尔蒙特区(Belmont)。 “银行的观点普遍不甚乐观。”克里斯普先 生说。

“开发商希望偿债备付率达到120%。若各 项条款得以满足,并且偿债备付率为120% ,那么开发商的债务将可以通过事先承诺这 一资本监管方式进行偿还。”

“同时,其他条件则规定,海外买家占比不能 超过10%或15%。并且需要足额支付定金。 而预售标准也相当严格。” 尽管如此,克里斯普先生也表示,随着财务 状况良好的国外大型开发集团进驻珀斯,珀 斯的公寓市场将迎来一轮新的重大发展。

其中包括新加坡Fragrance集团位于 Murray街的NV公寓项目。该项目已于今年 年初动工,其市值高达2亿澳元,包括一栋33 层的住宅大楼和一栋27层的酒店。


达到当地银行的贷款标准。但是Fragrance 集团作为新加坡最大的开发集团之一,其财 政实力足以确保项目的进展。



Scarborough项目正在等待获得市政再建 委员会(Metropolitan Redevelopment

Authority)的批准。一经获批,该项目将于 今年年底之前正式动工。

到目前为止,三洋地产公司的Scarborough 项目尚未开展销售宣传活动。该项目包括一 栋43层的住宅大楼,以及一家拥有161间客 房的四星级酒店。


进驻珀斯市场,他们表示‘我们拥有大量的 股本,我们不用进行过多的预售活动,我们 只需要脚踏实地着手项目实施。”克里斯普 先生说道。

“更多的人开始关注珀斯,他们认为‘现在正 是关注珀斯的好时机。因为我们的市场是循 环发展的,并且我们相信,只要支持正确的 开发项目,一切都将蒸蒸日上。’”

2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017



对绝大多数澳大利亚企业来讲,想要立足 中国市场最大的难点在于突破巨大的数字 鸿沟。

与澳大利亚网络体验相比,中国的互联网在 政府的严格管制下更像是一只非比寻常的 猛兽。

澳大利亚的企业依靠在线门户网站去扩大 他们的业务和促进公司发展,同时开拓新的 市场。但比如像谷歌,脸书,领英或者推特这 些网站都因为中国政府的管制而不能在中 国内地使用。 反观中国有他们自己的搜索引擎和社交媒 体渠道。

中国人用百度而不是谷歌来进行互联网搜 索。有超过9亿的中国人用微信来代替脸书。 微信不仅仅是社交软件,也是可以进行交易 的电子商务网站,这方面功能与美国的亚马 逊和易趣类似。 在百度,微信,微博(类似推特的平台)这样 的网站上,绝大多数内容都以汉语普通话或 者粤语呈现出来的,所以很多澳大利亚的企 业扩张计划都因语言问题而受阻。


Crossing the great 本刊记者 : Staff reporter

FOR many Australian businesses, a major barrier to getting a foothold in China is penetrating the great digital divide. Tight Chinese government regulations mean the internet is a very different looking beast in China, at least compared with the online experience in Australia. Online portals relied on by Australian businesses to expand their operations, promote their companies and enter new markets, such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, cannot be accessed in China, because of the government’s controls. Instead, China has its own suite of search engines and social media channels. Internet searches are done via Baidu rather than Google, while more than 900 million

FIRST MOVER Cheech Foo is helping open new digital markets for Australian business. 发起者 奇克·芬 正在帮助澳大利亚企业开 辟新的数字化市场。 24


Chinese use WeChat not only as a replacement for Facebook, but also e-commerce sites such as Amazon or eBay. And with the vast majority of the content on Baidu, WeChat, and Twitter-like platform Weibo only accessible in Mandarin or Cantonese, many Australian businesses’ expansion plans can be derailed. However, it’s not just because of the language barrier, but also because of limited understanding of the nuances and vagaries surrounding how the Chinese platforms work. That’s where Perth-based digital marketing agency Ignite Search comes in. Led by managing director Cheech Foo, Ignite Search has been developing a suite of services for the past three years, known as Ignite China. Ignite China has partnered with digital agencies in Shanghai and Hong Kong to provide Australian businesses with comprehensive strategies to penetrate the whole gamut of the Chinese digital market. Mr Foo said educating Australian businesses seeking to enter China around the potential of platforms such as WeChat was one of Ignite China’s key aims. “This is a very new frontier, it’s a very

然而,这不仅仅是因为语言障碍。另外,障碍 还来自于对他们对中国网站平台操作上的 细微差别和变幻莫测知之甚少。 这就是设立在澳洲珀斯的数字营销机构 Ignite Search所要做的工作了。

在总经理奇克·芬的带领下,Ignite Search 在过去的三年里一直在开发一套名为 Ignite China的服务。

Ignite China与上海和香港的数字化机构 合作,为澳大利亚的企业提供能渗透整个中 国数字市场的全面策略。

芬 先生表示,指导那些寻求能通过像微信这 样的潜在平台进入中国市场的澳大利亚企 业,这就是Ignite China的目标之一。

“这种想法非常具有前瞻性,其策略也异常 新颖”,芬先生对澳中商讯如是说道。

其实微信仅仅经历了四年时间的发展,就已 经拥有了9亿用户。

很多公司都感到忐忑不安,微信对他们来说 太陌生了,新的语言使他们对未来充满了不 确定性。 当你对某事不太确定时,或是当你不自信 时,你极可能无法深度解析它甚至直接改变 策略去规避它。

芬 先生表示,微信是中国最大的互联网公 司腾讯旗下的社交软件。随着它越来越受欢 迎,它正变得越来越强大。然而,澳大利亚的 企业想要获利,就必须懂得微信平台是怎样 运行的。 跟脸书不同的是,关注某公司的的微信账号 是获取该公司的微信消息的唯一渠道。 关注该公司微信账号以后,用户就可以获取

科技 该微信平台上发布的所有信息。

芬 先生表示,另一个重要的区别是,中国境 外的公司也能建立微信平台,但是外国公司 却不能访问中国的用户。

If you are looking to target the affluent, the wealthy and the educated, right now WeChat would be the platform for it, that’s very clear – Cheech Foo

他说:“现在我们和香港、上海的合作伙伴所 做的能使我们有能力去帮助澳大利亚的用 户正式注册一个官方的微信账号。”


芬 先生表示,西澳早期的市场测试吸引了旅 游业和房地产行业的兴趣,这些行业依赖于 中国市场的增长。

微信具备综合搜索引擎和类别分组的功能, 因此企业可以从中获取利润。Foo先生表示, 微信的这些功能就是推动商业发展,尤其是 旅游业日益发展的力量。

如果你的目标客户是那些 富裕并受过高等教育的人 群,那么显而易见,目前微 信就是最完美的平台 – 奇克·芬

芬 先生说: “例如,如果你是某组织的一员, 负责监督促进某地区的发展,比如玛格丽特 河区域,你可以先在微信上了解该目的地。”

“你不仅可以促进一个机构或者一个实体 的发展,你还可以使用不同的策略来促进不 同实体的发展。” “玛格丽特河区域的发展为我们提供了很 多经验,并且可以拥有一个能与中国消费者


分享关于该地区的一切的门户网站,这是一 个可以开放的绝佳机会。” 芬 先生说或Ignite China服务主要提供两 个策略,即访问住在中国的用户,并访问在 澳大利亚学习、生活、工作的100多万名中 国用户。 他说: “如果你的目标客户是那些富裕并受 过高等教育的人群,那么显而易见,目前微 信就是最完美的平台。”

但是现在最重要的是要真正理解,因为这是 一个新的前沿、新的策略,不要受限于人们 所评论的只言片语,因为现在腾讯正在迈入 国际扩张的阶段。

因此,从依靠微信发展业务的可能性方面来 考虑,那些希望渗透进中国市场的澳大利亚 企业的机会只会在范围和规模上有所扩大。 这就是你不得不采取的心态,而且不仅仅是 在数字营销方面,总的来说,看待中国市场 也需要这种心态。 中国的事物也不是一成不变的,其市场发展 变化莫测,这就是你必须加快脚步对市场营 销手段进行不断地测试与改良的原因。

digital divide new category,” Mr Foo told Australia China Business Review. “WeChat alone has over 900 million users now and they only started four years ago. “No company has done that, not even Facebook. “A lot of companies are quite nervous because it’s quite foreign, WeChat is in a new language so they’re not sure what’s happening. “And when you’re not sure of something, when you’re not confident, you tend to not look too deep or change your strategy to avoid it.” Mr Foo said WeChat, owned by China’s largest internet company, Tencent, was becoming increasingly powerful as its popularity grew, however, for Australian firms to benefit, they needed to understand how the platform worked. Unlike Facebook, the only way to access a company’s WeChat channel is to follow them, and once followed, a user receives all the messages and information sent out via the platform. Another key differentiator for WeChat, Mr Foo said, was that firms not based in China were able to establish WeChat channels, but foreign companies were not able to access Chinese users.

“With what we are doing right now with our partners in Hong Kong and Shanghai, we have the ability to help Australian users officially register WeChat Official Accounts,” he said. “That is huge, it’s really big.” Mr Foo said early market testing in Western Australia had drawn significant interest from the tourism and property sectors, industries that depend on increased exposure to the Chinese market. That interest was largely based around the fact that WeChat had its own comprehensive search engine and category groupings, tools which Mr Foo said were increasingly powerful for business, particularly in tourism. “For example, if you were part of an organisation that oversees promoting certain regions, like Margaret River, you can have a destination on WeChat,” Mr Foo said. “Not only can you promote just one establishment or one entity, you can promote multiple entities within multiple categories. “Margaret River has so much to offer in terms of experiences, and to have one portal that can share everything there is to share about the region with Chinese consumers,

that’s a fantastic opportunity that can be opened up.” Mr Foo said Ignite China’s services provided two main strategies – accessing Chinese people living in China, and accessing the 1 million-plus Chinese people studying, living and working in Australia. “If you are looking to target the affluent, the wealthy and the educated, right now WeChat would be the platform for it, that’s very clear,” he said. “But the most important thing to truly understand is, because it’s a new frontier and a new category, do not be limited to what people tell you, because Tencent is currently embarking on an international expansion phase. “Therefore, the opportunities offered to Australian businesses looking to penetrate the Chinese market are only going to increase in scope and size, in terms of the business possibilities within WeChat. “That’s the mindset you have to take, not just in a digital marketing aspect, but really in general, looking towards China. “Things just don’t stand still in China, it’s all very fluid, so that’s why you have to move fast and continually experiment, test and refine your marketing activities.” 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017




Filling China’s live seafood menu 丹·威尔基 : Dan Wilkie



农商 CHINESE consumers have an insatiable appetite for premium live seafood products, such as lobster, deep sea crab and abalone, but Australian exporters face growing competition as other countries flood the market with cheaper alternatives. Data from China’s customs agency show seafood imports increased by 17.1 per cent from January to June, equating to $US4.2 billion worth of fish and other seafood products. And official forecasts from Beijing’s Ministry of Agriculture show each of the 1.3 billion people living in China is expected to eat 39 kilograms of seafood each year, on average, by 2020. That consumption would be valued at more than $US20 billion per year, and the potential upside has caught the attention of seafood exporters around the world. Over the past two to three years, China has begun to import live seafood, mainly crustaceans but also some molluscs, from the United States, South America, Africa, Europe and the United Kingdom, with many of the products coming at a cheaper price to premium Australian imports. Southern Trading Australia managing director Glen Bosman, who has been exporting crystal crab, king crab, champagne crab and three different species of abalone to China for more than 13 years, said the availability of different types of seafood in China had increased exponentially over that time. “In China, they have so much more selection of live products from all over the world,” Mr Bosman said. “You can walk into a restaurant and see 50 tanks with 25 different species of rock lobster, 20 different species of crab and then make a selection.” That sort of selection, and lower corresponding price points for competing products, has resulted in a shift of strategy for Southern Trading, which previously exported around 40 per cent of its catch of deep sea crabs to China. The company’s prime catch is the crystal crab – a large crustacean that inhabits waters up to 800 metres deep off the Western Australian coast. A fleet of three vessels fishes seven licences in the deep sea crab fishery, which stretches from Augusta in the south of the state, all the way to the Northern Territory border. The fishery is strictly regulated, with quotas only allowing 140 tonnes of crystal crab,

中国消费者嗜好优质海鲜产品,如龙虾、深 海蟹和鲍鱼等。然而,由于其他国家的廉价 产品开始涌入市场,澳大利亚出口商面临的 竞争压力日渐加大。

根据中国海关数据,一月至六月海产品进口 量增长17.1%,相当于价值42亿澳元的鱼类 等海产品。

位于北京的农业部官员也预测,截至2020 年,13亿中国人平均每人每年将消费39公斤 海产品。 这一消费量预计每年超过200亿美元,并且 还有巨大的上升空间,这吸引了全世界海产 品出口商的关注。

近几年,中国开始从美国、南美、非洲、欧洲、 英国等地进口鲜活海产品,主要是虾蟹类, 也包括部分贝壳类。相比澳大利亚的优质海 产品,这些进口产品拥有更为低廉的价格。 澳大利亚南方贸易公司(Southern Trading Australia)常务董事格伦·博斯曼 长期向中国出口水晶蟹、帝王蟹、香槟蟹和 三种鲍鱼,至今已超过13年。这些年来,他感 觉中国市场的海产品种类一直在呈几何倍 数增长。 博斯曼说: “中国市场上充盈着来自世界各 地的丰富海鲜产品。”

“随意一家餐馆都摆放着50多组鱼缸,超过 25种岩石龙虾和20种螃蟹任君挑选。”

此前南方贸易公司将其深海蟹捕捞量中四 成用于对中国出口,而现在面对丰富的市场

CATCH Glen Bosman (left) and Ben Goh with a crystal crab, destined for a table at a Chinese restaurant. Photo: Philip Gostelow


选择和对手的低价竞争,公司及时进行了战 略调整。 公司最主要的捕捞对象是水晶蟹,这是一种 大型蟹类,生活在西澳大利亚沿海800米深 水域。

捕捞船队由三艘渔船组成,获批在深海蟹渔 场捕捞七种水产,分布在从西澳州南部的奥 古斯塔直至北领地边界的广大水域。

在渔场捕捞受到严格限制,只允许捕捞140 吨水晶蟹,另每年可从该水域捕捞14吨巨型 蟹或香槟蟹。 虽然限产行为保证了溢价点数,但是博斯曼 称,价格低廉的青蟹和美国雪蟹正在削弱市 场对南方贸易公司的水晶蟹需求,这导致公 司改变了出口产品结构。

博斯曼说: “近几年中国市场充斥着各种蟹 类产品,它们以低价涌入市场与我们竞争。”

“我们仍是市场公认的优质产品,但目前市 场中可供选择的种类非常丰富,而且其他国 家的产品更为便宜。”

“我们的产品质量优良,价格虽高但仍在可 接受范围内,因此我们的产品多数用于供应 澳大利亚国内市场。” 它们在澳大利亚的中式餐馆中非常畅销。

博斯曼称南方贸易公司会从每次捕获中精 选上等蟹类优先供应全国30余家中式餐馆。 目前国内需求量远远超出政府对于深海蟹 的严格捕捞限制,即高于渔民每年可从海中 捕捞的上限。

EXTENSIVE The Lobster Shack in Cervantes is expanding its tourism and hospitality operation. Photo: Indian Ocean Rock Lobster

收获 格伦·博斯曼(Glen Bosman) (左)和 本·吴(Ben Goh)捕获的一只水晶蟹,即将 成为中式餐馆的美味。照片来源:菲利普·葛 斯特罗

全面发展 塞万提斯龙虾工厂正在极速扩张 其旅游和餐饮项目。照片:印度洋岩石龙虾

2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017


AGRIBUSINESS | 农商 and an additional 14 tonnes of giant and champagne crab to be fished from the water each year. While the scarcity ensured a premium price point, cheaper mud crab and US-fished snow crab were putting a dent in demand for Southern Trading’s crystal crab, Mr Bosman said, leading the company to alter its export mix. “The Chinese market has been impacted over the last few years by so much competitive crab product coming into it at a lower level of pricing than ours,” Mr Bosman said. “Ours is still perceived to be the premium product, but they have so much more opportunity to select product from different countries at prices that are a lot cheaper. “It’s still considered premium, but the price is not as high as what one would otherwise like, that’s why the majority of our product now stays in Australia.” Chinese restaurants in Australia are snapping up that product. Mr Bosman said Southern Trading supplied 30 different Chinese restaurants around the country with the choicest crabs from each catch, with the level of demand at home easily outstripping the strict quota deep sea crab fishermen were restricted to removing from the ocean each year. “We put it out across Australia and that maintains a good pricing structure,” he said. “Perth will pay the highest price, so it gets the largest product. Then the rest of the product would go to Melbourne and Sydney in the main. “The current quota could all be absorbed in Australia without worrying about the Chinese market, however, you can’t have all your eggs in one basket because changes can and do occur. “So, it’s nice to have a support infrastructure in China that maintains a flow of product should you need it at some time in the future, and also to bind your relationships with people that have looked after you for a period of time.” Pressure from other countries importing to China is also being experienced in WA’s rock lobster industry, the largest and highest value of the state’s fisheries, with the catch having an annual commercial value of around $400 million. Lobster is one of the most sought after live seafood products in China, where it is not unusual for consumers to pay up to $200 per kilo for rock lobster that is certified to have come from pristine Australian waters. The largest single player in WA’s rock lobster industry is Indian Ocean Rock Lobster, a rapidly growing fishing, processing and hospitality business based in Cervantes. Indian Ocean Rock Lobster owner Dave Thompson, whose father began fishing for lobster in 1966, estimated the company was responsible for around 18 per cent of the total lobster production in WA, with 90 per 28


cent of the company’s catch exported to Asian markets. But like the deep sea crabs, Mr Thompson said Asian markets had been disrupted recently by the availability of different species of lobster, with fishermen in WA also subject to strict quotas to protect the sustainability of the fishery. “When you have a look at the Hallmark or Boston lobster, they’ve just saturated the market,” Mr Thompson told Australia China Business Review. “Those guys catch serious volumes because it is coming from many different nations, there is no control of it. “Comparatively, we are a small player in volume, they catch something like 15 to 20 million kilos. “In the world, we aren’t the biggest fishery, there are a lot of other fisheries which are bigger than ours. “Virtually every country in a world that catches lobsters is targeting that Asian market.” Considering that competition, Indian Ocean Rock Lobster is evolving its strategy on the tourism and hospitality side of its business, known as The Lobster Shack. Mr Thompson said when The Lob-

AUTHENTIC The Lobster Shack’s fleet provides unique fishing adventures. Photo: Indian Ocean Rock Lobster 真实体验 龙虾工厂目前提供独一无二的海 上垂钓之旅。照片:印度洋岩石龙虾

ster Shack was established in 2011, serving 20 people for lunch was considered to be a successful day. In 2017, he said The Lobster Shack expected more than 100,000 people to enjoy its offering of grilled lobster meals, necessitating an expansion from 350 seats to more than 700, replete with a liquor licence. “The tourism side of the business is riding high because we can give Asian visitors to the state more than value for money, they believe it’s under-priced compared to what they would pay for it at home,” Mr Thompson said. Adding to the hospitality side of the business, are tours of the processing facility, while a 48-seat 4D theatre experience is being developed to immerse customers into the experience of fishing for lobster. “I’m calling it ‘The Ride’,” Mr Thompson said. “We are going to do a mild ride and a wild ride, and if it succeeds, we’ll launch into cattle stations, with a simulated cattle muster from a chopper. “It’s something totally different, what we’re doing is we’re basically creating a theme park – we’re building a 160-metre jetty out the front, we have three charter boats, sea lion tours, deep sea charters, pot pulling tours, we’re taking The Lobster Shack to another level.”



DEMAND China’s affluent middle class will pay a premium for high-quality fresh seafood. Photo: Tourism WA 需求 中国日益富裕的中产阶级愿为优质海 鲜一掷千金。照片来源:西澳州旅游局

他说: “我们在澳大利亚全国市场中的供货, 一直保持着稳定的价格结构。”

“珀斯的餐馆需求量最大,因此报价也水涨 船高。其余产品则主要供应墨尔本和悉尼。” “按照目前的捕捞限额,我们的产品完全可 以在澳大利亚国内消化吸收,而不用担心中 国市场。但是鸡蛋不能都放在一个篮子里, 形势随时都有可能发生变化。” “因此,最好在中国拥有一个合作平台,能 够在将来需要的时候,保持产品的销量。当 然,也要继续维系与目前老客户的良好关 系。”

受到其他国家进军中国市场压力的还有西 澳州的岩石龙虾产业,这是该州规模最大、 价值最高的水产业,每年捕捞量产生的商业 价值约合4亿美元。 龙虾是中国市场上最受追捧的海鲜产品之 一。经过认证的澳洲岩石龙虾,即使价格高 达每公斤200美元,仍吸引中国老饕们趋之 若鹜。

西澳州岩石龙虾行业内最大的个人企业“印 度洋岩石龙虾公司” (Indian Ocean Rock Lobster)位于塞万提斯镇,是一家集捕捞、 加工、酒店于一体的快速发展的企业。 印度洋岩石龙虾公司目前的老板是戴维·汤 普森,他的父亲于1966年就开始捕捞龙虾。

汤普森估计公司的龙虾产量占整个西澳州 的18%,而其捕捞量中九成用于出口亚洲 市场。

但与深海蟹面临的问题类似,汤普森称近年 来亚洲龙虾市场已被多个供货来源所瓜分, 而且西澳州为保护捕捞业的可持续发展,还 对渔民们设有严格的限额限制。 汤普森对澳中商讯说: “当你注意到来自贺 曼(Hallmark)或波士顿(Boston)的龙虾 时,他们已在蚕食整个市场。”

“这些公司的捕捞量非常大,因为他们的货 源来自多个国家,而且没有限额控制。”

“他们可以达到1,500到2,000万吨。而相比 之下,我们的捕捞量则较小。” “纵观全球,我们的捕捞业并不是最大的, 有许多地区都超过我们。” “事实上每个出口龙虾的国家都在瞄准亚 洲市场。”

汤普森说: “公司的旅游业绩突飞猛进,因为 我们为亚洲来访游客提供的安排远非金钱 所能衡量,他们普遍认为这些活动相比其国 内的旅游来说,绝对物超所值。”

公司的酒店服务中还配套有参观龙虾加工 设施的活动,另外建有一个48座的4D影院, 可以让游客直接融入到捕捞龙虾的真实体 验之中。

汤普森说: “我们将这个项目命名为‘体验之 旅’ (The Ride)。我们计划设置温雅之旅和 狂野之旅各一项。如果成功,我们还将增设 养牛场系列,模拟直升机围拢牛群的体验。”

“这是全新的体验。我们正在推行许多项 目,最终为了成立一座主题公园,包括在海 边修建160米码头、游艇租赁(3艘)、观赏海 狮、深海下潜、龙虾捕捞体验等。龙虾工厂的 发展会更上一层楼。”

迫于竞争压力,印度洋岩石龙虾公司开始将 战略重心向旅游业和酒店业转移,成立了大 名鼎鼎的龙虾工厂(The Lobster Shack)。 汤普森称龙虾工厂建立于2011年,当时的日 产量如足够20人份,就已被认为收获颇丰。 到了2017年,龙虾工厂已可提供超过10万 份龙虾烧烤,其 350位的餐座也扩充了一倍 多,并拥有了售酒许可。

You can walk into a restaurant and see 50 tanks with 25 different species of rock lobster, 20 different species of crab and then make a selection – Glen Bosman

随意一家餐馆都摆放着50多组水箱,超过25种岩石龙虾 和20种螃蟹任君挑选—格伦·博斯曼

2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017



Visa changes switch off international students 本报记者 : Staff reporter

FEDERAL and state changes to migration policies are threatening to erode the competitiveness of Western Australian education exports, heaping pressure on a sector already lagging other states in attracting foreign students. In April, the federal government announced its 457 visa program would be replaced in March next year by a new visa, known as a Temporary Skills Shortage visa. Previously, 457 visa holders were eligible to live and work in Australia for up to four years, and had a clear pathway to permanent residency after two years, if they are able to obtain sponsorship from their Australian employer. The government announced that the 457 visa would be replaced by two temporary 30


skills visas – one for two years, and another four-year visa aimed at recruiting international workers with skills in high demand. However, both visas have stricter requirements than the 457, with many previously eligible occupations removed from the government’s in-demand list. Another restriction is that permanent residency will be harder to obtain under the new program, while applicants will be required to have a minimum of two years’ experience in an occupation considered by the federal government to be in shortage in Australia. The work experience requirement means international students will be excluded from applying for 457 visas, unless they were already experienced before enrolling at an Australian university. State government policy changes, ushered in by the McGowan government after the

March state election, mean international students are also ineligible to apply for visas under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS), another popular pathway to permanent residency. While there has been no change to the federal legislation, which still classes Perth as a regional area, the state government will not process any RSMS applications for anyone living in the metropolitan area. The policy was a Labor election commitment aimed at providing more work opportunities for WA residents, however, Global Enterprises Group managing director James Clarke said it was having unintended consequences in the education sector. “By removing Perth as regional and with the changes coming in with the TSS visa in March next year, our international students in WA don’t have a pathway to permanent



STATUS The University of Western Australia has prestige, but visa changes threaten to lower its international competitiveness. Photo: UWA 现状堪忧 西澳大学颇具声望,但签证政策的 变化将削弱其国际竞争力。照片:西澳大学

If you remove migration from education, it’s going to struggle – James Clarke

如果缺少移民机会的 支持,那教育行业将面 临重重困难 ——詹姆斯·柯雅各

签证政策变更令国 际学生望而却步 联邦及西澳州对移民政策的变更正在削弱 西澳教育出口的竞争力,原本就已在吸引留 学生方面落后于其他州的西澳压力骤增。

新的签证还将限制永久居住权的获得机会。 申请人必须在联邦政府认可的短缺职业中 工作至少两年。

此前457签证最长有效期为四年,持有者可 以在澳大利亚生活和工作。获得该签证两年 后若得到澳洲雇主的担保,即可申请永久居 住权。

今年三月,麦高文(McGowan)当选西澳州 长,随后便开始推进州政府政策改革。根据 改革方案规定,国际学生将无法申请偏远地 区雇主担保移民签证(RSMS),阻断了获得 永久居住权的另一个途径。

今年四月份,联邦政府宣布废除457签证,并 将在明年三月推出一种新的临时技术短缺签 证(Temporary Skills Shortage visa)。

澳大利亚政府宣布两种新的临时技术签证 将取代现有的457 签证。其中一类为有效期 两年的短期签证,另一类有效期为四年,旨 在解决高技能员工的短缺问题。

但是相较于457签证,两种新签证的申请条 件更为严格,并且政府的需求职业清单中大 量符合申请资格的职业将被移除。

这也就意味着国际学生将无法申请457签 证,除非他们在就读于澳大利亚的大学之前 就已经有相关工作经验。

尽管联邦法律仍然将珀斯归类为偏远地 区,但州政府将不再受理任何来自珀斯市的 RSMS申请。 该政策是工党在选举期间做出的承诺,旨在 为西澳本地居民提供更多的工作机会。然而 全球企业发展公司(Global Enterprises

Group)的董事总经理詹姆斯·柯雅各 (James Clarke)指出,该政策将会对教育 行业带来不堪设想的后果。

“随着珀斯被移除出偏远地区行列,以及将 在明年三月开始生效的新TSS签证,西澳的 国际学生将失去获得永久居住权的机会。” 柯雅各先生告诉澳中商讯(ACBR)。

“届时他们只能申请485毕业生签证,而该 签证只有18个月的有效期。这也就意味着他 们将无法获得足够的工作经验,无法达到新 的457签证两年工作经验的要求,更无法满 足186签证三年工作经验的要求。” “简单而言,他们将在新的签证下工作18个 月,然后选择与澳洲本地人结婚获得伴侣签 证,或者回国。” 据教育和培训部(Department of Education and Training)的数据显 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017



residency,” Mr Clarke told Australia China Business Review. “The only thing they can get is a 485 graduate visa, which allows them to get about 18 months on a visa, to get work experience, but they will still fall short of the two-year requirement for the new 457, and they will still fall short of the three-year requirement of the 186. “Basically, they will get a visa, work for 18 months, then either get married to an Australian and get a partner visa, or go back to their original country.” Data from the Department of Education and Training protection show the number of applications for places at WA universities and vocational training institutions by Chinese nationals is trailing all but two states – Tasmania and the Northern Territory. In the year to August 31, there were a total of 7,349 enrolments of Chinese students at tertiary institutions, vocational providers, schools, English language training providers and non-award courses in WA, according to the DET. By contrast, there were 14,100 enrolments by Chinese students in the year to August 31

INCENTIVE James Clarke says the possibility of permanent residency is key to attracting foreign students. 激励人心 詹姆斯·柯雅各(James Clarke) 明确指出获得永久居住权的机会才是吸引 海外留学生的关键因素。 32


in South Australia, where Adelaide is still considered to be a regional area under the RSMS. Those numbers show Chinese students are displaying a preference to study in SA over WA in 2017, likely because of the clear potential to obtain permanent residency. At the same time, China’s Ministry of Education has reported that the numbers of students leaving China to further their education is on a rapid growth trajectory. In 2016, official data showed there were 544,500 Chinese students studying overseas, 144,900 more than in 2012. The most popular destinations were the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom. Mr Clarke said removing the possibility for permanent migration for students coming to Perth placed WA educational institutions at a serious disadvantage. “What attracts students to Australia is not just the international qualification, it is actually to come to migrate, to stay,” Mr Clarke said. “Australia as a brand pulls people, we have three of the 10 most liveable cities in the world in Australia, and that’s a pull factor, that’s why people want to come here. It’s an attractive place to come. “If you then compare it on the international level by taking migration out, then where would you go? “If you wanted to go and study elsewhere, just for the purpose of having an internationally recognised qualification, you’re not going to go to Australia, you will go to the UK or the US.

“You would want to go to Cambridge or Oxford, or a Cal (University of California) or a Harvard. “That is the issue, if you remove migration from education, it’s going to struggle.” The RSMS restriction for Perth residents also appears to be at odds with the state government’s wider education policies, which are aimed at increasing the attractiveness as Perth as an education destination. At an event hosted by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia in July, Education Minister Sue Ellery said the state government was focusing on how to brand WA as the university town of choice for Chinese students. Part of that focus is this month’s delegation to China, the first official international trip for the McGowan government. Mr Clarke urged the state government to consider a more sophisticated approach to its visa restrictions to ensure WA was still competitive on a national and international level. “There are ways you can change the settings,” he said. “Adelaide and South Australia are very sophisticated in the way they sponsor people and allow them to migrate to South Australia, and they favour international graduates who have graduated from South Australia. “If you are a South Australian international graduate, then the state will sponsor you, but if you’re not a graduate from South Australia, then you won’t get sponsored. “We could take that model maybe, instead of just shutting the door.”


示,西澳各高校和职业培训机构收到的来 自中国的留学申请仅仅高于塔斯马尼亚州 (Tasmania)和北领地(the Northern Territory),远不及其他各州。

教育和培训部的数据还表明,今年截至8月 31日,西澳所有高等院校,职业培训机构, 学校,英语培训机构,以及非学位课程共有 7349名中国学生。

而相同时间内,南澳州的中国学生多达 14100名。值得注意的是,南澳的阿德莱德 地区(Adelaide)仍属于RSMS框架下的偏 远地区。

这些数据表明在2017年,中国学生更愿意就 读于南澳而非西澳,其中一个主要原因就是 南澳提供获得永久居住权的机会。 与此同时中国教育部(China’s Ministry of Education)报告显示,选择在海外继续 深造的中国学生正在迅速增加。 2016年官方数据表明,在海外学习的中国 学生多达54.45万,与2012年相比增加了 14.49万。

其中最受留学生欢迎的地区是美国,澳大利 亚,和英国。 柯雅各先生强调,随着珀斯的留学生失去获 得永久居住权的机会,西澳的教育机构将面 临沉重的打击。

“澳大利亚之所以吸引留学生,不仅仅是因 为我们有国际领先的教育质量,更是因为我 们提供移民的机会。”

“澳大利亚本身就是一个引人注目的招牌。 世界十大宜居城市中有三个位于澳大利亚,

这就是一种吸引力,这就是人们选择来澳大 利亚的原因。澳大利亚无疑是一个令人怦然 心动的地方。”

“但如果将移民因素排除在外,再进行国际 范围内的比较。你会选择去哪里呢?”

“如果只是为了继续深造,获得国际认可的 学历,人们会选择英国或美国,而不是澳大 利亚。”

“人们会选择剑桥大学(Cambridge) ,牛津大学(Oxford),加利福尼亚大学 (University of California),或者哈佛大 学(Harvard)。”


“我们可以通过很多方式来改变现状。”柯 雅各先生解释道。

“阿德莱德和南澳在担保和允许移民方面 沉谋研虑,对毕业于南澳高校的留学生青睐 有加。” “其政策规定,在南澳高校就读并毕业的国 际学生能够获得州政府担保,否则只能错失 良机。” “我们或许也可以选择这种模式,而不是把 一切可能都拒之门外。”

“这正是问题所在。如果缺少移民机会的支 持,那教育行业将面临重重困难。”

此外州政府放宽教育政策,旨在提高珀斯 作为留学首选城市的吸引力。而RSMS政 策对珀斯居民的限制似乎与教育政策背道 而驰。

今年七月,在澳大利亚经济发展委 员会(Committee for Economic Development of Australia)举办的活动 中,教育部长苏·艾勒里(Sue Ellery)表示, 州政府正在致力将西澳打造成中国学生的 留学首选。 行胜于言,西澳代表团本月访华正是将此承 诺付诸行动。这也是麦高文政府的首次国际 出访活动。 柯雅各先生恳切敦促州政府在实施签证限 制措施方面深思熟虑,出台更为周全的政 策,以确保西澳在全国乃至国际层面上保持 强劲的竞争力。

OPTIONS Chinese students weigh up the pros and cons of many countries when considering whether to study abroad. Photo: Stefan Stefancik 千挑万选 中国学生选择留学国家时权衡各 个国家的利弊。照片:斯蒂芬·斯蒂凡思克 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017


NEWS | 新闻


Bankwest aims services at Asian migrants 本刊记者 : Staff reporter

BANKWEST is sharpening its focus on Western Australia’s Asian migrant community, launching an initiative to provide a full suite of banking services to high-net-worth individuals, small businesses and large corporates with an Asian background. The strategy was launched last month, led by Bankwest’s regional sales manager, Andrew Stephenson. Mr Stephenson, who came to Bankwest from its parent, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, said the strategy would bring the bank in line with other major banks, which have also been tailoring products for the migrant community. Bankwest has assembled a team of experts on Asian cultures, languages and communities to create an Asian banking network, he said. “One of the key aspects of having a successful focus in the market is having very good colleagues who understand the culture, understand the language, and are actually involved in the community themselves,” Mr Stephenson said. “And in Bankwest, I found we were quite fortunate to have a large number of colleagues 34


who are from an Asian migrant background and would love to get involved in serving their community. “From there it was really a simple matter of putting the strategy together and engage our staff members initially with each other, and now with the wider community.” Mr Stephenson said the strategy would be designed to service a wide range of Asian communities, focusing initially on China, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam. “We are focusing on Australian migrants, Australian permanent residents and Australian citizens with an Asian migrant background,” he said. “We do feel that they do have a preference to deal with people they trust, and you can quickly gain that trust by having a cultural understanding and in some cases, bilingual skills as well. “I’m from a commercial banking background, and I saw a particular need for business banking, however, when you look at a migrant community, they don’t just have needs for business. “You need general transactional services, home loans, private banking for professionals and business banking for enterprise.

“We really are looking to do a whole range of offerings, whether it’s from a school student that wants to open their first account, right through to a large property developer who wants to do a very large development – we’ll have somebody who can actually meet all of those needs.” Mr Stephenson said Bankwest was examining how it could establish a presence on WeChat, the social media, news and entertainment app of choice for Chinese people, as well as many other Asian migrant communities. He said the strategy would also have a role to play in celebrating the contribution Asian migrant communities had made to WA, particularly the Chinese. “In business, a lot of Chinese migrants have access to capital, which is very important when you’re trying to grow,” Mr Stephenson said. “That’s what attracted me to the community, because they are very entrepreneurial, and wanting to invest, and that’s actually good for Western Australia. “I believe there is a big enough market right now in WA for us to do very well out of, plus it’s an important part of our community.”



FOCUSED Bankwest director of finance Connie Low, Andrew Stephenson (centre) and 8 on the Point owner Joe Lam. Photo: Bankwest 西澳银行财务总监康妮·洛(Connie Low)、 安德鲁·斯蒂芬森(Andrew Stephenson) 和八坊海鲜酒家老板林兵(Joe Lam)。 照片:西澳银行

They are very entrepreneurial, and wanting to invest, and that’s actually good for Western Australia – Andrew Stephenson 因为他们具有高度企业家精神,也渴望 去投资,这对西澳的发展是大有裨益的 ——安德鲁·斯蒂芬森(Andrew Stephenson)

西澳银行正逐渐加强对澳大利亚亚裔移民 群体的关注,因此他们启动了一项新方案, 为具有亚洲背景的高净值收入人群、小型企 业和大型企业提供全套银行服务。 该方案于上月正式启动,由西澳银行大 区销售经理安德鲁·斯蒂芬森(Andrew Stephenson)全权管理。

斯蒂文森先生来自于西澳银行的总行澳大 利亚联邦银行。他表示,这一项策略将该支 行与其他主流银行保持步调一致,同时也专 注于为亚裔社区量身定制产品。

据他介绍,西澳银行已经组建了一支对亚洲 文化、语言和社区背景有着深入了解与研究 的专家团队,目的在于创建一个完整的亚洲 银行互联网。其中,斯蒂文森先生强调,在市 场中取得成功的关键因素之一是拥有一支 出群拔萃的工作团队,他们洞悉异乡文化背 景,精通其语言,并且能很好的融入到当地 社区中。”

“从那时开始,大概就只剩下一个很简单的 问题,在于如何实施此项战略方案。因势利 导让我们的同事由最初的接触到现在能为 更多群体和社区所服务。”


注于亚洲社区这一广泛群体,主要集中在中 国、新加坡、马来西亚和越南。

我们关注的是澳大利亚移民群体,澳大利亚 永久居民以及具有亚洲背景的澳大利亚公 民。他说, “ 我们对这一特定人群炳若观火, 亚裔客户更倾向于自己信任的人打交道,所 以在特定情况下,我们可以通过对他们的文 化背景洞悉和双语服务而快速地建立这种 信任感。” 基于自身的商业银行背景,我观察到客户群 体对商业银行的特定需求。然而,当您仔细 观察亚裔客户社区群体后,您会发现他们并 不仅仅需要商业模式的银行服务,同时也需 要一般的转账业务、家庭信贷、专业私人银 行业务以及企业银行业务,我们真心希望能 够为客户们提供这一系列的产品服务。”

他还表示,此项战略任务同时也是用以答谢 亚裔移民社区对西澳做出的贡献,尤其是具 有中国背景的客户。 斯蒂文森先生强调“在商业领域中,许多中 国移民都掌握着大量资本,这部分对于企业 拓展阶段尤为重要。”

“这也是吸引我参与这个社区的原因,因为 他们具有高度企业家精神,也渴望去投资, 这对西澳的发展是大有裨益的。”

“我相信这广阔的市场触手可及,我们一定 把握机会更上一层楼,而且这也是我们整体 社区中密不可分的一部分。”

“无论是在校学生首个银行账户的办理, 还是大型房产开发商的新项目开发,我们 都能为之提供整套业务服务来满足所有的 需求。”

斯蒂文森先生提出,西澳银行目前正在研究 如何通过微信、社交媒体、新闻和娱乐应用 程序让中国客户对其有基本了解,当然也包 括其他的亚裔移民群体。

2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017


OPINION | 观点 Associate Professor Hadrian G. Djajadikerta Associate Dean Research School of Business and Law Edith Cowan University

700 words

Hadrian G. Djajadikerta 副教授 研究副院长 商业与法律学 埃迪斯科文大学



Feng Shui, in harmony with success? FENG Shui is the traditional art and practice of living in harmony with the environment, which is deeply embedded in Chinese culture, social and business life. Feng Shui is often believed to have influence on the health and prosperity of people and also on the success of businesses. It is a traditional worldview. So is it still practised heavily by Chinese businesses? A team of researchers from the School of Business and Law at Edith Cowan University recently investigated feelings, attitudes, perceptions and experiences of owners and managers of Chinese restaurants in China, Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore, about Feng Shui. They found there was still a strong belief in Feng Shui and its impact on business. Of the respondents interviewed, 76 per cent claimed to be Feng Shui believers, or ‘half believers’. They practised it both ritually and symbolically. Younger respondents were less likely to actively ‘believe’, but they still engaged in Feng Shui since they saw no harm in practising it. The researchers also found that the impact of Feng Shui practices on architecture, furniture and house layouts was significant, and symbolic artefacts, such as money dragons, the waving cat, and others, were used a lot. So, Feng Shui in Chinese businesses is indeed well and alive. Do Australian businesses need to know about Feng Shui? 36


There are a number of reasons to say yes. Firstly, China’s influence in world trade makes it important for everyone who wishes to connect and engage with Chinese businesses and people, either locally or internationally, to consider this tradition. Secondly, Feng Shui is also shared by communities of people of Chinese descent in other parts of the world. Hong Kong, Singapore and China, besides Japan, are the three largest Asian investors in Australia. Data from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade show the levels of Hong Kong’s and Chinese investment in Australia have grown in the past decade, reaching $101 billion and $87 billion, respectively, at the end of 2016. One of the most obvious areas of influence and practice of Feng Shui in Australia is in the property industry. Chinese investors and buyers have spent billions of dollars on Australian real estate, and Australian developers’ awareness of Feng Shui has continued to grow. Many of its elements are commonly applied in the design of new buildings to attract Chinese buyers. Numerology and the significance of numbers are also important. As a simple example, it is not strange to see high-rise residential and office buildings in Australia built with the absence of number four on all their

floors, since it is considered ominous in Feng Shui. Often initial business transactions can only happen if the number is right. Last year, for example, an Australian company partnered with its Chinese investor, and bought an office tower in Sydney for a symbolic price of $88,888,888, since in contrast to number four, number eight is considered lucky. It is evident Feng Shui plays a role as a business function within the Chinese entities and community. As the marketplace becomes more global, anyone who aims to attract Chinese investors, business partners, or consumers should treat both the rituals and their costs as part of their investment and partnership strategies. Feng Shui should be considered a feature that is entrenched within the value chain of a business or a project, starting from planning and continuing through negotiation and execution processes. It can and should also be applied in marketing and communications, including social media and websites. Whether or not to believe in Feng Shui and its impact on business is clearly up to each individual, but to indulge in the practices in order to satisfy business partners, investors and consumers, and their belief in the art, could surely have an influence on success. That’s common sense.



Feng Shui should be considered a feature that is entrenched within the value chain of a business or a project 风水应在商业与项目的 价值链中占有一席之地

风水是一门古老的艺术与学问,它指导人类 如何与环境和谐共存。风水深深扎根于中国 传统文化、社会与商业生活。 人们往往认为,风水不仅影响个人的健康与 财富,也影响生意的成败。 风水是一种传统的世界观。今天的中国企业 是否仍重视风水呢?

埃迪斯科文大学(ECU)商业与法律学院的 一个研究小组最近进行了一项调查,他们走 访了中国、香港、澳门和新加坡的中餐馆业 主和经理,询问他们对风水的感受、态度、看 法和体验。 他们发现,人们依然深信风水对生意的影 响。

76%的受访者表示自己相信风水,或“有些 信”。

他们仍然在仪式和象征意义上遵循风水。年 轻的受访者虽然不再特别“信”风水,但宁信 其有,不信其无,他们在行动时依然遵循风 水的要求。 研究人员还发现,风水对建筑、家具和房屋 布局的影响仍然显著,人们会大量使用钱 龙和招财猫之类的象征性装饰物,以求好 风水。

因此,风水依然活跃于中国的商业文化中。 那么问题来了,澳洲企业家是否需要了解 风水?

他们需要了解风水的理由有很多。首先,中 国对世界贸易的影响日益显著,了解中国传 统文化对于那些想与中国企业和中国人打 交道的人们至关重要,无论他们来自本地或 外国。 其次,世界各地的华裔群体也信奉着风水 学说。

除日本之外,中国内陆,中国香港和新加坡 是澳大利亚的三大亚洲投资方。

外经贸部的数据显示,中国和中国香港在澳 大利亚的投资水平在过去十年有所增长, 至2016年底分别达到101亿美元和870亿 美元。 在澳大利亚,风水对房地产行业的影响最为 显著。 中国投资者与买家已在澳大利亚房地产市 场上投入了数十亿美元,与此同时,澳大利 亚开发商也日渐重视风水的影响。

显而易见,风水在中国企业与社会中具有独 特的商业功能。 随着市场更加迈向全球化,任何旨在吸引中 国投资者、商业伙伴或消费者的人都应该 在投资和合作战略中考虑到传统仪式与其 成本。 从规划到谈判、执行过程,风水应在商业与 项目的价值链中占有一席之地。 它可以也应该被广泛应用于包括以社交媒 体和网站为媒介的营销与宣传中。

是否相信风水,以及风水对生意的影响的确 因人而异,但为了满足商业伙伴、投资者和 消费者对风水的信奉,遵循风水一定会对成 功有所裨益。 这已成共识。

他们在新建筑中使用大量风水元素,从而吸 引中国买家的青睐。 数字和数字的涵义也很重要。比如,澳大利 亚的高层住宅和写字楼往往没有四层,因 为“四”在风水上是不吉祥的。

选对数字往往是商业交易的第一步。例如, 去年,一家澳大利亚公司与中国投资者合 作,并在悉尼购置了一座价格为88,888,888 美元的办公楼。与4相比,8被认为是大吉的 数字。

IN STEP Feng Shui plays a strong role in Chinese business and community. Photo: 如影随形 风水在中国商业与社会中发挥重 要作用。照片 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017


OPINION | 观点 Bill Johnston is the WA Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Commerce and Industrial Relations; Electoral Affairs; Asian Engagement. 比尔·约翰斯顿(Bill Johnston)是西澳大 利亚州矿产石油、商业和劳资关系、选举事 务及亚洲事务部长

西澳若想功成名遂 技术 与创新举足轻重

WA’s success lies in technology, innovation WESTERN Australia is an unrivalled source of raw materials and energy, but I firmly believe our true success is in technology and innovation. I recently had the opportunity to highlight this important topic to an audience of industry experts at the Gas Asia Summit in Singapore. It also gave me the chance to showcase our state’s expertise in LNG, as Minister for Mines and Petroleum and as WA’s first Asian Engagement Minister. Asia is a region of the world that will provide opportunities to support the next phase of global economic development. WA’s resources base is a well-known strategic advantage, however, our technology story is not well understood. Perth has been at the forefront of innovation and has the capacity to be an ideal technology partner for Asia. It probably goes without saying that major resources projects – such as WA’s world-scale mining and LNG projects – drive innovation and expertise. These complex projects require careful planning, management and often collaboration between industry, government and research institutions. The WA government’s vision is for the state to be the destination of choice for responsible exploration and development of our natural resources. We support investment in mining and energy through the provision of a strong economy, 38


a mature resources services sector, world-class research institutions and a skilled workforce. We understand innovation is the key to maintaining international competiveness and ensuring the longevity of our resources sector. WA produces the majority of the world’s mining software and we host a research and development sector that rivals that of anywhere in the world. The Australian and WA governments foster this research and development by collaborating with industry and our universities in the Western Australian Energy Research Alliance, which brings together our high-quality universities with our oil and gas industry leaders. A notable result of this collaboration is the University of Western Australia’s partnership with Shell Australia, which helped to develop the floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) vessel technology being used on Prelude, in the Browse Basin off the state’s north-west coast. Additionally, WA’s expertise has seen industry and the Commonwealth government base significant research institutions in Perth, such as: • The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s (CSIRO) Australian Resources Research Centre. • Woodside Energy’s Woodside Innovation & Technology Hub (better known as WITH). • One of Chevron’s two Global Technology Centres (the other is located in Aberdeen, Scotland).

BILL JOHNSTON | 比尔·约翰斯顿 众所周知,西澳在原材料与能源行业拥有无 与伦比的资源优势,但我坚信技术和创新才 是我们成功的关键所在。 近日,我以澳洲矿产石油部部长,以及西 澳首位亚洲事务部部长的身份出席在新 加坡举办的亚洲天然气峰会(Gas Asia Summit),得以向业界专家强调这一重要 的话题,同时也不失时机地展示了西澳在液 化天然气领域的专业技术。 未来,来自亚洲的商机才是全球经济发展的 关键所在。 西澳的资源基础是众所周知的战略优势,但 其技术优势却还鲜为人知。

珀斯长期以来活跃在创新领域的前沿,无疑 是亚洲理想的技术伙伴。

西澳有着世界级的矿产和液化天然气项目, 其主要的资源项目推动着创新和专业技术 的发展,这种联系自然不言而喻。 这些复杂的项目不仅需要周密的计划和严 格的管理,往往还要求整个行业与政府部门 以及研究机构之间进行良好的合作。 西澳政府对西澳州寄予厚望,致力将西澳打 造成一个自然资源持续开发的资源圣地。 凭借强劲的经济,成熟的资源服务部门,世 界级的研究机构,以及技术精湛的员工队 伍,我们竭尽所能为矿产和能源行业的投资 提供支持。 创新是保持国际竞争力,确保资源行业持续 发展的关键所在。这一点我们了然于心。 全球绝大多数矿业软件诞生于西澳,并且西 澳的研究开发部门也足以与世界上任何开 发部门相媲美。

同时澳大利亚政府以及西澳政府也不遗余 力地推动研究和开发项目。政府部门与资源 行业以及参与西澳能源研究联盟的高校密 切合作,为优质高校和石油天然气行业的领 军人物搭建起交流互助平台 。

这种合作的一个显著成就是推动了西 澳大学(the University of Western Australia)与壳牌澳洲公司(Shell Australia)的合作伙伴关系。进而开发出 浮式液化天然气(FLNG)的油轮开采技术。 位于西澳西北海岸的海上布劳斯盆地地区



HIGH TECH FMG’s integrated operations centre is an impressively advanced facility. Photo: Fortescue Metals Group 高新科技 FMG综合运营中心是一个令人印 象深刻的高级设施。照片:FMG集团

Perth is an internationally recognised centre for mining and resources equipment, technology and services, with more than 700 local and international companies operating in the city. Our city is also the leading resources jurisdiction for the development and implementation of industry step-change innovation through automation, robotics, remote systems and data analytics. By way of example, Woodside is applying robotic technology to remote sensing and maintenance. In the mining sector, BHP, Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals Group are all applying driverless technology – not in the laboratory, but to everyday operations on site. I am sure you have heard about driverless cars being tested in California. In WA we already have about 100 driverless trucks in operating mines, being controlled by remote-sensing technology with their operators sitting in air-conditioned office buildings in Perth, thousands of kilometres away. Similarly, the state houses the LNG Marine Fuel Institute, which is leading the way in the use of LNG as a bunkering fuel. Perth is the place you should come to for the expertise and solutions to technical challenges at every stage of the LNG value chain. I would also like to highlight the challenge that is emerging globally in respect of decommissioning offshore oil and gas infrastructure. The WA government has identified petroleum decommissioning as an essential component of a successful industry. It’s estimated that 600 petroleum-producing fields in the Asia-Pacific region will cease production over the next 10 years. This will create an expensive challenge for operators. To be successful, decommissioning requires cooperation, scientific research, technical innovation and skilled workers. The expertise and skills are already available in Perth. Our capacities can be applied across the Asia Pacific to assist with decommissioning infrastructure when required. The government is building on the state’s world-class expertise by supporting a joint research and development study into decommissioning by industry participants. The joint research aims to deliver innovative and transformative offshore decommissioning solutions, reinforcing the state’s position as a regional and global leader. If you’re looking for technological solutions in the mining and energy sectors, you should certainly consider WA as your investment destination.

Innovation is the key to maintaining international competiveness and ensuring the longevity of our resources sector

创新是保持国际竞争力,确保资源行业持续发展的关键所在 (Browse Basin)实施的Prelude项目正 是采用了这种技术。

专业技术方面的举措更是有目共睹,资源行 业以及联邦政府都将举足轻重的研究机构 设立于珀斯,例如: •隶属于联邦科学与工业研究组织 (CSIRO)的澳大利亚资源研究中心 (Australian Resources Research Centre);

•伍德赛德能源公司(Woodside Energy) 的伍德赛德创新与技术中心(即人们所熟 知的WITH); •雪弗龙公司(Chevron)旗下两所全球技 术中心之一(另一所位于苏格兰的阿伯丁 地区)。

珀斯在矿产和资源配置,以及技术和服务方 面的中心地位无疑是受到国际认可的。目 前在珀斯运营的本地及国际公司多达700 多家。

在开发和实施业内突破性创新技术方面,珀 斯更是拔得头筹。这些创新技术包括自动化 技术,机器人技术,远程系统技术,以及数据 分析技术等。

举例来说,伍德赛德公司在遥感和远程维 护方面运用的就是机器人技术。在矿业方 面,无人驾驶技术早已通过试验阶段,实 际应用于必和必拓公司(BHP),力拓公 司(Rio Tinto),以及福蒂斯丘金属集团 (Fortescue Metals Group)的施工现 场。

我相信大家对美国加利福尼亚州 (California)的无人驾驶汽车测试都有所 耳闻。但在西澳的采矿现场,这早已是司空

见惯的事情了。操作员们坐在位于珀斯的空 调办公室里,通过遥感技术控制数千公里外 的100辆无人驾驶卡车。 液化天然气船用燃料机构(LNG Marine Fuel Institute)同样也坐落于珀斯。该机 构在使用液化天然气作为船用燃料方面一 马当先。

无论在液化天然气价值链的哪一环节遭遇 技术挑战,珀斯都是您寻求专业技术和解决 方案的最佳选择。 另外值得强调的是,目前全球范围内面临的 一大挑战就是海上石油和天然气开采设施 的退役问题。 西澳政府明确指出,石油设施的退役同样是 衡量行业成功与否的重要因素。 据估计,未来十年亚太地区将有600个石油 生产平台的退役项目。这对运营者而言无疑 是一个代价高昂的挑战。 要想成功开展退役项目,通力合作,科学研 究,技术创新,以及熟稔的工人缺一不可。

其中,专业知识和技能在珀斯唾手可得。如 有需要,我们将竭力尽能协助亚太地区开展 基础设施的退役项目。 澳大利亚政府正在全力支持业内人士进行 一项关于设备退役的合作发展研究,以构建 西澳全球领先的专业技术知识。

这项合作研究致力于开发变革式创新的海 上平台退役方案,从而巩固西澳在区域范围 乃至全球范围内的领先地位。 若您尚在寻求矿产和能源行业的技术解 决方案,西澳毋庸置疑是您最佳的投资选 择。 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017



700 words

Hans Hendrischke is professor of Chinese Business and Management, University of Sydney Business School and chair of the executive committee of the China Studies Centre at the University of Sydney. This article originally appeared on The Conversation, its contents are the views of the author and do not constitute endorsement by Australia China Business Review. 汉斯·亨德里斯切克是悉尼大学商学院中国商业与管理 学教授,悉尼大学中国研究中心执行委员会主席。

该文章首次发表于“The Conversation”,本文所有观 点均属于作者个人观点,不代表澳中商讯。


万众瞩目:习近平主席与 中国新一届领导集体

Xi Jinping unveils China’s new leadership team CHINA’s 19th Party Congress has elected a new leadership team that promises to bring continuity in the country’s gradual domestic reform and stronger focus on internationalism. Proving many political observers wrong, the new leadership line-up is an A-team in terms of economic and international credentials.

New leadership team

President Xi Jinping’s “new era” of Chinese development and economic growth is defined by the reform agenda he laid out when he came to power in 2012. This vision was most clearly articulated in his personal comments on the 60-point policy document that laid out the president’s vision for the governance reform of China. The newly elected leadership team comprises five new members, all of whom bring economic and international experience to the table that will shape the direction of Chinese policies over the next five years. Wang Yang and Han Zheng have led China’s most successful and most internationalised province-level economies, Guangdong and Shanghai. Li Zhanshu and Zhao Leji have overseen growth and reform in China’s inland provinces before assuming central party posts. Wang Huning, the chief theoretician, speaks fluent French and has a PhD in philosophy from Johns Hopkins University. All five newly elected members (they join the existing Premier Li Keqiang) have been groomed for the top positions by serving at least one term on the politburo. The composition of the sev40


en-member standing committee of the politburo is evenly balanced between economic reformers and the political power base. Premier Li Keqiang’s focus is on economic policy making, while Wang Yang and Han Zheng have steered China’s most open economies. Together, they represent economic stability and continued globalisation. The other three new members will oversee continuity in domestic policies and the continued role of the party. Li Zhanshu was in charge of party administration over the past five years and is seen in the role of the party “whip”. Zhao Leji, as a power broker, was running the party’s Organisation Department and served as the second in command for the party’s discipline inspection system in charge of anti-corruption policies. Wang Huning, who formulates Xi Jinping’s political agenda, has served the previous two leadership groups in exactly the same role. Together, these six closest associates of Xi Jinping demonstrate the continuity of policies from the first half of Xi Jinping’s five-year term into this second five-year term to a domestic as well as an international audience.

Renewed focus on internationalism

One of the key advantages of the new leadership team will be their solid international credentials. Wang Yang, former party secretary of Guangdong Province, has been closely involved in China’s strategic economic dialogue with

the United States. At the same time, he was in charge of the internal steering committee for the One Belt, One Road initiative. His appointment means China will continue the balancing act between its own regionally focused strategy and the (western) rules-driven form of globalisation. Han Zheng, the former party secretary and mayor of Shanghai, served during the 2010 Shanghai World Expo and oversaw the globalisation of Shanghai with its co-existence between a commercially viable state-owned enterprise sector and a growing private sector. Moving these internationally connected decision-makers to the frontline signals pragmatism in China’s economic policies and globalisation. Their experience in dealing with foreign governments and businesses, and their awareness of the interdependence of global markets, suggests that current reforms in financial industries, advanced manufacturing and overseas investment will continue.

A new leadership direction

President Xi’s governance reform is a driver behind his anti-corruption campaign that has been in place for five years. In western terminology, President Xi’s contribution to socialist theory is his attempt to institute a “separation of powers” by strengthening the role of the legislature in supervising the executive. Currently, the party has direct control over the executive through appointments of all relevant government officials and direct in-




LEADER President Xi Jingping is building on his reform agenda, first laid out when he came to power in 2012. Photo: Xinhua News Agency

栗战书在过去五年内一直负责党内行政管 理,发挥“督导”作用。

赵乐际作为一位实权政治家,担任中央组织 部部长和中国共产党纪律监察委员会书记, 负责反腐倡廉建设。

领导人 习近平主席正贯彻2012年他执 政时首次提出的改革方案。 照片来源:新华社。

王沪宁参与制定了习近平主席的政治改革 方案。他也曾在前两届领导集体中担任智囊 职务。 这六位助手紧密团结在习近平主席身边,向 中国和世界表明,习近平主席将在这届任期 内继续贯彻其在前五年提出的政策方针。 继续推动国际化进程

中国新一届领导集体在推进国际化进程方 面资历深厚。

汪洋曾任广东省委书记,直接参与中美战略 经济对话,并担任“一带一路”内部指导委员 会主任。 他的任职意味着中国会继续采取平衡论,协 调其区域中心战略和以发达国家为主导的 全球化模式。

韩正曾任上海市市长和市委书记,成功举办 中国2010年上海世界博览会,促进商业化国 有企业和日益壮大的私营企业共同发展,推 动上海的国际化进程。

terference in detailed government processes. Xi Jinping’s governance reform envisages a rules-based supervision of government through the system of people’s congresses and less direct interference by the party. The governance reform includes practical aspects, such as reform of public finance as a precondition for banking reform; further tax reform, social security and medicare reform. These reforms will open new markets and are relevant for foreign economic cooperation. President Xi’s speech to the Party Congress cited unresolved issues, including social inequality, poverty, environmental pollution, health care and food safety. These are urgent matters that affect general public support for his policies and the government. In view of the urgent need for progress in these areas, he foreshadowed a stronger role of the market and international cooperation in areas such as health care and social services.

Implications for Australia

For Australia, continuity in China’s leadership transition means stability in long-term economic relations, from forthcoming revisions to ChAFTA (China-Australia free trade agreement) to Australian involvement in China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative. The new leadership will continue to promote regional economic integration. Australia, with its location between South-East Asia and the Pacific, is recognised by China as an important economic hub with mature institutions that will underpin regional economic cooperation.

中国共产党第十九届中央委员会选举产生 了新一届中央领导机构。中国将持续深化国 内改革,推动国际化进程。 与此前许多政治观察者的预测不同,中国 新一届领导集体在经济和国际化方面资历 深厚。 新一届领导集体

按照习近平主席在2012年当选中共中央总 书记时提出的改革方案,中国发展与经济增 长已进入“新时代”。 习近平主席在关于《中共中央关于全面深化 改革若干重大问题的决定》的说明中对这一 发展思想进行了明确阐述,诠释了中国治国 理政改革新理念。 新当选的领导集体中有五位新常委,他们在 经济和国际化方面经验丰富,这将影响中国 下一个五年的政策方向。 汪洋和韩正分别在广东和上海这两个中国 最发达和最具国际化的省级经济体中担任 领导职务。 栗战书和赵乐际在担任党中央领导职务之 前负责中国内陆省份的发展和改革。

王沪宁为首席理论顾问,精通法语,拥有约 翰霍普金斯大学的博士学位。

除了上届已是常委的李克强总理,所有五位 新当选常委在进入最高决策职位之前,都在 中共中央政治局有过至少一届任职经历。这 一届中共中央政治局常务委员会统筹兼顾, 七名常委既有政治核心,也包含多位经济改 革专家。 李克强总理负责经济政策的制定,而汪洋和 韩正领导过中国最开放的两大经济体。他们 的联手合作,表明中国将继续保持经济稳定 并持续推进全球化。


新一届中国决策者重视国际交流,在经济政 策和全球化中继续采取务实态度。他们在处 理外国政企事务方面富有经验,洞悉全球市 场的相互依赖性,这都预示着中国在金融行 业、先进制造业和海外投资领域的改革将保 持连贯性。 新的领导方向

在过去五年中,习近平主席深入推进治国理 政改革,加强反腐倡廉建设。 按照西方观点,习近平主席的社会主义建设 理论强化了立法机构在执法监督层面的作 用,体现了完善“分权制度”的决心。 目前,中国人民代表大会和中国共产党全国 代表大会通过任命相关政府官员,直接参 与具体政务流程,实现对行政活动的直接领 导。习近平主席的治国理政改革通过人民代 表大会制度和减少党对政府直接干预等措 施,构建了规范的政府监管体系。 治国理政改革实践由若干举措组成,包括实 施公共财政改革以推动银行业改革,推进税 务改革,推进社会保障和医疗保险改革等。 这些改革有助于拓展新兴市场,吸引海外经 济合作。

习近平主席在十九大报告中还谈到许多尚 待解决的矛盾及问题,如社会不平等、贫困、 环保、卫生医疗和食品安全等状况。这些当 务之急将直接影响政策实施和政府运行中 的民心向背。 考虑到这些领域推行改革的紧迫性,习近平 主席提出强化市场作用,在卫生医疗和社会 服务等领域加强国际合作。 对澳大利亚的启示

对于澳大利亚来说,中国领导层的平稳过渡 意味着长期经济关系将保持稳定,包括中澳 自由贸易协定的即将修订和澳大利亚参与 中国“一带一路”倡议等政策。 中国新一届领导集体将继续促进区域经济 融合。澳大利亚连接东南亚和太平洋,是中 国重要的经济枢纽,其成熟完善的制度将有 力推动区域经济合作。 2017年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2017


NEWS | 新闻 DIPLOMACY Closer relations with China are emerging as the top priority for Mark McGowan’s government. Photo: Chinese Chamber of Commerce Australia 纵横捭阖 马克·麦高文政府的首要任务是拉近 与中国的关系,促进双边关系进一步发展 。

西澳州长访华 阿里巴巴与 携程网备受关注

Alibaba, Ctrip in premier’s focus 本刊记者 : Staff reporter

PREMIER Mark McGowan will meet representatives of China’s biggest e-commerce and travel booking companies on the state government’s first official international business delegation, in Hangzhou and Shanghai this month. First up for the premier and a selected delegation of tourism and education business representatives is a meeting with Jack Ma’s Alibaba Group, the e-commerce giant which achieved a $US2.67 billion net profit in the three months to September 30. One of the key focuses of the meeting, which will take place in Hangzhou, is expected to be how the state government’s marketing agency, Tourism WA, can leverage its relationship with Alibaba’s online travel portal, Fliggy. The platform has more than 200 million users, with travellers able to book hotels, flights and experiences directly through the app (see more, story page 10). 42


Mr McGowan’s delegation will also be meeting with China’s largest travel services provider, Ctrip, in Shanghai. Ctrip, which has more than 250 million users in China, is rapidly expanding into new markets, after acquiring popular flight booking portal Skyscanner for $US1.74 billion last year. In early November, Ctrip bought San Francisco-based to add its recommendation service to the Skyscanner portfolio, as it seeks to embed itself further into global travel markets. Following the delegation to China, Mr McGowan and Tourism Minister Paul Papalia will travel to Japan for high-level meetings in Tokyo and Kobe. “The Chinese portion of the trip has a particular focus on international education and tourism, both crucial sectors if we are to grow and diversify the state’s economy to create more local jobs,” Mr McGowan said.

本月西澳州长马克·麦高文(Mark McGowan)将出访中国杭州和上海,会晤 来自中国最大的电子商务公司和在线票务 服务公司的代表。这将是他当选州长以来的 首次国际出访活动。

此次出访的首站是马云先生领导下的阿里 巴巴集团。麦高文州长将率领西澳旅游和教 育代表团访问这一电商巨头。今年第三季 度,阿里巴巴的净利润达到了26.7亿美元。 此次会面将在杭州进行,主要探讨西澳旅游 局作为州政府的市场推广机构应该如何调 节并充分利用与阿里巴巴在线旅游网站“飞 猪旅行” (Fliggy)的合作关系。 该线上平台的用户数量超过2亿。旅客能直 接通过应用程序预订酒店,航班,以及旅游 行程(更多细节请参考故事版面第10页)。

麦高文州长及代表团还将到访上海,访问中 国最大的旅游服务提供商携程公司。

携程在中国拥有超过2.5亿用户。去 年携程以17.4亿美元的价格收购天巡 (Skyscanner)订票网站,随后便开始快速 拓展业务,进入新的市场。

为了在国际旅游市场站稳脚跟,携程公司于 11月初收购总部位于旧金山的, 并将Trip.com的推荐服务技术整合到公司 旗下的天巡网。 结束中国之行后,麦高文州长与旅游部长保 罗·帕帕利亚(Paul Papalia)将出访日本, 在东京和神户进行高层会晤。 麦高文州长表示, “此次访华的重点在于推 广西澳的国际教育和旅游业。这对西澳的经 济多元化发展和增加当地就业机会是至关 重要的。”

Yardi Creek, Exmouth Western Australia Photo: Michael Farnell

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