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Mkhondo Water Report
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Khanyisa Weekly - Gert Sibande
23 Jan to 05 Feb 2015 Vol 6. Wk 4
inance Minister Nhlanhla Nene has asked South Africans for their views on the upcoming Budget Speech and the general state of the economy. Minister Nene will table his Budget Speech in parliament on 25 February. Minister Nene has asked the public to contribute its ideas on how the dynamics of the country's cities can be changed so it can improve living conditions, modernise transport and communications infrastructure and expand economic activity. He also wants to know how government can reinforce support for exporting businesses and improve their competitiveness and by so doing increase the capacity of the economy to create more jobs. Minister Nene also wants ideas on how to improve the country's ability to expand the skills base of the economy. In October last year, the Department of Finance said government had no option but to adjust expenditure and increase taxes so as to return the fiscus to a sustainable path.
Contributions to the budget can be made in the following ways: Twitter: @Budget2015 Facebook: National Treasury South Africa Fax: 012-406 9055 Email: –
responsible fiscal framework. Besides limiting headline spending, in February we will provide certainty as to how our large state owned enterprises will be run and how they will be held to account – particularly since their service delivery is so critical for investors to determine if projects are viable.” The Minister said there had to be an improvement in the way in which communication with the private sector occurs. “Increased consultation about perceived problems in the economy, in particular before the drafting of legislative bills, would help to reduce uncertainty as well as the need for revisions to legislation. We are working with business, community and labour to find ways to mend our fractious labour relations,” he said. Additionally, government is reducing red tape and finding ways to unlock investment potential. “South Africa offers significant opportunities at home and abroad. We are forging ahead with our regional partners to create a continent that is strong, resilient and competitive.” -
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Samson Ndlovu (Bheki Mkhwane - R) is back in Isibaya. The cakes will crumble! He is seen here standing with the Westman (Austin Moyo Snr -L), Fezile Khumalo (Andile Mxakaza) and Eastman (Lucky Khota) during one of Isibaya shoot sessions.
Isibaya 23 to 5 Feb 2015 Mpiyakhe puts Iris and the wives in their place. Bhekifa's guilt makes him pay for the funeral. Qondi is concerned about Bhekifa's state of mind. Mpiyakhe tells the wives that a DNA test will be done. After getting shouted at Qondi stays away from Bhekifa. Blade gets a surprise of his life. Bhekifa is upset with Blade about his unfinished job. Mpiyakhe goes to KZN to see what's wrong with Mkabayi. Blade tries to mend his relationship with Bhekifa. Mpiyakhe and the wives return to the valley. Sihle gets a surprise from a stranger. Everyone gathers for the funeral. The wives notice tension between Mkabayi and Mpiyakhe. Will Fezile and Sihle ever admit their feelings for one another? Mandla tells Khanyi about his big plan. Will Iris ever be fit for motherhood? Mkabayi tests Mpiyakhe, but he fails.
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Sihle says her goodbyes. Bhekumuzi gets rewarded for his loyalty. Fezile thinks he may have found who he's been looking for. Qondi gets a surprise visit from the wives. Mbodla is suspicious of Mkabayi's visit. Sihle gets a warm welcome from the drivers. Mandla gets a deal he can't refuse. Fezile continues his investigation. Qondi is shocked about Bhekifa's passed. Fezile gets the truth and confronts Mpiyakhe with a plan of action. The chief gets turned down. Mandla gets news he's not ready to hear. Courtesy:
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“This decision was informed by the difficult economic environment, both locally and globally, as well as the high level of debt government has accumulated since the onset of the global financial crisis in 2008,” Minister Nene said. The budget framework announced by the Department of Finance in October seeks to restore balance to public finances, boost investment and ensure government improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the expenditure of public funds. “In line with the National Development Plan (NDP), our medium term objective is to ensure that government spending promotes economic growth and enables increased investment by the private sector,” the department said.
SA Seeks To Stimulate Investment In Electricity Sector outh Africa is looking at ways to encourage investment in its electricity sector, as well as find ways to unlock investment potential, says Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene. “We are looking at ways to encourage the private sector to invest with us, to build up the electricity capacity of the country and encourage further investment,” said the Minister, who was speaking at a dinner held on Thursday under the theme 'Reimagining Africa's future and South Africa's role in Africa's integration'. He said the Department of Energy's Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Programme has been a success story that speaks to government's commitment to work with the private sector as well as its desire to encourage investment. Minister Nene said the most pressing constraint to future investment in South Africa was the electricity shortage. “We need this to grow our market at home and to provide our regional partners with a rising market. The most pressing constraint to future investment in this country is our electricity shortage. “We remain committed to a transparent and
Budget 2015 Have Your Say
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23 Jan to 5 Feb 2015 .Vol 6 Wk 4
Khanyisa Weekly - Gert Sibande District - Mpumalanga
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Injabulo Leletfwe iKomatiland Forests Esikelweni Semabanga Laphasi iNordene Indzaba: Colani Samkelo Nkambule Kubonakele ngetihlatsi tivakashela tindlebe kubahlali base Nordene Farm, lekuyindzawo letfolakala ngaphasi kwe Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality eMpumalanga Province, ngesikhatsi iKomatiland Forests ikhombisa kubambisana Nordene Primary School. Norden Primary School, lesi sikolwa lesitfolakala endzaweni lebitwa ngekutsi; Nordene Farm, icala kufundzisa kusukela ebangeni laka grade R kuyaku grade7. Lesikolwa sinebafundzi labangu 152. Ngenca yekweswelakala kwetimali nensita tekwakhwa, bafundzi batitfole bafundza ngaphasi kwesimo lesingekho kahle, bebafundzela etakhiweni teludzaka, lebetibita kutsi njalo ngaboLesihlanu, bafundzi bagcwala tiganga babutse bulongo betinkhomo babuye batewusindza, kuze kutsi ngeliviki lelilandzelako bakhone kufundzela endzaweni lebukekako. Simo bekungasiso lesihle ngobe njalo mayehlile imvula, bekusala kudzilika letakhiwo, kubite kutsi emalunga emphakatsi wase Nordene Farm avele atobhaceka. Esimeni lesinjena, kube khona emalunga laye ashaya tandla eKomatiland Forest kutsi
bahawukele lesi sikolwa ngekusakhela emaklasi ekufundzela lasihlanu, lokwaba yimphumelelo ngobe iKomatiland yasemukela lesicelo seNordene Primary School.
Luyanda Zwane lofundza libanga lesihlanu (Grade 5) eMabombe Primary, batfule tinkondlo letashiya sive lebesingangetjani sibambe wangaphasi.
IKomatiland Forest, ibeseke yakhela lesikolwa emaklasi, lesekwente kutsi bafundzi baleskolwa bafundze kahle, ngobe sebafundzela etakhiweni letakheke ngelizinga lesicophelelweni leliphakeme.
Mr J Tshoba, lobuya etikweni letemfundvo, naye ukhombise kungawuvali umlomo wakhe ngekutsi atsi, “Akukho lengingakutsatsa kulaba bafundzi, yinhle intfo yabo, kungako nami ngitichenya ngabo.”
Hazel Banda wase Komatiland ubeke ngalena ndlela,”Siyi Komatiland siyatichenya ngani ngekubona indlela bafundzi balesi sikolwa bakhuluma lulwimi lesingisi, loluhlobile, loku kusenta sijabule kuhlanganyela sibambisane nani, ekutsenini likusasa lalabantfwana likhanye. “Liphesenti linye lemali yemnyaka yeKomatiland, isetjentiswa kutfutfukisa imimango ledvute nemahlatsi etfu, ngekucinisekisa kutsi siniketa tinsita letitowenta likusasa lebantfwana libe ngulelichakazile. Niyacelwake kutsi, letihlahla ningatibulali, ngekutigawula nangekutishisa ngemlilo.” Hazel Banda, utsi nje uyatichenya ngalabantfwana ngemuva kwekuba Ntokozo Zwane lofundza libanga lesitsatfu (Grade 3) kanye na
Lomelele hulumende umnumzane Bennedict Mogadime utse, “Akube yincabhayi kitsi sonkhe kutsi likusasa lebantfwana liyasimama, kuze kukhone kufezeka liphupho lahulumende wetfu, njengobe agcizelele hulumende kutsi asibambisane, tihlahla asitivikele, bantfu balaMpumalanga batihlahla letitsela titselo letidlekako, loku kubonakala nganasi sento se Komatiland Forest .” Nhloko Thishela, uMr Johhanes Gama utse,“Ngibonge kumphakatsi weNordene Farm, ngekubambisana natsi sisikolwa, basisekele kakhulu sisafundzisela etakhiweni teludzaka, lebe kubita kutsi sitisindze njalo ngabolwesihlanu. Komatiland siyabonga kakhulu, namuhla sinesikolwa lesihle ngenca yenu nemphakatsi”.
Kunikelwa kwesikolwa ngalokusemtsetfweni: Mnu. B. Mogadime (Acting DDG, Public Enterprises); Nkos. Q. Thabethe (Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality); Mnu. J. Gama (Principal); Nkos. H. Banda (Komatiland Forests)
Umphakatsi waseNordene Farm ngesikhatsi kunikelwa sikolwa ngalokusemtsetfweni
Eskom Moves Into Stage Two Load Shedding Sanral Responds To
ue to a shortage of generation capacity, Eskom has moved to stage two load shedding. “We moved to stage two in order to manage our reserves at our pump storage schemes and gas turbines so that we can better manage the rest of the week,” said Eskom Acting Chief Executive Dan Marokane on Tuesday. Stage two load shedding began at 11.30am and is set to continue until 10pm. Earlier today, the power utility implemented stage one load shedding following yesterday's load shedding. Stage one load shedding allows for up to 1 000MW to be shed off the grid, while stage two allows for up to 2 000MW to be
shed. Stage three of load shedding allows for up to 4 000MW to be shed. “At our pumped storage schemes (which use water to generate electricity), the dam levels are low because we were not able to pump the water back to full capacity over the weekend. “This is a result of us having to use our pumped storage schemes over the weekend to meet demand. Ordinarily, the weekends are used to pump our dam levels to maximum capacity in preparation for the forecasted increased demand in electricity during the week,” said the utility. The power grid is extremely constrained and will remain so for the rest of the summer. Eskom has urged consumers to switch off geysers, air
conditioners, pool pumps and all non-essential appliances throughout the day to reduce electricity demand. Customers are advised to check load shedding schedules, which are available on the Eskom website ( ). They can also contact the customer call centre on 0860 037 566. Municipal customers are urged to contact their local authorities.
Msukaligwa Load Shading Schedule till Feb On Page 09
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Moody's Downgrade The South African National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral) says it is not surprised by the downgrade over the e-tolling system by credit rating agency, Moody's Investors Service. Sanral chief financial officer Inge Mulder said: “Sanral is solvent, although non-payment of tolls has had a negative impact on the debt levels on the toll portfolio. “The non-toll portfolio, which covers 85% of the national road network, is healthy. Sanral was not surprised by Moody's downgrade of its rating from stable to negative.” Mulder said the ratings agency had warned at the time of the previous two ratings (July and November 2014) that any failure by Sanral to generate e-toll revenue leading to deteriorating cash flows and growing borrowing needs would lead to a downgrade. “We were ahead of forecasted income at the time when the E-toll Advisory Panel was announced by the Gauteng Province. “Since then, income has dipped appreciably and Moody's itself makes a correlation between the increase in the non-payment of etolls and the decision by the Gauteng province to establish a panel to assess the socio-economic impact of e-tolls – something that could have sparked speculation among the general public that the etoll project may be abandoned.
“We now await the outcome of the process led by Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa on e-tolling to provide policy clarity as well as the funding model for the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP). With policy certainty, we can devise a plan to repay our debt, which should improve our rating,” Mulder said. The road agency operates two portfolios - toll roads and non-toll roads. The non-toll portfolio consists of funds from the national fiscus, an amount of approximately R10 billion per annum. The funds are used by Sanral to manage its non-toll network which accounts for 85% of the total national road network of 21 403 km. There are no funding challenges with the non-toll portfolio as it is business as usual. The agency tolls are financed through the capital markets by issuing bonds and the ones operated by the concessionaires are financed through private sector capital on a Build, Operate and Transfer basis. “The second portfolio accounts for 15% of the total road network, and constitutes of agency tolls (1 832 km) and those run by concessionaires (1 288 km). “Importantly, there is no crosssubsidisation of funds between the toll portfolio and the non-toll portfolio,” said Mulder. -
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Khanyisa Weekly - Gert Sibande
23 Jan to 05 Feb 2015 wk 4
Premier Mabuza Gives A Life Present To Miss Mpumalanga's Mom Mpumalanga Premier David Mabuza on Tuesday, 13 January 2015, gave what he described as a “life present”, an upmarket luxurious three-bedroom house, to the mother of the current Miss Mpumalanga, Natasha Dos Santos. Speaking at the house handover ceremony in Tekwane outside Mbombela, Premier Mabuza explained that he donated a house built through his DD Mabuza Foundation after he was “touched” by Natasha's story that regardless of being crowned Miss Mpumalanga in April last year, she came from a poor background and that her family lived in a shack on a mountainous area. Ever since she won the 2014 provincial beauty contest, Natsha had never parked her car at their yard because the home was inaccessible; hence the Premier built them a house at a decent stand. “I was touched by her [Miss Mpumalanga] attitude that regardless of the background, she was determined to win. As a provincial government we always ask her to go motivate the learners at the schools, but we needed to ensure that she spoke with confidence knowing that she had a better home. “I thought we should give her mother the present of their life, she has managed to raise her children under the difficult circumstances. As for Miss Mpumalanga, she should continue to be the best role model; we are sending her to school to pursue her tertiary education, the DD Mabuza Foundation is giving her a bursary for free,” said Mabuza. He added that the house was like “Freedom Day” to them.
have the roof over your head and that you are secured. Today is your Freedom Day,” said Mabuza. This was not the only house the Premier donated today. He gave another three-bedroom house to a single mother of nine children, Ms Joana Thabethe at Ngodini. The Premier thanked the sponsors of both houses saying they displayed a good gesture in changing the lives of others for the better. “This is a basic problem in the country that as long as we have unstable families, we will not have a nation. In our case, we have broken families, therefore we do not expect a good society to emerge. Everywhere we go, we see struggling families, but we believe that one day we will conquer this war and we will have stable families. A three-bedroom house Mpumalanga Premier David Mabuza donated “The impact which the sponsors have done is huge and is valuable, these families will now have their dignity restored. We are in the middle of this road, it is a long, hard, winding and painful journey, but today these families are stepping into their democracy,” said Mabuza. The Premier urged other people to contribute in changing the lives of others instead of fighting amongst each other. He added that people should share their wealth in order to be blessing to others. “We can only succeed when we are united and people will respect,” said Mabuza. Both houses were financially sponsored and built by Deep Space Construction and Nemotcon Holdings as from November last year. Again both companies further donated school uniforms, furniture and food parcels.
“As from today, you will have a peaceful sleep knowing that you
Miss Mpumalanga [Natasha Dos Santos] holds her mom in disbelief when the Mpumalanga Premier David Mabuza gave them a three-bedroom house
Premier Mabuza Awards Bursaries To Three Emalahleni Learners Mpumalanga Premier David Mabuza on Wednesday, 14 January 2015, awarded bursaries to three Mabande Comprehensive School learners in Phola Township in Emalahleni Local Municipality for being the school's top achievers. Premier Mabuza visited the school near Ogies, west of Emalahleni Municipality, as part of the school visits programme countrywide. The Premier was impressed with Sibusiso Masango, Deborah Maphanga and Sithembiso Mbanjwa maths and physical science results as they were the top three achievers, and he subsequently awarded them with free bursaries to pursue their tertiary education at their preferred institutions. He congratulated them and committed to give more free bursaries and laptops if the current
class of matric at the school would achieve a 100 percent pass rate. “We congratulate these learners for their efforts, it is not easy to be at school and on top of all end up passing. It must have been a long journey for them growing up and concentrating on their education, ours is to try encourage and take them to their next destination,” said Mabuza. Mabuza took time to inspire other learners saying they should stay away from alcohol and drugs, but should look after themselves. “Stay away from nyaope, do not even taste alcohol, it is for the elders because they can handle themselves when they are drunk. Start today to prepare for your final examinations, stay next to your teachers and look after yourselves.
“We can only make the face of the country look better if we make you the better people. We expect the best, and we believe in you that you can do it. As for the Grade 12 class, we want to say this is your last year at the school, we do not need you here next year, go and work and make us proud,” said Mabuza. He warned the girl learners not to be distracted by the desire to want to earn the child social grants. He said they should have the desire to have children once they have completed school and studied for their desired qualifications. “We want young women to be liberated too, but somehow it looks like the child social grants seem to be distracting them, really babies are more than social grants, we want Mpumalanga Premier inspires the learners to stay focused on their all girl children to be at school education at Mabande Comprehensive School in Emalahleni learning instead of queuing for the grants,” said Mabuza. Municipality
Pres Zuma Congratulates New Zambian President President Jacob Zuma has congratulated Edgar Lungu on his election as President of the Republic of Zambia, following the Presidential election held on 20 January in that country. President Zuma expressed his President Jacob Zuma
President Edgar Lungu
commitment to working closely with President Lungu to enhance the historical political relations which exist between South Africa and Zambia, paying particular focus on strengthening economic and social cooperation.
In his message, President Zuma also congratulated the people of Zambia for conducting a peaceful, transparent, credible, free and fair election as declared by the SADC Election Observation Mission. -
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23 Jan to 05 Feb 2015 wk 4
Khanyisa Weekly - Gert Sibande
Not acceptable (samples)
Acceptable (samples)
% Compliance
No of analysis
Apr -14
25 534
Water Quality Results Overview Report
January 2014 – June 2014 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION This report indicates an overview of water quality status for the last six months (i.e. January 2014 – June 2014) across Mkhondo Local Municipality jurisdiction area. The report is generated from the monthly water quality results received from Gert Sibande District Municipality Water Quality Laboratory. However the report provides summary information on water quality results as required for legislation compliance and thus includes percentage characterisation of water quality against national standards limit/standards for the specified period.
2 OVERVIEW WATER QUALITY RESULTS Mkhondo Local Municipality serves as the Water Service Authority (WSA) and also Water Service Provider (WSA). The municipality provides access to water for the communities within its jurisdiction in accordance to the constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), the Municipal Structures Act (Act 117 of 1998), Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) and Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997).Approximately 70% of the total population of Mkhondo Local Municipality resides in rural villages. The municipality uses its internal expertise and capacity to provide water services to the consumers with the four Water Supply schemes, (i.e. Amsterdam, Driefontein, Piet Retief and Rural Water Supply Scheme). 2.1 Mkhondo LM Water Schemes 2.1.1 Piet Retief Water Supply Scheme The Piet Retief water supply schemes abstracts raw water from Assegai river for treatment in two water treatment plants with a combined capacity of 12.4ml/day and distributed to over 45 000 population including communities in Piet Retief, Harmony Park, Kempville, Retville, eThandukukhanya and the surrounding areas. 2.1.2 Amsterdam Water Supply Scheme The scheme utilizes one water treatment plant which has been upgraded to 6.3ml/day. The plant is situated on the North Eastern side of the town on the banks of Dorps Dam along the Thole River where abstraction point is. The treated water is distributed to over 9 700 populations which includes Amsterdam, KwaThandeka and the surrounding areas. 2.1.3 Driefontein Water Supply Scheme The Driefontein water treatment plant has a capacity of 7.5ml/day and receives raw water from Heyshope Dam and is located towards the South West of the dam. The plant provides water to a population of approximately 31 830 residing at Kwa-Ngema and Driefontein. It is planned that water supply will be extended to Dirkiesdorp community. 2.1.4 Rural Water Supply Scheme Drinking Water is provided to rural villages through the operation and maintenance of over 500 boreholes and four water tankers. The municipality experience challenges in these schemes related to water shortage, backlog and poor drinking water quality compliance caused mostly by contamination due to poor sanitation. A team has been established to specifically address the needs of water in the rural villages, utilising the services of the MRTT and outsourcing water from the boreholes and other sources. 2.2 Water laboratory in use The municipality is using an independent laboratory GSDM Water Quality Laboratory. However the laboratory does perform some of the water analysis inhouse and also outsource for the other tests to Mhlathuze Water Quality Laboratory (Fully accredited laboratory) as per the National Specification of drinking water, SANS 241:2006 requirements. From Mkhondo Local Municipality approximately 45 water samples were taken every month for analysis at independent laboratories. 2.3 Water Quality Parameters All the samples gets analysed for each point and a total of 17 water quality parameters ranging from: • Microbiological (E-coli, Total coliform, Heterotrophic count); • Physical (Conductivity, PH and Turbidity); • Chemical group (Fluoride, Chloride, Nitrate, Sulphate, Iron, Manganese, etc.); 2.4 Mkhondo LM Water Quality Overview During the three months period of January 2014 – June 2014, over one thousand five hundred and zero two (1502) water samples were taken. The samples were taken from different positions of water supply schemes which include the treatment plants, reservoirs, household taps and boreholes and over 25 534 analysis were undertaken from those samples. Only forty eight (82) sample points failed to comply with class I of SANS 241:2006 and the other 1161 samples complied with Class I of SANS 241 and thus equates to over 95% compliance.
Acceptable (Green )
1161 sample points or 94% compliance
Needs attention (Yellow)
82 sample points
Failure Aesthetic (Orange)
0 sample points
Failure health Max (Red)
0 sample points
The sample points that needs attention, marked yellow (i.e. failed to comply with Class I of SANS 241:2006) and most of them falls within the Rural water supply schemes such as Rustplaast and Thokozani area and the cause may be poor sanitation systems in those rural nodes. 3 CONCLUSSION The municipality remains committed in safe guarding public health through continuously and consistently monitoring drinking water quality. The six (6) months water quality results presented in this report with 95% compliance confirms the fitness of drinking water for consumption. The municipality is confident about the overall quality of drinking water supply at each and every tap, exception being some of the settlements are under Rural Water Supply Scheme. To sustain the excellent water quality achieved over the past six months, the following actions are currently or planned for implementation: • Continue with process controller’s learner ship programme in the next financial year through assistance from LG seta, DWA, GSDM and COGTA, • Install an online water quality monitoring systems at Treatment Plants and Reservoirs • Extend the licence contract and operate the Municipal Assistants Software which will assist in reporting and continuously publishing the status of drinking water quality through the net, effective implementation of maintenance plan, etc. • Implement the recently developed water safety plans which includes management of water quality risks (i.e. Water Quality Risk Assessment) • Fill up the vacancies of the operators and ensure continuous reporting • A team has been established to specifically address the needs of water in the rural villages’ i.e. (Backlog eradication programme), utilising the services of the MRTT and outsourcing water from the boreholes and other sources (e.g. ponds). We embrace DWA policy that “Water Is Life” hence the Water Conservation Water Demand Management initiative is being formulated to stem water losses, increase revenue and improve the quality of Water Service Delivery with the ultimate objective of reaching the presidential directive of halving water losses by 2014. The municipality shall continue with the implementation of an Action plan for the acquisition of Blue drop and Green drop award in the financial year 2013/2014. This has been the plan and part of the turnaround strategy for Water Services which was adopted by council in July 2011. For more technical information or queries, contact direct the Technical Services Department: Solly Mabuza, Tel No. 017 826 8174, E-mail: or Mthembeni Jele, 017 826 8136, E-mail:
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23 Jan to 05 Feb 2015 wk 4
Khanyisa Weekly - Gert Sibande
Not acceptable (samples)
Acceptable (samples)
% Compliance
No of analysis
12 376
Water Quality Results Overview Report
July 2014 – September 2014 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION This report indicates an overview of water quality status for the last three months (i.e. July 2014 – September 2014) across Mkhondo Local Municipality jurisdiction area. The report is generated from the monthly water quality results received from Gert Sibande District Municipality Water Quality Laboratory. However the report provides summary information on water quality results as required for legislation compliance and thus includes percentage characterisation of water quality against national standards limit/standards for the specified period. 2 OVERVIEW WATER QUALITY RESULTS Mkhondo Local Municipality serves as the Water Service Authority (WSA) and also Water Service Provider (WSP). The municipality provides access to water for the communities within its jurisdiction in accordance to the constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), the Municipal Structures Act (Act 117 of 1998), Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) and Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997).Approximately 70% of the total population of Mkhondo Local Municipality resides in rural villages. The municipality uses its internal expertise and capacity to provide water services to the consumers with the four Water Supply schemes, (i.e. Amsterdam, Driefontein, Piet Retief and Rural Water Supply Scheme). 2.1 Mkhondo LM Water Schemes 2.1.1 Piet Retief Water Supply Scheme The Piet Retief water supply schemes abstracts raw water from Assegai river for treatment in two water treatment plants with a combined capacity of 12.4ml/day and distributed to over 45 000 population including communities in Piet Retief, Harmony Park, Kempville, Retville, eThandukukhanya and the surrounding areas. 2.1.2 Amsterdam Water Supply Scheme The scheme utilizes one water treatment plant which has been upgraded to 6.3ml/day. The plant is situated on the North Eastern side of the town on the banks of Dorps Dam along the Thole River where abstraction point is. The treated water is distributed to over 9 700 populations which includes Amsterdam, KwaThandeka and the surrounding areas. 2.1.3 Driefontein Water Supply Scheme The Driefontein water treatment plant has a capacity of 7.5ml/day and receives raw water from Heyshope Dam and is located towards the South West of the dam. The plant provides water to a population of approximately 31 830 residing at Kwa-Ngema and Driefontein. It is planned that water supply will be extended to Dirkiesdorp community. 2.1.4 Rural Water Supply Scheme Drinking Water is provided to rural villages through the operation and maintenance of over 500 boreholes and four water tankers. The municipality experience challenges in these schemes related to water shortage, backlog and poor drinking water quality compliance caused mostly by contamination due to poor sanitation. A team has been established to specifically address the needs of water in the rural villages, utilising the ervices of the MRTT and outsourcing water from the boreholes and other sources. 2.2 Water laboratory in use The municipality is using an independent laboratory GSDM Water Quality Laboratory. However the laboratory does perform some of the water analysis inhouse and also outsource for the other tests to Mhlathuze Water Quality Laboratory (Fully accredited laboratory) as per the National Specification of drinking water, SANS 241:2006 requirements. From Mkhondo Local Municipality approximately 45 water samples were taken every month for analysis at independent laboratories. 2.3 Water Quality Parameters All the samples gets analysed for each point and a total of 17 water quality parameters ranging from: • Microbiological (E-coli, Total coliform, Heterotrophic count); • Physical (Conductivity, PH and Turbidity); • Chemical group (Fluoride, Chloride, Nitrate, Sulphate, Iron, Manganese, etc.); 2.4 Mkhondo LM Water Quality Overview During the three months period of July 2014 – September 2014, over six hundred and fifty (650) water samples were taken. The samples were taken from different positions of water supply schemes which include the treatment plants, reservoirs, household taps and boreholes and over 12 376 analysis were undertaken from those samples. Thirty one (31) sample points failed to comply with class I of SANS 241:2006 and the other 697 samples complied with Class I of SANS 241 and thus equates to over 96% compliance.
Acceptable (Green )
697 sample points or 96% compliance
Needs attention (Yellow)
31 sample points
Failure Aesthetic (Orange)
0 sample points
Failure health Max (Red)
0 sample points
The sample points that needs attention, marked yellow (i.e. failed to comply with Class I of SANS 241:2006) and most of them falls within the Rural water supply schemes such as Rustplaast and Thokozani area and the cause may be poor sanitation systems in those rural nodes. 3 CONCLUSSION The municipality remains committed in safe guarding public health through continuously and consistently monitoring drinking water quality. The three (3) months water quality results presented in this report with 96% compliance confirms the fitness of drinking water for consumption. The municipality is confident about the overall quality of drinking water supply at each and every tap, exception being some of the settlements are under Rural Water Supply Scheme. To sustain the excellent water quality achieved over the past three months, the following actions are currently or planned for implementation: • Continue with process controller’s learner ship programme in the next financial year through assistance from LG seta, DWA, GSDM and COGTA, • Install an online water quality monitoring systems at Treatment Plants and Reservoirs • Extend the licence contract and operate the Municipal Assistants Software which will assist in reporting and continuously publishing the status of drinking water quality through the net, effective implementation of maintenance plan, etc. • Implement the recently developed water safety plans which includes management of water quality risks (i.e. Water Quality Risk Assessment) • Fill up the vacancies of the operators and ensure continuous reporting • A team has been established to specifically address the needs of water in the rural villages’ i.e. (Backlog eradication programme), utilising the services of the MRTT and outsourcing water from the boreholes and other sources (e.g. ponds). We embrace DWA policy that “Water Is Life” hence the Water Conservation Water Demand Management initiative is being formulated to stem water losses, increase revenue and improve the quality of Water Service Delivery with the ultimate objective of reaching the presidential directive of minimising water losses by 2015. The municipality shall continue with the implementation of an Action plan for the acquisition of Blue drop and Green drop award in the financial year 2014/2015. This has been the plan and part of the turnaround strategy for Water Services which was adopted by council in July 2011. For more technical information or queries can be directed to the Technical Services Department: Solly Mabuza, Tel No. 017 826 8174, E-mail: or Mthembeni Jele, 017 826 8136, E-mail:
07 - More News at:
23 Jan to 05 Feb 2015 wk 4
Khanyisa Weekly - Gert Sibande
Mining Amendment Bill “constitutionally Flawed” President Jacob Zuma says he sent back the Mining and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment Bill to the National Assembly last week, because as it stands, it does not pass constitutional muster. The Presidency on Monday said the Bill was sent back in terms of section 79(1) of the Constitution on the basis that the definition of “This Act” is likely unconstitutional.
Statement from the Municipal Manager Mr. A N Mahlangu:
It gives me great pleasure to present water quality results for the first quarter of financial year 2014/2015 to the residents of Mkhondo Local Municipality, for Amsterdam, Driefontein and Piet Retief Water Supply Schemes. This publication illustrates our commitment on the provision of Quality Water Services to the residents of the municipality. The commitment of publicizing Water Quality Results is outlined in the Water Services Customer Charter that was recently developed and adopted by the council. In the Water Services Customer Charter, the municipality commits itself in making quarterly and annual results available to consumers through Municipal website, Local Newspaper, Municipal notice boards, Municipal Annual Reports and at DWA MYWATER WEBSITE. Amsterdam Water supply scheme utilizes one water treatment plant which has been upgraded to 6.3ml/day. Treated water is distributed to over 9 700 populations which include Amsterdam and surrounding areas. Piet Retief water supply scheme abstract water from Assegai river for treatment in 2 water treatment plants with a combined capacity of 12.4ml/day and distribute to over 45 000 population including communities in Piet Retief and surrounding areas Driefontein water supply scheme receives water from Heyshope Dam and has a capacity of 7.5ml/day. The plant provides water to a population of approximately 31 830 in Kwa-Ngema and Driefontein. It is planned that water supply will be extended to Dirkiesdorp. I urge the residents of Mkhondo local municipality to also work with the municipality in ensuring that the use of clean water is maintained and not misused and ensuring compliance against general limits of Water quality as stipulated in Section 6 of our Water Services Customer Charter. Consumer’s responsibilities in Section 6 of Water Services Customers Charter include the following: • Adherence to Municipal Bylaws, • Avoid misusing clean water through gardening and washing cars • Pay for services over and above any free allocation
“… The amended definition elevates the Codes of Good Practice for the South African Minerals Industry, the Housing and Living Condition Standards for the Minerals Industry and the Amended Broad-Based Socio-Economic Empowerment Charter for South African Mining and Minerals Industry to the status of national legislation. “In addition, in terms of Section 74 of the Amended Act, the Minister is given the power to amend or repeal these instruments as and when the need arises effectively by-passing the constitutionally mandated procedures for the amendment of legislation,” said the Presidency. It further said as amended, Sections 26(2B) and 26(3) appear to be inconsistent with South Africa's obligations under the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) and the Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA) as they appear to impose quantitative restrictions on exports in contravention of GATT and TDCA, and in so doing render the State vulnerable to challenges in international fora. The Presidency said the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) and the Provincial Legislature did not sufficiently facilitate public participation when passing the Amendment Act as required by Section 72 and 118 of the Constitution in that the consultation period was highly compressed and there appears to have been insufficient notice of the public hearings held by the provincial legislatures. “The President is of the view that the Bill should have been referred to the National House of Traditional Leaders for its comments in terms of Section 18 of the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act in that the Bill impacts upon customary law or the customs of traditional communities by. “Allowing persons to enter upon land to conduct an investigation after notifying and consulting with the owner, occupier or person in control in terms of Section 50 and in so doing, ignores the consent principle in customary law,” said the Presidency. –
Driefontein Water Treatment Works July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
WATER QUALITY RESULTS: Over 550 analyses were conducted on the final water of Piet Retief and Amsterdam and Driefontein Water Treatment Works, since the inception of agreement between Mkhondo Local Municipality and Gert Sibande District Municipality Water Testing Laboratory in September 2011 for Piet Retief, Amsterdam and Driefontein Water Treatment Works and the results are as follows: For enquires related to this article you are welcome to contact: Mr. S. Mabuza General Manager: Technical services department (017 826 8191) and Mr. M. Jele, Senior Manager: Water Services (017 826 8136)
Piet Retief Water Treatment Works
Amsterdam Water Treatment Works July 2014
September 2014
August 2014
July 2014
September 2014
August 2014
08 - More News at:
23 Jan to 05 Feb 2015 wk 4
Khanyisa Weekly - Gert Sibande
Izandla Ziyagezana Makhosi Mthupha Abalandeli kanye nabathandi beANC baqamuka nesu elihle lokup?ha abantu abadala izipho zikaJanuwari njengoba azi wonke umuntu ukuthi isikhathi salenyanga sisuke sisibi ngezizathu zokusetshenzisa kwezimali kumaholide kaKhisimusi nokuthi izingane kumele ziphindelele esikoleni. Phela laba balandeli bakaKhongolose bebaholwa iKhansela lendawo kuWadi 13 uNkosikazi Celiwe Mtshali ekhashwe ngabalingani bakhe abangamaKhansela kanye nabebevela ehovisini leANC umama uZodwa Manyathi kanye noVusi Motha. Lokho kuphinde kwaba isizathu sokuba lohlelo
lwabalandeli baleliqembu bagcine ngokuliphumelelisa ngenxa yokubambisana kwabo. Ogogo abekade bethokoziswa yilezikhulu bengakhoni nokuzibamba ngendlela bebegcwele ngayo injabulo, "Ngithanda ukubonga wonke umuntu okhiphe ekhikhini lakhe kuze sithole lokudla, impela ngathi bebazi ukuthi siswele njengoba futhi kuyinyanga embi kaJanuwari, siyanibonga Khongolose, niqhubeke nakubanye nikwenze lokhu enikwenzile nakithi ngoba sibaningi esiswele lapha eMkhondo, siyanithanda ANC, niqhubeke nempatho yenu enhle emphakathini" kusho womunye ugogo ejabule kabi ngokuthola
izipho. "Ngithanda ukubonga wonke umuntu ofake isandla kwagcine isifiso sethu sonke njengeqembu likaKhongolose siphumelela, njengoba kudala sifisa ukupha umphakathi wethu ikakhulukazi izikehli ezikhulile kanye namakhehla, sibonga ukubambisana kwethu ngoba ngaphandle kokubambisana angeke siqhubekele phambili kodwa thina siyiANC yaseMkhondo sizama ngakho konke okusemandleni ukuthi silwe nobubha, sisazolwa impela ngoba futhi kuningi okusezinhlelweni zethu futhi okuhle kodwa, siyanithanda bahlali baseMkhondo," kusho uKhansela Mtshali.
uKhansela Mtshali, Zodwa Manyathi, Vusi Motha kanye namakhansela nabalandeli beANC
Amsterdam Water Treatment Works
January 2014
February 2014
April 2014
May 2014
March 2014
June 2014
Statement from the Municipal Manager Mr. A N Mahlangu: It gives me great pleasure to present water quality results for the third and fourth quarter of financial year 2013/2014 to the residents of Mkhondo Local Municipality, for Amsterdam, Driefontein and Piet Retief Water Supply Schemes. This publication illustrates our commitment on the provision of Quality Water Services to the residents of the municipality.
Driefontein Water Treatment Works January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
The commitment of publicizing Water Quality Results is outlined in the Water Services Customer Charter that was recently developed and adopted by the council. In the Water Services Customer Charter, the municipality commits itself in making quarterly and annual results available to consumers through Municipal website, Local Newspaper, Municipal notice boards, Municipal Annual Reports and at DWA MYWATER WEBSITE. Amsterdam Water supply scheme utilizes one water treatment plant which has been upgraded to 6.3ml/day. Treated water is distributed to over 9 700 populations which include Amsterdam and surrounding areas. Piet Retief water supply scheme abstract water from Assegai river for treatment in 2 water treatment plants with a combined capacity of 12.4ml/day and distribute to over 45 000 population including communities in Piet Retief and surrounding areas Driefontein water supply scheme receives water from Heyshope Dam and has a capacity of 7.5ml/day. The plant provides water to a population of approximately 31 830 in Kwa-Ngema and Driefontein. It is planned that water supply will be extended to Dirkiesdorp. I urge the residents of Mkhondo local municipality to also work with the municipality in ensuring that the use of clean water is maintained and not misused and ensuring compliance against general limits of Water quality as stipulated in Section 6 of our Water Services Customer Charter. Consumer's responsibilities in Section 6 of Water Services Customers Charter include the following: 路 Adherence to Municipal Bylaws, 路 Misusing clean water through gardening and washing cars 路 Pay for services over and above any free allocation WATER QUALITY RESULTS: Over 400 analyses were conducted on the final water of Piet Retief and Amsterdam and Driefontein Water Treatment Works, since the inception of agreement between Mkhondo Local Municipality and Gert Sibande District Municipality Water Testing Laboratory in September 2011 for Piet Retief, Amsterdam and Driefontein Water Treatment Works and the results are as follows: For enquires related to this article you are welcome to contact: Mr. S. Mabuza General Manager: Technical services department (017 826 8191) and Mr. M. Jele, Senior Manager: Water Services (017 826 8136)
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
Piet Retief Water Treatment Works January 2014
April 2014
February 2014
May 2014
March 2014
June 2014
23 Jan to 05 Feb 2015 Vol 6 Wk 4
Khanyisa Weekly - Gert Sibande
More News at: 09
Konecranes South Africa More Than Triples Order Intake Over Three Years Konecranes Southern Africa’s order intake for cranes and service and has grown by a spectacular 336% from early 2012 to date. This is an average of 112% per annum. John MacDonald, Sales, Marketing and Service Director of Konecranes South Africa, attributes this to dedicated and experienced management, supported by equally dedicated and enthusiastic staff. “We have concentrated on improving our service to all makes of cranes and hoists,” MacDonald continues. “In 2013 we introduced a comprehensive Service
Documentation Manual for each crane and hoist under service contract so we can keep track of the performance of the crane and identify any problems before they become a major and expensive issue. This has been very well received by our customers. “Our focus is twofold”, MacDonald explains. “In order to improve our Service Contract and service package we looked at increasing safety, decreasing the maintenance costs and at the same time improving the availability and reliability of the crane”.
they over took over Dynamic Crane Systems in Johannesburg. Since then another nine branches around the country have been added – in Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Witbank, Klerksdorp, Ngodwana, Uitenhage, Maputo and Richards Bay. More branches are planned in East London and Kathu. The Konecranes Group has over 12 000 employees at 626 locations in 54 countries. The company has the largest service network in the industry worldwide, providing high-quality service 24 hours a day.
Konecranes was established in South Africa in mid-2012, when
Team Witbank
Mpumalanga Education Raises The Bar For 2015 School Camps Improve Mpumalanga Matric Results Mpumalanga Education MEC Reginah Mhaule says schools in the province will be supported according to their specific needs to ensure that they improve their results. The MEC said her department will intensify the school based intervention programme as a way to improve the general performance of schools. She addressed school principals in a meeting held to discuss plans for 2015 in Middleburg on Thursday. “… You [should] indicate the kind of support you [want] so that we can improve our results in a qualitative manner,” she said. The MEC said the department will continue to support learners through programmes such as radio lessons and dial-a-tutor. “I will be happy to hear from schools that obtained 100% on what have they done differently to get these results. It is an issue of sharing good practices,” MEC Mhaule said. She encouraged primary school principals to look at issues relating to the Annual National Assessment (ANA) results and identify areas that need improvement. “It is our firm belief that it's only a solid foundation that may yield sustainable positive outcomes. I am happy that the department has started operationalising the Early Childhood Development Institute on 19 January 2015. “It is the first of its kind and will help us improve teaching and learning at an early childhood Development level,” MEC said. MEC Mhaule said the province had a steady improvement of Grade 12 results since 2009, and that it was currently standing in a favourable position compared to other provinces. “… For the first time, all our four districts are performing above the national average. It is a fact that you have worked around the clock to ensure that the province obtains these results. For this reason, I wish to take this opportunity to thank you dearly,” the MEC told principals. The province took position five in the 2014 grade 12 results with a 79% pass rate. Grade 12 numbers decline The MEC was concerned about the declining number of grade 12 learners over the years, saying it was not reflective of the actual number of grade 12 learners that were in grade 11 the previous year. “This means that there is an unconfirmed anomaly that is within our system, holding back some of our grade 11 learners who should be progressing to Grade12,” she said. She said the 2014 Grade 12 results showed that the province was not doing well in mathematics and physical science. This is based on
the number of learners that are doing these subjects, as well as those that are passing the subjects. “In 2013, there were 19 400 learners who wrote mathematics, 11 301 passed it obtaining 58.3%. In 2014, there were 17 767 learners that wrote Mathematics, 10 050 passed obtaining a 56.6% pass… This is a representation of learner enrolment decline as much as it is also a pass percentage decline,” the MEC said. She said it was the same reality for physical science. Choosing subjects carefully The MEC urged school principals to take note that bad subject combinations had long-term effects on the learners' future.
By: Joy Themba: DoC, Mpumalanga The Mpumalanga class of 2014 did For the second year in exceptionaly well in their matric succession, Hoërskool Nelspruit exams. The provincial aggregate managed to maintain 100% pass reached 79% pass rate. Despite the rate, with 348 distinctions. Despite increased pass rate, Mathematics the fact that Nkomazi Local remains a huge concern. Municipality is one of the Mpumalanga learners obtained only Comprehensive Rural Development 392 Mathematics distinctions, much Programme municipalities, its fewer than last year’s 529. schools kept a good-performance record, thus making it the best The MEC for Education, performing municipality. This Reginah Mhaule, said that this was achievement is a result of a study the first time the province had camp that schools within the performed above the national municipality took part in. average of 75,8%. She further outlined that the results had been The Education department declared credible by Umalusi. plans to improve last year’s results.
It plans to intensify its school-based intervention support in the 84 schools that did not achieve more than 60% and are declared dysfunctional. Furthermore, the department will conduct workshops on an on-going basis for Mathematics, Physical Science, Accounting and Economics advisors. Top learners received equipment like laptops, tablets, iPhones, microwave, kettle and bar fridge from sponsors. One learner received a Toyota Etios, sponsored by Imperial Toyota Nelspruit.
Eskom Stage 2, Msukaligwa (Ermelo & Surrounding Areas)
She asked for learners to be taught subjects that will enable them to get admission at post matric institutions. “One learner came to my office last week pleading for a bursary and met the requirements to study towards a bachelors' degree. The learner had achieved level 6 in business studies, level 7 in dramatic arts, level 6 in English home language, level 6 in history, level 6 in life orientation, level 5 mathematical literacy and level 6 in siSwati first additional language. “The dilemma was that we could not support the student because of the subject stream but I wondered if there was any university in this country that will admit her with such a combination,” MEC said. Rooting out poor performance The MEC urged school principals to ensure that the number of dysfunctional schools decreases this year. “In 2014 we declared that the 94 schools which performed below 60% will be declared dysfunctional and we also said that there must be no such school in 2015. “This number was reduced to 84 but of concern is that we had 52 new entrants in this category. Our view is that had it been that these 52 schools obtained their previous results, the province would have attained its 10% target,” the MEC said. Out of 45 081 2014 grade 12 fulltime candidates who wrote 2014 matric examinations, 9 466 did not make it. The MEC encouraged all schools to support learners who will be writing supplementary examinations, scheduled to start from 16 February to 24 March 2015. “… These learners must be fully supported. We must ensure that all learners who qualify to write supplementary examinations should be encouraged to register on time to receive support from their respective schools. “There are learners who failed for the first time. I have issued a directive that these learners should be re-admitted to our schools without fail,” the MEC said. -
Lira Paints Nelspruit Red For Valentine 's Day Following successful shows in Johannesburg, Witbank and Newcastle, with her national HerStory Tour, platinum-selling entertainer, LIRA will be painting Nelspruit red on Valentines Days with her irresistible blend of Jazz, R&B, and Afro-centric music. The HerStory Tour inspired by her 2013 autobiography Making HerStory is an intimate, introspective and entertaining look at the journey LIRA has taken in life and in music over the past decade. “Love has always been a central theme in my music and I am weaving the story through the songs I've written. Be prepared to sing along, be inspired, laugh, and most importantly fall in love!” says LIRA In the unmistakable style we have come to love, LIRA presents her
journey in this unique fan experience which will see each ticket holder receive a copy of LIRA's latest DVD FIRST Decade. “This tour has given me the rare opportunity to perform in cities I don't often visit, and I am taking this opportunity to show my fans that I appreciate them, this DVD is my gift to you, thanking you for being part of my story” LIRA concluded. Treat yourself and that special person by joining LIRA on a journey through HerStory. Venue: The Arena, Emnotweni Casino – Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Date: 14 February 2014 Performance: Saturday at 8pm Tickets available from Computicket Ticket Price: R150 – R205 Lira
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16 to 22 January 2015 wk 3
Khanyisa Weekly - Gert Sibande
Notice is hereby given to affected landowners/lawful occupiers/neighbouring landowners/ interested and affected parties of the intention to conduct prospecting activities on the farm stipulated below. The applications in terms of Section 16 of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) 28 of 2002 to conduct the prospecting program was accepted by the Department of Mineral Resources. Application details:
Notice is hereby given to affected landowners/lawful occupiers/neighbouring landowners/ interested and affected parties of the intention to conduct prospecting activities on the farm stipulated below. The application in terms of Section 16 of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) 28 of 2002 to conduct the prospecting program was accepted by the Department of Mineral Resources.
Name of Applicant:Ntsako Coal (Pty) Ltd Consultant Details: Jomela Consulting (Pty) Ltd; P.O. Box 415, Celtis Ridge, 0130; Tell: (012) 772 2350; Mobile:(+27) 71 589 6813; Fax:(+27) 86 626 4839; Should you wish to register as an interested and affected part or have any comments on the proposed prospecting application, please forward your detailed response and contact details in writing to Mr. Nhlahla Khosa at above addresswithin 14 days of this notice.
Minerals applied for: Coal. · Application reference number: MP30/5/1/1/2/13742PR with respect to the Portion 10 of the farm Glen Eland 413 IS, the remaining extent of portion 1, portion 2 and 4 of the farm Kolwani 412 IS, the remaining extent of the farm Sarashof 410 IS, the remaining extent, and portion 2 of the farm Morgenstond 418 IS Name of Applicant: Ntsako Coal (Pty) Ltd Consultant Details: Jomela Consulting (Pty) Ltd; P.O. Box 415, Celtis Ridge, 0130; Tell: (012) 772 2350; Mobile:(+27) 71 589 6813; Fax:(+27) 86 626 4839; Should you wish to register as an interested and affected part or have any comments on the proposed prospecting application, please forward your detailed response and contact details in writing to Mr. Nhlahla Khosa at above address within 14 days of this notice.
Comments Sought On Draft Irrigation Water Regulations The public is invited to submit written comments on the draft regulations for irrigation water. The regulations require that the abstraction of water for irrigation of crops purposes be limited, monitored, measured and recorded.
COUNCIL MEETING The Speaker of Mkhondo Municipal Council, Honourable Clr. Philisiwe Langa hereby gives notice in terms of Section 19 (a) of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, No. 32 of 2000 that an Ordinary Council meeting of the Mkhondo Local Municipality will be held in the Council Chambers of Mkhondo Local Municipality, situated 33 Cnr Mark & De Wet Street, eMkhondo, on Friday, 23January 2015 at 10h00. Members of the community, including the media and other interested parties or bodies, are also invited to attend and observe the proceedings in terms of Section 20 (1) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, No. 32 of 2000. The Council will, amongst other issues be discussing the following reports in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act , No. 56 of 2003: •Mid-year Budget and Performance Assessment Report •Draft Annual Report for 2013/14 financial year M. J. S Mabuza Acting Municipal Manager P O Box 23, eMkhondo, 2380
Tel: (017) 826 8100
Qeda Inyongo (Acid) - Cleansing the Blood - Balancing Levels - Nourishing Cells
083 212 7009
After consultations with various stakeholders in the water sector, Minister of Water and Sanitation Nomvula Mokonyane, drafted and published a notice in terms of Section 69 of the National Water Act (36) of 1998. The draft regulations, made under section 26(1) of the act, were published on 12 December 2014 in the Government Gazette. Written comments are sought within a period of 90 days from the date on which the draft regulations were published. The regulations will limit the abstraction rate, prescribe procedures, give powers to authorities and define offences. The department said the regulations are necessary for the effective monitoring and enforcement of compliance with the limits and conditions of water use. Written comments must be submitted before 11 March 2015 to the addresses given in the notice, preferable by e-mail. The notice can be obtained from the Government Printer’s website at , or alternatively from the offices of the Department of Water and Sanitation countrywide. For more information, interested persons can contact J P Nothling from the department on 012 336 8044
Jokes! Jokes! Jokes! Note that Jokes are not edited, they are posted as we receive them from our readers. To send us jokes: WhatsApp 084 335 6754 Intombi Yakho ikubiza ngobani efonini yayo uThemba Ncube, evakatshelwe i girl frend yakhe beqala ukubandawonye, then i gf yakhe yahamba yayogeza sebelungiselela ukulala, yashiya iphone yayo isiya geza, ifoni yasala iringa, uthemba ma ethi uyabheka abone dj cleo is caling, ethuke engayi answer, iringe futhi abone dj sbu is caling, amangale, iringe again abone mamphintsha we big nuz is calling, amangale athi myb ichery yakhe iyicelebrity , ethi esamangele iringe futhi abone Criss Brown is caling, athi ah mana ngi dial eyami inumber ngibone, abone ibhalwe, Oliver Mtukudzi is calling! LOL! Yi Birthday Kabani? Mfazi: Ngobani abahlabelayo ngale? Ndoda: Maybe kune birthday party. Mfazi: Ngekabani leyo birthday party? Ndoda:Ngeka Tuyu.....! Mfazi:Ngubani lo Tuyu? Ndoda: Angimazi ngizwe je bethi, ‘happy biryhday Tuyu ...Happy birthday Tuyu ....! So ngasengisithi eka Tuyu.’ Whiskey Man offers a drink to a woman ,the woman says "sorry l dont take whisky its bad for my legs" Man confused"legs? Do they hurt or swell" Woman,"no they tend to open easily" Kikikkiki UManager U NQOE umanager ubekade ethanda ukubaleka emsebenzini one day enye indoda nayo yathi ah nami ngifuna khekheleza. Sashaya iskhathi sika manager wahamba u manager kuthe ma sekudlule 30 min lendoda nayo
yahamba. Ithe ma isizofika endlini yayo yezwa ivoice yendoda. Yanyontoba yalunguza nge fastela yabona ukuthi ngu manager. Yanyonyoba futhi yabaleka yaphindela emsebenzini, yafika yathi madoda ningabobaleka emsebenzini. Mina ngicishe ngabanjwa yimanager, " babuze abanye umbone kuphi"? Athi ngimbone emzini wami unonkosikazi wami ekamelweni ngashesha ngabona ukuthi nxa ngingangena, uzongibona, ngabaleka, ngeza back espano. kikikikiki one word 4him? This boy is brave Boy: do you have a boyfriend? Girl: No. I do not want a boyfriend. Boy: Genesis 2:18 And the LORD had said is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit him. Girl: But I do not love you. Boys: 1 John 4: 8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love." Girl: How do I know what you mean by these words? Boy: Matthew 12:34 b "Because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Girl: But how can I be sure that you are faithful and honest? Boy: Mark 13:31 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Girl: But why me? There are many girls out there. Boy: Proverbs 31:29 "Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou surpass them all!" Girl: But what is in me that you love? Boy: Song of Solomon 4:07 " You are altogether beautiful, my love; There is no flaw in you." Girl: But I'm not quite beautiful ... You're exaggerating. Boy: Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain: the
woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." Girl: What happens if I say yes? Boy: Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Girl: How is it that you know many scriptures? Boy: Joshua 1: 8 " This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall be successful..." Girl: wooow, I see that you really love God. Boy: Psalm 34: 8 "Drip and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" Girl: Hmmm. Ok please give me time to think about it. Boy: Philippians 4:08 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever things are of good approval , anything is excellent or praiseworthy, is the object of your thoughts. " Girl: I love you already owwww Boy: Apocalypse 22: 21b "Amen"
ECONOMICS An Economist beautifully explained two reasons for having 2 wives. A- Monopoly should be broken. B- Competition improves the quality of service. If u have 1 wife, She fights with u! If u have 2 wives, They will fight for u! Feel the difference & decide We are not responsible for any side effects.
23 Jan to 05 Feb 2015 Vol 6 Wk 4
Khanyisa Weekly - Gert Sibande
A Date With God The race still continues I would like to thank God for another year, where we are given a chance to run a race until the end, we ran last year even though it was not easy but we made it, even now we will continue with it by correcting our mistakes, some mistakes cannot be fixed but we can always do better than last year. The holy spirit has been talking to me about love and forgiveness, let us put the past behind us and look forward to what is ahead of us, maybe you were hurt by a family member, friend, an in-law etc because there are always people who feel good when hurting other people. Please do forgive them even if it is not easy to forgive but it is worth it, anger holds your blessings. When they are angry, you just
forgive them, because the devil doesn't come directly knocking at your door and say hello I am the devil, but he uses people to come and hurt you, you might end up not achieving your goals because of the devil in them, so the best thing you can do is to let it pass and you will find peace within you. Whatever you do, please let it go and continue with the race, do not give up because others did not make it, you are not a looser but you are unique and different keep your mind focused on the goal you wish to achieve and you will thank me. All is well dont forget to smile because Jesus still loves you
Anele Mnisi
More News at: 11
TIPS FROM YOUR PHYSIOTHERAPIST 3 SIMPLE TIPS It’s that time of the year where everyone’sresolution is exercising in order to get fit or shed some weight. It’s also a back to school for children and sports are starting! 1. Start Easy and don’t over exercise Too much, too fast, too soon are the main causes of injury. If you haven't been active for quite some time, start from square one. Go easy, start with what you can do and steadily increase time, frequency, and intensity. Jumping into vigorous exercise without gradually building up your fitness puts you at risk for serious injury.
body’s core temperature. A proper warm-up also helps reduce postexercise muscle stiffness and improves exercise performance. Don’t stop immediately after vigorous exercise, cool down gradually. A cool-down lowers the body’s temperature, gradually. The last 5 to 10 minutes of the workout should be cool-down time. 3. Stretch A good time to stretch is immediately after an exercise session, while the body is still warm. Stretching prevents muscle soreness and increases flexibility. It also relaxes the muscles and prevents stiffness.
2. Warm up and Cool down Perform warm up before workout for at least for 5-10 minutes. A warm-up can simply mean walking or marching to raise the
For more information contact your nearest Physiotherapist. Dawn Madondo @ T: 017 811 1166, E:
New 2015 Trafic Fines
Assistance Required
60 km/h Zone 75-79km/h R500.00 85-89km/h R1.000.00 95-99km/h R2.500.00 100km/h and over no fine will be payable you will have to appear in court. i C.w.p uwenzile umehluko e Pixley ka Isaka Seme bayasiza lababantu lababase Ward 7 ku Council Thulane ka Shabangu basiza e Town .Court. Police Station. Clinic ezingadi ukupha abazintandane ukudla iNdunayabo u Delisile Ngwenya, Jabulile Dladla, Jabulile Ngewenya, phambili nge CWP phambili
My name is Sfiso Bhembe i wish to knw my father his name is Jabulani Bhembe any one omaziyo whtsap me on0715956869
70 km/h Zone 85-84km/h R500.000 95-94km/h R1000.00 105-104km/h R2.500.00 110km/h and over no fine will be payable you will have to appear in court.
Mgijimi Mthayi Mabuza Hi there m looking 4 all my siblings abantwana baka Mgijimi Mthayi Mabuza ohlala eDundonald, mina ngingu Thully Elsie Mabuza ohlala eMayflower i would b happy if i can find them coz i really need them b4 the end if this year ngyabonga
70 km/h Zone 81-84km/h R250.000 90-94km/h R750.00 100-104km/h R1.500.00 110km/h and over no fine will be payable you will have to appear in court.
Cllr. OT Shabangu and cdes frm ward 7 Amersfoort asebenzela umphakathi!!
80 km/h Zone 91-94km/h R250.00 100-104km/h R750.00 110-114km/h R1.500.00 120km/h and over no fine will be payable you will have to appear in court. 80 km/h Zone 95-99km/h R500.00 105-109km/h R1000.00 115-119km/h R2.500.00 120km/h and over no fine will be payable you will have to appear in court.
Bongz nd his collegues @Kromdraai camp
Khanyisa lawa ama tshitshi ase Amsterdam ayazichenya ngobuwona futhi nango siko lawo lakwa Zulu athi kuhle ukuziphatha kahle ngoba uyavikeleka nasezifen ezikhona namhlanje ngakho sithi amantombazane awahlale ngentombi kuze kufike emshadweni futhi nje ngoba kuma festive season ngcela amatshitshi angahambi ebusuku angahambi am a tavern ngoba ungazi thola ubhekene nokudlwengulwa buphele kanjalo ke ubuntombi siyacela singo Kwanele, Thokozane, simphiwe
Send us pictures and captions of your Events and Parties, Requests etc via WhatsApp to
We prefer group pictures
084 335 6754
100 km/h Zone 111-114km/h R250.00 120-124km/h R750.00 130-134km/h R1.500.00 140km/h and over no fine will be payable you will have to appear in court. 100 km/h Zone 115-114km/h R500.00 125-124km/h R1000.00 135-134km/h R2.500.00 140km/h and over no fine will be payable you will have to appear in court.
131-134km/h 140-144km/h
120 km/h Zone R250.00 R750.00
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Mpumalanga’s Media Partner 23 Jan - 05 Feb 2015 Vol 6 Wk 4
084 335 6754
Isimanga Esenziwa Intsha YaseMkhondo Udaba: Makhosi Mthupha
Intsha kade isenza ezibukwayo ngoMgqibelo mhlaka 17 kuJanuwari endaweni yaseZiphunzini, okujabulise kakhulu umphakathi ukuthi bathathe lomcimbi bazowenza phakathi emphakathi ukuze nalabo abanawo amathalente babone ukuthi basuke bakhuluma ngani. Labantu abasha babone kuyisu elihle ukukhombisa amathalente abo okucula kanye nokudansa namanye ahlukahlukahlukene emphakathuni wangakubo. Umphakathi usale ukhexe umlomo
uma ukhonjiswa amathalente abekade efihliwe kumphakathi wasekhaya. IKhanyisa ikhulume nogogo Nkosi uthe "Kuyamangaza okwenziwa abazukulu bethu namuhla, sekushoda sibabone kumabonakude ngoba lezinto abazenze namuhla yilezi ezenziwa kumabonakude, ngibafisela inhlanhla ngingugogo Nkosi waseziPhunzini, ngibonga nokuthi bazimisele futhi uNkulunkulu sengathi angaba nabo." Umphakathi wakulelokishi ubugcwele intokozo ngokubona intsha abakhula nayo inethalente
eliyisimanga kanti futhi abadala bona bebethi bafuna zonke izingane ezikhulayo zibheke laba ngoba bayisibonelo esihle. "Ngithanda ukubonga wonke amaHosters enze kwenzeka ukuthi lomcimbi ugcine uyimpumelelo futhi sisazophumelela ukwenza imicimbi emnandi, sicela nabanokusixhasa basixhase lokho kuyokwenza impumelelo yethu kanye nekusasa lethu liqhakaze.” kukhuluma uSibusiso oyilunga lalabo bagcine lomcimbi umuhle futhi ukhulile. Ofuna ukusiza kashayele ku: 060 436 7696.
Iqembu lamaHosters
Indlela Ibuzwa Kwabaphambili IMeya uMtshali ohola uMasipala waseMkhondo uhambisana namaKhansela akuleDolobha enkundleni yebhola eMandla Magudulela Stadium Udaba: Makhosi Mthupha
iMeya uMtshali, amaKhansela, amalunga akwaCWP
Akusho ukuthi uma usebenza umsebenzi osezingeni eliphezulu noma uphethe izinkulwane zabantu ukuthi sekumele ungazinakekeli ngokuphila impilo enempilo engcono kanti futhi ezokwenza ugcine uphile isikhathi eside.
bazimisele ukuzothatha lendebe yenjabulo kodwa into enhle nejabulisayo ukuthi bekuqhudelwana ngempilo engcono ngokuthi izikhulu zihlale zinempilo enhle ngokufundisana ukujima.
Njengoba iMeya Mtshali yakuMasipala uMkhondo ubehambisana namaKhansela akuleliDolobha enkundleni yebhola eMandla Magudulela Stadium ukuyoqhudelana nabasebenzi bakaMasipala waseMkhondo ukuzobonisa umphakathi ukuthi ingabe abakwenza emahhovisini abo akanokusho kuzofanana nabazokwenza enkundleni yebhola kanti futhi noMeya namaKhansela akhe bona bebezokhombisa ukuthi kudala beyihamba lendlela yezemiqhudelwano
Siyathemba ukuthi imidlalo efana nalena izoqhubeka endaweni yaseMkhondo kuze wonke umuntu akwazi ukuzivocavoca, into eyajabulisa umphakathi ukuthi ubone izikhulu zihamba noMeya umnumzane uMtshali naye asenkundleni yebhola.
Into emangazile futhi nenike abasebenzi kanye nabahlonishwa ukuthi badlale ngokuzimisela ukubakhona kwezihlwele ebezibanika ukuququzeleka kokuthi bangalahli ithemba kodwa kuna lokho badlale ngokuzimisela kuze bazokwazi ukuphumelela. Izihlwele lezi bezicula ziphindelele zibongelela. Bewubona emehlweni kubadlali ukuthi
Abasebenzi bakwaMasipala benoSodolobha umnumzane uMahlangu
Morgenzon – In December 13, 2014, Sivukile teams participated in Sports against Crime and Substance abuse tournament at Sivukile Sport Ground. Teams participated voluntarily. The Sivukile Social Club in partnership with Morgenzon SAPS, Morgenzon Library & Sivukile Youth Centre organised the event. The winners of the tournament were Sivukile Future Stars 2-0 against Broomboys fc. Teams that participataed were, Sivukile Future Stars, Broomboys fc, Destroyer fc and Young Stars Fc. We urge Morgenzon business to support our local teams and our local talent. For support call Madlala on 081 0559 759
Okunye okube isifundo sosuku ukuthi abantu abadala kuningi abakwaziyo njengoba nje igoli lafakwa nguKhansela uNkosi waseDriefontein okwaba injabulo kuzikhulu ukubonisa ukuthi noma baligcina emandulo ibhola lezinyawo kodwa basakwazi ukugijima baphinde bakwazi nokufaka amagoli. Hayi ngempela siyanibongela bantu abadala, niqhubeke nokuphila impilo enhle njalo. Yingakho kuhlale kuthiwa "indlela ibuzwa kwaphambili", lokhu obekwenzeka eMandla Magudulela Stadium kuyisiqineseko sokuthi noma ungaba mdala kanjani kodwa uyohlezi ukhombisa indlela ekuyona yona kanti futhi enesiphetho esihle.