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Khanyisa Newspaper
Uzakwethu Wezokuxhumana e-Mpumalanga
Khanyisa Newspaper
Est. 14 Sept 2007
Imfundo | Ulwazi | Intuthuko | Ukuqeqeshwa kanye nokunikezwa amandla ku-inthanethi Finalist of the 2013/14 MDDA - Sanlam National Best Newspaper Award
I-Gert Sibande Ngeyokuqala Ezweni ukuba nalokhu Austin Menzi Moyo Snr
24 June - 07 July 2022 Vol 15 | Week 26
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Umthetho Wezifonyo Uxegisiwe Ungqongqoshe Wezempilo, uJoe Phaahla, ngoLwesithathu uchithe imithetho eminingana ye-COVID-19 ephathelene nokugqokwa kwezifihla-buso, imibuthano kanye nabantu abangena ezweni. UMengameli uCyril Ramaphosa enkulumeni yakhe kazwelonke ngo-Ephreli uthe imithetho izokwehliswa kancane kancane. Emibuthanweni, abantu ababuthana ezindaweni zomphakathi ngeke besakhawulelwa ezinombolweni ezithile. Imithethonqubo iveze ukuthi ngaphakathi nangaphandle, kungahlala ingxenye yenani eligwele labantu. Wonke umuntu ohambele umcimbi kufanele agonyelwe i-COVID-19 futhi akhiphe isitifiketi sokugoma esisemthethweni. Ngaphandle kwalokho, bangaveza isitifiketi esivumelekile esikhomba ukuthi akanayo iCOVID-19 esitholwe kungakapheli amahora angu-72 ngaphambi kosuku lombuthano.
Iphini likaNgqongqoshe u-Thabang Makwetla, uCllr. Walter Mngomezulu iMeya yesiGungu i-Gert Sibasnde uCllr. Shirley Nkosi iMeya kaMasipala iMsukaligwa, kanye no-MEC u-Busi Shiba bephethe i-tayitela lonhlaba la kunesikhumulo sezindiza UMasipala womkhandlu dolobha i-Gert Sibande (GSDM), unguMasipala wokuqala eNingizimu Afrika ogunyazwe ngokusemthethweni ukusebenzisa izimoto zawo zezindiza ezingenamuntu (Drones) ukuze yena loMasipala athuthukise izinsiza zokweseka oMasipala abangaphansi
kwalomkhandlu. Iphini likaNgqongqoshe u-Thabang Makwetla kanye no-MEC u-Busi Shiba esikhundleni sabo njengabompetha bemodeli Yokuthuthukiswa Kwezifunda (District Development Model DDM) kuzwelonke nasezifundazweni
ngokulandelana kwabo, babe yingxenye yomgubho obuholwa uCllr Walter Mngomezulu iMeya yesiGungu se-GSDM mahla ziku 15 Juni 2022. Funda kabanzi kucasi 02/.................
Intuthuko KwaMabuza isimile Noko i-IDP kukhona ekuhlongozayo
Udaba: Intatheli yasekhaya pulazi laKwaMabuza lingelinye lamapulazi ahlomule ohlelweni lokuHlaliswa kwaBantu. NgoMeyi 2020 kwaqala ukukhulunywa ngokuthi ipulazi lisohlelweni lokuthengwa wumnyango. Kwabakhona namapheshana afike afakwa kwaShashe efakaza lokho. Lokhu kwenzeke ngaphambi nje kokhetho lwangoNovemba 2021 lapho lowo owayeyiMeya yaseMsukaligwa uCllr. B. Mkhaliphi wavakashela abahlali baleli pulazi ukuyobukisa ngetayitela elihambisana nokuthi ngempela lo mhlaba usuthengwe uHulumeni futhi usuzophathwa uMasipala waseMsukaligwa.
Ithenda ibivele isinikezwe iNkolele Projects yaseNelspruit. Kwadwetshwa imephu yelokishi Elisha laMabuza (igama elisha lisazodalulwa) yiNgonyama Inc. kwathi ngoJanuwari ubuholi besikhashana bukaMasipala babiza umhlangano base bethula uMasuku, okwathiwa uphethe iNkolele Projects. Kuleli thimba bekukhona uDoctor Nkosi onguMqondisi omkhulu wezokuHlaliswa kwaBantu esifundazweni saseMpumalanga.
Kwathi ma kuphela lomhlangano, abahlali banikezwa imephu ehlongozwayo (proposed map). Bekungokokuqala abahlali bebona ibalazwe elihlongozwayo kwathi besalifunda benethemba lokuthi iNkolele Projects izomisa omunye umhlangano ukuze izakhamuzi ziphendule ngale mephu ehlongozwayo, kodwa akuzange kwenzeke lokho! Okulandelayo kwaba nguMasuku nethimba lakhe baqhuma befaka izikhonkwane epulazini lonke ezinye zezikhonkwane ziwela phakathi kwamakamelo abantu. Izitendi eziningi bezitshekile uma ziqhathaniswa nezitendi zakuqala. Ebuzwa uMasuku wathi ngokwazi kwabo ipulazi lakwaMabuza alinalutho kulona. Bona bazi ukuthi lipulazi elingenabantu abahlala lapho, kukhona izihlahla nje! Yingakho imephu abaqhamuke nayo ime ngaleyo ndlela! Ukubethelwa kwaqhubeka kwaze kwaqedwa kwasekuthi ngemva kwalokho konke kwathula kwathi cwaka, kwangasenzeki lutho. Lokho kwadumaza labo abebethi bafuna ukuzakhela izindlu kanti abanye sebazebakha ngoba kuthathe isikhathi ukuthi lendawo ihleleke,
kanti imali ayihlali ikhona. I-Khanyisa izamile ukuxhumana ngocingo nabo bobabili uDoctor Nkosi noMasuku kodwa izingcingo zabo azibanjwa. Ama-email athunyelelwe uDoctor Nkosi kuze kube yimanje awakaphendulwa. Uma ubheka umqulu we-IDP kaMsukaligwa waseMsukaligwa ka-2022-2027, ikwaMabuza ibalulwa kafushane futhi kancane kuwo wonke umqulu kodwa azikho izibalo ezinamathiselwe. UMasipala awukaphenduli ngalolu daba. Inyibe noma i-New Ermelo nayo yathola amatayitela ngesikhathi esifanayo nekwaMabuza. Yize abahleli bedolobha bakhona bakubheka ukuthi kunabantu asebehlale isikhathi eside, badala nje ukuphazamiseka okuncane ukuze bonge imali kaHulumeni, okwamanje akukho okwenzekayo nakhona. Thumela igama ofisa iMabuza ibizwe ngalo ku 084 334 4627 ngeWhatsApp / SMS. Igama lakho lingakhethwa, uzozitholela umnvuzo.
Mayelana nemikhawulo kubantu abangena ezweni, imithetho ibifuna ukuthi noma yimuphi umuntu ongena ezweni agonyelwe i-COVID-19 futhi akhiphe isitifiketi sokugoma esisemthethweni noma isitifiketi esivumelekile sohlolo lwe-PCR COVID-19 olungekho ngaphezu kwamahora angama-72 ngaphambi kosuku lokuhamba.
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24 June to 07 July 2022 | Vol 15 | WK 26
I-Gert Sibande Eyokuqala Ezweni ukuba nalokhu
Omasipala baseNingizimu Afrika basebenzisa ithuba lezindiza ezingenabantu phakathi kwazo (Drones) ukuze bathuthukise ukuhlinzekwa kwezidingongqangi kuyilapho benciphisa izindleko. Umasipala wesifunda sase-Gert Sibande eMpumalanga usuqeqeshe abashayeli bezindiza ze-drone, asebekulungele ukuya esibhakabhakeni ukuze bathuthukise ukuhlinzekwa kwezidingongqangi. "Umasipala ubonile ukuthi kunezindlela ezishibhile, eziphephile nezisheshayo zokwenza imisebenzi yansuku zonke kusetshenziswa ama-drones," kusho okhulumela umasipala uBongi kaDube. "Zingasetshenziselwa ukuhlolwa kwengqalasizinda, ukuqapha ukutshontshwa kukagesi, izinjongo zokuphepha komphakathi, ukubhekwa komhlaba, nezinye izinto eziningi," eqhubeka. OkaDube ukholelwa ukuthi omasipala kumele bahlale bebheke kwezobuchwepheshe ukuze bathuthukise ukusebenza kwabo.
“Umhlaba uguqukela kwisayensi yedatha enkulu kanye neFourth Industrial Revolution. Lokhu kushintsha indlela izinto ezenziwa ngayo, okuhlanganisa ukwenziwa kwemisebenzi kamasipala. Ucwaningo lubalulekile ekuqondeni ukuthi ubuchwepheshe be-drone nanoma iyiphi enye intuthuko yezobuchwepheshe ingabasiza kanjani omasipala ekwenzeni umsebenzi wabo,” kusho okaDube.
“Besifuna ukuthumela imiyalezo ebalulekile yezokuphepha futhi sithwebule nezithombe. Ama-Drones asenze sakwazi ukufinyelela ezindaweni ngokuvamile kunzima ukuzifinyelela futhi nokusakaza imiyalezo kubantu abasuke bengazi noma bengayinaki imiyalezo kahulumeni. Lokhu kuphinde kwasisiza ukuthi siqinisekise ukulandelwa kwemithethonqubo.”
KuMasipala wendawo i-Greater Tzaneen eLimpopo, kwasetshenziswa ama-drones ngesikhathi kuvalelwe i-coronavirus (COVID-19) ukuze kufundiswe izakhamuzi ngaleli gciwane. Umasipala usebenzise umshayeli we-drone wangaphandle ukuthumela imiyalezo ebalulekile evela kuMeya mayelana neCOVID-19, nge-zipikha ezazixhunywe kundizamshini.
Umasipala uzoqhubeka nokubheka ukusetshenziswa kwama-drones ngemuva kokuvalwa kwendawo. "Sibona amandla amakhulu ama-drones ukusiza ekulweni nasekuvimbeleni ubugebengu, nokuqoqa imininingwane ebalulekile yendawo kanye nemvelo."
Ilethwa ngezilimi ezisetshenziswa kakhulu endaweni, imilayezoPic: ifaka GSDM phakathi izikhumbuzo mayelana nokuqhelelana nomphakathi kanye nokugeza izandla okuvamile. Okhulumela umasipala, uNeville Ndlala, uthe lezi zindiza zisiza umasipala ukuthi usheshe ufinyelele ezindaweni okunzima ukufinyelela kuzo.
Umnyango wokuthuthukiswa kwengqalasizinda waseGauteng nawo usebenzisa ama-drones ukuqapha amaphrojekthi okwakha abalulekile. “Ngesikhathi siqhamuka nalo Pic:msebenzi, GSDM besibheka ukuthi singaletha kanjani ngesikhathi, ngendlela eyongayo futhi enempumelelo,” kusho u-Amanda Moletsane, umqondisi omkhulu wophiko lwengqalasizinda nokuhlela.
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Managing Editor
Cecilia Nyambose - 076 126 3776
Khethiwe Mndawe - 072 655 5902
Austin Menzi Moyo Snr - 083 512 7096
Stand Z468, Khanyisa Road, KwaMabuza, Ermelo, 2351 Google Maps: Khanyisa Community Talent Incubator
Abashayeli bezindiza ezuhamba zingenamuntu phakathi kwazo (Drones) nomphathi wabo M. uMkhonza
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Austin Menzi Moyo Snr. (Shashe)
What Is The Metaverse? What Can It Mean For The Future Of Business?
The way we work is changing. In my last article, I wrote about how the last two years of the pandemic has increased the number of people working from home and that the amount will probably increase also when the pandemic is over. More people are working remotely, more people want flexible work options, and more people are re-thinking what it means to be in an office. There are many positive aspects to working from home and at the same time, without the right connective tools, one of the biggest challenges is “real” interaction with business partners, colleagues, and friends. It just doesn't feel the same if you're not in the same room. The metaverse is here to stay, and this seems to be the “solution" to interact with each other in a new dimension, even if we are still working from home. It is two years since Covid-19 was redefined how we gather, and we can see that business owners, companies, and communities are beginning to discuss the Metaverse as a potential primary destination for social and professional gatherings. Bill Gates predicted, in his end-ofyear blog post, that within two or three years, most Zoom meetings will migrate to the metaverse, a 3D space one accesses with an augmented reality (AR) headset and a digital avatar.
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What is Metaverse? For most people, the biggest questions are still; What is the metaverse, and what does it mean for the future of business meetings, events, and more. According to Roshni Raveendhran, assistant professor at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, and Cathy Hackl, a futurist and metaverse expert, Gates’ timeline may be a bit ambitious; they put the metaverse potentially becoming the dominant virtual meeting site at around 10 years out. Meta in the term means “beyond” and verse refers to the “universe.” Many people have today heard the word Meta(verse) because Facebook changed their name to Meta in Nov-2021. Meta is based on the sci-fi term metaverse, to describe Facebook's vision for working and playing in a virtual world. With Facebook's change of name, the word metaverse also entered the mainstream lexicon, even if the term 'metaverse' was coined already in 1992 by science fiction novelist Neal Stephenson. Still, there is not one description given and there is no singular definition of what a metaverse is. We will probably see be many competing metaverses transforming our experience of social media, electronic commerce, and how we collaborate and transact online. The metaverse is a concept of a persistent, online, 3D universe that combines multiple different virtual spaces. You can think of it as a future iteration of the internet. Cont. Next Issue...
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24 June to 07 July 2022 | Vol 15 | WK 26
Isishayamthetho sesifundazwe saseMpumalanga sigubha ipalamende labasebenzi “Ngaphandle kwezisebenzi, umsebenzi ngeke wenziwe” lawa ngamazwi ayemumethwe iParliament ebibizwe yisiShayamthetho sesiFundazwe saseMpumalanga. Abamele izinyunyana ezahlukene zabasebenzi nabaholi kanye nabasebenzi baseMpumalanga babuthana kuShayamthetho ukugubha imizamo efakwe ngabasebenzi ekukhuleni kwezomnotho. Umcimbi wabanjwa ngoLwesihlanu ziku 3 Juni 2022. “Siyavuma ukuthi akukho into elula ngodaba lwesinkwa nebhotela,” kusho uMnumzane Million Makaringe, uSihlalo wePhothifoliyo IKomidi Lehhovisi likaNdunankulu, wezezimali, ukuthuthukiswa komnotho kanye nezokuvakasha njengoba ebengusihlalo womhlangano. Lo mcimbi ubuhanjelwe nangu Ngqongqoshe kanye namaLungu ePhalamende abamele i-FEDUSA, COSATU kanye nabasebenzi ezifundeni ezintathu zesifundazwe. “Siyavuma ukuthi abasebenzi emhlabeni wonke bayathinteka ngenxa yezinto ezihlanganisela ubhubhane oluqhubekayo, uphethiloli kanye namanani ka-oyela wokupheka lokho kubangwa yingxabano e-Ukraine. Siyakholwa ukuthi ukungqubuzana kuzo ncishiswa
izingxoxo ezinokuthula,” kusho uMnu Makaringe esemukela abasebenzi ngesikhathi sePhalamende Labasebenzi. Umdidiyeli weCosatu ePhalamende, uMnu Mathew Parks, owethula umyalezo wokwesekwa ovela ku-COSATU wathi: “NjengeCOSATU siyaleseka i-Phalamende labasebenzi njengoba u-45% wabantu uthembele emalini yesibonelelo. Izinkampani eziningi ziyawa. Sikhathazekile futhi ngokwakhiwa kabusha komnotho. Njengabasebenzi singeseka ekwakheni kabusha umnotho ngokuthenga imikhiqizo yakuleli”. “Siyawazisa amagalelo kanye nokuxoxisana okwakhayo okwenziwa izinyunyana zomfelandawonye. Lo mnikelo ucija amandla ethu kanye nekhono lethu lokubhekana nezinselelo ezinzima ezithinta abasebenzi bethu esifundazweni,” kusho uNksz Jeaneth Thabethe, iPhini likaSomlomo wesiShayamthetho ngesikhathi ethula inkulumo emqoka. “SiyiSishayamthetho siyazibophezela ukuthi sizosebenzisana neminyango ukwenza isiqiniseko sokuthi iyazisebenzisa zonke izinqumo ezithathwe ngalesi sikhathi
somhlangano. Sizophinde silandelele lapho kunesidingo khona,” kuphetha uNksz Thabethe. UMnuz Bonginkosi Sithole omele uMnyango wezokuqashwa nezabasebenzi ubike ukuthi bakwazile ukukhokhela abasebenzi abangakhokhelwanga ngesikhathi sobhubhane lwe-COVID-19 ngohlelo lwe-Temporary Employer Employee Relief Scheme (TERS). UMnu Peter Nyoni, iPhini likaMqondisi Jikelele weSifundazwe saseMpumalanga ubike ukuthi iHhovisi likaNdunankulu kanye noMnyango wezokuThuthukiswa koMnotho nezokuVakasha bebexhumanisa iminyango kanye nomasipala abathathu bezifunda mayelana nokuthuthukiswa kweMpumalanga Economic Recovery and Reconstruction Plan njengohlaka lokuphendula kumthelela weCOVID-19 emnothweni nasekuqashweni kusukela ngoNov 2022. Ephetha impendulo yoMkhandlu oPhethe uMnu Nyoni uveze ukuthi bekunengqungquthela yeProvincial Economic Summit okuhloswe ngayo ukuthi igxile ekubuyiseni umnotho kanye nokwakhiwa kabusha ngaphambi kokuphela kukaMeyi 2022. Lolu wudaba oluphinde
lwacaciswa nguNgqongqoshe wezeziMali, uMnotho Wezokuthuthukiswa Nezokuvakasha, uMnu Vusi Mkhatshwa naye ozibophezele ngokuthi kuzokwenziwa ukubonisana nabathintekayo abafanelekile ukuze kuthuthukiswe ukusingatha le ngqungquthela. Ezinye zezincomo ezenziwe ngesikhathi sePhalamende labasebenzi wukuthi kumele kubuyekezwe izinga lemali eholwa yi-EPWP, uMnyango wezokuQashwa nezabaSebenzi uvakashele imboni yezihambi nezokudayisa ukuze uqaphe, kuthathwe izinyathelo ezithinta abanikazi bamapulazi abaxhaphaza abasebenzi nokuthi uMnyango Wezokuqashwa Nezabasebenzi kumele usebenzisane nezinyunyana. Iphalamende Labasebenzi ngempela lanikeza inkundla yokuxoxisana, abasebenzi balisebenzisa ithuba futhi balisebenzisa ilungelo labo lentando yeningi lokuxoxisana nabaholi ababakhethile nabo banikeza izimpendulo futhi bazibophezela ukuthi bazocabangela izindaba zabasebenzi.
Navigating the first 100 days of debt counselling
Setting up for success
Navigating the first 100 days of debt counselling
s rising interest rates and inflation further pull on the country’s collective purse strings, more South Africans are considering debt counselling as a way to regain their financial footing. If making the decision to apply for debt counselling is an important first step, the first 100 days are critical. This is according to the National Debt Counsellors’ Association (NDCA), whose members have over the past 15 years helped over 300,000 South Africans take ownership of their finances. NDCA Chairperson Benay Sager says that while a reputable debt counsellor can take away a lot of the anxiety of dealing with creditors and will support you through the process, it’s important to remember that the credit record and debt repayments are still yours. “Most consumers who successfully complete debt counselling agree that successfully navigating the first three months or so establishes the pattern for the rest of the process. We’ve found the more engaged people are, the better they’re able to make a clean break from past habits and ensure a positive outcome.” The NDCA’s 11 tips for successfully navigating the first 100 days and laying a sound foundation for the rest of the process are: 1. Your debt counsellor will work with you to draw up a new budget. Test and adapt it according to your new spending patterns. 2. Open a new transactional bank account, so that you can start a new banking relationship without the legacy of existing debit orders. 3. Cancel or suspend existing debit orders or Debicheck payments that are paid directly to your creditors. Replace these with a single Debicheck payment, payable to the Payment Distribution Agency (PDA) that has been nominated by your debt counsellor – this single payment will take care of all your creditor payments. 4. Confirm that your credit providers cancelled existing debit orders and Debicheck mandates. 5. If you get phone calls from credit providers, refer these to your debt counsellor. 6. Sign up to an online, free credit-monitoring profile to keep track of your credit score and payments. 7. Open a tax-free savings account and put
money aside for savings and emergencies. Commit to saving a minimum of 1% of your take-home salary monthly. 8. Make sure you are appropriately insured. Insure yourself, your assets, and your belongings, but make sure you are not overinsured. Consider insurance policies that pay cash back or allow you to earn dividends/payouts. 9. Tell at least one close friend about steps you have taken to improve your financial situation. Their support will be important. 10. Keep up to date with how you are progressing. For example, when your debts have been restructured, check your creditor statements to see how much you are saving. Know how much you pay in fees and linked credit insurances. 11. Refrain from using more credit. Cut up your credit cards. You aren’t able to apply for credit while under debt counselling, but don’t be tempted to borrow money from family, friends or unauthorised lenders. It is also important that you provide the necessary documents to your debt counsellor to ensure process is smooth. Above all, ask your debt counsellor about anything you don’t understand or are unsure of. It is their role to help and guide you to through the process until you successfully complete debt counselling. For more information and tips on how to make the most of your debt counselling journey, visit the NDCA website .
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24 June to 07 July 2022 | Vol 15 | WK 26
President Cryil Ramaphosa
Mpumalanga residents assured that government will act
ajor challenges raised by community members at the Presidential Imbizo include the delivery of basic services, challenges in farming, bad road maintenance, land ownership issues, gender-based violence and femicide and youth unemployment. President Cyril Ramaphosa has assured the communities of the Gert Sibande District Municipality in Mpumalanga that all three spheres of government are hard at work to resolve their challenges and issues. He was speaking during the Presidential Imbizo held in the town recently which was preceded by an engagement with business people. The imbizo is a platform for community members to raise all of their challenges to government leaders including ministers, deputy ministers, provincial leaders and local government leaders led by the president. Major challenges raised by Contact Details: Z468 Khanyisa Road Khanyisa Community Talent Incubator KwaMabuza, Ermelo, 2351 Tel: 084 334 4627 Email:
community members at the Presidential Imbizo include the delivery of basic services, challenges in farming, bad road maintenance, land ownership issues, gender-based violence and femicide and youth unemployment. “The issue of job opportunities is one that we are working on day and night and we are doing so at a heightened level as we seek to implement our economic recovery and reconstruction plan which we are working through as we continue to promote investment in our economy and as we continue to make our country more investment attractive. “One of the things we should be doing is to give [the youth] skills so that…they should be able to create their own jobs,” the President said. President Ramaphosa highlighted that the Imbizo – which have also been held in the North West and Free State – are invaluable for
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helping government to zero in on the area specific and general problems municipalities are facing. “This Imbizo programme is…a very meaningful process that allows our people to be able to talk to government and because we are a government that listens, as you talk, as you put your views across, we are able to take those issues that you are raising and address them. And as you have heard, various departments are going to come back and the rest of the province to address the various challenges that our people are facing.” The President acknowledged that the country has been facing several problems over the past two years which have caused setbacks. “Our challenges are many as a nation and as a country. Just as we thought we would be able to address the many challenges that we face, COVID-19 descended on us. As we tried to see how best we
can navigate our way through COVID-19…it had a negative impact and we lost two million jobs in one year. “As we began to see our economy [begin to re-emerge], and then the unrest in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng and that had a huge impact on our GDP. As we were trying to come to terms with that…then the floods in KZN, Eastern Cape and to a lesser extent North West, also descended,” he said. President Ramaphosa expressed belief that the country is resilient enough to overcome these challenges. “We are South Africans we are made of stellar stuff, we will be able to find out feet beyond all these challenges. Our government…is busy on a continuous basis addressing the challenges and difficulties our people are facing,” he said. – SAnews
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Amakhambi amaKhoisan asiza abaningi ukuba baphile impilo ngokugcwele 1a. Umuthi wabobaba abane sifo sikashukela (Diabetes) nalabo ababoshwe ubudoda babo. Ikhona imvusa nkunzi yabo. Itiye labobaba le sifo sikashukela, linamandla kakhulu, aliphuzwa umkakho engekho maduze nawe! 1b. Eyesibili imvusankunzi eyomuntu wonke. Iyakuhlanza iphinde ikunikeze amandla 2. Kunomuthi wabafazi wokuhlanza ukukhishwa yisitho sangasese sowesifazane okubi (bad discharge) nokuqeda amanzi amaningi. Leli itiye labafazi lisebenza ngendlela ezahlukile futhi linamandla kakhulu kanti liletha inhlanhla. Liyakwazi ukubuyisa umuntu obuthandana naye uma nihlukaniswe ngesichitho. Leli, litiye lezimanga! 3. Kunomuthi wabafazi abafuna abantwana. 4. Kunomuthi okhipha amathunzi amabi, amashwa nesichitho ezisegazini. Noma sesineminyaka eminingi, konke loku kuyaphuma. 5. Umuthi womuntu ohlanyayo, othakathiwe, kuphela konke nya abuyele esimeni sakhe. 6. Umuthi wecala noma linzima kangakanani 7. Umuthi we bhizinisi. 8. Umuthi wokukhipha isichitho seminyaka namathunzi amabi 9. Umuthi wokukhipha izilwane zabathakathi ekhaya noma emagcekeni. 10. Umuthi wesikhundla, uhlonipheke kuyoyonke into oyenzayo 11. Amadoda angenanzalo (low sperm count) lukhona usizo 12. Indoda ehluleka noma echama kanzima
ngoba ine prostate enlargement, iyasizakala 13. Indoda eqaqanjelwa yisitho sangasese noma enesilonda iyasizakala 14. Imvusa nkunzi 15. Abesifazane abane cyst noma i-fibroids 16. Abesifazane abanokukhishwa okubi (bad discharge) bayasizakala 17. Umuthi wabesifazane wenzalo 18. Umuthi wokulapha izilonda eziphuma ngaphansi (cauliflower) siyazilapha. Ziphuma kubantu besifazane futhi ziyanuka. 19. Umuthi womshado. Abafuna ukuthola umshado nabafuna ukunakekela imizi yabo. 20. Umuntu ongasebenzi ukhona umuthi wenhlanhla oqondene nomsebenzi 21. Umuthi womeqo nelumbo 22. Umuntu osegulekakhulu ohluleka nokuhamba uyasizakala 23. Umuntu ogula ngalendlela kunzima ukudla usizo uzoluthola 24. Umuthi wokuqinisa ikhaya, Abathakathi nabotsotsi basindwe zinyawo. 25. Umuthi wesifo samathambo 26. Umuthi wezangoma izivaliwe, ezingasakhoni ukuhlola. Isangoma okuthwetshulwe idlozi laso noma othwasile wasethakathwa. 27. Impilo yakho imoshekile ikhona indlela ozosizakala ngayo ubuyele esimeni. 28. Umuthi we Diabetes 29. Umuthi we TB
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24 June to 07 July 2022 | Vol 15 | WK 26
Amazing Health Benefits Of Roselle
Roselle plant: Image credit: Hibiscus Sabdariffa, or Roselle, is a shrub belonging to the Malvaceae family. In Iran, it is typically known as sour tea. In English-speaking countries, Roselle is called Red Sorrel. Originally from Africa and Carribean countries like West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, it is now commonly cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world particularly in India and Southeast Asia. Roselle has been used as a therapeutic plant for centuries. Traditionally, it treats toothaches, urinary tract infections, colds, and even hangovers. In Senegal, roselle juice extracted from leaves is used to treat conjunctivitis and, when pulverized, soothes sores and ulcers. Roselle is an example of a plant that has many beneficial uses. The red roselle flowers themselves can be used for medicinal purposes. Some of these uses include: * Menstrual Pain Provides relief from cramps and menstrual pain * Anti-Inflammatory and Antibacterial Properties Boosts immune system (prevents cold and flu) Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties Helps to treat discomfort caused by fever (due to its cooling effect) *Aids Digestion Increases both urination and bowel movements(due to its diuretic properties) Treats constipation Prevents colorectal cancer * Weight Loss Hibiscus herbal tea is also beneficial for losing weight.
Now Available in ERMELO Hibiscus inhibits the production of amylase, which helps in the absorption of carbohydrates and starch, so drinking hibiscus tea prevents that absorption from occurring * Antidepressant Properties Contains antidepressant properties like flavonoids Helps to calm down the nervous system Helps to reduce anxiety and depression by creating a relaxed sensation in the body and mind * Anti-Cancer Properties Hibiscus herbal tea contains hibiscus protocatechuic acid which has anti-tumor and antioxidant properties Study suggests that suggests that hibiscus slows down the growth of cancerous cells by inducing apoptosis, commonly known as programmed cell death * Cough, Colds and Fever Management According to the book “Healing Herbal Teas,” fresh hibiscus flowers contain around 6.7 mg of ascorbic acid, a form of vitamin C, which is one of the more essential nutrients needed by the body * Blood Pressure Management Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, hibiscus tea can reduce blood pressure by up to 10 points, according to research done at Tufts University in Boston. For this drastic improvement to occur, you need to consume three cups every day for a few weeks. Also, hibiscus tea has diuretic properties that increase urination, simultaneously lowering blood pressure. * Protects Liver Antioxidant properties helps to treat liver diseases (Antioxidants help to protect your body from diseases because they neutralize the free radicals present in body tissues and cells)
Now Available in Ermelo in tea format: WhatsApp 083 512 7096 NB: Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing
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24 June to 07 July 2022 | Vol 15 | WK 26
An entrepreneurial mindset is not born, it's made
omentum Metropolitan Youth Employment portfolio head Specialist Nkosinathi Mahlangu shares three ways to encourage an entrepreneurial mindset in youth Entrepreneurship has been heralded as the panacea to South Africa's skyrocketing unemployment, which currently hovers somewhere in the stratosphere of around 35% – the highest rate of unemployment in the world. The thinking goes that if we can teach our young people to become entrepreneurs, we can create more jobs and thereby reduce the rate of joblessness. Yet perhaps we should broaden our focus. Nkosinathi Mahlangu, Youth Employment Portfolio Head at Momentum Metropolitan, highlights that while entrepreneurship is one tool in tackling unemployment, not everyone is necessarily inclined or designed to be an entrepreneur. “By shifting our focus to cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset rather than solely birthing entrepreneurs, we make people more employable – another powerful tool in addressing unemployment.” A person wearing glasses Description automatically generated with medium confidence What is an entrepreneurial mindset? “A 'selfstarter' mindset that defines how one acts in every aspect of their lives. It enables someone
to identify and leverage new opportunities, take accountability or change direction when needed, and it typically goes hand-in-hand with resilience.”
Mahlangu believes that South Africans are inherently entrepreneurial and that an entrepreneurial mindset is an important part of this.
Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset in youth is a core part of Momentum Metropolitan's mission. Along with developing and supporting entrepreneurs through providing access to markets, such as its recent Women in Farming initiative, it also provides training and mentorship that fosters this mindset in its young beneficiaries.
“We are living in times where people's passions can easily become sources of income, and we're seeing more and more young people embracing other pursuits and labelling them as 'side hustles' – an important piece of the economic puzzle. This is, in fact, another manifestation of an entrepreneurial mindset, which is rapidly becoming part of our economic DNA.”
Mahlangu firmly believes that an entrepreneurial mindset is not born, it's made. “It's a critical attribute in those who go on to become entrepreneurs, but you don't need to be an entrepreneur to have an entrepreneurial mindset.
He shares three steps that parents or educators can follow that will help cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset in youth.
“We see those who are entrepreneuriallyminded and employed – also called 'intrapreneurs' – go on to have very successful careers. They are driven, innovative and strong problem-solvers.”
Encourage tasks that inspire lateral thinking A key difference between those who are entrepreneurially minded and those who are not is that the former want to make things happen. “Curiosity is an important trait in the entrepreneurially-minded.
Twenty years ago, the American Heritage Dictionary acknowledged the word intrapreneur to mean 'A person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation.'
“Encourage creative and lateral thinking through giving young people projects without much direction, and which involve them having to think creatively, says Mahlangu. “While they may initially struggle, it will give them a chance to start seeking opportunity and to take initiative – powerful traits in the entrepreneurially-minded.”
However, this definition has since broadened.
Don't have all the answers
Instead of providing all the answers, give young people a chance to find their own solutions to problems. This is a key skill in the entrepreneurially minded, says Mahlangu, and provides them with the opportunity to assess a situation, analyse the problem, and identify a solution. “And if the solution doesn't work as intended, another important lesson is learnt – that of failure,” he adds When you misstep, set the example Resilience is a key trait of the entrepreneuriallyminded and begins with taking accountability. The best way of teaching a young person to be accountable? Setting the example yourself, says Mahlangu. “When you make a mistake, admit to it without shame, and share what you learned in the process. “The entrepreneurially-minded recognise the role of their actions in contributing to their company's success or failure, and can own both their wins and mistakes.”
Nkosinathi Mahlangu
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24 June to 07 July 2022 | Vol 15 | WK 26
Eduan Swart of the Pumas charges (Gallo)
Ama-Pumas abuye nayo indebe ye-Currie kuwukunqoba kwebhola lombhoxo laseMpumalanga, abantu baseMpumalanga kanye nePumas, osekunesikhathi eside ilindile. Siyajabula ukuthi iqembu lethu lisibuyisele esicongweni sokuthuthuka kwebhola lombhoxo. Siyazifela ngayo, njengabantu besifundazwe, sinethemba lokuthi iPumas izoba umkhakha I-Pumas iwine umdlalo obubhekwe ngabomvu ngo-19-26 ukuze ibe yiqembu lokuqala ukuletha wokukhiqiza wamaBhokobhoko esikhathini esizayo. indebe enzima nefiswa kakhulu eMpumalanga emlandweni wakamuva. NjengoMnyango siyajabula ukuthi lokhu kuwina kuqhamuke emsileni weqembu lethu leNetball, “Ngijabule kakhulu kabi ngalokhu kuwina, UNgqongqoshe wezeMidlalo nokuNgcebeleka uNksz Thandi ubejabule kabi ngesikhathi iPumas inqoba umdlalo wamanqamu weCurrie Cup ibhekene namaGriquas eKimberly ngoMgqibelo 25 June 2022.
iSunbirds ephume isibili kuTelkom Netball League. Lo mphumela obalulekile, indawo yesibili wenzeke ngesonto eledlule. Sibheke ngabomvu ukuthola iPumas nendebe nokuthi izovakashela wonke amagumbi esifundazwe sethu maduze,” kusho uNgqongqoshe ngemuva kokuwina.
Bekuwumbukwane omangalisayo obone izinyunyana ezimbili ezincane zezwe zibelana ngokugqama, zijikijelana yonke into, kanti ngenkathi kugcine kubuhlungu kulabo abebevakashelwe, umqeqeshi uJimmy Stonehouse kanye nePumas yakhe bazogubha kuze kube sebusuku.
AbakwaPuma bazobuyela esifundazweni kanti yonke imininingwane ethinta ukufika kwabo izokwaziswa maduze.
Kwabesilisa baseKimberley, kusaqhubeka ukulinda isicoco sokuqala seCurrie Cup kusukela ngo-1970.
U-June 16 uhlanganise amalokishi aseErmelo Ezemidlalo zinayo lento ehlanganisa abantu kube kukuhle kungaxatshanywa. “Usuku lwabasha, 16 June, lusuku olusikhumbuza ngomzabalazo wabasha ngonyaka u-1976 lapho abasha babelwela ukuthi ulwimi lweAfrikaans kungabi yilo oluhamba phambili ezikoleni” kusho uVuyelwa Madini olikhansela lika Ward 5. Uchaze wathi bakhulumisane namabizinisi aseErmelo ukuthi bafake isandla kulemidlalo ukwenzela ukuthi abadlali bahlomule ngemixomelo kanti
Iqembu laKwaMabuza i- Selby Stars liphelele kuSemi Final
futhi bakhuthazeke.
Izimbini ezifana nabo Spar Ermelo zifakile isandla kanye namanye amabhizinisi akhona eErmelo. Iqembu i-Remember me ephuma eWesselton yilona elihambe phambili, kwathi elakwaMabuza laphelela ku semifinal. Lemidlalo iyabakhuthaza abasha ukuthi kubekhona abakwenzayo ngoba abaningi basuke bazinikele otshwaleni nakwezinye izidakamizwa.
Iqembu i-Remember Me ngesikhathi besamukela imixomelo
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24 June to 07 July 2022 | Vol 15 | WK 26
Umemulo noMkhehlo kaZanele uhambe kahle Udaba: Intatheli yasekhaya
Igosa lamatshitshi, intombi nto, uZanele Mlambo yena oneminyaka engu-29 ubekade enemicimbi emibili mhlaziku 16 June 2022. Umcimbi womemulo nomkhehlo.
emicimbini kaZanele ngoba naye umkhulisile. Naye ukhombise ukuziqenya ngo Zanele wafisa ukuthi amantomabazana eMpumalanga nawo sengathi angaziphatha ngale ndlela.
Lemicimbi ihlanganiswa nje ngoba ubengakenzelwa umcimbi woMemulo. Umama kaZaneleuMangubane Mlambo ubonge enokujabula okukhulu ngesenzo sengane yakhe walilizela kwaze kwasha izwi ikakhulukazi ngesikhathi omama abahlola amantombazana bebiza abazali ukuthi bazobona ingane yabo ukuthi iphelele.
Into esiyibonile siyiKhanyisa ukuthi uxhaso ekuhlolweni nasemicimbini yamatshitshi luncane kakhulu! Lokhu kuyadumaza ngoba ukuhlolwa kwamatshitshi nemicimbi abayenzayo kwakhela amantombazane abangane abacabanga ngokufana, bese bayakhuseleka. Abazali bayanxuswa ukuthi bakhuthaze abantwababo kanti nalabo abangenawo amantombazane ikakhulukazi labo abanamabhizinisi, bayacelwa ukuthi baxhase.
Ubongile ukuthi uZanele ube yisibonelo kubantwabakhe yena engowesithathu. Wabonga kakhulu nakubo bonke abebesingathe umcimbi.
Zanele Mlambo namanye amatshitshi abesemcimbini
UZanele umangaze umama wakhe lapho emtshela ukuthi uphumelele ezifundweni zakhe usezothola eminye imiyezane, phezu kwale avele ennayo!
Zanele Mlambo
Umama kaZanele - Mrs Mlambo
Umama Gumede oqhamuka eMawombeni ongumama kuZanele naye ubonge uZanele ngokubahlonipha nokulalela. Ufise sengathi ezinye izintombi zingalalela nazo zenze njengoba uZanele enzile. Umama uMamlambo wase Ermelo naye uhambe nethimba lamatshitshi eya
Umama Gumede
Ukuhlolwa kwamatshitshi kuvulelekile kunoma ngubani, kepha ingane kumele ikhashwe ngumzali wayo. Umama umaMlambo womama baNomkhubulwane uyatholakala ku 076 614 3133. Siyabonga Zanele ukuziphatha kwakho kube nomthela omuhle. Buka kuYutube: uShaye u-Subscribe
Akesifundise Ngezigaba Empilweni Yentombazane
Uyini Umemulo?
Kunezigaba zemicimbi empilweni yentombazane. Uma intombazane isifike esikhathini sayo sobudala sokuthomba yenzelwa umhlonyane. Uma intombazane isineminyaka engama-21 yenzelwa umemulo, kodwa-ke intombazane iyenzelwa futhi umemulo ngesizathu sokuthi isuke isizokwendela umkhwenyana wayo. Ukwemulisa intombazane akukhethi, iyemuliswa intombazane noma ngabe isinengane noma ayinayo.
Umemulo yilapho abazali besuke bebonga khona intombazane ukuthi iziphathe kahle yaze yafika esigabeni
sobudala. Kodwa-ke akubongwa nje kuphela intombazane leyo eziphathe kahle, kubongwa futhi namaqhikiza ayikhulisile, kubongwe nabo abazali abayikhulisile ikakhulukazi unina, futhi kubongwe namadlozi noMvelinqangi ngokuvikela intombazane ngokufika kuleso sigaba esuke isifike kusona. Amalungiselelo omemulo Amalungiselelo omcimbi womemulo aqala ngokuphekwa kotshwala ekuqaleni kwesonto ngoMsombuluko. Ngalesosikhathu namantombazane asuke eqala ezilungiselela ngokucula
Uyini Umkhehlo? Lomcimbi wenziwa ngaphambi nje kodwendwe, wenzelwa kwamakoti. Intombazane ingakhehlwa uyise uma esebona ukuthi isilungele ukuyogana. Abaningi abakwazi lokhu ngoba sekwaduma ukuthi intombi ikhehlwa umyeni wayo. Kuqala yayingekho intombi egugela ekhaya ngakhoke uyise wayeyikhehla ngisho kungakamemezi muntu lapha ekhaya. Umlobokazi akagoyi endlini uma kuzoba nomkhehlo kodwa uyahlonipha ecabeke emahlombe. Uma intombazane ikhehlwa uyise, inkomo yomkhehlo isuke kungengelapha ekhaya
,kanti uma ekhehlwa umyeni way, ilethwa yibo abakwamkhenyana. Uma ekhehlwa umyeni wakhe umhlwehlwe akangeni nawo ekhaya usala ngaphandle ngoba phela kusuke kungeyona inkoma ephume kwezikayise. Okunyeke okwenza ukuthi umkhehlo ushabalale ukuthi sewenziwa ngasuku lunye nomemulo, kuthiwe kongiwa imali, kanti lokho kuyalibulala lolusiko oluhle kangaka. Nawoke umkhehlo wehluka ngezigodi, kwezinye umkhehlo uphuma uye esigcawini futhi labake yibo abakhehla ngenkomo. Kwezinye njalo bona bakhehla ngembuzi umakoti kawembathiswa
Contact Details: Z468 Khanyisa Road Khanyisa Community Talent Incubator KwaMabuza, Ermelo, 2351 Tel: 084 334 4627 Email:
nokusina. Umuntu wesilisa akangeni lapho kukhona khona amantombazane ngoba izinto ezishiwo khona azimdingi. Ukulandwa komkhonto Enye ingxenye enkulu emcimbini womemulo yilapho intombazane kufanele ilande khona umkhonto. Kuyahlukahluka ngezimo ukuthi intombazane iwulanda kuphi umkhonto. Uma intombazane isiqomile futhi kunezinkomba zokuthi loyo emqomile uzoyithatha abe ngumkhwenyana, ngoLwesine amantonbazane ayahamba ayolanda umkhonto kubo kwaleyo nsizwa. Uma intombazane ingaqomile, umkhonto iwulanda komalume
umhlwehlwe, futhi umcimbi wonke wenzelwa endlini akuphunywelwa ngisho egcekeni. Engingakuphawula ngalo wase ndlini wukuthi, akukho ukusina kwezintombi umakoti uhlala phansi nabamkhaphile, kube izinsizwa zakwamkhwenyana eziphethe wonke umcimbi. Umkhehlo unemithetho yakhona okuyiyo futhi echaza kabanzi ukuthi wenzelwa kusiphi isigodi. Uma umkhehlo wenzelwa endlini kuqala ngokuthi kumbeswe umakoti , embeswa yibonjalo abasemzini. Emva kwalokho kushaywa indishi. Ukushaywa kwendishi kusho umdlalo wemali owenzelwa ukuthi
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wayo. Lapho izintombi zifika kwamkhwenyana noma komalume, zingena kungazelelwe zingatshelanga muntu, zithathe noma yini yakhona ezizogweva nayo kwenzelwa ukuthi zigcine zithole umkhonto. Uma seziwutholile umkhonto, zibe seziphindela nawo emuva zihamba zihuba futhi zisina. Umcimbi womemulo NgoLwesihlanu kubulawa inkomo eqondene nomcimbi lowo womemulo. Uma emzini owodwa kwenzelwa kanyekanye, ngesikhathi esisodwa, umcimbi wokwemula wamantombazane
umakoti abenemali eyanele ukuzilungiselela udwendwe lakhe. Awuveli uyifake endishini nje lemali kumele usho okuthile ukuze olandelayo afake ethe xaxa. Emvakwalokho izinsizwa zihlala phansi zivume ingoma zikhishelwe utshwala nokudla. Uma kukhehlwa ngenkomo umkhehlo uyaphuma uye esigcawini nomlobokazi ambeswe umhlwehlwe. Umkhehlo uwumcimbi wokuvalelisa kumlobokazi njengoba esuke esezoyogana. Phela ngosuku lodwendwe asibibikho isikhathi esibekelwe izipho, ngakhoke lolosuku yilo olwenzelwe zonke izipho. Isimo salomcimbi sicishe
amabili, nalapho futhi kubulawa yona inkomo eyodwa, hhayi ezimbili. Intombazane ayikwazi ukwenzelwa umemulo kube kukhona endala kunayo engakaze yenzelwe umemulo. Uma leyo ntombazane endala seyadlula emhlabeni, umndeni uyaxolisa ngembuzi kucelwe ukuthi ingabi nolaka, idedele umsebenzi uhambe kahle. Lembuzi ihlatshwa ngoLwesihlanu kanye nayo inkomo yomsebenzi. Izintombi zibe sezithatha inyama yomkhonto ziyifake ezintini, yonake idliwa izalukazi kuphela. Ekuseni amantombazane
sifane nomemulo, yingakho abaningi bangasawulandeli. Abakubo kamkhwenyana yibona abaqala ngokuthi bembese umakoti , uma kuwukuthi uyabhinca bambhincise isidwaba nenhloko. Umlobokazi lo uqala ukuchonya imali nguyise esesendlini bese ephathiswa umkhonto, bese kuyiwa esigcawini. Izintombi zihuba amahubo alungele udwendwe nakhuluma ngaye umkhwenyana “wesibali walobola ngani ungena nkoma walobola ngani?”nelithi “umumendo usungehlule we!!! Ngiyobuyel’ekhaya we’ntandane zoma” umisi’dwaba singehlula
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avuka aye emfuleni ayogeza ngamanzi abandayo kubuywe bese intombazane eyemulayo ifakwe inyongo iphinde inikwe nomhlwehlwe wenkomo ezowembatha uma isisina icece elisinwa esigcawini esikhethwe ngubaba wekhaya kumbe noma esikhethwe ngomunye umuntu omdala emndenini. Amantombazane asuke evunulile efake izigege. Ngawo uMgqibelo womcimbi kubuywa kube nomhlalo emnyango ubusuku bonke kuze kuse. Omunye umcimbi empilweni yentombazane wumhlonyane. -
ngobuyel’ekhaya wentandane zoma” Zima umuqga owodwa, zonke zibhince izidwaba ukusingatha umlobokazi. Izintombi ziyashintshana ngokuya ezihlotsheni eziyizibukeli zihambisa umkhonto. Zona-ke izihlobo zilethe izipho noma imali noma izingubo zokulala namacansi. Uma sekuzoza abakwamkhwenyana kukhishwa yonke imali ebese ifakiwe ukuze eyabakhwenyana izocaca yodwa. Umcimbi uvalwa ngokuthi izintombi zishaye ingoma ngayinye ngayinye. - Ibhalwe uNhlanhla Mthembu umaKhumalo