MD1 Lions of Illinois State e-Magazine, June 2018

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The Illinois Lion & Leo MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 5 - Issue 13, June 2018 6

Macomb Lions celebrated Cenco de Mayo on My 5th with kids

Dates to Remember:

From MD1 Council Chair: Greetings MD1 Lions! It doesn’t seem possible that a year has practically flown by. Very shortly, we will meet in Las Vegas for another amazing International Convention. I would like to give a huge shout out to this year’s amazing Council of Governors! What a wonderful year I have had with this diverse group of District Governors. From day one they got down to business and accomplished so much. We can all be proud of the unity and camaraderie this Council brought back to our Multiple District. Thank you for making my year, as your Council Chair, a truly delightful one! It was a privilege to work with each one of you. What a great State Convention in Springfield with our Vice President Elect, Yung-Yul Choi and his lovely wife, Sueng Bok. Not to mention the wedding of the century. We will never forget our fine actors and their original costumes. Yay, Governors! Thank you, Lion Sharon for the countless hours you volunteer to make our convention a success. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have supported me during this year. I want you to know I how very much appreciate each and every one of you! A special “thank you” to SST Lion Michele…until you work with her side-by-side, one has no idea how much she does for our Multiple District. She is there for MD-1 whenever and for whatever we need. I wish the incoming Council of Governors a super year filled with fellowship and harmony. I have become friends with many of you and know you will do great things for MD-1. I know your Council Chair elect will go to great lengths with you to help ensure a successful year…Good Luck, Lion Daniel! 2

June 1st

Helen Keller Day

June 5th

World Environment Day

June 7th

Lions Clubs International’s birthday

June 15th Submission deadline for precertification delegate forms for voting at International Convention June 30th Challenge

Close of the 4-year Centennial

Don’t forget to submit your Officer Reporting Form (PU-101) - it is now late… -Pamela Graney, MD1 Council Chair Editorial:

It’s Almost Over! We are stepping into the final month of current Lionistic Year 2017-2018. So far, the results are both ways – some district are minus in membership and some are plus. It is nice to hear that so far District 1A chartered two new clubs. Adding new club has been become a trend in District 1A due to the challenging work of PID Dan O’Reilly and his team. Kudos to them. If we had Lion Dan O’Reillys in every district we would have gained at least twenty new clubs! We had a great State Convention in the Month of May. Even though the attendee’s numbers did not encourage the efforts, those who attended this event had wonderful time with – especially Friday Night Folly’s and our II International President JungYul Choi. District Governor Elects had a wonderful time as they were shining at the dais with their white dinner jackets and partners in service with colorful banquet dresses. I had an interview with these DGE’s for the position of Editor, MD1 State Monthly e-Magazine

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

and I got elected without opposition for the sixth year as your editor. My sincere thanks to them for that. Now in July, new Lionistic year will start and soon


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Durand Lions present 6th Grade Teacher Mychael Drews with a dozen roses. She was the Peace Poster instructor. Shown is Lion President Ruth Ryder, Molly Robbins, Mrs. Drews, and Lion Dave Waller.

The Durand Lions delivered 221 dozen roses to the community on Rose Day.

Waterloo Lions Club President, Lion Deb Greaney, who reived the International President's Certificate of Appreciation from DG Ron Mueller and an APPLAUSE from the entire club for all she has managed for us over the last several years.

The class that participated in the Peace Poster with Lion Ruth, Lion Lynn Meyers, and Mrs. Drews. -------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks to all who donated food, money and helped serve at Martha's Kitchen! Lions Ken and Izzy Jackson always go the extra mile, as is true this time once again. They donated and prepared 50 pounds of sloppy joes, buns and all! WOW! So generous! Thank you!! Many thanks also to the Valmeyer Lions Club who provided dessert! You all served well! ------->


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Two more Lions received dedication placque's on the Lions bench outside of Oak Hill, Lions Don Schmitt and Tom Carr. Pictured L to R: Nicolette Birkner and her mother Dee Dee Birkner, Lions Club President Deb Greaney (back row) and Lions Marge Francois, Lynn Bersche, District Governor Ron Mueller, Dale Haudrich, George Obernagel and Jenny Carr and Derek Carr, Tom's daughter-in-law and son. Behind them is the director of Oak Hill, Kim Kreckich.

The Genoa Lions delivered over 200 dozen carnations to residents this past weekend. The flowers were purchased, wholesale from “Everything Floral” in Genoa. Lion Gene Bradford worked diligently with his fellow Lions especially Lion Dreska to sell the flowers and with Debbie Heiman the owner of “Everything Floral” to ensure beautiful bouquets for Friday and Saturday. Each bouquet was sold for $10 with the profits being earmarked for student scholarships and other charitable contributions. Special accolades to Lion Gene Bradford for organizing this fundraiser and selling over 50 dozen himself. Thanks to all the Lions and others that purchased flowers with special thanks to the folks at “Everything Floral” in downtown Genoa.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS!! L TO R: Steve Valentine, Christine Campo, Jeanette Barbeau and Eric Frank! Many thanks to Lion Dale Haudrich for his construction and donation of two collection boxes! One is located inside First National Bank, Main Branch, downtown Waterloo and the second is located in the Optical Department of Waterloo WalMart. Your donations are always appreciated! Great job Lion Dale! Dale is pictured here with Waterloo Lions Club President, Lion Deb Greaney.

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Pictured in the front of “Everything Floral” in Genoa are some of the Genoa Lions that delivered flowers on Saturday, April 21st and the owner, Debbie Heiman.

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(front row) Debbie Heiman, Annie VanDerHeyden, (back row l. to r.) Lion Bill Holdridge, Lion Chad Pacey, Lion v.p. Gene Bradford, Lion VanDerHeyden, and Lion President Jerry Helland. Deb Pelley (standing in for Lion Dale) (not pictured) took the photograph.

Many Genoa Lions purchased and delivered carnations this week, and some of them were at North State Road on a road clean-up when this photo was taken on Saturday morning; so, a special thank you goes out to those hard-working Genoa Lions. Genoa Park District Playground Spring Spruce-Up:

(Photograph in front of playground equipment: Lions Cravatta, Meckel, T. Merritt, J. Merritt, Holdridge, Sanford, Becker, Bafia, (Wilkinson & Helland not pictured).


2018 Saturday April 21st, Paul Bafia, Executive Director of the Genoa Park District hosted the annual Park Volunteer Day. He invited the Genoa Lions to spruce-up the various playgrounds in Genoa. Of course, the Lions started at 8:00 a.m. with Lions Corner Park on the corner of Madison and Walnut and three other Genoa parks, spreading brand new wood chips (ASTM, A.D.A. certified) under all the playground equipment. The wood chips are there to absorb the impact from a fall and to keep mud and weeds away from the play area and need yearly augmentation or replacement. In past years, weeds and unwanted scrub trees have been removed on Spruce-Up day but not this Spring. The Genoa Park District provided a luncheon at the Park District Building next to Chamberlain pool at 11:30. Many of these volunteers cleaned debris from North State road last Saturday, April 21st and probably bought and delivered carnations that same day too. The Genoa Lions truly exemplify the motto “We Serve�. The following Lions and family members participated in the Park sprucing on April 21 st:

(Photograph in front of Chamberlain Park Sign from left to right: Greg Cravatta, Jeff Merritt, Todd Merritt, George Meckel, Bob Becker, Jim Sanford, kneeling Paul Bafia, Joe Wilkinson, (Holdridge & Helland not pictured).)

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Special thanks to Lion President Helland for taking the photographs and working on all the service projects too.

Lion President Dan Wells inducted John H. Gardner, Jr into the club at our regular meeting on 5/3/2018.

Yesterday Marion Lions Club sorted 1785 pairs of glasses!! Thank you to all that donated!

L> R New Lion John H. Gardner, Jr and West Frankfort Lions President Dan Wells. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Since November 1999 our Marion Lions Club has collected 31,298 pairs of glasses! We started collecting Hearing Aids in July 2012 and have collected 459 since. 12

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Club President Mark Ferguson and PID Bud Wahl are shown installing benches for the Streator Hardscrabble Lions' Dog Park. Life Member Jim Olmsted assists with leveling the sign. The official dedication of this legacy project is late June.

Members of the Joliet Noon Lions Club teamed up with Joliet Public School District 86 and Northern Illinois Food Bank for a mobile food distribution at Edna Keith School.


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West Frankfort Lions Club entered the Old King Coal Parade on May 12, 2018.

(Lions Ervin Thomas, Jon Griffin, Jack McReynolds and Chuck Stewart)

The West Frankfort Lions Club has a Lemon/Orange Shake-Up Stand every year at the Old King Coal Festival.

Some pictures from District 1BK Golf Outing 2018 held in the Month of April. Lions Gary Pratt and Bill Kelley


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of the Year Award for his untiring efforts to promote Lionism and with such Lion Charles was inducted into the club's infamous Table 4 Group. Further, PDG Larry McGuire had the privilege to install new Lion Tom Catalano (Not pictured). --------------------------------------------------------------------

Lion Gary Pratt, Lili Pratt, Lion Jim Summers and Lion John Gardner.

Lion Jack McReynolds, Lion Jim McPhail, Lion Seb Pagano and Helen Pagano.

Upon being assured by the Christopher Lions Club's secretary there was no Russian influence on the election of their officers, PDG Larry McGuire (Chester Lions Club) installed their newly elected officers. Pictured (not in order) are PresidentElect Mark Cavindar, 1st Vice President Lion Brian Hargis, Secretary Jim Taylor, Treasurer Scott Thomas, Tail Twister Jeff Troutt, Lion Tamer Charles Culver, and Past President Hugh Kucewesky. Lion Charles Culver received the Lion 15

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Morrison Lions held a Diabetic Awareness Health Fair and Walk on Tuesday, May 1st at Resthave Home. The entire Health Fair was offered to the public free of charge. The Walk had a registration fee which was forwarded to Lions of Illinois Foundation for Diabetes. Two visitors to the Diabetic Awareness Health Fair and Walk visiting the Foot Massage Table.

Selection of photos describing the Lions Park in Peoria Heights. The event was the dedication of the engraved stone in the park. --------------------------------------------------------------------


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Standing left to right – (Previous column) The Lion, Flora Stralow and Aaron Johnson with Eye Screening Technician Terry Knollenberg standing in the doorway of the Retinal Unit.

The “Lion” kicked off the start of the Walk on a warm and very windy day. -------------------------------------------------------------------

A visitor learning about good nutrition - one of the many vendor information tables. Spring Cleanup of one mile of Route 30 netted many bags. Several Morrison Lions completed the job. Left to right - Back Row - Steve Wroble and Aaron Johnson, Center - Martha Kophamer, Terry Costello. Sue Costello, Keith Hamstra and in front, Tracy Muur. Ken Jansma also participated but not available for the picture. Bob Countryman also participated and is the club photographer. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Visitors received free blood pressure checks at another table.


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Mound Lions Club: Lion Amber Bone escorted an individual into the Retinal unit.

Marshall Lions Club: Lion Dave Garner, Lion Gordon Anderson, Pres. Lion Rex Norton, Lion Howard Tingley working at McNight at our McDonalds.

Mounds Lions Retha Eurales, Lion Kanesha Eurales, Lion Ann Terry and Amber Bone carrier in food to the Daystar Food Pantry in Cairo.

Sponsor for the Marshall Leo Club Lion Dave Garner

Mound Lions Clubs Community event

Marshall Leo Girls in there prom dress' for a dress show at Burnsides Nursing Home 20

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(Previous Picture) Mounds Lions Club donated weekend lunch bag meals to Meridian Elementary School. Pictured are Lion Ann Terry, Lion Josie Eason, Principal Harris and Lion Sarita Sawyer.

40 people. As May rolled in we were on ‘The Clock, with school Proms, Graduations end of the year celebrations and much more. The Club purchased non-perishable foods and packed 50 sack lunches for Meridian Elementary School students to take home the first weekend. During the meeting it was voted to present Meridian and Cairo High Schools Beta Club students Certificates of Appreciation for their help with the Roadblock for Telethon of Stars. It was also voted to present each high school Graduate a 2018 Class Medallion as a Keepsake of their special day. Each engraved with from The Mounds Lions Club were presented at the awards banquets and Graduation Ceremonies. On May 25 th the Mounds Lions collected donations for Diabetes Awareness. To top it all off a 15 year old young man came to my home (Lion Retha) with his grandmother asking if he could volunteer for the Lions. He was so moved by us at the Cairo High Banquet that he talked to his grandma. My heart just melted. He was welcomed with opened arms to come to our next meeting with his mother /grandmother. There is no Leo Club organized but who knows, something may be in the works! Let’s give a Shout Out to The Mounds Lions Club. ‘ROAR’. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Lions Awards banquets at Cairo and Meridian High School. The Mounds Lions are still on the move as Eager Beavers. In April the club donated food to the Daystar Community Food Pantry that served more than 100 needy individuals. We hosted the Diabetic Retinal Unit on April 25th. Most all of our club members came out to assist in shifts on the Stop n Shop parking lot. It was a great success, we served 21

The Bartlett Lions Club went to 9 Elementary Schools in Bartlett. Our mission was to present information about the American Flag to 1st grade students. Thank you to Principal Cardenas at Sycamore Trails for allowing Lion Joanne Watson and Lion Andy Watson to give their presentation. --------------------------------------------------------------------

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Macomb Lions Club’s Cinco de Mayo event! We had a blast with all the children who joined us. Children made noise makers and papel picados, had their faces painted, learned about the history of Cinco de Mayo, and much more! Funds raised at this event will help us send a child to Camp Lions of Illinois for Blind and Deaf. If you are interested in helping us plan more great events like this, reach out to a Lion to learn how you can join! --------------------------------------------------------------------

“Honorary Dr. Austin Prabhu Way” Street Sign Unveiled in Forest Park:


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At the Awards night at Durand High School Lion Ruth Ryder presented two Spirit of Lionism Awards to Stephen Conroy and Alyssa Brauer.

Daughters & The Forest Kala Sampath Lions Club members - Angel, Anita and Atina holding the replica of Lion Dr. Austin’s Street Sign.

At the Lions of Illinois Foundation Breakfast and meeting Lion Dave Waller from Durand Lions Club presented the foundation with a check for Camp Lions.


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Dundee Twp. Lion Larry Keller received the Key to the City for West Dundee for his many years of service to the community. After Larry retired from teaching he was Village President for 16 years and has participated in many community activities.

Jesse White, Secretary of State, State of Illinois awarded Lion Dr. Austin D’Souza his highest “Humanitarian Excellence Award.” Channel 7 anchor Ravi made his introduction during Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Reception at the James R. Thompson Center in Down Town, Chicago.


Several Lions Clubs in District 1-J have taken on Adopt-A-Road projects in the last number of years. The Naperville Noon Lions Club has now completed the first phase of its new community service project by picking up what seemed like a ton of trash along Naperville/Plainfield Road from 75th street to 87th street in Naperville. This project was done in connection with the DuPage County Highway Department. The clean-up project will be repeated again in June, August, and October 2018. (Below l to r) are Lions Jim Eber, Steve Hertzberg, Ken Strugalla, Bill Bleecker, Linda Strugalla, Paul Rewerts (who coordinated the project), Donna Kearney, Jackie Rewerts and Bob Hull.

PDG Lion Ron Fangusaro, with 1st VDG Lion Susan Galvez & Lion Jess Galvez, attended the Elburn Leo Club meeting at the Elburn Lions Clubhouse on April 16. The club held its election of new officers for Lion Year 2018-2019. The Leos are planning to attend the Camp Lions Open House at Camp Henry Horner.

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Davis, Michael Kroot, Mimi Geiger, Paul Ambrogio, and Rhoda Thall. WOW!! Congratulations, Lions!

The Sandwich Lions’ completed a ramp early last month for some lucky individual in Sandwich. Great job, Lions!

It's THREE new members for the Island Lake Lions Club! (l to r) Sponsor Lion Ken Anderson with New Lion Charlie Amrich, Sponsor Lion Wayne Schnell with New Lions Dave and Georgine Cooper, and last, but not least, Fox River Zone Chair Lion Terri Pasternik who performed the induction. THREE new members for Dundee Township Lions Club, too!! Lion Jim Worden, Fox River Zone Chair, conducted the Induction Ceremony. New Lion James Kotleba, Sponsor Lion Michael Buhrman, Sponsor Lion Silvia Tester, New Lion Lisa Borgo, Sponsor Lion Terry Seibert and New Lion Matt Reible. District Governor Lion John Hilliard is pictured with some of the new members this fiscal year. Lions Paima Chitambo, Dorothy Deppen, Mary Meyer, Jim Geiger, Mary Werner, Bob Allen and Club President :Lion Jim Harper. New members not present were Lions Richard Myers, Jane Feltes, Judge Tiffany 25

(l to r) DG Lion John Hilliard, newly- inducted Lion Paima Chitambo, Sponsor, Club President Lion Jim

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Harper and Membership Chair, Lion Helen White from Sun City Lions Club.

Bloomingdale Lion Ben Hoyle (c) was honored at the Bloomingdale Character Counts Awards Breakfast with Principal Mark Dwyer (l) and Character Counts President Deyana Matt (r).

Service Chevrons were presented to Malta Lions by Southwest Zone Chair Lion PDG Bob Jilke. (l to r) Lion Tom Weber, 35 years; Lion Deb Fullington, 10 years; PDG Lion Bob Jilke (presenter); Lion Denny Heins, 10 years; Lion Tom Donnelly, 10 years; Lion Jerry Jordal, 15 years; Lion Bob Gommel, 35 years. Not pictured Lion Ralph Elliott, 35 years; and Lion Jerry McArtor, 50 years. -------------------------------------------------------------------Aurora Noon Lion Dick Schindel (r) was among the Lions Club members who served up hamburgers and hot dogs at an indoor picnic for 50 deaf and hearing 26

-impaired students and interpreters on May 3 at Luigi's Pizza in Aurora. The indoor party replaced the outdoor picnic usually held at Phillips Park in Aurora after an educator canceled the event due to impending inclement weather.

Glendale Heights Barangay Lions and Bloomingdale Lions joined together to complete the clubs' 11th Annual Earth Day Project on the Illinois Prairie Path. Those who completed the task were: GHB Lions Edwin Cachola, Rena Holz, Susan Galvez and Jess Galvez, (photographer), Bloomingdale Lions Larry Kowalski, Tom Zaccardi, Rob Pauling, and Sue Crosson-Knutson.

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Alderwoman Dorothy Brown was receiving guest gift from Chicago Rogers Park Lions Club President Shah Qureshi. Picture – Incoming President Saira Sheik, Artist, Gov. Pat Duda and Dorothy Brown.

5 new members were inducted to Chicago Rogers Park Leo Club by Governor Pat Duda.

Chicago Rogers Park Lions Club officers with Governor Pat Duda and Alderwoman Dorothy Brown. 27

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Fashion Show Fundraiser by Chicago Thai Midwest, Chicago Philippine, Chicago Fil-USA and Chicago Filipino American Lions Clubs. Past International President K. J. Habanananda and Secretary of State Jessie White were the Guests at the event. It was one of the best memorable weekends to remember with variety of fashion shows by many Lions Club members from District 1A Chicagoland. 28

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Glenwood Lions Club’s Brian Beckman was honored with Melvin Jones Fellow for all the remarkable things he does for their club. Picture – 1A Gov Pat Duda, Brian Beckman and Glenwood Lion Mayor Ron Gardiner.

Chicago Filipino American Lions “Dance with the Lions” Fundraiser. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Two new members were inducted by Lion Dr. Austin D’Souza to Glenwood Lions Club and he also installed new office bearers for 2018-2019.


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Lions of Illinois Foundation Certificate of Appreciation for District Trustees: North Riverside Township Lions Annual Chicken Dinner fundraiser.


At the Final Council Meeting of MD1 Council of Governors in Springfield President Abraham Hotel 30

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Five governors from 2004-2005 Council: Larry McGuire, PID Bill McKinney, Jane Martin, Dr. Austin D’Souza and Sandy Sowers met at the convention. BELOW: International Guest II Vice President – Jung-Yul Choi and his wife Seung-Bok and PID Bud Wahl and his wife Jama Wahl


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PID Russ Sarver and Sue Sarver

Watching fun on the stage – Las Vegas Wedding!


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Chair Elect - 2018-2019 DG Daniel Harris


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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

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MD1 State Monthly Edited & Published Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG for 47e-Magazine MD1 Lions & Leos Monthlyby e-Magazine Lions and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail Address:

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