Brenda's NewsletterFebruary 2025

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1A Governor’s Newsletter


Feberuary 2025

Lions Clubs: Helping Their Communities Service Above Self

Lions Clubs International, founded in1917byMelvinJones,hasgrown to become one of the largest and most active service organizations in the world. With over 48,000 clubs and more than 1.4 million members in 200 countries, Lions Clubs have made a significant impact on communities globally.

The organization’s motto, "We Serve," encapsulates its mission to meet the needs of local communities and make a differenceinthelivesofthosewho are lessfortunate.

A Rich History of Service

From the outset, Lions Clubs have been dedicated to improving the

well-being of their communities. The organization's first major project was aiding the blind and visually impaired, a cause that remains central to its mission. In 1925, Helen Keller challenged Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness," a charge they accepted and have continuedto champion.

Vision Programs

Lions Clubs are renowned for their vision-related initiatives. They conduct eye screenings, provide eyeglasses,andsupporteyehealth education.Onenotableprogramis the Lions Eye Bank, which helps restore sight through corneal transplants. These banks collect, process, and distribute corneas to individuals in need, giving them thegiftofsightandanewleaseon life.

Disaster Relief

Lions Clubs are often at the forefront of disaster relief efforts. Whether it’s natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods, Lions mobilize quickly to provide emergency assistance. They

distribute food, water, clothing, and medical supplies to affected areas. Additionally, Lions Clubs support long-term reconstruction efforts, helping communities rebuild and recover from the devastation.

Youth Empowerment

The organization places a strong emphasis on empoweringthe next generation.Throughprogramslike Leo Clubs, Lions provide young people with opportunities to develop leadership skills, participate in community service, andfosterasenseofresponsibility. Leo Clubs, for individuals aged 12 to 30, are active in more than 140 countries, promoting positive change and nurturing future leaders.

Health Initiatives

Lions Clubs are deeply involved in health initiatives, addressing a range of issues from diabetes to childhood cancer. They conduct health screenings, raise awareness, andsupportmedicalresearch.One of their significant initiatives is the Lions Diabetes Program, which

focuses on prevention, education, and support for individuals living with diabetes.

Environmental Efforts

Recognizing the importance of environmental stewardship, Lions Clubs engage in various environmental projects. These include tree planting, recycling programs, and clean-up campaigns. By promoting conservation and sustainability, Lions help preserve the planet for future generations.

Community-Focused Projects

Lions Clubs tailor their projects to meet the specific needs of their communities.Whetherit'sbuilding parks, supporting local schools, or assisting the elderly, Lions are committed to making a tangible difference. They collaborate with other organizations, government agencies, and community leaders to maximize their impact.

Global Causes

Lions Clubs International has identified five global causes that guide its service efforts: vision,

hunger, the environment, childhood cancer, and diabetes. These causes reflect the organization’s commitment to addressing some of the most pressing issues facing humanity today. By focusing on these areas, Lions strive to create a healthier, happier, and more sustainable world.


Lions Clubs International stands as a testament to the power of collective action and community service. Through their unwavering dedication, Lions have touched millions of lives and brought hope to countless individuals. Their efforts exemplify the profound impact that can be achieved when people unite with a common purpose. As Lions continue to serve and adapt to the changing needs of the world, their legacy of compassion, generosity, and service will undoubtedly endure forgenerations tocome.

AsLionsClubmembers,weshould be very proud of our humanitarian services. For example, the fire

disaster in Chicago Ridge just a week ago. They had a need, and our Lions were there to help. I appreciate the help from our VDG Richard Moy and the members of the Chicago Healthcare Alliance

Lions Club and Palos Lions Club. When they heard the news, immediately they visited Chicago Ridge with bags fullof clothes, gift cards, shoes, etc. This is the true spirit of Lionism.


PCC Steve Anton

District 1-A Convention Chair 2024-2025

Our District 1-A Convention is less than 50 days away as I write today. The time has really flown by this year and the convention will soon be an afterthought. However, there is a small window of time left to register and be a part of the “Magic of Disney in District 1-A”. All of the necessary forms for registration, ad book, banner presentation, awards, hospitality room rental, club brag boards and the basket auction are available on the District website Go ahead and fill them out and be a part of this year’s celebration. Be sure to book your room directly with the Westin Chicago Northwest Hotel. There will be plenty of things to do along with sharing some time with the hard-working Lions of District 1-A.

Our International Guest Director Marie Cunning from Arizona is excited about her opportunity to visit with us here in the Mother District

of Lionism. Governor Brenda Stevens has invited her to be a part of the Governors Cultural Showcase during the banquet on Saturday Night. I think Director Cunning will be very impressed with her experience here as she witnesses everything that the district offers.

Once again, Governor Brenda will propose a toast to all the clubs that are celebrating a major Charter Anniversary this Lion Year, and all Lions registered with the convention are invited to attend on Saturday Morning at 10:45 in the Marlborough Room on the second floor.

The District is searching for Lions to step up and seek endorsement and then election to one of the following offices. Second Vice District Governor, Lions of Illinois Foundation Trustee and 3 Board Members for VOICES. There are requirements for all these offices. That information can be found in the Policy Manual of the District.

Ok then, time to register and make your plans to attend the District 1-A Convention, March 21, 2025 through March 23, 2025, at the Westin Chicago Northwest Hotel in Itasca, Illinois. Remember, anything can happen when you “Wish Upon A Star, Makes No Difference Who You Are”. See you there!

The District 1-A Convention Committee


I hope you all enjoy this unusual winter weather we’re having in January!

Istartedthismonthbyhostingthe amazing Mid-Year Forum at Gaelic Park in Oak Forest. It was a beautifuleventandamazingtosee Lions from all over our district coming together to celebrate one another. We had guest speakers from Lions International that came out to speak to us about the CUB program as well as the Legacy programthatarebothavailablefor our clubs and members. The CUB program is something I’m personally passionate about. This program gives our clubs an opportunitytoseethevisionofnot only new members but bringing in ouryoungermemberstostarttheir hearts of service at a young age. Wevealwaysspenttimeembracing

startingLEOsclubs,butwehaven’t spent enough time on focusing on our littles before the age of LEOs. Ashley Christensen opened the door to us wide open for an opportunity that our district is missing out on with CUBS. And that opportunity works two-fold, recruitingthosefamilieswithlittles that tell us no we can’t join because of our family obligations and connect with the future LEOs and Lions. Giving these families an open-door opportunity to feel confident in joining a club while their children are conducting their own service projects andmeetings simply screams OPPORTUNITY! Not only are you able to give the platform for hearts of service but they can enjoy celebrating those actsofservicewiththeirfamilyand what are Lions? Family! I encourage you all to consider the CUB program for your clubs as it will lead to a wonderful breath of fresh air to your clubs from new members with new ideas. If you need any more information about the CUB program, please feel free to reach outtome, I’dbe happyto share more with you. We also

walked away with 3 clubs committed to starting a CUB program within their club…UBER EXCITING! (Or LYFT exciting if you preferthat option)

The following week I attended the Region 3 meeting at Great Escape! The meeting was led by our fabulousGovernorBrendaStevens. Sheinstalledanewmember,which is always a great highlight tothese meetings. We capped off the meeting with some club bragging and as you know that’s always superfuntohear about!

I swung by my home club Chicago Ridge Lions and had the pleasure of presenting Lion Edith Moy with a Melvin Jones Fellow award that finally came in. A long overdue presentation for sure. As many of you know as Lions, were always busy doing great service projects or attending meetings and training. Sometimes we tend to forget those partners in service that give us the opportunities to do all that we do. And that kind of supportshouldberecognizedwith the highest regard.

My next stop was to the Region 5 Meeting at Garden Chalet in

Worth, IL. A job well done by our zone chairs and region chair for putting on a great meeting where our clubs and guests could come together to celebrate victories in service. There was also a great presentation from a guest speaker from Project Fire Buddies.

Unfortunately, this month was finished up with a tragedy that happened in Chicago Ridge. There was a fire that happened at an apartment complex in Chicago Ridge and displaced several families. I want to applaud the Chicago Ridge Lions Club, the Village of Chicago Ridge and the residents for coming together in such a short period of time to assist these families with a temporary place to stay as well as clothing,toys,andfood.Thiseffort is nothing short of remarkable. I also want to thank the Chicago Health Care Alliance Club and Palos Lions Club for assisting the Chicago Ridge Lions Club in their efforts to help these families. I talk so much about the importance of our relationships amongst our clubs, and this is a prime example of justthat.

As always, I’m long typed aka written. But just know it’s always important to me that you’re informed, and we celebrate our success in Lionism. Fortunately, I am massively busy withtraininginFebruary,soplease forgive me if I’m missing any of your meetings or events. I assure you that I’d much rather be spending the time with you all.

Nonetheless,Iwillseeyouallsoon and please keep up your efforts, it nevergoes unnoticed!

See yousoon!

Yours inFUN,

A. Moy

First Vice District Governor, D1A (District 1-A)

MD-1 (Multiple District 1)

LCIF Disaster Relief Update: Supporting Communities Affected by Hurricane Helene & LA Wildfires

• HurricaneHelene

The Wake of Hurricane Helene: LCIF’s Response to the Devastating


In late September 2024, families were plunged into darkness when Hurricane Helene tore through the southeastern United States. This storm was the deadliest to strike the U.S. mainland since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, causing severe destruction and heartbreak. Knowing these victims had a long andpainfulroadtorecoveryahead of them, LCIF approved 14 grants totalingUS$380,000inresponseto Hurricane Helene. This includes 12 Emergency Grants of US$15,000 eachacrossFlorida,Georgia,North

Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, plus two Major Catastrophe Grants of US$100,000 each awarded to North Carolina and Florida. These grants helped Lions provide things like water, food, cleaning supplies, toiletries, flashlights and linens. The essential supplies and physical assistance go a long way in rebuilding the community, but for many, emotional support can be just as effective. District 35-I DistrictGovernorPattyJeanStrong says, “It’s not just about the material goods because those things are transient. They need humanity and empathy, and that’s what we give.”

You can read the full story in LION Magazine . (click the link “read the full story”)

• LAWildfires

Raging wildfires in California destroy entirecommunities

• Several destructive wildfires swept through the Los Angeles area of California in the United States are devastating entire communities.

• More than 28 people have died, and more than 180,000 people have been evacuated.

• The fires have burned over 50,000 acres and destroyed more than 16,000 structures, including homes, displacing countless families.

• When a humanitarian crisis of this magnitude strikes, we, as Lions,are readytohelp.Right beside us is Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), our global foundation.

• LCIF is mobilizing funds, including2EmergencyGrants awarded and disbursed for $15,000 each for immediate relief supplies and a US$100,000 Major Catastrophe Grant, to empower Lions in California

to help their communities recover.

• LionsinCaliforniacontinueto develop plans.

All these grants are made possible by our generous donors, including many of you. Did you know we reached a new Planned Giving milestone? We hit the US$10 million mark, with 275 donors joining the Lions Legacy Society.

These gifts, along with other contributions, play a significant role in funding our grants.

Anyone interested in supporting Californiaefforts shouldmakegifts toLCIF'sDisasterFund,notingthat their gift is intended for California wildfire relief. LCIF is tracking all gifts made for the California wildfires.

Local Lions are in the process of assessingneedsanddonationswill be used to support their relief efforts. Donors may not restrict donations for a specific club or district.

With gratitude, Lora Lora Snow,CGW Regional Development SpecialistUSA – Areas A/B/C/D // LCIF Development LCIF

February 1,2025


GROWTH 2024-2025

We are top growth in MD-1 and 4th in CA-1. Our growth comes from twenty-seven clubs who made the effort to strengthen your clubs by adding members and one new chartered club. The easiest way to gain members is to have your club visible and provide service to those in need. Visibility will help your prospective member make an easy choice in accepting your invitation to join your club.

Governor Brenda is asking that each club do their best in adding members to your club this year. She would be honored to be sending in your applications for the club excellence award at the end of your successful year.

One of the items needed is a plus two in membership. We have fourteen clubs right now that have that item checked off. They just need to keep their members satisfied. A happy Lion never leaves a club… Learn more about the Club Excellence Award from your Region and Zone Chairs.


Here are a few tips that will help you get started in defining member satisfaction in your club:

• Ask your members! Membersfeelinvolved when you ask for their opinions. Ask your members: Why is the club here? Do our activities demonstrate this? If a non-Lion looked at one year of our events, what would they think is essential to our club? o You can use the Member Questionnaire at the back of this guide to facilitate this conversation and modify it to fit your needs.

• Assess why yourmembers have left in the past. While there are some common themes worldwide, it will help if you contact former members to learn why they left. Along with the New Member Questionnaire in this guide, there is a Former Member Questionnaire that you can modify to fit your needs. o Consider devoting time during a club meeting or holding a special meeting to discuss member satisfaction.

• Carefully considerwhether your club’s stated objectives, goalsand mission statement reflect what your current members want your club to be.

If you would like someone from our team to come out to your club and talk on any of these subjects, please reach out and we can arrange a program for you.

NewClub Development &ClubRebuilding

Congratulations to the Chicago Asian American Lions Club which chartered on November 13th. Please save The date, February 16th will be the charter party for them. Come out and welcome them to District 1-A.

We have opened an application for the Chicago Diverse Intergenerational Lions Club, we hope to have them chartered soon.

As always, please contact our team if you have a group or area that you believe would continue to move the District forward in positive membership growth and more service to the areas underserved.


PIDDanO’Reilly, LCIFDistrict Coordinator

February 1,2025

As we begin February, the clubs wanting to award Melvin Jones Fellows at the District 1-A Convention, you should start palnning now! Review you club and individual balances and plan you giving accordingly. If you need your clubs totals, just email me or give me a call. If you already presented the Melvin Jones Award to the reciepient, we are not representing it at the convention

Governor Brenda received a goal from LCIF of $54,045.00. This is based on membership at the beginning of the year. We are sitting at just over $19,063.04, which is 35.27% of our goal.

LCIF helps our clubs do greater service. Support your Foundation and your Foundation will be there when you need to help with a project. You might need an Emergency Disaster Grant, a Standard Grant, or a grant related to our Global Causes.

Had GuidingLionsTraining held at Hinsdsle: Students and Instructors for a group picture. 2 Lionsfrom Indiana and2 from LCI office attended.

Hosted by Chicago Nurses for Diabetes Lions Club International.

Sponsored by B & A Health

Provider Visiting Doctor and Ilinois Diabetes Foundation.

Feeds 50 children in Quezon City Philippines with the help of our Non-Lions Volunteers, Ghiyu,

Sophia, Justin, Albert, Rose, Myrna andJanet.Thankyouallformaking this program possible to the less fortunate children of Quezon City.

Newmember gotinducted. Region 3 meeting at Great Escape, Schiller Park. --------------------------------------

On January 17, 2025, Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Club’s educators showed their dedication in promoting mental well-being.

ThankyoutoLionsDrAkakiLuhahi and Mendoza Rnc for their invaluable knowledge and passion inthisfield.AheartfeltthankstoDr Hope Quirit for welcoming us at SouthElginHighSchoolandgiving us the opportunity to teach her students.


Chicago Healthcare Alliance

LionsClub for a successful zumba class on January 25, 2025.

Chicago Healthcare Alliance

Lions Club: Together, we can be the beacon of hope for Oasi Di Gioia Per Bambini Foundation orphanage in Philippines.

Chicago Healthcare Alliance

Lions Club: Meeting with the Regional Health Unit Medical Officer Dr Elvira Belingon, Pinsao BarangayCaptainDexterFag-ayan, Committee on Health Mr Norman

Sy and Cordillera Lions Club President Eugene Balway and his members for the upcoming medical mission on September 2025.

Thank for the Certificate of Appreciation given to Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Club byCityCouncilorVladimirCayabas of Baguio City, Philippines.

Chicago Healthcare Alliance

Lions New member: BeckyTecson

Fellowship plaque and pin. MJF Dave is a 23 year Lion. Congratulations Lion Dave.

Orland Park Lions Melvin

JnoneFellow Lion Tim McCarthy presented to Life Member Lion Dave Sjo his Melvin Jones

CFALC supported its Tail Twister, Lion Amy Mayuga at her gig in Annie’sRestaurant,PalatineIllinois!

CFALC’s 6th monthly meeting, (01/04/25)

nd your r ic n and pictur to our di trict n tt r ditor

Hurricane Helene is currently impacting the southeastern coastline of the United States, particularly affecting Florida. Many homes have been damaged and numerous families are displaced. In the face of this humanitarian crisis, we, as Lions, are prepared to step in and help. Your generous donation to LCIF enables us to continue our vital work in these challenging times. Please consider donating to our Disaster Relief Fund: #LCIFLions

When the Desplaines River flooded our community, the Village of Forest View back in 2013. LCIF was there for us,

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